NextGen Equipage: ADS-B Out Equipage
Rates Are Increasing, but FAA Must
Address Airspace Access Issues
Report No. AV2020014
December 18, 2019
NextGen Equipage: ADS-B Out Equipage Rates Are Increasing,
but FAA Must Address Airspace Access Issues
Requested by Chairman Bill Shuster and Frank LoBiondo of the House Committee on Transportation and
Infrastructure and its Subcommittee on Aviation
Federal Aviation Administration
| AV2020014 | December 18, 2019
What We Looked At
The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) is a
multibillion-dollar transportation infrastructure project that requires airspace users to purchase and install new
avionics on their aircraft. This includes Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast (ADS-B) Out, which FAA
has mandated all operators who intend on flying in most controlled domestic airspace install by January 1,
2020. Citing concerns about whether operators will meet the 2020 deadline, the then-Chairmen of the House
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation Subcommittee requested that we provide
information regarding equipage rates for ADS-B and other NextGen technologies on air carrier and general
aviation aircraft. Accordingly, our audit objectives were to (1) determine the equipage rates for ADS-B and
other NextGen-enabling technologies on commercial and general aviation aircraft, (2) ascertain the reasons
behind aircraft operators’ decisions to equip or not equip with these technologies, and (3) assess FAA and
aircraft operators’ plans to meet the 2020 ADS-B Out equipage deadline.
What We Found
We found that ADS-B Out equipage rates are increasing as the 2020 deadline approaches with other equipage
rates varying depending on the NextGen technology. In addition, operators are installing ADS-B Out primarily
due to the mandate but also consider financial and operational factors when equipping with NextGen
technologies, such as potential benefits. Finally, most commercial and turbine-powered general aviation
operators who will fly in ADS-B Out airspace plan on meeting the 2020 deadline. However, FAA has not
finalized procedures needed by non-equipped operators to access ADS-B Out airspace.
Our Recommendations
We made three recommendations to FAA concerning having the necessary systems and procedures in
place so operators can access ADS-B Out required airspace. FAA concurred with two of our
recommendations and provided appropriate planned actions and completion dates. It did not concur
with one recommendation to analyze the feasibility of developing automated systems to provide
operators with more timely information regarding GPS outages or degradation. The Agency concluded
that developing these additional systems is redundant and an inefficient use of resources. Based on its
response, we believe that FAA has assessed the feasibility of developing automated systems as noted in
recommendation 2. We consider this recommendation closed.
All OIG audit reports are available on our website at
For inquiries about this report, please contact our Office of Government & Public Affairs at (202) 366-8751.
Memorandum 1
Results in Brief 3
Background 4
ADS-B Equipage Out Rates Are Increasing, With Other Equipage Rates
Varying Depending on the NextGen Technology 6
Operators Are Installing ADS-B Out Due to the 2020 Mandate but Also
Consider Operational and Financial Factors When Equipping With
NextGen Technologies 11
While Most Operators Who Will Fly in ADS-B Out Airspace Will Meet the
2020 Deadline, Airspace Access Issues Remain 15
Conclusion 19
Recommendations 19
Agency Comments and OIG Response 19
Actions Required 20
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 21
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 23
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 25
Exhibit D. Description, Expected Benefits, and Required Equipment for
NextGen Technologies 26
Exhibit E. Photos of ADS-B Out Avionics 27
Exhibit F. ADS-B Out Equipage by Aircraft Operation/Type: May 2018 to
October 2019 28
Exhibit G. Major Contributors to This Report 31
Appendix. Agency Comments 32
AV2020014 1
Date: December 18, 2019
Subject: ACTION: NextGen Equipage: ADS-B Out Equipage Rates Are Increasing, but FAA
Must Address Airspace Access Issues | Report No. AV2020014
From: Matthew E. Hampton
Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
To: Federal Aviation Administrator
The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation
System (NextGen) is a multibillion-dollar transportation infrastructure project
intended to modernize our Nation’s aging air traffic system and provide safer and
more efficient air travel. Implementing NextGen is a complex undertaking and
requires joint investments from FAA (for new ground systems for controllers) and
airspace users (for new avionics and displays for pilots) to realize expected
There are several key NextGen technologies that require airspace users to
purchase and install new avionics on their aircraft, including one effort that has
been mandated by FAA, the Automatic Dependent SurveillanceBroadcast
and others that are optional, such as Data Communications
FAA has mandated that aircraft operating in most controlled
domestic airspace be equipped with ADS-B Out
technology by January 1, 2020.
Citing concerns about whether operators will meet the 2020 deadline,
then-Chairmen of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and
its Aviation Subcommittee
requested that we provide information regarding
ADS-B technology uses the satellite-based Global Position System (GPS) and is intended to allow FAA to transition
from ground-based radar to a satellite-based system for improving surveillance and management of air traffic.
DataComm provides a 2-way digital communications link between controllers and flight crews, improving accuracy
and safety. FAA has implemented data link technology at towers and is in the process of implementing the system at
facilities that monitor high-altitude air traffic.
ADS-B Out is the current stage of the program and refers to an aircraft broadcasting its position and other
information to ground systems so the information can be seen on controller displays.
14 CFR § 91.225 and 14 CFR § 91.227 (May 2010).
Chairman Bill Shuster of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and
Chairman Frank A. LoBiondo of the Subcommittee on Aviation requested this audit on November 21, 2017.
AV2020014 2
equipage rates for ADS-B and other NextGen technologies on air carrier and
general aviation aircraft as well as the reasons operators decide to equip their
aircraft. In addition, they requested that we assess FAA’s and operators’ plans for
meeting the 2020 ADS-B Out deadline.
Accordingly, our audit objectives were to (1) determine the equipage rates for
ADS-B and other NextGen-enabling technologies on commercial and general
aviation aircraft,
(2) ascertain the reasons behind aircraft operators’ decisions to
equip or not equip with these technologies, and (3) assess FAA and aircraft
operators’ plans to meet the 2020 ADS-B Out equipage deadline.
We conducted this audit in accordance with generally accepted Government
auditing standards. We focused on installation of three NextGen technologies on
commercial and general aviation aircraft: ADS-B Out, DataComm, and
Performance Based Navigation (PBN).
Exhibit A details our scope and
methodology. Exhibit B lists the organizations we visited or contacted.
