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Policies for University Housing
All students in University Housing are responsible for all policies and procedures described in the
University Housing Contract and listed below. Persons violating any policy in University Housing will be
held responsible through Southern University’s and A&M College Student Code of Conduct issued
through the Office of Student Life.
Bicycles, Motorcycles, Motor scooters
Building Access
Check-In Procedure
Check-Out Procedure
Damage Policy
Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct
Fire Safety
Furnishings And Appliances In Student Rooms
Guest/Visitor and Escort Policy
Maintenance Or Repair Of Student Room Facilities
Quiet Hours
Renter’s Insurance
Residents' Responsibilities
Right of Entry
Room/Hall Changes
Room Regulations
Solicitation And Advertising
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Term Breaks, Holiday Close Downs, Etc.
The use, purchase, sale, possession, transportation, storage and consumption of all alcohol and/or
alcoholic beverages is prohibited in residential areas. Additionally, behavior that encourages or
contributes to excessive alcohol consumption is prohibited.
a. It is prohibited for any person, regardless of age, to possess open containers of any
alcoholic beverage. In On-Campus Housing, public areas are anywhere outside of a
student room or apartment.
b. Public intoxication is prohibited. Those conditions considered to indicate intoxication
include but are not limited to: affected manner or disposition, speech, muscular
movement, general appearance or behavior as apparent to the observer.
c. Guests (student or non-student) who are of legal drinking age may NOT consume
alcoholic beverages in rooms/apartments where a resident is at least 21 years of age.
d. Alcoholic beverages, empty or full alcoholic beverage containers, alcohol paraphernalia,
or decorative/hobby collection(s) of alcoholic beverage containers are NOT permitted in
student rooms/apartments of residents who are of legal age. Drinking games of any type
and drinking game paraphernalia are prohibited. If found, all containers and
paraphernalia are subject to removal by Residential Life staff.
Students consuming alcohol in On-Campus Housing are subject to the following consequences:
a. A fine of $150 and up to eviction will be issued to resident(s) found in violation of any of
the above rules and regulations.
b. Student(s) will receive referral to the Office of Student Life for official conduct review
and sanction.
Bicycles, Motorcycles, Motor scooters
Bicycles are allowed inside on-campus housing only in student rooms and apartments provided they do
not restrict entry or exit or violate any other policies. Bicycles cannot be left in any public area including
stairwells, lounges, and lobbies near entrance doors, or locked near entrance doors either inside or outside
of the building. Motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds and/or other fuel-powered vehicles are not allowed
in On-Campus Housing buildings and must be parked in accordance to the university parking regulations.
Building Access
a. Students may not enter the residence halls when the halls are closed for breaks or
between semesters unless they have completed an Extended Stay Contract with the
required fee. All items permitting access to residence halls such as keys and cards must
be returned to office staff during the checkout procedure.
b. All guests must be signed in and be with a building resident at all times. Guests must wait
for their host in the lobby area before proceeding to resident’s room. Unauthorized access
will subject violators to arrest for trespassing and/or judicial action.
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c. Entering and exiting of residence halls is permitted only through designated front
doorways. Entry or exit through windows, loading docks or unauthorized areas is
d. It is prohibited to enter, exit or allow anyone to enter, or exit through any door other than
the front doorways, except when the fire alarm is sounding.
University will enforce all applicable University and housing polices. Guests are
prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into On-Campus housing regardless of age.
Admission to On-Campus Housing facilities, by both residents and guests, may be
conditioned on an inspection by the University of any packages, bags, pouches, or other
such portable items that can be used to carry, contain or conceal prohibited items,
including alcoholic beverages.
Students who cancel housing are subject to a cancellation fee or forfeiture of housing deposit.
a. Cancellations made prior to move-in are eligible for a security deposit refund of $100.
b. Cancellations made after move-in or during the semester are not eligible for a refund and are
subject to be charged for a percentage of the housing fee for that semester.
