google-auth Documentation
Release 1.30.0
Google, Inc.
Apr 30, 2021
1 User Guide 1
1.1 Credentials and account types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Obtaining credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Making authenticated requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 google 11
2.1 google package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Installing 115
4 Usage 117
5 License 119
6 Contributing 121
Python Module Index 123
Index 125
User Guide
1.1 Credentials and account types
Credentials are the means of identifying an application or user to a service or API. Credentials can be obtained
with three different types of accounts: service accounts, user accounts and external accounts.
Credentials from service accounts identify a particular application. These types of credentials are used in server-to-
server use cases, such as accessing a database. This library primarily focuses on service account credentials.
Credentials from user accounts are obtained by asking the user to authorize access to their data. These types of
credentials are used in cases where your application needs access to a user’s data in another service, such as accessing
a user’s documents in Google Drive. This library provides no support for obtaining user credentials, but does provide
limited support for using user credentials.
Credentials from external accounts (workload identity federation) are used to identify a particular application from
an on-prem or non-Google Cloud platform including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or any identity
provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC).
1.2 Obtaining credentials
1.2.1 Application default credentials
Google Application Default Credentials abstracts authentication across the different Google Cloud Platform hosting
environments. When running on any Google Cloud hosting environment or when running locally with the Google
Cloud SDK installed, default() can automatically determine the credentials from the environment:
import google.auth
credentials, project = google.auth.default()
If your application requires specific scopes:
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
credentials, project = google.auth.default(
Application Default Credentials also support workload identity federation to access Google Cloud resources from
non-Google Cloud platforms including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or any identity provider that
supports OpenID Connect (OIDC). Workload identity federation is recommended for non-Google Cloud environments
as it avoids the need to download, manage and store service account private keys locally.
1.2.2 Service account private key files
A service account private key file can be used to obtain credentials for a service account. You can create a private key
using the Credentials page of the Google Cloud Console. Once you have a private key you can either obtain credentials
one of three ways:
1. Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to the full path to your service ac-
count private key file
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/key.json
Then, use application default credentials. default() checks for the
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable before all other checks, so this will
always use the credentials you explicitly specify.
2. Use service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(
3. Use service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info:
import json
from google.oauth2 import service_account
json_acct_info = json.loads(function_to_get_json_creds())
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(
Warning: Private keys must be kept secret. If you expose your private key it is recommended to revoke it
immediately from the Google Cloud Console.
1.2.3 Compute Engine, Container Engine, and the App Engine flexible environment
Applications running on Compute Engine, Container Engine, or the App Engine flexible environment can obtain cre-
dentials provided by Compute Engine service accounts. When running on these platforms you can obtain credentials
2 Chapter 1. User Guide
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
for the service account one of two ways:
1. Use application default credentials. default() will automatically detect if these credentials are available.
2. Use compute_engine.Credentials:
from google.auth import compute_engine
credentials = compute_engine.Credentials()
1.2.4 The App Engine standard environment
Applications running on the App Engine standard environment can obtain credentials provided by the App Engine
App Identity API. You can obtain credentials one of two ways:
1. Use application default credentials. default() will automatically detect if these credentials are available.
2. Use app_engine.Credentials:
from google.auth import app_engine
credentials = app_engine.Credentials()
In order to make authenticated requests in the App Engine environment using the credentials and transports provided
by this library, you need to follow a few additional steps:
1. If you are using the google.auth.transport.requests transport, vendor in the requests-toolbelt li-
brary into your app, and enable the App Engine monkeypatch. Refer App Engine documentation for more
details on this.
2. To make HTTPS calls, enable the ssl library for your app by adding the following configuration to the app.
yaml file:
- name: ssl
version: latest
3. Enable billing for your App Engine project. Then enable socket support for your app. This can be achieved by
setting an environment variable in the app.yaml file:
1.2.5 User credentials
User credentials are typically obtained via OAuth 2.0. This library does not provide any direct support for obtaining
user credentials, however, you can use user credentials with this library. You can use libraries such as oauthlib to
obtain the access token. After you have an access token, you can create a google.oauth2.credentials.
Credentials instance:
import google.oauth2.credentials
credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(
If you obtain a refresh token, you can also specify the refresh token and token URI to allow the credentials to be
automatically refreshed:
1.2. Obtaining credentials 3
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credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(
There is a separate library, google-auth-oauthlib, that has some helpers for integrating with requests-oauthlib
to provide support for obtaining user credentials. You can use google_auth_oauthlib.helpers.
credentials_from_session() to obtain google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials from a
requests_oauthlib.OAuth2Session as above:
from google_auth_oauthlib.helpers import credentials_from_session
google_auth_credentials = credentials_from_session(oauth2session)
You can also use google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow to perform the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Grant Flow to
obtain credentials using requests-oauthlib.
1.2.6 External credentials (Workload identity federation)
Using workload identity federation, your application can access Google Cloud resources from Amazon Web Services
(AWS), Microsoft Azure or any identity provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC).
Traditionally, applications running outside Google Cloud have used service account keys to access Google Cloud
resources. Using identity federation, you can allow your workload to impersonate a service account. This lets you
access Google Cloud resources directly, eliminating the maintenance and security burden associated with service
account keys.
Accessing resources from AWS
In order to access Google Cloud resources from Amazon Web Services (AWS), the following requirements are needed:
A workload identity pool needs to be created.
AWS needs to be added as an identity provider in the workload identity pool (The Google organization policy
needs to allow federation from AWS).
Permission to impersonate a service account needs to be granted to the external identity.
A credential configuration file needs to be generated. Unlike service account credential files, the generated
credential configuration file will only contain non-sensitive metadata to instruct the library on how to retrieve
external subject tokens and exchange them for service account access tokens.
Follow the detailed instructions on how to Configure Workload Identity Federation from AWS.
Accessing resources from Microsoft Azure
In order to access Google Cloud resources from Microsoft Azure, the following requirements are needed:
A workload identity pool needs to be created.
Azure needs to be added as an identity provider in the workload identity pool (The Google organization policy
needs to allow federation from Azure).
The Azure tenant needs to be configured for identity federation.
4 Chapter 1. User Guide
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Permission to impersonate a service account needs to be granted to the external identity.
A credential configuration file needs to be generated. Unlike service account credential files, the generated
credential configuration file will only contain non-sensitive metadata to instruct the library on how to retrieve
external subject tokens and exchange them for service account access tokens.
Follow the detailed instructions on how to Configure Workload Identity Federation from Microsoft Azure.
Accessing resources from an OIDC identity provider
In order to access Google Cloud resources from an identity provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), the
following requirements are needed:
A workload identity pool needs to be created.
An OIDC identity provider needs to be added in the workload identity pool (The Google organization policy
needs to allow federation from the identity provider).
Permission to impersonate a service account needs to be granted to the external identity.
A credential configuration file needs to be generated. Unlike service account credential files, the generated
credential configuration file will only contain non-sensitive metadata to instruct the library on how to retrieve
external subject tokens and exchange them for service account access tokens.
For OIDC providers, the Auth library can retrieve OIDC tokens either from a local file location (file-sourced creden-
tials) or from a local server (URL-sourced credentials).
For file-sourced credentials, a background process needs to be continuously refreshing the file location with a
new OIDC token prior to expiration. For tokens with one hour lifetimes, the token needs to be updated in the
file every hour. The token can be stored directly as plain text or in JSON format.
For URL-sourced credentials, a local server needs to host a GET endpoint to return the OIDC token. The
response can be in plain text or JSON. Additional required request headers can also be specified.
Follow the detailed instructions on how to Configure Workload Identity Federation from an OIDC identity provider.
Using External Identities
External identities (AWS, Azure and OIDC identity providers) can be used with Application Default Creden-
tials. In order to use external identities with Application Default Credentials, you need to generate the JSON
credentials configuration file for your external identity. Once generated, store the path to this file in the
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/config.json
The library can now automatically choose the right type of client and initialize credentials from the context provided
in the configuration file:
import google.auth
credentials, project = google.auth.default()
When using external identities with Application Default Credentials, the roles/browser role needs to be granted to
the service account. The Cloud Resource Manager API should also be enabled on the project. This is needed
since default() will try to auto-discover the project ID from the current environment using the impersonated
credential. Otherwise, the project ID will resolve to None. You can override the project detection by setting the
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.
You can also explicitly initialize external account clients using the generated configuration file.
1.2. Obtaining credentials 5
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For Azure and OIDC providers, use identity_pool.Credentials.from_info or identity_pool.
import json
from google.auth import identity_pool
json_config_info = json.loads(function_to_get_json_config())
credentials = identity_pool.Credentials.from_info(json_config_info)
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(
For AWS providers, use aws.Credentials.from_info or aws.Credentials.from_file:
import json
from google.auth import aws
json_config_info = json.loads(function_to_get_json_config())
credentials = aws.Credentials.from_info(json_config_info)
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(
1.2.7 Impersonated credentials
Impersonated Credentials allows one set of credentials issued to a user or service account to impersonate another. The
source credentials must be granted the “Service Account Token Creator” IAM role.
from google.auth import impersonated_credentials
target_scopes = ['']
source_credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
target_credentials = impersonated_credentials.Credentials(
client = storage.Client(credentials=target_credentials)
buckets = client.list_buckets(project='your_project')
for bucket in buckets:
In the example above source_credentials does not have direct access to list buckets in the target project. Using
ImpersonatedCredentials will allow the source_credentials to assume the identity of a target_principal that does have
1.2.8 Identity Tokens
Google OpenID Connect tokens are available through Service Account, Impersonated, and Compute
Engine. These tokens can be used to authenticate against Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, a user service behind Identity
Aware Proxy or any other service capable of verifying a Google ID Token.
6 Chapter 1. User Guide
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from google.oauth2 import service_account
target_audience = ''
creds = service_account.IDTokenCredentials.from_service_account_file(
from google.auth import compute_engine
import google.auth.transport.requests
target_audience = ''
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
creds = compute_engine.IDTokenCredentials(request,
from google.auth import impersonated_credentials
# get target_credentials from a source_credential
target_audience = ''
creds = impersonated_credentials.IDTokenCredentials(
If your application runs on App Engine, Cloud Run, Compute Engine, or has application default
credentials set via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable, you can also use
google.oauth2.id_token.fetch_id_token to obtain an ID token from your current running environment. The follow-
ing is an example
import google.oauth2.id_token
import google.auth.transport.requests
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
target_audience = ""
id_token = google.oauth2.id_token.fetch_id_token(request, target_audience)
IDToken verification can be done for various type of IDTokens using the google.oauth2.id_token module. It
supports ID token signed with RS256 and ES256 algorithms. However, ES256 algorithm won’t be available unless
cryptography dependency of version at least 1.4.0 is installed. You can check the dependency with pip freeze or try
from google.auth.crypt import es256. The following is an example of verifying ID tokens:
from google.auth2 import id_token
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
try: decoded_token = id_token.verify_token(token_to_verify,request)
except ValueError: # Verification failed.
A sample end-to-end flow using an ID Token against a Cloud Run endpoint maybe
1.2. Obtaining credentials 7
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from google.oauth2 import id_token
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import google.auth
import google.auth.transport.requests
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
target_audience = ''
url = ''
creds = service_account.IDTokenCredentials.from_service_account_file(
'/path/to/svc.json', target_audience=target_audience)
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(creds)
# make authenticated request and print the response, status_code
resp = authed_session.get(url)
# to verify an ID Token
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
token = creds.token
1.3 Making authenticated requests
Once you have credentials you can attach them to a transport. You can then use this transport to make authenti-
cated requests to APIs. google-auth supports several different transports. Typically, it’s up to your application or an
opinionated client library to decide which transport to use.
1.3.1 Requests
The recommended HTTP transport is google.auth.transport.requests which uses the Requests library.
To make authenticated requests using Requests you use a custom Session object:
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(credentials)
response = authed_session.get(
1.3.2 urllib3
urllib3 is the underlying HTTP library used by Requests and can also be used with google-auth. urllib3’s inter-
face isn’t as high-level as Requests but it can be useful in situations where you need more control over how HTTP
requests are made. To make authenticated requests using urllib3 create an instance of google.auth.transport.
8 Chapter 1. User Guide
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from google.auth.transport.urllib3 import AuthorizedHttp
authed_http = AuthorizedHttp(credentials)
response = authed_http.request(
'GET', '')
You can also construct your own urllib3.PoolManager instance and pass it to AuthorizedHttp:
import urllib3
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
authed_http = AuthorizedHttp(credentials, http)
1.3.3 gRPC
gRPC is an RPC framework that uses Protocol Buffers over HTTP 2.0. google-auth can provide Call Credentials for
gRPC. The easiest way to do this is to use google-auth to create the gRPC channel:
import google.auth.transport.grpc
import google.auth.transport.requests
http_request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, http_request, '')
Note: Even though gRPC is its own transport, you still need to use one of the other HTTP transports with gRPC. The
reason is that most credential types need to make HTTP requests in order to refresh their access token. The sample
above uses the Requests transport, but any HTTP transport can be used. Additionally, if you know that your credentials
do not need to make HTTP requests in order to refresh (as is the case with jwt.Credentials) then you can specify
Alternatively, you can create the channel yourself and use google.auth.transport.grpc.
import grpc
metadata_plugin = AuthMetadataPlugin(credentials, http_request)
# Create a set of grpc.CallCredentials using the metadata plugin.
google_auth_credentials = grpc.metadata_call_credentials(
# Create SSL channel credentials.
ssl_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials()
# Combine the ssl credentials and the authorization credentials.
composite_credentials = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(
ssl_credentials, google_auth_credentials)
channel = grpc.secure_channel(
'', composite_credentials)
1.3. Making authenticated requests 9
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You can use this channel to make a gRPC stub that makes authenticated requests to a gRPC service:
from google.pubsub.v1 import pubsub_pb2
pubsub = pubsub_pb2.PublisherStub(channel)
response = pubsub.ListTopics(
10 Chapter 1. User Guide
2.1 google package
Google namespace package.
2.1.1 Subpackages
google.auth package
Google Auth Library for Python.
default(scopes=None, request=None, quota_project_id=None, default_scopes=None)
Gets the default credentials for the current environment.
Application Default Credentials provides an easy way to obtain credentials to call Google APIs for server-to-
server or local applications. This function acquires credentials from the environment in the following order:
1. If the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set to the path of a valid service
account JSON private key file, then it is loaded and returned. The project ID returned is the project ID
defined in the service account file if available (some older files do not contain project ID information).
If the environment variable is set to the path of a valid external account JSON configuration file (workload
identity federation), then the configuration file is used to determine and retrieve the external credentials
from the current environment (AWS, Azure, etc). These will then be exchanged for Google access to-
kens via the Google STS endpoint. The project ID returned in this case is the one corresponding to the
underlying workload identity pool resource if determinable.
2. If the Google Cloud SDK is installed and has application default credentials set they are loaded and re-
To enable application default credentials with the Cloud SDK run:
gcloud auth application-default login
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
If the Cloud SDK has an active project, the project ID is returned. The active project can be set using:
gcloud config set project
3. If the application is running in the App Engine standard environment (first generation) then the credentials
and project ID from the App Identity Service are used.
4. If the application is running in Compute Engine or Cloud Run or the App Engine flexible environment or
the App Engine standard environment (second generation) then the credentials and project ID are obtained
from the Metadata Service.
5. If no credentials are found, DefaultCredentialsError will be raised.
import google.auth
credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) The list of scopes for the credentials. If specified, the
credentials will automatically be scoped if necessary.
request (Optional [ google.auth.transport.Request ]) An object used
to make HTTP requests. This is used to either detect whether the application is run-
ning on Compute Engine or to determine the associated project ID for a workload iden-
tity pool resource (external account credentials). If not specified, then it will either use
the standard library http client to make requests for Compute Engine credentials or a
google.auth.transport.requests.Request client for external account credentials.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
Returns the current environment’s credentials and project ID. Project ID may be None, which indi-
cates that the Project ID could not be ascertained from the environment.