We appreciate the courtesies and cooperation of FAA representatives during this
audit. If you have any questions concerning this report, please call me at
(202) 366-0500 or Robin Koch, Program Director, at (404) 562-3770.
cc: The Secretary
DOT Audit Liaison, M-1
FAA Audit Liaison, AAE-100
In July 2019, we provided the House Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure and its Aviation Subcommittee
with a briefing regarding our preliminary results related to ADS-B Out equipage rates. See Letter to Chairmen DeFazio
and Larson and Ranking Members Graves and Graves Regarding ADS-B Out Equipage, September 12, 2019. OIG reports
are available on our website at
PBN is a satellite-enabled form of air navigation that provides for greater route precision and accuracy. PBN
procedures require various avionics capabilities depending on the level of desired navigation precision and accuracy.
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Results in Brief
ADS-B Out equipage rates are increasing as the 2020 deadline
approaches, with other equipage rates varying depending on the
NextGen technology.
Over 85,000 commercial, international, and general aviation aircraft were in
compliance with the ADS-B Out mandate as of October 1, 2019, nearly doubling
the number of equipped aircraft as of May 1, 2018. While equipage rates
increased for all operators, they varied among the different segments of the
industry, with 89 percent of commercial aircraft, 70 percent of international
aircraft, and 51 percent of general aviation aircraft being deemed compliant. Also,
among general aviation operators, 71 percent of higher-end turbojet and
turboprop operators have equipped with ADS-B Out while only 47 percent of
single- and multi-engine piston operators have done so. With regard to other
NextGen technologies, there are 7,800 DataComm-equipped aircraft flying in U.S.
airspace as of September 2019, all of which are commercial and turbine-powered
general aviation aircraft. Further, while most commercial and turbine-powered
general aviation aircraft are equipped to fly less complex PBN procedures,
mainline commercial carriers’ aircraft are largely equipped to fly more complex
PBN routes.
Operators are installing ADS-B Out primarily due to the mandate but
also consider financial and operational factors, such as potential
benefits, when equipping with NextGen technologies.
Although the mandate is the primary driver for the decision to equip with ADS-B,
deciding whether and when to equip also involves other factors. For example,
one mainline operator planned to equip its aircraft in mid-2018 and throughout
2019 in stages, mostly during slower travel periods, because it did not want to
affect its operations during peak flying periods. While the installation of ADS-B
Out equipage has increased, some operators and their representatives raised
concerns about not achieving anticipated benefits from ADS-B, such as reduced
separation standards in high-altitude airspace. According to FAA, it has initiatives
ongoing that will capitalize on the operational and safety benefits envisioned
when the ADS-B program was launched. However, it is uncertain if or when these
benefits will be realized. In contrast, commercial and high-end general aviation
aircraft operators are equipping with DataComm mainly due to operational
benefits, including decreased gate and taxi delays and reduced communication
time between controllers and pilots. Likewise, aircraft operators equip with PBN
technology mainly for the potential benefits it can provide, such as more direct
flights and reduced fuel burn. However, similar to ADS-B, DataComm and PBN
benefits for airspace users have yet to be fully realized, potentially impacting the
overall expected benefits of NextGen.
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While most commercial and turbine-powered general aviation operators
who will fly in ADS-B Out airspace plan on meeting the 2020 deadline,
several airspace access issues have not been addressed by FAA.
It is likely that most mainline and regional commercial operators along with
higher-end, turbine-powered general aviation operators who intend on flying in
ADS-B required airspace will meet the 2020 deadline by either installing
(1) compliant equipment on their aircraft in time or (2) previously filing for an
which allowed operators to install a compliant transponder by the
2020 deadline but delay updating their aircraft’s position source until December
31, 2024. Further, some smaller commercial operators have not equipped their
aircraft with ADS-B Out and may not meet the 2020 deadline. In addition, many
piston-engine general aviation aircraft will not be equipped by the 2020 deadline,
though not all of these operators will have to equip for various reasons, such as
not flying in ADS-B Out airspace. In addition, FAA does not plan on completely
prohibiting non-equipped aircraft from flying in this airspace. Operators without
ADS-B Out on their aircraft will need to determine if back-up surveillance is
available and contact air traffic control at least an hour in advance of flying for
flight route approval. Without this approval, FAA may deny them access to most
controlled airspace.
However, FAA has not finalized procedures allowing
operators to confirm the availability of back-up surveillance. Furthermore, the
Agency lacks systems for timely notification regarding Global Positioning System
(GPS) outages and for requesting authorization to fly in ADS-B airspace.
As a
result, non-equipped operators may find it difficult to access ADS-B Out airspace.
We are making recommendations to FAA concerning having the necessary
systems and procedures in place so operators can access ADS-B Out required
Since fiscal year 2004, FAA has been developing NextGen, a multibillion-dollar
transportation infrastructure project intended to modernize our Nation’s aging
air traffic system and provide safer and more efficient air traffic management.
NextGen is a complex undertaking and requires stakeholders, including
Exemption Number 12555, FAA, August 20, 2015.
Non-equipped operators will have the ability to access ADS-B Out airspace in 2020 and beyond. However, they must
confirm that backup surveillance services are available for their proposed route and receive authorization from FAA to
fly in the airspace at least an hour in advance.
This encompasses most airspace where a transponder is required to operate.
AV2020014 5
commercial carriers and general aviation operators, to purchase and install new
technologies on their aircraft.
These technologies
ADS-B. ADS-B uses satellite-based technology, including GPS and a network of
ground stations, to transmit position information more frequently and accurately
than ground-based radars (see figure 1). ADS-B consists of two services:
Out, which broadcasts an aircraft’s flight position data to the ADS-B
ground system and controller displays. It is expected to provide more
accurate information to track aircraft in the air and on the ground; and
In, which displays flight information in the cockpit, including the location
of other aircraft. It also provides pilots with weather and other critical
Figure 1. ADS-B Schematic
Source: FAA
See exhibit D for detailed explanation of each technology, including the expected benefits and required equipment.
AV2020014 6
In May 2010, FAA issued a final rule requiring all aircraft operators that fly in most
controlled airspace install ADS-B Out by January 1, 2020. To meet the
requirements, an operator must equip their aircraft with: (1) a qualified Global
Navigation Satellite System position source, (2) an Out-capable transponder, and
(3) an appropriate antenna.
If operators do not equip their aircraft, they must
contact air traffic control at least an hour in advance for flight route approval and
may be denied access to certain airspace.
