UPU Interconnection Platform
Web Service Integration Guide
version 1.07
Last updated: 23 August 2022
Postal Technology Centre - Universal Postal Union Weltpoststrasse 4, 3015 Bern - Switzerland
Phone:+41 31 350 31 11
Service Desk Portal: https://support.upu.int
This document and the associated software contain proprietary information
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Copyright © 1996-2022 Universal Postal Union. All rights reserved.
Table of contents
About this document 4
Intended audience 4
How to use this manual 4
Terminology 4
Introduction 5
Overview 5
Web Service 5
Security 5
Web Service Interface 7
Methods 7
Data Structures 8
TDateAndPlace class 8
TMO class 10
TSearchCriteria class 13
TPayInfo class 13
TStatus class 16
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service 22
Verify the certificates installation 22
How a certificate is validated 23
The Web Service's WSDL file 24
Generating a Web Service proxy client from the WSDL 24
Generating an API proxy client 24
UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements 28
Connecting to the UPU-IP API 28
Requesting a client certificate from a non-Windows-based OS 28
Calling the UPU-IP's Web Service from a Java client 31
Prerequisites 31
Getting a client certificate in Java Key Store 31
Connecting to the UPU-IP web service 33
Integrationscenarios 34
Issue a postal payment 34
Retrieve and pay a postal payment 35
Cancel a postal payment 37
Reimburse a postal payment 39
Payments to/from external partners 39
About this document
Intended audience
This document is intended for system developers or IT staff of postal organizations and their sub-
sidiaries who are building Web Service client applications to connect their national system to the UPU
Interconnection Platform (UPU-IP).
How to use this manual
For information on:
l the methods exposed by the UPU-IP's Web Service, see "Web Service Interface" on page7.
l how to connect to the UPU-IP's Web Service, see "Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service "
on page22
l the various integration scenarios, see "Integrationscenarios" on page34.
l the certificate requirements and how to connect to the UPU-IPAPI from a non-Windows
operating system, see "UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements" on page28.
l how to call the UPU-IPWeb Service from a Java client, see "Calling the UPU-IP's Web Ser-
vice from a Java client" on page31.
You may not copy, rewrite or redistribute this document in any form. To do so is a violation of inter-
national copyright laws. However, the Postal Technology Centre welcomes your input. For queries or
service requests, you can raise them at https://support.upu.int.
The following key terms are used throughout this document:
Term Description
Postal payment
A wide range of payment services and instructions, used
instead of "money order"
WS Web Service
Business partner
Refers to organizations, Designated Operators (DOs), or
third-party commercial entities that connect or use UPU-IP
to exchange payment and payment-related messages with
other business partners. A business partner performs various
postal payment transactions: sending, receiving, and others.
About this document
The UPUInterconnection Platform (UPU-IP) enables near real-time exchange of payment and pay-
ment related messages between business partners.
Through the UPU-IP, the following types of services are possible:
l Urgent service: As soon as payment is issued to the UPU-IP, the paying organization can
retrieve it. The Web Service protocol enables urgent, on demand issuing and payout.
l Payment anywhere: Payout can take place at any connected payout agent of the bene-
ficiary's choice such as a post office or an external agent.
l Connection of external non-DO partners: Partners outside the UPU network can connect
to the UPU-IP for the issuing and payout of postal payments.
A bridge links the UPU-IP to the UPU FTP/EDI network, enabling business partners exchanging
via the IFS FTP network or IFS EDI messages network to exchange with business partners connected
to the UPU-IP. The resulting service is, however, non-urgent as it is dependent on the Posts' indi-
vidual FTP upload/download schedules.
Web Service
The UPU-IP has a Web Service Interface which is exposed to business partners. Business partners
include not just designated postal operators but also permitted remittance service providers external
to the UPU network. Using the exposed Web Service (WS), business partners are able to build their
own web client applications to exchange payment messages via the UPU-IP. This results in a more
open network of remittance services.
Message LevelSecurity
The UPU-IP WS is secured using Message LevelSecurity (MLS). Security credentials and claims are
encapsulated with every message providing end-to-end security independent of the transport pro-
Web service request and response messages to and from the UPU-IP are digitally signed and encryp-
ted. By using x.509 certificates, authenticity is ensured while the use of digital signatures at the applic-
ation level ensures the non-repudiation of messages. MLS also has the advantage that the message
may be routed through intermediary systems without loss of security.
