Don’t Interrupt Me A Large-Scale Study of
On-Device Permission Prompt Quieting in Chrome
Marian Harbach, Igor Bilogrevic, Enrico Bacis, Serena Chen, Ravjit Uppal,
Andy Paicu, Elias Klim, Meggyn Watkins, Balazs Engedy
{mharbach, ibilogrevic, enricobacis, sereeena, andypaicu, elklm, meggynwatkins, engedy}
Abstract—A recent large-scale experiment conducted by
Chrome [4] has demonstrated that a “quieter” web permission
prompt can reduce unwanted interruptions while only marginally
affecting grant rates. However, the experiment and the partial
roll-out were missing two important elements: (1) an effective and
context-aware activation mechanism for such a quieter prompt,
and (2) an analysis of user attitudes and sentiment towards such
an intervention. In this paper, we address these two limitations
by means of a novel ML-based activation mechanism and its
real-world on-device deployment in Chrome and a large-scale
user study with 13.1k participants from 156 countries. First,
the telemetry-based results, computed on more than 20 million
samples from Chrome users in-the-wild, indicate that the novel
on-device ML-based approach is both extremely precise (>99%
post-hoc precision) and has very high coverage (96% recall for
notifications permission). Second, our large-scale, in-context user
study shows that quieting is often perceived as helpful and does
not cause high levels of unease for most respondents.
The web today is a powerful platform that enables devel-
opers to build immersive and interactive applications, ranging
from real-time communications and content creation to cloud-
enabled productivity apps. To support such use cases, browsers
have evolved to offer web APIs that are able to provide access
to powerful and system-level capabilities, such as notifications,
precise location, and reading from the clipboard [29]). To
limit the potential abuses of such APIs, browsers often require
users to explicitly grant websites permission to use them
via runtime permission prompts. While such a prompt-based
approach can be effective in preventing unintended access
to the underlying capability, it does so at an additional cost
for users: their browsing experience can get interrupted with
unwanted prompts at inconvenient moments. For the purposes
of this work, unwanted interruptions are caused by prompts
that do not lead to a permission being granted. Media outlets,
browser vendors and users alike often flag this as an important
issue [2], [8], [16], [18], [22].
Recently, Bilogrevic et al. [4] addressed the issue of
interruptions due to unwanted notification permission prompts.
Their solution relied on a “quieter” prompt user interface (UI)
for cases in which users are very unlikely to allow sites to
send them push notifications. The experimental results, based
on an A/B test with 40 million Chrome users, showed that
such quieter prompt UIs led to a reduction of up to 30% in
unnecessary user actions (denying or dismissing the prompt)
while lowering grant rates by less than 5%. A similar approach
has subsequently been adopted by Microsoft’s Edge browser
and is enabled by default for all of its users since 2020 [6].
On Chrome, such quiet prompts were originally shown if
any of the two following conditions were met: (1) if the site’s
average grant rate was in the lowest 5% of all sites’ grant rates
(i.e., within the 5th percentile), based on Chrome telemetry
data; or (2) if in the past the user denied three consecutive
notification permission prompts (on any site) within a 28 day
However, these conditions have important limitations. First,
condition (1) only affects 1-3% of the overall notification
permission requests, and condition (2) is only applicable to
14% of users [4], but then disregards any future contextual
signals for those users. Hence, although the quiet prompt itself
was effective, its reach was limited. Chrome did not have an
effective way of deciding when to show the quiet prompt for
most users, and was thus unable to reduce interruptions on a
large fraction of unwanted prompts. To address this and thus
benefit a significantly larger proportion of users, Chrome needs
a more comprehensive activation mechanism.
Furthermore, while the previous experiment was able to re-
liably determine the impact of the quiet prompt on permission
action rates (grants, denies, dismissals and ignores), it lacked
any form of feedback from users themselves. It remained un-
clear how users perceived such interventions and prompts, and
whether they understood their options to effectively override
the quieting when necessary.
This paper addresses these issues by making the following
main contributions:
We describe how the quiet prompt UI in Chrome changed
to become more consistent and be even quieter for certain
types of notification permission requests.
We introduce a novel ML-based activation mechanism
for prompt quieting, which uses both contextual real-time
signals as well as past actions on permission prompts. We
train these ML models server-side and deploy them on-
device for local inference on Chrome clients.
We provide a telemetry-based assessment of this new ac-
Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2024
26 February - 1 March 2024, San Diego, CA, USA
ISBN 1-891562-93-2
tivation mechanism’s efficacy, based on a sample of more
than 20 million prompt requests from Chrome on desktop
platforms (Windows, macOS, ChromeOS, Linux). We
find that Chrome can now mediate 43% of notification
and 24% of geolocation permission prompts, thus in-
creasing its impact by more than 10x. The ML-based
activation mechanism achieves 99% post-hoc precision
and 96% post-hoc recall for the notifications permission.
This substantial improvement over the status quo will lead
to less unnecessary prompts and can thus reduce prompt
blindness and avoiding unintentional grants.
We conduct the first, to the best of our knowledge,
large-scale and in-context user survey with 13.1k partic-
ipants from 156 countries on attitudes towards prompt
quieting for Chrome on desktop platforms. According
to the results, 84% of respondents rated quieting as at
least moderately helpful, whereas only 10% felt very or
extremely uneasy about it. We also find that the quiet
prompt UI can be easily ignored and meets the design goal
of neither being too noticeable nor not noticeable enough,
as 51% of respondents indicate they did not notice the
quieted prompt and thus were not interrupted by it. Our
findings demonstrate that our intervention on permission
prompting resonates with users, as long as a sense of
control is maintained.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. We
provide additional background and related work in Section II,
followed by a description of the improved UI design in
Section III. Section IV introduces the improved activation
mechanism and presents its evaluation based on Chrome
telemetry. We describe the in-product survey methodology in
Section V, and present the results in Section VI. We summarize
the limitations of this work in Section VII and discuss open
challenges and how they can be addressed in Section VIII.
Finally, we conclude the paper and outline potential next steps
in Section IX.
Our work builds on the prior work of Bilogrevic et al. [4],
which laid the foundations for less intrusive web permission
prompts in Chrome. In this section, we summarize recent
developments regarding notification permissions on the web as
well as previous work on evaluating user sentiment of security-
and privacy-related UIs.
A. Notification Permission Prompts
Modern software platforms such as Android, iOS, Win-
dows, macOS, or the web offer APIs that enable content
providers to send push notification messages to users who
granted the related permission. Such APIs are designed to
be used for sending timely and relevant messages, as they
usually interrupt the users’ current activities and take up a
portion of the display. Due to their significant potential to
redirect users’ attention towards these notification messages,
push notifications are prone to abuse by unscrupulous content
providers, who might try to boost the traffic to their properties
by sending a large number of irrelevant or outright abusive
notifications [3], [27].
