OpenCodeInterpreter: Integrating Code Generation with
Execution and Refinement
Tianyu Zheng
, Ge Zhang
, Tianhao Shen
, Xueling Liu
Bill Yuchen Lin
, Jie Fu
, Wenhu Chen
, Xiang Yue
Multimodal Art Projection Research Community,
University of Waterloo,
Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,
IN.AI Research
{zhengtianyu0428,}, [email protected]
The introduction of large language models has
significantly advanced code generation. How-
ever, open-source models often lack the execu-
tion capabilities and iterative refinement of ad-
vanced systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter.
To address this, we introduce OpenCodeIn-
terpreter, a family of open-source code sys-
tems designed for generating, executing, and
iteratively refining code. Supported by Code-
Feedback, a dataset featuring 68K multi-turn in-
teractions, OpenCodeInterpreter integrates ex-
ecution and human feedback for dynamic code
refinement. Our comprehensive evaluation of
OpenCodeInterpreter across key benchmarks
such as HumanEval, MBPP, and their enhanced
versions from EvalPlus reveals its exceptional
performance. Notably, OpenCodeInterpreter-
33B achieves an accuracy of 83.2 (76.4) on the
average (and plus versions) of HumanEval and
MBPP, closely rivaling GPT-4’s 84.2 (76.2) and
further elevates to 91.6 (84.6) with synthesized
human feedback from GPT-4. OpenCodeInter-
preter brings the gap between open-source code
generation models and proprietary systems like
GPT-4 Code Interpreter.
1 Introduction
Code generation has been a pivotal challenge
within computer science for several decades. Re-
cently, the landscape of code generation has been
revolutionized by the advent of large language
models (LLMs) pre-trained on extensive code cor-
pora (Nijkamp et al., 2022; Christopoulou et al.,
2022; Zheng et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023a; Wang
et al., 2023c; Roziere et al., 2023; Guo et al., 2024).
These models have showcased remarkable capabil-
ities in generating code that accurately aligns with
Equal Contributions.
Corresponding Author.
error Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 11>()
error: nothing to repeat at position 21
Execution Result: True
Sure, here is a Python function using Regular
Expression (regex) to check if a string is a valid
IPv6 address:
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
... ...
I apologize for the confusion. It seems like there
was a mistake in the regular expression pattern.
Let's correct that. Here is the corrected function:
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
... ...
Great! The function appears to be working as
expected now. It correctly identifies the strings
Let me know if there's anything else I can assist
you with!
Sure, let me break down the regular expression for
- ([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}: This
pattern matches an IPv6 address that consists of
Implement a Python function to check if a string
is a valid IPv6 address with regular expressions.
Can you explain the generated regular expression
in detail and make this function more maintainable?
OpenInterpreter-6.7B OpenInterpreter-33B
HumanEval Pass@1
Single Turn w/ Exec Feedback
w/ Human Feedback w/ H.F. (Oracle)
Figure 1: Overview of the OpenCodeInterpreter and its
pass@1 accuracy on the HumanEval. With appropriate
feedback, OpenCodeInterpreter-33B achieves perfor-
mance comparable to that of the GPT-4 Code Interpreter.
user intents, thus providing substantial support for
software development (GitHub, 2023).
To unleash the capabilities of pre-trained code
models, instruction-tuning methods have been de-
arXiv:2402.14658v2 [cs.SE] 28 Feb 2024
veloped. For instance, CodeAlpaca (Chaudhary,
2023) comprises 20K code instructions automat-
ically generated by applying self-instruct (Wang
et al., 2023b) to ChatGPT, utilizing 21 seed tasks as
the foundation. To further refine the coding profi-
ciency of LLMs, Luo et al. (2023) introduces Code
Evol-Instruct, a method that applies a variety of
heuristics to enrich the complexity of initial code
instructions, building upon the dataset provided
by CodeAlpaca. Meanwhile, MagicCoder (Wei
et al., 2023) employs a robust LLM to generate
novel coding challenges, sourcing inspiration from
a diverse range of open-source code snippets. Ad-
ditionally, WaveCoder (Yu et al., 2023) implements
an LLM generator-discriminator framework for cre-
ating code instruction data, offering customization
and control over the data generation process.
Despite these advancements, current code mod-
els are constrained by their capacity to utilize feed-
back for refinement. Essentially, feedback can have
two forms: (1) execution feedback, which includes
execution outputs and diagnostics, and (2) human
feedback, comprising follow-up guidance or in-
structions from users. Execution feedback plays a
vital role in enabling models to rectify syntactic and
logical errors, and human feedback aids models in
better understanding user instructions, facilitating
the generation of solutions that more closely align
with user expectations.
To address these challenges, we propose Open-
CodeInterpreter, a family of open-source code sys-
tems designed for generating, executing, and it-
eratively refining code. OpenCodeInterpreter is
trained on our constructed Code-Feedback dataset,
which features 68K multi-turn interactions between
users, code models, and compilers. OpenCodeIn-
terpreter uniquely integrates both execution and
human feedback, employing compiler diagnostics
to rectify errors and human insights to refine code
generation. This approach allows OpenCodeInter-
preter to produce solutions that are both technically
sound and closely matched to user requirements,
significantly boosting its overall performance.
Our thorough evaluation of OpenCodeInter-
preter on widely recognized benchmarks, such as
HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021), MBPP (Austin
et al., 2021), and their augmented counterparts
from EvalPlus (Liu et al., 2023), highlights its su-
perior ability to generate and iteratively refine code,
achieving exemplary standards of quality and func-
tionality. Remarkably, OpenCodeInterpreter-33B
secures an impressive accuracy of 83.2 (76.4) on
the average (and plus versions) of HumanEval and
MBPP, showcasing performance on par with GPT-
4’s 84.2 (76.2). Furthermore, when augmented with
synthesized human feedback from GPT-4, Open-
CodeInterpreters performance notably increases
to 91.6 (84.6). OpenCodeInterpreter thereby es-
tablishes a new benchmark in code generation, ef-
fectively narrowing the performance gap between
open-source models and sophisticated proprietary
systems like the GPT-4 Code Interpreter.
2 Code-Feedback
In this section, we detail the creation of our code in-
struction tuning dataset, Code-Feedback (Figure 2),
designed to train OpenCodeInterpreter. Code-
Feedback is crafted to meet specific criteria: 1)
Diverse and challenging real-world queries: The
dataset should encompass a wide range of queries
derived from real-world coding tasks, presenting
both diversity and complexity. 2) Multi-turn di-
alogue structure: Code-Feedback is structured
as multi-turn dialogues, incorporating two types
of feedback: execution feedback, which includes
outputs and diagnostics from compilers, and hu-
man feedback, consisting of additional guidance
or instructions from users. 3) Interleaved text
and code responses: Each response is expected
to provide responses that blend natural language
explanations with code snippets, offering a holistic
approach to solving coding queries.
To assemble a dataset that fulfills these desider-
ata, we have employed five distinct methods. Ex-
amples of these five categories can be found in Ap-
pendix E. The sources of our queries fall into two
main categories: a variety of open-source datasets
and coding challenges from LeetCode. In the next
subsections, we will discuss how we develop data
construction methods to meet the three aforemen-
tioned criteria from the two data sources.
2.1 Coding Queries from Open-source Data
We have aggregated 287k queries from four dis-
tinguished open-source code instruction tuning
datasets: Magicoder-OSS-Instruct
, Python code
subset of ShareGPT
, Magicoder-Evol-Instruct
and Evol-Instruct-Code
. To refine this extensive
Code Instruction
Tuning Datasets
Query Pool
Similar Query
Human Feedback
Similar Problem
Query Filtering
Code Instruction
Tuning Datasets
Query Pool
Similar Problem
Query Filtering
Dataset #Sample #Turn M.T E.F H.F
20k 20K
75K 75K
23K 23K
111K 111K
80k 80K
Code-Feedback (Ours) 68K 192K
Single-turn Packing 16K 33.5K
Interaction Simulation 51K 155.5K
Code Correction 0.5K 1.2K
LeetCode Similar Problem 0.3K 0.65K
LeetCode Follow-Up 0.2K 0.76K
Figure 2: Summary of our proposed dataset Code-Feedback construction and comparison with existing code
instruction tuning datasets. M.T: Multi Turn, E.F: Execute Feedback, H.F: Human Feedback.
collection and isolate the most intricate and in-
formative instructions, we employ a very capa-
ble open-source chat model, Qwen-72B-Chat (Bai
et al., 2023), for a selective filtering process. This
involves the LLM assessing each code query and
its corresponding response within the compiled
datasets on a complexity score from 1 to 5. Only
the most challenging queries, with ratings of 4 or
5, were retained for our seed set, ensuring a focus
on the most difficult instructions. To guarantee the
robustness of our selection, this filtering operation
is repeated with two distinct prompts (detailed in
Appendix A), thereby solidifying the complexity of
our final query selection. This meticulous process
resulted in 156k high-quality single-turn code in-
structions as the challenging query pool. Detailed
statistics of this data compilation are provided in
Appendix A.
Subsequently, we describe three methods em-
ployed to transform this curated single-turn data
into multi-turn dialogues enriched with both execu-
tion and human feedback.
Singe-turn Packing. A direct approach to craft-
ing multi-turn data is to group single-turn query-
response pairs into multi-turn formats. Inspired
by in-context pre-training techniques (Shi et al.,
2023), which consolidate similar sequences to fos-
ter model learning of dependencies among related
documents, we merge similar single-turn query-
response pairs to form multi-turn dialogues.