DataComm. Provides a two-way digital communications link between controllers
and flight crews, improving accuracy and safety. FAA has implemented the
technology at 62 air traffic control towers and is in the process of implementing
the system at facilities that manage high-altitude air traffic.
PBN. A satellite-enabled form of air navigation that provides for greater route
precision and accuracy. There are two types of PBN procedures:
Area Navigation (RNAV), which allow aircraft to fly any desired flight path
without the limitations imposed by ground-based navigation systems; and
Required Navigation Performance (RNP), which adds monitoring and
alerting capabilities that allow aircraft to fly more precise flight paths into
and out of airports.
Benefits of these routes include: saving fuel, reducing flight times, increasing
traffic flow and capacity, and reducing exhaust emissions. PBN procedures
require various avionics capabilities depending on the level of desired navigation
precision and accuracy.
ADS-B Equipage Out Rates Are Increasing, With
Other Equipage Rates Varying Depending on the
NextGen Technology
As the 2020 deadline approaches, overall ADS-B Out equipage rates are
increasing. However, equipage rates vary among operators, with mainline and
regional commercial carriers and higher-end general aviation operators
equipping at a higher rate than smaller carriers and piston engine general
aviation operators. In addition, DataComm and PBN equipage varies depending
on the technology, though those technologies are primarily on commercial and
higher-end general aviation aircraft.
See exhibit E for pictures of ADS-B equipment.
AV2020014 7
ADS-B Out Equipage Rates Are Increasing
but Vary by Segment of the Industry
As the 2020 deadline approaches, overall ADS-B Out equipage rates are
increasing, with some operator segments having their fleets nearly fully
equipped. According to FAA’s data, 85,311 commercial, international, and general
aviation aircraft were in compliance with the ADS-B Out mandate as of October 1,
2019, a nearly 96 percent increase in aircraft equipped since May 1, 2018 (see
figure 2).
Figure 2. Total Number of Commercial, International, and General
Aviation Aircraft Equipped With ADS-B Out:
May 1, 2018 to October 1, 2019
While equipage rates increased for all operators, they varied among the different
segments of the industry, with 89 percent of commercial aircraft, 70 percent of
international aircraft, and 51 percent of general aviation aircraft being deemed
compliant (see table 1).
AV2020014 8
Table 1. ADS-B Out Compliant Aircraft by Operator and
Operation/Engine Type, as of October 1, 2019
Number of
Aircraft Observed
Total Number of
Percentage of
Mainline 4,485 4,847 93%
Regional 1,585 1,792 88%
Other* 330 527 63%
Subtotal 6,400 7,166 89%
6,507 9,296 70%
General Aviation Turbojet/Turboprop 15,919 22,289 71%
56,485 120,390 47%
Subtotal 72,404 142,679 51%
Total 85,311 159,141 54%
*Other carriers consist of 38 commercial and cargo airlines that make up roughly 7 percent of the
fleet. They are small operators, with 21 of them operating 11 aircraft or less.
FAA’s data also show that equipage rates vary among operators depending on
the type of operation or engine type.
Commercial Operators. Mainline and regional commercial carriers
equipping at a higher rate than smaller, commercial carriers. ADS-B Out equipage
rates at mainline (93 percent) and regional (88 percent) carriers have nearly
tripled since May 1, 2018. However, while equipage at smaller, commercial
operators has significantly increased since May 2018, only 63 percent of this fleet
have equipped. In addition, 19 of these carriers have 50 percent or less of their
The international fleet is comprised of Part 129 aircraft along with other foreign aircraft that fly into U.S. controlled
airspace. Due to the requirements of the ADS-B Out rule, foreign operators must meet the same equipage
requirements as domestic commercial and general aviation operators.
See exhibit A for ADS-B Out equipage information by aircraft operation/type from May 2018 to July 2019.
Per FAA’s definition, mainline carriers consist of 11 commercial airlines that make up 68 percent of the Part 121
fleet. Regional carriers consist of 14 commercial and cargo airlines that make up 25 percent of the Part 121 fleet.
AV2020014 9
fleet equipped, with 9 of them not equipping any of their aircraft with ADS-B
General Aviation Operators. Compared to commercial operators, general
aviation operators have equipped at a lower rate, with 71 percent of higher-end
turbojet and turboprop operators estimated to equip with ADS-B Out having
done so, while only 47 percent of single- and multi-engine piston operators have
DataComm Equipage Is Limited to
Commercial and Higher-End General
Aviation Aircraft
According to FAA’s data, there are 7,800 DataComm-equipped aircraft flying in
U.S. airspace as of October 2019. Of this total, 3,166, or 41 percent, are domestic
commercial aircraft; 2,688, or 34 percent, are general aviation aircraft, and 1,946,
or 25 percent, are international aircraft (see table 2). The 3,166 domestic
commercial-equipped aircraft represent 72 percent of the total domestic fleet
that can be equipped with DataComm and 44 percent of the total U.S. jet fleet.
Table 2. DataComm Equipage as of October 2019
Total Aircraft Equipped with
Percentage of Total
Equipped Aircraft
Commercial (Domestic)
General Aviation
Source: FAA
Commercial-equipped aircraft include most Boeing and larger Airbus models,
such as the A330. Mid-sized Airbus’, such as the A300, older aircraft, and regional
aircraft (both piston and turbine engine) are generally not equipped with the
technology. In addition, all 2,688-equipped general aviation aircraft are business
According to FAA, mainline and regional commercial carriers make up 93 percent of the total commercial fleet it
tracks for ADS-Out equipage, with smaller carriers making up the remaining 7 percent.
AV2020014 10
jets and classified as turbojets, with no turboprop or piston-powered aircraft
currently equipped.
While Most Mainline Commercial
Operators Are Equipped To Fly Advanced
PBN Procedures, Other Operators Have
Equipped at a Much Lower Rate
According to FAA’s data, nearly all commercial, international, and higher-end
general aviation aircraft are equipped to fly less complex PBN (Area Navigation,
or RNAV) procedures as of October 1, 2019. However, while 94 percent of
mainline commercial carriers’ aircraft are equipped to fly more complex PBN
routes (Required Navigation Performance, or RNP), only 41 percent of regional
aircraft, 45 percent of other commercial aircraft, 27 percent of international
aircraft, and 9 percent of higher-end general aviation aircraft are equipped to fly
these routes (see table 3).
