Science Program Around Communications Engineering
with High Achieving Undergraduate Cadres
Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology (LoCSST)
Dat Le, Program Manager - [email protected]
News Flash! Less than 2 weeks ago, the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA) selected SPACE HAUC for
Undergraduate Student Instrument Project (USIP) funding!
The preliminary conceptual design of the satellite shall continue into
Summer 2016 and beyond. As the design is reviewed and improved
upon, SPACE HAUC shall transition into the test and development
phase where the team shall begin validating the design and
constructing the physical satellite.
The Lowell Center for Space Science and
Technology (LoCSST) provides a home for
space science and technology research
activities on the UMass Lowell campus. Our
goal is to involve industry partners in
curriculum, research, projects and
proposals/business development while
training the next generation of space
scientists, technologists, teachers, business
leaders, and policy makers.
First conceptual rendering of the SPACE HAUC 3U CubeSat solar panels are depicted in the
deployed position with a high-resolution camera taking images of the sun
SPACE HAUC will demonstrate the practicality of high data rate X-
band communications using a phased array of patch antennas to
achieve dynamic beam steering on a CubeSat platform. This
allows for the satellite to maximize gain and by extension achieve
a very high data rate. SPACE HAUC plans to launch a 3U CubeSat
(10 cm x 10 cm x 30 cm, 4 kg).
SPACE HAUC is a multidisciplinary astronautical engineering
research and development project that aims to launch UMass
Lowell’s first satellite: a CubeSat.
A CubeSat is a miniaturized satellite used for conducting space
research. A 1U CubeSat is a 10 cm cube weighing no more than
1.33 kg. The use of CubeSats as an educational tool at the
University level has grown exponentially over the past few years
due to their small size, low cost, and short development time.
Many CubeSats settle for simple dipole antennas communicating
in the S-band. While easy to implement, these simplistic satellite
communications arrays limit the maximum data transfer to no
more than 2 5 Mbps. For future CubeSat applications
(formations of satellites, interplanetary missions), the
communications system must be more advanced.
In one example of a low-inclination (28°) orbit analysis, our team can analyze the amount of incident
radiation on surfaces of interest during the detumble stage when the spacecraft is spinning wildly. These
results will help inform our placement and sizing of required solar panels
Selection of low-outgassing materials
Strict mass, power, and link budgets with margins
Survive induced stress and shock/vibration due to launch vehicle
Minimum power required by magnetorquers and on-board
computer during tumbling period
Protection against harsh thermal radiation environment
Ensure radiation tolerance to long-term dosage and single-event
upsets (SEU)
Patch antenna and phase shifter integrated PCB
Telemetry of mission data to be sent back to Earth via X-band
Distribution of power to all subsystems collectively requiring 15 W
… and many more!
Our approach to overcoming these challenges begins with extensive
review of published literature and existing CubeSat documentation.
Then design solutions are generated by the team to be explored,
characterized, and applied to the challenges specific to SPACE HAUC.
Through an iterative process, the final design is chosen and testing
and validation begins. As our models are verified, the satellite shall
take form and in time be ready for launch.
SPACE HAUC Organizational Chart; SPACE HAUC currently has 50+ students involved
in the ongoing design and development of the CubeSat
Thank you to NASA and the MASGC for funding our project.
Thank you to Professor John Palma (EE) and Professor Christopher Hansen (ME) for
their advisement and supervision in all matters related to Capstone projects.
Thank you to BAE Systems and Draper Laboratory for supporting our project from the
beginning by offering facilities and the guidance of your experienced staff.
Thank you Raytheon, the Raytheon UMass Lowell Research Institute (RURI), and to Mr.
Tom Sikina for your collective expertise and guidance regarding telemetry and
And a big thank you to Professor Supriya Chakrabarti and Professor Tim Cook of the
Lowell Center for Space Science and Technology (LoCSST) for creating this project and
allowing for UMass Lowell students to become involved in space research and
Frequency Range: 8.0 to 8.4 GHz
Polarization: Circular
Number of elements: 16 (4 x 4)
Array size: Square, within area of 8.1 cm x 8.1 cm
Beam width: 27°(approximation)
Range: 450 km, consistent with low-Earth orbit (LEO)
Data Rate: Goal of 50 100 Mbps
Visualization of the antenna lobe containing maximum power created in MATLAB
by the beam steering team (left) and a schematic detailing the main direction of
the wavefront after phase shifting (right)
Beam steering will be achieved with a combination of patch
antennas and phase shifters. The phase shifters act as a means to
delay the delivery of voltage to each element, such that the
output radiation pattern of each antenna element constructively
and destructively interferes. As a result, the main lobe, which
contains the maximum power, is dynamically steered toward the
ground station below. When the CubeSat’s camera and
deployable solar panels are nominally pointed towards the sun,
the current plan is to mount the antennas on the opposite
satellite face.