Provision of Services of the Monitoring and Evaluation
Study of Kwai Tsing District Health Centre
Executive Summary
Prepared by
JC School of Public Health and Primary Care
Faculty of Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Revised in June 2024
Executive Summary
To strengthen district-based primary healthcare (PHC) development, the then Chief
Executive, Mrs. Carrie Lam announced in her Policy Address in 2017 the plans to
establish district health centres (DHCs) as healthcare service hubs in local communities,
known as the DHC Scheme. These centres are run by non-governmental organisations
in the community and their operation is fully funded by the Government. These service
hubs have multiple access points, through its core and satellite centres and their
networks, to offer a range of coordinated care and support services at the community
level that can be convenient alternatives to frequenting a hospital, thereby relieving
pressure on specialist and hospital services. The concept of a network of providers is
fundamental for the DHCs, under which services will be procured from organisations
and healthcare personnel serving the district so that the public can receive necessary
care relating to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention in the community. This care
model organised at the district level is aimed at better responding to the needs and
characteristics of the district.
The Food and Health Bureau (FHB), now the Health Bureau (HHB), invited tenders for
the operation of the first DHC in Hong Kong, located in Kwai Tsing (K&T) district, for
a period of 3 years as a pilot in 2018; the contract was awarded to Kwai Tsing Safe
Community and Healthy City Association (KTSCHCA). The Kwai Tsing DHC (K&T
DHC) was put into operation in September 2019. Following the launch of the pilot in
Kwai Tsing, the administration continued the rollout of the Scheme. By the end of 2022,
all 18 districts in Hong Kong had a DHC or DHC Express (DHCE), with the expectation
that the DHCEs will become full-fledge DHCs in the future.
The DHC provides a variety of service programmes targeting primary, secondary, and
tertiary prevention. Their scope of services includes health promotion, health
assessment, chronic disease management, and community rehabilitation. Health
promotion is mainly conducted in the form of health education programmes. The health
assessment adopts a stepwise approach involving initial screening for health risk factors
(i.e., basic health risk factor assessment (BA)), and if indicated followed by screening
for diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT) with a general practitioner (GP) in
the community participating in the programme. The BA is repeated annually for health
monitoring. Chronic disease management and community rehabilitation programmes
(CRP) are tertiary level prevention programmes that cover seven diseases/conditions.
Chronic disease management programmes offer care to patients with DM, HT, and
musculoskeletal disorders (i.e., low back pain, osteoarthritic knee pain); community
rehabilitation programmes serve patients with post-stroke, post-hip fracture and post-
acute myocardial infarction.
Users can receive services under the screening and management programmes from the
core team in the DHCs, which consists of nurses, physiotherapists, occupational
therapists, dietitians, pharmacists and social workers. They can also choose to receive
care from the network medical practitioners (NMPs) / healthcare service providers
(NSPs) who have enrolled in the Scheme but located in their own practices in the
community. The Scheme aims to incorporate concepts of medico-social collaboration
and public private partnership (PPP) through a multi-disciplinary care approach in
enhancing public awareness, promote self-management of care, provide support for
chronic disease patients and their caregivers, and facilitate rehabilitation in the
community setting.
Purpose of Study
This new model of primary healthcare service delivery is a complex intervention that
requires evaluation of its performance outcomes and impact on all the key stakeholders
including the users in the model and the community in general.
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care of The Chinese University
of Hong Kong was awarded by tender for a study to monitor and evaluate the DHC
Scheme in Kwai Tsing District on 19 August 2019. This study was subsequently
extended to include the second DHC in Sham Shui Po (SSP) in a contract variation.
Objectives of the Monitoring and Evaluation Study
The study aimed to examine the overall performance of the DHC Scheme by studying
its structure, processes, outcomes, impact and cost-effectiveness. These five domains
formed the focus of assessment by the tender, and key items assessed included:
A. Quality, quantity and range of services provided by the Core Centre and five
Satellite Centres in both DHCs in the study, network healthcare professionals
and local partners;
B. Effectiveness and efficiency in delivery of each type of services, including but
not limited to coverage/penetration of programmes/services, outcome of
C. Feedback from service users; and
D. Cost-effectiveness / economic evaluation of the DHC Scheme.
Evaluation Design
The DHC Scheme is considered a complex intervention with multiple interacting
components relating to different levels of the preventive programmes. The
implementation involves a wide range of stakeholders including target service
beneficiaries, participating healthcare professionals and community organisations. The
team took reference to the literature in designing and evaluating this complex
intervention and selected the relevant outcome measures through a good theoretical
understanding of the intervention. A programme logic model which marked the
structure/input, process/activities, outputs and outcomes/impact of the DHC scheme
was used to guide the design of our research process for this complex intervention (i.e.,
the DHC Scheme). Both formative and summative approaches were applied to provide
timely appraisal of the Scheme. Assessment was conducted through five domains, as
per the service tender: structure, process, intended outcomes, impacts, and cost. A mix
of quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the evaluation process to study the
experiences of different stakeholders in the Scheme. As the opening of the K&TDHC
as well as our Monitoring and Evaluation study coincided with the three-year
worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the territory-wide effort in the control of the
pandemic had significantly impeded the implementation progress of the K&TDHC. To
enhance the validity of the evaluation, a contract variation of the original proposal to
include the second DHC at Sham Shui Po (SSP) as an additional study site was
proposed and approved on 19 April 2021. The numbers presented in the Main Findings
Section are those from both sites combined.
