Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(A) Circuit Court Case-Type Code List. The following case-type code list must be used in
circuit court as provided in Standard of the Michigan Trial Court Records
Management Standards. The bracketed letters are the case-type codes.
(1) Appeals.
(a) Agencies [AA]. All matters from administrative agencies other than the
Michigan Employment Security Commission and the Michigan Secretary of
State. Includes appeal of any county clerk action taken under MCL 28.421 et
(b) Employment Security Commission [AE]. All matters regarding Michigan
Employment Security Commission actions.
(c) Parole Board Decisions [AP]. Appeals in parole board decisions.
(d) Criminal Appeals [AR]. All criminal appeals from a lower court when filed in a
higher court.
(e) Civil Appeals [AV]. All civil appeals from a lower court when filed in a higher
(2) Administrative Review, Superintending Control, Extraordinary Writs.
(a) Habeas Corpus [AH]. All writs of habeas corpus governed by MCR 3.303 and
MCR 3.304 except habeas corpus to obtain custody of a child.
(b) Licensing and Vehicles [AL]. All matters regarding Secretary of State actions.
(c) Superintending Control [AS]. All matters involving superintending control or
supervisory control powers of the court.
(d) Writs [AW]. All actions for mandamus not filed in the Court of Claims and all
quo warranto and other writs.
(3) Criminal.
(a) Extradition/Detainer [AX]. All extradition and detainer matters initiated by
Michigan to other states.
(b) Capital Felonies [FC]. Capital felony cases in which life sentence is possible
and a larger number of peremptory jury challenges is provided.
(c) Noncapital Felonies [FH].
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(d) Juvenile Felonies [FJ]. Juvenile offenses committed by juveniles and waived to
the criminal division of the circuit court under MCR 3.950. Includes life
offenses committed by juveniles in which the prosecuting attorney has
authorized the filing of a criminal complaint and warrant under MCR 6.907
instead of proceeding in the family division of the circuit court.
(4) Civil Damage Suits.
(a) Property Damage, Auto Negligence [ND]. All complaints of property damage,
but not personal injury, involving the use of a motor vehicle.
(b) No-Fault Automobile Insurance [NF]. All claims for first-party personal
protection benefits and first-party property protection benefits under the no-fault
automobile insurance act.
(c) Medical Malpractice [NH]. All claims involving health-care provider
(d) Personal Injury, Auto Negligence [NI]. All complaints of personal injury, or
personal injury and property damage, involving the use of a motor vehicle.
(e) Other Professional Malpractice [NM]. All claims involving professional
malpractice other than health-care provider malpractice.
(f) Other Personal Injury [NO]. All other claims involving liability for personal
injury not otherwise coded.
(g) Products Liability [NP]. All claims involving products liability.
(h) Liquor Control [NS]. All claims involving liability under the liquor control
(i) Other Damage Suits [NZ]. All other claims for damages.
(5) Other Civil Matters.
(a) Business Claims [CB]. All claims in which all or part of the action includes a
business or commercial dispute under MCL 600.8035.
(b) Condemnation [CC]. All condemnation proceedings.
(c) Employment Discrimination [CD]. All complaints of employment
(d) Environment [CE]. All environmental matters such as zoning, pollution, etc.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(e) Forfeiture Claims [CF]. All claims of interest in property seized under the
Controlled Substance that may be subject to forfeiture.
(f) Housing and Real Estate [CH]. All housing, real estate, foreclosure, land
contracts, and other property proceedings (except landlord-tenant and land
contract summary proceedings).
(g) Contracts [CK]. All proceedings involving contractual obligations not
otherwise coded.
(h) Labor Relations [CL]. All labor-management matters except employment
(i) Antitrust, Franchising, and Trade Regulation [CP]. All complaints regarding
unlawful trade practices including but not limited to pricing and advertising of
consumer items, regulation of watercraft, restraint of trade and monopolies,
Consumer Protection Act, Farm and Utility Equipment Franchise Act, franchise
investment law, motor vehicle dealer agreements, and the Motor Fuel
Distribution Act.