Utilizing the BERT-base embedding (Devlin
et al., 2019), we convert queries into vectorized rep-
resentations. For each query, the
-nearest neigh-
bors algorithm is employed to identify its four clos-
est counterparts. From these, we randomly select
two or three to assemble multi-turn sequences. To
maintain data uniqueness, once a query is chosen
as a neighbor, it is exempt from future selections as
a neighboring query, ensuring no single instruction
is repeated across the dataset. Should a query’s
potential neighbors have been previously utilized,
that query is bypassed. This method results in the
creation of 16.6K multi-turn instances derived from
105K single-turn instances.
Interaction Simulation. Gathering authentic hu-
man interaction data poses significant challenges.
To replicate a realistic code interpreter usage sce-
nario, we developed a simulator using GPT-3.5 and
GPT-4. For each selected query, GPT-3.5 first gen-
erates a preliminary response from which we ex-
tract the code snippet and execute it. The outcome
of this execution, along with any compiler diagnos-
tics, is then fed into GPT-4 to elicit a follow-up
response. This cycle is repeated until GPT-4 de-
livers what it deems a correct solution or until a
maximum of three iterations is reached.
Subsequently, we introduce simulated human
feedback into the interaction. We predefine ten
common feedback categories, including issues re-
lated to syntax and formatting, efficiency, func-
tionality, clarity, bugs, security, compatibility, re-
source use, scalability, and best practices, with each
category detailed in Appendix B. GPT-4 is then
prompted to select the most relevant feedback for
the scenario and generate appropriate responses
within that feedback category. By incorporating
this simulated feedback into the dialogue history,
GPT-4 is encouraged to refine its solutions fur-
ther, mimicking intricate user-model exchanges
and demonstrating self-correction in response to
human input. Through this simulation approach,
we have constructed 51K examples, effectively cap-
turing the nuanced dynamics of user interactions
and feedback-driven solution refinement.
Code Correction. To boost the model’s error-
handling capabilities, we include a focused stage
in our data compilation that generates 500 specific
error correction interactions. We initiate this by
prompting GPT-4 to intentionally produce incor-
rect code snippets, as outlined in Appendix B. The
model then uses the error messages from executing
these snippets as cues for corrections. This ap-
proach mirrors the real-life coding cycle, where de-
velopers continuously debug and refine their code,
thus enriching our dataset with a broad spectrum
of error correction examples. Following this, we
replace the initial prompts that resulted in incorrect
code with the ones that encourage the generation
of correct code outputs. This method ensures the
model learns from both successful code genera-
tion and error identification and correction, signif-
icantly enhancing its problem-solving skills and
understanding of the debugging process.
2.2 Coding Challenges from LeetCode
LeetCode Similar Problem. Drawing inspiration
from the practice among programmers of honing
their skills through LeetCode challenges, we gather
similar LeetCode questions and their solutions
from the TACO dataset (Li et al., 2023b). Leet-
categorizes related questions through tags,
facilitating the extraction of connected problems.
TACO ensures the LeetCode dataset is cleansed
to prevent any unintended impact on other task
datasets, such as HumanEval and MBPP. By amal-
gamating associated LeetCode questions, we com-
pile 303 multi-turn instances, enriching the dataset
with varied coding challenges.
LeetCode Follow-up Question. We further delve
into the LeetCode dataset to isolate solutions to
identical questions that differ in time or space com-
plexity or are implemented in various programming
languages. This process of aggregating diverse
solutions to the same LeetCode questions yields
200 multi-round instances, showcasing alternative
problem-solving approaches.
Given the original LeetCode solutions often lack
comprehensive natural language explanations, we
engage GPT-4 to enhance these solutions with in-
tegrated text explanations and code snippets, stan-
dardizing all instances into a consistent format. The
specific prompts used to guide GPT-4 in this enrich-
ment process are detailed in Appendix C, ensuring
clarity and educational value in the responses.
3 Experimental Setup
Training Setup. We select two capable base
models CodeLlama (Roziere et al., 2023) and
DeepSeekCoder (Guo et al., 2024) varying capaci-
ties to illustrate the dataset’s universal applicability
and benefits across different scales (7B, 13B, 34B,
70B). We maintain uniform hyperparameter config-
urations across all models. We fine-tune the base
models for 3 epochs. The learning rate is set as
2e-5 with a 0.05 warm-up ratio and a cosine sched-
uler. We impose a token cutoff length of 4096 to
maintain consistency in the input size.
To optimize the fine-tuning process, we strategi-
cally combine high-quality single-turn data from
the WizardCoder 110k dataset with our Code-
Feedback at a ratio of 2:1. Blending with single-
turn high-quality data may further boost the coding
ability. This blend is carefully selected and more
details are discussed in Table 2.
Evaluation Setup. Our evaluation framework pri-
marily leverages HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021)
and MBPP (Austin et al., 2021), two benchmarks
renowned for their rigorous testing of code gener-
ation capabilities. Acknowledging the limitations
of their original test suites in covering all edge
cases (Liu et al., 2023), we further incorporate their
extended versions, HumanEval+ and MBPP+, uti-
lizing the EvalPlus framework (Liu et al., 2023) for
a more comprehensive assessment.
In line with best practices outlined in recent
studies (Liu et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023),
OpenCodeInterpreters solutions are generated via
greedy decoding. For comparisons involving GPT-
3.5 Turbo (OpenAI, 2022) and GPT-4 Turbo (Ope-
nAI, 2023), we maintain a temperature setting of
0. EvalPlus’s unified sanitizer tool post-processes
these solutions, which are then evaluated across the
four benchmarks using EvalPlus’s toolset.
For single-turn code generation, we craft a sim-
ple instruction to encapsulate the original prompt,
forming a new input for the model. The exact
prompts are detailed in Appendix D, and we assess
the model’s performance using the pass@1 metric,
as per EvalPlus’s guidelines.
Our analysis extends to multi-turn pass rates
to explore OpenCodeInterpreters proficiency in
refining code through iterative feedback. This as-
pect of the evaluation draws on execution results
Model Size Type
HumanEval (+) MBPP (+) Average (+)
Model Data
GPT-4 Turbo 85.4 (81.7) 83.0 (70.7) 84.2 (76.2)
+ Execution Feedback
- -
88.0 (84.2) 92.0 (78.2) 90.0 (81.2)
GPT-3.5 Turbo 72.6 (65.9) 81.7 (69.4) 77.2 (67.7)
+ Execution Feedback
- -
76.8 (70.7) 87.0 (73.9) 81.9 (72.3)
Gemini Pro (Google et al., 2023) - - 63.4 (55.5) 72.9 (57.9) 68.2 (56.7)
7B Scale
StarCoder (Li et al., 2023a) 7B Base 24.4 (20.7) 33.1 (28.8) 28.8 (24.8)
CodeT5+ (Wang et al., 2023c) 6B Base 29.3 (23.8) 51.9 (40.9) 40.6 (32.4)
CodeGen-Mono (Nijkamp et al., 2022) 6B Base 29.3 (25.6) 49.9 (42.1) 39.6 (33.9)
Mistral (Jiang et al., 2023) 7B Base 28.7 (23.2) 50.1 (40.9) 39.4 (32.1)
OpenChat (Wang et al., 2023a) 7B Instruct 72.0 (67.1) 62.7 (52.9) 67.4 (60.0)
CodeLlama-Python (Roziere et al., 2023) 7B Base 37.8 (34.1) 57.6 (45.4) 47.7 (39.8)
WizardCoder-CL (Luo et al., 2023) 7B Instruct 48.2 (40.9) 56.6 (47.1) 52.4 (44.0)
Magicoder-CL (Wei et al., 2023) 7B Instruct 60.4 (55.5) 64.2 (52.6) 62.3 (54.1)
Magicoders-S-CL (Wei et al., 2023) 7B Instruct 70.7 (66.5) 68.4 (56.6) 69.6 (61.6)
OpenCodeInterpreter-CL 72.6 (67.7) 66.4 (55.4) 69.5 (61.6)
+ Execution Feedback
7B Instruct
75.6 (70.1) 69.9 (60.7) 72.8 (65.4)
DeepseekCoder (Guo et al., 2024) 6.7B Base 47.6 (39.6) 70.2 (56.6) 58.9 (48.1)
DeepseekCoder-Instruct 73.8 (70.1) 73.2 (63.4) 73.5 (66.8)
+ Execution Feedback
6.7B Instruct
80.5 (75.6) 79.9 (70.4) 80.2 (73.0)
Magicoder-DS (Wei et al., 2023) 6.7B Instruct 66.5 (60.4) 75.4 (61.9) 71.0 (61.2)