At the beginning of the study, key informant interviews were conducted with a wide
range of key stakeholders, the government officials at the then FHB to understand the
policy objectives and direction of the Scheme; the management team of the DHC to
inquire about their operation and service delivery process, and other potential
community service partners to obtain their understanding and expectations of the
Scheme. Other qualitative methods included an ethnographic multiple case study of
DHC users (K&T: n=2, SSP: n=2), focus group interviews (minimum n=54), in-depth
interviews with DHC users and non-users (minimum K&T: n=18; SSP: n=9), and
interviews with staff of different positions (minimum K&T: n=50; SSP: n=47).
On the other hand, quantitative methods included two-wave longitudinal population
surveys in Kwai Tsing with a control site of Kwun Tong (n=750 per district in first
survey, and n=300 in second survey), two cross-sectional DHC user surveys in Kwai
Tsing and Sham Shui Po (n=875 each site), and social network analysis in the staff
surveys (minimum K&T: n=50; SSP: n= 47). A two-stage stratified sample design was
adopted for the population surveys, with the records in the frame of living quarters first
stratified by geographical area and then by type of living quarters. Kwun Tong was
chosen as a control group for two reasons. First, as our study commenced after the
establishment of the DHC, we were not able to study the prior status of Kwai Tsing
District before the services of DHC for comparison. We hypothesised that Kwun Tong
could provide a proxy of baseline characteristics of the Kwai Tsing district because the
two districts shared similar characteristics. Second, there was a relatively new
community health centre (CHC) in Kwun Tong district that incorporated concepts on
integrated care in public healthcare services. Comparison on indicators between sites
were analysed. In the user surveys, users from the three levels of prevention
programmes were sampled. The key areas of information collected in the population
and user surveys included general experiences at the DHCs, satisfaction with DHC
services, health-related quality of life, health status, health seeking behaviour, and the
willingness to pay (WTP). In addition to primary data sources, secondary data analyses
on the operation data collected in the DHC Scheme and a matched case-control study
using secondary data from the Hospital Authority (HA) were conducted.
The evaluation study also included a structured organisational survey with an onsite
visit to both K&TDHC and SSPDHC to meet with the DHC staff and understand the
actual operations of each centre. The research team also assessed the implementation
aspect of the DHC Scheme guided by the Implementation Outcomes Framework (IOF)
and the Consolidated Framework of Implementation Research (CFIR) (Appendix A).
Data Analysis and Interpretation Methodology
In all qualitative studies, a description of the characteristics of the participants was
provided. Qualitative content analyses, facilitated by NVivo a widely used qualitative
data analysis software, were applied in all studies based on the synthesis of texts of
transcription. For the quantitative studies, we described the socio-demographic
characteristics of the participants with frequencies and percentages for categorical
variables or means and standard deviations for continuous variables. All significant
results were based on p-values < 0.05. Software packages of Excel, SPSS, R, UCINET,
ArcGIS, Nvivo and Remark Office OMR were used for the analyses. We applied
methods triangulation and investigators triangulation to synthesize all the findings with
the guidance of the study frameworks. The synthesized results identified good practices
and areas for improvement in the design of the DHC Scheme and inform
recommendations and implementation strategies in the evaluation of the DHC.
Main Findings
Key Operation Statistics
Four years into operation, the uptake of DHC membership in the district population had
been slow. Secondary data analyses showed that 49,675 residents, or 4.6%
of the
combined population from Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po registered with the DHCs as
members in the period from September 2019 to June 2023. Approximately, 13.2% of
the current registered total users were younger than 50 years of age. The age profile of
users in both sites was significantly older than that of the general population in the
respective districts. Most users from both study sites were female and from lower
income households.
Key operation statistics by programmes of different prevention levels showed that
service targets for primary prevention programmes were met, but those for secondary
and tertiary prevention programmes were not. A total of 40,377 members who did not
have a history of DM completed a BA. Among them, 32,996 (81.7%) had at least one
risk factor for DM identified, and of those, 3,493 (10.6%) enrolled into the screening
programme with a network medical practitioner (NMP) in the community. During the
study period, 254 (7.3%) members were diagnosed to have DM from the screening
About a third (32.6%) of the members were screened positive for risk factors for HT;
among which 2.6% (n=252) went onto further screening from both sites combined.