Transport Level Security
Transport Level Security (TLS) is an evolved version of Secure Socket Layer (SSL). Using x.509 cer-
tificate, TLS ensures end-to-end security of data sent between applications, avoiding possible eaves-
dropping or alteration of the content being transported.
Web service requests and responses to and from UPU-IP are authenticated with x.509 certificates and
Web Service Interface
The Web Service Interface is exposed to business partners to allow them to exchange postal payment
related messages via the UPU Interconnection Platform (UPU-IP). Business partners are organizations
that use a national system and wish to connect this system to the UPU-IP by developing a WS client.
External payment networks, non-designated operators (DOs), money transfer operators, etc. can also
exchange payment messages through the UPU-IP.
For a complete list of the methods that the Web Service Interface exposes, see the UPU-IP API doc-
umentation at https://upu.api.post/upu-ip_api/api/index.html.
Web Service Interface
Data Structures
This section uses diagrams to show the data structures passed as arguments to the Web Service Inter-
face methods when a business partner's WS client application makes a call to the UPU-IP using the
methods described in the previous chapter.
For more information on parameters, refer to the UPU-IP API documentation at https://upu.api.-
TDateAndPlace class
The TDateAndPlace class describes the date and place that an event took place. This parameter is
used when:
l issuing a postal payment using the Issue() method
l canceling a previously-issued postal payment using the Cancel() method
l paying a postal payment using the Pay() method
l reimbursing a postal payment using the Reimburse() method
Data Structures
Data Structures
TMO class
The TMO class contains information about the postal payment and is used in the Issue() method. The
TMO class exposes several properties and also makes use of the TDateAndPlace class.
Data Structures
Data Structures
For details on the TDateAndPlace class, see "TDateAndPlace class" on page8.
Data Structures
TSearchCriteria class
The TSearchCriteria is passed as a parameter when the calling party wants to obtain postal pay-
ment information using the Get() method.
TPayInfo class
The TPayInfo class is passed as a parameter when the Pay() or Reimburse() methods are used for pay-
ing out or reimbursing a postal payment.
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures
TStatus class
The TStatus class contains postal payment status information and is called after the CheckStatus()
method. TStatus exposes the LastEvent and MOInfo properties. MOInfo makes use of the TMO class
which is described in "TMO class" on page10.
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures
Data Structures
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
Before access to the WebService Interface is granted, business partners must first generate a Cer-
tificate Signing Request (CSR) on the machine hosting the WS client. The CSR must be sent to the
UPU for it to be signed then returned to business partners. In addition to the signed certificate, the
PTC root Certificate Authority (CA) and sub-CA certificates provided by the PTC must be installed to
ensure the chain of trust with the PTCroot CA. Once the certificates are installed, business partners
can access the UPU-IP's Web Service.
Refer to the PTC Enroll Client tool and its documentation to perform the following tasks: create the
certificate request and submit it to the PTC, install CA and sub-CA certificates, retrieve signed cer-
tificate for the machine and install it, and test the SSL connection.
To get a copy of the PTC Enroll Client tool, you can enter your service request at
Verify the certificates installation
1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) by clicking Start then typing mmc in the
Search field. The MMC window opens.
2. Open the signed certificate you have installed and check the Certification Path tab. If all
certificates are installed properly, your window will show the correct installation paths, as
in the example below.
You can also verify whether the certificate you have installed has a private key. Open the
certificate then click the General tab.
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
How a certificate is validated
Each time a business partner's WS client application makes a call to the UPU-IP's Web Service, the cer-
tificate is validated against the UPU-IP's PTC root CA for authenticity and trustworthiness as illus-
trated in the diagram below.
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
The Web Service's WSDL file
The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based definition describing the functions
of a Web Service. Also referred to as a .wsdl file, it defines the behavior of an XML Web Service and
provides instructions as to how WS clients can interact with the Web Service (what parameters the
service expects and what data structures the service returns). The WSDL file for the UPU-IP's Web
Service contains this same information. This file forms the basis of how the WS client application
integrates with the UPU-IP's Web Service Interface.
Generating a Web Service proxy client from the WSDL
To build your WS proxy client application, follow the steps below.
1. Access the UPU-IP's WS endpoint at the URL: http://hubws.ptc.post/ExternalService.svc.
Contact the PTCService Desk at https://support.upu.int if you encounter difficulties
The URL above is the current production environment endpoint. The URL for test
environment endpoint is: http://hubws.preprod.upu.org/ExternalService.svc.