Magicoder-S-DS (Wei et al., 2023) 76.8 (70.7) 75.7 (64.4) 76.3 (67.6)
+ Execution Feedback
6.7B Instruct
77.4 (72.0) 73.2 (62.4) 75.3 (67.2)
OpenCodeInterpreter-DS 76.2 (72.0) 76.2 (72.0) 75.1 (67.9)
+ Execution Feedback 81.1 (78.7) 82.7 (72.4) 81.9 (75.6)
+ Synth. Human Feedback 87.2 (86.6) 86.2 (74.2) 86.7 (80.4)
+ Synth. Human Feedback (Oracle)
6.7B Instruct
89.7 (86.6) 87.2 (75.2) 88.5 (80.9)
13B Scale
CodeGen-Mono (Nijkamp et al., 2022) 16B Base 32.9 (27.4) 52.6 (43.6) 42.8 (35.5)
StarCoder (Li et al., 2023a) 15B Base 34.1 (29.3) 55.1 (46.1) 44.6 (37.7)
CodeT5+ (Wang et al., 2023c) 16B Base 31.7 (26.2) 54.6 (44.4) 43.2 (35.3)
CodeLlama-Python (Roziere et al., 2023) 13B Base 42.7 (36.6) 61.2 (50.9) 52.0 (43.8)
OpenCodeInterpreter-CL 77.4 (73.8) 70.7 (59.2) 74.1 (66.5)
+ Execution Feedback
13B Instruct
81.1 (76.8) 78.2 (67.2) 79.7 (72.0)
34B Scale
CodeLlama-Python (Roziere et al., 2023) 34B Base 51.8 (43.9) 67.2 (52.9) 59.5 (48.4)
Speechless-CL-v2.0 (speechless, 2023) 34B Instruct 77.4 (71.3) 72.4 (59.1) 74.9 (65.2)
XwinCoder-CL (Xwin-LM, 2023) 34B Instruct 75.6 (67.7) 76.2 (62.4) 75.9 (65.1)
Phind-CL-v2 (Phind, 2023) 34B Instruct 71.3 (67.1) - -
WizardCoder-CL (Luo et al., 2023) 34B Instruct 73.2 (64.6) 73.2 (59.9) 73.2 (62.3)
OpenCodeInterpreter-CL 78.0 (72.6) 73.4 (61.4) 75.7 (67.0)
+ Execution Feedback
34B Instruct
81.7 (78.7) 80.2 (67.9) 81.0 (73.3)
DeepSeekCoder (Guo et al., 2024) 33B Base 51.2 (44.5) - -
DeepSeekCoder-Instruct 81.1 (75.0) 78.7 (66.7) 79.9 (70.9)
+ Execution Feedback
33B Instruct
81.1 (76.2) 82.7 (73.4) 81.9 (74.8)
WizardCoder-V1.1 (Luo et al., 2023) 79.9 (73.2) 78.9 (66.9) 79.4 (70.1)
+ Execution Feedback
33B Instruct
74.4 (69.5) 79.9 (68.2) 77.2 (68.9)
OpenCodeInterpreter-DS 79.3 (74.3) 78.7 (66.4) 79.0 (70.4)
+ Execution Feedback 82.9 (80.5) 83.5 (72.2) 83.2 (76.4)
+ Synth. Human Feedback 88.4 (86.0) 87.5 (75.9) 88.0 (81.0)
+ Synth. Human Feedback (Oracle)
33B Instruct
92.7 (89.7) 90.5 (79.5) 91.6 (84.6)
70B Scale
CodeLlama-Python (Roziere et al., 2023) 70B Base 55.5 (50.0) 65.4 (53.4) 60.5 (51.7)
CodeLlama-Instruct 70B Instruct 72.0 (65.2) 75.4 (61.7) 73.7 (63.5)
OpenCodeInterpreter-CL 76.2 (70.7) 73.0 (61.9) 74.6 (66.3)
+ Execution Feedback
70B Instruct
79.9 (77.4) 81.5 (69.9) 80.7 (73.7)
Table 1: Pass@1 accuracy of different code models on HumanEval (+), MBPP (+) and their average (+). ‘CL’:
based on CodeLlama; ‘DS’: based on DeepseekCoder. Baseline results are copied from the EvalPlus Leaderboard
or replicated by running the official checkpoints. We highlight strong baselines and our methods for each scale.
and synthetic human feedback, generated by GPT-
4 (OpenAI, 2023), to simulate real-world coding
scenarios and interactions. Specifically, the multi-
turn evaluation encompasses three scenarios, of-
fering a holistic view of OpenCodeInterpreters
capabilities in dynamic code refinement:
Execution Feedback: Here, OpenCodeInter-
preter independently leverages execution out-
comes and compiler diagnostics to pinpoint and
correct errors, mirroring a developer’s process of
refining code based on direct execution feedback.
Synthetic Human Feedback: In this scenario,
GPT-4 generates feedback that mimics human
input by considering the task description, ini-
tial model response, and any execution feedback.
This tests OpenCodeInterpreters adaptability to
nuanced, human-like feedback, reflecting real-
world developer or user interactions.
Synthetic Human Feedback (Oracle): Building
on the previous scenario, GPT-4 also accesses the
ground-truth solution, offering insight into Open-
CodeInterpreters optimal performance in code
refinement when guided by precise feedback.
For each task, the code generation and evalu-
ation process concludes either when the model’s
solution successfully passes the evaluation or when
it reaches the set maximum of two rounds. If a
code sample fails the evaluation, both the solu-
tion and the test results are reincorporated into the
prompt for refinement. The evaluation identifies
three principal scenarios for non-passing outcomes:
1) Exception Handling: Captures and relays any
exceptions or errors encountered during execution
as error messages, providing direct feedback for
correction. 2) Not-Expected: In instances where
outputs deviate from expected results, the model
receives feedback including test inputs, expected
outputs, and actual outputs, highlighting the dis-
crepancy. 3) Timeout Handling: Implements a time-
out threshold to prevent evaluation delays from
solutions with excessive or infinite runtimes. Ex-
ceeding this threshold triggers an "Execution timed
out" notification.
4 Main Results
This section reports OpenCodeInterpreter and base-
lines in single-turn and multi-turn code generation
settings. The results are in Table 1.
4.1 Results of Single-turn Code Generation
We compare OpenCodeInterpreters single-turn
code generation performance against premier mod-
els such as GPT-3.5/4-Turbo (OpenAI, 2022, 2023),
CodeLlama-Python (Roziere et al., 2023), Wizard-
Coder (Luo et al., 2023), Deepseek-Coder (Guo
et al., 2024), CodeT5+ (Wang et al., 2023c) across
different scales. Leveraging data from the EvalPlus
leaderboard as of February 10th, 2024, we exam-
ine OpenCodeInterpreters achievements on the
HumanEval and MBPP benchmarks, as well as
their advanced versions, HumanEval+ and MBPP+.
For straightforward comparisons, we consolidate
results across different model scales into one ta-
ble, facilitating direct performance comparisons
between each model scale and the respective vari-
ants of OpenCodeInterpreter.
Our experimental analysis reveals OpenCodeIn-
terpreters strong performance, with several con-
figurations matching or surpassing leading bench-
marks. The OpenCodeInterpreter-DS 33B vari-
ant achieves the highest scores among open-source
models. This accomplishment is remarkable, espe-
cially considering the significant presence of low-
quality or incorrect data in the initial training set.
4.2 Results of Multi-turn Code Generation
This section evaluates the proficiency of Open-
CodeInterpreter in multi-turn interactions through
iterative refinement, leveraging interpreter diagnos-
tics and human insights.
Our experimental evaluation imposes a two-
round limit on iterations to maintain fairness and
consistency across tasks. While some issues may
benefit from multiple refinements, others require
fewer. This limitation offers clear insights into the
model’s iterative capabilities. In the execution feed-
back scenario, our models across all scales exhib-
ited superiority over state-of-the-art (SOTA) bench-
marks, with the OpenCodeInterpreter 33B model
achieving parity with GPT-4 Turbo’s single-round
score, thus establishing a new SOTA benchmark
among the evaluated code models.
Due to budget constraints, our Human Feedback
and Human Feedback (Oracle) assessments concen-
trate on the OpenCodeInterpreter 6.7B and Open-
CodeInterpreter 33B models. The outcomes re-
veal that with Human Feedback, the OpenCodeIn-
terpreter 6.7B model significantly outperformed
GPT-4 Turbo’s single-round score, while in the Hu-
man Feedback (Oracle) scenario, the OpenCodeIn-
Ratio E.F HumanEval (+) MBPP (+) Average (+)
76.2 (72.0) 73.9 (63.7) 75.1 (67.9)
81.1 (78.7) 82.7 (72.4) 81.9 (75.6)
77.3 (72.6) 74.6 (62.6) 76.0 (67.6)
78.0 (72.6) 78.4 (65.9) 78.2 (69.3)
75.7 (71.9) 72.9 (62.9) 74.3 (67.4)
78.7 (75.6) 77.9 (65.9) 78.3 (70.8)
76.2 (72.0) 75.4 (65.4) 75.8 (68.7)
78.0 (75.0) 79.2 (69.9) 78.6 (72.5)
70.7 (67.0) 73.4 (63.1) 72.1 (65.1)
75.6 (70.7) 79.2 (67.9) 77.4 (69.3)
73.8 (68.9) 73.9 (62.9) 73.9 (65.9)
76.2 (71.3) 66.7 (76.6) 71.5 (74.0)
Table 2: Performance of OpenCodeInterpreter with data
mixed ratios of single-turn data and Code-Feedback.
“E.F” indicates the use of execution feedback.
terpreter 33B model’s average score notably ex-
ceeded the 90 benchmark in the HumanEval/MBPP
benchmarks. These results highlight the signifi-
cant role of iterative feedback and refinement in
advancing code generation models, establishing
OpenCodeInterpreter as a leader in software de-
velopment tools. Through this refined approach,
OpenCodeInterpreter not only demonstrates its re-
markable adaptability and code refinement based
on diverse feedback but also sets a new benchmark
for future code generation technologies.
