Seventh Meeting of the North American, Central American and Caribbean Directors of Civil Aviation
Washington, D. C., United States, 19 21 September 2017
Agenda Item 5: NAM/CAR Regional Safety/Air Navigation/Aviation Security Implementation
5.2 Effectiveness of air navigation implementation mechanisms
(Presented by United States)
In 2010, the United States (U.S.) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) published a
regulatory requirement for all aircraft operating within certain airspace to be equipped
with Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-
B) Out technology by
January 1, 2020, according to Title 14 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
sections 91.225 and 91.227. This requirement will affect all flights in the designated
airspace. To prepare the aviation community and prevent any operational disruptions,
the FAA is promoting the new mandate to the international community so that foreign
aircraft intended to be operated within the affected airspace will be sufficiently
equipped with ADS-B Out technology by the compliance date.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Out
Performance Requirements to Support Air Traffic Control (ATC)
Service Final Rule (75 FR 30160,
May 28, 2010; Docket No. FAA-2007-29305)
14 CFR §91.225 and §91.227***
1. Introduction
1.1 Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is one of the most important underlying
technologies in the United States’ (U.S.’s) Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) plan to transform air
traffic control from the current radar-based system to the Next Generation Air Transportation System
(NextGen), a satellite-based system. ADS-B is bringing the precision and reliability of satellite-based
surveillance to the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS).
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1.2 ADS-B is part of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Global Air Navigation Plan
(GANP) and was endorsed by the ICAO Member States during the ICAO 38th Assembly in 2013. The U.S.
presented a working paper at the ICAO 39th Assembly highlighting the January 1, 2020 mandate to
equip all aircraft with ADS-B Out that will use the affected airspace in the U.S. NAS.
1.3 In 2010, the FAA published a regulatory requirement for all aircraft operating within certain
airspace to be equipped with ADS-B Out technology by January 1, 2020, in accordance with Title 14 of
the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) sections (§) 91.225 and 91.227.
1.4 This requirement will affect all flights within the designated airspace. To prepare the aviation
community and prevent any operational disruptions, the FAA is promoting the new mandate so that
that foreign aircraft intending to operate within the affected airspace will be sufficiently equipped with
ADS-B Out technology by the compliance date.
2. Discussion
2.1 ADS-B Out uses Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to determine specific aircraft
information, which is then broadcast directly to other equipped aircraft and via a nationwide network of
ground stations to air traffic controllers. Its numerous performance benefits include the ability to
provide more frequent position update-rates than radar, deliver more precise location and velocity
information for the aircraft, and offer critical in-cockpit traffic and weather information.
2.2 The improved accuracy, integrity, and reliability of satellite signals over radar means controllers
will be able to safely reduce the mandatory separation between aircraft. This will increase capacity in
the U.S. NAS. ADS-B also provides greater surveillance coverage, since ADS-B ground stations are much
easier to place than radars. Remote areas without radar coverage, such as the Gulf of Mexico and parts
of Alaska, are now covered by ADS-B.
2.3 The FAA published Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Out Performance
Requirements to Support Air Traffic Control (ATC) Service Final Rule (75 FR 30160, May 28, 2010; Docket
No. FAA-2007-29305) 14 CFR §91.225 and §91.227 for ADS-B Out equipage after January 1, 2020. This
final rule mandates performance requirements for ADS-B Out avionics that will be required to fly in
certain airspace. The final rule does not preclude other position source methods, nor does it mandate
ADS-B In equipage. Sections 91.225 and 91.227 do not apply to any aircraft that was not originally
certificated with an electrical system or that has not subsequently been certified with such a system
installed, including balloons and gliders.
2.4 ADS-B in the U.S. NAS operates on two frequencies (links): 1090 MHz and 978 MHz. Equipment
choices include either a Mode S transponder-based 1090 Extended Squitter (ES) or a Universal Access
Transceiver (UAT) operating on 978 MHz. Aircraft operating above Flight Level 180 must be equipped
with a Mode S-transponder-based ADS-B Out transmitter. Aircraft operating below 18,000 feet and
within the U.S. NAS must be equipped with either a Mode S 1090ES transponder or UAT equipment. The
graphic below illustrates these requirements.