Return type Tuple [ Credentials, Optional [ str ] ]
Raises DefaultCredentialsError – If no credentials were found, or if the credentials found
were invalid.
load_credentials_from_file(filename, scopes=None, default_scopes=None,
quota_project_id=None, request=None)
Loads Google credentials from a file.
The credentials file must be a service account key, stored authorized user credentials or external account creden-
filename (str) – The full path to the credentials file.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) The list of scopes for the credentials. If
specified, the credentials will automatically be scoped if necessary
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
12 Chapter 2. google
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request (Optional [ google.auth.transport.Request ]) An object used to
make HTTP requests. This is used to determine the associated project ID for a workload
identity pool resource (external account credentials). If not specified, then it will use a
google.auth.transport.requests.Request client to make requests.
Loaded credentials and the project ID. Authorized user credentials do not have the project ID
information. External account credentials project IDs may not always be determined.
Return type Tuple [ google.auth.credentials.Credentials, Optional [ str ] ]
Raises google.auth.exceptions.DefaultCredentialsError if the file is in the
wrong format or is missing.
google.auth.compute_engine package
Google Compute Engine authentication.
class Credentials(service_account_email=’default’, quota_project_id=None, scopes=None, de-
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Scoped, google.auth.credentials.
Compute Engine Credentials.
These credentials use the Google Compute Engine metadata server to obtain OAuth 2.0 access tokens associated
with the instance’s service account, and are also used for Cloud Run, Flex and App Engine (except for the Python
2.7 runtime).
For more information about Compute Engine authentication, including how to configure scopes, see the Com-
pute Engine authentication documentation.
Note: On Compute Engine the metadata server ignores requested scopes. On Cloud Run, Flex and App Engine
the server honours requested scopes.
service_account_email (str) The service account email to use, or ‘default’. A
Compute Engine instance may have multiple service accounts.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) – The list of scopes for the credentials.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
Refresh the access token and scopes.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If the Compute Engine metadata
service can’t be reached if if the instance has not credentials.
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The service account email.
Note: This is not guaranteed to be set until refresh() has been called.
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
14 Chapter 2. google
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Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class IDTokenCredentials(request, target_audience, token_uri=None, addi-
tional_claims=None, service_account_email=None, signer=None,
use_metadata_identity_endpoint=False, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject, google.auth.
Open ID Connect ID Token-based service account credentials.
These credentials relies on the default service account of a GCE instance.
ID token can be requested from GCE metadata server identity endpoint, IAM token endpoint or other token
endpoints you specify. If metadata server identity endpoint is not used, the GCE instance must have been started
with a service account that has access to the IAM Cloud API.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials, used when re-
questing the ID Token. The ID Token’s aud claim will be set to this string.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
service_account_email (str) Optional explicit service account to use to sign
JWT tokens. By default, this is the default GCE service account.
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs. In case the
signer is specified, the request argument will be ignored.
use_metadata_identity_endpoint (bool) – Whether to use GCE metadata iden-
tity endpoint. For backward compatibility the default value is False. If set to True,
token_uri, additional_claims, service_account_email, signer argu-
ment should not be set; otherwise ValueError will be raised.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Raises ValueError If use_metadata_identity_endpoint is set to True, and one of
token_uri, additional_claims, service_account_email,
signer arguments is set.
2.1. google package 15
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Create a copy of these credentials with the specified target audience. :param target_audience: The intended
audience for these credentials, :type target_audience: str :param used when requesting the ID Token.:
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the ID token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If the credentials could not be re-
ValueError – If extracting expiry from the obtained ID token fails.
16 Chapter 2. google
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Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
Raises ValueError – Signer is not available if metadata identity endpoint is used.
The service account email.
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
google.auth.compute_engine.credentials module
Google Compute Engine credentials.
This module provides authentication for an application running on Google Compute Engine using the Compute Engine
metadata server.
class Credentials(service_account_email=’default’, quota_project_id=None, scopes=None, de-
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Scoped, google.auth.credentials.
Compute Engine Credentials.
These credentials use the Google Compute Engine metadata server to obtain OAuth 2.0 access tokens associated
with the instance’s service account, and are also used for Cloud Run, Flex and App Engine (except for the Python
2.7 runtime).
For more information about Compute Engine authentication, including how to configure scopes, see the Com-
pute Engine authentication documentation.
Note: On Compute Engine the metadata server ignores requested scopes. On Cloud Run, Flex and App Engine
the server honours requested scopes.
service_account_email (str) The service account email to use, or ‘default’. A
Compute Engine instance may have multiple service accounts.
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quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) – The list of scopes for the credentials.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
Refresh the access token and scopes.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If the Compute Engine metadata
service can’t be reached if if the instance has not credentials.
The service account email.
Note: This is not guaranteed to be set until refresh() has been called.
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
18 Chapter 2. google
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headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class IDTokenCredentials(request, target_audience, token_uri=None, addi-
tional_claims=None, service_account_email=None, signer=None,
use_metadata_identity_endpoint=False, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject, google.auth.
Open ID Connect ID Token-based service account credentials.
These credentials relies on the default service account of a GCE instance.
ID token can be requested from GCE metadata server identity endpoint, IAM token endpoint or other token
endpoints you specify. If metadata server identity endpoint is not used, the GCE instance must have been started
with a service account that has access to the IAM Cloud API.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials, used when re-
questing the ID Token. The ID Token’s aud claim will be set to this string.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
service_account_email (str) Optional explicit service account to use to sign
JWT tokens. By default, this is the default GCE service account.
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signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs. In case the
signer is specified, the request argument will be ignored.
use_metadata_identity_endpoint (bool) – Whether to use GCE metadata iden-
tity endpoint. For backward compatibility the default value is False. If set to True,
token_uri, additional_claims, service_account_email, signer argu-
ment should not be set; otherwise ValueError will be raised.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Raises ValueError If use_metadata_identity_endpoint is set to True, and one of
token_uri, additional_claims, service_account_email,
signer arguments is set.
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified target audience. :param target_audience: The intended
audience for these credentials, :type target_audience: str :param used when requesting the ID Token.:
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
20 Chapter 2. google
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Refreshes the ID token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If the credentials could not be re-
ValueError – If extracting expiry from the obtained ID token fails.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
Raises ValueError – Signer is not available if metadata identity endpoint is used.
The service account email.
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
google.auth.crypt package
Cryptography helpers for verifying and signing messages.
The simplest way to verify signatures is using verify_signature():
cert = open('certs.pem').read()
valid = crypt.verify_signature(message, signature, cert)
If you’re going to verify many messages with the same certificate, you can use RSAVerifier:
cert = open('certs.pem').read()
verifier = crypt.RSAVerifier.from_string(cert)
valid = verifier.verify(message, signature)
To sign messages use RSASigner with a private key:
private_key = open('private_key.pem').read()
signer = crypt.RSASigner.from_string(private_key)
signature = signer.sign(message)
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The code above also works for ES256Signer and ES256Verifier. Note that these two classes are only available
if your cryptography dependency version is at least 1.4.0.
class Signer
Bases: object
Abstract base class for cryptographic signers.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
class Verifier
Bases: object
Abstract base class for crytographic signature verifiers.
verify(message, signature)
Verifies a message against a cryptographic signature.
message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to verify.
signature (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The cryptography signature to check.
Returns True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public key that this
object was constructed with.
Return type bool
class RSASigner(private_key, key_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Signer, google.auth.crypt.base.
Signs messages with an RSA private key.
( (private_key) cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
The private key to sign with.
key_id (str) Optional key ID used to identify this private key. This can be useful to
associate the private key with its associated public key or certificate.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
22 Chapter 2. google
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Return type bytes
classmethod from_string(key, key_id=None)
Construct a RSASigner from a private key in PEM format.
key (Union [ bytes, str ]) – Private key in PEM format.
key_id (str) – An optional key id used to identify the private key.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt._cryptography_rsa.RSASigner
ValueError – If key is not bytes or str (unicode).
UnicodeDecodeError – If key is bytes but cannot be decoded into a UTF-8 str.
ValueError – If cryptography “Could not deserialize key data.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename)
Creates a Signer instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
Parameters filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
classmethod from_service_account_info(info)
Creates a Signer instance instance from a dictionary containing service account info in Google format.
Parameters info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
class RSAVerifier(public_key)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Verifier
Verifies RSA cryptographic signatures using public keys.
Parameters ( (public_key) – cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey):
The public key used to verify signatures.
verify(message, signature)
Verifies a message against a cryptographic signature.
message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to verify.
signature (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The cryptography signature to check.
Returns True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public key that this
object was constructed with.
Return type bool
classmethod from_string(public_key)
Construct an Verifier instance from a public key or public certificate string.
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Parameters public_key (Union [ str, bytes ]) The public key in PEM format or the
x509 public key certificate.
Returns The constructed verifier.
Return type Verifier
Raises ValueError – If the public key can’t be parsed.
class ES256Signer(private_key, key_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Signer, google.auth.crypt.base.
Signs messages with an ECDSA private key.
( (private_key) –
The private key to sign with.
key_id (str) Optional key ID used to identify this private key. This can be useful to
associate the private key with its associated public key or certificate.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
classmethod from_string(key, key_id=None)
Construct a RSASigner from a private key in PEM format.
key (Union [ bytes, str ]) – Private key in PEM format.
key_id (str) – An optional key id used to identify the private key.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt._cryptography_rsa.RSASigner
ValueError – If key is not bytes or str (unicode).
UnicodeDecodeError – If key is bytes but cannot be decoded into a UTF-8 str.
ValueError – If cryptography “Could not deserialize key data.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename)
Creates a Signer instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
Parameters filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
24 Chapter 2. google
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classmethod from_service_account_info(info)
Creates a Signer instance instance from a dictionary containing service account info in Google format.
Parameters info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
class ES256Verifier(public_key)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Verifier
Verifies ECDSA cryptographic signatures using public keys.
Parameters ( (public_key)
The public key used to verify signatures.
verify(message, signature)
Verifies a message against a cryptographic signature.
message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to verify.
signature (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The cryptography signature to check.
Returns True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public key that this
object was constructed with.
Return type bool
classmethod from_string(public_key)
Construct an Verifier instance from a public key or public certificate string.
Parameters public_key (Union [ str, bytes ]) The public key in PEM format or the
x509 public key certificate.
Returns The constructed verifier.
Return type Verifier
Raises ValueError – If the public key can’t be parsed.
google.auth.crypt.base module
Base classes for cryptographic signers and verifiers.
class Verifier
Bases: object
Abstract base class for crytographic signature verifiers.
verify(message, signature)
Verifies a message against a cryptographic signature.
message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to verify.
signature (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The cryptography signature to check.
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Returns True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public key that this
object was constructed with.
Return type bool
class Signer
Bases: object
Abstract base class for cryptographic signers.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
class FromServiceAccountMixin
Bases: object
Mix-in to enable factory constructors for a Signer.
from_string(key, key_id=None)
Construct an Signer instance from a private key string.
key (str) – Private key as a string.
key_id (str) – An optional key id used to identify the private key.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Raises ValueError – If the key cannot be parsed.
classmethod from_service_account_info(info)
Creates a Signer instance instance from a dictionary containing service account info in Google format.
Parameters info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename)
Creates a Signer instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
Parameters filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
26 Chapter 2. google
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google.auth.crypt.es256 module
ECDSA (ES256) verifier and signer that use the cryptography library.
class ES256Verifier(public_key)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Verifier
Verifies ECDSA cryptographic signatures using public keys.
Parameters ( (public_key)
The public key used to verify signatures.
verify(message, signature)
Verifies a message against a cryptographic signature.
message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to verify.
signature (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The cryptography signature to check.
Returns True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public key that this
object was constructed with.
Return type bool
classmethod from_string(public_key)
Construct an Verifier instance from a public key or public certificate string.
Parameters public_key (Union [ str, bytes ]) The public key in PEM format or the
x509 public key certificate.
Returns The constructed verifier.
Return type Verifier
Raises ValueError – If the public key can’t be parsed.
class ES256Signer(private_key, key_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Signer, google.auth.crypt.base.
Signs messages with an ECDSA private key.
( (private_key) –
The private key to sign with.
key_id (str) Optional key ID used to identify this private key. This can be useful to
associate the private key with its associated public key or certificate.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
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classmethod from_string(key, key_id=None)
Construct a RSASigner from a private key in PEM format.
key (Union [ bytes, str ]) – Private key in PEM format.
key_id (str) – An optional key id used to identify the private key.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt._cryptography_rsa.RSASigner
ValueError – If key is not bytes or str (unicode).
UnicodeDecodeError – If key is bytes but cannot be decoded into a UTF-8 str.
ValueError – If cryptography “Could not deserialize key data.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename)
Creates a Signer instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
Parameters filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
classmethod from_service_account_info(info)
Creates a Signer instance instance from a dictionary containing service account info in Google format.
Parameters info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
Returns The constructed signer.
Return type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
google.auth.crypt.rsa module
RSA cryptography signer and verifier.
google.auth.transport package
Transport - HTTP client library support.
google.auth is designed to work with various HTTP client libraries such as urllib3 and requests. In order to work
across these libraries with different interfaces some abstraction is needed.
This module provides two interfaces that are implemented by transport adapters to support HTTP libraries. Request
defines the interface expected by google.auth to make requests. Response defines the interface for the return
value of Request.
Which HTTP status code indicate that credentials should be refreshed and a request should be retried.
Type Sequence [ int ]
How many times to refresh the credentials and retry a request.
28 Chapter 2. google
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Type int
class Response
Bases: object
HTTP Response data.
The HTTP status code.
Type int
The HTTP response headers.
Type Mapping [ str, str ]
The response body.
Type bytes
class Request
Bases: object
Interface for a callable that makes HTTP requests.
Specific transport implementations should provide an implementation of this that adapts their specific request /
response API.
__call__(url, method=’GET’, body=None, headers=None, timeout=None, **kwargs)
Make an HTTP request.
url (str) – The URI to be requested.
method (str) – The HTTP method to use for the request. Defaults to ‘GET’.
body (bytes) – The payload / body in HTTP request.
headers (Mapping [ str, str ]) – Request headers.
timeout (Optional [ int ]) – The number of seconds to wait for a response from the
server. If not specified or if None, the transport-specific default timeout will be used.
kwargs – Additionally arguments passed on to the transport’s request method.
Returns The HTTP response.
Return type Response
Raises google.auth.exceptions.TransportError – If any exception occurred.
google.auth.transport.aiohttp_requests module
google.auth.transport.grpc module
Authorization support for gRPC.
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class AuthMetadataPlugin(credentials, request, default_host=None)
Bases: sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer._MockObject
A gRPC AuthMetadataPlugin that inserts the credentials into each request.
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
add to requests.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A HTTP transport request object
used to refresh credentials as needed.
default_host (Optional [ str ]) A host like “”. This is
used when a self-signed JWT is created from service account credentials.
secure_authorized_channel(credentials, request, target, ssl_credentials=None,
client_cert_callback=None, **kwargs)
Creates a secure authorized gRPC channel.
This creates a channel with SSL and AuthMetadataPlugin. This channel can be used to create a stub that
can make authorized requests. Users can configure client certificate or rely on device certificates to establish a
mutual TLS channel, if the GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE variable is explicitly set to true.
import google.auth
import google.auth.transport.grpc
import google.auth.transport.requests
from import cloud_speech_pb2
# Get credentials.
credentials, _ = google.auth.default()
# Get an HTTP request function to refresh credentials.
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
# Create a channel.
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, regular_endpoint, request,
# Use the channel to create a stub.
There are actually a couple of options to create a channel, depending on if you want to create a regular or mutual
TLS channel.
