A detailed overview of the different security methods
one can use in an e.MMC storage device
July, 2017
Einav Zilberstein
Adi Klein
e.MMC Security Methods
3 Western Digital | WHITE PAPER
e.MMC Security Methods
1. Introduction 4
2. e.MMC Security Features Evolution 4
2.1 Password Lock 4
2.2 Write Protect 5
2.3 RPMB – Replay Protect Memory Block 5
3. RPMB – Authentication & Integrity for Replay
Attack Protection 6
3.1 What Is Replay Attack? 6
3.2 RPMB Authentication 7
3.3 RPMB Protection against Replay Attack 7
4. RPMB Use Cases 8
4.1 Example 1 – Downgrade Attack 8
4.2 Example 2 – Unlock 9
4.3 Example 3 – Secured Boot and Secured Write Protect 9
5. Conclusion 10
Table of Contents
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e.MMC Security Methods
1. Introduction
The term “information security” can cover a number of very different design features. In general, informa-
tion security is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification,
inspection, recording, or destruction of information.
The three fundamental goals for information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability:
Confidentiality means that information that should stay secret can be read and understood
only by authorized entities. Others without access authorization can’t read or understand
the confidential information.
Integrity means the ability to ascertain that the information is protected from unauthorized
alteration, modification, or deletion. Integrity of information covers its origin, completeness,
and correctness using methods such as identification and authentication.
Availability means that the information is always available to the authorized users.
Every system design will support these security goals in different ways, depending on the type and value
of the assets it is trying to protect. Every security solution should be able to protect against subsets
of possible attacks, but a combination of several solutions is more likely to achieve a design that is
completely secure. For example, e.MMC write protect is designed to ensure data availability. The replay
protected memory block (RPMB) solution is designed to ensure data integrity. Compare that to Android
FDE (full device encryption), a different type of security solution that is designed to protect data privacy
and to ensure confidentiality.
2. The Evolution of e.MMC Security Features
e.MMC devices contain multiple data protection and security features including: password lock/unlock,
write protect, and RPMB. These features have evolved over the years and continue to improve with each
version of the eMMC specification.
2.1 Password Lock
Password lock was the first security feature integrated into the eMMC spec; previously it had been
implemented in legacy SD cards. The password lock feature is designed to protect the contents of the
user area from any type of access (read, write, or erase).
The password lock/unlock feature is set using CMD42. After password lock is enabled, a host can perform
certain actions — including reset, initialize, select, query for status, etc. but may not access any data on
the user area of the device. The host can still access the boot partitions, RPMB, and general partition area.
This kind of protection can be useful against data theft, but it also limits what anyone (including the data
owner) can do with the device because no access (of any type) is allowed to the protected data.
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2.2 Write Protect
Write protect was designed to protect against data corruption or erasure (whether malicious or unin-
tentional). In eMMC4.3 and earlier specs, write protect provided protection only for the user area. With
the introduction of partitions in eMMC4.4, write protect was updated to support both different partitions
and areas within partitions. With the release of eMMC5.1, write protect enables the use of authentication
to protect partitions and areas within them.
Once write protect is set, a host can’t erase or write to the specified protected area. However, unlike
password lock, data can still be read from this area.
In e.MMC version 5.1, there are four types of write protection:
Permanent: once write protect is enabled, it cannot be disabled.
Power-on: once write protect is enabled, it can only be reversed by a power cycle or by
toggling the device reset pin, which causes the device to reboot itself.
Temporary: write protect can be enabled and disabled.
Secured: write protect can be enabled and disabled only for those who are authorized to
use the RPMB.
Today, Write protect feature can be enabled on the overall device (including boot and RPMB partition) as
well as on small areas within a partition called write protect groups:
The entire Device (including the Boot Area Partitions, General Purpose Area Partition, RPMB,
and User/Enhanced User Data Area Partition) may be write-protected by setting the permanent
or temporary write protect bits in the CSD.