In an attempt to limit such abuses, Mozilla made changes to
how websites can ask for notifications in 2019 [21]. Similarly,
in 2020, Chrome created, experimented with and partially
released a mechanism to reduce unwanted interruptions due
to permission prompts on the web [4], which reduced the
unnecessary user actions on permission prompts by 30%
while only reducing grant rates by 5%. Following up on that,
Microsoft decided to release a similar quiet prompt UI for all
notification requests to all of their Edge browser’s users [6].
We describe Chrome’s quiet prompt UI as well as when it gets
activated in more detail in Sections III and IV.
B. Understanding Security & Privacy Decision UIs
As we are currently not aware of other adaptive inter-
ventions on when websites or apps get to show permission
prompts, we lean on the evaluation of other security and
privacy decision UIs. Evaluating security and privacy decision
UIs is notoriously difficult, as such decisions are usually
heavily context-dependent [1], [19], [23], [24]. Previous work
in this space often relied on either elaborate hypothetical setups
or field studies to collect data. For example, Bravo-Lillo et
al. [7] asked crowd-workers to evaluate online games as a
decoy and showed warnings and permission prompts during
this task. Similarly, Elbitar et al. [12] presented users with
goals unrelated to the study’s primary purpose when evaluating
permission prompt timing and rationale strings. Several studies
used instrumented Android phones to collect permission deci-
sion making on prompts or settings in the wild [9], [17], [30].
Harbach et al. [15] used experience sampling to understand
phone unlocking behaviors in context, combining telemetry
with qualitative feedback via short, in-context surveys.
When it comes to user sentiment of security and privacy
decisions or interventions in browsers, Felt et al. [14] evaluated
several designs for TLS warnings. They used micro-surveys
to measure comprehension before measuring adherence using
telemetry. As a follow-up, Reeder et al. [25] used experience
sampling via browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox to
achieve a compromise between using hypothetical scenarios
(lacking ecological validity), and relying on telemetry (lacking
deeper, more qualitative insights).
Overall, prior work suggests that in-situ collection of user
sentiment and attitudes yields the most valuable data due to
its ecological validity. We thus embrace this approach for this
Based on results from A/B experiments, Bilogrevic et
al. [4] originally chose UI patterns for quiet permission
prompts (cf. Figures 1 and 2). The quiet prompt UI in desktop
Chrome has changed in several ways since it launched in
Chrome version M80 [20]. These changes include migrating
the quiet prompts to use a new UI pattern more consistent
with other permission surfaces and adding a UI treatment that
is even less interrupting.
Hereafter, we discuss these changes and the new status
quo of quiet prompt UI in Chrome. Note that we focus our
discussion in this and the following sections on Chrome for
desktop platforms, as we conducted the in-product survey only
Fig. 1: Quiet permission prompt on Chrome desktop from
Bilogrevic et al. [4].
Fig. 2: Quiet permission prompt on Chrome on Android from
Bilogrevic et al. [4].
on desktop platforms. Evaluating the status quo of permission
prompt quieting on mobile platforms is subject of future work.
A. Quiet UI consistency
The original placement of the quiet UI was aligned with
other page-related actions (see Figure 1), such as automatic
pop-up blocking or turning off access to already granted
capabilities, such as camera or location. However, this location
to the right of the address bar was also disadvantageous in two
important ways. Firstly, quieted prompts appeared in a different
location than full prompts, which are aligned to the left-hand
side of the address bar. This difference between “normal” and
quiet UI likely contributed to the drop in grant rates noted
by Bilogrevic et al. [4]. Secondly, the site controls surface
is accessed from the left-hand side of the address bar (from
what used to be the lock icon and now is the tune icon,
[11], [28]). The site controls surface has permanent controls
for permissions as well as other security- and privacy-related
information. Showing the quiet prompt on the right-hand side
was thus a missed opportunity for reinforcing an entry point
to permanent permission controls.
In January 2022 with Chrome M97, the quiet prompt
started using a new UI pattern on the left-hand side of the
address bar, improving locality and consistency with other
permission-related UI elements. To avoid cluttering this space
with different icons and styles, the Chrome UX team aligned
on a chip pattern that can be reused for multiple purposes.
Figure 3 shows the current design. The colored background
of the chip evokes the style of a button and thus provides a
more perceptible interaction affordance than the previous, flat
visual (cf. Figure 1). The progressive collapsing behavior gives
users an additional chance to notice the movement and grant
the permission, if necessary. We refer to this new design and
placement as the quiet chip in the rest of the paper.
B. An even quieter prompt UI
Originally, Bilogrevic et al. [4] experimented with both
site-based and user-based activation to be shown with the
same UI treatment. Leading up to the full launch of this
feature with M83 in June 2020, the Chrome team decided
to introduce an even quieter treatment, which displayed the
collapsed state of the regular quiet prompt immediately. This
was first implemented using the old UI pattern on the right-
hand side of the address bar and was then also moved to the
new, chip-based pattern on the left-hand side (cf. Figure 3).
We refer to this as the quietest prompt UI or quietest chip”.
This treatment applies to the site-based activation mechanism
described in Section IV, and was introduced due to Chrome’s
high confidence that users are very unlikely to allow access
and thus should experience minimal interruption.
Additionally, in December 2022, the Chrome team iden-
tified sites using notifications in disruptive ways (extremely
high ratio of notification messages shown and not interacted
with per user engagement with the site) using telemetry of
opted-in clients. On the top 30 such sites on desktop and mo-
bile, respectively, notification permission requests have since
been surfaced using the quietest prompt, warning users of
this potentially disruptive behavior. In addition, preexisting
notification permissions on these sites, which were granted
through a prompt without users being adequately warned, were
The prior work of Bilogrevic et al. [4] described and
evaluated permission prompt quieting as it initially launched in
Chrome version M80 [20]. At that time, quieted prompts were
displayed based on the following three activation mechanisms:
1) Site-based: Two lists of “interrupting websites”, one
for desktop and one for mobile clients. These lists are
generated based on aggregated Chrome telemetry (at
URL origin level) of prompting and granting behaviors.
Included sites fall into the bottom 5% of sites in terms of
notification permission grant rate.
2) Opt-in: User opt-in via a “Use quieter messaging” option
in Chrome settings, which quiets all notification prompts.
3) User-based: Permanent activation of the quiet treatment
on all websites after three consecutive deny decisions in
a row on any website within 28 days.
Their evaluation results, based on these mechanisms and
the original UI described at the beginning of Section III, were
encouraging. The average deny rate across websites in their
experiment group decreased by 22.5% on desktop and by
30.0% on Android, suggesting that users needed to make fewer
unnecessary decisions. At the same time, the average grant rate
Fig. 3: New quiet chip UI on the left-hand side of the address bar, co-located with other permission surfaces. The quiet prompt
is shown on the left above and the additional “quietest” treatment on the right of this figure.
data vault
Google Backend
Fig. 4: Web Permissions Prediction Service (WPP) training
and deployment architecture.
only decreased very little (by 3.7% and 5.0%, respectively),
indicating that users who want to grant can still do so.
