Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
(a) In this subtitle the following words have the
meanings indicated.
(b) (1) “Burial space” means land or space in a
structure used or to be used for burial.
(2) “Burial space” includes a burial right in the
land or space.
(c) “Buyer” means a person who buys preneed
goods or preneed services.
(d) “Preneed burial contract” means a written
instrument under which preneed goods or preneed
services are to be sold and delivered or performed.
(e) (1) “Preneed services” means services that are
(i) before the buyer’s death; and
(ii) in connection with burial or cremation.
(2) “Preneed services” includes opening and
closing a grave.
(f) “Seller” means a registered cemeterian,
registered crematory operator, registered seller, or any
other person who sells preneed goods or preneed
(g) “Specific funds” means money that is identified
to a specific preneed burial contract.
(h) “Trust account” means a preneed trust account.
(a) This subtitle does not apply to:
(1) the sale of burial space;
(2) a preneed contract made by an individual in
connection with practicing funeral direction or practicing
mortuary science, as those practices are defined in and
regulated by the Health Occupations Article; or
(3) the preneed sale of burial goods or services by
a private family cemetery that does not conduct public
sales of burial goods or services.
(b) This subtitle does not allow a person, directly or
indirectly, through an agent or otherwise, to practice
funeral direction or practice mortuary science, unless the
person is licensed to practice funeral direction or
practice mortuary science under the Health Occupations
(c) A preneed burial contract made under this
subtitle is not an insurance contract and does not involve
the business of insurance.
(d) This subtitle does not require a cemetery to
accept goods, perform services, or allow services to be
performed if the goods or services are contrary to:
(1) the law concerning burial; or
(2) the rules of the cemetery concerning the
quality and kind of goods or services that may be used in
connection with burial in the cemetery.
(e) (1) A preneed burial contract made in
accordance with § 5-704 of this subtitle may be funded
by a life insurance policy or an annuity contract if:
(i) the owner or operator of the cemetery is not
the owner of or beneficiary under the life insurance
policy or annuity contract;
(ii) an assignment of benefits to the owner or
operator of the cemetery may be revoked at any time by
the owner of the life insurance policy or annuity
(iii) subject to item (iv) of this paragraph, the
owner or operator of the cemetery agrees to accept the
benefits payable under the life insurance policy or
annuity contract as payment in full for the services and
merchandise agreed on in the preneed burial contract;
(iv) any benefits payable under the life
insurance policy or annuity contract in excess of the
amount necessary to pay the total price, as determined at
the time of death of the insured, of the services and
merchandise agreed on in the preneed burial contract are
paid to the beneficiary under the life insurance policy or
annuity contract.
(2) A preneed burial contract that is funded by a
life insurance policy or an annuity contract shall
terminate if the assignment of benefits to the owner or
operator of a cemetery is revoked by the owner of the
life insurance policy or annuity contract.
(3) (i) The offer, sale, or assignment of a life
insurance policy or annuity contract to fund a preneed
burial contract is not subject to this subtitle.
(ii) A preneed burial contract funded by a life
insurance policy or an annuity contract is not subject to §
5-705, § 5-706, § 5-707, § 5-708, or § 5-709 of this
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
This subtitle applies only to preneed burial contracts
made on or after October 1, 1984.
(a) A preneed burial contract shall contain:
(1) the name of the buyer;
(2) the name of the seller;
(3) the name of each individual, other than the
buyer, as to whom the preneed goods or preneed services
are to be furnished;
(4) a description of the preneed goods or preneed
services; and
(5) the amount of the buyer’s financial obligation.
(b) (1) A preneed burial contract shall be dated
and executed in duplicate by the buyer and seller.
(2) The seller shall give the buyer a duplicate
original of the preneed burial contract.
