September 2013 Page 1
Popular Protocols Demystified
ITSO-Security Engineering Branch
This paper provides a high level overview of popular protocols with a focus on the security of each. This
information is useful when deciding which protocol is best suited for the activity and its environment.
Many of these protocols were developed years or decades before the network growth in the 1990s that
resulted in an increased need for securing networked devices and encrypting transmission of data. The
changing context for electronic communications led to the development of more secure protocols
performing similar functions as their insecure predecessors. Many of the predecessors continue to exist
and serve a purpose in limited cases, such as when networks are physically isolated and the associated
data and services are not critical to operations. This has led to some confusion about the security
aspects of the protocols. This paper clarifies security related questions for the following protocols:
Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) v1, v2, and v3
Telnet and SSH
Telnet was developed in 1969 before the need for security that began in the 1990s. The Telnet network
protocol provides bidirectional unencrypted text-oriented communication between networked devices
via an unsecured virtual terminal connection. Telnet, by design, has been and still is an unencrypted and
insecure protocol. ITSO-SEB, along with other security experts, including the SANS Institute
, discourages
the use of Telnet
for the following reasons:
Telnet, by default, does not encrypt any data transmitted, including authentication (such as
passwords) and configuration information. Packet sniffing is easily performed by anyone who
has access to a networked device where Telnet is used. Therefore, all data, including the
password and any other potentially sensitive data, is easily acquired without authorization. The
password can then be used to access other more secure devices and their sensitive data. If the
password is associated with a privileged account (e.g., administrator), the span of security
impact is even greater.
Most implementations of Telnet have no means to prevent man-in-the-middle
Telnet, by default, tries to connect to the remote host using Port 23 but has the ability to
connect to any port that has a valid listener. This capability allows it to be used to spoof or
exploit valid protocols, thereby increasing the security risk to your entire network.
Commonly used Telnet daemons contain numerous known vulnerabilities
SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room Auditing and Securing Multifunction Devices
Telnet can be turned off via your /etc/inetd.conf file
Man-in-the-middle attack defined at
September 2013 Page 2
Given the widespread use of Telnet and its stated limitations/concerns, the industry responded through
the development of security enhancements, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Simple
Authentication and Security Layer (SASL). However, these enhancements are not supported by all
Telnet applications and require both the server and the client to be using compatible versions of Telnet.
Therefore, the standard SSH network protocol, developed in 1995, is favored over Telnet as it provides
much of the same functionality plus compatibility while being significantly more secure.
As of this writing, there are two commonly used SSH protocols. As often happens, the initial protocol,
SSH1, has been shown to contain security vulnerabilities that its successor, SSH2, does not. Therefore,
adopters of SSH1 are encouraged to transition to using SSH2. SSH2 is a cryptographic network protocol
that includes strong encryption of all data transmitted, including authentication (such as passwords) and
configuration information. SSH2 also uses public key authentication to authenticate the identity of the
remote device, if necessary. Using SSH2 instead of Telnet greatly reduces the security risk of remote
device access and administration. In addition, explicitly disabling fallback to SSH1 eliminates unexpected
use of the older and less secure SSH1 protocol.
Considering making the transition to SSH2? Having discussed the concerns with Telnet, its ease of use
and ubiquitous nature does little to fully discourage its presence. Whether used intentionally or simply
not disabled (just in case it is needed), well known Telnet vulnerabilities may provide an attacker ingress
to the network. So, to get started with SSH2, you will need to:
Disable Telnet as part of your standard hardening activities.
Close Telnet’s communication port 23 if there are no appliances or applications, for example
older printers or legacy applications, that still use Telnet. Consider upgrading any appliances or
applications that require Telnet.
Acquire a Digital Certificate by contacting AOml_SSL_Cert_Ad[email protected]ov. The AO has
a bulk purchasing agreement for Verisign certificates that reduces the cost and time for
Install OpenSSL and any packages and libraries required for your environment. Most installs will
require restarting the Operating System and hence need to be scheduled during a maintenance
window or otherwise planned.
FTP was originally specified in 1971
and has been updated a number of times since. Similar to Telnet,
FTP was developed before the need for security that began in the 1990s and hence, was not designed to
be a secure protocol. Consequently, it has many critical security weaknesses
. FTP, by design, is an
unencrypted and insecure protocol for transferring files between networked computers. ITSO-SEB, along
with other security experts including the SANS Institute
, discourages the use of FTP because the
SANS FAQ regarding Telnet including a list of Telnet exploits
RFC 114 FTP Specification
Many of these security weaknesses are enumerated in RFC 2577 and include Spoofing, Username Insecurity, Port
Stealing, Packet Sniffing, Bounce Attacks and Brute Force Attacks.
SANS Institute InfoSec Reading Room Securing FTP Authentication
September 2013 Page 3
protocol contains a number of mechanisms that can be used to compromise network security, including
the following:
FTP, by default, does not encrypt any transmitted data, including authentication (such as
passwords) and configuration information. Packet sniffing is easily performed by anyone who
has access to a networked device where FTP is used. Therefore, all data, including the password
and any other potentially sensitive data, is easily acquired without authorization. The password
can then be used to access other more secure devices and their sensitive data. If the password is
associated with a privileged account, such as an administrator, the span of security impact is
even greater.
FTP is also vulnerable to brute force, bounce, man-in-the-middle, port stealing, and spoofing
Anonymous FTP, as its name implies, allows anyone access to the FTP server.
FTP cannot ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data being transferred.