After screening, about half (130 out of 252 members) were diagnosed to have
hypertension. These were lower than the service targets specified in the original tender.
The same was observed for other tertiary programmes targeting musculoskeletal and
community rehabilitation.
When the DHC Scheme was first piloted in the district of Kwai Tsing, there was no intention that the
DHC membership would eventually cover the entire district population, nor were there clear milestones
set on the percentage of population to be engaged at different time points. The percentage here is a
reference to indicate the interest of the population.
Positive Impacts
The findings from our focus group studies, user in-depth interviews, multiple case study
as well as the community stakeholder interviews showed great enthusiasm and high
acceptance toward the DHC Scheme. The studies demonstrated consensus among
respondents that this prevention-focused and community-based initiative was an
important step in the paradigm shift towards primary and community care and had the
potential to bring about a positive impact on population health.
For population health, longitudinal data from the population survey showed that the
respondents from Kwai Tsing reported significant improvement in mental health and
overall well-being over time than their counterparts in Kwun Tong. No significant
improvement over time was found in the community awareness of personal health,
capacity in self-management of health problems, or social cohesion over time in both
sites, and the changes were not different between the two sites.
Among the respondents of the Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po user surveys, 77.4%
agreed that they had changed to a healthier diet, and 83.7% performed more exercises
after becoming DHC members. For those with smoking and drinking habits, 55.4% of
respondents agreed that they smoked less, and 53.5% drank less after becoming
A high proportion (over 80%) of the users agreed that DHC activities helped improve
their physical and psychosocial health in both study sites. Almost all of them thought
the positive changes were sustainable over the months since they joined DHC. These
were echoed in the qualitative studies.
Overall, users of DHC services were satisfied with the services they received in the core
and satellite centres as well as with the network healthcare professionals. The overall
satisfaction scores ranged from 7.8 to 8.5 out of 10 in both centres. Most users also
found the locations and operation hours convenient and the centre environment pleasant.
The overall pattern of health seeking behaviours remained the same over time among
those with chronic diseases in the districts. Among the respondents who were enrolled
in the DM/HT management programmes, nearly half reported a decrease in the number
of visits to healthcare providers, including GPs and specialists from the public and
private sectors, where they were receiving care prior to joining the programmes. Further,
among the respondents at the SSPDHC who had received care for chronic diseases
through the NMPs or NSPs in the respective SSPDHC network (n=23) (where detailed
data was available), 26.1% reported reduced utilisation of services from the public
healthcare sector for chronic diseases, and 43.8% from other private health services.
There has been an increase in uptake of preventive measures among users after joining
the DHCs, with the most prominent being in self-health monitoring (78.6%) and health
checks at providers in both sites (74.3%). The increase in uptake in the two screening
programmes subsidised by the Government was also significant (colorectal cancer
screening: 32.1% and cervical cancer screening: 13.5%).
Key Issues
Coverage of DHC Services
The coverage and penetration of DHC services in the community remained limited
based on the operation statistics in the earlier section. The proportion of members in the
community was less than 6 % in both Kwai Tsing and Sham Shui Po, with lower
participation observed among men and the working population (footnote i, page vi).
The enrollment numbers of secondary and tertiary prevention programmes did not meet
the targets. For example, the proportions of people assessed to have risk factor(s)
moving on to further screening for DM was about 11%, and the percentages for HT
were less than 3%.
Role of DHC Services and Programmes
While most felt positive about the intended goals of the DHC Scheme, many from the
qualitative interviews wondered about its position in relation to other existing services
and programmes in the current primary healthcare landscape. These included those
offered by the General Out-patient Clinic (GOPC) of HA (e.g., the Risk Assessment
and Management Programmes (RAMP)), Department of Health (DH) (e.g., elderly
health centres, school health services), other non-governmental organisations (NGOs),
and the extensive rehabilitation programmes of HA. Clarity was needed around how
the DHC stood apart from the existing players in the community and how its services
connected both vertically and horizontally cutting across sector boundaries, or how it
could improve and streamline the existing care pathways for residents in the community.
Network Engagement
Despite the network design being a key feature of the DHC Scheme, the DHC had yet
to demonstrate how its use could be optimised in the local community and its impact
on multidisciplinary care. We observed during the study period that there was no
structured programme for multidisciplinary care, and interprofessional referrals were
limited. Most of the referrals in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and dietetics
services were clustered around in-house staff instead of network service providers.
Close to 60% of the NMPs registered since the commencement of the Scheme had
received referrals. This was due partly to the fact that a small number of members
participated in the screening programmes for DM and HT by NMPs, and the practice
locations of some NMPs were situated outside the two districts, which for Sham Shui
Po district amounted to 70%. This might be inconvenient to users. Study data also
showed the engagement with NMPs and NSPs needed to be enhanced to optimise their
functions. There were also discussions amongst stakeholders over the need for co-
locating some of these services to facilitate multidisciplinary care and referrals.