2. Generate a proxy client for calling the UPU-IP's Web Service. You can do this through the
command line tools (wsdl.exe, wsimport, etc.) or within your development environment,
depending on your platform.
3. Write code to connect the business logic of your national system to the WS proxy client cre-
ated in step 2.
Generating an API proxy client
1. Verify the certificate installation, see "Verify the certificates installation" on page22 and
check the common name of your client certificate.
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
2. Collect the UPU-IP API service definition by saving the WSDL available at http://hub-
ws.preprod.upu.org/ExternalService.svc (pre-production):
l Open your browser
l Access http://hubws.preprod.upu.org/ExternalService.svc?singleWsdl
l Save as UPUIP_ExternalService.wsdl in the folder where you want to generate the
proxy (e.g. C:\UPU-IP_Client)
3. Download and install Microsoft SDKs for Visual Studio (.Net Framework 4.8 Developer
Pack) from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/visual-studio-sdks
l After completing the installation, the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool
(Svcutil.exe) will be available on your computer. E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Mi-
crosoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\x64\
l Documentation about the tool is available at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/-
4. Generate the proxy/client code for UPU-IP API:
l Open your command line tool
l Set the current folder to the folder where the proxy will be generated and include the
WSDL file (e.g. C:\UPU-IP_Client)
l Run the following command: svcutil.exe C:\UPU-IP_Client\UPUIP_Extern-
l If the path to svcutil.exe was not registered during the installation, you may have to
add it manually:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8
Tools\x64\svcutil.exe C:\UPU-IP_Client\UPUIP_ExternalService.wsdl
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
This command generates the ExternalService.cs and output.config files. The Extern-
alService.cs contains the code (C#) to be included in the proxy system you want to develop
to expose the UPU-IP service to your system.
The output.config file contains the configuration settings to specify how the generated
proxy will access the UPU-IP API.
5. Configure the proxy link to access the UPU-IP API
l The generated proxy includes default configuration settings to access the UPU-IP API
in the output.config file. For insantance, it may look as below:
l Edit the configuration file to include reference to your client certificate by adding the
behavior element as presented below with reference to the common name of your cli-
ent certificate.
l Refer to this new behavior in the endpoint by adding the behavior configuration attrib-
ute in the endpoint element
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
l Remove the identity element if present in the configuration file. The configuration file
will look as below.
6. Run the proxy client.
Installing the Visual studio tool allows you to run the ExternalService.cs file and run the
ExternalServiceClient class to test calls to UPU-IP API.
Connecting to the UPU-IP's Web Service
UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements
Connecting to the UPU-IP API
PTC's Enroll Client tool is based on the Windows solution and may not be compatible with non-Win-
dows based servers. In such situation, the partner may have to generate a standard client certificate
and submit a service request to the UPU via our ticketing system to get a certificate.
This document describes the process and the requirements to generate and retrieve a valid request for
a client certificate connecting to UPU-IP API.
Requesting a client certificate from a non-Windows-based OS
Follow the procedure below to obtain a client certificate to connect to the UPU-IP API from a non-
Windows-based operating system:
1. Collect the certificate files for the PTC Certificate Authority and PTC Enrollment sub-
ordinate certificate authority, which may have to be installed on the non-Windows server.
Certificate Platform URL
PTC Certificate Authority Production
n/a yet, provided as attachment
for the moment
PTC Certificate Authority Pre-production
n/a yet, provided as attachment
for the moment
PTC Enrollment Sub CA Production
n/a yet, provided as attachment
for the moment
PTC Enrollment Sub CA Pre-production
n/a yet, provided as attachment
for the moment
2. Generate a standard PKCS #10 client certificate request that meets the following require-
Request property Expectation
Request format PKCS #10
Friendly name The title given to a certificate
CN -Common name
attribute in Subject
The public URL of the server, for example, yoursite.com
SAN - Subject Altern-
ative Name
The domain names and IP addresses of the server requesting
the certificate. This is an optional attribute. However, since
the development of the security protocols requires SAN spe-
UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements
Request property Expectation
cifications, it is recommended to specify at least the public
URL of the server as done in the common name attribute of
the subject. E.g. DNS Name=yoursite.com
E- Email attribute in
The email address of the contact handling certificate request
and renewal for this certificate
L - Locality attribute in
The locality in which the certificate to be generated will reside
based on this certificate request
S State attribute in Sub-
The state or province in which the certificate to be generated
will reside based on this certificate request
C - Country attribute in
The two-letter code of the country where your organization is
O - Organization attrib-
ute in Subject
The organization code for which the certificate will be pro-
duced, such as the Spanish organization code J1CESA. This
information is essential since it can be used to confirm validate
that the UPU-IP API caller is authorized to retrieve data
related to this organization
OU - Organization Unit
attribute in Subject
Key usage
Data encipherment
Digital signature
Key encipherment
Extended Key Usage
(application policies)
Client Authentication
Key size 2048
Hash algorithm Sha256
File export format of
the certificate request
Base 64 file
3. Raise a service request:
l Log into UPU's ticketing system https://support.upu.int/.