(j) Corporate Receivership [CR]. All corporate receivership proceedings.
(k) General Civil [CZ]. All other civil actions not otherwise coded.
(l) Proceedings to Restore, Establish, or Correct Records [PC]. All proceedings to
restore, establish, or correct records that are assigned a new case number (not
brought under an existing case).
(m) Claim and Delivery [PD]. All complaints to recover personal property that are
assigned a new case number (not brought under an existing case).
(n) Receivers in Supplemental Proceedings [PR]. All proceedings appointing a
receiver that are assigned a new case number (not brought under an existing
(o) Supplemental Proceedings [PS]. All supplemental proceedings that are
assigned a new case number (not brought under an existing case).
(p) Miscellaneous Proceedings [PZ]. All other matters assigned a new case number
(not brought under an existing case), including the following matters: grand jury
and multicounty grand jury, and applications for restoration of firearms rights
under MCL 28.424.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(6) Family Division - Domestic Relations.
(a) Custody [DC]. All habeas corpus to obtain custody of a child; order to show
cause for custody of a child; other custody, or custody and support proceedings
when no divorce action has been filed; or actions under the Uniform Child
Custody Jurisdiction Enforcement Act. Also used for intrastate transfers of
postjudgment custody or custody and support proceedings where no divorce
action has been filed.
(b) Divorce, Minor Children [DM]. All complaints for divorce, separate
maintenance, or annulment when minor children are involved. Also used for
intrastate transfers of postjudgment divorce; divorce and custody; or divorce,
custody, and support complaints when minor children are involved.
(c) Divorce, No Children [DO]. All complaints for divorce, separate maintenance,
or annulment when no minor children are involved. Also used for intrastate
transfers of postjudgment divorce complaints when no minor children are
(d) Paternity [DP]. All questions of paternity; paternity and custody; or paternity,
custody, and support. Also used for intrastate transfers of postjudgment
paternity; paternity and custody; or paternity, custody, and support complaints.
(e) Other Support [DS]. All child support or child support and custody matters
under the Family Support Act, and expedited support actions under the
Summary Support and Paternity Act. Also used for intrastate transfers of
postjudgment child support matters under those Acts.
(f) Other Domestic Relations Matters [DZ]. All other prejudgment matters
involving domestic relations proceedings not otherwise coded. Also used for
intrastate transfers of other postjudgment matters involving domestic relations
proceedings not otherwise coded.
(g) Assist with Discovery [UD]. All proceedings to assist with discovery or to
compel a response to a discovery order issued by another state’s tribunal.
(h) UIFSA Establishment [UE]. All support and paternity establishment
proceedings incoming from another state.
(i) UIFSA Filing [UF]. All outgoing requests to another state or country initiating
enforcement, modification, income withholding, or redirection of support orders
not issued in this state.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(j) UIFSA Initiation [UI]. All support and paternity establishment proceedings
outgoing to another state.
(k) UIFSA Registration of Orders for Modification [UM]. All incoming
registrations of another state’s orders for the specific purpose of modification.
(l) UIFSA Registration of Orders for Enforcement [UN]. All incoming
registrations of another state’s orders for the specific purpose of enforcement.
(7) Family Division - Proceedings under Juvenile Code.
(a) Designated Juvenile Offenses [DJ]. All juvenile offenses designated by the
prosecutor or court to be heard in the family division of circuit court in the same
manner as an adult criminal case is heard in the criminal division of the circuit
(b) Delinquency Proceedings [DL]. All delinquency proceedings initiated by
petition under the juvenile code or initiated by Uniform Law Citation for
various minor offenses not in the Motor Vehicle Code.
(c) Juvenile Guardianship [JG]. All juvenile guardianships created by order under
the juvenile code, MCL 712A.19a and MCL 712A.19c
(d) Child Protective Proceedings [NA]. All child protective proceedings initiated
by petition under the juvenile code.