Table 3. PBN Equipage Rates by Operator and Type of Operation
as of October 1, 2019
Type of
% of
% of
Source: FAA
The non-RNP capable mainline aircraft include MD-80s and DC-9s at passenger
carriers and A300s at cargo operators. Most non-equipped regional aircraft are
older regional jets while non-equipped other carriers’ aircraft cover all types,
While FAA did not provide complete statistics regarding the number of PBN-equipped General Aviation
Single/Multi-Engine aircraft, its data showed that less than 10 percent of these aircraft are equipped to fly RNAV
procedures and less than 1 percent are equipped to fly RNP procedures.
AV2020014 11
ranging from Boeing 737s and 747s to regional jets to turboprops. According to
FAA and industry officials, most new aircraft are equipped with the technology
necessary to operate both RNAV and RNP routes.
Operators Are Installing ADS-B Out Due to the
2020 Mandate but Also Consider Operational and
Financial Factors When Equipping With NextGen
Commercial and general aviation operators who equip with ADS-B Out are doing
so primarily due to the 2020 mandate but also consider operational, financial,
and other factors when deciding whether and when to equip. They also consider
these same factors when determining whether to install DataComm and PBN.
However, operators are realizing limited operational and financial benefits from
installing each of these technologies.
The ADS-B Out Mandate Is Driving
Equipage, but Additional Factors Impact
Operators’ Decisions
According to FAA and MITRE officials, commercial carrier representatives, general
aviation operators, aviation industry groups, and other aviation stakeholders we
spoke with, operators are equipping with ADS-B Out primarily due to the 2020
mandate. They also consider additional factors when deciding whether to equip
their aircraft with the technology and when to install it. These include:
Operational Factors. Installing ADS-B Out requires operators to ground aircraft
in order to install the necessary equipment. For commercial and higher-end
general aviation operators, this requires advance planning to minimize
operational impacts. For example, one mainline operator planned to equip its
aircraft in late 2018 and throughout 2019 in stages, mostly during slower travel
periods, because it did not want to impact its operations during peak periods.
In addition, while larger commercial operators often use in-house maintenance
facilities to install ADS-B Out equipment, smaller commercial and general aviation
operators generally schedule their installations with outside maintenance shops.
This requires advance planning to reserve slots at outside maintenance facilities
AV2020014 12
in order to install the equipment, particularly at popular maintenance shops or in
areas with a high concentration of aircraft, such as south Florida.
Cost Factors. While new commercial and high-end general aviation aircraft are
equipped with ADS-B Out, retrofitting it on existing aircraft can be expensive,
with MITRE estimating the costs ranging from $98,200 to $338,200 per aircraft.
Operators consider these costs when determining whether to retrofit their fleet,
especially older aircraft or aircraft they intend to replace.
For piston-engine general aviation operators, cost is the primary factor when
deciding whether to equip with ADS-B Out. Some operators cite a poor return on
investment from installing the equipment, especially on older, less expensive
aircraft ($1,500 to $2,000 for a system on a $25,000 to $40,000 aircraft), as a
reason for not installing the equipment. Since the mandate was announced,
alternative, less expensive avionics have recently come on the market that meet
the technical requirements of the mandate, making it less expensive for these
operators to equip.
Timing. While FAA gave operators nearly a decade to meet the equipage
mandate, commercial operator representatives we spoke with stated that their
long-term business planning generally involved looking forward 2 to 3 years due
to factors such as planning its operations to fit projected business cycles.
Equipping aircraft long before the deadline did not match up to this planning,
causing operators to equip closer to the deadline.
Obtaining/Certifying Equipment. Some operators, particularly small carriers or
those with older fleets, cited difficulties obtaining ADS-B Out equipment as an
obstacle towards meeting the mandate. For example, representatives at one
carrier stated they had difficulties locating a vendor that would manufacture units
for their aircraft even though they began looking for solutions 2 to 3 years before
the 2020 deadline. In addition, modifying avionic equipment requires FAA
approval via the Supplemental Type Certificate
process. In some cases this
process was taking a year or more to complete, delaying operators’ plans for
installing the required equipment.
Incentives. Starting in 2008, FAA provided incentives totaling $48 million to
commercial and general aviation operators as well as avionics manufacturers to
accelerate development of ADS-B solutions. According to an FAA official, the
Agency offered these incentives to help kick start development of solutions that
other operators could later use to equip their aircraft. For example, in 2011, FAA
provided nearly $21 million in incentives to United Airlines, Rockwell Collins, and
A supplemental type certificate is an FAA-approved modification to an aeronautical product from its original
design. The approval not only applies to the modification but also to how that modification affects the original design
of the product.
AV2020014 13
Boeing to help develop an ADS-B solution for the Boeing 737 aircraft, which
could be used by other operators to equip similar aircraft.
In September 2016, FAA began offering a $500 rebate to owners of fixed-wing,
single engine piston aircraft who purchased and successfully installed ADS-B Out
equipment. FAA offered the rebate as a way to encourage equipage among this
group of operators. FAA made 20,000 rebates available, with approximately
12,000 rebates reserved as of April 2018 before the Agency initially closed the
program. However, given the general aviation community’s support for the
rebate, in September 2018 FAA re-opened the program for the remaining
8,000 rebates, which were all reserved by May 2019.
General Aviation Safety. Some general aviation operators and pilots cited the
safety benefits the system provides when paired with ADS-B In, which allows the
pilot to “see” the location of other aircraft flying close by, as a key reason why
they equipped with Out. In some cases, operators equipped with the technology
prior to FAA approving the Out equipage rule in 2010 for this reason.
Other Reasons. Operators and other stakeholders also cited other reasons that
factored into equipage decisions, including privacy concerns, a belief that FAA
would move the 2020 deadline, and meeting foreign equipage requirements.
Operational and Financial Considerations
Drive DataComm and PBN Equipage
Unlike ADS-B Out, operators are not required to install DataComm and PBN on
their aircraft. Rather, operators, industry representatives, and FAA officials we
spoke with cited operational and financial factors when deciding whether to
equip their aircraft with the two technologies.
Operational Factors. DataComm increases operational efficiency and safety by
providing equipped aircraft with benefits such as decreased gate and taxi delays
and reduced communication time between pilots and controllers at equipped
airports. Based on figures provided by FAA, between June 2016 and March 2019,
air traffic control towers equipped with the system resulted in over
900,000 minutes of reduced delays, over 1.4 million minutes in communication
Other countries implemented their own ADS-B equipage requirements prior to FAA’s 2020 mandate. Operators
who flew in these countries were required to equip with the technology.