Boot partitions can be permanent, secured or power-on write protected.
User Data Area (UDA) and General Purpose Partition (GPP) write protection can be applied
to specific segments (or as they called in spec, “write protect groups”), which may be set to
permanent, secured, power-on, or temporary write protect.
2.3 RPMB – Replay Protect Memory Block
The RPMB (Replay Protected Memory Block) feature was first introduced in eMMC4.4. This feature enables
a device to store data in a small, specific area that is authenticated and protected against replay attack.
RPMB is a self-contained security protocol with its own command opcodes and data structures.
The mechanism for this protocol involves a shared key and a HMAC (Hash Massage Authentication Code),
which is used to sign all the read/write operations accessing the secured area.
With the release of eMMC5.1, write protect enables
the use of authentication to protect partitions
and areas within them.
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e.MMC Security Methods
3. RPMB – Authentication and Integrity for
Replay Attack Protection
RPMB enables an e.MMC device to store data in a specific area (typically 4MB in size), where it is authen-
ticated and protected against replay attack.
3.1 What Is a Replay Attack?
A replay (or playback) attack occurs when a program copies data from a legitimate interaction involving
two entities and then retransmits the same data in a later stage. As the original information contains the
right sender and destination identifiers, as well as proof of data authenticity, the retransmitted data will (if no
measures are taken against the replay attack) be accepted, just as it was the first time it was transmitted.
Such an attack may be perpetrated by the originator who initiated the first / legitimate interaction, or by
a “man-in-the-middle” (MITM) who had sniffed the original data and retransmitted it later on.
For an example of a replay attack, imagine a digital wallet service provider sending an authenticated
message that sets a user account balance to $2,000. When the user pays a $1,600 bill with the digital
wallet, the available balance drops to $400. If a piece of malware running a replay attack intercepts
the initial message (the one setting the account balance to $2,000), by resending that same message
after the $1,600 purchase it can reset the account balance to $2,000.
Figure 1: Replay Attack General Example
e.MMC Security Methods
Digital Wallet Service
Digital Wallet User
Account Balance = $2000
Account Balance = $2000
Step 1 - Sniff
Step 2 - Retransmit
7 Western Digital | WHITE PAPER
3.2 RPMB Authentication
RPMB uses symmetric key authentication, in which that same authentication key is used by both the host
and the device (this key is also known as the “shared secret”). It works in the following manner:
The RPMB authentication key information is rst programmed by the host to the eMMC
device (this must take place in a secure environment, usually on the production line).
The authentication key is then used by both host and device to sign and authenticate read
and write messages involving the RPMB area.
Signing the message involves a message authentication code (MAC), which is calculated
using the HMAC SHA-256 algorithm.
3.3 RPMB Protection against Replay Attack
The basic idea of a replay protection is to ensure that every message is unique. In RPMB, the device
manages a read-only counter that is incremented after every write message and whose new value will be
included in the calculation of the next authentication code to be sent.
RPMB commands are authenticated by the HMAC SHA-256 calculation which takes as input:
The shared/secret key.
The message, containing the write command or the read results.
The write counter, which counts the total number of writes to the RPMB.
A nonce, which is a randomly generated number for each read command.
The resulting MAC is a 256 bit (32Byte) cypher that is embedded in the RPMB data frame and sent with
the message data itself.
Writing to RPMB
When an eMMC device receives a write command message to the RPMB, it verifies the validity of the
command by checking that (1) the counter was increased and (2) the MAC that was sent by the host is
identical to the MAC that the device generated using its saved key.
Figure 2: RPMB Write Sequence Block Diagram
e.MMC Device Host SoC
(Secret Key)
(Secret Key)
(Write, Addr, Data)
e.MMC Security Methods
Reading from RPMB
The eMMC device will send the read data to the host together with a MAC signature. The host receives
the message and uses the shared key to generate a MAC as well. Only if the two MACs are identical will
the host trust the data that is being read from the RPMB.