Medico-social Collaboration
Although the DHC Scheme advocates medico-social collaboration in its provision of
services, it remains pre-dominantly a healthcare service point without actively
addressing the social factors that influence health and health seeking behaviour and the
key social determinants of health. There were a minimal number of cases being referred
to social service providers in the community. Challenges existed in building sustainable
relationships between the DHC and the community organisations. As guidelines,
protocols and channels for referrals to other social service providers in the community
were not as developed as for medical referrals, there were situations in one of the centres
where the staff just wrote the address and telephone of the social organisation and asked
the user to make the connection themselves. The high staff turnover adversely affected
the networking arrangement.
Co-paid Programmes
Secondary prevention services in the DHC Scheme encompassed a two-stage screening
for two common chronic diseases (DM/HT). The first stage was an assessment of risk
factors, followed by stage-2 disease screening with a NMP of choice in the community
if risk factors were identified. The service data reflected that the proportion of people
going onto stage-2 screening remained low in both study sites for DM (10.6%) and HT
(2.6%). Based on input from the DHC staff, some of the reasons for not following
through with screening included lack of interest, preference for self-management of risk
factors and preference for follow up in public sector (i.e., HA).
During the initial study period, subsidies were not provided for consultation sessions or
drugs for patients who were diagnosed through the DHC DM and HT screening
programmes. This was not conducive to encouraging these patients to receive care in
the community, and was one of the barriers to the uptake of the screening programmes.
Having made this observation in the interim report, the Government responded by
piloting new subsidised treatment sessions (PPP 2.0) in the SSPDHC, where an annual
subsidy of $2,000 was provided to participants for consultations and medications when
receiving treatment with providers in the private sector in the community. The users
and NMPs from SSPDHC staff survey found the Scheme good but questioned whether
the subsidy was sufficient. Users of the PPP 2.0 shared the same view during in-depth
interviews and the multiple case study, that they had used up all the subsidies in just
over 6 months. Around a year after the pilot started, only 20% (24 out of 119) of eligible
people diagnosed with DM or HT through the SSPDHC joined this PPP 2.0 programme.
The low enrolment rate might be attributed to the fact that only 15 (31%) registered
NMPs in the SSP district participated in the PPP 2.0 programme.
It was found that the willingness to pay (WTP) for NMP services was generally higher
than that for Chinese Medical Practitioner (CMP) services and individual healthcare
services (i.e., physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, optometry, podiatry, and
speech therapy). The WTP amount for NMP services was primarily associated with
socio-economic status of the respondents. The HK$250 subsidy for each NMP visit was
found useful in enabling more people to pay for NMP services in DHC only when the
price for NMP service was lower or equal to HK$700 per visit, while the impact was
not significant when the price was higher or equal to HK$800 per visit. Price sensitivity
is a critical consideration for the future uptake of the new co-care scheme.
Sustaining Engagement with Users and Persistence of Health Risk Factors
After the initial screening for health risk factors on joining the DHC, the member is
asked to return to DHC annually for the follow-up basic health risk factor assessment
for monitoring. The proportion of members who completed these follow-up
assessments every year was about 50-60% in the K&TDHC and SSPDHC. Among
those with repeated assessments, a significant proportion of members with obesity
identified at the initial assessment remained in the same weight category during follow-
Community Participation
While community involvement was key in needs-based planning for the district, this
was limited in the DHC Scheme so far. The research team found no systematic needs
assessment mechanism in either study site that would help the DHC to stay informed
about the dynamic and evolving health needs of the community. Needs assessment
currently relied mainly on the biannual community engagement exercises the DHC
holds with local organisations and stakeholders, and the staff’s impression of working
with clients who accessed the DHCs. Some of the population needs captured in our
population survey, such as high blood cholesterol, eye diseases and dementia, had not
been covered by the DHC services.
Involvement of users in co-production of services (e.g., providing inputs for service
design) was still at an early stage based on the data collected. Less than 10% of the
users surveyed reported ever being invited to participate in the process of designing
services in both sites. Mobilisation of community resources such as volunteers
remained a low priority.
The governance structure of the DHC Scheme had undergone changes since its
inception, which worked better ever since to support the dual reporting line of the
Executive Director (ED), and the governance function of the Scheme. The Executive
Committee was co-chaired by the Director of the DHC Team (PHO) and a
representative from the Operator. Further transformational changes to the governance
structure with the establishment of the Primary Healthcare Commission which focuses
on planning, implementation and quality assurance can provide a foundation for a
management structure better suited for coordinating the overall primary healthcare
development in Hong Kong. The governance structure in the DHC will need to be re-
defined in the transformation.