l Go to the Service Catalog, click on Services for Postal Operations and, under the
Postal Payment Services category, raise a new request for Post*Net Finance. Attach
UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements
the client certificate request file to the ticket and indicate whether the request is for a
pre-production or production environment.
l While handling the service request, PTC will provide the issued certificate as an attach-
ment to the ticket. The provided file will be a .cer file Base 64 exported file.
4. Install the client certificate file on the server (converted to Java Key store format if imple-
mented on the Java platform).
UPU-IP Client certificate request requirements
Calling the UPU-IP's Web Service from a Java client
Calling the UPU-IP web service from a Java client requires using Transport Layer Security with a cer-
tificate of authentication.
l Java JDK installed on the machine
l OpenSSL if no other solution in place to generate certificate request
Getting a client certificate in Java Key Store
1. Generate a client certificate key by going to the path where openssl is and run the following
<full_path>\openssl genrsa -out "<full_path>\ServerCommonName_
ESB.key"Example if you extract our package in C:\UPU-IP_TLS
Cd “C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64
.\openssl genrsa -out "C:\UPU-IP_TLS\JavaKeyStoreCreation\ServerCommonName_
This produces an RSA private key at the out parameter location.
2. Create a certificate request.
The file create_requests.bat is prefilled with ESB settings, however, you must edit the
exact server name so it can be used as a common name for both the certificate and contact
Calling the UPU-IP's Web Service from a Java client
email. You should use this server name in the naming of the file.
Make sure the folder structure specified in the file exists. Open the command prompt as an
administrator and run the create_request.bat file with arguments (1 1)
wine cmd < create_requests.bat 1 1
Example if you extract our package in C:\UPU-IP_TLS
C:\UPU-IP_TLS\JavaKeyStoreCreation\create_requests.bat 1 1
This creates a certificate request (CSR file e.g. ServerCommonName_ESB-1.csr) in the output
folder as specified.
3. Submit the certificate request by providing the above CSR to PTC contacts either through
email or through a support ticket created using http://support.upu.int.
PTC then forwards your request to the UPU-PTC CA authority for issuance by using the
PTC Enroll tool on a Windows server.
Calling the UPU-IP's Web Service from a Java client
4. Issuance of certificates: PTC validates your request, and then issues, retrieves and tests the
certificate. Client certificates include the full CA chain.
5. Conversion to Java Key Store
PTC creates a p12 certificate key and key store from the client certificate using the following
<full_path>\openssl.exe pkcs12 -export -inkey <full_path>\ServerCommonName_
ESB.key -in <full_path>\ServerCommonName_ESB.cer -out <full_path>\Server-
CommonName_ESB_identity.p12 -name "mykey"<full_path>\keytool.exe -importkey-
store -destkeystore <full_path>\ServerCommonName_ESB.jks -deststorepass
Pass1234 -srckeystore <full_path>\ServerCommonName_ESB_identity.p12 -src-
storetype PKCS12 -srcstorepass Pass1234
PTC then concatenates the three certificates in base64: .CER format; root CA, subordinate
CA and the certificate produced above.
l Identity.p12 is converted to ServerCommonName_ESB.jks. You will receive two .jks
a. The client jks created for ESB: ServerCommonName_ESB.jks
b. The java key store cacerts.jks with pre-prod CA and subordinate CA certificates
Although the PTC is more experienced in performing this step, designated oper-
ators can do it as well. If you wish to do it yourself or if you require a specific Java
KeyStore password, please indicate it in your new certificate issuance request/email.
Connecting to the UPU-IP web service
The shared demo application NetBeans project in the current folder can call the UPU-IP CheckStatus
method as shown in the step below.
