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Table of Contents
General Formatting ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Title ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Copyright ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Approval ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Dedication ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................................... 16
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Tables in your document ......................................................................................................................... 17
List of Tables page .................................................................................................................................. 19
Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
List of Figures page ................................................................................................................................ 20
Content/Chapters......................................................................................................................................... 22
References ................................................................................................................................................... 24
Appendices .................................................................................................................................................. 26
Vita .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
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General Formatting
Follow these formatting guidelines for your thesis/dissertation unless otherwise noted.
1. Title Page (No printed page number.)
2. Abstract (No printed page number.) (1 paragraph only)
3. Copyright page (1 pg. only)
4. Table of Contents
5. Certificate of Approval Page
6. Dedication Page (Optional) (1 pg. only)
7. Acknowledgements (Optional) (1 page)
8. List of Tables
9. List of Figures
10. Content/Chapters
11. Reference Page
12. Appendix/Appendices (when applicable)
13. Vita (1 pg. only)
Font: Use Times New Roman, size 12, aligned left.
Line spacing: Double-spaced without extra spaces between paragraphs (except
for Abstract and Approval). To be sure there are no extra spaces around your paragraphs in
Microsoft Word, click on Layout, and in the paragraph, the section is sure it says "0 pt." in the
Spacing Before and Spacing After.
Widow/Orphan Control: You must enable this control in Microsoft Word.
Select all text in your document.
Right-click anywhere on the highlighted text and select Paragraph.
On the Lines and Page Breaks tab in the popup box, be sure Widow/Orphan control is
Paragraph indents: Indent the first line of every paragraph 0.5" using the tab key (not the
Mirrored margins: The top and bottom margins will be 1". The left and right margins will be
Odd-numbered pages according to Microsoft Word (not your page numbers) have a left
margin of 1.5" and a right of 1" and will appear on the right page of a printed book.
Even-numbered pages according to Microsoft Word (not your page numbers) have a left
margin of 1" and a right of 1.5" and will appear on the left side of a printed book.
These mirrored margins allow for bound, print copies to be formatted correctly. You
must have mirrored margins even if you do not plan on printing a copy of your
To set mirrored margins in Microsoft Word, click on Layout > Margins > Custom
Margins. Under the dropdown for Multiple Pages, select Mirror Margins. Change the
inside margin to 1.5". Be sure to apply it to the whole document. Click OK.
Page order: Your thesis/dissertation pages/sections must be in the same order as the list on the
left beginning with Title.
Page breaks: Each section of your document listed on the left starts on a new page. Do not press
Enter repeatedly to get to the new page because that will need constant adjustment as you alter
your text. Instead, go to Layout > Breaks > Page.
Page numbers: Page numbers are centered at the bottom of the page.
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Do not type in page numbers manually; use the automatic page numbering function in
Microsoft Word.
This is easiest to do after you have the rough draft of your thesis/dissertation completed.
Follow these instructions for page numbering. One page has no number, some pages
use roman numerals, and some use numbers. Be sure to follow the instructions exactly
for proper formatting.
Note: if you paste the text into your document, it may bring over formatting from the source
document. Therefore, you should right-click where you want to paste, and from the paste options
choose either "merge formatting" or "keep text only" to help preserve your destination
document's formatting. Which one you choose depends on whether you have source
formatting you want to keep like bold, italics, etc. because "keep text only" will eliminate that
4 | Page
All text on this page is centered.
This page counts in the page numbering, but the number will not be printed. See the General
Formatting page for more page numbering information.
At the top enter the TITLE OF YOUR THESIS/DISSERTATION, which is bold and in all
caps. Your title must also form an upside-down triangle if it is more than one line. This means the
first line is the longest and each consecutive line is shorter than the previous line.
On the next line, use the underscore key to make a solid line that is approximately 20 underscores
long, and press Enter. If Microsoft Word automatically inserts a solid line across the page, undo
this auto formatting by holding Control and pressing Z in Windows or holding Command and
pressing Z on a Mac.
Then type the following on separate lines:
A Thesis (or A Dissertation, depending on which one you on are writing)
Presented to
the Faculty of the College of Graduate Studies (be sure the first word is not capitalized)
Tennessee Technological University
by (be sure this word is not capitalized)
(your name as registered with the university)
Copy and paste the underscore line on the next line.
Then type the following on separate lines:
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the Degree (be sure the first word is not capitalized)
(your degree a is like Master of Science)
(your area like Mathematics)
Copy and paste the underscore line on the next line.
Be sure to correctly state your graduation date, use only December, May, or August, as these ate
the actual conferral months.
5 | Page
A Thesis (or Dissertation)
Presented to
the Faculty of the College of Graduate Studies
Tennessee Technological University
Jane S. Doe
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the Degree
Nuclear Medicine
August 2024
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According to APA format, the abstract should only be up to 250 words.