The staff turnover rates were high at both sites. There was sufficient standard training
on the job during orientation for staff, for infection control and occupational health and
safety, but little on primary healthcare and the DHC Scheme. There was no structured
training on health promotion models nor behavioural modification approaches that
would facilitate effective health promotion and sustainable lifestyle changes.
At the time of study, the K&TDHC performed regular evaluation for the programmes
it offered as shown in the organisational survey. Outcome monitoring of the Scheme
was also based on a set of KPIs that were regularly reported to the PHO. These numbers
revolved around the number of registrations of new members, basic health risk factor
assessments and their annual follow-ups and events completed by staff, and number of
users joining health education classes. Inevitably any set of KPIs that drove changes in
behaviour and culture sometimes had unintended consequences, especially on the
services not captured in the performance indicator. The set of KPIs needed to be
designed to truly reflect the vision, goals and objectives of setting up the DHCs
including for example, the promotion of community health through the community-
based primary healthcare system, medico-social collaboration, public private
partnership and serving as a resources hub.
The eHRSS and clinical management system (CMS) On-Ramp were reported to be
great information sharing platforms during care delivery, but they were not designed as
operation systems for an organisation to facilitate its daily operational needs including
ad hoc data retrieval by the DHC staff such as to analyse the geographical distribution
of members in the sub-districts, or for trend analysis and reporting. They were slow to
run, unstable, disruptive for workflow and not conducive for service monitoring and
planning. Staff also reported duplication between systems causing inefficiency in
The Primary Prevention Programme demonstrated reasonable costs per attendance,
number of attendances, and number of sessions held. However, the cost of DM and HT
screening was significantly influenced by the health risk factor assessment component.
Exploring alternative assessment formats, such as self-management or online
assessment, could potentially reduce screening costs. Significant improvements were
observed among participants in the post-stroke and post-hip fracture community
rehabilitation programme (CRP). However, there was insufficient evidence from the
data to support improved patient health outcomes for post-acute myocardial infarction
(AMI) patients, as measured by modified functional ambulatory classification (MFAC).
Given the substantial costs incurred, a comprehensive evaluation of the cost-
effectiveness of CRPs and the impact of DHC, from randomized control trials with
appropriate control groups should be considered.
Summarising through the Lens of Implementation Outcome
DHC is a complex intervention comprising multiple programmes involving multitudes
of stakeholders that makes implementation challenging. Using the Implementation
Outcome Framework, our study showed the DHC Scheme was highly acceptable in the
community who agreed with the importance of primary healthcare and the prevention-
based approach as well as supported the district-based organisation of health services.
Adoption of the Scheme had been limited but had seen an increase since inception.
However building sustainable partnerships in the community remained a challenge, as
many felt the services provided were very similar to the existing ones and not entirely
aligned with the local needs, making differentiation and positioning difficult. A number
of issues arising from the characteristics of intervention such as the absence of
subsidies for treatment sessions in the community for cases screened positive for DM
and HT and the later debate over the sufficiency of $2,000 annual subsidy in the PPP2.0
being piloted at the SSP all affected buy-in. This partly contributed to the low uptake
of screening programmes. Infrastructure issues like IT platform limited the feasibility
of the implementation; Organisational issues such as high turnover of staff and
organisational culture that affected means of communication and team stability within
the organisation had an impact on implementation climate for the DHC Scheme. The
coverage of people who could potentially benefit from the Scheme was low based on
membership data, covering mainly women aged fifty and above and from lower socio-
economic background. Hard-to-reach groups also needed more attention. Strong
commitment from the government with secured funding, especially now with the
Chronic-Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme (CDCC) as an addendum, forming a core
component in the latest Primary Healthcare Blueprint released by the current
administration could make the Scheme sustainable.
In relation to the DHC, key issues have been identified as follows:
A. There is a need to redesign the current services in the DHC Scheme to attract,
facilitate and incentivise intended users, community health service providers
and other social service providers to join, participate and stay engaged in the
B. The roles and functions of the DHCs need clarification in the current landscape
of community care spanning both the health and social sectors.
C. Community involvement was observed to be minimal in the operation of the
DHC Scheme.
D. The infrastructure of the current DHC Scheme should be enhanced to support
efficient service delivery and planning, and the long-term development of the
These key issues, along with the envisaged primary healthcare ecosystem outlined by
the Primary Healthcare Blueprint, the repositioning of DHC’s roles in this ecosystem,
and the international literature on District Health Systems and integrated care for
chronic disease management, serve to inform and consolidate the ensuing
recommendations of the Final Report.