(e) Personal Protection Actions Brought Under the Juvenile Code [PJ]. All
petitions seeking a personal protection order against a respondent under the age
of 18. Includes proceedings conducted for violation of personal protection
orders issued under the juvenile code when heard by a county other than the
county that issued the personal protection order.
(f) Traffic and Local Ordinance [TL]. All traffic and local ordinance issued on a
Uniform Law Citation under the Motor Vehicle Code or local corresponding
(8) Family Division - Proceedings under Adoption Code.
(a) Adult Adoptions [AB]. All adult adoptions.
(b) Agency International Adoptions [AC]. All foreign children adoptions.
(c) Direct Placement Adoptions [AD]. All direct placement adoptions including
temporary placements prior to filing of petition for direct placement.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(d) Relative Adoptions [AF]. All adoptions by relatives including relative
guardians, but not including stepparent adoptions.
(e) Safe Delivery of Newborn Adoptions [AG]. All adoptions resulting from safe
delivery of newborn proceedings.
(f) Permanent Ward Adoptions (state ward or court ward) [AM]. All state or court
ward adoptions resulting from child protective proceedings.
(g) Nonrelative Adoptions [AN]. All adoptions by guardians who are not relatives.
(h) Agency Other Adoptions [AO]. All other private or public agency adoptions
not otherwise designated.
(i) Adoption Miscellaneous [AU]. Releases for adoption (including those executed
out-of-court), ex parte petitions to issue notice of intent to release for adoption,
and notices of intent to claim paternity.
(j) Stepparent Adoptions [AY]. All adoptions by stepparents.
(9) Family Division - Miscellaneous Proceedings.
(9) Family Division - Miscellaneous Proceedings.
(a) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Ex Parte, Minor Respondent [EE]. All
extreme risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where
respondent is under the age of 18 and an ex parte order is requested at case
(b) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Non Ex Parte, Minor Respondent [EJ]. All
extreme risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where
respondent is under the age of 18 and an ex parte order is not requested at case
(c) Emancipation of Minor [EM]. All emancipation proceedings initiated under the
Status of Minors and Emancipation Act.
(d) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Ex Parte, Adult Respondent [EP]. All extreme
risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where respondent is
over the age of 18 and an ex parte order is requested at case initiation.
(e) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Non Ex Parte, Adult Respondent [ER]. All
extreme risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where
respondent is over the age of 18 and an ex parte order is not requested at case
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(f) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Emergency Request, Adult Respondent [EV].
All extreme risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where
respondent is over the age of 18 and an immediate emergency order is requested
by a law enforcement officer pursuant to MCL 691.1807(4).
(g) Extreme Risk Protection Orders, Emergency Request, Minor Respondent [EZ].
All extreme risk protection order proceedings under MCL 691.1805 where
respondent is under the age of 18 and an immediate emergency order is
requested by a law enforcement officer pursuant to MCL 691.1807(4).
(h) Infectious Disease [ID]. All proceedings under the public health code for
treatment of infectious disease or testing for infectious disease.
(i) Safe Delivery of Newborn Child [NB]. All proceedings involving a newborn
child surrendered under MCL 712.1 et seq.
(j) Name Change [NC]. All name change proceedings.
(k) Personal Protection Against Stalking [PH]. All personal protection proceedings
under MCL 600.2950a when there is no domestic relationship between the
parties and the respondent is not under the age of 18.
(l) Personal Protection in Domestic Relationships [PP]. All personal protection
proceedings under MCL 600.2950 and/or MCL 600.2950a when there is a
domestic relationship between the parties and the respondent is not under the
age of 18.
(m) Waiver of Parental Consent to Obtain Abortion [PW]. All waiver of parental
consent proceedings under the Parental Rights Restoration Act.