However, these activation mechanisms have important lim-
itations. First, the site-based mechanism only affected 1-3%
of the overall notification permission requests, and the user-
based mechanism was only applicable to 14% of users [4].
Hence, although the quiet prompt itself was effective when it
showed, the number of situations where it could be showing
was limited.
In the following subsections, we present an improvement
over this prior work and discuss its efficacy based on Chrome
telemetry data. Sections V and VI then present a user-centered
evaluation of the new status quo of prompt quieting in Chrome.
A. ML-Based activation
To address the limitations outlined above, we designed and
deployed a novel ML-based mechanism that decides when
to show the quiet prompt UI, replacing the previous user-
based activation mechanism. Figure 4 shows the high-level
architecture of the Web Permissions Predictions (WPP) model,
which was briefly mentioned in [5] and [13], but never fully
described in prior work.
WPP relies on a ML model that is trained on telemetry
data that Chrome normally collects from a subset of opted-
in Chrome users. In particular, the users contributing training
data need to have two settings turned on in Chrome: (1) share
usage reports and crash analytics with Google, and (2) “Make
searches and browsing better / Sends URLs of pages you visit
to Google” [10]. The model is trained on both contextual as
well as statistical features from users’ past actions on web
permission prompts.
Specifically, the features used for training and inference
The permission type, which could be “notification” (i.e.,
the website would like to send push notification messages
to the user) or “geolocation” (i.e., the website would like
to know the user’s geographical location).
Average action rates (i.e., grant, deny, dismiss and ignore)
across all permissions over the last 28 days on “loud” (i.e.,
non-quiet) prompts, rounded to the first decimal.
Average per-permission action rates (i.e., grant, deny,
dismiss and ignore) over the last 28 days on loud prompts,
rounded to the first decimal.
The total number of loud permission prompts shown over
the last 28 days, bucketized in a non-linear way, capped
at 20.
Whether there was a user gesture (a click anywhere on the
content area or keyboard event within 5 seconds) before
the permission request.
The platform, which could be either desktop (e.g., Win-
dows, macOS, ChromeOS, Linux) or mobile (e.g., An-
Note that the WPP model does not use or process any
client identifiers; WPP only uses a subset of the data that
users contribute as part of the two Chrome settings described
earlier [10]. Furthermore, WPP’s scope was expanded to cover
the Geolocation API
permission as well, which is the second-
most frequently asked permission type, according to Chrome
telemetry. For privacy and performance reasons, each of the
statistical features described above is pre-processed (coarsened
or bucketized) before leaving the client. We conducted a
series of experiments to assess the impact of coarsening and
bucketing on WPP features. Based on these experiments, we
decided to round the average action rates to the first decimal
place and to bucketize the total number of shown prompts in
a non-linear way so that each bucket has a similar number of
requests (buckets: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, [10, 11], [12, 14],
[15, 19], [20, +)). Our results show that this has a minimal
effect on prediction accuracy, with more than 99% of the
predictions resulting in the same UI being chosen. However,
coarsening and bucketing have a significant positive impact on
privacy, as the probability of a set of features being unique to
a user decreases from 2.5% to 0.2%.
The WPP ML production pipeline relies on the TFX
to manage data ingestion, pre-processing, training,
evaluation, validation and deployment. In particular, the ML
model uses a neural network architecture, and is optimized to
achieve a precision greater or equal to 95%. This specific value
was chosen to ensure a maximum error rate of less than 5%
if Chrome were to show a loud UI, and in that case show the
quiet UI. As the quiet UI makes the prompt less interrupting
and thus is less visible to users, we wanted to limit its error rate
in order to reduce the potential negative effect on grant rates
on any given site to at most 5%, when compared to always
showing the loud UI.
After the WPP model has been trained, Chrome uses the
Component Updater component
to deploy the TFLite
of the model to devices.
Currently, WPP is enabled for users who utilize Safe
Browsing (Standard or Enhanced). If that is the case, Chrome
adopts the following decision logic to select which prompt UI
to show (i.e., loud, quiet or quietest) every time a website wants
to request either a notifications or a geolocation permission:
1) Site-based: If the site is among the sites with the lowest
grant rates for that permission, show the quietest prompt
2) Opt-in: Otherwise, if the user has enabled “Use quieter
messaging” in Chrome Settings, show the quiet prompt
3) ML-based: Otherwise, if Chrome has shown 4 or more
loud permission prompts over the last 28 days and if
WPP predicts that the user is very unlikely to grant the
permission request, show the quiet prompt UI.
4) Otherwise, show the loud prompt UI.
Note that based on the contribution described above, the
user-based activation mechanism has been replaced by the
ML-based activation mechanism. Also note that WPP is not
automatically triggered for every permission request where it
could theoretically apply. That is, Chrome needs to have shown
4 or more loud permission prompts to the user over the last
28 days. The reason for this additional check is to not quiet
too many prompts and only start doing so for users that see
more than 1 prompt per week, on average. As the number of
prompts seen by a user in a given week fluctuates, we use a
longer time window.
B. Telemetry Results
Table I shows the performance metrics for the improved
activation mechanism based on WPP on desktop platforms.
Our evaluation is based on more than 20 million permission
prompt requests in June 2023, coming from a sample of
Chrome users who opted-in to sending telemetry to Google.
Out of all the samples, we can see that ML-based activation
of prompt quieting was considered for 43% of the notification
permission prompts and for 24% of the geolocation prompts.
The vast majority of those prompts were quieted (96% of the
time for the notifications permission and 81% of the time for
the geolocation permission). For the remainder of prompts,
WPP indicated that the user may be likely to grant these
permissions and the prompt was thus not quieted.
The post-hoc precision value (99%), which is computed
on actions users took on the quieted prompts after they were
shown, indicates that WPP had a less than 1% false positive
rate. This means that WPP showed a quiet prompt and the
user subsequently granted this request in 1% of cases. Note
that post-hoc precision measures both the intent and ability
component updater/
to grant using the quiet prompt UI, and thus a lower post-hoc
false positive rate (1%) is expected when compared to the pre-
hoc false positive rate during the training process (5%), due
to the smaller visual footprint of the quiet UI (post-hoc) as
compared to the loud UI (pre-hoc) that was used for training.
Similarly, the high post-hoc recall value, which is computed
on all prompts for which WPP was the UI selector, shows
that WPP was able to correctly show the quiet UI for the vast
majority of prompts that were not granted, thus reducing the
unwanted requests while still showing the loud UI for the ones
that users wanted to grant.