Recommendation 1: The DHC Scheme Builds on the Momentum and Experiences
in the Community to Broaden Coverage and Deepen Collaboration to Develop
Community-based Primary Prevention of Diseases and Health Promotion
Facilitation of Individual Health Behaviours
Now that the DHC model has been rolled out in all 18 districts of Hong Kong, it is
important to work on clarifying pathways for seamless coordination, collaboration, and
integration between the different sectors in the community to support health
development. This work should not only focus on knowledge dissemination through
health education but also on motivating and promoting lifestyle changes and individual
behaviours enabling health. The operators need to (i) stock take and map health
education and promotion programmes in the district and (ii) strategize engagement with
the district health advocates and health promotion contributions from the analyses of
the health education programmes in the district. A redefined programme of health
education and promotion should target all population groups and could be conducted in
the district socio-economic settings such as the workplace and schools. The DHC
should reposition as a community resource hub and work in partnership with the
Community Health Promotion and Infrastructure Development
Community health promotion can serve as a vehicle for engagement of multiple sectors
and individuals in the district, generate better health awareness and highlight the role
of the DHC, facilitating participation, and channeling community resources into
improving health. Furthermore, community engagement infrastructure will be
necessary to enable and reinforce sustainable health lifestyle changes in self-
management programmes.
Recommendation 2: The DHC Scheme Should Review and Revisit the Operation
Issues Identified in the Current Evaluation Study
A review of the membership and proof of address requirement, as well as performance
indicators based on volume of membership and basic health risk factor assessments,
would help the move towards facilitating access and collaboration with external players,
and monitoring, respectively.
Service Needs of Different Groups
The service needs of different age groups, especially those younger and working in the
district and including residents with higher capacity to pay, should be considered in
order to provide more accessible, targeted and tiered services.
Public-Private Partnerships and Co-payment
The DHC Scheme should also continue its efforts in building up public-private
partnerships (PPP). There is a need to study how individuals with new or existing
diagnoses of chronic health conditions can be incentivised to participate in chronic
disease management offered by community NSPs and remain with the community
provider for long term management of these conditions. Co-payments for services
should align with those offered in the public sector and be informed by the willingness-
to-pay studies of different socio-economic groups for different types of care. Further
study is also required on how best to motivate those identified with risk factors for
common chronic illnesses like DM and HT to be screened and subsequently treated in
the community upon diagnosis.
Recommendation 3: Clarify and Streamline the Roles, Functions and Areas of
Service of the DHC as part of the Community-based Primary Healthcare System
for a Coherent Primary Healthcare Ecosystem
In the context of the transformed governance and organisational changes proposed in
the Blueprint, the roles and functions of the DHC in a district-based primary healthcare
system should be reviewed and redefined. The provision of district healthcare services
is a role and function of the district healthcare system.
DHC’s multiple roles and functions in the community healthcare system could be
visualised as
(1) A coordinator of community PHC services
(2) A care navigator to support chronic disease management
(3) A resource hub
(4) A connector of network among the public and private services
(5) A developer of connectivity between PHC and social service providers
In a district community healthcare system, the following three components are
considered essential to the ecosystem:
A. Policies, systems, and mechanisms for integration within and between (a)
primary, secondary and tertiary services (b) public and private healthcare
providers and (c) health and social services
B. An infrastructure for engaging the community in multi-sectoral collaboration
for health promotion and disease prevention in the community informed by
knowledge of the modifiable behavioural, social, and environmental factors
and interventions that can promote health
C. A conduit to generate connectivity between the community primary
prevention and health promotion infrastructure with the district community
healthcare system
For each of these components, there are further recommendations on points to consider
when crafting the roles and functions of the DHCs.
A. Policies, systems, and mechanisms for integration within and between (a)
primary, secondary and tertiary services (b) public and private healthcare providers
and (c) health and social services
Systems and Mechanisms of Integration
It is important to map out the organisational and functional forms and service design
necessary to define how the DHC supports, coordinates, complements, and
supplements key healthcare providers in the public and private sectors and social
service providers in the transformed primary care ecosystem. The strategic purchasing
office’s commissioning of the Chronic Disease Co-Care (CDCC) Scheme intends to
make inroads into creating a coordinated, horizontally and vertically integrated primary
healthcare system. This will require an evaluation of the capacity and capabilities of the
private sector, and of the gaps in the service provision and co-ordination. Systems and
mechanisms and instruments for integration will also need to be designed, developed
and evaluated for strategic purchasing decisions.
Mapping of the Primary Care Ecosystem
DHC’s coordinator role will be critical to service delivery, and an initial task is the
mapping of the primary care ecosystem (including public and private healthcare
providers and facilities; services and roles of social and long-term care service
providers, NGOs and civil society organisations; roles of the new District Councils and
committees, district officers and relevant government departments) for each district.
Bidirectional Referral System & Coordination of Patient Empowerment
Serving as an interface between primary, secondary, and tertiary care, the DHC would
be in an ideal position to support the coordination of a bidirectional referral system with
the public sector. Furthermore, the DHC could facilitate the linkage of post-hospital
discharge patients with appropriate district-based primary healthcare services in
rehabilitation and palliative care, and social services for social and personal care. DHC
should also be the hub for development and coordination of patient empowerment
programmes on self-management of chronic conditions. In this way, DHC’s role as a
strong service hub nested within the designated district would be enhanced.