Check-in Procedure
a. Students receive housing assignments and instructions prior to move-in dates to their
university issued email. On move-in date students are to report to their assigned housing
assignments to be issued room keys and other pertinent information to their stay here at
Southern University.
b. Students must present a “paid” billing statement in order to receive room keys for the
c. Immediately upon occupying a room, a student reviews the Room Condition Report. Any
damage or missing items must be noted at this time. It is the student's responsibility to
return this form to the designated staff member in the building as soon as possible after
checking in. Room occupants will be held financially responsible and accountable for
unnoted damages or missing items.
Check-Out Procedure
a. All Residents should plan to Move Out and Check Out at the completion of their Final
Exams. Graduating Seniors, Graduate Students, and Law Students should see their
Residential Hall Director.
b. All Residents are required to Schedule a Check-Out Appointment with their Resident
Hall Director and with Financial Aid before Check Out. (Failure to do so will result in a
charge being assessed.)
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c. All Residents are required to turn in their Key(s) and/or Key Card at their Check Out
Appointment when departing. (Failure to do so will result in a Lock Change Fee.)
d. All Residents belongings should be removed from the Room, Bathroom, and Common
Areas at time of Checkout. (This includes trash, hangers, clothes, can goods, etc.)
e. All Residents Room, Bathrooms, and Common Areas should be “Squeaky” clean and
furniture returned to original set up at time of Checkout. (This includes but not limited to
Microwaves, Refrigerators, Cabinets, Chest of Drawers, Bathrooms. Failure to do so will
result in a charge being assessed.)
f. All Residents are required to re-apply for Housing if desiring to live on campus for the
following Summer or Fall semesters. Visit www.housing.subr.edu for Application &
After a resident checks out of a room, the university will, at its discretion, make a reasonable effort to
keep found tangible personal property. The university will keep found tangible property for up to one year
for the student to claim. After this time, the items will be discarded at the university’s discretion. The
student will be billed for any storage or disposal costs. Items that will not be kept include papers, books,
perishable items, food, trash, personal furniture, or other items of little or no value.
Damage Policy
Occupants of residential areas are held liable for damages to the University property with their room,
building, and all other University property that they use or to which they have access. The University
reserves the right to charge for excess trash and/or damages in either a student’s room or in a common area
(interiors and exteriors) equally to all students, if individuals involved are not identified. This includes the
damages and/or trash that may be a result of your guests. (Note: Reasonable attempts will be made to
identify the individuals involved before a group fine/assessment is initiated.)
g. A fine of $150 will be assessed to all students who fail to properly dispose of trash during or after
the semester.
Disorderly or Disruptive Conduct
Disorderly or disruptive conduct is prohibited anywhere within a building (i.e., rooms, hallways, lounges,
lobbies, stairwells, etc.). This is conduct that threatens, harms, or interferes with regular or normal
functions of a on-campus living environment. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, fighting,
excessive noise, public disturbance, harm to self or others, and lewd or indecent conduct.
All students and their guest are responsible for complying with all policies and regulations as set
forth by the Southern University and A & M College and the Department of Residence Life and
Housing. Southern University has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for unacceptable behavior. As
a result the infractions listed below are also not allowed:
1.) Pets of any kind are prohibited in all Residential Areas.
2.) Smoking is not allowed in any Residential Area. Southern University is a tobacco free campus.
3.) Overnight guests are not allowed. Written permission from the Office of Residence Life and Housing
must be granted. Strict adherence to the posted Visitation Hours is a must. Residents found allowing
students and/or guests to “bunk” or “steal sleep” will be subject to eviction and loss of University
Housing privileges. All Guests and Residents are required to check in at the Front Desk/Office with a
valid State Identification Card.
4.) Fire warning devices and safety equipment are to be used only in case of emergency. The fire code
prohibits storage or use of barbecue grills in or on any building, walkway, stairway or balcony. Grills
found will be disposed of by Management and the resident will be fined.
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5.) Residents must clean and maintain their room in a sanitary and safe condition.
6.) The illegal manufacture, sale, possession, or use of narcotics, hypnotics, stimulants, hallucinogens, or
other similar known controlled substances or habit-forming drugs and/or chemicals is prohibited. This
includes Drug paraphernalia (i.e. Grinders, Bongs, Hookahs, Papers, Pipes, etc.)
