A Guide to understAndinG
A residentiAl ApprAisAl
Dear Consumer,
The purpose of this brochure is to help you understand the residential
appraisal. After reviewing this brochure, you will understand the definition
of a credible appraisal, the appraisal process, elements of a credible
appraisal, the importance of appraiser independence, and how to
proceed if you feel that a correction needs to be made to your appraisal
You may have recently entered into an agreement to purchase a
residential property or you may have completed a loan application
to refinance your home. Lenders are required to obtain an appraisal,
prepared by an impartial and unbiased appraiser, and use it as the
primary tool for assessing the sufficiency of your collateral. You may want
to retain an appraiser to provide an appraisal to help you make decisions
such as buying, selling or financing your home.
This brochure was produced by The Appraisal Foundation. The Appraisal
Foundation is authorized by Congress as the source of appraisal
standards and appraiser qualifications. You can obtain additional
information about The Appraisal Foundation and the various boards that
operate under its oversight at www.appraisalfoundation.org.
The Appraisal Foundation
An appraisal is an opinion of value. For estate planning, financial planning, or sale
price decisions, individuals or a trusted advisor usually orders an appraisal. When
an appraisal is used to obtain an opinion of value of a property for loan purposes,
federal regulation requires the lender or its agent to place an appraisal order. The
lender or its agent contacts a state licensed or certified appraiser and identifies the
property to be appraised and the intended use of the appraisal. The appraiser then
determines the appropriate scope of work for the assignment.
The appraiser’s scope of work typically includes the type of property inspection
(interior, exterior only or none), what approaches to value are required, and any
lender-specific requirements. In some cases, the lender may order the appraisal
through an agent, such as an Appraisal Management Company (AMC).
There is no single standard appraisal report form, format, or style. However, for
residential mortgage lending, Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FHLMC),
which are Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) that purchase mortgages
on the secondary market, have developed residential appraisal report forms that
are commonly used to communicate the appraisal of properties used as collateral.
Regardless of the type of appraisal report used, all appraisal reports must contain
sufficient information to enable the intended users to understand the report properly.
the process of
obtAininG the ApprAisAl
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
homeowner (or, in the case of a sale, an agent or the seller) to inspect the
interior and exterior of a property. As previously mentioned, an appraisal may
not require an interior inspection.
Service (MLS) records, and other data services for information and
documentation concerning the subject property and market area.
Comparables are recently sold or listed properties that have similar utility,
quality, age and amenities as the subject property and are located in the subject
property’s market area. In markets where few sales have recently occurred,
comparables may be from similar or competing neighborhoods located some
distance from the subject property.
•Anappraisermayusethesales comparison approach to develop an opinion
of value. Often the primary approach to develop an opinion of value for a
residential property, the sales comparison approach utilizes recent sales of
comparable properties. An appraiser will analyze and compare characteristics
that include the living area of the home, land area, style, age, quality of
construction, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, presence or absence of a
garage, etc.
•Thecost approach is another method an appraiser may use to develop an
opinion of value. The cost approach is the appraiser’s opinion of the current
replacement cost of constructing a reproduction of the existing structure, less
any estimated depreciation, plus the value of the land. The cost approach is a
valuable approach to use when appraising newer homes that might have little or
no depreciation.
•Lastly,anappraisermayutilizetheincome approach. The income approach is
most often used in appraisals of properties that have two, three or four living
units, where income is a factor in the decision-making process of buyers and
sellers. It is generally not used for one-unit residential properties in areas where
the majority of the homes are owner-occupied.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
value by considering the indicated value(s) of the sales comparison approach,
as well as the cost approach and/or income approach, if applicable. The
values indicated by the approaches utilized will be reconciled to a final opinion
of value. The appraiser will present his or her findings and conclusions in a
report to the lender.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
Credible appraisals clearly identify the property appraised, the scope of work
performed by the appraiser, the client and other intended users, and the intended
use of the report. The appraisal report must include the definition of value
(e.g., market value), the effective date of value, the subject property’s relevant
characteristics, and any other special instructions from the lender, Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac, VA, FHA, etc. A credible appraisal must effectively communicate the
data and analysis required to support the opinion of value.