Co-location of Multidisciplinary Teams
Primary healthcare professionals in integrated care models are known to work in
multidisciplinary teams, and if this concept is to be considered for DHC, potential sites
for co-locating these teams could be the consolidated resources of DH’s elderly health
care units, the DHC or its satellite centres, or the premises of network providers. For
chronic disease prevention and management, one-stop services with co-located network
doctors and multidisciplinary teams and multidisciplinary care protocols are needed.
Appropriate models should be considered and piloted.
Building a Network among Public and Private Services
Looking at the care pathways involving the private sector, DHC’s connector role could
provide an excellent vehicle for direct access to the private sector as an alternative to
services provided in the public sector and as a care navigator for chronic disease
management. This is in keeping with DHC’s role in building a network among the
public and private services and would be a step towards addressing the fragmentation
of the primary healthcare system.
Strategic Alliances of Primary Healthcare Professionals
The integration among healthcare professionals, network providers, community
partners, and the DHCs could be strengthened through formation of strategic alliances
of primary healthcare professionals. When strategic alliances are formed between
professionals and providers, there is the potential to achieve long-term strategic
purposes that might otherwise not be achievable for individual organisations working
on their own. Individual healthcare professionals could reach agreements amongst
themselves to form strategic alliances. Hybrid forms could also be options, where
strategic alliances of provider organisations with individual practitioners enable
network arrangements. The benefits of such alliances might include increased
accessibility and quality of care for patients and their communities, economies of scale
and cost control, gain in resources, and risk sharing. Despite a higher degree of
organisational interdependence, organisations may still maintain substantial
independence and autonomy. With the establishment of a common vision agreement
and organisation, the primary healthcare professionals can be engaged or contracted to
function as multidisciplinary clinical teams, and utilise clinical protocols for
multidisciplinary care, and have the potential to enable delivery of coordinated,
efficient and effective care to their district population. DHC could play a vital role in
real-time monitoring and contribute in terms of evaluation.
In the formation of the strategic alliance, a key factor is partner selection and this should
involve looking at their compatibility, complementarity and commitment. When
establishing the governance and design of the alliance, equity ownership and
contractural provisions should be considered. Moreover, following alliance formation,
ongoing management should include the continued development of trust between
partners and the refining of activity coordination amongst alliance members. The details
and logistics of developing these strategic alliances need to be studied further in the
context of the primary healthcare ecosystem.
B. An infrastructure for engaging the community in multi-sectoral collaboration for
health promotion and disease prevention in the community informed by knowledge
of the modifiable behavioural, social, and environmental factors and interventions
that can promote health.
Medico-social Collaboration
Health promotion includes not only health education, but also enabling individuals to
better control the social, environmental and economic influence on health and health
seeking behaviours. Health promotion cannot be carried out solely by the healthcare
sector. Medico-social collaboration should be implemented with reference to health
behavioural models which delineate the pathways for behavioral changes. Enabling and
reinforcing factors in the social and healthcare environment need to be targeted to
motivate individuals and provide opportunities for screening and lifestyle changes.
Conduit for the Needs of the Community
As a community-based health service at the district level, the DHC should act as a
conduit for the needs of the community. Operators with existing extensive social
networks would have the advantage of being better equipped with mature connections
and knowledge regarding the needs of the communities they serve. DHCs should
conduct detailed intervention and implementation mapping rooted in socioecological
model of health, as well as facilitating effective and sustainable lifestyle changes. In
relation to the role of IT in the DHC Scheme, its expansion will require infrastructure
Community Participation
Community participation, especially from end users, is key in making services
responsive to community needs in a timely manner, important for the relational
approach in system changes, and crucial in empowering service users to take on a more
active role in self-management of chronic conditions at the district level.
Connectivity with the Wider Community
Connectivity to community and community resources and the engagement of the wider
community (including NGOs, the business sector, religious bodies, civil society and
patient groups, and minority and vulnerable populations) is critical for effective and
sustainable multi-sectoral strategies and programmes for health promotion and disease
prevention. DHCs need to develop mechanisms for engagement, progress monitoring
and evaluation.
Information Flow in the Community
To gradually change the entrenched perception of healthcare as treatment-oriented,
public education regarding the role and benefits of prevention in primary healthcare
and self-management should be intensified. A community-based scheme should be
aware of and able to leverage on the existing information and information sources in
the community. As well as increasing DHC’s use of social media, other means of
communication should also be considered for those who are not on the grid. Irrespective
of the dissemination platform, expert advice should be sought, and in-house expertise
developed on how to craft messages to enhance uptake and behavioural change.