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2.5 The FAA has completed the deployment of ADS-B ground radios and has called on aviation users
to equip their aircraft in advance of the January 1, 2020 mandate.
2.6 The FAA is collaboratively working with commercial operators, the avionics industry and the
general aviation community in the U.S. to ensure awareness of this mandate. On October 28, 2014, FAA
senior officials met with pilots and operators, manufacturers and suppliers at an “ADS-B Call to Action”
meeting to identify and address barriers to equipping with ADS-B Out by January 1, 2020. Formed as a
result of the Call to Action, Equip 2020 first met in November 2014 and has met 14 times since then.
Tasked with moving forward significantly on implementation of ADS-B Out, Equip 2020 was given 32
tasks, reflecting barriers to implementation, to resolve. Approximately 100 representatives from
industry and the FAA regularly attend Equip 2020 meetings and have developed into a well led and
effective working organization, consisting of originally five, now four major working groups. Equip 2020
has become a valuable tool for developing and implementing solutions towards meeting the 2020
2.7 The current Equip 2020 working groups are:
Air Carrier Equipage Working Group: This working group coordinates and monitors the equipage
of ADS-B Out in the 14 CFR parts 121 and 135 community, tackling issues relevant to availability
of equipment and its installation. The group also has engaged in issues regarding the
implementation of the FAA Service Availability Prediction Tool (SAPT) with regards to ATC
operations and flight planning systems. The group has begun to monitor ongoing efforts
regarding development of dual frequency multi-constellation equipment standards. Finally, the
group reviews the status of Exemption 12555 and air carrier equipage plans.
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General Aviation Equipage Working Group: This working group coordinates and monitors the
equipage of ADS-B Out in the general and corporate aviation communities, tackling issues
relevant to availability of equipment and its installation. A significant amount of effort has been
put into coordinating outreach efforts between FAA and GA interest groups to promote
equipage. Additionally, the group has helped oversee a number of issues that have emerged as a
result of the ADS-B Out mandate such as privacy for corporate and domestic sensitive missions
and performance monitoring of aerobatic aircraft.
Education and Benefits Working Group: This working group coordinated education and outreach
to the community concerning ADS-B Out requirements and benefits. They also identified
additional benefits that could be implemented for equipped aircraft, and supported an initial
community-wide survey of GA operators conducted by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
This group shifted their focus in 2016 and is now the ADS-B In Benefits Working Group. Their
aim is to build a business case that examines the difference between ADS-B In and other
programs, specifically with regards to interval spacing.
Installation and Approvals Working Group: This working group addresses all of the issues
associated with ensuring efficient and consistent installations and approvals. The group is
turning its focus to reducing call sign mismatch errors as well as undertaking efforts to reduce
non-performing (bad install) equipment.
The GPS Receiver and Performance-Based Rule Implications Working Group: This group defined
the opportunities for sharing the risks of using un-augmented GPS equipment that does not
always meet the rule performance requirements. This will allow additional time for certain
operators to equip with satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) or multi-constellation
receivers which will fully meet rule performance requirements.
2.8 Accomplishments thus far in Equip 2020 include:
Published the Final Rule Technical Amendment (80 FR 6899, February 9, 2015; FAA Docket No.
FAA-2010-15853) to change the ADS-B Out technical standard order (TSO) from “meet
requirements” to “meet performance requirements”. This change eliminates the implication
that experimental or light sport aircraft needed to obtain design or production approval for their
ADS-B out solutions.
Updated advisory circulars to address such issues as use of a ground test in lieu of a flight test
for new installations if the compatibility of the equipment and wiring has been validated;
aligning altimeter systems requirements with 14 CFR § 91.217; and clarifying the ADS-B Out and
transponder failure annunciation requirements.