A credible appraisal must comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice and all regulatory requirements including the Federal Fair
Housing Act, ECOA, as well as client-specific requirements.
Appraisers are trained to deflect any attempt to influence the appraisal or value
opinion, remaining independent, impartial and objective. The appraiser has
the sole responsibility for the analyses, opinions, and conclusions contained in
the appraisal.
Appraiser independence is a critical element to protect the client and intended
users and to enhance the public trust that appraisals contain credible opinions of
value. Furthermore, both Federal and State law requires appraiser independence.
Without public trust, mortgage investors could withdraw funds from the market
resulting in a shortage of funds for residential lending.
After reviewing your appraisal, if you believe the appraiser did not consider
important information about the subject property or available comparables,
discuss the matter with your lender. Submit your concerns in writing to the lender
with a request that the appraiser be asked to address them. The appraiser should
review the appraisal and, if additional credible information is pertinent to the
appraisal assignment, provide a revised appraisal with commentary addressing
your concerns.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
If you suspect fraudulent or incompetent appraisal practice, submit your concerns
in writing to the lender. Also, you may consider filing a complaint with the state
appraiser regulatory agency in the state in which the property is located. The
contact information for each state is available at www.asc.gov. You may also
contact the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force at www.stopfraud.gov.
Please be advised that state appraiser regulatory agencies will generally not act as
a resource to you in trying to resolve any issues with the appraisal that may affect
your transaction. Instead, the agency will consider your complaint in light of the
appraiser’s responsibilities under the law, and may take disciplinary action against
the appraiser, if necessary.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
Appraisal – An opinion of value.
The Appraisal Foundation - The Appraisal Foundation is a Congressionally
authorized non-profit organization established in 1987. The Appraisal Foundation
is dedicated to the advancement of the appraisal profession. The Foundation
accomplishes its mission through the work of its three independent boards: the
Appraisal Practices Board (APB), the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) and
the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB).
Appraisal Management Company – Appraisal Management Companies
have contracts with companies (such as lenders) that require appraisal services.
Appraisal Management Companies act as agents to hire the appraiser and
provide other valuation services.
Appraisal Practices Board (APB) – The APB is charged with the
responsibility of identifying and issuing opinions on recognized valuation
methods and techniques, which may apply to all disciplines within the appraisal
profession. Compliance with guidance issued by the APB is voluntary.
Appraisal Review – The act or process of developing and communicating an
opinion about the quality of another appraiser’s work.
Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) – The ASB sets forth the rules for ethics
and competency in developing an appraisal and reporting its results within the
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) – The AQB establishes the minimum
qualification criteria for state licensing, certification and recertification of real
property appraisers.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
Comparable – A shortened term for similar property sales, used for
comparison in the valuation process; also called “comps.”
Cost Approach – A set of procedures through which a value is derived
for a property by estimating the current cost to construct a reproduction of
(or replacement for) the existing structure. This estimate includes deducting
depreciation from the total cost, and adding the estimated land value.
Credible appraisal – A credible appraisal is one that is worthy of belief.
A credible appraisal provides support, by relevant evidence and logic, for the
opinion of value.
Income Approach – A set of procedures through which an appraiser derives
a value for an income-producing property by converting its anticipated cash
flows into property value.
Licensed and Certified Appraisers – Appraisers are licensed and certified
by the state appraiser regulatory agencies, after meeting minimum education,
experience and examination requirements. All states must adhere to, at a
minimum, the criteria established by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The
Appraisal Foundation.
Multiple Listing Service – Typically the Multiple Listing Service is operated
by the local/regional REALTORS
Associations and contains property listings,
sales and expired listings. Most Licensed and Certified Appraisers have access
to this information.
Public record data – Public record data include local, state and federal
records and documents concerning the subject property and comparables. For
most residential properties, public records are maintained by the county or local
municipality and include the registry of deeds, tax assessment information, and
plat and survey records. Other records may include soil surveys, topography
maps, zoning maps, etc.