4.3 Ablations of Data Sources
This section systematically explores the impact of
various data sources on the performance of Open-
CodeInterpreter. We conduct a series of ablation
studies to evaluate the influence of high-quality
single-turn data and diverse multi-turn feedback
mechanisms on the model’s code generation, de-
bugging, and refinement capabilities.
Impact of High-Quality Single-Turn Data. To
evaluate the effect of high-quality single-turn data
on OpenCodeInterpreters efficacy, we incorporate
the WizardCoder 110K
dataset, renowned for its
syntactic accuracy and logical coherence, into our
extensive multi-turn dataset. This integration seeks
to identify the optimal mix of precise, single-turn
code generation and the advanced, iterative refine-
ment enabled by multi-turn interactions.
Our experiments employ a soft-target fine-tuning
strategy across six configurations, varying the pro-
portion of WizardCoder 110K data in our multi-
turn dataset. These configurations span from full
incorporation to total exclusion of the WizardCoder
dataset, assessing the performance of the model
in two versions: DeepSeekCoder-Base-6.7B and
Datasets E.F Average (+)
75.0 (66.9)
Single-turn Packing
77.5 (69.5)
75.1 (66.9)
Interaction Simulation
78.5 (69.6)
Single-turn Packing 74.7 (66.5)
+ Interaction Simulation 78.2 (70.1)
Single-turn Packing + Interaction 75.2 (65.4)
Simulation + Code Correction 79.1 (71.3)
75.1 (67.9)
Code-Feedback (Full)
81.9 (75.6)
Table 3: Performance comparison of the model across
different settings with incremental data source integra-
tion. “E.F” indicates the use of execution feedback.
Our findings are illustrated in Table 2. It shows
that incorporating high-quality single-turn data
(e.g., WizardCoder dataset) significantly improves
our model’s multi-turn performance. This strategic
incorporation ensures that the model benefits from
the syntactic accuracy and logical coherence inher-
ent in single-turn tasks, thereby enriching its capac-
ity for nuanced, iterative refinement in subsequent
turns. It reveals the critical role of high-quality
single-turn inputs in setting the stage for more ef-
fective multi-turn code generation and refinement.
Benefits of Diverse Multi-Turn Data Sources.
Following the enhanced baseline established by
fully integrating the WizardCoder dataset, this sub-
section investigates the advantages of different data
sources on the model’s refinement and debugging
efficacy. We add diverse data sources to our train-
ing regimen, including Single-turn Packing, Inter-
action Simulation, and Code Correction Data, both
individually and in combination.
The use of these multi-turn data sources, includ-
ing Single-turn Packing, Interaction Simulation,
and Code Correction Data, individually and in com-
bination, demonstrably enhances OpenCodeInter-
preter s debugging and refinement functions. No-
tably, the inclusion of Code Correction Data signif-
icantly elevates the model’s efficiency in correcting
errors. This underscores the profound impact of a
varied and targeted training approach on advancing
the capabilities of sophisticated code generation
models. Such an approach enables these models
to more effectively address complex coding chal-
lenges, correct errors, and refine outputs via exten-
sive feedback mechanisms.
4.4 Case Study: Coding Queries in the Wild
This section delves into three distinct case studies
to demonstrate OpenCodeInterpreters operational
dynamics when faced with “wild” user queries. The
motivation behind these case studies is to showcase
the practical applications of OpenCodeInterpreter.
In a notable success story (Figure A8), we tasked
OpenCodeInterpreter with developing a function
to calculate all prime numbers within the 1-100
range, later extending the solution to any arbitrary
range x-y. Another commendable instance (Fig-
ure A9) involved OpenCodeInterpreter implement-
ing a Python function to validate IPv6 addresses us-
ing regular expressions. Demonstrating its capabil-
ity to iteratively refine its approach, OpenCodeIn-
terpreter not only identified and corrected errors
but also enhanced the solution based on human
feedback. These two cases exemplify OpenCodeIn-
terpreters strength in understanding mathematical
logic and dynamically adjusting algorithms to meet
specified criteria.
A challenging case (Figure A10) arose when
OpenCodeInterpreter was asked to design a func-
tion identifying the intersection of two input lists,
returning tuples of distinct elements present in both
lists alongside their occurrence frequencies. De-
spite OpenCodeInterpreters attempts at correction,
it addressed errors incrementally, ultimately ex-
ceeding the maximum number of attempts (three).
This case sheds light on OpenCodeInterpreters
limitations in simultaneously tackling multiple
challenging errors.
Through these case studies, we gain invaluable
insights into OpenCodeInterpreters capabilities
and limitations. These insights are crucial for guid-
ing future enhancements to OpenCodeInterpreter.
5 Related Work
LLMs for Code. It becomes a common prac-
tice to include code data for pre-training LLMs.
For example, 5% of PaLM’s (Chowdhery et al.,
2023) pre-training data is code, and this ratio for
LaMDA (Thoppilan et al., 2022), Galactica (Taylor
et al., 2022), LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023), Go-
pher (Rae et al., 2021), GPT-NeoX (Black et al.,
2022) is 13%, 7%, 5%, 3%, and 8%, respectively.
Additionally, specialized LLMs have been pre-
trained for generating code, e.g., CodeGen (Ni-
jkamp et al., 2022), PanGu-Coder (Christopoulou
et al., 2022), CodeGeeX (Zheng et al., 2023),
CodeFuse (Di et al., 2023), CodeT5+ (Wang
et al., 2023d), AlphaCode (Li et al., 2022), In-
Coder (Fried et al., 2022), StarCoder (Li et al.,
2023a), DeepSeek-Coder (Guo et al., 2024). On
the other hand, code LLMs can be fine-tuned from
general-purpose LLMs, e.g., CodeLlama (Roziere
et al., 2023), WizardCoder (Luo et al., 2023), which
is the approach we take here. Compared to special-
ized LLMs, the fine-tuning paradigm enables us
to explore ways to improve code generation capa-
bilities by leveraging pre-trained general-purpose
LLMs, especially because these LLMs have already
been trained on an extensive amount of code data.
Iterative Code Generation and Refinement. For
many sequence generation tasks, iterative ap-
proaches are often taken to improve the generation
quality, e.g., script generation (Tandon et al., 2021),
summarization (Scheurer et al., 2022), and other
tasks as shown in (Madaan et al., 2022; Saunders
et al., 2022). Notably, in Self-Refine (Madaan et al.,
2023), an LLM generates feedback after generat-
ing initial outputs, and the LLM iteratively updates
the outputs with the feedback. Whereas it focuses
on a general-purpose LLM setting, we focus on
code generation tasks. As for code generation with
LLMs, DebugBench (Tian et al., 2024) observes
that incorporating runtime feedback improves code
LLMs’ debugging performance. A most recent
and relevant work is StepCoder (Dou et al., 2024),
where, following the paradigm of relying on re-
inforcement learning with compiler feedback (Le
et al., 2022; Shojaee et al., 2023), the authors fur-
ther divide the original exploration problems into
a sequence of easier sub-tasks. However, our ap-
proach does not rely on reinforcement learning and
has access to the intermediate generation, which
makes the training easier and more stable.
6 Conclusion
In conclusion, OpenCodeInterpreter represents a
significant leap forward in the field of code genera-
tion, bridging the previously identified gap between
open-source models and the advanced capabilities
of proprietary systems like the GPT-4 Code Inter-
preter. By integrating compiler diagnostics and hu-
man feedback into an iterative refinement process,
OpenCodeInterpreter not only surpasses traditional
one-off generation approaches but also introduces
a level of adaptability and precision previously un-
seen in open-source models. The introduction of
Code-Feedback, with its extensive multi-turn in-
teractions, further empowers OpenCodeInterpreter
to dynamically refine code in response to evolving
user intents and complex coding tasks.
Ethics Statement
The development and deployment of OpenCodeIn-
terpreter, alongside the use of Code-Feedback, take
ethical considerations to ensure responsible usage.
We have made efforts to ensure that the dataset rep-
resents a diverse range of coding styles, problem
domains, and user scenarios to prevent the propaga-
tion of biased or unfair outcomes. Given that Open-
CodeInterpreter can generate and refine code based
on user inputs, we strictly check out the dataset to
ensure that it does not expose sensitive information
or create security vulnerabilities. OpenCodeInter-
preter has the potential to democratize coding by
lowering the barrier to entry for non-experts and
developers. We open-source all our code, models,
and datasets to maximize accessibility.
While OpenCodeInterpreter introduces significant
advancements in automated code generation, it is
important to acknowledge the limitations inherent
in the system and the Code-Feedback that supports
it. Although OpenCodeInterpreter is designed to
support multi-language code generation and under-
stand a wide range of programming contexts, its
performance may vary across different languages
and specific domains. While OpenCodeInterpreter
excels at interpreting and responding to a variety
of coding tasks, it may struggle with extremely
complex or ambiguous user intents. The ability
to accurately capture and address such intents is
limited by the model’s current understanding and
the specificity of the data in Code-Feedback.
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A Source Data Filtering
Here, we outline the prompts used for source data filtering.
Query Filtering Prompt 1
Rate the following code queries on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their complexity, where 1 is the easiest and 5 is the most
difficult. Consider the complexity of the query
Query: [{query}]
You are obliged to choose only from the following list.