First let’s list the endpoints (regular vs mutual TLS) to choose from:
regular_endpoint = ''
mtls_endpoint = ''
Option 1: create a regular (non-mutual) TLS channel by explicitly setting the ssl_credentials:
regular_ssl_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials()
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
(continues on next page)
30 Chapter 2. google
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(continued from previous page)
credentials, regular_endpoint, request,
Option 2: create a mutual TLS channel by calling a callback which returns the client side certificate and the key
(Note that GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable must be explicitly set to true):
def my_client_cert_callback():
if loaded:
return (pem_cert_bytes, pem_key_bytes)
raise MyClientCertFailureException()
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, mtls_endpoint, request,
except MyClientCertFailureException:
# handle the exception
Option 3: use application default SSL credentials. It searches and uses the command in a con-
text aware metadata file, which is available on devices with endpoint verification support (Note that
GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable must be explicitly set to true). See
default_ssl_credentials = SslCredentials()
# Exception can be raised if the context aware metadata is malformed.
# See :class:`SslCredentials` for the possible exceptions.
# Choose the endpoint based on the SSL credentials type.
if default_ssl_credentials.is_mtls:
endpoint_to_use = mtls_endpoint
endpoint_to_use = regular_endpoint
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, endpoint_to_use, request,
Option 4: not setting ssl_credentials and client_cert_callback. For devices without endpoint verification support
or GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is not true, a regular TLS channel is
created; otherwise, a mutual TLS channel is created, however, the call should be wrapped in a try/except block
in case of malformed context aware metadata.
The following code uses regular_endpoint, it works the same no matter the created channle is regular or mutual
TLS. Regular endpoint ignores client certificate and key:
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, regular_endpoint, request)
The following code uses mtls_endpoint, if the created channle is regular, and API mtls_endpoint is confgured
to require client SSL credentials, API calls using this channel will be rejected:
channel = google.auth.transport.grpc.secure_authorized_channel(
credentials, mtls_endpoint, request)
2.1. google package 31
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credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
add to requests.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A HTTP transport request object
used to refresh credentials as needed. Even though gRPC is a separate transport, there’s no
way to refresh the credentials without using a standard http transport.
target (str) – The host and port of the service.
ssl_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials) Optional SSL channel cre-
dentials. This can be used to specify different certificates. This argument is mu-
tually exclusive with client_cert_callback; providing both will raise an exception. If
ssl_credentials and client_cert_callback are None, application default SSL credentials are
used if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is explicitly
set to true, otherwise one way TLS SSL credentials are used.
client_cert_callback (Callable [ , bytes, bytes ]) – Optional callback func-
tion to obtain client certicate and key for mutual TLS connection. This argument is mutually
exclusive with ssl_credentials; providing both will raise an exception. This argument does
nothing unless GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is ex-
plicitly set to true.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to grpc.secure_channel().
Returns The created gRPC channel.
Return type grpc.Channel
Raises google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError If mutual TLS channel
creation failed for any reason.
class SslCredentials
Bases: object
Class for application default SSL credentials.
The behavior is controlled by GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable whose de-
fault value is false. Client certificate will not be used unless the environment variable is explicitly set to true.
If the environment variable is true, then for devices with endpoint verification support, a device certificate will be
automatically loaded and mutual TLS will be established. See
Get the created SSL channel credentials.
For devices with endpoint verification support, if the device certificate loading has any problems, corre-
sponding exceptions will be raised. For a device without endpoint verification support, no exceptions will
be raised.
Returns The created grpc channel credentials.
Return type grpc.ChannelCredentials
Raises google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError If mutual TLS
channel creation failed for any reason.
Indicates if the created SSL channel credentials is mutual TLS.
32 Chapter 2. google
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google.auth.transport.mtls module
Utilites for mutual TLS.
Check if default client SSL credentials exists on the device.
Returns indicating if the default client cert source exists.
Return type bool
Get a callback which returns the default client SSL credentials.
A callback which returns the default client certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in
PEM format.
Return type Callable [ , bytesbytes ]
Raises google.auth.exceptions.DefaultClientCertSourceError If the default
client SSL credentials don’t exist or are malformed.
default_client_encrypted_cert_source(cert_path, key_path)
Get a callback which returns the default encrpyted client SSL credentials.
cert_path (str) – The cert file path. The default client certificate will be written to this
file when the returned callback is called.
key_path (str) The key file path. The default encrypted client key will be written to
this file when the returned callback is called.
A callback which generates the default client certificate, encrpyted private key and
passphrase. It writes the certificate and private key into the cert_path and key_path,
and returns the cert_path, key_path and passphrase bytes.
Return type Callable [ , strstrbytes ]
Raises google.auth.exceptions.DefaultClientCertSourceError If any prob-
lem occurs when loading or saving the client certificate and key.
google.auth.transport.requests module
Transport adapter for Requests.
class TimeoutGuard(timeout, timeout_error_type=<class ’requests.exceptions.Timeout’>)
Bases: object
A context manager raising an error if the suite execution took too long.
timeout (Union [ , Union [ float, Tuple [ float, float ] ] ]) The maximum
number of seconds a suite can run without the context manager raising a timeout exception
on exit. If passed as a tuple, the smaller of the values is taken as a timeout. If None, a
timeout error is never raised.
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timeout_error_type (Optional [ Exception ]) The type of the error to raise
on timeout. Defaults to requests.exceptions.Timeout.
class Request(session=None)
Bases: google.auth.transport.Request
Requests request adapter.
This class is used internally for making requests using various transports in a consistent way. If you use
AuthorizedSession you do not need to construct or use this class directly.
This class can be useful if you want to manually refresh a Credentials instance:
import google.auth.transport.requests
import requests
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
Parameters session (requests.Session) An instance requests.Session used to
make HTTP requests. If not specified, a session will be created.
__call__(url, method=’GET’, body=None, headers=None, timeout=120, **kwargs)
Make an HTTP request using requests.
url (str) – The URI to be requested.
method (str) – The HTTP method to use for the request. Defaults to ‘GET’.
body (bytes) – The payload or body in HTTP request.
headers (Mapping [ str, str ]) – Request headers.
timeout (Optional [ int ]) – The number of seconds to wait for a response from the
server. If not specified or if None, the requests default timeout will be used.
kwargs – Additional arguments passed through to the underlying requests request()
Returns The HTTP response.
Return type google.auth.transport.Response
Raises google.auth.exceptions.TransportError – If any exception occurred.
class AuthorizedSession(credentials, refresh_status_codes=(<HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED:
401>, ), max_refresh_attempts=2, refresh_timeout=None,
auth_request=None, default_host=None)
Bases: requests.sessions.Session
A Requests Session class with credentials.
This class is used to perform requests to API endpoints that require authorization:
from google.auth.transport.requests import AuthorizedSession
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(credentials)
response = authed_session.request(
'GET', '')
34 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
The underlying request() implementation handles adding the credentials’ headers to the request and refresh-
ing credentials as needed.
This class also supports mutual TLS via configure_mtls_channel() method. In order to use this
method, the GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable must be explicitly set to
true, otherwise it does nothing. Assume the environment is set to true, the method behaves in the following
If client_cert_callback is provided, client certificate and private key are loaded using the callback; if
client_cert_callback is None, application default SSL credentials will be used. Exceptions are raised if there
are problems with the certificate, private key, or the loading process, so it should be called within a try/except
First we set the environment variable to true, then create an AuthorizedSession instance and specify the
regular_endpoint = '{my_project_id}/
mtls_endpoint = '{my_project_id}/
authed_session = AuthorizedSession(credentials)
Now we can pass a callback to configure_mtls_channel():
def my_cert_callback():
# some code to load client cert bytes and private key bytes, both in
# PEM format.
if loaded:
return cert, key
raise MyClientCertFailureException()
# Always call configure_mtls_channel within a try/except block.
# handle exceptions.
if authed_session.is_mtls:
response = authed_session.request('GET', mtls_endpoint)
response = authed_session.request('GET', regular_endpoint)
You can alternatively use application default SSL credentials like this:
# handle exceptions.
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
add to the request.
refresh_status_codes (Sequence [ int ]) Which HTTP status codes indicate
that credentials should be refreshed and the request should be retried.
2.1. google package 35
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max_refresh_attempts (int) – The maximum number of times to attempt to refresh
the credentials and retry the request.
refresh_timeout (Optional [ int ]) – The timeout value in seconds for credential
refresh HTTP requests.
auth_request (google.auth.transport.requests.Request) (Optional)
An instance of Request used when refreshing credentials. If not passed, an instance of
Request is created.
default_host (Optional [ str ]) A host like “”. This is
used when a self-signed JWT is created from service account credentials.
Configure the client certificate and key for SSL connection.
The function does nothing unless GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is explicitly set to true.
In this case if client certificate and key are successfully obtained (from the given client_cert_callback or
from application default SSL credentials), a _MutualTlsAdapter instance will be mounted to https:
//” prefix.
Parameters client_cert_callback (Optional [ Callable [ , bytes, bytes ] ]) –
The optional callback returns the client certificate and private key bytes both in PEM format.
If the callback is None, application default SSL credentials will be used.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError If mutual TLS
channel creation failed for any reason.
request(method, url, data=None, headers=None, max_allowed_time=None, timeout=120, **kwargs)
Implementation of Requests’ request.
timeout (Optional [ Union [ float, Tuple [ float, float ] ] ]) – The amount
of time in seconds to wait for the server response with each individual request. Can also
be passed as a tuple (connect_timeout, read_timeout). See requests.
Session.request() documentation for details.
max_allowed_time (Optional [ float ]) – If the method runs longer than this, a
Timeout exception is automatically raised. Unlike the timeout parameter, this value
applies to the total method execution time, even if multiple requests are made under the
Mind that it is not guaranteed that the timeout error is raised at max_allowed_time. It
might take longer, for example, if an underlying request takes a lot of time, but the request
itself does not timeout, e.g. if a large file is being transmitted. The timout error will be
raised after such request completes.
Indicates if the created SSL channel is mutual TLS.
Closes all adapters and as such the session
delete(url, **kwargs)
Sends a DELETE request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
36 Chapter 2. google
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Return type requests.Response
get(url, **kwargs)
Sends a GET request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
Returns the appropriate connection adapter for the given URL.
Return type requests.adapters.BaseAdapter
Receives a Response. Returns a redirect URI or None
head(url, **kwargs)
Sends a HEAD request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
merge_environment_settings(url, proxies, stream, verify, cert)
Check the environment and merge it with some settings.
Return type dict
mount(prefix, adapter)
Registers a connection adapter to a prefix.
Adapters are sorted in descending order by prefix length.
options(url, **kwargs)
Sends a OPTIONS request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
patch(url, data=None, **kwargs)
Sends a PATCH request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body
of the Request.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
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post(url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs)
Sends a POST request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body
of the Request.
json – (optional) json to send in the body of the Request.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
Constructs a PreparedRequest for transmission and returns it. The PreparedRequest has settings
merged from the Request instance and those of the Session.
Parameters request Request instance to prepare with this session’s settings.
Return type requests.PreparedRequest
put(url, data=None, **kwargs)
Sends a PUT request. Returns Response object.
url – URL for the new Request object.
data (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body
of the Request.
kwargs – Optional arguments that request takes.
Return type requests.Response
rebuild_auth(prepared_request, response)
When being redirected we may want to strip authentication from the request to avoid leaking credentials.
This method intelligently removes and reapplies authentication where possible to avoid credential loss.
rebuild_method(prepared_request, response)
When being redirected we may want to change the method of the request based on certain specs or browser
rebuild_proxies(prepared_request, proxies)
This method re-evaluates the proxy configuration by considering the environment variables. If we are
redirected to a URL covered by NO_PROXY, we strip the proxy configuration. Otherwise, we set missing
proxy keys for this URL (in case they were stripped by a previous redirect).
This method also replaces the Proxy-Authorization header where necessary.
Return type dict
resolve_redirects(resp, req, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, cert=None, prox-
ies=None, yield_requests=False, **adapter_kwargs)
Receives a Response. Returns a generator of Responses or Requests.
send(request, **kwargs)
Send a given PreparedRequest.
Return type requests.Response
should_strip_auth(old_url, new_url)
Decide whether Authorization header should be removed when redirecting
38 Chapter 2. google
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google.auth.transport.urllib3 module
Transport adapter for urllib3.
class Request(http)
Bases: google.auth.transport.Request
urllib3 request adapter.
This class is used internally for making requests using various transports in a consistent way. If you use
AuthorizedHttp you do not need to construct or use this class directly.
This class can be useful if you want to manually refresh a Credentials instance:
import google.auth.transport.urllib3
import urllib3
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
request = google.auth.transport.urllib3.Request(http)
Parameters http (urllib3.request.RequestMethods) An instance of any urllib3 class
that implements RequestMethods, usually urllib3.PoolManager.
__call__(url, method=’GET’, body=None, headers=None, timeout=None, **kwargs)
Make an HTTP request using urllib3.
url (str) – The URI to be requested.
method (str) – The HTTP method to use for the request. Defaults to ‘GET’.
body (bytes) – The payload / body in HTTP request.
headers (Mapping [ str, str ]) – Request headers.
timeout (Optional [ int ]) – The number of seconds to wait for a response from the
server. If not specified or if None, the urllib3 default timeout will be used.
kwargs Additional arguments passed throught to the underlying urllib3 urlopen()
Returns The HTTP response.
Return type google.auth.transport.Response
Raises google.auth.exceptions.TransportError – If any exception occurred.
class AuthorizedHttp(credentials, http=None, refresh_status_codes=(<HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED:
401>, ), max_refresh_attempts=2, default_host=None)
Bases: urllib3.request.RequestMethods
A urllib3 HTTP class with credentials.
This class is used to perform requests to API endpoints that require authorization:
from google.auth.transport.urllib3 import AuthorizedHttp
authed_http = AuthorizedHttp(credentials)
(continues on next page)
2.1. google package 39
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(continued from previous page)
response = authed_http.request(
'GET', '')
This class implements urllib3.request.RequestMethods and can be used just like any other
The underlying urlopen() implementation handles adding the credentials’ headers to the request and refresh-
ing credentials as needed.
This class also supports mutual TLS via configure_mtls_channel() method. In order to use this
method, the GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable must be explicitly set to true,
otherwise it does nothing. Assume the environment is set to true, the method behaves in the following man-
ner: If client_cert_callback is provided, client certificate and private key are loaded using the callback; if
client_cert_callback is None, application default SSL credentials will be used. Exceptions are raised if there
are problems with the certificate, private key, or the loading process, so it should be called within a try/except
First we set the environment variable to true, then create an AuthorizedHttp instance and specify the
regular_endpoint = '{my_project_id}/
mtls_endpoint = '{my_project_id}/
authed_http = AuthorizedHttp(credentials)
Now we can pass a callback to configure_mtls_channel():
def my_cert_callback():
# some code to load client cert bytes and private key bytes, both in
# PEM format.
if loaded:
return cert, key
raise MyClientCertFailureException()
# Always call configure_mtls_channel within a try/except block.
is_mtls = authed_http.configure_mtls_channel(my_cert_callback)
# handle exceptions.
if is_mtls:
response = authed_http.request('GET', mtls_endpoint)
response = authed_http.request('GET', regular_endpoint)
You can alternatively use application default SSL credentials like this:
is_mtls = authed_http.configure_mtls_channel()
# handle exceptions.
40 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
add to the request.
http (urllib3.PoolManager) The underlying HTTP object to use to make requests.
If not specified, a urllib3.PoolManager instance will be constructed with sane de-
refresh_status_codes (Sequence [ int ]) Which HTTP status codes indicate
that credentials should be refreshed and the request should be retried.
max_refresh_attempts (int) – The maximum number of times to attempt to refresh
the credentials and retry the request.
default_host (Optional [ str ]) A host like “”. This is
used when a self-signed JWT is created from service account credentials.
Configures mutual TLS channel using the given client_cert_callback or application default SSL creden-
tials. The behavior is controlled by GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable.
(1) If the environment variable value is true, the function returns True if the channel is mutual TLS and
False otherwise. The http provided in the constructor will be overwritten. (2) If the environment variable
is not set or false, the function does nothing and it always return False.
Parameters client_cert_callback (Optional [ Callable [ , bytes, bytes ] ]) –
The optional callback returns the client certificate and private key bytes both in PEM format.
If the callback is None, application default SSL credentials will be used.
Returns True if the channel is mutual TLS and False otherwise.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError If mutual TLS
channel creation failed for any reason.
urlopen(method, url, body=None, headers=None, **kwargs)
Implementation of urllib3’s urlopen.
request(method, url, fields=None, headers=None, **urlopen_kw)
Make a request using urlopen() with the appropriate encoding of fields based on the method used.