7.) The possession or keeping of any handguns, firearms, or weapons of any type or any explosive,
inflammable, or any extra hazardous substances, or any article or thing of a dangerous nature are
prohibited. (This includes BB Guns, Air Pistols, Paintball Guns, etc.)
8.) The use, sale, possession, consumption of alcohol and alcoholic beverages is prohibited in residential
9.) The use of candle and incense is strictly prohibited. Students are encouraged to purchase plug-ins and
aerosol sprays for fragrance of their rooms.
10.) Residents should not hang or erect anything on or about the interior or exterior of the residential facility.
The use of tape, adhesive strips, or nails to adhere things to walls or on doors is not permitted. Non-
compliance may result in resident(s) being accessed a charge for painting and repair.
11.) All trash and refuse should be removed by residents regularly and placed in the trash dumpsters and
receptacles provided.
12.) Gambling is prohibited in Residential Areas.
13.) Hazing by any club, group, organization or individuals is strictly forbidden by State law. Hazing
includes “any act that injures, degrades, disgraces, any fellow student or person.” Pledging activities
are prohibited.
14.) Baby-sitting is prohibited in residential areas. Children age 12 years and under are not allowed in
residential areas.
15.) Residents will be responsible for returning furniture to its original position prior to check out. No
furniture may leave the premises at any time. No storage for student belongings is available.
16.) All organized parties must be planned in advance with and be approved in writing by the Office of
Residence Life and Housing. Necessary forms with required signatures must be completed and turned in
prior to event.
17.) All radios, televisions, stereo equipment and any other appliances or items that generate noise or sound
shall be turned down to a level that does not annoy or interfere with the quiet enjoyment of other
residents. The use of percussive, electronically amplified and non-electronically amplified instruments
are prohibited. Residents are asked to respect Residential Quiet Hours. Quiet Hours are from 11 p.m.
until 10 a.m.
Violation of any of the above stated regulations, except as to those specifically stated will result in a resident(s)
being issued a fine of no more than $150 and referral to the Office of Student Life for official conduct review
and sanction.
The illegal manufacture, sale, possession, or use of narcotics, hypnotics, stimulants,
hallucinogens, or other similar known controlled substances or habit-forming drugs and/or
chemicals is prohibited. This includes Drug paraphernalia (i.e. Grinders, Bongs, Hookahs, Papers,
Pipes, etc.)
a. Residents and guests must follow state and federal laws and university policy that
prohibit the possession, use, distribution or sale of marijuana, illegal narcotic drugs, or
illegal substances.
b. It is prohibited for any guest/visitor to be in a room where marijuana, illegal narcotic
drugs, or illegal substances are present or are being used.
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Fire Safety
Fire warning devices and safety equipment are to be used only in case of emergency. A violation of any
policy listed below may result in judicial action and/or immediate termination of your Housing Contract.
c. Fire Alarms
Each student present on a floor where a fire alarm sounds must immediately leave the
building. Once outside the building, persons may not enter a building while the alarm is
sounding anywhere in the building. The building may be entered only after instructions
are given by the appropriate official.
d. Fire Safety Devices
Fire alarms and fire extinguishers are located on every floor in every building.
Familiarize yourself with their locations.
e. Fire Precautions
Precautions must be taken against fire, and smoking is prohibited in all On-Campus
f. Candles and Open Flames
The use of candle and incense is strictly prohibited. Students are encouraged to purchase
plug-ins and aerosol sprays for fragrance of their rooms. Candle warmers are allowed.
g. Obstructions in Room
No items inside a student room or apartment shall obstruct the doorway or impede exiting
or entering the room. This includes furniture, curtains, hanging beads, clutter on the floor,
wires or any other object that could impede entry or exit. Additionally, a clear view from
the doorway into the room or apartment is required. Therefore, no items shall block the
view into the room (e.g., curtains, furniture, linen, sheets, paper, etc.).
h. Wires on Floor
Wires shall not be placed in an area where they can be stepped upon. Wires must never
be taped to the floor/carpet. This includes wires from power cords, speaker wires, cable
TV coaxial, phone wires, etc. If wires are in a foot traffic area, they must be in a cord
cover that is Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved. Residents need to assure that wires
are not located where they can be worn or damaged. Note: Students should take caution
when running wires along the walls, around doorframes, and behind furniture. Make sure
that the wires are not pressed against any furniture that may move and cause damage.