Abstract should only be 1 paragraph in length.
The entire page is single-spaced including the titles; since your entire document is set for double
spacing, just highlight the text on this page and choose single spacing.
At the top is the page title:
Leave the next line blank.
Enter the TITLE OF YOUR THESIS/DISSERTATION, which is centered, bold, and in all
caps. Your title must also form an upside down upside-down it is more than one line. This
means the first line is the longest and each consecutive line is shorter than the previous line.
Leave the next line blank.
Type your name as registered with the university, centered.
Leave the next line blank.
Type your degree title and the program, for example, Master of Arts in English.
Leave the next line blank.
Type the content following the general formatting except the paragraphs is single-spaced with a
blank line between paragraphs.
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Jane S. Doe
Master of Arts and Sciences in English
This guide is designed as a resource tool for students and faculty venturing into the thesis or
dissertation process. The material presented is in the approved, required format allowing the reader to see
a visual example as well as learn from the written instruction. It has been found that students have less
difficulty with the development of the research paper and fewer corrections when provided with a clear
and concise set of instructions that are easily followed. Today’s students tend not to read instructions but
to imitate what they see. Unfortunately, detailed instructions for a properly formatted paper cannot be
condensed like a Reader’s Digest story; thus leaving this lengthy but informative paper to read. Students
who followed the guidelines showed greater overall happiness during the review process as there were
much fewer corrections noted by the Office of Graduate Studies. The average student tends to have
approximately five rounds of corrections and resubmissions on average. The student that follows the
formatting guidelines and utilizes spell check in the word processing program tends to have an average of
two rounds of corrections and resubmissions.
This is the guide for preparing a thesis or dissertation, taking it through the approval
process, and binding the final paper. Notes are written in red where further
clarification is needed. This guide is formatted in the main approved style. Your paper
should look like this, or like the samples in the Appendices, before submitting to the
Office of Graduate Studies for final review. Examples of additional accepted styles of
the front matter and final matter are presented in the Appendices.
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As per federal law, your thesis/dissertation is copyright protected automatically when you create
it. Please check with your committee chair to verify who should be the copyright owner(s) because
this may vary if contracts or grants are involved. If desired, you can register the copyright with the
U.S. Copyright Office as part of the submission process. Please note that it is copyrighted whether
you register it or not, but registration is required before legal action related to infringement can be
On the Copyright page:
All text on this page is centered.
Press Enter until your cursor is approximately on the center of the page vertically.
Insert the copyright symbol by clicking on Insert > Symbol > ©.
After the symbol put the year of your graduation and a space for the name(s) of who owns the
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© 2024 Jane S. Doe
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Table of Contents
All sections listed at the left beginning with Approval are listed in the table of contents. The table of
contents is double-spaced.
Recommendation: create the table of contents AFTER creating content and labeling
headings. See Content/Chapters for more information on headings. Use the page break function
to insert a blank page if needed; do not use the Enter key multiple times. Then put your cursor at
the top of the page to start the table of contents.
Setting up the table of contents for your thesis/dissertation in Microsoft Word takes some time
initially, but it has many automated benefits after it is configured. Follow these instructions.
Remember: When creating your Table of Contents there should be no words in italics or bold.
Refer to the next pages to see examples of how to format the Table of Contents.
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Certificate of Approval of Thesis or Dissertation…………………………………….v
List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………viii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………ix
Chapter 1: Title of Chapter One………………………………………………………1
This is a Level 1 Heading in a Chapter……………………………………….1
This is a Level 2 Heading in a Chapter……………………………….1
This is a Level 2 Heading in a Chapter……………………………….2
Chapter 2: Title of Chapter Two……………………………………………………...3
Chapter 3: Title of Chapter Three…………………………………………………….4
Appendix/Appendices (if applicable)…………………………………………………9
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The Certificate of Approval for Thesis or Dissertation page is sometimes referred to as the signature
page. A blank Certificate will always be part of your thesis or dissertation.
You will need to have a signed Certificate as part of your defense process. You and your committee
have two options for the signed document: 1) you may print a blank form and have all committee
members sign it at the defense, or 2) your committee may sign via a digital form that is accessible
online. In both cases, the signed Certificate must be delivered to the Graduate College by the due
date provided on the website.
Certificate instructions are as follows:
The approval page cannot be more than one page.
By default this page is double-spaced, but some lines are single-spaced as specified below.
At the top is the page title.
For theses: Certificate of Approval of Thesis
For dissertations: Certificate of Approval of Dissertation
Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly.
See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
Leave the next line blank.