1. Run the demo application as follows:
java -jar HubWcfClient <URL> <CACerts.jks> <CA Cert JKS pwd> <Server-
CommonName_ESB.jks> <Client jks pwd> <MOID>
java -jar "C:\UPU-IP_TLS\HubWcfClient.jar" https://hubws-tls.-
preprod.upu.org/ExternalService.svc "C:\UPU-IP_TLS\cacerts.jks" 123456
"C:\UPU-IP_TLS\ServerCommonName_ESB.jks" Pass1234 J20AGBAGRAORU2050000000003
Calling the UPU-IP's Web Service from a Java client
This chapter describes the main operations that can be carried out via calls to the WS methods dis-
cussed in "Web Service Interface" on page7.
Issue a postal payment
To issue a postal payment, the business partner makes a WS call to the Issue() method in the UPU-IP's
WS to transmit the payment information. The UPU-IP then stores the payment information in its data-
base. The payment is then available for pay out by the paying business partner.
What are the methods used?
To issue the postal payment information to the UPU-IP, the business partner uses the Issue() method
with the required parameters indicated on 7.
On receipt of the message, the UPU-IP stores the payment information in its database. The response
to the WS call contains the result of the success of the issue process.
Retrieve and pay a postal payment
To retrieve a postal payment, the business partner makes a WS call to the Get() or ReceiveForAccount
() methods. Any number of the following fields relating to the payment can be used to retrieve the
l IFS International money order ID
l Local identifier
l Recipient name
l Deposited amount (lower limit, upper limit)
l Transferred amount (lower limit, upper limit)
l Purchase date (Date from, Date to)
What are the methods used?
The method to use in calling the UPU-IP's Web Service depends on whether you are retrieving inform-
ation for a cash payment product or an account payment product.
Pay to cash
Use the Get() method to call the UPU-IP's Web Service if the postal payment information to be
retrieved is for a cash payment product, of which there are two types:
l cash-to-cash (OR)
l account-to-cash (OT)
Upon successful retrieval of the postal payment, the payment operation can take place at the paying
business partner. If payout is possible at the business partner, the business partner calls the Pay()
method to attempt to record the payment as paid. If the postal payment is still payable, then the UPU
records the postal payment as paid.
Where the payout is unsuccessful, the status of the postal payment in the UPU-IP remains
unchanged. The UPU-IP returns this information to the paying business partner in the response to
the Pay() web service call.
At any point after the postal payment has been issued, both the sending and receiving business part-
ners can check the status of the postal payment sent using the CheckStatus() method. The UPU-IP
returns the status of the postal payment in the response to the WS call. In particular, the sending busi-
ness partner can check the status of an issued postal payment, and where it has been paid out, it can
record this state change in its national system.
Pay to account
Use the ReceiveForAccount() WS method to call the UPU-IP's Web Service if the postal payment
information to be retrieved is for an account payment product, of which there are two types:
l cash-to-account (IN)
l account-to-account (GT)
The UPU-IP returns a list of all payable postal payments to account that are destined for the receiving
business partner between the From/To date parameters specified. The receiving business partner
then updates the UPU-IP on the status of the payment to account by making a WS call to the UPU-IP
using the ConfirmPayToAccount() method.
At any point, the sending business partner can check the status of postal payments sent using the
CheckStatus() method.
The UPU-IP returns a list of postal payments and their corresponding statuses.
Cancel a postal payment
The sending business partner can cancel a postal payment that has already been issued to the UPU-IP
if it is in a cancellable state - has not already been paid out, canceled or expired. Cancellation is only
applicable to cash payment products: cash-to-cash (OR) and account-to-cash (OT). Payable-to-
account postal payment products (IN and GT) cannot be canceled.
What are the methods used?
The sending business partner makes a call to the Cancel() method.
The UPU-IP checks the status of the postal payment in the database. If the postal payment has not
been paid and is in a cancellable state, the UPU-IP returns a "success" message to the sending business
partner in the WS response. If the postal payment has been paid, has expired or already canceled, the
UPU-IP returns an "unsuccessful" response.
If cancellation is successful, the UPU-IP updates the status of the postal payment in the database as
"canceled". The sending business partner can then proceed to request a reimbursement.
Reimburse a postal payment
The sending business partner can request a reimbursement of canceled postal payments.
What are the methods used?
In calling the UPU-IP's Web Service, the sending business partner uses the Reimburse() method.
If the postal payment is in a reimbursable state, the WS returns a "success" message to the sending
business partner in the WS response. Otherwise, the WS returns an "unsuccessful" message with
details of the error.
If reimbursement is successful, the UPU-IP updates the status of the postal payment in the database.