The SFTP protocol, which uses the SSH network protocol, is favored over FTP as it provides much of the
same functionality and is significantly more secure. SFTP is a cryptographic network protocol that
includes strong encryption of all data transmitted, including authentication (such as passwords) and
configuration information. SFTP leverages the SSH use of public key authentication to authenticate the
identity of the remote device (if necessary). Using SFTP instead of FTP greatly reduces the security risk of
remote device access and administration. At a minimum, anonymous FTP should be disabled and FTP
only used when SFTP cannot otherwise be leveraged based on a comprehensive security risk analysis.
Considering making the transition to SFTP? Having discussed the concerns with FTP, its ease of use and
ubiquitous nature does little to fully discourage its presence. Whether used intentionally or simply not
disabled (just in case it is needed), well known FTP vulnerabilities may provide an attacker ingress to the
network. So, to get started with SFTP, you will need to:
Disable FTP and anonymous FTP as part of your standard hardening activities.
Close the FTP communication port 21 if there are no legacy applications that still use FTP.
Consider upgrading any application that requires FTP.
SFTP operates using the SSH daemon (SSHD) on the server and so the daemon must be installed
prior to using SFTP.
Open communication Port 22 which is used by SFTP. This will facilitate closing the less secure
FTP port 21 that is no longer needed with the transition to SFTP.
A few technical points should be addressed when transitioning from FTP to SFTP
o SFTP is not backward compatible with standard FTP servers, nor can a standard FTP
client connect to the SSH daemon used for SFTP.
o Since the SFTP command sets are different from FTP, any application or device that uses
FTP programmatically may fail.
September 2013 Page 4
SNMP V1, V2, and V3
SNMP first appeared as RFCs 1065, 1066 and 1067 (now referred to as SNMPv1) in 1988
and has
subsequently evolved to SNMPv2 and SNMPv3. SNMP was developed to provide network management
and monitoring capabilities before the need for security that began in the 1990s. Therefore, SNMP v1
was not originally designed to be a secure protocol and has many critical security weaknesses
, which
have been incrementally addressed through v2 and v3. Encryption was not added until the security
focused updates with SNMPv3. Therefore, by design, all versions of SNMP prior to v3 are unencrypted
and insecure protocols. Because SNMP agents expose networked device (routers, servers, hosts,
printers, etc.) metadata, such as type and description, and allow control of the managed devices, this
data and control needs to be secured.
ITSO-SEB, along with other security experts (including the SANS Institute
), recommends discontinuing
the use of all versions of SNMP prior to v3 because the earlier protocols contain a number of
mechanisms that can be used to compromise network security, including the following
Earlier versions of SNMP (prior to v3), by default, do not encrypt any data transmitted, including
authentication (such as community strings) and configuration information. Packet sniffing is
easily performed by anyone who has access to a networked device where SNMP is used.
Therefore, all data, including the community string and any other potentially sensitive data, is
easily acquired without authorization.
Pre-v3 SNMP is also vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks, service interruptions, and may allow
an attacker to gain access to the affected device.
SNMPv3 is a cryptographic network protocol that includes strong encryption of all data transmitted,
including authentication (such as community strings) and configuration information. Still, all three
available SNMP versions are vulnerable to brute force and dictionary attacks for guessing the
community strings, authentication strings, authentication keys, encryption strings or encryption keys. If
SNMP is used over UDP, it is vulnerable to IP spoofing attacks as well.
Considering making the transition to SNMPv3? Whether used intentionally to support older network
appliances or applications or simply not disabled (just in case it is needed), well known SNMPv1 and v2
vulnerabilities may provide an attacker ingress to the network. So, to get started with SNMPv3, you will
need to:
Provide training to all who will be using SNMPv3 as the terminology is somewhat different
although the architecture concepts are similar across versions of SNMP. The additional security
and administration features will also need to be learned. Those already familiar with SNMP can
IETF Documents for full text of RFCs
CERT SNMP Vulnerabilities FAQ
SANS Institute Resources Widespread SNMP Vulnerabilities
Cert Advisory CA-2002-03 Multiple Vulnerabilities in Many Implementations of SNMP
September 2013 Page 5
start by reviewing the relevant RFC documents for SNMPv3 readily available on the Internet at
no cost.
Evaluate and plan to resolve coexistence issues relating to the three versions of SNMP. These
issues are covered in RFC 3416.
Older network appliances or legacy management applications that might not support SNMPv3
need to be identified and evaluated for replacement.
In summary, there are many protocols available to “do the job”, but not all protocols are otherwise
created equal. As a standard practice, disable all protocols that are not specifically needed. This will
minimize the security risk to your network and its devices and data by reducing the potential avenues of
attack, e.g., if an insecure protocol is disabled, then its vulnerabilities are not available for an attacker to
leverage. For each protocol, evaluate its associated risk and decide whether or not the risk is acceptable
to all stakeholders in its operational context. This will usually limit protocol use to the newer and more
secure protocols as they reduce the risk of your data being compromised. A summary matrix of the risks
for the protocols reviewed in this paper is provided below.
Again, if at all possible, disable FTP and Telnet. If you are using SNMP to monitor or manage devices,
consider disabling SNMPv1 and v2 and using v3 to leverage its authentication and encryption
capabilities. While not discussed herein, also disable HTTP for management and use HTTPS instead.
Finally, any protocols that are made available should be locked down to the minimum number of hosts
or subnets that require access.
A SNMPv3 White Paper and links to all related RFCs and related materials available online is consolidated at the
SNMP Research International, Inc. website
Man in the
Denial of
Brute Force
Telnet Poor No No
SSH-1 Poor No Yes
SSH-2 Excellent Yes Yes
FTP Poor No No
SFTP Excellent Yes Yes
SNMPv1 Poor No No
SNMPv2 Poor No No
SNMPv3 Good No Yes
Known Susceptability to Common Attacks
Overall Security