London Taxi and Private Hire
Transport for London
Taxi Licensing
How to obtain a taxi licence
(Guidance Notes)
On behalf of Transport for London (TfL), NSL has contractual responsibility to undertake the licensing
inspection of London’s taxis. The licensing inspections will be carried out at a number of vehicle inspection
centres located strategically across the London area. Each inspection centre is equipped with the required
vehicle testing equipment, which will deliver the licensing standards prescribed by the Conditions of Fitness
2007 (as amended) and the London Cab Order 1934 as amended in 2007 provisions. On completion of each
licensing inspection, you will either be issued a taxi licence/plates or, in the event of failure, a computer
generated Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR) will be produced, giving details of the reasons for failure.
Please read these guidance notes carefully as they will help ensure your taxi passes first time
Registered keeper
The registered keeper (owner) of a London taxi may apply to the Taxi & Private Hire Directorate (TPH) for a
London taxi licence. Registered keeper means, the person or entity registered by Driver & Vehicle Licensing
Agency (DVLA) as being legally responsible for the taxi. The taxi licence, once granted, will be issued in the
name of the registered keeper (licensee).
NB. The registered keeper may choose to nominate a person or an entity to act as an agent on their behalf
when making an application and/or presenting the vehicle for inspection.
Taxi proprietors
Taxi owners that are not a licensed taxi driver or an existing taxi proprietor will be required to undergo a
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
Making an application for a taxi licence
To make an application for a new taxi licence or renewing an existing taxi licence, you can either book on-
line via or call the vehicle contact centre on 0343 222 5555 and have to hand:
The vehicle registration certificate (V5c); and
A credit debit/card.
When making your application you will have the opportunity to book an inspection at one of the six
inspection centres strategically placed across London. The appointment can be re-arranged providing more
than 24 hours notice is given prior to the inspection date.
NB. For those taxis with a current licence, a notification will be sent reminding the owner that a renewal
inspection is due. This appointment must take place within 28 days of expiry.
Keeping your appointment
You should aim to be at the inspection centre 10 minutes before the allocated appointment. Please be
aware your application fee may be forfeited:
if you are late and cannot be seen;
if you cancel the appointment without giving 24 hours notice before the date of the inspection
(excluding weekends & bank holidays);
if you fail to turn up for the inspection; or
if you re-arrange the inspection appointment without giving 24 hours notice.
Required documents
When presenting a taxi for the licensing inspection, the person presenting the taxi must bring with them the
following original documents for inspection.
Vehicle Registration Certificate (V5c) or (AFRL) certificate*
EEC Certificate of Conformity for new taxis;
Certificate of Insurance;
MOT certificate confirming the vehicle passed an MOT test not more than 14 days prior to the date of
the licensing inspection (count back fourteen (14) days from the date of the licensing inspection)**
The existing taxi licence including plates (if applicable);
Emission equipment - fitment sign off declaration where applicable;
Certificate of Taximeter Installation issued within 30 days of licensing inspection;
Any relevant document relating to the taxi, as appropriate including any modification certificate.
*NB. AFRL means the new Vehicle Automotive First Registration & Licence (AFRL) scheme certificate issued
by the selling dealership.
**If the vehicle has reached it’s 12 month anniversary from the date of registration it will be necessary to
have an MOT
The new taxi licensing regime requires all vehicle owners to ensure their vehicles have passed two standard
(Class 4) MOT tests per year. The first MOT test must be issued no more than 14 days prior to the taxi
licensing inspection and the second MOT test is to be issued six months from the date the taxi licence is
granted. The six-monthly MOT tests help to ensure that taxi and private hire vehicles remain safe and road
worthy for passengers and other road users throughout the term of the vehicle licence
If the taxi is new then it is exempt from the requirement to undertake an MOT test for the first 12 months
from the date of first registration.
Inspection criteria
The licensing inspection will comprise of a full mechanical inspection, and will include an inspection of:
European Whole Vehicle Type Approval
Driver compartment and controls
Passenger compartment
Luggage compartment
Obligatory lamps
Engine Compartment
Condition of Bodywork and Paint
Road Tyres & Wheels
Under vehicle inspection
Exhaust emission abatement system
Taxi meter and Associated Fittings
Wheelchair Access, Securing Equipment
Steering Manoeuvrability
Aftermarket Equipment Fixture and Fittings
NB. The inspection will apply MoT standards for assessing the mechanical components unless otherwise
specified in which case, the manufacturers standards will apply.