This is a convenience method that requires the least amount of manual effort. It can be used in most
situations, while still having the option to drop down to more specific methods when necessary, such as
request_encode_url(), request_encode_body(), or even the lowest level urlopen().
request_encode_body(method, url, fields=None, headers=None, encode_multipart=True, multi-
part_boundary=None, **urlopen_kw)
Make a request using urlopen() with the fields encoded in the body. This is useful for request
methods like POST, PUT, PATCH, etc.
When encode_multipart=True (default), then urllib3.encode_multipart_formdata()
is used to encode the payload with the appropriate content type. Otherwise urllib.parse.
urlencode() is used with the ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ content type.
Multipart encoding must be used when posting files, and it’s reasonably safe to use it in other times too.
However, it may break request signing, such as with OAuth.
Supports an optional fields parameter of key/value strings AND key/filetuple. A filetuple is a (filename,
data, MIME type) tuple where the MIME type is optional. For example:
fields = {
'foo': 'bar',
'fakefile': ('foofile.txt', 'contents of foofile'),
'realfile': ('barfile.txt', open('realfile').read()),
(continues on next page)
2.1. google package 41
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(continued from previous page)
'typedfile': ('bazfile.bin', open('bazfile').read(),
'nonamefile': 'contents of nonamefile field',
When uploading a file, providing a filename (the first parameter of the tuple) is optional but recommended
to best mimic behavior of browsers.
Note that if headers are supplied, the ‘Content-Type’ header will be overwritten because it depends
on the dynamic random boundary string which is used to compose the body of the request. The random
boundary string can be explicitly set with the multipart_boundary parameter.
request_encode_url(method, url, fields=None, headers=None, **urlopen_kw)
Make a request using urlopen() with the fields encoded in the url. This is useful for request methods
like GET, HEAD, DELETE, etc.
Proxy to self.http.
google.auth.app_engine module
Google App Engine standard environment support.
This module provides authentication and signing for applications running on App Engine in the standard environment
using the App Identity API.
class Signer
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Signer
Signs messages using the App Engine App Identity service.
This can be used in place of google.auth.crypt.Signer when running in the App Engine standard
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Warning: This is always None. The key ID used by App Engine can not be reliably determined
ahead of time.
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
Gets the project ID for the current App Engine application.
Returns The project ID
42 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Return type str
Raises EnvironmentError – If the App Engine APIs are unavailable.
class Credentials(scopes=None, default_scopes=None, service_account_id=None,
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Scoped, google.auth.credentials.Signing,
App Engine standard environment credentials.
These credentials use the App Engine App Identity API to obtain access tokens.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – Scopes to request from the App Identity API.
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
service_account_id (str) The service account ID passed into google.
appengine.api.app_identity.get_access_token(). If not specified, the
default application service account ID will be used.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Raises EnvironmentError – If the App Engine APIs are unavailable.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
The service account email.
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Signs the given message.
2.1. google package 43
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Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
44 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired. module
AWS Credentials and AWS Signature V4 Request Signer.
This module provides credentials to access Google Cloud resources from Amazon Web Services (AWS) workloads.
These credentials are recommended over the use of service account credentials in AWS as they do not involve the
management of long-live service account private keys.
AWS Credentials are initialized using external_account arguments which are typically loaded from the external cre-
dentials JSON file. Unlike other Credentials that can be initialized with a list of explicit arguments, secrets or creden-
tials, external account clients use the environment and hints/guidelines provided by the external_account JSON file to
retrieve credentials and exchange them for Google access tokens.
This module also provides a basic implementation of the AWS Signature Version 4 request signing algorithm.
AWS Credentials use serialized signed requests to the AWS STS GetCallerIdentity API that can be exchanged for
Google access tokens via the GCP STS endpoint.
class RequestSigner(region_name)
Bases: object
Implements an AWS request signer based on the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
Instantiates an AWS request signer used to compute authenticated signed requests to AWS APIs based on the
AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
Parameters region_name (str) – The AWS region to use.
get_request_options(aws_security_credentials, url, method, request_payload=”, addi-
Generates the signed request for the provided HTTP request for calling an AWS API. This follows the
steps described at:
aws_security_credentials (Mapping [ str, str ]) A dictionary containing
the AWS security credentials.
url (str) – The AWS service URL containing the canonical URI and query string.
method (str) – The HTTP method used to call this API.
request_payload (Optional [ str ]) – The optional request payload if available.
additional_headers (Optional [ Mapping [ str, str ] ]) – The optional addi-
tional headers needed for the requested AWS API.
Returns The AWS signed request dictionary object.
Return type Mapping [ str, str ]
class Credentials(audience, subject_token_type, token_url, credential_source=None, ser-
vice_account_impersonation_url=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None,
quota_project_id=None, scopes=None, default_scopes=None)
Bases: google.auth.external_account.Credentials
2.1. google package 45
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
AWS external account credentials. This is used to exchange serialized AWS signature v4 signed requests to
AWS STS GetCallerIdentity service for Google access tokens.
Instantiates an AWS workload external account credentials object.
audience (str) – The STS audience field.
subject_token_type (str) – The subject token type.
token_url (str) – The STS endpoint URL.
credential_source (Mapping) The credential source dictionary used to provide
instructions on how to retrieve external credential to be exchanged for Google access tokens.
service_account_impersonation_url (Optional [ str ]) – The optional ser-
vice account impersonation getAccessToken URL.
client_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client ID.
client_secret (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client secret.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional quota project ID.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Optional scopes to request during the
authorization grant.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If an error is encountered during ac-
cess token retrieval logic.
ValueError – For invalid parameters.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_file() or from_info() are used instead of calling
the constructor directly.
Retrieves the subject token using the credential_source object. The subject token is a serialized AWS
GetCallerIdentity signed request.
The logic is summarized as:
Retrieve the AWS region from the AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable
or from the AWS metadata server availability-zone if not found in the environment variable.
Check AWS credentials in environment variables. If not found, retrieve from the AWS metadata server
security-credentials endpoint.
When retrieving AWS credentials from the metadata server security-credentials endpoint, the AWS role
needs to be determined by calling the security-credentials endpoint without any argument. Then the cre-
dentials can be retrieved via: security-credentials/role_name
Generate the signed request to AWS STS GetCallerIdentity action.
Inject x-goog-cloud-target-resource into header and serialize the signed request. This will be the subject-
token to pass to GCP STS.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
46 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Returns The retrieved subject token.
Return type str
classmethod from_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an AWS Credentials instance from parsed external account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The AWS external account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type
Raises ValueError – For invalid parameters.
classmethod from_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates an AWS Credentials instance from an external account json file.
filename (str) – The path to the AWS external account json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
2.1. google package 47
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Retrieves the project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool.
When not determinable, None is returned.
This is introduced to support the current pattern of using the Auth library:
credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
The resource may not have permission (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required
scopes may not be selected:
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
The project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool if determinable.
Return type Optional [ str ]
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
The project number corresponding to the workload identity pool.
Type Optional [ str ]
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
48 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
google.auth.credentials module
Interfaces for credentials.
class Credentials
Bases: object
Base class for all credentials.
All credentials have a token that is used for authentication and may also optionally set an expiry to indicate
when the token will no longer be valid.
Most credentials will be invalid until refresh() is called. Credentials can do this automatically before
the first HTTP request in before_request().
Although the token and expiration will change as the credentials are refreshed and used, credentials should
be considered immutable. Various credentials will accept configuration such as private keys, scopes, and other
options. These options are not changeable after construction. Some classes will provide mechanisms to copy
the credentials with modifications such as ScopedCredentials.with_scopes().
token = None
The bearer token that can be used in HTTP headers to make authenticated requests.
Type str
expiry = None
When the token expires and is no longer valid. If this is None, the token is assumed to never expire.
Type Optional [ datetime ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
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Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
class CredentialsWithQuotaProject
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Credentials
Abstract base for credentials supporting with_quota_project factory
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
50 Chapter 2. google
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headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class AnonymousCredentials
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Credentials
Credentials that do not provide any authentication information.
These are useful in the case of services that support anonymous access or local service emulators that do not use
Returns False, anonymous credentials never expire.
Returns True, anonymous credentials are always valid.
Raises ValueError`, anonymous credentials cannot be refreshed.
apply(headers, token=None)
Anonymous credentials do nothing to the request.
The optional token argument is not supported.
Raises ValueError – If a token was specified.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Anonymous credentials do nothing to the request.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
class ReadOnlyScoped
Bases: object
Interface for credentials whose scopes can be queried.
OAuth 2.0-based credentials allow limiting access using scopes as described in RFC6749 Section 3.3. If a
credential class implements this interface then the credentials either use scopes in their implementation.
Some credentials require scopes in order to obtain a token. You can check if scoping is necessary with
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if credentials.requires_scopes:
# Scoping is required.
credentials = credentials.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Credentials that require scopes must either be constructed with scopes:
credentials = SomeScopedCredentials(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Or must copy an existing instance using with_scopes():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Some credentials have scopes but do not allow or require scopes to be set, these credentials can be used as-is.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
class Scoped
Bases: google.auth.credentials.ReadOnlyScoped
Interface for credentials whose scopes can be replaced while copying.
OAuth 2.0-based credentials allow limiting access using scopes as described in RFC6749 Section 3.3. If a
credential class implements this interface then the credentials either use scopes in their implementation.
Some credentials require scopes in order to obtain a token. You can check if scoping is necessary with
if credentials.requires_scopes:
# Scoping is required.
credentials = credentials.create_scoped(['one', 'two'])
Credentials that require scopes must either be constructed with scopes:
credentials = SomeScopedCredentials(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Or must copy an existing instance using with_scopes():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Some credentials have scopes but do not allow or require scopes to be set, these credentials can be used as-is.
52 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
with_scopes_if_required(credentials, scopes, default_scopes=None)
Creates a copy of the credentials with scopes if scoping is required.
This helper function is useful when you do not know (or care to know) the specific type of credentials
you are using (such as when you use google.auth.default()). This function will call Scoped.
with_scopes() if the credentials are scoped credentials and if the credentials require scoping. Otherwise, it
will return the credentials as-is.
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
scope if necessary.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to use.
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
Either a new set of scoped credentials, or the passed in credentials instance if no scoping was
Return type google.auth.credentials.Credentials
class Signing
Bases: object
Interface for credentials that can cryptographically sign messages.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
2.1. google package 53
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Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
google.auth.credentials_async module
Interfaces for credentials.
class Credentials
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Credentials
Async inherited credentials class from google.auth.credentials. The added functionality is the before_request
call which requires async/await syntax. All credentials have a token that is used for authentication and may
also optionally set an expiry to indicate when the token will no longer be valid.
Most credentials will be invalid until refresh() is called. Credentials can do this automatically before
the first HTTP request in before_request().
Although the token and expiration will change as the credentials are refreshed and used, credentials should
be considered immutable. Various credentials will accept configuration such as private keys, scopes, and other
options. These options are not changeable after construction. Some classes will provide mechanisms to copy
the credentials with modifications such as ScopedCredentials.with_scopes().
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
54 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class CredentialsWithQuotaProject
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject
Abstract base for credentials supporting with_quota_project factory
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
2.1. google package 55
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Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
class AnonymousCredentials
Bases: google.auth.credentials.AnonymousCredentials, google.auth.
Credentials that do not provide any authentication information.
These are useful in the case of services that support anonymous access or local service emulators that do not
use credentials. This class inherits from the sync anonymous credentials file, but is kept if async credentials is
initialized and we would like anonymous credentials.
apply(headers, token=None)
Anonymous credentials do nothing to the request.
The optional token argument is not supported.
Raises ValueError – If a token was specified.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Anonymous credentials do nothing to the request.
Returns False, anonymous credentials never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Raises ValueError`, anonymous credentials cannot be refreshed.
Returns True, anonymous credentials are always valid.
class ReadOnlyScoped
Bases: google.auth.credentials.ReadOnlyScoped
Interface for credentials whose scopes can be queried.
OAuth 2.0-based credentials allow limiting access using scopes as described in RFC6749 Section 3.3. If a
credential class implements this interface then the credentials either use scopes in their implementation.
Some credentials require scopes in order to obtain a token. You can check if scoping is necessary with
if credentials.requires_scopes:
# Scoping is required.
credentials = _credentials_async.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Credentials that require scopes must either be constructed with scopes:
56 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
credentials = SomeScopedCredentials(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Or must copy an existing instance using with_scopes():
scoped_credentials = _credentials_async.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Some credentials have scopes but do not allow or require scopes to be set, these credentials can be used as-is.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
class Scoped
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Scoped
Interface for credentials whose scopes can be replaced while copying.
OAuth 2.0-based credentials allow limiting access using scopes as described in RFC6749 Section 3.3. If a
credential class implements this interface then the credentials either use scopes in their implementation.
Some credentials require scopes in order to obtain a token. You can check if scoping is necessary with
if credentials.requires_scopes:
# Scoping is required.
credentials = _credentials_async.create_scoped(['one', 'two'])
Credentials that require scopes must either be constructed with scopes:
credentials = SomeScopedCredentials(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Or must copy an existing instance using with_scopes():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(scopes=['one', 'two'])
Some credentials have scopes but do not allow or require scopes to be set, these credentials can be used as-is.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
2.1. google package 57
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Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
True if these credentials require scopes to obtain an access token.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
with_scopes_if_required(credentials, scopes)
Creates a copy of the credentials with scopes if scoping is required.
This helper function is useful when you do not know (or care to know) the specific type of credentials
you are using (such as when you use google.auth.default()). This function will call Scoped.
with_scopes() if the credentials are scoped credentials and if the credentials require scoping. Otherwise, it
will return the credentials as-is.
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) – The credentials to
scope if necessary.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to use.
Either a new set of scoped credentials, or the passed in credentials instance if no scoping was
Return type google.auth._credentials_async.Credentials
class Signing
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Signing
Interface for credentials that can cryptographically sign messages.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
58 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Type Optional [ str ]
google.auth.environment_vars module
Environment variables used by google.auth.
Environment variable defining default project.
This used by google.auth.default() to explicitly set a project ID. This environment variable is also
used by the Google Cloud Python Library.
Previously used environment variable defining the default project.
This environment variable is used instead of the current one in some situations (such as Google App Engine).
Environment variable defining the location of Google application default credentials.
Environment variable defines the location of Google Cloud SDK’s config files.
port to be used for GCE metadata requests.
This environment variable is originally named GCE_METADATA_ROOT. System will check the new variable
first; should there be no value present, the system falls back to the old variable.
Type Environment variable providing an alternate hostname or host
port to be used for ip-only GCE metadata requests.
Type Environment variable providing an alternate ip
Environment variable controlling whether to use client certificate or not.
The default value is false. Users have to explicitly set this value to true in order to use client certificate to
establish a mutual TLS channel.
google.auth.exceptions module
Exceptions used in the google.auth package.
exception GoogleAuthError
Bases: Exception
Base class for all google.auth errors.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception TransportError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate an error occurred during an HTTP request.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
2.1. google package 59
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exception RefreshError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate that an refreshing the credentials’ access token failed.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception UserAccessTokenError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate gcloud auth print-access-token command failed.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception DefaultCredentialsError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate that acquiring default credentials failed.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception MutualTLSChannelError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate that mutual TLS channel creation is failed, or mutual TLS channel credentials is missing or
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception ClientCertError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate that client certificate is missing or invalid.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception OAuthError
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.GoogleAuthError
Used to indicate an error occurred during an OAuth related HTTP request.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
exception ReauthFailError(message=None)
Bases: google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError
An exception for when reauth failed.
Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.
google.auth.external_account module
External Account Credentials.
This module provides credentials that exchange workload identity pool external credentials for Google access tokens.
This facilitates accessing Google Cloud Platform resources from on-prem and non-Google Cloud platforms (e.g. AWS,
60 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Microsoft Azure, OIDC identity providers), using native credentials retrieved from the current environment without
the need to copy, save and manage long-lived service account credentials.