(c) (1) A preneed burial contract may provide for
delivery of identified preneed goods by providing for the
seller to:
(i) transfer physical possession of the preneed
goods to the buyer or designee of the buyer;
(ii) attach the preneed goods to a designated
burial space;
(iii) pay for and suitably store the preneed
goods until needed, at a cemetery or other location of the
seller, if the preneed goods are marked with the name of
the buyer and the sale is supported by a verifiable
record; or
(iv) have the supplier of the preneed goods:
1. cause title to be transferred to the buyer or
designee of the buyer; and
2. agree in writing to ship the preneed goods
at the direction of the buyer or designee of the buyer.
(2) If a preneed burial contract does not provide
for the manner of delivery of preneed goods, compliance
with paragraph (1)(i) or (ii) of this subsection is delivery
in accordance with this subtitle.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision in a preneed
burial contract, identified preneed services are not
considered to have been performed until performance
actually occurs.
(e) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this
subsection, a preneed burial contract may not provide for
interest or a finance charge.
(2) A cemetery that makes a preneed burial
contract may impose interest or a finance charge on
preneed goods delivered before death or preneed
services performed before death.
(3) If a cemetery imposes interest or a finance
charge as permitted in paragraph (2) of this subsection,
the interest or finance charge shall be at a fixed rate or
sum not greater than allowed by the provisions of Title
12 of the Commercial Law Article.
(4) A registered cemeterian or permit holder may
sell a preneed burial contract to a commercial lending
institution at the financing terms in the contract if the
preneed burial contract signed by the original buyer of
the preneed goods or preneed services contains the
following language in 12-point or larger type:
“Notice to consumers: This contract of sale may be
sold to a commercial lending institution. After the sale,
the commercial lending institution may impose interest
or a finance charge on the remaining balance due”.
(f) A provision of a preneed burial contract that
purports to waive any provision of this subtitle is void.
(a) (1) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this
section, a seller shall put in trust the second 50% of the
total preneed burial contract price as the seller receives
payments from the buyer.
(2) Within 30 days after receipt of the last
payment, the seller shall deposit an additional amount to
make the balance in the trust account equal to 55% of the
total contract price.
(b) A seller shall put in trust an amount from the
payment that is equal to 80% of the selling price of any
casket or casket vault sold under the preneed burial
(c) This section does not apply to:
(1) a preneed burial contract under which all
preneed goods and preneed services, other than dates,
scrolls, and other additions that represent not more than
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
10% of the total contract price, must be delivered or
performed within 120 days after receipt of 50% of the
total contract price; or
(2) money that a seller receives for preneed goods
or preneed services to be delivered or performed within
120 days after receipt of any payment on account of the
sale, if the buyer’s obligation for these preneed goods or
preneed services is separately itemized.
(a) Each trust account shall be:
(1) titled “preneed trust account”; and
(2) established by the seller in the seller’s name.
(b) A trustee appointed under this subtitle must be:
(1) a national banking association, as defined in
the Financial Institutions Article;
(2) a banking institution, as defined in the
Financial Institutions Article;
(3) any other financial institution allowed by law
to engage in the trust business; or
(4) a person who provides a fidelity bond from a
recognized bonding institution in an amount equal to the
trust fund and inuring to the benefit of the trust account
of the cemetery or burial goods business, or the preneed
buyers, or both.
(c) A seller may:
(1) commingle money from 2 or more preneed
burial contracts; and
(2) establish more than 1 trust account.
(d) (1) A trust account established under this
subtitle shall be a single purpose trust.
(2) Money in the trust account is not available to
a creditor as an asset of the seller.
(e) Money in the trust account may be withdrawn
only on the combined signatures of:
(1) 2 officers of a corporate seller; or
(2) at least 2 individuals authorized to withdraw
money for an unincorporated seller.
(a) In this section, “seller’s account” means:
(1) the total of specific funds deposited from all
preneed burial contracts of a seller commingled in a
single fund; and
(2) any income derived from investing the money
in the fund.
(b) Trust accounts shall be administered as this
subtitle provides.
(c) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this
subtitle, a trustee appointed under this subtitle is subject
to the law that is generally applicable to trustees.