Any damaged wires must be discarded. Also, wires may not be attached to or hung from
the ceiling.
i. Barbeque Grills
The fire code prohibits storage or use of barbecue grills in or on any building, walkway,
stairway or balcony. Grills found will be disposed of by Management and the resident
will be fined.
j. Persons whose actions cause a fire alarm to sound, interfere with a fire alarm system or
with fire fighters, tamper with, inappropriately use or remove fire extinguishers or other
fire safety devices, including sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, exit signs, call boxes,
and room alarms are subject to judicial action and removal from University Housing.
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Behavior that activates the fire/safety system will be considered a major safety policy
Furnishings and Appliances in Student Rooms
a. All rooms are furnished with single twin or XL twin beds, closet, desks, and chairs. All of
the residence halls have tile on floors and blinds on windows in each room. Residents
will be responsible for returning furniture to its original position prior to check out. No
furniture may leave the premises at any time. No storage for student belongings is
available. No university furniture can be removed from the student room.
b. You will need to provide your own linens, pillow, desk lamp, wastebasket, microwave,
mini fridge (or approved micro-fridge combination).
c. Individual air conditioning units are not permitted. All heating and cooling is controlled
centrally within the building.
d. The only electrical cooking appliance that is allowed in student rooms is a university
approved MicroFridge. The possession of other electrical cooking appliances is
prohibited in student rooms. Any student who uses an illegal appliance will be required to
remove it from the building. Continued violations will result in judicial action.
e. Extension cords are prohibited for use in University Housing for any purpose. All
electrical appliances must either be plugged directly into the wall outlet or plugged into
an Underwriter Laboratory (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM) listed power strip that contains
a circuit breaker or a replaceable fuse. Electrical items with frayed electrical cords or
damaged plugs should be either repaired or discarded. For appliances with 3-pronged
plugs, the third grounding prong should never be removed and must be plugged in
appropriately. Electrical cords/power strip cords should never be run under mattresses,
rugs, carpeting or other potentially combustible materials (See Fire Safety, Section 10g).
f. The misuse of or failure to properly attend any electrical appliance (e.g., iron, hair dryer,
etc.) is prohibited. This includes items with frayed wires or ground plugs that have been
g. All radios, televisions, stereo equipment and any other appliances or items that generate
noise or sound shall be turned down to a level that does not annoy or interfere with the
quiet enjoyment of other residents. The use of percussive, electronically amplified and
non-electronically amplified instruments are prohibited. Residents are asked to respect
Residential Quiet Hours. Quiet Hours are from 11 p.m. until 10 a.m.
h. The use of bed risers is permitted in residence halls.
i. Lounge furniture that is provided for the general use of all students in the common area
or lounge area is not to be removed for use in individual rooms. Assigned furniture not
found in the lounge at the end of the semester will be billed to all residents of that
immediate area.
j. Residents should not hang or erect anything on or about the interior or exterior of the
residential facility. The use of tape, adhesive strips, or nails to adhere things to walls or
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on doors is not permitted. Non-compliance may result in resident(s) being accessed a
charge for painting and repair
Gambling is prohibited in ALL Residential Areas. Any resident caught gambling will be subject to
University judicial action.
Guest/Visitor and Escort Policies
Overnight guest are not allowed. Written permission from the Office of Residence Life and
Housing must be granted. Strict adherence to the posted Visitation Hours is a must. Residents
found allowing students and/or guest to “bunk” or “steal sleep” will be subject to eviction and
loss of University Housing privileges. All Guests and Residents are required to check in at the
Front Desk/Office with a valid State Identification Card.
a. Only those students who have been officially assigned, who have paid housing fees, and
have a signed housing contract on file, may reside in On-Campus Housing. The use of the
assigned living space by persons other than those officially assigned to the space is
prohibited. Each resident contracts equally for a room and adjoining living space and is
entitled to privacy as well as the right to sleep and study in his/her room. The person
entertaining guests is expected to go elsewhere, not the roommate.