The use of random number generation and a counter register are key to providing protection against
replay attacks:
In case of a write to RPMB, the value of the MAC is inuenced by the RPMB write counter,
which is being increased (by both host and device) upon each successful write operation
In case of a read from RPMB, the value of the MAC is inuenced by a random number
generated by the host and sent as part of the read request.
4. RPMB Use Cases
Different vendors use RPMB for different purposes, but certain use cases are good candidates for
RPMB. Some well-known use cases include software version authentication, fingerprint verification,
secure key storage, network vendor information, digital rights management (DRM) and secure payments.
4.1 Example 1 – Software Version Authentication
to Prevent a Downgrade Attack
Consider a scenario in which a manufacturer must push several software updates to a device (such as a
phone, a car, etc.). During the initial update, the new software image is written into the eMMC’s main area
while the information about the software release version is stored in the RPMB.
Then, imagine that the manufacturer discovers that this version has a security breach or a safety bug.
The manufacturer issues another software update to fix the problem. As before, the new software image
is written into the eMMC main area and updated version information is stored in the RPMB.
But a hacker might try using this same mechanism to downgrade the software on a user’s device to take
advantage of the security breach or bugs in the previous release. They might try to mimic the procedure
that the manufacturer used when pushing out the upgrade — but the hacker would actually push out the
earlier, compromised version of the application or operating system.
Software using RPMB to protect itself from a downgrade attack would check for a new, updated version
number during the upgrade procedure. If the “new” version number is lower than the one already present
in RPMB, the installer would reject the “update.”
Due to the nature of RPMB, there is no way for an attacker to change the software version information
stored in the RPMB, as that would require access to the secret key.
In-Home Collaborative Content Delivery
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4.2 Example 2 – Preventing Unauthorized Unlock
In this example, RPMB can be used to ensure that only an authorized individual can unlock a device
(such as a phone, car, or computer).
First, a user records a PIN code / fingerprint / swipe sequence that will unlock the device. Subsequently,
whenever someone attempts to unlock the device, the time of each attempt is recorded in the RPMB.
If too many attempts are made within a specified period of time, software controlling the lock will
prevent further attempts to unlock the device for a set period of time. If a hacker or thief tries to unlock the
device — even using automated tools that would try to inject every possible PIN code until the correct one
is found — they will be stopped as soon as the specified number of incorrect unlock trials within the spec-
ified period is reached. The hacker can’t override the tracking of unlock attempts because the information
about the attempts is stored in the RPMB. Unless the hacker stumbles upon the right PIN in the first few
attempts, it becomes almost impossible for someone who doesn’t know the PIN to unlock the device.
Figure 3: Phone Unlock Protection Scheme
4.3 Example 3 – Secured Boot and Secured Write Protect
Prevention of undesired (hacked) code from running on a device starts with an assurance that the very
first piece of code that the processor reads from the storage device and executes is legitimate. This initial
code the bootloader is located on the e.MMC device boot partition, which must be write protected
from malware modification.
Prior to eMMC5.1, the permanent write protect mechanism offered the only sure-fire way to protect the
boot area, but in addition to protecting the boot area from hackers it also precluded manufacturers from
updating those areas if they ever need to. That proved problematic for manufacturers, which led to the
development of the secured write protect feature in eMMC5.1.
The secured write protect feature ensures that every change to the write protection configuration itself
must be authenticated using the RPMB secret key. The secured write protect mechanism is primarily
used to protect the boot code or other sensitive data on the eMMC device from changes or deletion
by unauthorized applications.
Enter PIN to unlock Phone
Trials #1, Timestamp
Retry to
In Loop
How much time pass from last trial?
How many trials allowed?
Enter PIN
e.MMC Security Methods
5. Conclusion
An e.MMC storage device is more than “just” a code and data storage area. It has built-in features and
functionalities that can solve several security concerns which are often raised by device manufacturers.
Understanding the capabilities of the e.MMC device and using them in the overall system design can make
products more secure in terms confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
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