(n) Young Adult Voluntary Foster Care Act [VF]. All petitions filed under MCL
(o) Violation Proceedings on Out-of-County Personal Protection Order - Revised
Judicature Act [VP]. All proceedings conducted for violation of personal
protection orders issued under MCL 600.2950 or MCL 600.2950a when heard
by a county other than the county that issued the personal protection order. This
case is filed as “In the Matter of.”
(10) Family Division - Ancillary Proceedings. Use case-type codes listed in (C) for
matters filed in the probate court that may alternatively be filed in the family division
of circuit court as an ancillary proceeding.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(11) Court of Claims.
(a) Habeas Corpus [MA]. All writs of habeas corpus not governed by MCR 3.303
and MCR 3.304.
(b) Mandamus [MB]. All actions for mandamus against state officials and
(c) Highway Defect [MD]. All claims involving highway defects.
(d) Medical Malpractice [MH]. All claims involving health-care provider
(e) Contracts [MK]. All other proceedings involving contractual obligations not
otherwise coded.
(f) Constitutional Claims [MM]. All claims for money damages brought under the
Michigan Constitution.
(g) Prisoner Litigation [MP]. All claims for money damages against the State of
Michigan filed by state prisoners.
(h) Tax-Related Suits [MT]. All claims involving liability for state taxes.
(i) Other Damage Suits [MZ]. All other claims not otherwise coded.
(B) District Court Case-Type Code List. The following case-type code list must be used in
district court as provided in Standard of the Michigan Trial Court Records
Management Standards. The bracketed letters are the case-type codes.
(1) Criminal.
(a) Extradition/Detainer [EX]. All extradition and detainer matters initiated by
Michigan to other states.
(b) Felony Criminal [FY]. All felony nontraffic cases. Includes life offenses
committed by juveniles in which the prosecuting attorney has authorized the
filing of a criminal complaint and warrant under MCR 6.907 instead of
proceeding in the family division of the circuit court, and specified offenses
committed by juveniles and waived to the criminal division of the circuit court
under MCR 3.950.
(c) Ordinance Misdemeanor Criminal [OM]. All nontraffic misdemeanor offenses
issued under ordinance.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(d) Statute Misdemeanor Criminal [SM]. All nontraffic misdemeanor offenses
issued under statute.
(2) Traffic.
(a) Felony Drunk Driving [FD]. All felony drunk-driving cases.
(b) Felony Traffic [FT]. All felony traffic cases except drunk driving.
(c) Ordinance Misdemeanor Drunk Driving [OD]. All drunk-driving misdemeanor
offenses issued under ordinance.
(d) Ordinance Civil Infraction Traffic [OI]. All traffic civil infraction offenses
issued under ordinance.
(e) Ordinance Misdemeanor Traffic [OT]. All traffic misdemeanor offenses issued
under ordinance except drunk driving.
(f) Statute Misdemeanor Drunk Driving [SD]. All drunk-driving misdemeanor
offenses issued under statute.
(g) Statute Civil Infraction Traffic [SI]. All traffic civil infraction offenses issued
under statute.
(h) Statute Misdemeanor Traffic [ST]. All traffic misdemeanor offenses issued
under statute except drunk driving.
(3) Nontraffic Civil Infraction and Parking.
(a) Ordinance Parking [OK]. All parking offenses issued under ordinance.
(b) Ordinance Civil Infraction Nontraffic [ON]. All nontraffic civil infraction
offenses issued under ordinance.
(c) Statute Parking [SK]. All parking offenses issued under statute.
(d) Statute Civil Infraction Nontraffic [SN]. All nontraffic civil infraction offenses
issued under statute.
(4) Civil Damage Suits.
(a) General Civil [GC]. All civil cases for money damages except small claims,
landlord-tenant, and land contract.
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(b) Miscellaneous Civil [GZ]. All nonmonetary claims including coroner’s
inquests, claim and delivery without money judgment, drug forfeitures, other
summary proceedings not relating to landlord-tenant and land contract, and
proceedings under the public health code for testing for infectious disease.