Changes to the taxi
Any changes to the original construction of the taxi such as modification, adaptation, fixtures and fittings
must be approved by TPH. All requests for approval must be directed to the TPH Vehicle Policy Manager
before embarking on the changes. Any changes to the taxi without approval will cause the taxi licence to be
All taxis presented for licensing are required to be fitted with a current taximeter installed by an approved
taximeter installer. The taximeter and the operating devices must be sealed by the installer and certificated
to confirm that the equipment is TPH compliant. The certificate issued must be produced at the licensing
inspection. Should the certificate not be presented, the application for a taxi licence will not be granted.
Advertisements and signage affixed to a London licensed taxi must comply with the TPH advertising and
official signage guidance documents. Electronic advertising devices and media solutions attached to and/or
carried in the taxi must seek prior approval from the TPH. All advertising must display an external alpha
numeric identifier.
Any advertisement or signage affixed to a London licensed taxi that contravenes any legal requirements,
obligations or responsibilities may cause the taxi licence to be revoked or suspended.
Communication devices
All radio equipment fitted to the vehicle must be fitted securely and safely and in accordance with the MPT
1362 Code of Practice (as amended) for the installation of radio and related ancillary equipment in land
based vehicles and the TPH guidelines.
Any two-way radio equipment must be of a type approved by the Office of Communications (Ofcom).
Before fitting any radio equipment, approval must be first obtained from TPH.
Duration of taxi licence
A taxi licence will be issued for a maximum period of 12 months unless there are particular reasons as to
why it should be issued for a shorter period.
Emission standards
The air quality initiatives for taxis include the following age limits:
A 15 year rolling age limit for taxis unless exempted
All newly licensed taxis must, as a minimum, meet the relevant minimum standards for emissions
(currently Euro 6 standards)
Details of the exemptions available can be found on our website at
Details of the taxi Euro standards can be obtained from the vehicle manufacturer or from the selling
dealership. Those taxis not manufactured to Euro 6 standards, can undergo a retro fit exhaust abatement
system installed by the manufacturer nominated fitting agent. Further information can be obtained from
the TPH or by visiting the TfL website.
Alternative fuel conversions
The acceptable fuels are Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Biomethane.
Alternative fuel systems must have prior approval from TPH.
Where a taxi has been converted or modified to one of the alternative fuels listed above evidence must be
produced at the inspection to show that the conversion has been carried out by an agent approved by the
manufacturer. All LPG/CNG gas conversations must be approved and registered with the UK/LPG
Association and the vehicle registration details must appear on their electronic database.
Only vehicles converted from diesel to one of the three alternative fuels will be eligible to apply for
Vehicle owners are advised to contact the TPH first before making a licence application if there is any doubt
that their taxi does not meet any of the criteria.
Taxis which fail their licensing inspection, and subsequently, the re-test, will have the “grant of licence”
portion of the fee refunded. No refund will be given to that part of the fee relating to the licence
Congestion charge exemption
Once licensed, the vehicle will qualify for exemption from congestion charging from the date the licence
was issued. The taxi will continue to be exempt providing the taxi licence remains in force. Vehicles which
fail a licensing inspection are only exempt from the congestion charge on the day of the inspection.
Privacy Notice
Transport for London (TfL), its subsidiaries and service providers will use your personal information for the
purpose of administering the licensing and inspection regime for taxis and private hire vehicles.
Your personal information will be properly safeguarded and processed in accordance with the requirements
of the Data Protection Act 1998.
TfL may validate information relating to yourself and/or your vehicle with a number of other organisations
including the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA)
and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB).
You may appoint a third party to manage the vehicle inspection process on your behalf, and where this is
the case, you understand that:
i) they may pass information about you and/or your vehicle to TfL for the purpose of the vehicle inspection
ii) they may receive the results of any validation checks carried out at TfL’s request and
iii) TfL may share other information about you and/or your vehicle with them where necessary for the
inspection process.
In certain circumstances, TfL may also share your personal information with the police and other law
enforcement agencies for the purposes of the prevention or detection of crime.
Inspection Centres
(West) Heston
20A Airlinks Industrial Estate
Spitfire Way
(North) Enfield
Unit 2 Watermill Centre
Edison Road
(East) Crayford
Unit Q1, Acorn Industrial Park
(South) Coulsdon
Unit B5 Redlands
Ulswater Crescent
(Central East) Canning Town
1 North Crescent
Canning Town
E16 4TL
(Central West) Staples Corner
Unit 2 Aquarius
Staples Corner
Priestly Way
Contact Numbers
Vehicle Licensing Enquiries 0343 222 5555
Driver and Operator Licensing Enquiries 0343 222 4444
TPH Enquiries t[email protected]
Taxi and Private Hire