Specifically, this is intended to use access tokens acquired using the GCP STS token exchange endpoint following the
OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange spec.
class Credentials(audience, subject_token_type, token_url, credential_source, ser-
vice_account_impersonation_url=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None,
quota_project_id=None, scopes=None, default_scopes=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Scoped, google.auth.credentials.
Base class for all external account credentials.
This is used to instantiate Credentials for exchanging external account credentials for Google access token and
authorizing requests to Google APIs. The base class implements the common logic for exchanging external
account credentials for Google access tokens.
Instantiates an external account credentials object.
audience (str) – The STS audience field.
subject_token_type (str) – The subject token type.
token_url (str) – The STS endpoint URL.
credential_source (Mapping) – The credential source dictionary.
service_account_impersonation_url (Optional [ str ]) – The optional ser-
vice account impersonation generateAccessToken URL.
client_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client ID.
client_secret (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client secret.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional quota project ID.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Optional scopes to request during the
authorization grant.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the generateAccessToken endpoint
returned an error.
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
The project number corresponding to the workload identity pool.
Type Optional [ str ]
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
2.1. google package 61
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Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
Retrieves the subject token using the credential_source object.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
Returns The retrieved subject token.
Return type str
Retrieves the project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool.
When not determinable, None is returned.
This is introduced to support the current pattern of using the Auth library:
credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
The resource may not have permission (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required
scopes may not be selected:
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
The project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool if determinable.
Return type Optional [ str ]
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
62 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
google.auth.iam module
Tools for using the Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) APIs auth-related functionality.
class Signer(request, credentials, service_account_email)
Bases: google.auth.crypt.base.Signer
Signs messages using the IAM signBlob API.
This is useful when you need to sign bytes but do not have access to the credential’s private key file.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials) The credentials
that will be used to authenticate the request to the IAM API. The credentials must have
of one the following scopes:
2.1. google package 63
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service_account_email (str) The service account email identifying which ser-
vice account to use to sign bytes. Often, this can be the same as the service account email
in the given credentials.
The key ID used to identify this private key.
Warning: This is always None. The key ID used by IAM can not be reliably determined ahead of
Type Optional [ str ]
Signs a message.
Parameters message (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The message to be signed.
Returns The signature of the message.
Return type bytes
google.auth.identity_pool module
Identity Pool Credentials.
This module provides credentials to access Google Cloud resources from on-prem or non-Google Cloud platforms
which support external credentials (e.g. OIDC ID tokens) retrieved from local file locations or local servers. This
includes Microsoft Azure and OIDC identity providers (e.g. K8s workloads registered with Hub with Hub workload
identity enabled).
These credentials are recommended over the use of service account credentials in on-prem/non-Google Cloud plat-
forms as they do not involve the management of long-live service account private keys.
Identity Pool Credentials are initialized using external_account arguments which are typically loaded from an external
credentials file or an external credentials URL. Unlike other Credentials that can be initialized with a list of explicit
arguments, secrets or credentials, external account clients use the environment and hints/guidelines provided by the
external_account JSON file to retrieve credentials and exchange them for Google access tokens.
class Credentials(audience, subject_token_type, token_url, credential_source, ser-
vice_account_impersonation_url=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None,
quota_project_id=None, scopes=None, default_scopes=None)
Bases: google.auth.external_account.Credentials
External account credentials sourced from files and URLs.
Instantiates an external account credentials object from a file/URL.
audience (str) – The STS audience field.
subject_token_type (str) – The subject token type.
token_url (str) – The STS endpoint URL.
credential_source (Mapping) The credential source dictionary used to provide
instructions on how to retrieve external credential to be exchanged for Google access tokens.
64 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Example credential_source for url-sourced credential:
"url": "",
"format": {
"type": "json",
"subject_token_field_name": "access_token",
"headers": {"foo": "bar"},
Example credential_source for file-sourced credential:
"file": "/path/to/token/file.txt"
service_account_impersonation_url (Optional [ str ]) – The optional ser-
vice account impersonation getAccessToken URL.
client_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client ID.
client_secret (Optional [ str ]) – The optional client secret.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The optional quota project ID.
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Optional scopes to request during the
authorization grant.
default_scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) Default scopes passed by a
Google client library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError If an error is encountered during ac-
cess token retrieval logic.
ValueError – For invalid parameters.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_file() or from_info() are used instead of calling
the constructor directly.
Retrieves the subject token using the credential_source object.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
Returns The retrieved subject token.
Return type str
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
2.1. google package 65
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before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Retrieves the project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool.
When not determinable, None is returned.
This is introduced to support the current pattern of using the Auth library:
credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()
The resource may not have permission (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required
scopes may not be selected:
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make
HTTP requests.
The project ID corresponding to the workload identity pool if determinable.
Return type Optional [ str ]
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
The project number corresponding to the workload identity pool.
Type Optional [ str ]
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
66 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
classmethod from_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an Identity Pool Credentials instance from parsed external account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) The Identity Pool external account info in Google
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.identity_pool.Credentials
Raises ValueError – For invalid parameters.
classmethod from_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates an IdentityPool Credentials instance from an external account json file.
2.1. google package 67
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
filename (str) – The path to the IdentityPool external account json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.identity_pool.Credentials
google.auth.impersonated_credentials module
Google Cloud Impersonated credentials.
This module provides authentication for applications where local credentials impersonates a remote service account
using IAM Credentials API.
This class can be used to impersonate a service account as long as the original Credential object has the “Service
Account Token Creator” role on the target service account.
class Credentials(source_credentials, target_principal, target_scopes, delegates=None, life-
time=3600, quota_project_id=None, iam_endpoint_override=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject, google.auth.
This module defines impersonated credentials which are essentially impersonated identities.
Impersonated Credentials allows credentials issued to a user or service account to impersonate another. The
target service account must grant the originating credential principal the Service Account Token Creator IAM
For more information about Token Creator IAM role and IAMCredentials API, see Creating Short-Lived Service
Account Credentials.
First grant source_credentials the Service Account Token Creator role on the target account to impersonate. In
this example, the service account represented by svc_account.json has the token creator role on impersonated-
Enable the IAMCredentials API on the source project: gcloud services enable
Initialize a source credential which does not have access to list bucket:
from google.oauth2 import service_account
target_scopes = [
source_credentials = (
Now use the source credentials to acquire credentials to impersonate another service account:
from google.auth import impersonated_credentials
target_credentials = impersonated_credentials.Credentials(
(continues on next page)
68 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
(continued from previous page)
target_scopes = target_scopes,
Resource access is granted:
client = storage.Client(credentials=target_credentials)
buckets = client.list_buckets(project='your_project')
for bucket in buckets:
source_credentials (google.auth.Credentials) The source credential
used as to acquire the impersonated credentials.
target_principal (str) – The service account to impersonate.
target_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Scopes to request during the authorization grant.
delegates (Sequence [ str ]) The chained list of delegates required to grant the
final access_token. If set, the sequence of identities must have “Service Account Token
Creator” capability granted to the prceeding identity. For example, if set to [serviceAc-
countB, serviceAccountC], the source_credential must have the Token Creator role on ser-
viceAccountB. serviceAccountB must have the Token Creator on serviceAccountC. Finally,
C must have Token Creator on target_principal. If left unset, source_credential must have
that role on target_principal.
lifetime (int) Number of seconds the delegated credential should be valid for (upto
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
This project may be different from the project used to create the credentials.
iam_endpoint_override (Optiona[str]) – The full IAM endpoint override with
the target_principal embedded. This is useful when supporting impersonation with regional
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
2.1. google package 69
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The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class IDTokenCredentials(target_credentials, target_audience=None, include_email=False,
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject
Open ID Connect ID Token-based service account credentials.
target_credentials (google.auth.Credentials) The target credential used
as to acquire the id tokens for.
target_audience (string) – Audience to issue the token for.
include_email (bool) – Include email in IdToken
70 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
google.auth.jwt module
JSON Web Tokens
Provides support for creating (encoding) and verifying (decoding) JWTs, especially JWTs generated and consumed
by Google infrastructure.
2.1. google package 71
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See rfc7519 for more details on JWTs.
To encode a JWT use encode():
from google.auth import crypt
from google.auth import jwt
signer = crypt.Signer(private_key)
payload = {'some': 'payload'}
encoded = jwt.encode(signer, payload)
To decode a JWT and verify claims use decode():
claims = jwt.decode(encoded, certs=public_certs)
You can also skip verification:
claims = jwt.decode(encoded, verify=False)
encode(signer, payload, header=None, key_id=None)
Make a signed JWT.
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign the JWT.
payload (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The JWT payload.
header (Mapping [ str, str ]) – Additional JWT header payload.
key_id (str) – The key id to add to the JWT header. If the signer has a key id it will be
used as the default. If this is specified it will override the signer’s key id.
Returns The encoded JWT.
Return type bytes
Return the decoded header of a token.
No verification is done. This is useful to extract the key id from the header in order to acquire the appropriate
certificate to verify the token.
Parameters token (Union [ str, bytes ]) – the encoded JWT.
Returns The decoded JWT header.
Return type Mapping
decode(token, certs=None, verify=True, audience=None)
Decode and verify a JWT.
token (str) – The encoded JWT.
certs (Union [ str, bytes, Mapping [ str, Union [ str, bytes ] ] ]) The
certificate used to validate the JWT signature. If bytes or string, it must the the public key
certificate in PEM format. If a mapping, it must be a mapping of key IDs to public key
certificates in PEM format. The mapping must contain the same key ID that’s specified in
the token’s header.
verify (bool) – Whether to perform signature and claim validation. Verification is done
by default.
72 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
audience (str or list) The audience claim, ‘aud’, that this JWT should contain.
Or a list of audience claims. If None then the JWT’s ‘aud’ parameter is not verified.
Returns The deserialized JSON payload in the JWT.
Return type Mapping [ str, str ]
Raises ValueError – if any verification checks failed.
class Credentials(signer, issuer, subject, audience, additional_claims=None, token_lifetime=3600,
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Signing, google.auth.credentials.
Credentials that use a JWT as the bearer token.
These credentials require an “audience” claim. This claim identifies the intended recipient of the bearer token.
The constructor arguments determine the claims for the JWT that is sent with requests. Usually, you’ll construct
these credentials with one of the helper constructors as shown in the next section.
To create JWT credentials using a Google service account private key JSON file:
audience = ''
credentials = jwt.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
If you already have the service account file loaded and parsed:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = jwt.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify the JWT claims:
credentials = jwt.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
additional_claims={'meta': 'data'})
You can also construct the credentials directly if you have a Signer instance:
credentials = jwt.Credentials(
The claims are considered immutable. If you want to modify the claims, you can easily create another instance
using with_claims():
new_audience = (
new_credentials = credentials.with_claims(audience=new_audience)
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
2.1. google package 73
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issuer (str) – The iss claim.
subject (str) – The sub claim.
audience (str) – the aud claim. The intended audience for the credentials.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
token_lifetime (int) The amount of time in seconds for which the token is valid.
Defaults to 1 hour.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an Credentials instance from a dictionary.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
classmethod from_signing_credentials(credentials, audience, **kwargs)
Creates a new google.auth.jwt.Credentials instance from an existing google.auth.
credentials.Signing instance.
The new instance will use the same signer as the existing instance and will use the existing instance’s
signer email as the issuer and subject by default.
svc_creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
audience = (
jwt_creds = jwt.Credentials.from_signing_credentials(
svc_creds, audience=audience)
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Signing) – The credentials to use
to construct the new credentials.
audience (str) – the aud claim. The intended audience for the credentials.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
74 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Returns A new Credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
with_claims(issuer=None, subject=None, audience=None, additional_claims=None)
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
issuer (str) – The iss claim. If unspecified the current issuer claim will be used.
subject (str) – The sub claim. If unspecified the current subject claim will be used.
audience (str) – the aud claim. If unspecified the current audience claim will be used.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (Any) – Unused.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
2.1. google package 75
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request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class OnDemandCredentials(signer, issuer, subject, additional_claims=None, token_lifetime=3600,
max_cache_size=10, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Signing, google.auth.credentials.
On-demand JWT credentials.
Like Credentials, this class uses a JWT as the bearer token for authentication. However, this class does
not require the audience at construction time. Instead, it will generate a new token on-demand for each request
using the request URI as the audience. It caches tokens so that multiple requests to the same URI do not incur
the overhead of generating a new token every time.
This behavior is especially useful for gRPC clients. A gRPC service may have multiple audience and gRPC
clients may not know all of the audiences required for accessing a particular service. With these credentials, no
knowledge of the audiences is required ahead of time.
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
issuer (str) – The iss claim.
subject (str) – The sub claim.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
token_lifetime (int) The amount of time in seconds for which the token is valid.
Defaults to 1 hour.
max_cache_size (int) The maximum number of JWT tokens to keep in cache. To-
kens are cached using cachetools.LRUCache.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an OnDemandCredentials instance from a dictionary.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
76 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates an OnDemandCredentials instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
classmethod from_signing_credentials(credentials, **kwargs)
Creates a new google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials instance from an existing google.
auth.credentials.Signing instance.
The new instance will use the same signer as the existing instance and will use the existing instance’s
signer email as the issuer and subject by default.
svc_creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
jwt_creds = jwt.OnDemandCredentials.from_signing_credentials(
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Signing) – The credentials to use
to construct the new credentials.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns A new Credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
with_claims(issuer=None, subject=None, additional_claims=None)
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
issuer (str) – The iss claim. If unspecified the current issuer claim will be used.
subject (str) – The sub claim. If unspecified the current subject claim will be used.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
2.1. google package 77
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Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Checks the validity of the credentials.
These credentials are always valid because it generates tokens on demand.
Raises an exception, these credentials can not be directly refreshed.
Parameters request (Any) – Unused.
Raises google.auth.RefreshError
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
request (Any) Unused. JWT credentials do not need to make an HTTP request to
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method.
url (str) The request’s URI. This is used as the audience claim when generating the
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
78 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
google.auth.jwt_async module
JSON Web Tokens
Provides support for creating (encoding) and verifying (decoding) JWTs, especially JWTs generated and consumed
by Google infrastructure.
See rfc7519 for more details on JWTs.
To encode a JWT use encode():
from google.auth import crypt
from google.auth import jwt_async
signer = crypt.Signer(private_key)
payload = {'some': 'payload'}
encoded = jwt_async.encode(signer, payload)
To decode a JWT and verify claims use decode():
claims = jwt_async.decode(encoded, certs=public_certs)
You can also skip verification:
claims = jwt_async.decode(encoded, verify=False)
NOTE: This async support is experimental and marked internal. This surface may change in minor releases.
encode(signer, payload, header=None, key_id=None)
Make a signed JWT.
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign the JWT.
payload (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The JWT payload.
header (Mapping [ str, str ]) – Additional JWT header payload.
key_id (str) – The key id to add to the JWT header. If the signer has a key id it will be
used as the default. If this is specified it will override the signer’s key id.
Returns The encoded JWT.
Return type bytes
decode(token, certs=None, verify=True, audience=None)
Decode and verify a JWT.
token (str) – The encoded JWT.
certs (Union [ str, bytes, Mapping [ str, Union [ str, bytes ] ] ]) The
certificate used to validate the JWT signature. If bytes or string, it must the the public key
certificate in PEM format. If a mapping, it must be a mapping of key IDs to public key
certificates in PEM format. The mapping must contain the same key ID that’s specified in
the token’s header.
verify (bool) – Whether to perform signature and claim validation. Verification is done
by default.
2.1. google package 79
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
audience (str) – The audience claim, ‘aud’, that this JWT should contain. If None then
the JWT’s ‘aud’ parameter is not verified.
Returns The deserialized JSON payload in the JWT.
Return type Mapping [ str, str ]
Raises ValueError – if any verification checks failed.
class Credentials(signer, issuer, subject, audience, additional_claims=None, token_lifetime=3600,
Bases: google.auth.jwt.Credentials, google.auth._credentials_async.Signing,
Credentials that use a JWT as the bearer token.
These credentials require an “audience” claim. This claim identifies the intended recipient of the bearer token.
The constructor arguments determine the claims for the JWT that is sent with requests. Usually, you’ll construct
these credentials with one of the helper constructors as shown in the next section.