AV2020014 14
time saved, and over 78,000 read-back errors avoided.
While operators agreed
that they realized these benefits, they could not quantify them.
Aircraft equipped with PBN technology allow operators to use procedures that
improve departure/arrival routes and reduce fuel burn, resulting in operational
enhancements and cost savings for its fleets.
Financial Considerations. Retrofitting aircraft with DataComm or PBN
technology can be expensive. For example, MITRE estimates that it costs between
$43,000 and $620,000 to retrofit an aircraft with DataComm. Operators consider
these costs when deciding whether to retrofit their aircraft with these
technologies, especially on older aircraft or aircraft they intend on retiring or
otherwise disposing of. In addition, FAA offered a financial incentive to operators
as a way to “jump start” DataComm equipage. As of September 2019, there were
2,510 aircraft that were equipped through the incentive, with approximately
$117 million set aside to fund the incentives.
Operators Are Realizing Limited Benefits
From Installing the Three NextGen
Our interviews with operators and industry representatives, along with our
related audit work, indicate that operators are not fully realizing the anticipated
benefits they expected from installing three technologies, potentially impacting
the overall expected benefits of NextGen.
ADS-B Out. FAA stated that implementing ADS-B would result in increased
operational, cost, and safety benefits for operators and the Agency. However,
these benefits have largely not materialized. For example, FAA stated that
requiring operators to install ADS-B Out would allow for new procedures that
would reduce separation standards between aircraft in en-route and terminal
airspace, increasing capacity and operational efficiency in the nation’s skies.
According to FAA, it has initiatives ongoing that will capitalize on the operational
and safety benefits envisioned when the ADS-B program was launched. However,
it is uncertain if or when these benefits will be realized.
While DataComm’s program at towers has provided benefits, these
benefits are limited in part because DataComm is only offered at 62 commercial
and general aviation airports where FAA could justify a business case for
installing the system. In addition, FAA is in the initial stages of implementing the
We did not conduct tests to verify the accuracy of FAA’s DataComm benefit figures.
AV2020014 15
system into en-route airspace, where significant additional benefits are expected.
However, technical problems, including communication and avionics issues,
halted implementation in late 2018. According to FAA, these problems, along
with the Government shutdown, contributed to further delays in introducing the
system into en-route airspace. FAA now expects these services to be fully
implemented by the summer of 2021.
PBN. Operators and industry representatives indicated that the use of high-value
PBN procedures remains low, including at large airports such as Atlanta
Hartsfield. According to FAA air traffic facility managers and air traffic controller
representatives we spoke with, one reason for this is the difficultly in separating
aircraft with varying degrees of equipage. In addition, as we reported in August
2019, the annual benefits FAA estimated for seven completed Metroplex sites
fell well short of expectations, with FAA only achieving about half of the minimum
amount that FAA initially expected when it first planned each site.
However, FAA
officials stated that the Agency has achieved other benefits that are difficult to
quantify, such as increased safety, reduced controller/pilot task complexity, and
de-conflicted air traffic routes.
While Most Operators Who Will Fly in ADS-B Out
Airspace Will Meet the 2020 Deadline, Airspace
Access Issues Remain
It is likely that most mainline and regional commercial operators along with
higher-end, turbine-powered general aviation operators who intend on flying in
airspace requiring ADS-B will meet the 2020 deadline. However, a sizable
segment of piston-engine general aviation aircraft will not be equipped, and it is
difficult to determine how many of these operators plan to equip their aircraft
with ADS-B Out. In addition, FAA does not plan on completely prohibiting non-
equipped aircraft from flying in ADS-B Out airspace. However, it has not finalized
systems and procedures needed by non-equipped operators to access this
FAA began the Metroplex program in 2010 to increase efficiencies in congested, metropolitan areas with multiple
airports. FAA and industry have since prioritized 12 locations where improvements are expected to yield near-term
FAA Has Made Progress in Implementing Its Metroplex Program, but Benefits for Airspace Users Have Fallen Short of
Expectations (OIG Report No. AV2019062), August 27, 2019.
AV2020014 16
Most Commercial and Turbine-Powered
General Aviation Operators Who Fly in
ADS-B Out Required Airspace Plan on
Meeting the 2020 Deadline
While it is likely that the majority of commercial and turbine-powered general
aviation operators will equip with ADS-B Out, many piston-engine operators may
Commercial and Turbine-Powered General Aviation Operators. Based on our
analysis of the equipage data to date; equipage plans filed by 33 commercial
operators; and interviews with FAA, MITRE, industry representatives, and
operators, it is likely that most mainline and regional commercial operators and
higher-end, turbine-powered general aviation operators who intend on flying in
ADS-B required airspace will meet the 2020 deadline. They will do so by
accomplishing one of the following:
1. Installing compliant equipment on their aircraft. Without this technology
on their aircraft, operators would need to contact air traffic control at least
an hour in advance for flight route approval and may be denied access to
most controlled airspace without this approval.
2. Meeting the requirements of the 12555 Exemption. In August 2015, FAA
granted a one-time exemption that requires operators to install a
compliant transponder by the 2020 deadline but allows them to delay
updating their aircraft’s position source
until December 31, 2024.
Operators will need to install both avionics if they intend on flying
unrestricted in ADS-B Out required airspace.
However, some smaller commercial operators have not equipped their aircraft with
ADS-B Out, and little is known about their equipage plans. This has raised concerns
among MITRE and industry officials regarding whether these operators will meet
the 2020 deadline.
Piston-Engine General Aviation Operators. The data indicate that a sizable
segment of piston-engine general aviation aircraft will not be equipped with ADS-B
Out by the 2020 deadline. FAA officials and industry representatives we spoke with
stated that not all of these operators will equip for various reasons. For example,
A position source is avionics equipment installed on an aircraft that allows its location to be tracked.
Operators needed to submit a request for each aircraft covered by the Exemption by August 1, 2018. At that time
they also needed to submit an equipage plan, updated annually, explaining how and when each aircraft will meet the
equipage requirement by December 31, 2024.
AV2020014 17
many do not fly, or they rarely fly, in airspace requiring ADS-B Out or rarely fly their
aircraft at all.
