Price Cap Coalition
Advisory for the Maritime Oil Industry and Related Sectors
Best Practices in Response to Recent Developments in the Maritime Oil Trade
October 12, 2023
The Price Cap Coalition is issuing this advisory to provide recommendations concerning specific
best practices in the maritime oil industry. This advisory reflects our efforts to promote responsible
practices in the industry to prevent and disrupt sanctioned trade, and enhance compliance with the
price caps on crude oil and petroleum products of Russian Federation origin, put in place by the
G7, the European Union, and Australia (“the Price Cap Coalition” or “Coalition”).
The advisory
is directed at both government and private sector actors (“industry stakeholders”) involved in the
maritime trade of crude oil and refined petroleum products.
The Coalition is committed to encouraging responsible maritime trade in crude oil and petroleum
products within a reputable, safe, and secure market. Recent developments in the maritime oil
trade, described below, expose industry stakeholders to increased safety, environmental, economic,
reputational, financial, logistical, and legal risks. This advisory outlines best practices industry
stakeholders can adopt to reduce risks while promoting the safe flow of oil on the market. These
recommendations build upon previous guidance issued by the Price Cap Coalition such as the May
2020 Sanctions Advisory for the Maritime Industry,
the Office of Financial Sanctions
Implementation (OFSI) December 2020 Maritime Guidance,
the Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) February 2023 Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy,
OFAC’s April 2023
Alert on Possible Evasion of the Russian Oil Price Cap,
OFSI’s UK Maritime Services Ban and
Oil Price Cap Industry Guidance,
and the European Commission’s Oil Price Cap Guidance.
adopting the recommendations included in this advisory and previous guidance documents,
The price cap is designed to deprive the Russian Federation of the revenue it uses to wage its unjust war against
Ukraine, while maintaining reliable supply of crude oil and petroleum products to global markets.
Industry stakeholders include but are not limited to port authorities, other government bodies, ship owners,
managers, operators, brokers, ship chandlers, flag registries, port operators, shipping companies, freight forwarders,
classification service providers, and insurance and reinsurance companies.
Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasion Practices, U.S. Department of Treasury, State, and
Coast Guard (May 14, 2020), https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20200514
Maritime Guidance, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (December 2020),
Guidance on Implementation of the Price Cap Policy for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products of Russian Federation
Origin; Publication of Russia-related Determinations; Issuance of Russia-related General Licenses, OFAC
(February 3, 2023), https://ofac.treasury.gov/recent-actions/20230203_33
OFAC Alert: Possible Evasion of the Russian Oil Price Cap (April 17, 2023),
UK Maritime Services Ban and Oil Price Cap Industry Guidance, Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation
(last updated June 2023), https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/russian-oil-services-ban
Oil Price Cap; Related Provision: Article 3n of Council Regulation 833/2014 Frequently Asked Questions (last
updated August 2023) https://finance.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-08/guidance-russian-oil-price-cap_en.pdf
industry stakeholders can reduce their exposure to possible risks associated with recent
developments in the maritime oil trade.
Increased Risks from Recent Developments in the Maritime Oil Trade
Geopolitical changes continue to impact and shape the world’s maritime oil trade, shifting trade
routes, broadening the scope of shipping service providers, and, at times, resulting in loss of
transparency. A “shadow” trade has become more pronounced, often involving actors and cargo
affiliated with countries and persons subject to sanctions, or associated with other illicit activity.
This shadow trade is characterized by irregular and often high-risk shipping practices that generate
significant concerns for both the public and private sectors. These heightened risks include, but
are not limited to:
Maritime Safety and Marine Environment: The vessels engaged in this shadow trade,
sometimes called the “shadow fleet,” are typically older ships, many of which are operating
past their traditional lifespans. These vessels are often registered with flag states that fail to
meet their international obligations. There is also an increased risk of falsified registration.
Vessels in the shadow trade may fabricate or neglect the appropriate surveys or inspections and
lack regulatory certificates required under international conventions. Additionally, crews
employed on shadow fleet vessels may face pressure to disregard prudent shipboard practices,
including those provided by the International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (“STCW”). These factors (i.e., vessel age;
substandard certifications; inadequate safety and maintenance standards performed by
substandard flags or unrecognized organizations; imprudence by crew) could increase the
likelihood of marine casualties.
Insurance and Economic: Oil spills can create tremendous environmental damage and impose
immense economic costs on coastal states. Ships involved in the shadow trade may rely on
unproven Protection and Indemnity (P&I) insurance providers that operate in jurisdictions with
opaque or limited regulation, and insufficient capital, reinsurance arrangements, and/or
technical expertise to handle a major claim in the event of a marine casualty. Accordingly, it is
more challenging to hold such vessels accountable for the heavy economic burden generated
by environmental damage.
Reputational, Logistical, and Financial: Actors involved in the shadow trade often conceal
their ownership structures and the origin of their cargo. The ownership of shadow fleet tankers
may be concealed through complex corporate arrangements, with a recent increase of single
vessel fleets. These vessels may disable or manipulate AIS systems to conceal illicit activity
or other information about their voyages. Such deceptive practices may cause industry
stakeholders to unknowingly engage in transactions that are inconsistent with industry
stakeholders’ compliance policies, affect industry stakeholders’ reputations, and trigger de-
risking behavior from counterparties. This de-risking can result in loss of access to reputable
service providers, financing, customers, and ports.
Legal and Sanctions: A coalition of over thirty countries have adopted a variety of economic
measures in response to Russia’s war against Ukraine, including the oil price cap policy
implemented by the Price Cap Coalition. Bad actors may use deceptive practices to gain or
maintain access to Price Cap Coalition services to transport Russian oil or petroleum products
to be sold above the price cap or to engage in activity that may otherwise violate the Coalition’s
sanctions, laws, or regulations.