(2) If a trustee appointed under this subtitle is not
located in the State, the agreement between the seller
and the trustee expressly shall incorporate this subtitle.
(d) A trustee:
(1) may rely on all certifications made under or
required by this subtitle; and
(2) is not liable to any person for that reliance.
(e) (1) Except as otherwise provided in this
subtitle, a trustee may invest money of a trust account in
any security that is a lawful investment for a fiduciary,
including a time deposit or certificate of deposit issued
by the trustee.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle,
to ensure that money in the trust account is adequate, the
trust income, including any realized capital gains, shall:
(i) remain in the trust account;
(ii) be reinvested and compounded; and
(iii) be disbursed only for payment of
appropriate trustee’s fees, commissions, prorated
proportional shares of total realized capital gains
attributable to specific funds, and other costs of the trust
(f) A trustee may not use any preneed trust funds
required to be held in trust in accordance with this
subtitle to:
(1) purchase an interest in any contract or
agreement to which the registrant, the permit holder, or
any other person subject to the trust requirements of this
subtitle, or any entity owned or under the control of a
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
registrant, a permit holder, or any other person subject to
the trust requirements of this subtitle, or a spouse, child,
parent, or sibling of a registrant or any other person
subject to the trust requirements of this subtitle is a
party; or
(2) make any loan or direct or indirect investment
of any kind:
(i) to any registrant, permit holder, or any other
person subject to the trust requirements of this subtitle or
to any spouse, child, parent, or sibling of a registrant or
any other person subject to the trust requirements of this
(ii) to or in any entity or business operations
owned or under the control of a registrant, a permit
holder, or any other person subject to the trust
requirements of this subtitle, or a spouse, child, parent,
or sibling of a registrant or any other person subject to
the trust requirements of this subtitle;
(iii) on or in any real property of a cemetery or
a crematory or the buildings or structures appurtenant to
the property; or
(iv) in any permanent improvements of a
cemetery, a crematory, the facilities of a cemetery or
crematory, or the buildings or structures appurtenant to a
cemetery or crematory.
(g) (1) A seller, on written notice to the trustee and
in accordance with the agreement between them, may
transfer the seller’s account to another trustee.
(2) A trustee, on written notice to the seller and in
accordance with the agreement between them, may
transfer the seller’s account to another trustee.
(a) The trustee may not disburse specific funds until
preneed goods are delivered or preneed services are
performed as provided in the preneed burial contract or
in this subtitle.
(b) On performance of a preneed burial contract:
(1) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
(i) delivery of the preneed goods or
performance of the preneed services; and
(ii) the amount of specific funds in the trust
account; and
(2) the trustee shall then pay to the seller the
specific funds, accrued interest on the specific funds, and
a prorated proportional share of total realized capital
gains attributable to the specific funds.
(c) (1) In a seller’s records, the seller may itemize
preneed goods or preneed services to which the trust
requirements of this subtitle apply and the consideration
paid or to be paid for each item.
(2) If a seller itemizes in accordance with
paragraph (1) of this subsection, on performance of that
part of a preneed burial contract identified for itemized
preneed goods or preneed services:
(i) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
1. delivery of the preneed goods or
performance of the preneed services; and
2. the amount of the specific funds identified
in the seller’s records for those preneed goods or preneed
services; and
(ii) the trustee shall then pay to the seller those
specific funds, accrued interest on the specific funds, and
a prorated proportional share of total realized capital
gains attributable to the specific funds.
(d) (1) If a preneed burial contract provides, for 2
or more individuals, preneed goods or preneed services
to which the trust requirements of this subtitle apply, a
seller may designate in the seller’s records the
consideration paid for each individual.
(2) On performance of that part of the preneed
burial contract identified to a particular individual:
(i) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
1. delivery of the preneed goods or
performance of the preneed services; and
2. the amount of the specific funds
applicable to that part of the preneed burial contract; and
(ii) the trustee shall then pay to the seller those
specific funds, accrued interest on the specific funds, and
a prorated proportional share of total realized capital
gains attributable to the specific funds.