Scoring Criteria:
1 Point - Very Basic: The query involves simple operations or common issues
2 Points - Basic: The query involves fundamental programming concepts or commonly used functions
3 Points - Intermediate: The query requires some programming experience, possibly involving multiple steps
4 Points - Difficult: The query involves advanced programming skills, including complex logic, algorithms, or data
5 Points - Very Difficult: The query requires extensive expertise, potentially involving innovative problem-solving
approaches or unique algorithm design
Please give the score first then explain why
Query Filtering Prompt 2
Rate the following code queries on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their complexity, where 1 is the easiest and 5 is the most
difficult. Consider the complexity of the query
Query: [{query}]
You are obliged to choose only from the following list.
Scoring Criteria:
1 Point - Moderately Difficult: Involves understanding specific programming concepts or libraries, and may include
medium complexity algorithms or data structures like basic sorting algorithms or tree structures.
2 Points - Challenging: Requires handling more complex logic or algorithms such as advanced sorting algorithms,
recursive logic, or intermediate data structures like hash tables and heaps.
3 Points - Highly Challenging: Demands deeper knowledge in algorithms and data structures, potentially including
graph algorithms, dynamic programming, or complex string manipulation techniques.
4 Points - Advanced: Focuses on proficiency in programming and algorithm design, dealing with complex system
architecture issues, performance optimization, or solving advanced algorithmic challenges like NP-hard problems.
5 Points - Expert Level: The highest difficulty level, requiring innovative problem-solving approaches or unique
algorithm design, possibly involving interdisciplinary knowledge or the application of cutting-edge technologies.
Please give the score first then explain why
Below is an overview of the data filtering process applied to the initial seed dataset, with Figure A1
summarizing the data quantity after each filtering stage.
Figure A1: Overview of Data Filtering Process and Corresponding Data Quantities
The pie chart in Figure A2 illustrates the distribution of programming languages in our dataset after
Figure A2: Distribution of Programming Languages in Filtered Dataset
B Simulating Interactions for Data Collection
We illustrate the prompts used in multi-turn execution feedback and multi-turn human feedback respec-
System prompt for multi-turn execution feedback
You are an AI code interpreter.
Your goal is to help users do a variety of jobs by executing Python code.
You should:
1. Comprehend the user’s requirements carefully & to the letter.
2. Give a brief description for what you plan to do & call the provided function to run code.
3. Provide results analysis based on the execution output.
4. If error occurred, try to fix it.
5. Response in the same language as the user.
System prompt for multi-turn human feedback
You are a user who gives feedback to the latest generated code. If no available code is found in the conversation, you
should give a feedback to encourage assistant to generate code. NOTE: your feedback should be WITHIN 2 SHORT
You can refer to the following types of feedback:
1. **Syntax and Formatting**: Checking for syntax errors, inconsistent formatting, and suggesting adherence to standard
coding styles for readability and maintainability.
2. **Efficiency**: Identifying parts of the code that can be optimized for better performance, such as reducing time
complexity, optimizing loops, or suggesting more efficient data structures.
3. **Functionality Enhancements**: Suggesting additional features or enhancements that could make the code more
functional or user-friendly.
4. **Code Clarity and Documentation**: Recommending improvements in code comments and documentation to make
the code more understandable and easier to maintain.
5. **Bug Identification**: Pointing out any potential bugs or logical errors in the code and suggesting ways to fix them.
6. **Security Improvements**: Highlighting any security vulnerabilities in the code and suggesting best practices to
enhance security.
7. **Compatibility and Testing**: Advising on making the code more compatible with different environments or
platforms and suggesting more comprehensive testing scenarios.
8. **Resource Optimization**: Identifying areas where the code might be using more resources than necessary (like
memory or CPU) and suggesting optimizations.
9. **Scalability**: Providing insights on how the code can be made more scalable to handle larger data sets or more
10. **Adherence to Best Practices**: Ensuring the code follows the best practices specific to the language or framework
being used.
Your output MUST be in a json format like this:
"satisfied": "The points that have been achieved in generated code",
"not_satisfied": "The points that have not yet been achieved in generated code",
"feedback": "The actual feedback. Your feedback should be WITHIN 2 SHORT SENTENCES. Feedback must come
from a point included in ’not_satisfied’ field. You can ask the assistant here to generate code if no available code is
found in previous conversations."
System prompt for deliberately generating incorrect code
You are an AI code interpreter.
Your goal is to generate and execute Python code.
Your code MUST contain at least one of the following types of errors:
1. Syntax Error: This type of error occurs when the code violates the grammar rules of the programming
language. For example, forgetting to close a parenthesis or a quotation mark, or misspelling a keyword.
2. Logical Error: These errors sneak into your code when there’s a misunderstanding of the problem you’re solving,
leading to incorrect results despite the code running without crashing. For example, calculating the average of a list of
numbers by summing them up but forgetting to divide by the count of the numbers.
3. Type Error: This error occurs when an operation is applied to an object of an inappropriate type. For example,
attempting to concatenate a string with an integer without converting the integer to a string first.
4. Name Error: This happens when the code attempts to reference a variable or a function name that hasn’t been defined.
For example, trying to print a variable that hasn’t been declared.
5. Timeout Error: This error occurs when your code gets stuck in a loop that never ends, either due to a logic flaw or a
condition that never becomes false. In programming, such an error can cause your application to hang indefinitely,
consuming resources and potentially leading to a crash if not handled properly. For example, writing a loop that waits
for a certain condition to change, but the condition is never updated within the loop.
1. You MUST make mistakes in the generated code!
2. Do not explain the errors within. Just write your thoughts and code as normal.
3. Do not tell me you are writing the wrong code in any form (e.g., in text/code/comments). Just pretend you are writing
the correct code and still not recognizing the errors.
C Natural Language Explanations Generation
We use the following prompt to generate explanations for code using GPT-4.
Prompt for generating natural language explanations using GPT-4
Here is a list containing a series of dialogues between a user and a programmer assistant.
Following the previous dialogues, the user posed a latest problem.
The assistant has now crafted the correct code based on the previous dialogues and the latest problem.
Assuming you are this programmer assistant, please add some text before the code.
The purpose of this text is to respond to the latest problem and to introduce the code that follows.
This text may include: language used in the code, algorithm used in the code, step-by-step implementation overview,
and other relevant content.
You may use phrases like "The following code", "My code", "My solution", to refer to the @@Code.
Your response should ONLY contain the text that you add before the code.
Your only task is to write the text, never modify the code or remind me something. Never restate the previous dialogues
and the problem.
@@Previous Dialogues
{previous dialogues}
@@Recent Problem:
{recent problem}
Add the text there.
D Model Evaluation Prompts
For different benchmarks, distinct prompts were employed during the initial turn of solution generation:
identical prompts were utilized for HUMANEVAL and HUMANEVAL+, while MBPP and MBPP+
shared a similar prompt. The prompts are illustrated in the below.
Prompt for HumanEval and HumanEval+
You are an exceptionally intelligent coding assistant that consistently delivers accurate and reliable responses to user
@@ Instruction
Here is the given code to do completion:
{original prompt}
Please continue to complete the function with {language} programming language. You are not allowed to modify the
given code and do the completion only.
Please return all completed codes in one code block.
This code block should be in the following format:
# Your codes here
@@ Response
Prompt for MBPP and MBPP+
You are an exceptionally intelligent coding assistant that consistently delivers accurate and reliable responses to user
@@ Instruction
Here is the given problem and test examples:
{original prompt}
Please use the {language} programming language to solve this problem.
Please make sure that your code includes the functions from the test samples and that the input and output formats of
these functions match the test samples.
Please return all completed codes in one code block.
This code block should be in the following format:
# Your codes here
@@ Response
We employ GPT models to emulate human behavior in generating feedback. The prompts provided to
the GPT models are presented as follows.
Prompt for GPT models mimicking human feedback with canonical solution
You are tasked with providing guidance to a programmer who has drafted a code for a programming problem.
Your role is to mimic human-like responses and offer suggestions for modifying the code based on the canonical solution
and the observed execution results.
You should NOT directly revealing contents of the @@Canonical Solution or mentioning terms such as "canonical
You should refrain from directly writing code.
Begin by thoroughly examining the existing code and its functionality.
Compare the @@Existing Code with the @@Canonical Solution provided. Note any discrepancies in logic, approach,
or implementation.
Analyze the @@Execution Result obtained from running the @@Existing Code. Identify any errors, unexpected
behavior, or deviations from the expected output.
Consider potential edge cases, optimization opportunities, or alternative approaches based on insights from both the
@@Canonical Solution and @@Execution Result.
Offer guidance in a clear and understandable manner, explaining the rationale behind each suggestion.
Refrain from providing actual code solutions, but instead focus on conceptual modifications or strategies.
Provide constructive feedback to help the programmer improve their coding skills.
Remember, your role is to simulate human-like guidance and expertise in programming without directly implementing
Please respond in no more than three sentences.
{original prompt}
@@Existing Code
{sanitized code}
@@Execution Result
{execution result}
@@Canonical Solution
{canonical solution}
Prompt for GPT models mimicking human feedback without canonical solution
You are tasked with providing guidance to a programmer who has drafted a code for a programming problem.
Your role is to mimic human-like responses and offer suggestions for modifying the code based on the observed
execution results.
You should refrain from directly writing code.
Begin by thoroughly examining the existing code and its functionality.
Analyze the @@Execution Result obtained from running the @@Existing Code. Identify any errors, unexpected
behavior, or deviations from the expected output.
Consider potential edge cases, optimization opportunities, or alternative approaches based on insights from the
@@Execution Result.