Sales Comparison Approach – A set of procedures in which a value is
derived by comparing the property being appraised to similar properties that
have been sold recently, then making adjustments to the sale prices of the
comparables based on their differences to the property being appraised.
Why is an appraisal necessary?
The lender orders the appraisal to obtain an accurate description of the property
and an independent opinion of value. The lender uses the appraisal to document
that the real estate is appropriate collateral and determine whether the value of the
property is sufficient to support the lending decision.
Why isn’t the consumer considered to be the client when he or she
pays the appraisal fee?
Federal banking regulations require the financial institution to be the client,
regardless of who pays the fee.
How does the appraiser develop the value opinion?
The appraiser researches market data, public records and talks with buyers, sellers
and real estate brokers active in the market area. Data researched includes sales,
leases, and current listings of similar properties. Other data include land sales and
residential construction costs. After all factors affecting the value are considered, the
appraiser develops an opinion of value and prepares an appraisal report.
frequently Asked questions
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
I have heard about problems with appraisers traveling long
distances to appraise homes? How far is too far?
The issue isn’t so much “distance” or “how far is too far,” rather the question
that should be asked, “Is an appraiser from outside of my area competent to
appraise my property?” Some appraisers work in many geographic areas and
are knowledgeable and competent in all of them. Other appraisers have a limited
range in which they normally appraise and they may not have the data or the
experience to be competent outside their local market.
What information should I provide to the appraiser?
The more information the appraiser has about your property, the better he or
she will be able to develop a credible result. The appraiser will be interested in
knowing if there are any private agreements or restrictions, easements or rights
of way, encroachments, “agreed to” arrangements with abutters (e.g., fences,
walls) on the property, etc. The appraiser may ask about the property’s title, sales
and rental history, and occupancy. He or she might ask if the property is under
a pending purchase and sales agreement or option and, if so, the details about
the agreement or option. If the property sold in the past three years, the appraiser
may ask about the details of the transfers. Finally, the appraiser may inquire about
physical characteristics of the property, including any additions, permits, etc.
If you are hiring the appraiser directly, the appraiser will want to know what the
intended use of the appraisal will be. (NOTE: If you are engaging the appraiser to
prepare an appraisal for a federally-related transaction, you should know that the
lender or the lender’s agent is required to engage the appraiser).
What should the appraiser do when he or she inspects my home?
Based on the client’s intended use of the appraisal, the appraiser determines
whether an interior and/or exterior inspection or no inspection is required. Under
many circumstances, the lender will require a full viewing of the property including
an exterior and interior inspection.
Assuming that a complete inspection is required, the appraiser inspects the site,
site improvements, and building improvements. The appraiser considers the site’s
size, shape, topography, drainage, and any other attributes that may affect
value. He or she views the site improvements (e.g., paving, fences and walls,
landscaping) to determine their contribution of value to the property. Finally, the
appraiser inspects any structures. Some of the items considered are building style,
number of stories, size, number of rooms (including bedrooms and baths, etc). He
or she observes the structure’s condition as an aid to estimating depreciation. In
addition, the appraiser considers the property as a whole, including the dwelling
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
and any other improvements as well as any visible encumbrances (e.g. power
lines, encroachments). Finally, the appraiser considers the property in relation to the
An appraiser’s inspection and a home inspection are different. An appraiser gathers
information to develop a value opinion and a home inspector gathers information to
identify construction features, structural integrity and any needed repairs.
What is a comparable sale or comparable listing?
A comparable sale is a recent sale that is similar to the subject property in terms of
physical and functional attributes and location. A comparable listing is a current
listing that is similar to the subject property in terms of physical and functional
attributes and location. Comparable sales and listings are used in the sales
comparison approach. In most cases, the sales comparison approach is the most
reliable indicator of value for a residential property because it most directly reflects
the actions of buyers and sellers in the market.
Why does an appraiser make “adjustments”?
In developing an opinion of the value of a property, an appraiser considers
recent sales of similar properties. Generally speaking, the sales that are the most
similar to the property being appraised are the best indicators of value. However,
since rarely are two properties exactly the same, the appraiser must account for
differences between the property that sold and the property being appraised.