Type the TITLE OF YOUR THESIS OR DISSERTATION, which is centered, bold, and in all
caps. Your title must also form an upside down triangle if it is more than one line. This means
the first line is the longest and each consecutive line is shorter than the previous line.
Type by, centered (and not capitalized).
On the next line, type your name as registered with the university, centered.
Leave the next line blank.
Type Graduate Advisory Committee: on the next line.
Leave enough blank space for a signature.
Create signature lines for your committee.
The signature lines for your committee are single-spaced so the name appears directly
under the lines. See the photo example at the bottom.
Use the underscore key to make a solid line that is approximately 50 underscores long,
and press Enter. If Microsoft Word automatically inserts a solid line across the page,
undo this auto formatting by holding Control and pressing Z in Windows or holding
Command and pressing Z on a Mac.
On the next line, type your committee chair: Jackie Smith, Chair. Then tab over until you
are near the end of the line above and type Date.
Leave two blank single-spaced lines before each signature line.
Copy and paste the underscore line, type the committee member name and date under the
line, and repeat until all your committee members are listed.
Make sure all the Date words line up vertically.
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Do not use titles like Dr. or Mr. or Ms.
Leave a blank space.
Type Approved for the Faculty:
Leave enough blank space for a signature.
Create a signature line for the College of Graduate Studies Dean.
This signature line is also single-spaced so the name appears directly under the lines. See
the photo example at the bottom.
Copy and paste the underscore line.
On the next line, type Julie Baker, Dean. Then tab over until you are lined up with the
other Dates and type Date.
On the next line, type College of Graduate Studies
14 | Page
15 | Page
This page is optional.
The dedication cannot be more than one page.
The text is centered.
Type Dedication on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it
properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
On the next line, begin your dedication.
16 | Page
This page is optional.
The acknowledgments cannot be more than one page.
This section is where you would thank those who have helped you in the process of obtaining
your degree. List grants, special funding, contracts, and obtained copyright permissions if
Type Acknowledgments on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to
format it properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
On the next line, begin your acknowledgments.
I would like to thank Dr. Kuzowski who worked so diligently with me throughout my time at
Tennessee Technological University. When my research reached a dead end, your guidance and
assistance helped me see new possibilities and new avenues I had not yet explored. To Dr. Jackson and
Dr. Liu, your constant advice helped me when decisions were difficult to make. Thank you to all the
department secretaries who helped me get all my copies made, get register for classes, and bought
supplies for my experiments. You were always cheerful and helpful. You have become an extended
family to me. Last, but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to the Cookeville Regional Medical
Center for allowing me to present and test my theories in their facility.
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List of Tables
Tables in your document
Use Times New Roman for text in the tables. Use size 12 where able, but 10 or 11 sizes may also
be used to fit text within the table. Line spacing within a table should be single-spaced.
All tables should be labeled and formatted in APA style with numbering, title, notes, borders,
Tables should be placed after the paragraph where they are first mentioned. If a table continues is
very large, it can start on the next page after it is mentioned. If your charge is longer than one
page, type Table 1 (Continued) at the top of the next page and be sure the table headings are
References in your text to tables must reference a specific table and number: "As demonstrated in
Table 3..." Do not use, "As demonstrated in the following table...."
If your table needs to be rotated because it is too large, rotate just the table with the top of the
table at the 1.5" margin side.
Repeat headings if you have your tables on a new page.
Tables within the appendix need to have the appendix section and table number for example
Table A.1 refers to the first table in Appendix A.
Remember The titles of your
tables should italicize
throughout your whole paper.
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Remember: When the table is too wide be sure to flip it vertically. In the event that you do continue your
table on a new page, be sure to label the table. For example, insert “Table 2(continued)” on the new page.
19 | Page
List of Tables page
Required if there are two or more tables in your document including the appendices.
Type List of Tables on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it
properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
Leave the next line blank.
Type Page (#), tab once, and type Table 1: Title of Table One.
If your page number is a single digit, you will need to tab twice so that all table names are
List each table on a new line.
If your title is so long it goes onto another line, indent that line to match where all table names
Remember: Add the tables
from your appendix as well!
Do not bold or add any word
in italics in the List of Tables
and the same for the list of
20 | Page
Use Times New Roman for text in the figures. Use size 12 where able, but 10 or 11 sizes may
also be used to fit text within the figure. Line spacing within a figure should be single-spaced.
All figures should be labeled and formatted in APA style with numbering, title, notes, etc.
Figures should be placed after the paragraph where they are first mentioned unless that splits the
figure across two pages. Instead of splitting the figure, insert the figure at the beginning of the
next page after it is first mentioned. If your figure is so large it must be split across multiple
pages, type Figure 1 (Continued) at the top of the next page.
References in your text to figures must reference a specific figure and number: "As demonstrated
in Figure 3..." Do not use, "As demonstrated in the following figure...."