b. Guests are not a right but solely a privilege granted by the roommate(s).
c. Residents wishing to host guests must first acquire permission in advance from their
roommate(s). The resident hosting guest(s) is expected to go elsewhere when the
roommate(s) has not granted permission. There can be no signs of cohabitation that
include repeated stays by guests which might include keeping belongings in the room.
d. Any person who wishes to enter a building in which they do not reside must be a guest of
and accompanied by a resident of that building at all times. Hosts must check-in all
guests. Guests must be escorted at all times by a resident of that building when traveling
inside the building. Guests without a host or who are not escorted will be required to
e. The host that registers a guest is responsible for that guest and for making sure their guest
adheres to all university and housing policies and will be held accountable for their
guest’s behavior. Financial assessments resulting from damages, destruction of property,
or violations of policies by a guest are the responsibility of the host. Hosts are expected to
have their guests leave when directed by university personnel. It is prohibited for a
resident to allow any person who is banned from a building to visit their room or provide
entry into a building.
f. Baby-sitting is prohibited in residential areas. Children age 12 years and under are not
allowed in residential areas
Keys are the property of the University and must be returned when students move out and at
certain recess of classes. Lost or missing keys will result in a Change of Lock with a cost of $50
assessed to the resident.
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Students will receive their room keys at their assigned residence hall upon official check-in.
Residents are prohibited from giving their keys to another person.
a. Take all precautions not to lose your keys. You may not lend your key or access card at
any time.
b. Students who lose or fail to return room keys when required will be charged for the cost
of the keys and a lock core change.
c. Students are responsible for carrying their room key with them when leaving their room.
Students locked out of their rooms will benefit from a first time free policy; additional
occurrences will be at a charge of $25. Habitual lockouts will result in an administrative
assessment of lock change to the resident.
d. It is prohibited for a person to have in his/her possession any residence hall key that was
not issued to him/her by a member of the Residence Life staff. The possession or use of a
key belonging to the Department of Residence Life & Housing, for which you have not
received written staff permission to use, is prohibited. If the unauthorized key was used to
enter any residence hall facility, additional policy violations may also be levied against
the appropriate parties.
e. All room and bathroom keys are the property of Southern University and A&M College.
Maintenance or Repair of Student Room Facilities
Necessary maintenance and repairs to student rooms can be requested using the online work order system.
Go to subr.edu/housing, click on the Housing Maintenance Request link and follow the instructions. You
may also visit the Office of Residence Life & Housing where you can receive assistance in requesting
Quiet Hours
All Areas
Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11 p.m. until 8 a.m.
Friday - Midnight Saturday until 10 a.m.
Note: These are minimum mandatory quiet hours.
Quiet Hours: When quiet hours are in effect, noise shall not penetrate another room, and thus, noise
should not be heard one door away.
Courtesy Hours: (When quiet hours are not in effect) Noise shall not disturb others or controllable
noise shall not be heard three doors away or one floor above or below or outside of the building. An
individual’s right to study or sleep always takes precedence over another individual’s controllable
noise. Noise shall not be heard outside of a building.
In and Around Buildings: During quiet hours, noise in and around buildings should not be loud
enough to be heard inside. This includes porches, entrances, under room windows, etc. Note: Musical
instruments with an amplifier (e.g., guitars, etc.) can only be used with headphones regardless of the
time of day.
Finals Week: During finals week, 24-hour quiet hours will be in effect beginning at 12:01 a.m. on
the day before the first exam and will stay in effect through the last exam. Quiet hours will also be
observed during the Final Exam concentration period designated by the University.
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Renter’s Insurance/Liability
Students are encouraged to obtain personal property insurance. Southern University and A & M College
assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to your personal property.
Students that are pregnant or who become pregnant should provide written medical release from their
doctor or on campus physician approving their residency in a collegiate residential environment. Failure to
do so may result in termination of housing contract.