In addition, it is difficult to determine how many of these operators plan to equip
their aircraft with ADS-B Out. FAA’s total estimated figure for this group includes
aircraft listed in the Agency’s aircraft registry, yet some may not have flown in
years. FAA, MITRE, and industry officials also stated that it is uncertain how many
of these operators actually intend to equip, though those who fly near major
metropolitan areas or in airspace requiring ADS-B Out will be more likely to
Non-Equipped General Aviation Aircraft. For general aviation operators who
have not yet equipped, they plan on:
Equipping their aircraft either before or after the deadline,
Not flying or rarely flying in airspace requiring ADS-B Out, or
Not equipping with the technology, especially on older aircraft whose
value is relatively low.
However, operators may face challenges if they intend on installing the system
before the deadline. Maintenance shop operators and their representatives stated
that available space to install the equipment was filling up fast, with some owners
not willing to accept customers if it meant turning away other, more profitable
projects such as full aircraft overhauls. As a result, operators may wait until after
the deadline passes before equipping their aircraft.
FAA Has Not Finalized Systems and
Procedures Needed by Non-Equipped
Aircraft To Access ADS-B Airspace
In an April 1, 2019, Federal Register notice, FAA reconfirmed its policy requiring
non-equipped operators to receive approval at least 1 hour prior to flying in
ADS-B Out required airspace. The Agency stated that it does not intend to adjust
its operations to accommodate non-equipped aircraft and that air traffic control
is more likely to deny access to non-equipped aircraft without this approval,
especially at busy slot-controlled and capacity-constrained airports. In addition,
FAA intends to impose civil penalties on operators who repeatedly operate non-
equipped aircraft without proper authorization.
AV2020014 18
FAA continues to work with operators, mainly through the Equip 2020 Working
to address potential issues prior to the mandate taking effect. However,
with the deadline approaching, the Agency has not finalized systems needed by
non-equipped operators to access ADS-B Out airspace.
Pre-Flight Availability/Back-Up Surveillance. Operators intending to fly in
ADS-B Out airspace with non-equipped aircraft or legacy GPS position sources
must first determine whether backup surveillance is available for their proposed
route using FAA’s Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT)
within 24 hours of
departure. Once receiving approval from SAPT, operators can fly the designated
route without violating the ADS-B Out rule even if there is a planned or
unplanned GPS outage. In the event of a scheduled GPS or SAPT outage, FAA will
issue a Notice to Airmen informing operators of these issues and will not initiate
enforcement actions against them.
While FAA has communicated this policy to operators, it is still finalizing the
guidance for using SAPT, and is not planning to issue updated guidance to
operators until the beginning of 2020. In addition, some operators are concerned
that they are not receiving timely notification from FAA regarding planned GPS
outages or more detailed guidance regarding in-flight GPS degradation. Further,
there is not a mechanism in place for FAA to detect GPS deviations automatically.
Rather, it will have to review them manually, which takes longer to notify
operators of any potential issues.
ADS-B Deviation Authorization Pre-Flight Tool (ADAPT). FAA is developing a
web-based system called ADAPT so that non-equipped operators can request
authorization to fly in ADS-B required airspace. However, FAA must successfully
test and deploy the system before its planned implementation in December 2019,
just before the mandate takes effect. In addition, the Agency also must develop
procedures and guidance and provide it to operators so they can train their
personnel on the system.
Established in 2014, the Equip 2020 Working Group is a joint FAA/industry committee charged with addressing the
challenges surrounding equipage, including its availability, cost, and policy considerations.
This includes aircraft equipped with Selective Availability (SA)-On or SA-Aware GPS receivers, which do not meet
the technical requirements called for in 14 CFR § 91.227. However, operators equipped with SA-Aware and who
received a 12555 Exemption do not have to determine whether backup surveillance is available through 2024.
SAPT provides operators with information regarding the availability of GPS services along their planned route of
flight and whether back-up surveillance is available.
AV2020014 19
FAA’s NextGen initiative has the potential to significantly enhance the efficiency
and capacity of our National Airspace System. However, NextGen’s success
depends in part on whether aircraft will equip with the key technologies
necessary to achieve advanced capabilities, including ADS-B. While operators
were initially slow to equip their aircraft with ADS-B Out, most who intend on
flying in ADS-B Out airspace will be equipped in time to meet the 2020 deadline.
However, with the mandate fast approaching, it is critical that FAA implement the
systems necessary so that operators have access to the systems and procedures
they need to operate in the National Airspace System.
To provide operators with the necessary systems and procedures they need to
access ADS-B Out required airspace regardless of their equipage status, we
recommend that the Federal Aviation Administrator:
1. Complete publication of the FAA advisory circular that formalizes interim
guidance regarding the Service Availability Prediction Tool.
2. Analyze the feasibility of developing automated systems to provide
operators with more timely information regarding GPS issues, such as
outages and degradations, and if feasible, implement them.
3. Identify remaining steps and target action dates for completing the ADS-B
Deviation Authorization Pre-Flight Tool system, as well as contingencies if
the system is not operational by the 2020 deadline.
Agency Comments and OIG Response
We provided FAA with our draft report on November 8, 2019, and received its
response on December 6, 2019, which is included as an appendix to this report.
FAA concurred with recommendations 1 and 3 as written and provided
appropriate actions and completion dates.
The Agency did not concur with recommendation 2, stating that it already has
mechanisms in place that will notify the aviation community when service
outages and degradations occur. It also noted that an investment in an additional
system would be redundant and an inefficient use of resources. Based on its
AV2020014 20
response, we believe that the Agency has considered the feasibility of developing
automated systems as noted in recommendation 2. We consider this
recommendation resolved and closed.
Actions Required
We consider recommendations 1 and 3 resolved but open pending completion of
FAA’s planned actions. We consider recommendation 2 resolved and closed.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 21
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology
We conducted this performance audit between June 2018 and November 2019 in
accordance with generally accepted Government auditing standards as
prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards
require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on
our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained provides a
reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
Our objectives were to: (1) determine the equipage rates for ADS-B and other
NextGen-enabling technologies on commercial and general aviation aircraft;
(2) ascertain the reasons behind aircraft operators’ decisions to equip or not
equip with these technologies; and (3) assess FAA and aircraft operators’ plans to
meet the 2020 ADS-B Out equipage deadline. We focused on installation of three
NextGen technologies on commercial and general aviation aircraft: (1) ADS-B
Out, (2) DataComm, and (3) PBN.
To determine the equipage rates for each of the technologies, we analyzed
equipage data provided by FAA and MITRE for domestic commercial,
international, and general aviation operators.