Recommended Actions
The following recommendations are best practices that the Coalition encourages industry
stakeholders to adopt, subject to applicable laws and regulations and, as appropriate according to
their risk, based on: (i) their role; (ii) the information available to them; and (iii) the types of
transactions in which they engage:
Recommendation 1: Require appropriately capitalized P&I insurance. The shadow trade
involves ships that may rely on unknown, untested, sporadic, or fraudulent insurance. Without
legitimate, continuous insurance coverage, these ships may be unable to pay the costs of accidents
in which they are involved, including oil spills, which entail tremendous environmental damage
and safety risks and associated costs. The Coalition encourages industry stakeholders to require
that vessels have continuous and appropriate maritime insurance coverage for the entirety of their
voyages. The Coalition further recommends that industry stakeholders require vessels to be insured
by legitimate insurance providers with sufficient coverage for CLC
liabilities. If an industry
participant is engaging with a ship that is not insured by such a legitimate insurance provider, the
industry participant should conduct sufficient due diligence to ensure that the insurer can cover all
relevant risks. Such due diligence could include, as feasible, a review of an insurers financial
soundness, track record, regulatory record, and/or ownership structure.
Recommendation 2: Receive classification from an International Association of Classification
member society. The information gathered by classification societies is useful in
enabling insurers, port states, and other industry stakeholders to make informed decisions about
the seaworthiness of vessels. Some ships involved in the shadow trade have shifted away from
industry standard classification societies, and instead use societies that are not a part of, or have
been removed from, the International Association of Classification Societies. The Coalition
industry stakeholders to ensure counterparties receive classification from IACS
member classification societies to ensure vessels are fit for the service intended.
Recommendation 3: Best-practice use of Automatic Identification Systems (“AIS”). Consistent
with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (“SOLAS”), industry stakeholders
should promote the continuous broadcasting of AIS throughout the lifetime of a voyage. If a ship
needs to disable its AIS in response to a legitimate safety concern, the ship should document the
circumstances that necessitated disablement. Industry stakeholders should also vigilantly monitor
irregular AIS patterns or data that are inconsistent with actual ship locations. By requiring that
ships with which they engage use AIS in accordance with the SOLAS, industry stakeholders will
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC) (May 1996),
The International Association of Classification Societies is the principal consultative technical advisor to the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) and classes over 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage. See Safer and
Cleaner Shipping, IACS (September 2023), https://iacs.org.uk/about-us/
For EU member States there is legislation in place requiring to use certain classifications societies as Recognised
Organisations that have been approved at EU level (OJ 2022/C 466/07).
improve their understanding of vessels’ activities, and reduce their exposure to criminal actors and
associated risks.
If accessible, complement AIS Tracking with Long-Range Identification and Tracking
(“LRIT”). In instances of AIS outages or suspected AIS manipulation, industry
stakeholders such as flagging registries that have access to LRIT should use it to determine
the true location of vessels, including, where feasible, those leased to third parties. For
those industry stakeholders who have access to LRIT, combining AIS and LRIT is a best
practice for mitigating risk.
Recommendation 4: Monitor high-risk ship-to-ship transfers. While ship-to-ship (STS) transfers
(the transfer of cargo between ships at sea) are often conducted for legitimate purposes, such
transfers can also be used to conceal the origin or destination of cargo in circumvention of
sanctions or other regulations. Furthermore, STS transfers of crude oil or petroleum products
outside of safe and sheltered waters entail heightened environmental and safety risks. Industry
stakeholders should recognize these enhanced risks and, as appropriate to their role, conduct
enhanced due diligence in the context of STS transfers, including the notification of STS oil cargo
transfers as required by Annex I of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships (“MARPOL“), especially in areas at higher risk for illicit trading activity or AIS
manipulation. It is also recommended that industry stakeholders verify oil record logs to hold
accountable record of cargo movements aboard vessels.
Recommendation 5: Request associated shipping and ancillary costs. The inflation of shipping
and ancillary costs (e.g., freight, customs, insurance), or the bundling of such costs, are tactics that
may be used to conceal that Russian oil was purchased above the price cap. The billing of
commercially unreasonable or opaque shipping and ancillary costs should be viewed as a sign of
potential price cap evasion. Shipping, freight, customs, and insurance costs are not included in the
price caps and must be invoiced separately and at commercially reasonable rates. Industry
stakeholders involved in the Russian oil trade that use “Cost, Insurance, Freight” contracts or
whose counterparts use such agreements should require an itemized breakdown of all costs to
determine the price paid for oil or petroleum products. This may require that industry stakeholders
update contractual terms and conditions with sellers or counterparts or adjust invoicing models to
show the price of the oil until the port of loading and the price for transportation and other services
Recommendation 6: Undertake appropriate due diligence. Industry stakeholders should carry out
appropriate due diligence. Heightened diligence may be appropriate for ships that have undergone
numerous administrative changes (e.g., re-flagging). Industry stakeholders may also wish to
conduct increased diligence when dealing with intermediary companies (e.g., management
companies, traders, brokerages, etc.) that conceal their beneficial ownership or otherwise engage
in unusually opaque practices. Such companies may be more likely to engage in deceptive
practices and expose counterparties to heightened risks. Industry stakeholders’ due diligence
should be calibrated according to the specificities of their business and the related risk exposure.
Due diligence is especially important where market assessments indicate that Russian oil prices
exceed the price cap, and Coalition services are being used or sought.
Recommendation 7: Report ships that trigger concerns. If an industry participant is aware of
potentially illicit or unsafe maritime oil trade, including suspected breaches of the oil price cap,
they should report this to relevant authorities. By reporting these concerning behaviors, industry
stakeholders can collectively help protect the trade from malign activity, while promoting safety
and integrity across the market.