Offer guidance in a clear and understandable manner, explaining the rationale behind each suggestion.
Refrain from providing actual code solutions, but instead focus on conceptual modifications or strategies.
Provide constructive feedback to help the programmer improve their coding skills.
Remember, your role is to simulate human-like guidance and expertise in programming without directly implementing
Please respond in no more than three sentences.
{original prompt}
@@Existing Code
{sanitized code}
@@Execution Result
{execution result}
E Examples of Methods used in Data Collection
Here we listed examples of each method in data collection process, including similar query packing,
human feedback simulation and code correction for coding queries from open-source data (Section 2.1),
and similar problem packing and follow-up Q&A for coding challenges from LeetCode (Section 2.2).
Figure A3: An example of similar query packing for challenging query pools.
Develop a program in Python to implement a Simple Linear Regression
## Problem Statement ##
Write a Python program to implement a Simple Linear Regression
model to predict the salary of employees based on their years of
## Instructions ##
1. The program should ask the user for the number of data points to be
2. The program should then ask the user to enter the years of experience
and the corresponding salary for each data point.
3. The program should calculate the slope and intercept of the
regression line using the least squares method.
4. The program should use the calculated slope and intercept to predict
the salary for a given number of years of experience entered by the user.
5. The program should display the regression line equation, the
predicted salary, and a scatter plot of the data points and the regression
### Constraints ###
- The number of data points should be a positive integer.
- The years of experience and salary should be non-negative integers.
- You may assume that the input will be valid and no error checking is
I have implemented the Python program to implement a Simple Linear
Regression model based on the instructions provided. The program
calculates the regression line slope and intercept using the least squares
method and then predicts the salary for the given number of years of
# Importing required libraries
import numpy as np
# Simulating user input
num_points = 5
data_points = [(2, 50000), (5, 80000), (10, 120000), (3, 60000), (8,
years_to_predict = 7
# Separating years of experience and salary
X = np.array([x[0] for x in data_points])
Y = np.array([x[1] for x in data_points])
# Calculating the mean of X and y
mean_x = np.mean(X)
mean_y = np.mean(Y)
# Calculating the terms needed for the num and den of formula of slope
(b1) and intercept (b0)
m = len(X)
numer = 0
denom = 0
for i in range(m):
numer += (X[i] - mean_x) * (Y[i] - mean_y)
denom += (X[i] - mean_x) ** 2
b1 = numer / denom # slope
b0 = mean_y - (b1 * mean_x) # intercept
# Displaying the regression line equation
print('Regression line equation: y = {:.2f} + {:.2f}x'.format(b0, b1))
# Predicting the salary for the given number of years of experience
predicted_salary = b0 + b1 * years_to_predict
print('Predicted salary for {} years of experience:
{:.2f}'.format(years_to_predict, predicted_salary))
Execution result:
Regression line equation: y = 34424.78 + 8495.58x
Predicted salary for 7 years of experience: 93893.81
The Python code provided uses the Simple Linear Regression model
to predict the salary based on years of experience. The model was
trained using 5 data points, each consisting of years of experience
and corresponding salary.
The calculated regression line equation from the model is: y =
34424.78 + 8495.58x
From this equation, the predicted salary for 7 years of experience is:
A scatter plot was generated, which visually represents the data
points and the predicted regression line. The red points represent the
input data points, and the blue line represents the regression line or
the salary prediction line.
This plot visually expresses how the model predicts salary based on
years of experience. The closer these red points are to the blue line,
the better the model is at predicting.
Please let me know if anything else is needed.
Consider optimizing the loop for calculating the slope and intercept
to enhance code efficiency. Please ensure consistent formatting for
better readability.
# Importing required libraries
import numpy as np
# Simulating user input
num_points = 5
data_points = [(2, 50000), (5, 80000), (10, 120000), (3, 60000), (8,
years_to_predict = 7
# Separating years of experience and salary
X = np.array([x[0] for x in data_points])
Y = np.array([x[1] for x in data_points])
# Calculating the slope and intercept of the regression line
b1 = (np.sum((X - np.mean(X)) * (Y - np.mean(Y)))) / np.sum((X -
np.mean(X)) ** 2)
b0 = np.mean(Y) - (b1 * np.mean(X))
# Displaying the regression line equation
print('Regression line equation: y = {:.2f} + {:.2f}x'.format(b0, b1))
# Predicting the salary for the given number of years of experience
predicted_salary = b0 + b1 * years_to_predict
print('Predicted salary for {} years of experience:
{:.2f}'.format(years_to_predict, predicted_salary))
Execution result:
Regression line equation: y = 34424.78 + 8495.58x
Predicted salary for 7 years of experience: 93893.81
The Python program has been improved for better code efficiency
and readability.
The loop for computing the slope (b1) and intercept (b0) of the
regression line is eliminated and replaced with an optimized
computation using numpy. This change enhances performance,
especially when dealing with larger data sets.
The formatted regression line equation is: y = 34424.78 + 8495.58x
The predicted salary for 7 years of experience is: 93893.81
Please let me know if any further assistance is needed.
Figure A4: An example of human feedback simulation for challenging query pools.
Here's a piece of Python code I got from an OCR scan. Can you help me
clean it up?
def s7udert_qrad€s(gpva1s, prev_9pva1s):
if_len{gqu&ls) 1= l3n(pr3v_qpvals):
re7vrr "€rror:_Input ve<tor$ are rOt t#e 5&mleng7h"
lettens = {'At':o, 'A':0. '&-':0, '13+':0. 'B':0, 'B-':0, 'CT':O, 'C':o, '<=':0,
'D':0, 'T':o]
gr@des = []
progress = ["impnOved":0, "maint&ined":0, "d€ciined":0}
t0+al_= 0
d€f g3+_l€tten(gpa}:
if gpa > 4.0 or gqa < 0.0:
neturm "3rrOr: Inua1id GPA"
e1it qp& >= 3,85:
neturn 'At'
ellf qpa >= 3.65:
return 'A'
lif g9a >= 3.S0:
neturn 'A='
e|1f_gpa >= E.15:
neturn 'B+'
elif gpa_>=
neturn "B"
elit gpa >= 2.50:
elif qq4 >= 2.15:
n€tvrn 'C+'
3lif gpa >=_1.8s:
n€turn '<'
ellf 9pa >= 1.s0:
re+urm '<-'
el!f gqa >=_1.0:
re+unn 'D'
returm 'T'
03f get progress(pr€v, curr):
if prev < (urr:
ne+urn "improved"
el!t qnev ==_curr:
re7urn "m&intaimed"
return "o€c1ineo"
for i in r@nge[len(gpvals)):
|etter_gra03 - g€+_l€tten(gpvals[i])
grad3s.appemd(le+ter grade]
1ett3rs[let7er_grade] += 1
to7al += qpu&l$[i]
9nogr3zs[g37_9nOqr35s(preu 9pvals[i], gpval5[i]}} += 1
avera9e_gnad€ - get_|et+er(tota|/ler(gpu&l$))
lowest_grade = min(gpvais, k€y=qet_l37t3r}
highezt_gn&d€ = nak(gpvals,_key=get_let+er)
r€turn {'gnade$':_gnades, '@v3na9e grade': &u3rage grade, 'lowest
gnade':_lovvest_9na03, 'highest 9r@de': nighest 9rad€`
'l3tters_(0unt':_let7ers, 'progress': pnogress}
# 3xampl3 vsaqe:
gpuals_= (4.o, 3, 1.7,_2, 3.5]
pnev_gpual5 - [E.5` 3` 1.4, 1.8, 3.2]
def student_grades(gpvals, prev_gpvals):
[truncated code]
average_grade = get_letter(total/len(gpvals))
lowest_grade = min(gpvals, key=get_letter)
highest_grade = max(gpvals, key=get_letter)
return {'grades': grades, 'average grade': average_grade,
'lowest grade': lowest_grade, 'highest grade': highest_grade,
'letter count': letters, 'progress': progress}
# Example usage:
gpvals = [4.0, 3.0, 1.7, 2.0, 3.5]
prev_gpvals = [3.5, 3.0, 1.4, 1.8, 3.2]
student_grades(gpvals, prev_gpvals)
Execution result:
{'grades': ['A+', 'B', 'C-', 'C', 'A-'],
'average grade': 'B-',
'lowest grade': 4.0,
'highest grade': 1.7,
'letter count': {'A+': 1,
'A': 0,
'A-': 1,
'B+': 0,
'B': 1,
'B-': 0,
'C+': 0,
'C': 1,
'C-': 1,
'D': 0,
'F': 0},
'progress': {'improved': 4, 'maintained': 1, 'declined': 0}}
It looks like there was a mistake in the logic for determining the
lowest_grade and highest_grade. The current approach mistakenly tries
to use the get_letter function with the min and max functions, which
does not work as intended because get_letter is designed to return a
letter grade based on a GPA value, not to compare GPA values directly.
Here's how to correctly calculate the lowest_grade and highest_grade:
1. Calculate the lowest_grade and highest_grade based on GPA values
directly, not through the get_letter function. This will give us the actual
lowest and highest GPA values in the list.
2. Correct the calculation to ensure it reflects the actual GPA values,
not their letter grades.
Let's correct the code:
# Correct calculation for lowest and highest GPA values
def student_grades(gpvals, prev_gpvals):
[truncated code]
average_grade = get_letter(total_gpa / len(gpvals))
lowest_gpa = min(gpvals) # This will correctly identify the lowest
GPA value.
highest_gpa = max(gpvals) # This will correctly identify the highest
GPA value.