To determine the reliability of the
data, we interviewed representatives from FAA’s NextGen and Flight Standards
offices, MITRE, and Harris Corporation regarding how the data are collected and
analyzed for the three technologies. We reviewed documentation provided by
these entities detailing the systems used to compile the data and the controls in
place to ensure the integrity of the data. In addition, for the ADS-B Out equipage
figures, we compared the data provided by FAA and MITRE with data from FAA’s
public ADS-B Out equipage website. We determined that while there are slight
differences between these figures, the differences were due to different timelines
and timestamps. Finally, during our site visits we asked air carriers to validate the
ADS-B Out and PBN equipage figures for their fleets. Overall, the operators
stated that the data was accurate or close to their figures. As a result, we believe
this data is reliable for the purpose of this audit.
To determine the reasons behind aircraft operators’ decisions to equip or not
equip with the NextGen technologies, we interviewed officials from commercial
carriers, individual general aviation operators, and flight schools regarding the
reasons why their aircraft were or were not equipped. These interviews were done
during our site visits and as well over the phone. We also spoke with
organizations representing commercial carriers, general aviation operators, and
While equipage data for other types of operators, such as government and Department of Defense operators, was
available, we did not analyze it because it fell outside of the scope of our audit.
Exhibit A. Scope and Methodology 22
repair stations, as well as individual aircraft maintenance providers regarding their
observations as to why operators were or were not equipping with these
NextGen technologies. In addition, during our site visits we met with FAA
representatives about the Agency’s use of these NextGen technologies in its
operations and how operators’ equipage decisions impact their use.
To assess FAA’s and aircraft operators’ plans to meet the 2020 ADS-B Out
equipage deadline, we reviewed FAA regulations and policy statements related to
the ADS-B Out mandate, including how the Agency plans to grant airspace access
to equipped and non-equipped operators. We also reviewed equipage plans for
all 24 commercial air carriers that initially filed under FAA‘s 12555 Exemption
order to determine how these commercial operators planned on meeting the
2020 mandate. In addition, we interviewed FAA officials, commercial carrier
representatives, individual general aviation operators, aircraft maintenance
providers, and related industry trade associations regarding operators’ plans for
meeting the deadline. Finally, we attended FAA forums, such as Equip 2020
meetings, to gain insights on FAA and industry concerns surrounding the
mandate and FAA’s plans to mitigate barriers that were identified.
For objectives 2 and 3, we spoke with or contacted 178 individuals or
organizations to obtain information regarding equipage and their views on this
subject. They included representatives from FAA, MITRE, commercial air carriers,
individual general aviation operators, aircraft maintenance providers, and related
trade associations. See exhibit B for a list of organizations visited or contacted for
this audit.
We conducted a survey of 61 small commercial operators in an attempt to gain
insights regarding their aircrafts’ equipage status, for the 3 NextGen
technologies, the reasons why they are or are not equipping, and their plans for
meeting the 2020 ADS-B Out mandate. However, only 15 operators responded to
the survey. Due to the low response rate, we did not include the results of the
survey in our report but did review the responses to gather additional insights
regarding operators’ equipage decisions.
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 23
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted
Federal Aviation Administration
Air Traffic Organization
Aviation Safety Flight Standards Service
Aviation Safety Aircraft Certification Service
Office of NextGen ADS-B Program Office
Office of NextGen Data Communications (DataComm)
Office of NextGen Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
Office of NextGen Technology Development and Prototyping
Federal Aviation Administration Air
Traffic Control Facilities
Dallas Love Field Airport Air Traffic Control Tower
Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport Air Traffic Control Tower
Atlanta Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility (TRACON)
American Airlines
AmeriJet International Airlines
Atlas Air
Delta Air Lines
JetBlue Airlines
Lynden Air Cargo
Miami Air International Airlines
Exhibit B. Organizations Visited or Contacted 24
Southwest Airlines
Spirit Airlines
World Atlantic Airlines
Other Organizations
Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA)
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
Airlines for America (A4A)
Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA)
Atlanta Regional Airport (Falcon Field), Peachtree City, GA
Avionics 1
, Dallas, TX Avionics Repair and Installation
Duncan Aviation, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
Gulfstream Aerospace
Harris Corporation
Jet Center MFR, Medford, OR
Liberty University School of Aeronautics
MITRE Corporation
National Air Carrier Association (NACA)
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
Paulding Northwest Atlanta Airport (Silver Comet Field), Dallas, GA
Regional Airline Association (RAA)
Select Avionics, McKinney, TX – Avionics Repair and Installation
Wayman Aviation Flight School (North Perry Airport), Pembroke
Pines, FL
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms 25
Exhibit C. List of Acronyms
ADAPT ADS-B Deviation Authorization Pre-Flight Tool
ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
DataComm Data Communications
DOT Department of Transportation
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
GPS Global Positioning System
NextGen Next Generation Air Traffic Transportation System
OIG Office of Inspector General
PBN Performance-Based Navigation
RNAV Area Navigation
RNP Required Navigation Performance
SAPT Service Availability Prediction Tool
Exhibit D. Description, Expected Benefits, and Required Equipment for NextGen Technologies 26
Exhibit D. Description, Expected Benefits, and Required Equipment for
NextGen Technologies
Technology Description Expected Benefits
Equipment Mandated to
Be Installed on Aircraft Required Equipment
A surveillance system that uses satellite-based technology,
including global positioning systems (GPS), and a network of
ground stations to transmit aircraft position information more
frequently and accurately than ground-based radars. The
system consists of two services: ADS-B Out, which aircraft
broadcasts its flight position to controllers on the ground; and
ADS-In, which displays another aircraft’s position and flight
information in the cockpit.
Provide controllers and pilots with
faster updates of important flight
information, such as aircraft
identification, position, altitude,
direction, and speed. When
operational, it can lead to increased
safety and operational efficiencies,
such as reduced separation standards.
Yes Per Title 14, Code of
Federal Regulations,
Sections 91.225 and
91.227, aircraft flying in
most controlled airspace
must be equipped with
ADS-B Out technology by
January 1, 2020.
ADS-B Out: A qualified Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) position source, an Out-capable transponder
(1090ES or UAT depending on the aircraft), and an
appropriate antenna.
Under FAA Exemption No. 12555, operators can opt to not
update their aircraft’s position source until December 31,
2024 but must install an Out-capable transponder by the
2020 deadline. They must provide FAA with a plan for how
they will meet the position source requirements.