C. A conduit to generate connectivity between the community primary prevention and
health promotion infrastructure with the district community healthcare system
Health Promotion Network
It is important for DHC to leverage on the district’s existing services in primary
prevention and health promotion to achieve wider coverage of the population. Thus, in
addition to providing in-house health assessment and health education and promotion,
DHC can facilitate such activities both through training professionals or lay persons to
conduct health promotion and assessment in their own centres, and through establishing
partnerships with social and other health centres operating accredited programmes
enabling access to subsidised health screening and continued support for lifestyle
changes and self-management. In this way, the current NSP network for medical
services can be supported with health promotion and self-management programmes
which could also be integrated with patient empowerment programmes. The goal of
formation of health promotion networks in each district will allow connection with the
available community resources.
Co-production of Health
The DHC could serve as a two-way conduit channeling persons identified to have health
risks by the network of NGOs and social services for chronic disease detection and
management, and connect chronic disease patients with NGOs for programmes on
patient empowerment and sustainable lifestyle changes. Such programmes can be
produced and conducted through co-production of health with the community, and
delivered by lay persons trained to deliver structured patient education programmes.
Mobilisation of Community Resources
For its role as a resource hub for health and wellness services, the DHC should achieve
this through identifying, mobilising and leveraging community health resources. A
starting point for the DHC would be the mapping of its roles in the context of an integral
part of the community care system, followed by matching and realigning its existing
programmes and services to better facilitate mobilisation of community resources for
Recommendation 4: Enhance the Infrastructure and Capacity Supporting
Operation and the Long-term Development of the Scheme
Operator Requirements
With regard to the operators of the DHC centres, there should be reviews on what kind
of organisations would be the most suited to balancing an ability to engage the
community in health development efforts with operational efficiency. Since operators
may be from different organisations, it would be beneficial for all operators to receive
standard management training to ensure quality and consistency of services across
districts. In addition to the usual management skills training, an understanding of
concepts such as social capital, network theory, social behavioural theories, and the
socioecological model for planning health behaviour would enhance the skills of those
tasked with designing suitable interventions in response to health needs, facilitating
their successful implementation and the eventual improvement in community and
primary health. Training for staff who implement DHC services is also important. They
should also be well-equipped with the knowledge and skills of health promotion. In fact,
this would be applicable to anyone involved in delivering primary healthcare services.
Primary Healthcare Manpower for a Community-based Primary Healthcare System
Reinforcement of the primary healthcare manpower requires consideration of the range
and types of primary care workforce in the settings of primary care. Other than family
doctors, a range of other primary healthcare professionals have the capacity to
contribute to the community-based primary healthcare system.
Strengthening the Role of Technology in Service Delivery, Monitoring and Evaluation
The role of technology in service delivery and monitoring should be strengthened in
view of its potential to facilitate participation of service end users, to alleviate some of
the staff burden related to communication, and to assist programme planning. In
addressing the Blueprint’s recommendation for improvement in data connectivity and
health surveillance, standardised data collection across districts, for example from
mobile Apps, would be crucial in monitoring community needs. Similarly, data
consistency would be critical in enhancing its usability.
Key Performance Indicators
Lastly, the current set of KPIs should be revisited and revised to maximise incentives
for service improvement and collaboration. They should be reflective of the
achievement of key intermediary outcomes that are clearly linked to concrete expected
outcomes in the long run so that those implementing the Scheme remain engaged and
focused during the implementation process. Tools such as logic models and intervention
and implementation mapping could be useful in deriving these KPIs.
Strategic Purchasing and Instruments for Integrated Care for a Sustainable
Healthcare Ecosystem
For the aforementioned recommendations, the concept of integrated care for chronic
disease management cannot be overstated. According to the WHO global strategy on
people-centred and integrated health services, continuity, comprehensiveness, co-
ordination and access to care are goals for integrated care in a people-centred, primary
care integrated health system. Integration involves “methods and models on the funding,
administrative, organisational, service delivery and clinical levels designed to create
connectivity, alignment and collaboration within and between the cure and care sectors”.
Integrated care seeks to connect the healthcare system with other human service
systems with the aim of improving outcomes.
To meet the complex needs of those with chronic disease and allow for efficient and
effective healthcare, coordination of the different types and levels of healthcare
minimises service gaps and unnecessary duplication of healthcare, improves efficiency
and is essential for integrated seamless delivery of care and sustainability of the
healthcare ecosystem. The ensuing connectivity and interaction needed between the
individual or population, the healthcare system, and the socio-economic-environmental
arena can be enabled through policy levers in particular governance system and
strategic purchasing and a variety of instruments of integration working along and
among the interdependent macro, meso and micro levels of the healthcare system.
Integration needs to occur at system, organisation, professional and clinical levels, as
well as functionally, normatively, horizontally, vertically and temporally through
various modalities and mechanisms including coordination within and between
different types, settings and levels of care, and within and between public and private
healthcare sectors. Moreover, the connectivity between the healthcare system and the
individual or population must be strengthened to address health needs and achieve the
desired health outcomes.
Appendix A. Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research