Payments to/from external partners
Where the sending or paying business partner is an external partner, then the external partner’s sys-
tem becomes the system of reference for postal payments, rather than the UPU-IP. Therefore, requests
to the WS methods on the UPU-IP are typically forwarded to the external partner or system of ref-
External partner as the sending business partner
In this scenario, postal payments are retrieved from the external partner system by the paying busi-
ness partner via the UPU-IP (pull mode). Also, payouts are recorded in the external sending partner’s
External partners offer two functions to postal paying partners:
l a function to retrieve payable postal payments
l a function to record payouts
What are the methods used?
The paying business partner makes a call to the Get() method on the UPU-IP to retrieve the details of
any payable postal payments from the external sending partner. The UPU-IP forwards this request to
the external sending business partner. If successful, the external partner returns the details of the
postal payment to the UPU-IP which stores those details in its database then returns those details back
to the paying business partner. If the operation was unsuccessful i.e. no payable postal payments
could be returned, an error message is returned to the UPU-IP and back to the paying business part-
In this scenario, a call to the Get() method is only forwarded once by the UPU-IP to the sending
external partner if the postal payment was already successfully retrieved. Further calls to Get() are
superfluous i.e. the payment information is already present in the UPU-IP database. The Pay()
method determines whether the payment is still payable in the external sending partner’s system and
payout may take place.
On payout at the paying business partner, the paying business partner calls the Pay() method on the
UPU-IP in an attempt to record the payment as “paid” in the external sending partner’s system. The
UPU-IP forwards the call to Pay() to the external sending partner. Where the payment is still payable
and payout can proceed, as dictated by the external partner’s system, the external partner system
marks the payment as “paid” in its system and returns a success message back to the UPU-IP. The
UPU-IP records this state change in its database and forwards this success message back to the paying
business partner. The paying business partner then marks this payment as paid in its own national
system. Where the postal payment was not payable, as dictated by the external sending partner’s sys-
tem (it was already paid out, cancelled, expired etc.), an error message is returned to the UPU-IP and
forwarded back to the paying business partner.
Any number of attempts to call Pay() by the paying business partner are forwarded to the
external sending partner via the UPU-IP.
In this scenario, calls to the CheckStatus() method by the paying business partner are not forwarded
to the external sending partner. Results of calls to CheckStatus() return the status of the payment in
the UPU-IP database. This is because external sending partners, at least in this scenario, do not tend to
expose track and trace functions to paying business partners. The CheckStatus() method plays no part
in the retrieval and payout of money orders from external sending partners. Only calls to the Get()
and Pay() methods are pertinent and forwarded via the UPU-IP to the external sending partner.
External partner as the paying business partner
In this scenario, the external partner is the paying business partner and the postal partner is the send-
ing business partner. Payments are issued (or pushed) from the sending business partner to the
external paying partner’s system via the UPU-IP (push mode). All WS calls to the UPU-IP from the
sending partner are forwarded to the external paying partner via the UPU-IP. This is for the reason
that, since the paying external partner, in this scenario, does not return any postal payment status
information back to the UPU-IP, the sending and paying partner systems need to be synchronized
regarding the status of any postal payment.
What are the methods used?
The sending business partner makes a call to the BookIDToPayingExternal() method to reserve a
postal payment ID in the external paying partner system. The UPU-IP relays this request to the
external paying business partner. The external paying business partner then returns the external pay-
ment ID to the UPU-IP which in turn returns this ID to the sending business partner. Where this fails,
an error message is returned to the UPU-IP and sending partner from the external sending business
Using the retrieved external partner payment ID, the sending business partner makes a call to the
Issue()WS method to send the postal payment details to the external paying partner. The UPU-IP
relays this request to the external paying partner to create the payment in its system. The external pay-
ing business partner returns a “Success" or "Failure" message which the UPU-IP subsequently returns
to the sending business partner.
At any point, the sending partner may call the CheckStatus() method to verify the status of any postal
payments issued to the external partner. In this scenario, all requests to CheckStatus() are forwarded
to the external paying partner via the UPU-IP. This is the method by which the sending partner is
informed of any state change regarding the payment in the external paying partner’s system. For
example, where payout took place successfully in the external paying partner’s system, a call to Check-
Status() is forwarded via the UPU-IP to the external paying partner’s system and the new status of
paid is returned to the sending partner via the UPU-IP. The sending partner then updates the
status of that payment in its national system.
In this scenario, calls to Cancel() and Reimburse() may also be forwarded to the external paying
partner’s system via the UPU-IP.