These differences are called “adjustments.” Adjustments are added or subtracted
from the sale prices of the comparables to indicated an adjusted sale price for the
property being appraised.
In what circumstance would an appraiser use the cost approach
and/or sales comparison approach?
The cost approach is based on the premise that an informed purchaser would pay
no more for the subject property than the cost of constructing a substitute property
with the same utility. Differences between the sales comparison approach and the
cost approach are particularly evident when the property being appraised involves
older improvements where depreciation due to age and functional obsolescence
are difficult to estimate, or when the improvements are relatively unique or
specialized and there are few comparable properties. If completed correctly, under
ideal circumstances the indicated value by the cost approach should be similar to
the estimated value by the sales comparison approach.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
The appraiser did not complete an income approach to value. Is
that ok?
In most cases, yes. The income approach is based on the relationship of
anticipated benefits (dollar income) to value. The income approach in residential
appraising generally consists of little more than a gross rent multiplier analysis (the
sale price of a property divided by its income potential). The gross rent multiplier
analysis is very reliable in markets where homes are rented and sold frequently.
However, the income approach is not applicable when the property appraised is
located in a neighborhood where most homes are owner-occupied.
What elements should a credible appraisal include?
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
What should I do if I believe a correction is needed to the
appraisal report?
First, write a letter or email to the lender describing the problem and provide
any evidence you have. For example, if the appraisal has an incorrect living
area size for the subject property, provide factual evidence which supports your
position. If you believe the appraiser selected comparables that were not the most
comparable, submit a list of the comparables you would like him or her to consider.
The lender will provide this information to the appraiser and request the appraiser
to consider what’s been submitted.
After asking for a reconsideration of value, the appraisal remains
flawed. What are my options?
You may request the lender order an appraisal review assignment or to order a
second appraisal (keep in mind the lender is not required to do either). An appraisal
review is completed by a different appraiser who will verify the facts and data in the
appraisal, search for additional comparables and provide a conclusion as to whether
the comparables used in the appraisal are the most comparable. If the review
appraiser does not agree with the opinion of value in the original appraisal, he or
she will complete a sales comparison approach and provide his or her own opinion
of value.
The appraisal I am reading has codes describing elements such as
condition, construction quality and location. How do I find out what
they mean?
At the request of the lender/client, the appraisal report may be prepared in
compliance with the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) developed by Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac. The UAD requires the appraiser to use standardized
responses that include specific formats, definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms.
Look through the appraisal for the UAD Definitions Addendum. In most cases,
the addendum will be in the appraisal. If not, either request it from the lender
or access it online at https://www.efanniemae.com/sf/lqi/umdp/pdf/
uadappendixdfieldreqs.pdf pages 34 through 37.
Why doesn’t The Appraisal Foundation enforce the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP)?
The Appraisal Foundation is charged with establishing uniform standards for
professional appraisal practice and appraiser qualifications. The Appraisal
Foundation is not granted authority to enforce USPAP.
Formal enforcement of appraisal standards is provided by the state appraiser
regulatory agencies. There are a total of 55 jurisdictions (including states and U.S.
territories) that have enacted legislation that requires those who represent themselves
as real property appraisers to be licensed or certified and comply with USPAP.
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
The Appraisal Foundation, a Congressionally authorized non-profit
organization established in 1987, is dedicated to the advancement of
professional valuation. The Foundation accomplishes its mission through the
work of its three independent Boards: the Appraisal Practices Board (APB),
the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB), and the Appraisal Standards
Board (ASB). More information on The Appraisal Foundation is available at
Sponsoring Organizations of The Appraisal Foundation
Appraisal Sponsors:
American Society of Appraisers
American Society of Farm Managers & Rural Appraisers
Appraisers Association of America
Instituto de Evaluadores de Puerto Rico
International Association of Assessing Officers
International Right of Way Association
Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers
National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers
North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition
Affiliate Sponsors:
American Bankers Association
Farm Credit Council
National Association of Realtors
International Sponsor:
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
A Guide to understAndinG A residentiAl ApprAisAl
1155 15th Street NW, Suite 1111
Washington, DC 20005
430 North Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611