ADS-B In: Is not mandated to be installed on aircraft. It
requires additional avionics, such as TCAS, and a cockpit
display showing surrounding traffic.
Provides a direct link between ground automation and flight
deck avionics for flight clearances, traffic flow management,
flight crew requests, instructions, and other communications.
Reduce the impact of ground delay
programs, airport reconfigurations,
convective weather, and congestion.
Enables enhanced services for re-
routes and changes in trajectory
operations. Diminish the
environmental footprint due to
reduced fuel burn and emissions
through delay savings. Improve safety
by reducing the number of
readback/hearback errors that occur
today over voice.
No. A Future Air Navigation System (FANS) 1/A compliant
communication avionics system and a VHF Data Link Mode
2 (VDL Mode 2) radio to transmit messages.
Performance Based
Navigation (PBN)
An advanced, satellite-enabled form of air navigation that
provides for greater route precision and accuracy. There are
two types of PBN procedures: Area Navigation (RNAV), which
allow aircraft to fly any desired flight path without the
limitations imposed by ground-based navigation systems; and
Required Navigation Performance (RNP), which adds
monitoring and alerting capabilities that allow aircraft to fly
more precise flight paths.
Increase airspace efficiency by
providing more direct flight paths,
thereby increasing airspace capacity,
improving airport arrival rates,
enhancing controller productivity,
saving fuel, and reducing aircraft
No. On-board avionics equipment, including technologies such
as GNSS, which allow aircraft to fly PBN procedures. While
both RNAV- and RNP-equipped aircraft must meet federal
certification standards, a RNP-equipped aircraft’s navigation
system allows the operator to monitor the aircraft’s
performance in meeting the requirements to fly a RNP
Exhibit E. Photos of ADS-B Out Avionics 27
Exhibit E. Photos of ADS-B Out Avionics
Figure E-1. ADS-B Out
Capable Transponder
Figure E-2. GPS Position Source
Figure E-3. ADS-B Capable Antenna: Top and Bottom
Source: Photos provided to OIG by a commercial air carrier
Exhibit F. ADS-B Out by Aircraft Operation/Type: May 2018 to October
2019 28
Exhibit F. ADS-B Out Equipage by Aircraft
Operation/Type: May 2018 to October 2019
Figure F-1. ADS-B Out Equipage: Commercial Mainline Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 4,847
Figure F-2. ADS-B Out Equipage: Commercial Regional Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 1,792
Exhibit F. ADS-B Out by Aircraft Operation/Type: May 2018 to October
2019 29
Figure F-3. ADS-B Out Equipage: Commercial Other Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 527
Figure F-4. ADS-B Out Equipage: International Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 9,296
Note: Prior to the December 2018 reporting period, MITRE adjusted the way it reported
international equipage figures to be more in-line to FAA’s reporting. This change is
reflected in the December 2018 figure and onward.
Exhibit F. ADS-B Out by Aircraft Operation/Type: May 2018 to October
2019 30
Figure F-5. ADS-B Out Equipage: Turbojet & Turboprop General
Aviation Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 22,289
Figure F-6. ADS-B Out Equipage: Single & Multi-Piston Engine
General Aviation Aircraft
Est. Number to Equip: 120,390
Exhibit G. Major Contributors to the Report. 31
Exhibit G. Major Contributors to This Report
Appendix. Agency Comments 32
Appendix. Agency Comments
Federal Aviation
Date: December 6, 2019
To: Matthew E. Hampton, Assistant Inspector General for Aviation Audits
From: H. Clayton Foushee, Director, Office of Audit and Evaluation, AAE-1
Subject: Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Response to Office of Inspector General
(OIG) Draft Report: Next Generation (NextGen) Equipage Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Equipage Rates Are Increasing, but FAA Must
Address Airspace Access Issues
The FAA is committed to collaboration with all aviation stakeholders in the modernization of
the National Airspace System (NAS) infrastructure. This collaboration, and the resulting
implementation of new infrastructure, has resulted in the successful deployment of ADS-B,
Data Communications (Data Comm) and Performance Based Navigation (PBN). Enhancements
include 5 NM of separation through the NAS, reduced delays, and a reduction in
communication errors. Future enhancements will further increase user benefits. These include:
Tower Data Comm now operational at 62 air traffic control towers across the country,
saving time and reducing delays and fuel consumption for equipped aircraft. In the
next year, Data Comm will come online for communication between en route
controllers and pilots, providing additional benefits. These are the primary airports,
which account for a significant portion of NAS Operations.
PBN procedures have been deployed across the NAS, leveraging satellite-enabled
technology to create precise, repeatable, predictable, and efficient 3-D flight paths.
More than 9,600 PBN routes, departure, arrival, and approach procedures across the
NAS have been published by the FAA. Eight Metroplex projects have been completed
resulting more effective airspace optimization
The ground infrastructure for ADS-B is complete, with 634 ground stations throughout
the NAS, providing more accurate, higher update rates for surveillance of aircraft.
The FAA offers the following additional context for some of the statements in the report:
OIG states that general aviation (GA) operators have been slow to equip with ADS-B
avionics, but the overall number of expected installations includes operators who have
the flexibility to alter their operations in such a way that they can effectively avoid the
Appendix. Agency Comments 33
immediate need for ADS-B equipage. This fact more clearly explains GA equipage
The report states that FAA should “have the necessary systems and procedures in place
so operators can access ADS-B Out required airspace regardless of their equipage
status.” As the OIG acknowledges, we are developing the ADS-B Deviation
Authorization Pre-Flight Tool (ADAPT). The use of ADAPT is mandatory to aircraft
operators seeking to operate aircraft that are not equipped with ADS-B out equipment
in ADS-B Airspace after January 1, 2020.
FAA has reviewed the draft report and concurs with recommendations 1 and 3 and plans to
complete actions for both recommendations by December 31, 2019.
We do not concur with Recommendation 2 to analyze the feasibility of developing automated
systems to provide operators with more timely information regarding Global Positioning System
issues, such as outages and degradations. As the OIG acknowledges, we have the Notice to
Airmen (NOTAM) and Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT) in place as mechanisms that
will notify the aviation community when service outages and degradations occur. The NOTAM
system acts as the focal point for disseminating relevant NAS operational limitations, outages,
and/or deficiencies. An investment in an additional system would be redundant and an
inefficient use of resources.
We appreciate this opportunity to respond to the OIG Draft Report. Please contact H. Clayton
Foushee at (202) 267-9000 if you have any questions or require additional information about
these comments.
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