Published the ADS-B Out GPS receiver transition period Exemption 12555. This is a limited grant
of exemption from specific performance requirements of the ADS-B Out rule during certain
periods of GPS satellite constellation performance. Exemption 12555 is a one-time exemption
from 14 CFR § 91.227(c) (1)(i) and (iii) for aircraft that are ADS-B Out equipped using qualifying
GPS receivers when their performance falls below the requirement and backup surveillance is
available. There are certain conditions and limitations for each type of receiver, and it expires
December 31, 2024.
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Developed a database to help track equipage trends, to promote awareness of available
solutions and focus industry resources on those aircraft that do not already have solutions
available. Equipage solutions are now searchable on the FAA web site
Obtained commitment from the FAA Aircraft Certification Service to prioritize ADS-B Out system
Completed two surveys of GA aircraft owners on equipping with ADS-B Out, helping the FAA and
industry shape outreach efforts.
Regularly review the status of major air carrier equipage plans and numbers of equipped aircraft
through analysis of the ADS-B Performance Monitor data.
Conducting outreach to operators, installers and equipment manufacturers. Centralized and
standardized all ADS-B information and outreach efforts into a single repository, a central
location on the web for all ADS-B information and events. Developed comprehensive
communication plans for Sun N Fun and AirVenture garnering millions of impressions on various
FAA social media outlets supporting ADS-B awareness.
2.9 Many airlines equipped early on with GPS as part of the transition to satellite-based navigation,
however this early equipage does not include the latest GPS receivers. Early-generation GPS receivers
may experience brief outages of the FAA’s required performance for ADS-B Out. Airplane manufacturers
are upgrading GPS receivers across airplane models, but have said the upgraded receivers will not be
available until 2018 to 2020. Operators must install ADS-B Out by January 1, 2020 using earlier-
generation GPS equipment that has been qualified for ADS-B. The FAA approved a five-year limited
exemption (Exemption 12555), applicable only from § 91.227(c)(1)(i) and (iii) requirements, under the
following conditions:
Each operator seeking exemption must notify the FAA.
Operators covered under the exemption must develop and execute a plan to equip their aircraft
to meet the requirements of § 91.227(c) prior to January 1, 2025.
Operators of Selective Availability (SA)-Aware equipped aircraft are not required to conduct pre-
flight verification. They are exempted from the performance requirements in § 91.225 when the
ADS-B Out equipment is not predicted to meet the requirements of § 91.227(c)(1)(i) and (iii).
Operators of SA-On equipped aircraft must conduct pre-flight verification. They may operate in
airspace specified in § 91.225 when the ADS-B Out equipment does not meet the requirements
of § 91.227(c)(1)(i) and (iii) and the FAA determines there is a backup means of surveillance. The
FAA plans to make this determination available through SAPT
2.10 Exemption 12555 is not an extension of the requirement stated in § 91.227, but rather an
acknowledgement that these operators were prepared to equip early and their efforts should be
recognized and lauded. The exemption has been granted with conditions and limitations to aircraft
operators, on a time-limited basis from January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2024, from 14 CFR
§ 91.227(c)(1)(i) and (iii). This exemption is applicable to both U.S. and foreign operators. Further details
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of both the exemption requests and the FAA’s decision (Exemption No. 12555) can be found in FAA
Docket No. FAA-2015-0971 at
3. Conclusion
3.1 The safety and operational benefits of ADS-B Out are significant and the U.S. aviation
community is collaboratively working to identify the specific requirements and timelines that would
allow for effective implementation into the U.S. NAS.
3.2 States with operators that intend to operate within the U.S. affected airspace are encouraged to
promote awareness of this upcoming requirement. Timely installations will allow the approving
authority to ensure that the equipage installations are compliant with the requirements; will allow the
operators sufficient preparation to account for the expense and time needed to complete the
installation; and will ensure that aircraft can operate in all U.S. airspace on January 1, 2020.