TABLE I: Performance metrics for WPP on desktop platforms,
as reported from telemetry.
# of prompts > 10 million > 10 million
% of prompts for which
WPP was the UI selector
43% 24%
% of quieted prompts (over all prompts
for which WPP was the UI selector)
96% 81%
Post-hoc precision 99% 99%
Post-hoc recall 96% 83%
The results of Bilogrevic et al. [4] as well as what we
presented in Section IV-B above show encouraging user be-
havior on quieted prompts. To ensure we are serving users’
needs well, we wanted to additionally understand user attitudes
towards such an intervention as a whole. We thus designed
and conducted a user study, collecting user feedback whenever
Chrome shows a quiet or quietest chip. This comprises all
mechanisms for triggering quieted prompts shipped in Chrome
M111, i.e. the site-based, opt-in, and ML-based mechanisms
described in Section IV. The study aimed to answer the
following research questions:
RQ1. Are quieted prompts easy to ignore and are neither
too noticeable nor not noticeable enough?
RQ2. To what extent do users have useful intuitions about
permission interventions?
RQ3. Does quieting provide user value?
RQ4. To what extent are users concerned about the inter-
vention and, if so, what causes that concern?
RQ5. To what extent do users agree with the quieting
RQ6. Do users know how to override quieting?
RQ7. Do users know how to disable quieting?
The study was conducted as follows. We launched two in-
product surveys in Chrome, to keep each individual survey
short. Both surveys addressed RQ1, as we wanted to begin
with a simple question and allow at least a rough comparison
of the samples obtained between surveys. Then, only the first
survey covered RQs 2 4, whereas only the second survey
covered RQs 5 7. The full questionnaire can be found in
Appendix A. Note that two questions (Q3 and Q5) in survey 1
Fig. 5: Screenshot of survey invitation and subsequent screens. The final ’Thank you’ message disappeared automatically after
5 seconds.
TABLE II: Response behaviors across the six surveys we showed. s1 and s2 denote the two individual surveys per intervention. “#
partial” denotes incomplete responses. Some surveys overshot their target response counts. We discarded the additional responses
and final response counts can be found in the “retained” column.
geolocation s1 530,349 1.3% 3,661 53.9% 3,127 2,182 63 1,233 239 50 62 347 217 34
geolocation s2 388,444 1.3% 2,574 51.7% 2,407 2,197 66 1,221 278 67 70 371 166 24
notifications s1 880,593 1.4% 6,020 49.9% 6,033 2,174 69 1,001 256 98 234 372 174 39
notifications s2 287,470 1.4% 1,833 45.5% 2,195 2,187 68 960 301 82 285 386 135 38
quietest notif. s1 467,980 1.1% 1,867 36.8% 3,209 2,182 94 1,438 120 42 39 38 488 17
quietest notif. s2 313,463 1.1% 1,377 38.6% 2,192 2,187 97 1,305 94 38 27 48 657 18
2,868,299 1.3% 17,332 47.5% 19,163 13,109 66 7,158 1,288 377 717 1,562 1,837 170
gave a brief explanation of why the website’s request was
blocked. This explanation was adjusted to match the reason for
showing the respective UI treatment and thus let us understand
if users have different attitudes towards quieting if it is done
for different reasons. For the quiet chip, it said “based on
your past choices”. For the quietest chip, it said “because
most people block it or notifications from this site may be
disruptive”. Furthermore, questions Q3 and Q4 in survey 2
provided answer options for possible override and disabling
actions. The answer options offered were selected based on a
cognitive walkthrough of the UI, where UX experts determined
the most likely actions users may take. We prioritized a concise
description of possible actions over making it harder to spot
“correct” answers (both of which coincidentally begin with
“Click on...”). To counteract anchoring effects further, answer
options on these questions were shown in randomized order.
Due to technical constraints, each of the two surveys was
fielded separately on three different interventions: Notification
requests using the quiet chip, Geolocation requests using the
quiet chip, and Notification requests using the quietest chip.
Therefore, there was a total of six independent surveys (two
surveys by three intervention types). The surveys were in field
simultaneously for two weeks in March 2023, after Chrome
M111 became available
. The survey was only available on
Chrome desktop due to another technical limitation, which
currently prevents us from timing surveys to be shown after
permission prompt interactions on mobile platforms.
Chrome users are eligible to see an in-product survey when
all of the following conditions for their Chrome profile are met:
During response collection, there was a problem for two of the six surveys
in Russian language and they did not collect any responses initially. These
responses were back-filled in early April 2023.
Not opted out of “Help improve Chrome’s features and
performance” setting;
Not displayed another in-product survey within 180 days;
Created profile or installed Chrome at least 30 days ago;
Chrome is not recovering from a crash; and
A survey language matching the current Chrome language
(locale) is available.
One of the two surveys would randomly show approxi-
mately five seconds after a quiet or quietest prompt starts show-
ing. This delay is due to a technical limitation where surveys
cannot be pre-fetched because of server load constraints. If
the conditions for showing a survey were met, a user would
first see an invitation page, and then one question per page (cf.
Figure 5). Respondents were able to abandon the survey at any
time by clicking the ”x” button in the top-right corner. The
quiet or quietest chip UI would keep showing as long as the
survey was showing in order to help respondents understand
what it is about.
1) Ethical Considerations: We are not subject to IRB
review, however a cross-functional team of stakeholders as well
as other user experience (UX) researchers at Google reviewed
and approved the research plan. All UX researchers received
formal training on research ethics and we followed standard
company practices for ethical user research. We further did not
retain any identifying data with our survey. In particular, while
IP addresses were transiently used to determine respondents’
likely countries of origin, only the country was retained and
associated with the survey response.
Survey participation in Chrome is only offered to users at
most once per 180 days and only if they did not opt out of
helping to improve Chrome. The survey itself was short and
easy to ignore or dismiss. The survey invitation provided links
to our privacy policy as well as an overview of any additional
data sent along with their responses. This data comprised
which permission type they saw a prompt for, their user agent
string, a timestamp and their timezone offset.
2) Translation: The survey was originally written in En-
glish, and subsequently translated into six other languages:
Spanish, French, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, and
Chinese. They were selected to cover the locales that contribute
at least 3% of all Chrome profiles reporting telemetry. Table II
shows response counts by locale, intervention type and survey.
Translations were created by professional translators, who also
translate all other texts in Chrome. These translations were
then reviewed by at least 1 native speaker of that language
at Google who also use English at work on a daily basis.
Translation issues were flagged and resolved with the original
3) Responses: We collected 2,200 completed responses
for each (intervention type, survey) pair, to ensure sufficient
participation across all locales. Table II shows an overview
of response behaviors. The accept and abandonment rates are
consistent with other such surveys we field in Chrome.
