Leaving Mayo Clinic? Suggestions for a Smooth Transition
It’s that time of year! Students, residents, fellows, and faculty are preparing to leave
Mayo Clinic to advance their careers. After you have left Mayo Clinic, you will no longer
have access to the Library’s resources., Here are some suggestions for steps to take and
resources to help your transition.
Before You Go
PubMed: Change Your NCBI Email and Set Up Search Queries
Once you have officially left Mayo Clinic, you will no longer have access to your @mayo.edu
email. To ensure NCBI account accesspassword resets and notifications are sent to your email
stored in your NCBI profilebe sure to update your NCBI account with an email that you will
still be able to access after you leave Mayo.
Many of you will continue to search MEDLINE via the freely-available PubMed interface
PubMed allows you to save searches and receive regular updates on current research in your
field. To learn how to set up a My NCBI account to save searches in PubMed, visit the
NCBI web page. If you’d like a hand doing this, email us at library@mayo.edu or fill out the
Ask A Librarian contact form.
Ovid: Email Yourself Your Search Strategies
If you will have access to Ovid databases
at your new institution, we suggest that you email
yourself any saved searches before your Ovid account with the Mayo Clinic Libraries expires.
You can then recreate your searches in your new Ovid account. We can help with this, too
email us at
library@mayo.edu or fill out the Ask A Librarian contact form.
Endnote: Export Libraries To New Citation Manager
If you have saved references in Endnote, consider migrating them to a freely available tool so
you do not lose them when your EndNote access expires. Two free options, Mendeley and
Zotero, are described on our Other Citation Managers
At Your New Position
Do you have an institutional library?
If you will be affiliated with a hospital, health system or academic institution, you may have
access to a library or information center at your new institution. Check the institution’s website
or contact colleagues to find out about library services. Reach out to the health sciences library
staff at your new institution; they will be a valuable source of information about your new
organization’s clinical and research resources.
Are you near any local libraries, public or academic?
Visit the public library in your new location and ask about resources. Even libraries in small
towns may offer access to major medical and science journals. Also, libraries at colleges and
universities sometimes offer services to local communities. If you will be located near a public
college or university, explore the options they provideusually, you must visit the physical
library to use online resources. If you are an alum of one of the Mayo Clinic educational
programs, you are welcome to visit any of the Mayo Clinic Libraries
by coming in person to the
Library, but we are unable to provide online access to resources due to legal licensing
Personal Subscriptions/Membership Benefits
Subscribe to Point-of-Care Tools.
If your new institution does not provide access to clinical point-of-care resources, consider a
personal subscription. Test drive the resources offered by the Mayo Clinic Libraries before you
leave. Note that memberships in professional organizations may provide you with access to
resources. For example, the American Medical Association (AMA), American Association of
Nurse Practitioners (AANP), and American College of Physicians (ACP) offer
discounted or
complimentary access to DynaMed. Current individual subscription prices for some of these
products are provided below.
The Cochrane Library: Individual subscription for one year costs $327. Mayo Clinic
Libraries link to the Cochrane Library
ClinicalKey: Subscription costs vary by specialty package; pricing starts at
$499/year. Mayo Clinic Libraries link to ClinicalKey
UpToDate: Individual subscription starts at $499 for one year and includes mobile
app. Mayo Clinic Libraries link to UpToDate
VisualDx: Individual subscription starts at $39.99 per month. Mayo Clinic Libraries link to
Take advantage of resources that are free or available with professional memberships.
The benefits of membership in professional societies usually include access to the society’s
publications or discounts on other resources. For example, there are also many resources that
are available for free a selection of these is below.
BioMed Central: 300+ peer-reviewed open access health sciences journals.
bioRxiv: a free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprints in the life
Directory of Open Access Journals: 10,000+ open access journals in all subjects including
dentistry, medicine, nursing, and public health.
Disease Management Project: Online medical textbook from the Cleveland Clinic.
FreeBooks4Doctors: 360+ medical textbooks arranged by specialty.
Free Medical Journals: 4000+ medical/health journals.
HighWire Press Free Online Full-Text Articles: a massive archive of full-text articles on a
variety of topics including medicine. Some are free, some require payment.
Medscape: Healthcare information from various medical publishers (registration is
Medscape Reference: Directory of information on more than 7,000 diseases and disorders;
includes images and multimedia content.
Univadis: Medical news, online learning resources, and diagnostic tools (registration is
NCBI Bookshelf: A collection of online biomedical books from the National Library of
PLoS Journals: Open access, peer-reviewed journals on a variety of topics published by the
Public Library of Science (PLoS).
PMC (PubMed Central): A free full-text archive of nearly 4.8 million articles in the
biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the National Library of Medicine.
RxList, The Internet Drug Index: An easy-to-search database of information about
prescription medications. It includes a drug identification image database.
Resources for All
Sign Up for Loansome Doc.
If you are joining an institution with a library, you should be able to request articles using their
interlibrary loan program. However, if you are entering private practice or joining an
organization without a library, consider opening a Loansome Doc
account to obtain copies of
journal articles (usually for a fee) from a hospital or academic medical library in your area. To
find out about your options for document delivery and other support services, contact
National Network of Libraries of Medicine at 1-800-338-7657 or [email protected].
Download Free/Inexpensive Apps.
While many apps are linked to subscription-based products, there are some great inexpensive
and free apps. The following are free unless noted:
Epocrates: Drug, disease, and diagnostic information; Android or iOS
National Library of Medicine apps; multiple for Android or iOS
Skyscape: Drug information and calculators; Android or iOS
UMEM Pearls: Evidence based educational pearls by UMD faculty members. Android or iOS
Point of Care apps: CME on a variety of topics, most free; multiple for iOS and web
Read by QxMD: A platform to help you keep on top of new medical and scientific research,
searches PubMed and provides topic reviews as well; Android, iOS, and web platform
Calculate by QxMD: Clinical calculators and decision support tools for healthcare
providers; Android, iOS, Windows, and web platform
Medscape: Medical news and calculators, drug information & tools, disease information;
multiple Android and iOS apps
The faculty and staff of the Mayo Clinic Libraries wish you the very best as you move on
to exciting new endeavors! If we can be of any assistance as you plan your departure,
please email us at library@mayo.edu or fill out the Ask A Librarian contact form
Many thanks to UC Denver Health Sciences Library for allowing us to use their blog post as a template.