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
(a) (1) A buyer may cancel a preneed burial
contract as to preneed goods not delivered or preneed
services not performed if the buyer:
(i) permanently moves more than 75 miles
from the cemetery specified in the preneed burial
contract; and
(ii) gives to the seller written notice, under
oath, of the move and includes the buyer’s new
permanent address.
(2) In that event:
(i) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
1. the cancellation of the preneed burial
2. the amount of the remaining specific
funds applicable to the preneed burial contract; and
3. the name and address of the buyer; and
(ii) the trustee shall then pay to the buyer the
remaining specific funds, accrued interest on the specific
funds, and a prorated proportional share of total realized
capital gains attributable to the specific funds.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this
section, by written notice, a buyer may cancel the
purchase of a casket or casket vault under a preneed
burial contract at any time prior to the time the buyer
needs the casket or casket vault for burial.
(2) In that event:
(i) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
1. the cancellation of the purchase of the
casket or casket vault under the preneed burial contract;
2. the amount of the specific funds
applicable to the casket or casket vault under the preneed
burial contract; and
3. the name and address of the buyer;
(ii) the trustee shall pay to the buyer the
specific funds, interest accrued on the specific funds, and
a prorated proportional share of total realized capital
gains attributable to the specific funds; and
(iii) in addition to the refund paid by the
trustee, the seller shall pay to the buyer an amount of
money necessary to provide the buyer with a refund of
100% of the money paid for the casket or casket vault
under the preneed burial contract.
(c) If a buyer fails to provide written notice of
cancellation and defaults on a preneed burial contract
and, as a result, the seller terminates the preneed burial
(1) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
(i) the default and termination of the preneed
burial contract;
(ii) the amount of the specific funds; and
(iii) the reasonable expenses of the seller; and
(2) the trustee shall then pay:
(i) to the buyer, those specific funds, accrued
interest on the specific funds, and a prorated
proportional share of total realized capital gains
attributable to the specific funds, less the reasonable
expenses of the seller; and
(ii) to the seller, the reasonable expenses of the
(d) If specific funds on deposit in a trust account
have been dormant for at least 50 years since the date of
the last deposit or disbursement and the seller cannot
locate the buyer:
(1) the seller shall certify to the trustee:
(i) that the trust account is dormant and the
buyer cannot be located; and
(ii) the amount of the specific funds; and
(2) the trustee shall then pay to the seller those
specific funds, accrued interest on the specific funds, and
a prorated proportional share of total realized capital
gains attributable to the specific funds.
(a) (1) Each seller shall keep detailed records of all
preneed burial contracts and specific funds.
(2) The records of each seller and of each trustee
appointed by the seller are subject to examination by:
(i) the Director;
(ii) the Attorney General or an authorized
representative of the Attorney General; and
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
(iii) the State’s Attorney for the county where
the seller does business.
(b) (1) Each seller subject to the trust requirements
of this subtitle shall submit a report to the Director
within 150 days after the close of each calendar or other
fiscal year chosen by the seller.
(2) The report shall:
(i) be on the form that the Director requires;
(ii) be certified by a certified public accountant
retained by the seller;
(iii) be accompanied by a trustee’s annual
summary statement of assets from the trustee for the
reporting period which includes:
1. the amount of money in the preneed trust
fund at the beginning of the reporting period;
2. an investment portfolio summary
describing the asset and the market value for each
investment class;
3. a transaction summary of the preneed trust
fund containing:
A. trust account earnings;
B. money deposited;
C. total receipts;
D. administrative expenses;
E. withdrawals from the trust account for
canceled contracts;
F. withdrawals from the trust account for
delivery of merchandise for use or storage, and for
services performed, including the principal and earnings;
G. other disbursements; and
H. total disbursements; and
4. the amount of money in the preneed trust
fund at the end of the reporting period;
(iv) be accompanied by a fee of $25; and
(v) include:
1. the name of the seller;
2. each location of the seller;
3. the amount of money that the seller
received during that year that is subject to the trust
requirements of this subtitle;
4. the amount of money actually deposited
into trust accounts in that year;
5. the amount of money required to be
disbursed from the trust accounts in that year;
6. the amount of money actually disbursed
from the trust accounts in that year; and
7. the name and address of the trustee.