It is noteworthy that we see less abandonment for surveys
showing after users encountered the quietest chip treatment of
notification prompts. Respondents in this condition also took
substantially longer to answer, possibly because it might have
been more difficult to understand what was happening, based
on the smaller UI surface area of the quietest chip. Finally, with
the quietest chip on notifications, the fraction of respondents
answering in Russian language is also substantially increased.
This suggests that the intervention may be more frequently
triggered for respondents using a Russian locale.
TABLE III: Top 10 respondent countries based on their IP
Country # Responses
USA 3,509
Brazil 1,586
Russia 1,146
India 793
Japan 732
Canada 499
Mexico 359
Ukraine 349
Spain 296
France 246
In total, across all six surveys, we had representation from
156 countries (at least one respondent from each country, per
geo-coded IP addresses). Table III lists the top ten countries
by respondent count. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the
in-product surveys, we do not have any additional details about
respondent demographics.
4) Open-ended Responses: Participants that reported at
least moderate levels of unease with Chrome’s intervention
in response to the question asked about RQ4 (see Section
VI-C) were invited to elaborate on this sentiment in an open-
ended question. Responses languages other than English were
machine-translated to English using Google Translate and first
inductively coded by one of the authors. A second author
then independently coded all responses using the same code
book again (initial Cohen’s κ = .53). Conflicts were resolved
in discussion. Respondents that provided unintelligible or
nonsensical open-ended answers were removed from the data
set. The “retained” column in Table II shows the final count
of respondents.
5) Statistical Testing: To compare response proportions
between various slices of the data, we use omnibus χ
and report pairwise differences when the absolute value of
standardized residuals (sresid) is at least two [26]. While
we are not testing hypotheses involving differences based
on survey locale, we note statistically significant differences
between survey locales for each analysis we report, to make
differences potentially caused by diverging response behaviors
This section will complement the telemetry results pre-
sented in Section IV-B with users’ attitudes and perceptions.
We walk through results for each research question in the
subsections below.
A. Ease of Ignoring and Noticing the Prompt (RQ1)
For both surveys, the first question after accepting the
survey invitation captured if respondents noticed the quiet
prompt UI in the address bar. We wanted to avoid asking
hypothetical questions to understand if prompts are easy to
ignore. We assume that if respondents didn’t see the quieted
prompt before the survey, they would have ignored it during
their regular browsing as well. Beyond that, even if users
noticed the prompt, they may still choose to ignore it. Note
that, while the survey was active, the chip would keep showing
to give users a chance to understand what the survey is asking
about, further increasing the chance of respondents noticing it.
Overall, 51% of respondents report not noticing the quiet
UI variants. Given that we neither want the prompt UI to
be too noticeable nor not noticeable enough to avoid undue
interruptions, we consider this finding encouraging. From a
behavioral point of view, telemetry results (cf. IV-B) show that
the quiet prompt UI gets ignored 99% of times it was shown.
In alignment with the design goal of not interrupting users,
this confirms that most users do not act on the quiet prompt
UI. Nevertheless, users should be able to override if they need
to, which will be looked at in the following subsections.
Fig. 6: Respondents’ answers on noticing the quieted permis-
sion prompt split by intervention type.
(a) Helpful Q: Chrome automatically blocked this website’s request,
based on your past choices. How helpful do you find Chrome’s action?
(b) Uneasy Q: How uneasy do you feel about Chrome’s action?
Fig. 7: Respondents’ ratings of how helpful Chrome’s prompt intervention is and to what extent it makes them feel uneasy.
As Figure 6 shows, the quiet prompt for location
requests went unnoticed more frequently than
notification requests (χ
(4) = 265.4, p < .001,
sresid(No, Notification) = 7.4). Additionally, the quietest
notification version remained unnoticed even more frequently
(sresid(No, QuietestNotification) = 5.7). We speculate that
location is less valuable when using websites on a Desktop
computer and thus it is less expected that a website would
ask for it. The quietest treatment of notification appears
least noticeable, likely because the UI surface area is simply
There was no difference between response bucket propor-
tions between the two surveys across the intervention types.
The proportion of respondents not noticing the prompt was
higher with a Russian locale (χ
(6) = 139.5, p < .001,
sresid = 2.6) and Japanese (sresid = 4.2) locale and lower
for Spanish (sresid = 5.6) and French (sresid = 2.6).
B. Understanding the Intervention (RQ2)
Next, respondents taking survey #1 were told that this
website’s permission request was blocked and asked why they
think this happened. It is important to note that there was no
prior marketing or user education on this feature, so we cannot
expect users to have a clear mental model of what is happening.
This question aimed to understand if there is sufficient intuition
about the intervention.
TABLE IV: Responses on why this website’s request was
quieted. Bold text indicates answers with what we deem an
“appropriate” intuition.
Reason Geolocation Notif.
Chrome thinks that this
website is dangerous
15.1% 13.4% 14.9% 14.4%
Chrome thinks that I’m not
interested in this website
4.2% 8.0% 9.7%
I don’t know 50.0% 46.3% 40.1% 45.5%
Previously denied request 16.2% 17.9% 19.0% 17.7%
Told Chrome to block website 9.4% 10.4% 12.6% 10.8%
Other 3.6% 2.1% 2.4% 2.7%
This website has a technical issue 1.6% 2.0% 1.3% 1.6%
As shown in Table IV, respondents’ intuition was accurate
in 22% of cases. Almost half of respondents plainly indicate
that they do not know. For the quietest treatment of notification
requests, respondents were significantly more likely to select
“Chrome thinks I’m not interested” (χ
(12) = 102.5, p <
.001, sresid = 4.1) and “I have told Chrome to block this
website” (sresid = 2.5). In turn, respondents in this condition
were also less likely to respond with “I don’t know” (sresid =
Across locales (χ
(36) = 298.0, p < .001), those respond-
ing on a Russian locale were more likely to think “I have told
Chrome to block” (22.2% vs. 10.8% overall, sresid = 10.3),
those on a Spanish locale were more likely to indicate “Chrome
thinks this website is dangerous” (18.0% vs. 14.4% overall,
sresid = 2.4), and those on an English locale were more
likely to select “I previously denied” (19.9% vs. 17.7% overall,
sresid = 3.3). “I don’t know” was selected more frequently
by those answering in Japanese (59.4% vs. 45.5% overall,
sresid = 3.8) and Portuguese (51.7% vs. 45.5% overall,
sresid = 2.5).
C. Helpfulness & Unease (RQs 3 & 4)
Respondents of the first survey were asked to rate how
helpful they find Chrome’s intervention as well as to what
extent this makes them feel uneasy. We chose helpfulness to
operationalize user value more generally, as other, more spe-
cific value propositions (like “not being interrupted”) appeared
too hard to reason about for respondents. Similarly, we chose
ratings of feeling uneasy to operationalize being concerned in
a more general way.