To create JWT credentials using a Google service account private key JSON file:
audience = ''
credentials = jwt_async.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
If you already have the service account file loaded and parsed:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = jwt_async.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify the JWT claims:
credentials = jwt_async.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
additional_claims={'meta': 'data'})
You can also construct the credentials directly if you have a Signer instance:
credentials = jwt_async.Credentials(
The claims are considered immutable. If you want to modify the claims, you can easily create another instance
using with_claims():
new_audience = (
new_credentials = credentials.with_claims(audience=new_audience)
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
80 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
issuer (str) – The iss claim.
subject (str) – The sub claim.
audience (str) – the aud claim. The intended audience for the credentials.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
token_lifetime (int) The amount of time in seconds for which the token is valid.
Defaults to 1 hour.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an Credentials instance from a dictionary.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
2.1. google package 81
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_signing_credentials(credentials, audience, **kwargs)
Creates a new google.auth.jwt.Credentials instance from an existing google.auth.
credentials.Signing instance.
The new instance will use the same signer as the existing instance and will use the existing instance’s
signer email as the issuer and subject by default.
svc_creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
audience = (
jwt_creds = jwt.Credentials.from_signing_credentials(
svc_creds, audience=audience)
credentials (google.auth.credentials.Signing) – The credentials to use
to construct the new credentials.
audience (str) – the aud claim. The intended audience for the credentials.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns A new Credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (Any) – Unused.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
82 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
with_claims(issuer=None, subject=None, audience=None, additional_claims=None)
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
issuer (str) – The iss claim. If unspecified the current issuer claim will be used.
subject (str) – The sub claim. If unspecified the current subject claim will be used.
audience (str) – the aud claim. If unspecified the current audience claim will be used.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
class OnDemandCredentials(signer, issuer, subject, additional_claims=None, token_lifetime=3600,
max_cache_size=10, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials, google.auth._credentials_async.
Signing, google.auth._credentials_async.Credentials
On-demand JWT credentials.
Like Credentials, this class uses a JWT as the bearer token for authentication. However, this class does
not require the audience at construction time. Instead, it will generate a new token on-demand for each request
using the request URI as the audience. It caches tokens so that multiple requests to the same URI do not incur
the overhead of generating a new token every time.
This behavior is especially useful for gRPC clients. A gRPC service may have multiple audience and gRPC
clients may not know all of the audiences required for accessing a particular service. With these credentials, no
knowledge of the audiences is required ahead of time.
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
issuer (str) – The iss claim.
subject (str) – The sub claim.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
token_lifetime (int) The amount of time in seconds for which the token is valid.
Defaults to 1 hour.
max_cache_size (int) The maximum number of JWT tokens to keep in cache. To-
kens are cached using cachetools.LRUCache.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
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headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
request (Any) Unused. JWT credentials do not need to make an HTTP request to
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method.
url (str) The request’s URI. This is used as the audience claim when generating the
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates an OnDemandCredentials instance from a service account .json file in Google format.
filename (str) – The path to the service account .json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates an OnDemandCredentials instance from a dictionary.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_signing_credentials(credentials, **kwargs)
Creates a new google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials instance from an existing google.
auth.credentials.Signing instance.
The new instance will use the same signer as the existing instance and will use the existing instance’s
signer email as the issuer and subject by default.
svc_creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
jwt_creds = jwt.OnDemandCredentials.from_signing_credentials(
84 Chapter 2. google
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credentials (google.auth.credentials.Signing) – The credentials to use
to construct the new credentials.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
Returns A new Credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.Credentials
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Raises an exception, these credentials can not be directly refreshed.
Parameters request (Any) – Unused.
Raises google.auth.RefreshError
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
These credentials are always valid because it generates tokens on demand.
with_claims(issuer=None, subject=None, additional_claims=None)
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
issuer (str) – The iss claim. If unspecified the current issuer claim will be used.
subject (str) – The sub claim. If unspecified the current subject claim will be used.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
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Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
google.oauth2 package
Google OAuth 2.0 Library for Python.
google.oauth2.credentials module
OAuth 2.0 Credentials.
This module provides credentials based on OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens. These credentials usually access
resources on behalf of a user (resource owner).
Specifically, this is intended to use access tokens acquired using the Authorization Code grant and can refresh those
tokens using a optional refresh token.
Obtaining the initial access and refresh token is outside of the scope of this module. Consult rfc6749 section 4.1 for
complete details on the Authorization Code grant flow.
class Credentials(token, refresh_token=None, id_token=None, token_uri=None, client_id=None,
client_secret=None, scopes=None, default_scopes=None, quota_project_id=None,
expiry=None, rapt_token=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.ReadOnlyScoped, google.auth.credentials.
Credentials using OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens.
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the quota project, use
with_quota_project() or
credentials = credentials.with_quota_project('myproject-123)
If reauth is enabled, pyu2f dependency has to be installed in order to use security key reauth feature. Dependency
can be installed via pip install pyu2f or pip install google-auth[reauth].
token (Optional(str)) – The OAuth 2.0 access token. Can be None if refresh infor-
mation is provided.
refresh_token (str) The OAuth 2.0 refresh token. If specified, credentials can be
id_token (str) – The Open ID Connect ID Token.
token_uri (str) The OAuth 2.0 authorization server’s token endpoint URI. Must be
specified for refresh, can be left as None if the token can not be refreshed.
client_id (str) – The OAuth 2.0 client ID. Must be specified for refresh, can be left as
None if the token can not be refreshed.
client_secret (str) – The OAuth 2.0 client secret. Must be specified for refresh, can
be left as None if the token can not be refreshed.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) The scopes used to obtain authorization. This parameter
is used by has_scopes(). OAuth 2.0 credentials can not request additional scopes after
authorization. The scopes must be derivable from the refresh token if refresh information is
86 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
provided (e.g. The refresh token scopes are a superset of this or contain a wild card scope
like ‘’).
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
This project may be different from the project used to create the credentials.
rapt_token (Optional [ str ]) – The reauth Proof Token.
The OAuth 2.0 refresh token.
Type Optional [ str ]
The OAuth 2.0 permission scopes.
Type Optional [ str ]
The OAuth 2.0 authorization server’s token endpoint URI.
Type Optional [ str ]
The Open ID Connect ID Token.
Depending on the authorization server and the scopes requested, this may be populated when credentials
are obtained and updated when refresh() is called. This token is a JWT. It can be verified and decoded
using google.oauth2.id_token.verify_oauth2_token().
Type Optional [ str ]
The OAuth 2.0 client ID.
Type Optional [ str ]
The OAuth 2.0 client secret.
Type Optional [ str ]
OAuth 2.0 credentials have their scopes set when the initial token is requested and can not be changed.
Type False
The reauth Proof Token.
Type Optional [ str ]
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
2.1. google package 87
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Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
classmethod from_authorized_user_info(info, scopes=None)
Creates a Credentials instance from parsed authorized user info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The authorized user info in Google format.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of scopes to include in the credentials.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_authorized_user_file(filename, scopes=None)
Creates a Credentials instance from an authorized user json file.
filename (str) – The path to the authorized user json file.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of scopes to include in the credentials.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the file is not in the expected format.
Utility function that creates a JSON representation of a Credentials object.
Parameters strip (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of members to exclude from the gen-
erated JSON.
Returns A JSON representation of this instance. When converted into a dictionary, it can be
passed to from_authorized_user_info() to create a new credential instance.
Return type str
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
88 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class UserAccessTokenCredentials(account=None, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.CredentialsWithQuotaProject
Access token credentials for user account.
Obtain the access token for a given user account or the current active user account with the gcloud auth
print-access-token command.
account (Optional [ str ]) – Account to get the access token for. If not specified, the
current active account will be used.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Create a new instance with the given account.
Parameters account (str) – Account to get the access token for.
The created credentials with the given account.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.UserAccessTokenCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
2.1. google package 89
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Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) This argument is re-
quired by the base class interface but not used in this implementation, so just set it to None.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.UserAccessTokenError If the access token re-
fresh failed.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
google.oauth2.credentials_async module
OAuth 2.0 Async Credentials.
This module provides credentials based on OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens. These credentials usually access
resources on behalf of a user (resource owner).
Specifically, this is intended to use access tokens acquired using the Authorization Code grant and can refresh those
tokens using a optional refresh token.
Obtaining the initial access and refresh token is outside of the scope of this module. Consult rfc6749 section 4.1 for
complete details on the Authorization Code grant flow.
90 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
class Credentials(token, refresh_token=None, id_token=None, token_uri=None, client_id=None,
client_secret=None, scopes=None, default_scopes=None, quota_project_id=None,
expiry=None, rapt_token=None)
Bases: google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Credentials using OAuth 2.0 access and refresh tokens.
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the quota project, use
with_quota_project() or
credentials = credentials.with_quota_project('myproject-123)
token (Optional(str)) – The OAuth 2.0 access token. Can be None if refresh infor-
mation is provided.
refresh_token (str) The OAuth 2.0 refresh token. If specified, credentials can be
id_token (str) – The Open ID Connect ID Token.
token_uri (str) The OAuth 2.0 authorization server’s token endpoint URI. Must be
specified for refresh, can be left as None if the token can not be refreshed.
client_id (str) – The OAuth 2.0 client ID. Must be specified for refresh, can be left as
None if the token can not be refreshed.
client_secret (str) – The OAuth 2.0 client secret. Must be specified for refresh, can
be left as None if the token can not be refreshed.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) The scopes used to obtain authorization. This parameter
is used by has_scopes(). OAuth 2.0 credentials can not request additional scopes after
authorization. The scopes must be derivable from the refresh token if refresh information is
provided (e.g. The refresh token scopes are a superset of this or contain a wild card scope
like ‘’).
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
This project may be different from the project used to create the credentials.
rapt_token (Optional [ str ]) – The reauth Proof Token.
The OAuth 2.0 refresh token.
Type Optional [ str ]
The reauth Proof Token.
Type Optional [ str ]
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
2.1. google package 91
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before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
The OAuth 2.0 client ID.
Type Optional [ str ]
The OAuth 2.0 client secret.
Type Optional [ str ]
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
classmethod from_authorized_user_file(filename, scopes=None)
Creates a Credentials instance from an authorized user json file.
filename (str) – The path to the authorized user json file.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of scopes to include in the credentials.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the file is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_authorized_user_info(info, scopes=None)
Creates a Credentials instance from parsed authorized user info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The authorized user info in Google format.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of scopes to include in the credentials.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
92 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
The Open ID Connect ID Token.
Depending on the authorization server and the scopes requested, this may be populated when credentials
are obtained and updated when refresh() is called. This token is a JWT. It can be verified and decoded
using google.oauth2.id_token.verify_oauth2_token().
Type Optional [ str ]
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
OAuth 2.0 credentials have their scopes set when the initial token is requested and can not be changed.
Type False
The OAuth 2.0 permission scopes.
Type Optional [ str ]
Utility function that creates a JSON representation of a Credentials object.
Parameters strip (Sequence [ str ]) – Optional list of members to exclude from the gen-
erated JSON.
Returns A JSON representation of this instance. When converted into a dictionary, it can be
passed to from_authorized_user_info() to create a new credential instance.
Return type str
The OAuth 2.0 authorization server’s token endpoint URI.
Type Optional [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
2.1. google package 93
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Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
class UserAccessTokenCredentials(account=None, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.oauth2.credentials.UserAccessTokenCredentials
Access token credentials for user account.
Obtain the access token for a given user account or the current active user account with the gcloud auth
print-access-token command.
account (Optional [ str ]) – Account to get the access token for. If not specified, the
current active account will be used.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) This argument is re-
quired by the base class interface but not used in this implementation, so just set it to None.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.UserAccessTokenError If the access token re-
fresh failed.
Checks the validity of the credentials.
94 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Create a new instance with the given account.
Parameters account (str) – Account to get the access token for.
The created credentials with the given account.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.UserAccessTokenCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
google.oauth2.id_token module
Google ID Token helpers.
Provides support for verifying OpenID Connect ID Tokens, especially ones generated by Google infrastructure.
To parse and verify an ID Token issued by Google’s OAuth 2.0 authorization server use
verify_oauth2_token(). To verify an ID Token issued by Firebase, use verify_firebase_token().
A general purpose ID Token verifier is available as verify_token().
from google.oauth2 import id_token
from google.auth.transport import requests
request = requests.Request()
id_info = id_token.verify_oauth2_token(
token, request, '')
userid = id_info['sub']
By default, this will re-fetch certificates for each verification. Because Google’s public keys are only changed infre-
quently (on the order of once per day), you may wish to take advantage of caching to reduce latency and the potential
for network errors. This can be accomplished using an external library like CacheControl to create a cache-aware
import cachecontrol
import google.auth.transport.requests
import requests
session = requests.session()
cached_session = cachecontrol.CacheControl(session)
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request(session=cached_session)
verify_token(id_token, request, audience=None, certs_url=’’)
Verifies an ID token and returns the decoded token.
2.1. google package 95
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id_token (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The encoded token.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
audience (str or list) The audience or audiences that this token is intended for.
If None then the audience is not verified.
certs_url (str) The URL that specifies the certificates to use to verify the token. This
URL should return JSON in the format of {'key id': 'x509 certificate'}.
Returns The decoded token.
Return type Mapping [ str, Any ]
verify_oauth2_token(id_token, request, audience=None)
Verifies an ID Token issued by Google’s OAuth 2.0 authorization server.
id_token (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The encoded token.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
audience (str) The audience that this token is intended for. This is typically your
application’s OAuth 2.0 client ID. If None then the audience is not verified.
Returns The decoded token.
Return type Mapping [ str, Any ]
Raises exceptions.GoogleAuthError – If the issuer is invalid.
verify_firebase_token(id_token, request, audience=None)
Verifies an ID Token issued by Firebase Authentication.
id_token (Union [ str, bytes ]) – The encoded token.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) The object used to make HTTP
audience (str) The audience that this token is intended for. This is typically your
Firebase application ID. If None then the audience is not verified.
Returns The decoded token.
Return type Mapping [ str, Any ]
fetch_id_token(request, audience)
Fetch the ID Token from the current environment.
This function acquires ID token from the environment in the following order:
1. If the application is running in Compute Engine, App Engine or Cloud Run, then the ID token are obtained
from the metadata server.
2. If the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set to the path of a valid service
account JSON file, then ID token is acquired using this service account credentials.
3. If metadata server doesn’t exist and no valid service account credentials are found,
DefaultCredentialsError will be raised.
96 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
import google.oauth2.id_token
import google.auth.transport.requests
request = google.auth.transport.requests.Request()
target_audience = ""
id_token = google.oauth2.id_token.fetch_id_token(request, target_audience)
request (google.auth.transport.Request) A callable used to make HTTP
audience (str) – The audience that this ID token is intended for.
Returns The ID token.
Return type str
Raises DefaultCredentialsError If metadata server doesn’t exist and no valid service
account credentials are found.
google.oauth2.service_account module
Service Accounts: JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0
This module implements the JWT Profile for OAuth 2.0 Authorization Grants as defined by RFC 7523 with particular
support for how this RFC is implemented in Google’s infrastructure. Google refers to these credentials as Service
Service accounts are used for server-to-server communication, such as interactions between a web application server
and a Google service. The service account belongs to your application instead of to an individual end user. In contrast
to other OAuth 2.0 profiles, no users are involved and your application “acts” as the service account.
Typically an application uses a service account when the application uses Google APIs to work with its own data
rather than a user’s data. For example, an application that uses Google Cloud Datastore for data persistence would use
a service account to authenticate its calls to the Google Cloud Datastore API. However, an application that needs to
access a user’s Drive documents would use the normal OAuth 2.0 profile.
Additionally, Google Apps domain administrators can grant service accounts domain-wide delegation authority to
access user data on behalf of users in the domain.
This profile uses a JWT to acquire an OAuth 2.0 access token. The JWT is used in place of the usual authorization
token returned during the standard OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant. The JWT is only used for this purpose, as the
acquired access token is used as the bearer token when making requests using these credentials.
This profile differs from normal OAuth 2.0 profile because no user consent step is required. The use of the private key
allows this profile to assert identity directly.