(3) If the Director determines, after a review of
the report and annual summary statement of assets
required by this subsection, that additional
documentation is required, a seller subject to the trust
requirements of this subtitle shall provide the additional
documentation to the Director.
(4) (i) A seller of preneed goods or preneed
services that sells its business, files a petition in
bankruptcy, or ceases to operate shall provide written
notice within 15 days:
1. to the Director, detailing the changes and
the arrangements the seller has made for carrying out the
preneed burial contracts and the disbursement of any
money held in an escrow or trust account; and
2. to each buyer of a preneed burial contract,
advising the buyer of the buyer’s options under State law
in regard to the preneed contract.
(ii) Nothing in this paragraph exempts a seller
of preneed goods or services that sells its business, files
a petition in bankruptcy, or ceases to operate from filing
the annual report required under this section.
(c) A seller of a preneed burial contract shall
provide each buyer or prospective buyer with a general
price list for the buyer or prospective buyer to keep
which shall include:
(1) specific prices for:
(i) ground opening and closing;
(ii) extra depth interment;
(iii) interment of cremated remains; and
(iv) mausoleum entombment; and
(2) general price ranges for burial space or
preneed goods.
(d) A seller of a preneed burial contract shall
disclose to the buyer:
(1) all goods and services that are reasonably
expected to be required at the time of need that are not
included in the preneed burial contract;
Business Regulation Article, Title 5 Office of Cemetery Oversight Annotated Code of Maryland
(Revised copy 10/2018)
(2) the buyer’s cancellation and refund rights
under § 5709 of this subtitle;
(3) the person responsible for installation of the
goods sold and any warranties for the goods sold; and
(4) if the preneed contract provides for goods or
services to be delivered or performed before death:
(i) that interest or finance charges may be
(ii) that interest or finance charges are not
allowed on other preneed burial contracts that do not
provide for goods or services to be delivered or
performed before death;
(iii) the manner of delivery of goods including
where the goods are stored; and
(iv) the buyer’s remedy if delivered goods are
damaged or destroyed.
(e) The Director may require a seller to correct any
underfunding, including interest, due to the preneed trust
(f) The Director may adopt regulations:
(1) to administer this section; and
(2) for determining whether sellers are complying
with this subtitle.
(a) If the Director finds that a seller has violated this
subtitle or a regulation adopted under this subtitle, the
Director may refer the matter to:
(1) the Attorney General for civil enforcement; or
(2) the appropriate State’s Attorney for criminal
(b) The Attorney General may sue for and a court
may grant:
(1) injunctive or other equitable relief;
(2) imposition of a civil penalty not exceeding
$5,000; or
(3) both.
(a) A seller may not fail to deposit, as required by
this subtitle, money received under or in connection with
a preneed burial contract.
(b) (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection
(c) of this section, a person who violates this section is
guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction, is subject
(i) for a first violation, a fine not exceeding
$10,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or both;
(ii) for a second violation, a fine not exceeding
$15,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or both;
(iii) for a third or subsequent violation, a fine
not exceeding $20,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3
years or both.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c)
of this section, if a corporation violates this section, each
officer responsible for the violation is guilty of a
misdemeanor and, on conviction, is subject to:
(i) for a first violation, a fine not exceeding
$10,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or both;
(ii) for a second violation, a fine not exceeding
$15,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 2 years or both;
(iii) for a third or subsequent violation, a fine
not exceeding $20,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 3
years or both.
(c) A person who willfully misappropriates or
intentionally and fraudulently converts preneed trust
funds in excess of $100 to that person’s own use is
guilty of a felony and, on conviction, is subject to a fine
not exceeding $25,000 or imprisonment not exceeding
10 years or both.