84% of respondents found quieting at least moderately
helpful, with 66% even finding it very or extremely helpful.
As Figure 7 shows, this is more pronounced for the quietest
treatment on notifications (88%, χ
(2) = 41.4, p < .001,
sresid = 2.1). At the same time, 24% felt at least moderately
uneasy about the quieting intervention overall, but only 10%
rated this as “very” or “extremely”. While participants reported
more unease for regular quieting of notification requests (30%
at least moderately uneasy, χ
(2) = 95.1, p < .001, sresid =
6.2), there was substantially less such feeling reported for the
quietest treatment (18%, sresid = 5.8).
This difference may be explained by differences in how
we explained why prompts were quieted in the survey. While
the quiet treatment explanation mentioned quieting happen-
ing “based on your past choices”, the explanation for the
quietest version mentioned “because most people block it or
notifications from this site may be disruptive”. These findings
suggest that quieting is perceived as even more helpful and
less concerning when using these criteria.
TABLE V: Codes assigned to open-ended responses on reasons for feeling uneasy about Chrome’s intervention.
Reason Category Example Geolocation Notification Quietest Notif. Total
Want more control
should ask first, make recommendation instead, feels like censorship 51 (29%) 47 (19%) 41 (24%) 139 (23%)
Unsure what is happening
general confusion / want to know more 20 (11%) 28 (11%) 15 (9%) 63 (11%)
Inappropriate blocking in this case
doesn’t make sense on the this site, can’t be perfect 11 (6%) 33 (13%) 14 (8%) 58 (10%)
Fear of missing out
afraid to miss something, may change their mind 10 (6%) 25 (10%) 12 (7%) 47 (8%)
Chrome knows too much 10 (6%) 18 (7%) 9 (5%) 37 (6%)
Concerned about malware/hackers
site is not safe 6 (3%) 16 (7%) 1 (1%) 23 (4%)
Unclear or off topic 29 (17%) 40 (16%) 34 (20%) 103 (17%)
No concern/probably OK 13 (7%) 18 (7%) 26 (15%) 57 (10%)
Answered unease question in reverse 8 (5%) 6 (2%) 4 (2%) 18 (3%)
Total 175 246 173 594
Fig. 8: Respondents’ ratings of their likelihood of allowing the
current website to use the given capability after all.
One additional aspect to note is that 3% of respondents
indicated in their open-ended response to have misunderstood
the unease question and its response scale, answering it in
reverse (cf. Table V).
Between locales, those answering in Russian were slightly
less likely to find quieting at least moderately helpful (77%,
(6) = 78.5, p < .001, sresid = 2.3). Perceived unease
varied more substantially between survey locales: Japanese
(56% at least moderately uneasy vs. 24% overall, χ
(6) =
310.1, p < .001, sresid = 12.0) and Portuguese (33% at least
moderately uneasy, sresid = 5.3) locales report more concern
while those answering in Russian (13% at least moderately
uneasy, sresid = 6.4) and Chinese (2% at least moderately
uneasy, sresid = 4.2) report lesser amounts.
D. Reasons for Feeling Uneasy (RQ4)
Of the 1, 543 respondents reporting at least moderate
unease, 594 provided an open-ended response on why they
think they feel that way. Table V provides an overview of the
reason categories identified during coding (cf. Section V-4)
and mentioned at least 15 times across the three intervention
A perceived lack of control was the most commonly cited
reason. Many respondents also indicated that they weren’t sure
what was going on and thus stated to feel uneasy about the
intervention. Another common reason was perceived inappro-
priateness of blocking the current site’s request. Similarly,
several participants also remarked that quieted permission
requests could have them miss out on relevant information
or functionality. Finally, a few participants also had privacy
concerns or were afraid the site itself was malicious and
therefore blocked.
E. Subjective Efficacy of Quieting (RQ5)
In the second survey, we asked respondents to rate how
likely they are to allow the current website to use the requested
capability. In comparison with our telemetry, this allows us
to compare objective (behavioral) and subjective (attitudinal)
false-positives as a measure of agreement with the quieting
As detailed in Figure 8, 61% of respondents felt less than
moderately likely that they would allow. In contrast, 25%
indicated being very or extremely likely to allow. Respondents
seeing a quietest notification prompt were substantially less
likely to want to allow (74% less than moderately likely to
allow, χ
(4) = 244.7, p < .001, sresid = 7.8). Across
survey locales, participants responding to in English reported
being less than moderately likely more frequently (68%,
(6) = 201.9, p < .001, sresid = 5.0), while those
responding in Spanish (44%, sresid = 5.4) and Japanese
(43%, sresid = 4.1) did so less frequently.
These findings suggest two interpretations: First, the activa-
tion logic for the quietest chip appears to create less subjective
false positives, which is congruent with the stricter criteria
for block list inclusion. Second, the subjective false-positive
findings superficially seem at odds with the findings from our
telemetry (99% precision, cf. Section IV-B). However, it is
plausible that we are observing another disconnect between
intentions and actual behavior (often referred to as the “privacy
paradox”, [1]).
F. Finding the Escape Hatch (RQ6)
Respondents in the second survey were asked which action
they would first try to still allow the website to access to the
capability. They were able to choose from a predefined list of
four actions, two of which clicking the lock icon or the chip
itself can be considered “useful”, in that they help to make
progress towards the goal of overriding the block decision.
Additionally, we also offered an “Other” option as well as “I
don’t know”.
As Figure 9 details, only 40% of respondents had a useful
intuition about what to do. 32% outright stated that they would
not know what to do. Respondents seeing the quietest chip
were slightly more likely to take a useful action (43% vs. 38-
39%, χ
(2) = 14.4, p < .001, sresid = 2.3).
Between survey locales, those responding in Japanese were
even more likely to not know what to do (51% vs. 32% overall,
Fig. 9: Respondents’ guesses about what they would try first
in order to override the quieted prompt.
(30) = 238.3, p < .001, sresid = 6.7) as were those
with a French locale (42%, sresid = 2.5). Respondents with
a Spanish locale were more likely to want to refresh the page
(18% vs. 13%, sresid = 3.7). Respondents taking the survey
in Brazilian Portuguese were more likely to want to click on
the lock icon (21% vs. 13% overall, sresid = 6.3) as were
those with Russian locale (17%, sresid = 3.7). Finally, those
on an English local were more likely to want to click on the
chip (31% vs. 27% overall, sresid = 3.7).
Across this and the previous findings, we can consider
our quieting approach to work if respondents are less than
moderately likely to allow after a quieted prompt or identify
the correct action to override while noticing the prompt. Based
on this, Figure 10 shows that quieting works for the majority
of respondents in the situations they encountered. Yet, 32%
seeing a quiet chip and 18% seeing the quietest chip may
struggle to use the escape hatch when feeling likely to allow.
