106 Bradley International Hall
417 Charles E. Young Drive West
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a form of work authorization that allows F-1 students to engage in an
off-campus academic internship or employment (paid or unpaid) that is directly related to their field of study
and is a required or integral part of their academic curriculum, as stated in the University catalog.
Eligibility Requirements
Must have completed one academic year in valid F-1 status.
o Graduate students can waive this requirement if one of the following applies:
o Students who have maintained valid F-1 status at another institution will be given credit for the
one academic year of valid F-1 status if they transferred their SEVIS record to UCLA.
o Students whose degree program has a mandatory internship requirement that every student
must complete to earn the degree may request CPT authorization before completing one year
of valid F-1 status. UCLA graduate degree programs with a mandatory internship requirement
include: Business Analytics (MSBA), Clinical Psychology, Environmental Science, Financial
Engineering (MFE), LLM - Experiential Component track, Full-time MBA, MFA (Producer’s
Program, Animation), Nursing, Public Health (MPH), Public Policy (MPP), Urban and Regional
Planning (MURP), and Social Welfare (MSW). Please consult with your department for
additional requirements.
Must have obtained an internship/ employment offer that is directly related to their major.
o For guidance on how to find an internship, prepare your resume, or practice for job interviews, contact
the UCLA Career Center
Must either be enrolled in an independent studies course or have obtained a departmental support letter
to waive the CPT course enrollment requirement.
o Graduate students whose degree program does not have a mandatory internship requirement and
who have not Advanced to Candidacy (ATC) before the start of their off-campus employment must
enroll in an independent studies course (typically a 596 course) during the academic term their off-
campus internship/job will take place.
o Graduate students who have Advanced to Candidacy (ATC) before the start of their off-campus
employment can waive the CPT course enrollment requirement by submitting a departmental support
letter signed by their Student Affairs Officer indicating the student has Advanced to Candidacy and
their off-campus internship/employment is an integral part of their dissertation, thesis, or capstone
o Graduate students whose degree program has a mandatory internship requirement can waive the
CPT course enrollment requirement by submitting a departmental support letter signed by their
Student Affairs Officer confirming that their degree program has a required internship component and
that the student’s off-campus employment fulfills the internship requirement. Full-time MBA students
do not need to submit a support letter to waive their CPT course enrollment requirement.
106 Bradley International Hall
417 Charles E. Young Drive West
Los Angeles, CA 90095
CPT Work Restrictions
All Graduate Students
Employment must be directly related to a student’s major.
CPT work authorization can only be granted one quarter at a time. Students must apply for CPT
authorization each quarter they wish to engage in off-campus employment.
Students cannot begin working off-campus (including orientations or training) until after they have received
CPT approval from Dashew Center. It takes Dashew Center 10 business days to approve a CPT request.
Graduate students engaging in CPT during the academic year (Fall, Winter, and Spring) must maintain
full-time enrollment (i.e., 8-12 units).
Graduate students cannot engage in CPT authorization if they are on Filing Fee Status.
Students who engage in 12 months or more of full-time CPT before graduation will not be eligible to apply
for Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).
Graduate Students who have not Advanced to Candidacy (ATC) and whose degree program does not
have a mandatory internship requirement
Students are only eligible for part-time CPT authorization during the academic year (Fall, Winter, and
Spring) and cannot be approved to work more than 20 hours per week with CPT authorization.
During Summer, there are no limits to the number of hours students can work with CPT authorization.
During Summer, students engaging in CPT must enroll in at least one unit of an individual studies course
during one Summer Session.
Students who drop or do not complete their individual studies course will have their CPT authorization
revoked and F-1 status terminated.
Graduate Students who have Advanced to Candidacy (ATC) or whose degree program has a mandatory
internship requirement
Students can be approved to work over 20 hours per week via CPT during any academic term (Fall,
Winter, Spring, or Summer). Whether CPT needs to be approved as part-time or full-time depends on the
o 50% on-campus and no more than 20 hours per week off-campus = part-time CPT authorization
o 50% on-campus and more than 20 hours per week off-campus = full-time CPT authorization
o More than 50% on-campus employment = full-time CPT authorization
Students graduating during Summer but also requesting CPT authorization for Summer Quarter must
enroll in an independent studies course during one Summer Session to be approved for CPT, even if they
have advanced to candidacy or are in a degree program that has a mandatory internship requirement.