If your figure needs to be rotated because it is too large, rotate just the figure with the top of the
figure at the 1.5" margin side.
Figures title needs to appear 1 double space downward from the figure number.
For the appendices, the figure title would be Figure A.1, for the first figure in Appendix A.
Remember to keep the same
pattern all throughout the
whole paper. If your figure
title is on the top keep it on
the top throughout the whole
List of Figures page
Required if there are two or more figures in your document including the appendices.
Type List of Figures on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it
properly. See Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
Leave the next line blank.
Type Page (#), tab once, and type Figure 1: Title or caption of figure one.
If your page number is a single digit, you will need to tab twice so that all figure names are
List each figure on a new line.
21 | Page
If your title/caption is so long it goes onto another line, indents that line to match where all figure
names start. If you have more than one page, do not split title/captions across pages
If your list is more than one page, put a page title on only the first page
Remember: If you have
figures in the appendix add
them here as well. Do Not
22 | Page
Beginning a new chapter
Always start a new chapter on a new page. Use the page break function to insert a blank page; do
not use the Enter key multiple times.
Type Chapter 1: Title of Chapter at the top of the page; your chapters will be numbered
sequentially starting at 1. Be sure to label each title as a chapter title heading to format it
properly; see the headings section below for instructions.
Leave the next line blank.
Start your chapter.
Chapter 1 needs to start on an odd-numbered document page according to Microsoft Word (not
according to your page numbers). This may or may not happen naturally. Use the page break
function to insert a blank page if it does not happen naturally; do not use the Enter key multiple
Two double-spaced blank lines after the Chapter title.
Two double-spaced blank lines before and after center headings within the text, and before and
after freestanding side headings within the text.
The headings will populate your table of contents.
Follow these instructions to set up and label headings in your document.
There are six possible levels of headings described in the table below.
The title level is for page titles and chapter titles.
Level 1 headings are for main sections within a chapter, level 2 headings are subsections of level
1, level 3 headings are subsections of level 2, etc.
page title
or chapter title
level 1
Centered, Bold, Title Case for the Heading
The next paragraph begins indented as usual…
level 2
Flush Left, Bold, Title Case for the Heading Text
The next paragraph begins indented as usual…
level 3
Flush Left, Bold, Italics, Title Case for the Heading Text
The next paragraph begins indented as usual…
level 4
Indented, Bold, Title Case for the Heading Text, End with a
Period. The next paragraph begins right after the heading.
23 | Page
level 5
Indented, Bold, Italics, Title Case for the Heading Text,
End with a Period. The next paragraph begins right after the heading.
Remember: You
suppose to have your
paragraphs swaying
throughout the whole
paper. You do not
need to have any
word italicized or
bold in your
paragraph unless it’s
a level heading,
table, or figure.
Pay close attention to
word spacing in your
heading and
paragraphs. Make
sure that there are no
big spacing errors
24 | Page
Always start your references on a new page. Use the page break function to insert a blank page;
do not use the Enter key multiple times.
Type References on the first line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it
properly; see Content/Chapters for more information about headings. Master of Arts in English
will also use this page title even though that is not MLA standard.
Start listing your references on the next line.
References use a hanging indent, which means the beginning of a reference starts at the left, and
additional lines of that same reference are indented 0.5". See Microsoft Word's instructions to
format a hanging indent; do not use the Enter key and space bar.
Hyperlinks are not allowed in your reference ltd. All links are to be removed and all font needs to
be black.
Follow APA style unless otherwise noted below for specific majors and Latex users:
APA in-text citations guide
APA references page guide
Latex users: follow the APA references page guide when you type your references
Chemistry students: use the ACS Style Guide for in-text citations and the references page
English students: use the MLA in-text citations guide and MLA references page guide
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Remember: Your
reference page
should not
include any bold
letters. Make sure
they are swaying.
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You may or may not have appendices depending on your content.
Always start an appendix on a new page. Use the page break function to insert a blank page; do
not use the Enter key multiple times.
Type Appendix A: Title of Appendix on the top line; your appendices will be labeled sequentially
starting at A and continuing with B, C, etc. If you only have one appendix, still label it Appendix
A. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly;
see Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
Leave the next line blank.
Start your appendix.
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The vita cannot be more than one page.
It is a biographical narrative about you with personal, academic, and professional information
about you as appropriate.
Remember your thesis/dissertation is available to the public, which includes the text on this page.
Type Vita on the top line. Be sure to label this title as a page title heading to format it properly;
see Content/Chapters for more information about headings.
On the next line, begin your vita.
Be sure to correctly state your graduation date, use only December, May, Or August as these are
the actual conferral months.
Remember to speak in
the third person and
also have the correct
graduation placed.