Another 4-8% have a useful intuition for the escape hatch, but
may still not find it by themselves as they did not notice the
chip itself.
Fig. 10: Distribution of respondents for which we consider our
quiet UI to work in the situations they encountered (not at all
or only somewhat likely to allow or identifying the correct
action to escape) and not work (at least moderately likely to
allow and not identifying a useful action) across intervention
G. Permanently Disable Quieting (RQ7)
A final aspect of the quieting feature is that users should
be able to disable it. Thus, we asked respondents of the second
survey what they would first try to disable quieting altogether.
Again, respondents were able to choose from a list of five
pre-defined actions, including two “useful” options (click the
chip, go to settings). Note again that this is primarily based
on respondents’ intuition, as there has not been any proactive
communication about quieting and how to configure it.
As Figure 11 details, 50% indicate that they would try a
useful action. There is no statistically significant difference
between intervention types (χ
(2) = 10.8, p = .005, all
Fig. 11: Respondents’ intuition about what action to try to
disable quieting entirely.
sresid < 2). Similar to the escape hatch, we find that 22%
do not know what they should try.
There were again a few statistically significant differences
between survey locales. Respondents with a Japanese locale
where more likely to report not knowing what they would do
(42% vs. 22% overall, χ
(36) = 267.4, p < .001, sresid =
8.2). Those using Brazilian Portuguese were again more likely
to want to click on the lock icon (16% vs. 9% overall, sresid =
6.4). Respondents with a Spanish (8% vs. 5% overall, sresid =
3.7) or French (9%, sresid = 2.0) locale were more likely
to want to ask someone for help. Those using English were
slightly more likely to want to go to Chrome settings (34%
vs. 32% overall, sresid = 2.5).
Our study is limited in several ways. For both telemetry
and in-product surveys, we are limited to users who did not
opt out of telemetry collection. Given that users who opted out
made a choice to not share data, it seems at least plausible that
they may also exhibit different behaviors and sentiment when
it comes to quieting prompts.
Similarly, telemetry collection and in-product surveys are
triggered when users visit websites asking for permission. As
such, there is an inherent bias towards more frequently visited
sites contributing more data points to our results. We believe
this is acceptable, as it also represents users’ reality, in that
they actually encounter such sites more frequently during their
day to day of the web. Investigating permission interventions
by website or website type can be interesting future work.
For the in-product surveys, imperfect translation as well
as differences in general response behavior between cultures
may have impacted our results. While we took measures to
avoid the former, the latter is hard to eliminate. To make
diverging response behaviors transparent, we note statistically
significant differences between languages for each analysis we
report. Based on this, there does not seem to be an apparent
pattern that systematically biased our results. Moreover, due to
the short and privacy-preserving nature of Chrome in-product
surveys, we do not know how representative the sample we
obtained is when it comes to demographic properties such as
age or gender. It is at least plausible that not all Chrome users
are equally likely to respond to in-product surveys. However,
we believe the value of collecting data in context is higher
than ensuring perfect representation of the user population.
Finally, there can of course be unwanted and interrupting
permission prompts that users end up granting. However, these
(a) Request chip, appearing alongside the
permission prompt.
(b) Confirmation chip after allowing ac-
cess in a permission prompt.
(c) Confirmation chip after blocking ac-
cess in a permission prompt.
Fig. 12: Permission chips introduced in Chrome to reinforce where the permanent permissions control surface can be accessed.
cases are out of scope for this work as they would need a
different type of intervention.
Overall, our findings from both telemetry and in-product
surveys are encouraging. We discuss the most important as-
pects in more detail below.
A. Reducing unwanted interruptions and avoiding undesired
Before WPP’s deployment, the previous activation mech-
anism for the quiet UI [4] was already effective in reducing
unwanted interruptions from notifications permission requests.
Yet, its impact was limited to 1%-3% of the overall prompt
volume for that permission. WPP achieved the same effec-
tiveness (i.e., extremely high precision and recall values) but
on a much larger scale. On desktop, it now mediates 43% of
notification and 24% of geolocation permission prompts, thus
increasing its impact by more than 10x.
Our telemetry data showed that WPP has extremely high
post-hoc precision (> 99%) on quiet prompts, despite the ML
model being tuned to achieve a pre-hoc precision of > 95%
(on loud prompts). The difference between post- and pre-hoc
likely stems from the fact that after the quiet UI is shown
(post-hoc), it is less likely to be noticed and thus granted, as
compared to the loud prompt.
One potential challenge with showing the quiet UI more
often is that it might reduce the amount of prompts with a
loud UI, which are used to derive the statistics and features for
training the WPP ML model. In order to mitigate such an issue,
Chrome clients rely on a holdback percentage mechanism to
disregard WPP’s verdict on a small fraction of prompts that
are eligible for WPP’s enforcement. The effect is that even in
the extreme case where WPP’s verdicts resulted in all prompts
being eligible for the quiet UI, Chrome clients will still show
the loud UI on 15-30% of prompts, which in turn will be used
as training samples.
One undesired scenario that WPP wants (and manages)
to avoid is for a user to end up in an all-absorbing state,
in which only quiet prompts would be shown. That could
hypothetically arise when a user starts using Chrome, only
dismisses or denies the initial (loud) permission prompts, and
WPP’s model starts predicting that such a user is very unlikely
to grant permission prompts in the future as well. This could
result in WPP always showing the quiet prompt to such a
user, which is undesirable as users might change behavior or
preferences over time. In order to overcome such a potential
issue, WPP’s 28 days rolling window gradually reduces the
count of loud prompts shown to the user to less than 4 (as
described in Section IV-A), which in turn deactivates WPP,
and makes Chrome resume showing the loud prompt UI again.
B. New quiet prompt UI
The chip treatment appears to fulfill the design goal of
being less interrupting than loud permission prompts, as 51%
of respondents state to not notice it initially. The quietest chip
led to even less respondents noticing it. It is also easy to ignore,
as 99% of quiet prompts shown were not overridden. Similarly,
84% of respondents found the intervention helpful and it did
not make them feel uneasy. The quietest treatment for sites
on which the capability is very unlikely to be granted was
received even more favorably. However, we also find room for
improvement as detailed below.
C. Providing users with more control
Respondents who felt at least moderately uneasy about
the intervention mostly desired more control. While Chrome
provides an option to override, this UI appears not to be easy
enough to discover intuitively. As detailed in Section VI-F,
only 40% of respondents had a useful first guess on what to do
to override. While it is likely that, even without a useful initial
intuition, others would have been able to override and turn the
feature off through trial-and-error, there is an opportunity to
improve discoverability and thus reduce feelings of unease.