# Then, if needed, you can get their corresponding letter grades
lowest_grade_letter = get_letter(lowest_gpa)
highest_grade_letter = get_letter(highest_gpa)
return {
'grades': grades,
'average grade': average_grade,
'lowest grade': lowest_grade_letter, # Use letter grade for lowest
'highest grade': highest_grade_letter, # Use letter grade for
highest GPA
'letters_count': letters,
'progress': progress
# Example usage:
gpvals = [4.0, 3, 1.7, 2, 3.5]
prev_gpvals = [3.5, 3, 1.4, 1.8, 3.2]
student_grades(gpvals, prev_gpvals)
Execution result:
{'grades': ['A+', 'B', 'C-', 'C', 'A-'],
'average grade': 'B-',
'lowest grade': 'C-',
'highest grade': 'A+',
'letters_count': {'A+': 1,
'A': 0,
'A-': 1,
'B+': 0,
'B': 1,
'B-': 0,
'C+': 0,
'C': 1,
'C-': 1,
'D': 0,
'F': 0},
'progress': {'improved': 4, 'maintained': 1, 'declined': 0}}
With the corrected logic in place, the execution result now accurately
reflects the grades distribution, progress, and identifies the lowest and
highest grades based on the GPA values.
Figure A5: An example of code correction for challenging query pools.
A city's **skyline** is the outer contour of the silhouette formed by
all the buildings in that city when viewed from a distance. Given the
locations and heights of all the buildings, return _the **skyline**
formed by these buildings collectively_.
The geometric information of each building is given in the array
`buildings` where `buildings[i] = [lefti, righti, heighti]`:
* `lefti` is the x coordinate of the left edge of the `ith` building.
* `righti` is the x coordinate of the right edge of the `ith` building.
* `heighti` is the height of the `ith` building.
You may assume all buildings are perfect rectangles grounded on an
absolutely flat surface at height `0`.
The **skyline** should be represented as a list of "key points "
**sorted by their x-coordinate** in the form `[[x1,y1],[x2,y2],...]`.
Each key point is the left endpoint of some horizontal segment in the
skyline except the last point in the list, which always has a y-
coordinate `0` and is used to mark the skyline's termination where the
rightmost building ends. Any ground between the leftmost and
rightmost buildings should be part of the skyline's contour.
**Note:** There must be no consecutive horizontal lines of equal
height in the output skyline. For instance, `[...,[2 3],[4 5],[7 5],[11
5],[12 7],...]` is not acceptable; the three lines of height 5 should be
merged into one in the final output as such: `[...,[2 3],[4 5],[12 7],...]`
[Examples are truncated]
* `1 <= buildings.length <= 104`
* `0 <= lefti < righti <= 231 - 1`
* `1 <= heighti <= 231 - 1`
* `buildings` is sorted by `lefti` in non-decreasing order.
In the following code, we tackle the problem of computing a city
skyline from a given set of buildings. Each building is defined by its
x-coordinate boundaries and height, and our goal is to construct the
contour of these buildings when collectively observed from a
The algorithm used can be summarized in the following steps:
[Steps are truncated]
My solution is designed to handle the input efficiently and conforms
to the problem's constraints regarding sorting and eliminating
redundant horizontal lines. Let's proceed with the code that solves the
skyline problem.
from sortedcontainers import SortedList
def getSkyline(buildings):
points = []
for l, r, h in buildings:
points.append((l, -h))
points.append((r, h))
heights = SortedList([0])
prev = 0
skyline = []
for x, h in points:
if h < 0:
cur = heights[-1]
if cur != prev:
skyline.append([x, cur])
prev = cur
return skyline
There are several squares being dropped onto the X-axis of
a 2D plane.
You are given a 2D integer array `positions` where
`positions[i] = [lefti, sideLengthi]` represents the `ith`
square with a side length of `sideLengthi` that is dropped
with its left edge aligned with X-coordinate `lefti`.
Each square is dropped one at a time from a height above
any landed squares. It then falls downward (negative Y
direction) until it either lands **on the top side of another
square** or **on the X-axis**. A square brushing the
left/right side of another square does not count as landing
on it. Once it lands, it freezes in place and cannot be
After each square is dropped, you must record the **height
of the current tallest stack of squares**.
Return _an integer array_ `ans` _where_ `ans[i]`
_represents the height described above after dropping the_
`ith` _square_.
[Examples are truncated]
* `1 <= positions.length <= 1000`
* `1 <= lefti <= 108`
* `1 <= sideLengthi <= 106`
In the provided code snippet, I have implemented a
solution to calculate the height of the tallest stack after
dropping each square on a 2D plane. The algorithm
processes a list of squares, represented by their left edge
and side length, and follows these main steps:
[steps are truncated]
def fallingSquares(positions):
ans = []
intervals = []
for p in positions:
L, size = p
R = L + size
h = size
for h2, R2 in intervals:
if R2 > L and R > R2:
h = max(h, size + h2)
maxHeight = max((h2 for h2, R2 in intervals),
ans.append(max(maxHeight, h))
intervals.append((h, R))
return ans
Figure A6: An example of similar problem packing for LeetCode problems.
Please solve this problem:
In a galaxy far away, there is a constant battle between the republic
and the droid army. The droid army decided to launch their final
attack on the republic. They have N space-fighters.
Initially the $i^{th}$ fighter is located at (x_{i}, y_{i}). All of the
space-fighters move with constant velocity V units/sec in the positive
X direction.
i.e., fighter at (x_{i}, y_{i}) moves to (x_{i}+V, y_{i}) in 1 second.
The $ i^{th} $ space-fighter broadcasts enemy information at a
frequency f_{i}.
The republic is not scared of the artificially intelligent droid force as
they have Yoda. Yoda has a special power, at any time T he can
choose a region of the droid army and block one specific frequency F.
This power has one constraint; it can be applied only in the form of a
two sided unbounded axis parallel rectangular box open towards the
both the directions across X axis (refer image below for clarity). If a
frequency (F) is blocked all the space-fighters in the region having the
frequency F can’t communicate.
Given the initial positions of the space-fighters, and their velocity,
you are to answer queries of the following form:
where YU, YD are the bounds on y-axis inside which YODA can
block a frequency at time T.
In the region described by the query, after a time T seconds from the
start, if Yoda can chose one frequency (F) he wishes to, what is the
maximum number of communications he can block?
Input Format
Each test case is described as follows; the first line contains 3 space
separated integers N - the number of space-fighters, Q - the number of
queries you have to answer, and V - the velocity of the space-fighters
separated by a single space.
N lines follow, each containing 3 space separated integers x_{i},
y_{i}, and f_{i}, denoting the x co-ordinate, y co-ordinate and the
frequency at which the $ i^{th} $ ship broadcasts respectively. Each
of the next Q lines contain 3 space separated integers representing
YU, YD, T respectively. Refer the figure for more clarity
Note: Points on the boundaries should be counted as well.
Output Format
For each query you are to output a single integer denoting the result.
1 <= N <= 50000
1 <= Q <= 30000
1 <= V <= 10000
$-10^{9} $<= x_{i} <= $10^{9} $
$-10^{9} $ <= y_{i} <= $10^{9} $
1 <= f_{i} <= $10^{9} $
$-10^{9} $ <= YU <= $ 10^{9} $
$-10^{9} $<= YD <= $10^{9} $
1 <= T <= 10000
YU >= YD
[sample input, output and explanation are truncated]
To address your request, I've developed a Python code that
evaluates the situations presented in this interstellar
conflict scenario. The program is designed to take input
details for the droid army's space-fighters regarding their
initial positions, frequencies, and velocities, and then
process multiple queries to determine the maximum
number of communications Yoda can block at a given time
within specified regions of space.
Here's a step-by-step implementation overview:
[steps are truncated]
The following code encapsulates the logic detailed above,
and executes the required queries to produce the desired
import bisect
from collections import defaultdict
(N, Q, _) = map(int, input().split())
a = defaultdict(list)
y = list()
for _ in range(N):
(_, y_, freq) = map(int, input().split())
a = {freq: sorted(y) for (freq, y) in a.items() if len(y) > 1}
y = sorted(y)
res = []
for _ in range(Q):
(y_max, y_min, T) = map(int, input().split())
lres = 0
index_start = bisect.bisect_left(y, y_min)
if y[index_start] <= y_max:
lres = 1
for freq in a:
index_start = bisect.bisect_left(a[freq],
index_stop = bisect.bisect_right(a[freq],
lres = max(lres, index_stop - index_start)
print(*res, sep='\n’)
What is the difficulty of this question?
The difficulty of the problem described can be considered
Do you have any other way to solve this problem?
To provide an alternative solution to the given problem,
I've utilized the Square Root Decomposition algorithm,
which is often used to optimize the computational
complexity of problems involving range queries.
[remaining content and generated code are truncated]
Figure A7: An example of follow-up Q&A for LeetCode problems.
F Case Study
Write code to calculate all prime numbers in the range of 1-100.
Sure, here is a simple Python code to calculate all prime numbers in
the range of 1 to 100.
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
elif n <= 3:
return True
elif n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False
i = 1
while i * i <= n:
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
i += 1
return True
for num in range(1, 101):
if is_prime(num):
This code includes a function `is_prime(n)` to check if a number `n` is
prime. It then iterates over the numbers 1 to 100 and prints the
numbers for which `is_prime(n)` returns `True`.
