Weather Report - Change in the Wind
TexAQS 2000 Airforce Airborne Today
Twin Otter to Fly Tomorrow
Coming Events
Don’t Forget Participants List
Thought for the Day - Labor Day
The Daily Plan-It
“Sunny” - Houston Sets Record Temperatures“Sunny” - Houston Sets Record Temperatures
Weather Ways & Means
Stephanie Naumann and Dick
McNider - Dick, fresh from a gig in
Huntsville - provided the weather
forecast today. Although the heat
continues seemingly unabated,
background ozone levels are rather
low today with Galveston showing
only 10 ppbv from 6 to 7 AM. Single
digits everywhere else.
Yesterday’s maximum surface levels
of hourly ozone occurred to the east
and southeast of downtown Houston
- at LaPorte (121 ppbv) from 2 to 3
PM, West Baytown (119 ppbv) from 3
to 4 PM and at Clinton (106 ppbv)
from 3 to 4 PM. No Houston area
monitoring sites recorded preliminary
hourly levels in excess of 120 ppbv.
High pressure continues to hang on
to our northwest. Strong westerly
surface winds this morning will delay
the establishment of a southerly
sea/bay breeze until 3 to 4 this
afternoon. Skies should remain clear.
Winds aloft are currently light and
from the northeast. It is anticipated
that these winds will strengthen over
the next several days bringing the
possibility of advecting dirty/hazy air
from the central U.S.
Today’s afternoon ozone high goes
to East Baytown which recorded an
hourly average of 127 ppbv from 4 to
5 PM.
Electra N308D
The Electra will take off at 11 AM
today for a “plume and isoprene
chemistry” flight across east Texas
following a north to south stack
beginning just north (upwind) if the
Mt. Pleasant power plant and
proceeding with parallel transects
across and south (downwind) of the
Lake Martin power plant
The Electra is planning a down day
tomorrow and Tuesday to make any
necessary instrument repairs or
adjustments for the “final push”
towards the end of the study. As it
now stands, the Electra will have about
16 flight hours left after today’s
mission although there is movement
afoot to obtain additional flight hours.
G-1 N701BN
The G-1 is taking off at 11 AM to
conduct an intercomparison flight with
the Twin Otter and DC-3. The G-1
will conduct a research flight across the
Houston & ship channel following the
The G-1 will not fly tomorrow but
will be available on Tuesday.
DC-3 N56KS
The DC-3 will take off at 11 AM
today for an intercomparison with the
G-1 and the Twin Otter. Following
this, the DC-3 will conduct a research
flight over and to the east of Houston
lasting from 4 to 6 hours.
Twin Otter N153BU
The Twin Otter will conduct an
intercomparison flight with the G-1
and the DC-3 today and is planning a
The TexAQS 2000
Field Study Newsletter
Issue 20
September 3, 2000
Fred and Lenny wish you all
a Safe & Happy Labor Day
“Beaumont plume characterization
flight” tomorrow in honor of Labor
Upcoming Events
Daily Meteorological and Aircraft
Planning Meetings - 7:30 AM and
1:00 PM (Ellington CapRock Building,
Conference Room). Note: The next
meeting is scheduled for 1:00 PM
tomorrow (Monday, September 4
Aerosol Group Meeting - Tuesday,
September 5th, 2:00 PM (Stay Tuned -
Location to be Announced)
LaPorte Team Meeting - Tuesday,
September 5th, 3:00 PM (Stay Tuned -
Location to be Announced)
Labor Day Holiday - Monday,
September 4, 2000. Business as usual
for TexAQS 2000.
Participants List
Praise be to Cathy Burgdorf who is
putting together our official “TexAQS
2000 Participants List.” Stop by the
next time your in the CapRock to
make sure that your particulars are
correctly listed. Remember, no info,
no shirt!
Thought for the Day
“Labor Day differs in every
essential way from the other holidays
of the year in any country,” said
Samuel Gompers, founder and
longtime president of the American
Federation of Labor. “All other
holidays are in a more or less degree
connected with conflicts and battles of
man's prowess over man, of strife and
discord for greed and power, of
glories achieved by one nation over
another. Labor Day...is devoted to no
man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or
Labor Day, the first Monday in
September, is a creation of the labor
movement and is dedicated to the
social and economic achievements of
American workers. It constitutes a
yearly national tribute to the
contributions workers have made to
the strength, prosperity and well-being
of our country.
Through the years the nation gave
increasing emphasis to Labor Day. The
first governmental recognition came
through municipal ordinances passed
during 1885 and 1886. From them
developed the movement to secure
state legislation. The first state bill was
introduced into the New York
legislature, but the first to become law
was passed by Oregon on February 2l,
l887. During the year four more states
– Colorado, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, and New York – created the
Labor Day holiday by legislative
enactment. By the end of the decade
Connecticut, Nebraska, and
Pennsylvania had followed suit and by
1894, 23 other states had adopted the
holiday in honor of workers. On June
28 of that year, Congress passed an act
making the first Monday in September
of each year a legal holiday in the
District of Columbia and the
Morning NO
Concentrations - Twin Otter