(c) Small Claims [SC]. All civil claims for the recovery of money that does not
exceed the jurisdictional limit in MCL 600.8401.
(5) Housing and Real Estate Suits.
(a) Landlord-Tenant Summary Proceedings [LT].
(b) Land Contract Summary Proceedings [SP].
(C) Probate Court Case-Type Code List. The following case-type code list must be used in
probate court as provided in Standard of the Michigan Trial Court Records
Management Standards. The bracketed letters are the case-type codes.
(1) Estates, Trusts, Wills.
(a) Decedent Estates, Supervised Administration [DA]. All matters involving
decedent estates in which administration is supervised.
(b) Decedent Estates, Unsupervised Administration and Nonadministered Estates
[DE]. All matters involving decedent estates in which either administration is
unsupervised or the estate is not administered.
(c) Determination of Heirs (separate proceeding) [DH]. All matters to determine
heirs as a separate proceeding.
(d) Small Estates [PE]. All assignments of estates where gross estate assets do not
exceed $15,000 (as adjusted for inflation).
(e) Trust Registration [TR]. All requests to register trusts.
(f) Trust, Testamentary [TT]. All trusts that take effect on the death of the settlor.
(g) Trust Inter Vivos [TV]. All trusts which are operative during the lifetime of the
(2) Guardianships and Conservatorships.
These case types may also be filed in the family division of circuit court as an
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
ancillary proceeding.
(a) Adult Conservatorship [CA]. All matters involving conservatorship of adults.
(b) Minor Conservatorship [CY]. All matters involving conservatorship of minors.
(c) Developmental Disability Guardianship [DD]. All matters involving
guardianship of individuals with developmental disability, both adults and
(d) Adult Guardianship [GA]. All matters involving full guardianship of
incapacitated individuals.
(e) Limited Guardianship of Adult [GL]. All matters involving limited
guardianship of incapacitated individuals.
(f) Minor Guardianship [GM]. All matters involving full guardianship of minors.
(g) Limited Guardianship of Minor [LG]. All matters involving limited
guardianship of minors.
(h) Protective Orders [PO]. All protective orders requested under the estates and
protected individuals code except when filed in conjunction with a petition for
conservatorship. All petitions filed under MCL 333.5682 regarding POST forms
except when filed in conjunction with a petition for guardianship.
(3) Mental Illness Proceedings and Judicial Admission.
These case types may also be filed in the family division of circuit court as an
ancillary proceeding.
(a) Judicial Admission [JA]. All matters involving judicial admission of
individuals with developmental disability.
(b) Mental Illness Proceedings [MI]. All mental illness and substance use disorder
proceedings brought under the mental health code.
(4) Civil and Miscellaneous Proceedings.
(a) Delayed Registration of Birth [BR]. All petitions and orders on denial of
application for delayed registration of birth pursuant to MCL 333.2828 and
petitions and orders for delayed registration of foreign birth pursuant to MCL
Michigan Supreme Court,
State Court Administrative Office
Michigan Trial Court Records Management Standards Case Type Codes (MCR 8.117) (rev. 1/24)
(b) Civil [CZ]. All civil matters commenced under MCR 5.101(C).
(c) Miscellaneous Matters [ML]. All other matters filed with the probate court for
judicial or administrative action including but not limited to: appeal of land
owner on an assessment made by the county road commissioner or state
highway commissioner under Chapter 247; appeal of a determination made by
the department of treasury under the Michigan Estate Tax Act; appeal by an
adoptee, the adoptee’s guardian, or the adoptive parent or parents of a
determination made by the department of health and human services under the
Social Welfare Act; appeal of a determination made by the drain commission
under the Drain Code of 1956; appeal of a redetermination of ability to pay for
mental health services made under the mental health code; condemnation
proceedings; death by accident or disaster; filing of letters by foreign personal
representative; kidney transplants; lost instruments; opening of safe deposit box;
support of poor persons; and uniform transfers/gifts to minors acts.