Execution Result:
I apologize for the confusion, there seems to have been an error in the
code. The function to check if a number is prime was not correctly
implemented. Here is the corrected Python code:
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
elif n <= 3:
return True
elif n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False
i = 5
while i * i <= n:
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
i += 6
return True
for num in range(1, 101):
if is_prime(num):
In the `is_prime(n)` function, the loop should start from 5 and
increment by 6 each time. This is because all primes are of the form
6k ± 1, with the exception of 2 and 3.
I want you to extend the existing solution to fit the
arbitrary range x-y. Also, please add comments to your
code for better readability.
Sure thing, here is the updated Python code, now with
parameters for the range and added comments.
def is_prime(n):
"""Checks if a number is prime."""
if n <= 1:
return False # numbers less than or equal to 1 are not
elif n <= 3:
return True # 2 and 3 are prime
elif n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0:
return False # eliminate multiples of 2 and 3
i = 5
while i * i <= n:
# eliminate multiples of primes already found
if n % i == 0 or n % (i + 2) == 0:
return False
i += 6 # increment by 6 to check for prime of form 6k
± 1
return True
def print_primes(x, y):
"""Prints all prime numbers in the range x to y."""
for num in range(x, y + 1):
if is_prime(num):
# Now you can call print_primes with any range you want.
# For example, to get primes between 50 and 100, use:
print_primes(50, 100)
In this code, `print_primes(x, y)` is a function that prints
all prime numbers between `x` and `y`, inclusive. It does
this by iterating over all numbers in the range and printing
the ones for which `is_prime(num)` returns `True`. You
can call this function with any range of numbers you want.
Execution Result:
I'm glad to see the code worked as expected! Those are
indeed the prime numbers in the range from 50 to 100. If
you have any other questions or need further assistance,
feel free to ask!
Figure A8: A good case where we required our model to write code to calculate all prime numbers in the range of
1-100, and then generalize the function to arbitrary range x-y. Our model successfully corrected the error and made
improvements according to human feedback.
Implement a Python function to check if a string is a valid IPv6
address with regular expressions.
Sure, here is a Python function using Regular Expression (regex) to
check if a string is a valid IPv6 address:
import re
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
Checks if a given string is a valid IPv6 address.
pattern = re.compile(r'(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:)|{7,7}[0-9a-fA-
return bool(pattern.match(ip))
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:c02::8a")) # True
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:804::200e")) # True
print(is_valid_ipv6("")) # False
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:804:200e")) # False
This function uses a complex regular expression which covers all
possible valid IPv6 formats according to RFC 3986. It checks for
hexadecimal values which are represented in 8 groups of 4
hexadecimal digits.
Execution Result:
error Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 11>()
[output is truncated]
error: nothing to repeat at position 21
I apologize for the confusion. It seems like there was a mistake in the
regular expression pattern. Let's correct that. Here is the corrected
import re
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
Checks if a given string is a valid IPv6 address.
pattern = re.compile(r'(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-
return bool(pattern.match(ip))
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:c02::8a")) # True
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:804::200e")) # True
print(is_valid_ipv6("")) # False
print(is_valid_ipv6("2404:6800:4003:804:200e")) # False
This function should now correctly validate IPv6 addresses. It should
return True for valid IPv6 addresses and False for invalid ones.
Execution Result:
Great! The function appears to be working as expected now.
It correctly identifies the strings "2404:6800:4003:c02::8a" and
"2404:6800:4003:804::200e" as valid IPv6 addresses (returning
`True`), and it correctly identifies the strings "" and
"2404:6800:4003:804:200e" as invalid IPv6 addresses (returning
Remember that this function uses regular expressions to match the
input string against the patterns of IPv6 addresses. It checks for
hexadecimal values which are represented in 8 groups of 4
hexadecimal digits.
Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with!
Can you explain the generated regular expression in detail and make
this function more maintainable?
Sure, let me break down the regular expression for you:
- `([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}`: This pattern matches
an IPv6 address that consists of eight groups of hexadecimal digits,
separated by colons.
- `([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:`: This pattern matches an IPv6 address
that has a trailing colon and at least one leading group of hexadecimal
[explanations are truncated]
These patterns are all combined with the `|` operator, which means
that a match on any of these patterns will result in a match for the
entire regular expression.
Here is the code with step-by-step explanation:
import re
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
Checks if a given string is a valid IPv6 address.
# Compile a regular expression pattern into a regular expression
object, which can be used for matching using its match() method
pattern = re.compile(
# Matches 8 groups of hexadecimal digits separated by colons
# Matches an IPv6 address with a trailing colon and at least
one leading group of hexadecimal digits
# Matches an IPv6 address that has a group of hexadecimal
digits both before and after a double colon
[generated code is truncated]
""", re.VERBOSE)
# If the whole string matches the regular expression pattern, return
True. Otherwise, return False
return bool(pattern.match(ip))
This code uses the `re.VERBOSE` flag to allow the regular expression
to be spread out over multiple lines, with comments in between. It
makes the regular expression more readable and maintainable.
Figure A9: A good case that asked our model to implement a Python function to check if a string is a valid IPv6
address with regular expressions. Inspired by errors raised in the execution result, our model managed to recognize
the small error from complex regular expression. Then, our model successfully generated explanation for this
regular expression and improve its readability with thorough in-line comments.
Design a function that finds the intersection of two input lists, and
returns a list of tuples, each containing a distinct element that is
present in both lists and its frequency of occurrence. For this task,
avoid using Python's built-in list functions or any libraries to sort the
result and remove duplicates. Also, implement your own hash table
data structure for this task.
def shared_elements(list1: list, list2: list):
"""Return a list of tuples of unique elements that appeared in both
input lists and their frequency, sorted in ascending order without
using Python's built-in list functions or any libraries. Implement your
own hash table for this task.
>>> shared_elements([1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 653, 2, 5], [5, 7, 1, 5, 9, 653,
[(1, 2), (5, 3), (653, 2)]
>>> shared_elements([5, 3, 3, 2, 8], [3, 2])
[(2, 1), (3, 2)]"""
class HashMap:
[code is truncated]
def shared_elements(list1, list2):
[code is truncated]
for i in range(hash_map1.size)
if hash_map1.get(i) is not None and hash_map2.get(i) is not
intersection.append((i, hash_map1.get(i) + hash_map2.get(i)))
return intersection
def insertion_sort(lst):
for i in range(len(lst)):
j = i
while j > 0 and lst[j - 1] > lst[j]:
lst[j - 1], lst[j] = lst[j], lst[j - 1]
j -= 1
samples = [[1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 653, 2, 5], [5, 7, 1, 5, 9, 653, 121]], [[5, 3, 3,
2, 8], [3, 2]]
for sample in samples:
print(shared_elements(sample[0], sample[1]))
Execution result:
Cell In[2], line 45
for i in range(hash_map1.size)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Sorry, seems like there is a small mistake. Let me correct it.
class HashMap:
[code is truncated]
def shared_elements(list1, list2):
[code is truncated]
for i in range(hash_map1.size):
if hash_map1.get(i) is not None and hash_map2.get(i) is not
intersection.append((i, hash_map1.get(i) + hash_map2.get(i)))
return intersection
def insertion_sort(lst):
for i in range(len(lst)):
j = i
while j > 0 and lst[j - 1] > lst[j]:
lst[j - 1], lst[j] = lst[j], lst[j - 1]
j -= 1
samples = [[1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 653, 2, 5], [5, 7, 1, 5, 9, 653, 121]], [[5, 3, 3,
2, 8], [3, 2]]
for sample in samples:
print(shared_elements(sample[0], sample[1]))
Execution result:
[(1, 3), (5, 3), (653, 2)]
[(2, 2), (3, 3)]
Oops, looks like the output gives the total count of each number from
both lists, but we only want the count per list. Need to adjust this.
Also, it seems like the test results from shared_elements function give
the correct elements but wrong frequencies, which indicates a logical
error. It's counting total occurrences in both lists rather than in each
list. Let's fix this.
class HashMap:
[code is truncated]
def shared_elements(list1, list2):
[code is truncated]
for i in range(hash_map1.size):
if hash_map1.get(i) is not None and hash_map2.get(i) is not
intersection.append((i, min(hash_map1.get(i),
print("Insertion sort result: "+intersection)
return intersection
def insertionsort(lst):
for i in range(len(lst)):
j = i
while j > 0 and lst[j - 1] > lst[j]:
lst[j - 1], lst[j] = lst[j], lst[j - 1]
j -= 1
samples = [[1, 4, 1, 3, 4, 653, 2, 5], [5, 7, 1, 5, 9, 653, 121]], [[5, 3, 3,
2, 8], [3, 2]]
for sample in samples:
print(shared_elements(sample[0], sample[1]))
Execution result:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 64
62 samples = [[1, 4, 1,
[Output too much, the middle part output is omitted]
End part of output:
(i), hash_map2.get(i))))
49 insertion_sort(intersection)
---> 51 print("Insertion sort result: "+intersection)
53 return intersection
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "list") to str
[max retries are exceeded, so this session stops here]
Figure A10: In this bad case, we tried to ask our model to design a function that finds the intersection of two input
lists and returns a list of tuples, each containing a distinct element that is present in both lists and its frequency of
occurrence. Although our model tried to make corrections, it only corrected one error at a time and finally exceeded
max number of attempts (3).