Student ID # _________________________________ Date: ____________________
Student Last Name: ____________________________________________________
First Name ___________________________________________________________
Middle Name _________________________________________________________
Current Mailing Address:
Are you a matriculated (admitted and enrolled) Student at the University of La Verne?
Circle One Yes No
You are currently enrolled for the (Circle One)
Summer Fall Mini-Fall Winter Spring
Academic Year 20______
Degree Program_________________________ Major ________________________________
Have you ever enrolled or received instruction/tutoring in the course you are requesting to
Challenge at the University of La Verne? Circle One Yes No
If you are challenging a Language Course: (Spanish/French/German/Japanese)
Is this your primary language? Circle One Yes No
Did you take this language in High School? Circle One Yes No
If Yes, how many years in high school? ________
Have you received secondary or higher education in a country where the native language is
not English? Circle One Yes No
If yes, what language __________________________________________________________
The Course you want to challenge is:
Subject ______________ Number ______________ Title _____________________________
I certify the above information is true and correct.
Student Signature _________________________________Date________________________
* * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * ** * *
Approved? Yes No Department Chair Signature ____________________Date __________
Course Challenge
Procedures at the
University of La Verne
Course Challenge Catalog Policy- Matriculated students, who believe
they can successfully demonstrate the competencies of a course without
attendance, may request to challenge the course. Most La Verne courses
may be challenged for credit. Students can view the MyLaVerne Course
catalog to determine if a course is challengeable.
The student may see a list of course goals and objectives prior to
challenging the course. If the student demonstrates the competencies
required for successful completion of the course, the number and title of
the course will be placed on the transcript with a CRD grade. If the student
does not demonstrate the competencies, nothing is recorded on the
transcript. A student may only challenge a course once. If a student fails
a course challenge, he or she may receive credit for the course only by
enrolling in the course for credit. A maximum of eight semester hours of
course challenge may be counted toward fulfilling the undergraduate
residency requirement.
A student may not challenge any course in which he/she has received
tutoring from a La Verne instructor, was formerly enrolled, or has audited
formally or informally. Any student who has received secondary or higher
education in a country where the native language of instruction is not
English may not challenge beginning or intermediate courses in this
language. Any student who has received credit for high school courses
in foreign languages may not challenge those courses at La Verne. In this
context, two years of high school foreign language will be considered
equivalent to one year of college instruction. First-year language courses
may not be challenged. With respect to these limitations placed on the
challenging of language courses, CLEP examinations will be regarded as
Course Challenge Procedures -To challenge a course, a student must
complete the following steps in this order:
1. Complete the Request to Challenge a Course Form and submit to
your Academic Advisor. You must identify the course you are
requesting to challenge. The form is located on the back side of this
brochure or on the Office of the Registrar Web page.
2. The Academic Advisor will contact the Department Chair of the course
to be challenged. If the request to challenge is approved an instructor
will be assigned to administer the exam and notify the Academic
3. The Academic Advisor will notify the student of the approval and
advise them to complete the Petition to Challenge form
4. Immediately upon receiving notification, Central Campus students
must go to the Office of Student Accounts to pay for the nonrefundable
challenge exam fee. Student will receive two receipts. Student must
then proceed to the Office of the Registrar to complete the top portion
of the Petition to Challenge Form. Regional and On-line Campus
students will go to their Regional Center to complete the Petition to
Challenge form. The Students Academic Advisor will mail the
Challenge form to the Office of the Registrar. Student must
immediately pay the challenge fee on their MyLaVerne account. Once
payment has been made, the student must notify the Office of Student
Accounts by email The Office of Student
Accounts will notify the Office of the Registrar the fee has been paid.
5. The Office of the Registrar will send the Petition to Challenge form to
the appropriate Department Chair. Department Chair will give the
assigned instructor the challenge form so they can administer the
exam. It is expected the instructor will immediately contact the
Students cannot take the challenge exam until the fee has been paid
and the Department Chair has received the form. The student is
required to take the exam or complete their project within 2 weeks of
initiating the Petition to challenge Form. If not, the Challenge Request
will be considered null and void.
6. Once the challenge exam has been completed the Instructor and the
Department Chair sign the form and return to the Office of the
Registrar. The faculty member has up to 45 days to return the form
to the Office of the Registrar.