Residents’ Responsibilities
All students and their guest are responsible for complying with all policies and regulations as set forth by
the Southern University and A & M College and the Department of Residence Life and Housing. Southern
University has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for unacceptable behavior. As a result the infractions listed
below are also not allowed:
a. Pets of any kind are prohibited in all Residential Areas.
b. Residents must clean and maintain their room in a sanitary and safe condition.
c. The possession or keeping of any handguns, firearms, or weapons of any type or any explosive,
inflammable, or any extra hazardous substances, or any article or thing of a dangerous nature are
prohibited. (This includes BB Guns, Air Pistols, Paintball Guns, etc.)
d. All trash and refuse should be removed by residents regularly and placed in the trash dumpsters and
receptacles provided.
e. Hazing by any club, group, organization or individuals is strictly forbidden by State law. Hazing
includes “any act that injures, degrades, disgraces, any fellow student or person.” Pledging activities
are prohibited.
Violation of any of the above stated regulations, except as to those specifically stated will result in a resident(s)
being issued a fine of no more than $150 and referral to the Office of Student Life for official conduct review
and sanction.
Restricted Items
a. Incense
The possession of incense is not permitted in On-Campus Housing.
b. Hazardous Materials
The possession, carrying or use of explosive items, hazardous materials or chemicals,
e.g., bullets, fireworks, firecrackers, etc., is prohibited.
c. Weapons
Students or guests (including those licensed to have a weapon) may not bring any item
categorized as a weapon into On-Campus Housing at any time. Prohibited weapons
include knives with blades greater than three (3) inches in length, archery equipment,
bayonets, firearms (e.g., guns, rifles), swords, all types of martial arts weaponry, paint
ball guns and any device capable of casting a projectile.
Persons participating in programs that involve the need to use any of these items must
find alternative ways of storing them other than bringing them into the residence halls.
d. Pets
Pet fish are allowed in University Housing. They must be kept in tanks smaller than 10
gallons, without electrical equipment. No other pets or experimental animals (living or
dead) are allowed.
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e. Offensive items or language
Offensive items or language shall not be displayed on a door (i.e., room, suite, or
apartment) or be viewable from outside a room, suite, or apartment.
Right of Entry
Occupants of residential areas shall permit Southern University and A & M College, its agents
and employees, including the University Police Department to enter all student residences for any
reason the University deems reasonable. Reasons for entry include, but are not limited to, for the
purpose of maintenance, inspecting the facility, preventing waste of utilities, leaving notices,
stopping excessive noise, enforcing University rules and regulations, and ensuring the safety,
welfare, and comfort of all students and the University. The University reserves the right to
utilize canines for inspections of all living areas and student parking areas in the residential
a. The university shall have the right to enter the student's room to enforce the Code of
Student Conduct and university policies and regulations and to otherwise carry out its
responsibility to maintain discipline and order consistent with its educational mission.
The right of entry shall include the right to inspect the room to protect the health and
safety of students and university employees and/or agents, to maintain order and
discipline and to keep the rooms in good order and repair.
b. In the event the university enters a student's room, it shall make reasonable efforts to
provide the student assigned to the room reasonable notice of entry. Advanced notice
need not be given; however, if the university, in its discretion, believes that such notice
will interfere with its ability to maintain order and discipline, or endanger the health and
safety of students and/or university employees or where immediate entry is deemed
necessary to protect and/or to maintain property, or where immediate entry is otherwise
allowed by law.
c. When a resident initiates maintenance or housekeeping requests, appropriate personnel
are authorized to enter the room to provide service without notice. Written notice will be
given if a custodial staff member has services any room.
d. Entering or allowing other persons to enter a student's assigned room (or apartment)
without permission at the time of entry of a resident of that room (or apartment) is
prohibited. Students living in suites shall not enter or allow others to enter the adjoining
room through the bathroom without permission of a resident of that room. Staff will not
admit a person into a room (or apartment) that is not the resident's.
e. The state fire code requires that doors be closed in most residence halls and apartments.
Tampering with doors or preventing the door from latching is a violation of fire and
safety policy. Propping open suite doors or apartment doors is prohibited.
f. No additional locking device may be placed on any university door (room, bathroom, or
g. At no time shall an individual compromise the security of others by propping open an
exterior residence hall door.
h. Propping open stairwell doors is prohibited.