This profile also differs from the google.auth.jwt authentication because the JWT credentials use the JWT
directly as the bearer token. This profile instead only uses the JWT to obtain an OAuth 2.0 access token. The obtained
OAuth 2.0 access token is used as the bearer token.
Domain-wide delegation
Domain-wide delegation allows a service account to access user data on behalf of any user in a Google Apps domain
without consent from the user. For example, an application that uses the Google Calendar API to add events to the
2.1. google package 97
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
calendars of all users in a Google Apps domain would use a service account to access the Google Calendar API on
behalf of users.
The Google Apps administrator must explicitly authorize the service account to do this. This authorization step is
referred to as “delegating domain-wide authority” to a service account.
You can use domain-wise delegation by creating a set of credentials with a specific subject using with_subject().
class Credentials(signer, service_account_email, token_uri, scopes=None, default_scopes=None,
subject=None, project_id=None, quota_project_id=None, addi-
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Signing, google.auth.credentials.Scoped,
Service account credentials
Usually, you’ll create these credentials with one of the helper constructors. To create credentials using a Google
service account private key JSON file:
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
Or if you already have the service account file loaded:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify additional scopes and a subject if
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the scopes or the subject used for delegation,
use with_scopes() or with_subject():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['email'])
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject(subject)
To add a quota project, use with_quota_project():
credentials = credentials.with_quota_project('myproject-123')
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
service_account_email (str) – The service account’s email.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) User-defined scopes to request during the authorization
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
98 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
subject (str) – For domain-wide delegation, the email address of the user to for which
to request delegated access.
project_id (str) – Project ID associated with the service account credential.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_service_account_file() or
from_service_account_info() are used instead of calling the constructor directly.
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from parsed service account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from a service account json file.
filename (str) – The path to the service account json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
The service account email.
Project ID associated with this credential.
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
2.1. google package 99
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified subject.
Parameters subject (str) – The subject claim.
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
Parameters additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for
the JWT payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
100 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
class IDTokenCredentials(signer, service_account_email, token_uri, target_audience, addi-
tional_claims=None, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.auth.credentials.Signing, google.auth.credentials.
Open ID Connect ID Token-based service account credentials.
These credentials are largely similar to Credentials, but instead of using an OAuth 2.0 Access Token as the
bearer token, they use an Open ID Connect ID Token as the bearer token. These credentials are useful when
communicating to services that require ID Tokens and can not accept access tokens.
Usually, you’ll create these credentials with one of the helper constructors. To create credentials using a Google
service account private key JSON file:
2.1. google package 101
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
credentials = (
Or if you already have the service account file loaded:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = (
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify additional scopes and a subject if
credentials = (
subject='[email protected]'))
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the scopes or the subject used for delegation,
use with_scopes() or with_subject():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['email'])
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject(subject)
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
service_account_email (str) – The service account’s email.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials, used when re-
questing the ID Token. The ID Token’s aud claim will be set to this string.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_service_account_file() or
from_service_account_info() are used instead of calling the constructor directly.
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates a credentials instance from parsed service account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
102 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a credentials instance from a service account json file.
filename (str) – The path to the service account json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified target audience.
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials,
when requesting the ID Token. (used) –
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
The service account email.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
2.1. google package 103
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
google.oauth2.service_account_async module
Service Accounts: JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0
NOTE: This file adds asynchronous refresh methods to both credentials classes, and therefore async/await syntax is
required when calling this method when using service account credentials with asynchronous functionality. Otherwise,
all other methods are inherited from the regular service account credentials file google.oauth2.service_account
class Credentials(signer, service_account_email, token_uri, scopes=None, default_scopes=None,
subject=None, project_id=None, quota_project_id=None, addi-
Bases: google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials, google.auth.
_credentials_async.Scoped, google.auth._credentials_async.Credentials
Service account credentials
Usually, you’ll create these credentials with one of the helper constructors. To create credentials using a Google
service account private key JSON file:
credentials = _service_account_async.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
104 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Or if you already have the service account file loaded:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = _service_account_async.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify additional scopes and a subject if
credentials = _service_account_async.Credentials.from_service_account_file(
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the scopes or the subject used for delegation,
use with_scopes() or with_subject():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['email'])
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject(subject)
To add a quota project, use with_quota_project():
credentials = credentials.with_quota_project('myproject-123')
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
service_account_email (str) – The service account’s email.
scopes (Sequence [ str ]) User-defined scopes to request during the authorization
default_scopes (Sequence [ str ]) Default scopes passed by a Google client
library. Use ‘scopes’ for user-defined scopes.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
subject (str) – For domain-wide delegation, the email address of the user to for which
to request delegated access.
project_id (str) – Project ID associated with the service account credential.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_service_account_file() or
from_service_account_info() are used instead of calling the constructor directly.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
2.1. google package 105
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
the credentials’ current set of default scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from a service account json file.
filename (str) – The path to the service account json file.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates a Credentials instance from parsed service account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
Checks if the credentials have the given scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to check.
Returns True if the credentials have the given scopes.
Return type bool
106 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Project ID associated with this credential.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
Checks if the credentials requires scopes.
Returns True if there are no scopes set otherwise False.
Return type bool
the credentials’ current set of scopes.
Type Sequence [ str ]
The service account email.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with modified claims.
Parameters additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for
the JWT payload. This will be merged with the current additional claims.
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
2.1. google package 107
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
with_scopes(scopes, default_scopes=None)
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified scopes.
Parameters scopes (Sequence [ str ]) – The list of scopes to attach to the current creden-
Raises NotImplementedError – If the credentials’ scopes can not be changed. This can be
avoided by checking requires_scopes before calling this method.
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified subject.
Parameters subject (str) – The subject claim.
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.Credentials
class IDTokenCredentials(signer, service_account_email, token_uri, target_audience, addi-
tional_claims=None, quota_project_id=None)
Bases: google.oauth2.service_account.IDTokenCredentials, google.auth.
_credentials_async.Signing, google.auth._credentials_async.Credentials
Open ID Connect ID Token-based service account credentials.
These credentials are largely similar to Credentials, but instead of using an OAuth 2.0 Access Token as the
bearer token, they use an Open ID Connect ID Token as the bearer token. These credentials are useful when
communicating to services that require ID Tokens and can not accept access tokens.
Usually, you’ll create these credentials with one of the helper constructors. To create credentials using a Google
service account private key JSON file:
credentials = (
Or if you already have the service account file loaded:
service_account_info = json.load(open('service_account.json'))
credentials = (
Both helper methods pass on arguments to the constructor, so you can specify additional scopes and a subject if
credentials = (
subject='[email protected]'))
108 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
The credentials are considered immutable. If you want to modify the scopes or the subject used for delegation,
use with_scopes() or with_subject():
scoped_credentials = credentials.with_scopes(['email'])
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject(subject)
signer (google.auth.crypt.Signer) – The signer used to sign JWTs.
service_account_email (str) – The service account’s email.
token_uri (str) – The OAuth 2.0 Token URI.
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials, used when re-
questing the ID Token. The ID Token’s aud claim will be set to this string.
additional_claims (Mapping [ str, str ]) Any additional claims for the JWT
assertion used in the authorization grant.
quota_project_id (Optional [ str ]) – The project ID used for quota and billing.
Note: Typically one of the helper constructors from_service_account_file() or
from_service_account_info() are used instead of calling the constructor directly.
apply(headers, token=None)
Apply the token to the authentication header.
headers (Mapping) – The HTTP request headers.
token (Optional [ str ]) – If specified, overrides the current access token.
before_request(request, method, url, headers)
Performs credential-specific before request logic.
Refreshes the credentials if necessary, then calls apply() to apply the token to the authentication header.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make HTTP
method (str) – The request’s HTTP method or the RPC method being invoked.
url (str) – The request’s URI or the RPC service’s URI.
headers (Mapping) – The request’s headers.
Checks if the credentials are expired.
Note that credentials can be invalid but not expired because Credentials with expiry set to None is
considered to never expire.
classmethod from_service_account_file(filename, **kwargs)
Creates a credentials instance from a service account json file.
filename (str) – The path to the service account json file.
2.1. google package 109
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
classmethod from_service_account_info(info, **kwargs)
Creates a credentials instance from parsed service account info.
info (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The service account info in Google format.
kwargs – Additional arguments to pass to the constructor.
The constructed credentials.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
Raises ValueError – If the info is not in the expected format.
Project to use for quota and billing purposes.
Refreshes the access token.
Parameters request (google.auth.transport.Request) – The object used to make
HTTP requests.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError – If the credentials could not be re-
The service account email.
Signs the given message.
Parameters message (bytes) – The message to sign.
Returns The message’s cryptographic signature.
Return type bytes
The signer used to sign bytes.
Type google.auth.crypt.Signer
An email address that identifies the signer.
Type Optional [ str ]
Checks the validity of the credentials.
This is True if the credentials have a token and the token is not expired.
Returns a copy of these credentials with a modified quota project.
Parameters quota_project_id (str) – The project to use for quota and billing purposes
110 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Returns A new credentials instance.
Return type google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials
Create a copy of these credentials with the specified target audience.
target_audience (str) – The intended audience for these credentials,
when requesting the ID Token. (used) –
A new credentials instance.
Return type google.auth.service_account.IDTokenCredentials
google.oauth2.sts module
OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange Spec.
This module defines a token exchange utility based on the OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange spec. This will be mainly used
to exchange external credentials for GCP access tokens in workload identity pools to access Google APIs.
The implementation will support various types of client authentication as allowed in the spec.
A deviation on the spec will be for additional Google specific options that cannot be easily mapped to parameters
defined in the RFC.
The returned dictionary response will be based on the rfc8693 section 2.2.1 spec JSON response.
class Client(token_exchange_endpoint, client_authentication=None)
Bases: google.oauth2.utils.OAuthClientAuthHandler
Implements the OAuth 2.0 token exchange spec based on
Initializes an STS client instance.
token_exchange_endpoint (str) – The token exchange endpoint.
client_authentication (Optional(google.oauth2.oauth2_utils.
ClientAuthentication)) The optional OAuth client authentication credentials if
exchange_token(request, grant_type, subject_token, subject_token_type, resource=None, audi-
ence=None, scopes=None, requested_token_type=None, actor_token=None, ac-
tor_token_type=None, additional_options=None, additional_headers=None)
Exchanges the provided token for another type of token based on the rfc8693 spec.
request (google.auth.transport.Request) – A callable used to make HTTP
grant_type (str) – The OAuth 2.0 token exchange grant type.
subject_token (str) – The OAuth 2.0 token exchange subject token.
subject_token_type (str) – The OAuth 2.0 token exchange subject token type.
resource (Optional [ str ]) The optional OAuth 2.0 token exchange resource
2.1. google package 111
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
audience (Optional [ str ]) The optional OAuth 2.0 token exchange audience
scopes (Optional [ Sequence [ str ] ]) – The optional list of scopes to use.
requested_token_type (Optional [ str ]) The optional OAuth 2.0 token ex-
change requested token type.
actor_token (Optional [ str ]) The optional OAuth 2.0 token exchange actor
actor_token_type (Optional [ str ]) The optional OAuth 2.0 token exchange
actor token type.
additional_options (Optional [ Mapping [ str, str ] ]) – The optional addi-
tional non-standard Google specific options.
additional_headers (Optional [ Mapping [ str, str ] ]) – The optional addi-
tional headers to pass to the token exchange endpoint.
The token exchange JSON-decoded response data containing the requested token and
its expiration time.
Return type Mapping [ str, str ]
Raises google.auth.exceptions.OAuthError – If the token endpoint returned an er-
apply_client_authentication_options(headers, request_body=None,
Applies client authentication on the OAuth request’s headers or POST body.
headers (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The HTTP request header.
request_body (Optional [ Mapping [ str, str ] ]) The HTTP request body
dictionary. For requests that do not support request body, this is None and will be ignored.
bearer_token (Optional [ str ]) – The optional bearer token.
google.oauth2.utils module
OAuth 2.0 Utilities.
This module provides implementations for various OAuth 2.0 utilities. This includes OAuth error handling and Client
authentication for OAuth flows.
OAuth error handling
This will define interfaces for handling OAuth related error responses as stated in RFC 6749 section 5.2. This will in-
clude a common function to convert these HTTP error responses to a google.auth.exceptions.OAuthError
112 Chapter 2. google
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Client authentication for OAuth flows
We introduce an interface for defining client authentication credentials based on RFC 6749 section 2.3.1. This will
expose the following capabilities:
Ability to support basic authentication via request header.
Ability to support bearer token authentication via request header.
Ability to support client ID / secret authentication via request body.
class ClientAuthType
Bases: enum.Enum
An enumeration.
class ClientAuthentication(client_auth_type, client_id, client_secret=None)
Bases: object
Defines the client authentication credentials for basic and request-body types based on
Instantiates a client authentication object containing the client ID and secret credentials for basic and response-
body auth.
client_auth_type (google.oauth2.oauth_utils.ClientAuthType)
The client authentication type.
client_id (str) – The client ID.
client_secret (Optional [ str ]) – The client secret.
class OAuthClientAuthHandler(client_authentication=None)
Bases: object
Abstract class for handling client authentication in OAuth-based operations.
Instantiates an OAuth client authentication handler.
Parameters client_authentication (Optional [ google.oauth2.utils.
ClientAuthentication ]) – The OAuth client authentication credentials if available.
apply_client_authentication_options(headers, request_body=None,
Applies client authentication on the OAuth request’s headers or POST body.
headers (Mapping [ str, str ]) – The HTTP request header.
request_body (Optional [ Mapping [ str, str ] ]) The HTTP request body
dictionary. For requests that do not support request body, this is None and will be ignored.
bearer_token (Optional [ str ]) – The optional bearer token.
Translates an error response from an OAuth operation into an OAuthError exception.
Parameters response_body (str) – The decoded response data.
Raises google.auth.exceptions.OAuthError
google-auth is the Google authentication library for Python. This library provides the ability to authenticate to Google
APIs using various methods. It also provides integration with several HTTP libraries.
2.1. google package 113
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Support for Google Application Default Credentials.
Support for signing and verifying JWTs.
Support for creating Google ID Tokens.
Support for verifying and decoding ID Tokens.
Support for Google Service Account credentials.
Support for Google Impersonated Credentials.
Support for Google Compute Engine credentials.
Support for Google App Engine standard credentials.
Support for Identity Pool credentials.
Support for AWS credentials.
Support for various transports, including Requests, urllib3, and gRPC.
Note: oauth2client was recently deprecated in favor of this library. For more details on the deprecation, see
114 Chapter 2. google
google-auth can be installed with pip:
$ pip install --upgrade google-auth
google-auth is open-source, so you can alternatively grab the source code from GitHub and install from source.
For more information on setting up your Python development environment, please refer to Python Development Envi-
ronment Setup Guide for Google Cloud Platform.
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
116 Chapter 3. Installing
The User Guide is the place to go to learn how to use the library and accomplish common tasks.
The Module Reference documentation provides API-level documentation.
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
118 Chapter 4. Usage
google-auth is made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more details, see LICENSE
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
120 Chapter 5. License
We happily welcome contributions, please see our contributing documentation for details.