Additionally, the text currently displayed in the chip (“No-
tifications blocked”) may suggest that Chrome has already
made a seemingly permanent decision for the user. The quietest
UI treatment lacking any string was perceived more
favorably, which supports that notion.
In sum, unfamiliarity with the ability to click on the
chip as well as an assertive string choice may be leading
to a perceived lack of control. To improve this, we started
to implement several steps to strengthen user mental models
around where permission controls are located in general. For
instance, Chrome increasingly leverages chips as a consistent
UI pattern for regular permission prompts, in order to associate
the location of the chips with where the control surface is.
Chrome is in the process of rolling out three kinds of chips:
Request chips, showing a question (”Use your loca-
tion?”) to already start highlighting where the manage-
ment surface is when the permission prompt is showing
(Figure 12a);
Confirmation chips (”Allowed/Not allowed”), to further
strengthen where a decision can be reversed after making
a decision (Figure 12b and 12c); and
Indicator chips, showing when a granted capability is
actively used by the site and hinting at where it can be
turned off.
All these chips show in the same location in the address
bar. Clicking on any chip at any time will bring up the site
controls surface, which always has permission controls. The
request and confirmation chips rolled out in Chrome versions
M111 and M109, respectively, while indicator chips were still
forthcoming at the time of writing.
While using chips consistently should strengthen discov-
erability of where to take action, we also plan to change the
string in the quieted prompt chip from “Notifications blocked”
to “Use notifications?”, reusing the text of the request chip.
While the initial idea with this string choice was to reassure
users that Chrome has prevented a site from interrupting them,
phrasing this as a question will help to communicate that users
can still make a choice. This should provide a heightened
sense of actionability and therefore reduce the perceived lack
of control. The absence of the prompt itself as well as the text
in the popup after clicking on the chip should be sufficient
to provide contextual clues about what is happening. Beyond
this, we can also consider educational interventions to explain
prompt quieting outside of the product.
D. Reduce false positives on sites following best practices
Websites that follow UX best practices when requesting
permissions use web capabilities for their intended purpose
and provide a clear user benefit from accessing the permission-
gated capability. Telemetry data computed on a small sample
of 15 popular websites (productivity, news and social media)
indicates that users tend to behave differently: even those who
frequently deny permissions on other sites are more likely to
grant access on these sites. Examples of such sites include
messaging sites requesting the notification permission.
Currently, WPP determines which permission prompts to
quiet only based on the user’s past actions on prompts of the
same permission type and on the current browsing context.
Hence, as permissions are only granted occasionally, per-user
signals carry a lot of weight, often ignoring the fact that
some sites may have more popular and helpful use cases for a
given permission, resulting in undesired quieting of prompts.
We suspect such false positives might also be one of the
factors contributing to lower helpfulness ratings and reasons
for feeling uneasy reported in the in-context survey.
To further improve the ML accuracy and reduce false posi-
tives, WPP could also consider additional features, such as site-
related aggregated statistics (e.g., grant/deny/dismiss/ignore
rates for a given website) as well as other crawler-based
In this paper, we presented an evaluation of an improved
intervention to quiet permission prompts on users’ behalf in the
wild. Using telemetry, we find that Chrome can now intervene
on a substantially larger number of permission prompts, while
keeping false positive rates low. This reduces interruptions and
prompt blindness even further. In-product survey respondents
mostly rate the intervention as helpful without causing sub-
stantial feelings of unease. Our results further suggest some
room for improvement: the remaining false positives in our
evaluation are frequently driven by popular sites, the ability to
override Chrome’s intervention is not easy enough to discover,
and some respondents indicated a lack of perceived control.
We are currently evaluating options to address the short-
comings, as discussed in the previous section. The team will
consider a new version of the WPP with improved signals,
which could help to reduce false positives that seem to affect
some of the sampled sites that follow best practices. Chrome
also is in the process of rolling out a consistent chip-based
UI along permission prompts to reinforce where permissions
can be managed. Additionally, we are planning to change the
text in the quiet prompt UI, to more directly invite users to
override and thus provide a heightened sense of control.
We would like to thank Florian Jacky for his help with
fielding the in-context surveys. We are also grateful for Tiff
Perumpail, Sabine Borsay, Ceenu George, Mike West, Alisha
Alleyne, Nina Taft, Caitlin Sadowski and Adriana Porter Felt
as well as the anonymous reviewers helping us to improve the
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A. In-product Survey Questionnaires
$request type = {“send(ing) you notifications”, “see(ing)
your location”}
a) Survey 1:
Q0. This website just asked to $request type. Help us improve
how websites ask for permission by taking this 1-minute
Q1. Before seeing this survey, did you notice that this website
just asked to $request type?
I’m not sure
Q2. This website was blocked from $request type. Why do
you think that is? [randomized order]
This website has a technical issue
I have told Chrome to block this website
Chrome thinks that this website is dangerous
Chrome thinks that I’m not interested in this website
I previously denied this website’s request
I don’t know
Other (please specify) [not randomized]
Q3. [if quiet chip] Chrome automatically blocked this web-
site’s request, based on your past choices. How helpful
do you find Chrome’s action?
[if quietest chip] Chrome automatically blocked this web-
site’s request, because most people block it or notifica-
tions from this site may be disruptive. How helpful do
you find Chrome’s action?
Extremely helpful
Very helpful
Moderately helpful
Somewhat helpful
Not at all helpful
Q4. How uneasy do you feel about Chrome’s action?
Extremely uneasy
Very uneasy
Moderately uneasy
Somewhat uneasy
Not at all uneasy
Q5. [if moderately or more unease, quiet chip] Please briefly
describe what makes you feel uneasy about Chrome
blocking requests based on your past choices.
[if moderately or more unease, if quietest chip] Please
briefly describe what makes you feel uneasy about
Chrome blocking requests that most people block or
because notifications from the site may be disruptive.
Q6. Thank you for helping to improve Chrome!
b) Survey 2:
Q0. This website just asked to $request type. Help us improve
how websites ask for permission by taking this 1-minute
Q1. Before seeing this survey, did you notice that this website
just asked to $request type?
I’m not sure
Q2. How likely are you to want to allow this website to
$request type?
Extremely likely
Very likely
Moderately likely
Somewhat likely
Not at all likely
I’m not sure
Q3. Imagine you wanted to allow this website to $re-
quest type right now, what would you try first to do that?
[randomized order]
Refresh the page
Click on “$request type blocked”
Go to Chrome settings
Click the lock icon
I don’t know what I would do
Other (please specify) [not randomized]
Q4. If you wanted Chrome to never block a request from
a website again, what would you try first to do that?
[randomized order]
Click on “$request type blocked”
Go to Chrome settings
Click the lock icon
Ask someone for help
Search for articles describing how to do this
I don’t know what I would do
Other (please specify) [not randomized]
Q5. Thank you for helping to improve Chrome!