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You are expected to respond to staff who identify themselves and you are to open your door.
Room/Hall Changes
a. After check-in, there is a two-week waiting period before students can move to another
b. Students may request a room or building change. Residents must first contact either their
Residence Life Hall Director or Residence Life & Housing Staff. He/she will discuss
with the resident the available options and explain the proper procedure.
c. Students shall not move into any room they are not assigned. This includes moving in
belongings. Unapproved moves will result in your having to return to your originally
assigned room.
d. When a space becomes available in a multiple occupancy room, the remaining resident(s)
must keep the empty bed clear, and a proportionate amount of closet and dresser space
empty. A new resident may be assigned at any time to this space.
The University reserves the right to consolidate and/or merge student rooms/units after
assignment and during the course of the contract term. Consolidation and merger of rooms/units
may occur to improve the quality of the student residential experience. Students desiring to have
private room accommodations (residence halls) can request in the Roommate/Special
Accommodations Request Section at the front of this application. Appropriate charges shall
Southern University and A&M College is a smoke-free campus. Therefore, smoking is prohibited in all
on-campus housing.
Solicitation and Advertising
To protect the privacy of residents, commercial activities and door-to-door solicitation or distribution of
materials are prohibited in the buildings or on the grounds of University Housing. Advertising must
follow established University and Residence Life & Housing posting policies. No advertising or posting
may be placed on the outside of buildings, windows, or doors without proper approval. These policies
apply to all individuals and groups except when written permission has been specifically granted by the
Director of Residence Life & Housing or any other approved designee.
Term Breaks, Holiday Close Downs, Etc.
a. Charges for room and board do not include services during official Southern University
and A&M College vacation periods or term breaks.
b. Residence halls will be closed between semesters and during major holidays. Closing and
opening dates will be communicated to students.
c. During breaks and at the end of the fall and spring semesters, all students are required to
vacate the residence halls.
d. At the end of fall and spring semesters, students must follow specific checkout
procedures and return all keys.
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e. On-campus housing is only available to those students who complete the required
Extended Stay Contract for the approved vacation period. Additional fees will be
The room rent charges include all utilities except long distance telephone service. Failure of
utilities will not render the University liable for inconvenience to students or damage to property,
nor reduce room rent, nor relieve students of obligations under this Contract. Utility services may
be reduced or cut off during prolonged vacation periods in the interest of energy conservation or
maintenance. Cable and Internet Services are controlled by the Technology and Network
Services Office (TNS).
Space Use for Meetings
Residence halls are generally not buildings for general public access (see Building Access). Safety and
security of residents is a primary concern. Building lounges, lobbies, and other public areas are primarily
for use by residents of that building. In buildings that have designated meeting spaces (i.e. study rooms)
may only be used for meetings or programs as follows:
b. must be granted in advance for designated spaces by the Hall Director of that building
c. Recognized university clubs or organizations must be sponsored by either Residence Life
& Housing Staff and are limited to meeting time and frequency
d. All university and housing policies must be followed.
e. All persons who are not residents of that building that are attending must go directly to
meeting space and leave at the conclusion of the meeting.
Areas in the building not specifically designated (e.g., lobbies, floor lounges, other public
spaces) cannot be used for impromptu meetings or programs unless proper approval has been
*Note: Since these spaces are primarily for use by residents, the opportunity to reserve them is limited.
The Housing Contract is for the full academic year. Students should review their Application for Housing
& Contract, Section IX.
All students withdrawing from Southern University and A&M College should notify the Department of
Residence Life & Housing immediately. The procedure for withdrawing during the semester follows:
a. A Residence Life staff member will inspect the room and complete checkout
procedures within 24 hours of notification
b. All keys must be turned in to a Hall Director or Resident Assistant.
c. Students must notify the Department of Housing and Residence Life, in writing, to
cancel the Acceptance Agreement
d. 4. Students wishing to cancel their meal plan must notify the Office of Auxiliary
Services Administration in the University Union.
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Note: Moving out of University Housing does not release the student from his/her
Housing Contract. Students are responsible for the terms of the contract. Contact the
Residence Life & Housing for more detailed information.