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
122 Chapter 6. Contributing
Python Module Index
google, 11
google.auth, 11
google.auth._credentials_async, 54
google.auth._jwt_async, 79
google.auth.app_engine, 42, 45
google.auth.compute_engine, 13
google.auth.credentials, 49
google.auth.crypt, 21
google.auth.crypt.base, 25
google.auth.crypt.es256, 27
google.auth.crypt.rsa, 28
google.auth.environment_vars, 59
google.auth.exceptions, 59
google.auth.external_account, 60
google.auth.iam, 63
google.auth.identity_pool, 64
google.auth.jwt, 71
google.auth.transport, 28
google.auth.transport.grpc, 29
google.auth.transport.mtls, 33
google.auth.transport.requests, 33
google.auth.transport.urllib3, 39
google.oauth2, 86
google.oauth2._credentials_async, 90
google.oauth2.credentials, 86
google.oauth2.id_token, 95
google.oauth2.service_account, 97
google.oauth2.sts, 111
google.oauth2.utils, 112
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
124 Python Module Index
__call__() (Request method), 29, 34, 39
AnonymousCredentials (class in
google.auth._credentials_async), 56
AnonymousCredentials (class in
google.auth.credentials), 51
apply() (AnonymousCredentials method), 51, 56
apply() (Credentials method), 14, 18, 44, 47, 50, 54,
62, 65, 70, 75, 81, 88, 91, 100, 105
apply() (CredentialsWithQuotaProject method), 50, 55
apply() (IDTokenCredentials method), 16, 20, 71, 103,
apply() (OnDemandCredentials method), 78, 83
apply() (UserAccessTokenCredentials method), 90, 94
(Client method), 112
(OAuthClientAuthHandler method), 113
AuthMetadataPlugin (class in
google.auth.transport.grpc), 29
AuthorizedHttp (class in
google.auth.transport.urllib3), 39
AuthorizedSession (class in
google.auth.transport.requests), 34
before_request() (AnonymousCredentials
method), 51, 56
before_request() (Credentials method), 14, 18, 44,
47, 50, 54, 62, 65, 70, 75, 81, 88, 91, 101, 105
before_request() (CredentialsWithQuotaProject
method), 50, 55
before_request() (IDTokenCredentials method),
16, 20, 71, 104, 109
before_request() (OnDemandCredentials
method), 78, 84
before_request() (UserAccessTokenCredentials
method), 90, 94
Client (class in google.oauth2.sts), 111
client_id (Credentials attribute), 87, 92
client_secret (Credentials attribute), 87, 92
ClientAuthentication (class in
google.oauth2.utils), 113
ClientAuthType (class in google.oauth2.utils), 113
ClientCertError, 60
close() (AuthorizedSession method), 36
google.auth.environment_vars), 59
configure_mtls_channel() (AuthorizedHttp
method), 41
configure_mtls_channel() (AuthorizedSession
method), 36
Credentials (class in
google.auth._credentials_async), 54
Credentials (class in google.auth._jwt_async), 80
Credentials (class in google.auth.app_engine), 43
Credentials (class in, 45
Credentials (class in google.auth.compute_engine),
Credentials (class in
Credentials (class in google.auth.credentials), 49
Credentials (class in google.auth.external_account),
Credentials (class in google.auth.identity_pool), 64
Credentials (class in
google.auth.impersonated_credentials), 68
Credentials (class in google.auth.jwt), 73
Credentials (class in
google.oauth2._credentials_async), 90
Credentials (class in
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Credentials (class in google.oauth2.credentials), 86
Credentials (class in
google.oauth2.service_account), 98
CREDENTIALS (in module
google.auth.environment_vars), 59
CredentialsWithQuotaProject (class in
google.auth._credentials_async), 55
CredentialsWithQuotaProject (class in
google.auth.credentials), 50
data (Response attribute), 29
decode() (in module google.auth._jwt_async), 79
decode() (in module google.auth.jwt), 72
decode_header() (in module google.auth.jwt), 72
default() (in module google.auth), 11
default_client_cert_source() (in module
google.auth.transport.mtls), 33
(in module google.auth.transport.mtls), 33
google.auth.transport), 28
google.auth.transport), 28
default_scopes (Credentials attribute), 14, 19, 44,
47, 63, 66, 89, 92, 101, 106
default_scopes (ReadOnlyScoped attribute), 52, 57
default_scopes (Scoped attribute), 53, 57
DefaultCredentialsError, 60
delete() (AuthorizedSession method), 36
encode() (in module google.auth._jwt_async), 79
encode() (in module google.auth.jwt), 72
ES256Signer (class in google.auth.crypt), 24
ES256Signer (class in google.auth.crypt.es256), 27
ES256Verifier (class in google.auth.crypt), 25
ES256Verifier (class in google.auth.crypt.es256), 27
exchange_token() (Client method), 111
expired (AnonymousCredentials attribute), 51, 56
expired (Credentials attribute), 14, 19, 44, 47, 49, 54,
63, 66, 70, 76, 81, 89, 92, 101, 106
expired (CredentialsWithQuotaProject attribute), 51,
expired (IDTokenCredentials attribute), 16, 20, 71,
104, 109
expired (OnDemandCredentials attribute), 78, 84
expired (UserAccessTokenCredentials attribute), 90,
expiry (Credentials attribute), 49
fetch_id_token() (in module
google.oauth2.id_token), 96
class method), 92
(google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials class
method), 88
class method), 92
(google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials class
method), 88
from_file() ( class
method), 47
from_file() (google.auth.identity_pool.Credentials
class method), 67
from_info() ( class
method), 47
from_info() (google.auth.identity_pool.Credentials
class method), 67
(google.auth._jwt_async.Credentials class
method), 81
class method), 84
class method), 26
(google.auth.crypt.es256.ES256Signer class
method), 28
(google.auth.crypt.ES256Signer class method),
(google.auth.crypt.RSASigner class method),
(google.auth.jwt.Credentials class method), 74
(google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials class
method), 77
class method), 106
class method), 109
class method), 99
126 Index
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
class method), 103
(google.auth._jwt_async.Credentials class
method), 81
class method), 84
class method), 26
(google.auth.crypt.es256.ES256Signer class
method), 28
(google.auth.crypt.ES256Signer class method),
(google.auth.crypt.RSASigner class method),
(google.auth.jwt.Credentials class method), 74
(google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials class
method), 76
class method), 106
class method), 110
class method), 99
class method), 102
(google.auth._jwt_async.Credentials class
method), 82
class method), 84
(google.auth.jwt.Credentials class method), 74
(google.auth.jwt.OnDemandCredentials class
method), 77
from_string() (FromServiceAccountMixin method),
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.es256.ES256Signer
class method), 27
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.es256.ES256Verifier
class method), 27
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.ES256Signer
class method), 24
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.ES256Verifier
class method), 25
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.RSASigner class
method), 23
from_string() (google.auth.crypt.RSAVerifier class
method), 23
FromServiceAccountMixin (class in
google.auth.crypt.base), 26
GCE_METADATA_IP (in module
google.auth.environment_vars), 59
google.auth.environment_vars), 59
get() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
get_adapter() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
get_project_id() (Credentials method), 47, 62, 66
get_project_id() (in module
google.auth.app_engine), 42
get_redirect_target() (AuthorizedSession
method), 37
get_request_options() (RequestSigner method),
google (module), 11
google.auth (module), 11
google.auth._credentials_async (module),
google.auth._jwt_async (module), 79
google.auth.app_engine (module), 42 (module), 45
google.auth.compute_engine (module), 13
(module), 17
google.auth.credentials (module), 49
google.auth.crypt (module), 21
google.auth.crypt.base (module), 25
google.auth.crypt.es256 (module), 27
google.auth.crypt.rsa (module), 28
google.auth.environment_vars (module), 59
google.auth.exceptions (module), 59
google.auth.external_account (module), 60
google.auth.iam (module), 63
google.auth.identity_pool (module), 64
(module), 68
google.auth.jwt (module), 71
google.auth.transport (module), 28
google.auth.transport.grpc (module), 29
google.auth.transport.mtls (module), 33
google.auth.transport.requests (module),
google.auth.transport.urllib3 (module), 39
google.oauth2 (module), 86
Index 127
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
google.oauth2._credentials_async (mod-
ule), 90
(module), 104
google.oauth2.credentials (module), 86
google.oauth2.id_token (module), 95
google.oauth2.service_account (module), 97
google.oauth2.sts (module), 111
google.oauth2.utils (module), 112
module google.auth.environment_vars), 59
GoogleAuthError, 59
handle_error_response() (in module
google.oauth2.utils), 113
has_default_client_cert_source() (in mod-
ule google.auth.transport.mtls), 33
has_scopes() (Credentials method), 14, 19, 44, 48,
63, 66, 89, 93, 101, 106
has_scopes() (ReadOnlyScoped method), 52, 57
has_scopes() (Scoped method), 53, 57
head() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
headers (AuthorizedHttp attribute), 42
headers (Response attribute), 29
id_token (Credentials attribute), 87, 93
IDTokenCredentials (class in
google.auth.compute_engine), 15
IDTokenCredentials (class in
IDTokenCredentials (class in
google.auth.impersonated_credentials), 70
IDTokenCredentials (class in
IDTokenCredentials (class in
google.oauth2.service_account), 101
is_mtls (AuthorizedSession attribute), 36
is_mtls (SslCredentials attribute), 32
key_id (ES256Signer attribute), 24, 27
key_id (RSASigner attribute), 22
key_id (Signer attribute), 22, 26, 42, 64
google.auth.environment_vars), 59
load_credentials_from_file() (in module
google.auth), 12
merge_environment_settings() (Authorized-
Session method), 37
mount() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
MutualTLSChannelError, 60
OAuthClientAuthHandler (class in
google.oauth2.utils), 113
OAuthError, 60
OnDemandCredentials (class in
google.auth._jwt_async), 83
OnDemandCredentials (class in google.auth.jwt),
options() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
patch() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
post() (AuthorizedSession method), 37
prepare_request() (AuthorizedSession method),
PROJECT (in module google.auth.environment_vars), 59
project_id (Credentials attribute), 99, 106
project_number (Credentials attribute), 48, 61, 66
put() (AuthorizedSession method), 38
quota_project_id (AnonymousCredentials at-
tribute), 51, 56
quota_project_id (Credentials attribute), 15, 19,
44, 48, 49, 54, 63, 66, 70, 76, 82, 89, 93, 101,
quota_project_id (CredentialsWithQuotaProject
attribute), 51, 55
quota_project_id (IDTokenCredentials attribute),
16, 20, 71, 104, 110
quota_project_id (OnDemandCredentials at-
tribute), 78, 85
quota_project_id (UserAccessTokenCredentials
attribute), 90, 94
rapt_token (Credentials attribute), 87, 91
ReadOnlyScoped (class in
google.auth._credentials_async), 56
ReadOnlyScoped (class in google.auth.credentials),
ReauthFailError, 60
rebuild_auth() (AuthorizedSession method), 38
rebuild_method() (AuthorizedSession method), 38
rebuild_proxies() (AuthorizedSession method),
refresh() (AnonymousCredentials method), 51, 56
128 Index
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
refresh() (Credentials method), 13, 18, 43, 48, 49,
55, 62, 66, 69, 75, 82, 87, 93, 100, 107
refresh() (CredentialsWithQuotaProject method), 51,
refresh() (IDTokenCredentials method), 16, 20, 71,
103, 110
refresh() (OnDemandCredentials method), 78, 85
refresh() (UserAccessTokenCredentials method), 90,
refresh_token (Credentials attribute), 87, 91
RefreshError, 59
Request (class in google.auth.transport), 29
Request (class in google.auth.transport.requests), 34
Request (class in google.auth.transport.urllib3), 39
request() (AuthorizedHttp method), 41
request() (AuthorizedSession method), 36
request_encode_body() (AuthorizedHttp
method), 41
request_encode_url() (AuthorizedHttp method),
RequestSigner (class in, 45
requires_scopes (Credentials attribute), 14, 18, 43,
48, 61, 67, 87, 93, 99, 107
requires_scopes (ReadOnlyScoped attribute), 52,
requires_scopes (Scoped attribute), 53, 58
resolve_redirects() (AuthorizedSession
method), 38
Response (class in google.auth.transport), 29
retrieve_subject_token() (Credentials
method), 46, 62, 65
RSASigner (class in google.auth.crypt), 22
RSAVerifier (class in google.auth.crypt), 23
Scoped (class in google.auth._credentials_async), 57
Scoped (class in google.auth.credentials), 52
scopes (Credentials attribute), 15, 19, 44, 48, 63, 67,
87, 93, 101, 107
scopes (ReadOnlyScoped attribute), 52, 57
scopes (Scoped attribute), 53, 58
secure_authorized_channel() (in module
google.auth.transport.grpc), 30
send() (AuthorizedSession method), 38
service_account_email (Credentials attribute),
13, 18, 43, 99, 107
service_account_email (IDTokenCredentials at-
tribute), 17, 21, 103, 110
should_strip_auth() (AuthorizedSession
method), 38
sign() (ES256Signer method), 24, 27
sign() (RSASigner method), 22
sign() (Signer method), 22, 26, 42, 64
sign_bytes() (Credentials method), 43, 69, 75, 82,
100, 107
sign_bytes() (IDTokenCredentials method), 17, 21,
103, 110
sign_bytes() (OnDemandCredentials method), 78,
sign_bytes() (Signing method), 53, 58
Signer (class in google.auth.app_engine), 42
Signer (class in google.auth.crypt), 22
Signer (class in google.auth.crypt.base), 26
Signer (class in google.auth.iam), 63
signer (Credentials attribute), 44, 70, 75, 82, 100, 107
signer (IDTokenCredentials attribute), 17, 21, 104, 110
signer (OnDemandCredentials attribute), 78, 85
signer (Signing attribute), 54, 58
signer_email (Credentials attribute), 44, 69, 75, 82,
100, 107
signer_email (IDTokenCredentials attribute), 17, 21,
104, 110
signer_email (OnDemandCredentials attribute), 78,
signer_email (Signing attribute), 54, 58
Signing (class in google.auth._credentials_async), 58
Signing (class in google.auth.credentials), 53
ssl_credentials (SslCredentials attribute), 32
SslCredentials (class in
google.auth.transport.grpc), 32
status (Response attribute), 29
TimeoutGuard (class in
google.auth.transport.requests), 33
to_json() (Credentials method), 88, 93
token (Credentials attribute), 49
token_uri (Credentials attribute), 87, 93
TransportError, 59
urlopen() (AuthorizedHttp method), 41
UserAccessTokenCredentials (class in
google.oauth2._credentials_async), 94
UserAccessTokenCredentials (class in
google.oauth2.credentials), 89
UserAccessTokenError, 60
valid (AnonymousCredentials attribute), 51, 56
valid (Credentials attribute), 15, 19, 44, 48, 49, 55, 63,
67, 70, 76, 82, 89, 93, 101, 107
valid (CredentialsWithQuotaProject attribute), 51, 55
valid (IDTokenCredentials attribute), 16, 21, 71, 104,
valid (OnDemandCredentials attribute), 78, 85
valid (UserAccessTokenCredentials attribute), 90, 94
Index 129
google-auth Documentation, Release 1.30.0
Verifier (class in google.auth.crypt), 22
Verifier (class in google.auth.crypt.base), 25
verify() (ES256Verifier method), 25, 27
verify() (RSAVerifier method), 23
verify() (Verifier method), 22, 25
verify_firebase_token() (in module
google.oauth2.id_token), 96
verify_oauth2_token() (in module
google.oauth2.id_token), 96
verify_token() (in module
google.oauth2.id_token), 95
with_account() (UserAccessTokenCredentials
method), 89, 95
with_claims() (Credentials method), 75, 82, 100,
with_claims() (OnDemandCredentials method), 77,
with_quota_project() (Credentials method), 14,
18, 43, 48, 63, 67, 70, 75, 83, 87, 93, 100, 107
with_quota_project() (CredentialsWithQuo-
taProject method), 50, 56
with_quota_project() (IDTokenCredentials
method), 16, 20, 71, 103, 110
with_quota_project() (OnDemandCredentials
method), 77, 85
with_quota_project() (UserAccessTokenCreden-
tials method), 89, 95
with_scopes() (Credentials method), 14, 18, 43, 49,
61, 67, 99, 108
with_scopes() (Scoped method), 52, 58
with_scopes_if_required() (in module
google.auth._credentials_async), 58
with_scopes_if_required() (in module
google.auth.credentials), 53
with_subject() (Credentials method), 100, 108
with_target_audience() (IDTokenCredentials
method), 15, 20, 103, 111
with_traceback() (ClientCertError method), 60
with_traceback() (DefaultCredentialsError
method), 60
with_traceback() (GoogleAuthError method), 59
with_traceback() (MutualTLSChannelError
method), 60
with_traceback() (OAuthError method), 60
with_traceback() (ReauthFailError method), 60
with_traceback() (RefreshError method), 60
with_traceback() (TransportError method), 59
with_traceback() (UserAccessTokenError
method), 60
130 Index