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Vacation Rental Activity
Permit Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ)
What is a Vacation Rental Activity
The Activity Permit is a ministerial permit,
issued by the Planning Director. It is a three
(3) year permit, to expire on December 31
of the third year of the permit. For example,
if your Activity Permit was issued on July 1,
2024, it would expire on December 31,
What do I need to do before I
submit my application?
There are several agencies you will need to
contact to request an inspection of the
property. This information can be found
within the Application. These inspections
must be completed and documents
verifying compliance must be included
with your application in order for it to be
considered a complete application.
Additionally, you will need to provide
copies of the current Deed, Site Map and
other documents as specied in the
application form.
What are the Fees to Process this
Use Permit $525
Environmental Health $200
Building Inspection Fee $94
Total estimated fees to process a Vacation
Rental Activity Permit are $819. However, if
your application receives 50 percent or
more protest letters, as described in
Section 10-6.6106 (See Appendix 2), it will
become a discretionary permit that must
be reviewed and approved by the Planning
Commission. If your application must be
submitted to the Planning Commission for
approval additional fees may apply.
What happens if my application is
deemed incomplete?
Planning sta will notify you by email if your
application is incomplete. A list of required
items will be provided in that notice. If your
application is not determined to be
complete and ready to be processed within
six months of the incomplete notice, the
application will be deemed expired.
If the required items are provided to the
Planning Department prior to the expiration
date, your application will be processed
When will I get my permit?
Once your application package is deemed
complete, notice of your proposed permit
will be mailed to property owners within
300 feet of the proposed Vacation Rental.
These owners will have 30 days from the
date of the notice to submit letters of
opposition to the issuance of the permit.
If less than 50 percent of the property
owners submit letters of opposition, your
application will be submitted for review
and approval to the Planning Director.
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Estimated Timeline
30-day review for Application
Completeness by the Planning
30-day comment period for
neighboring property owners.
30-day nal processing by Planning
If more than 50 percent of the property
owners submit letters of opposition, you
application will be reviewed to verify it
meets all requirements of the Siskiyou
County Vacation Rental Ordinance and you
will be notied that your project will be
scheduled for Public Hearing before the
Planning Commission.
Estimated Timeline
30-day review for Application
Completeness by the Planning
30-day comment period for
neighboring property owners.
30 to 60-day preparation and
scheduling for Planning
10 to 30-day appeal period after
Planning Commission decision.
Please note that the Planning Commission
meets only once per month. Your project
will be added to the rst Commission
Meeting Agenda in which the required
Public Hearing Noticing requirements can
be met.
To arrange for an environmental health or
building department sign-o or if you have
additional questions regarding your
application, please visit Siskiyou County
Planning or call (530) 841-2100.
If you have questions regarding building
requirements & regulations, please visit
Siskiyou County Building or call
(530) 841-2100.
If you have questions regarding EH
requirements & regulations, please visit
Siskiyou County Environmental Health or call
(530) 841-2100.
To arrange for a CAL FIRE 4290/4291
inspection, please visit CalFire website
or call (530) 842-3516.
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Vacation Rental Activity
Permit Application
Application Number
Date Submitted
(For Sta Use Only)
Estimated Total Fees: $819
Use Permit $525
Environmental Health $200
Building Inspection Fee $94
General Information
APN Number
Property Address Location
Existing Use of Property
Description of Property
Building Type
Single-Family Home Yes ____ No ____
Two-Family Home Yes ____ No ____
Other _________________________________
Is there an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
on the property? Yes ____ No ____
# of Bedrooms ____ # of Bathrooms ____
House Square Footage ______________
Advertised Occupancy ____
O-Street Parking Spaces ____
Garage Type
Attached ____ Detached ____
None ____
Applicant Name (Print)
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Homeowner Association Information
(If Applicable)
Name of HOA
Contact Person
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
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Property Management Company
Name of Business
Contact Person
Mailing Address
24-Hour Telephone
Email Address
Property Owner #1
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Property Owner #2
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Property Owner #3
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Property Owner #4
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Initial Each Statement
Compliance with ARTICLE 61 is the
responsibility of the applicant, who shall
certify in writing, under penalty of perjury,
the rental unit's conformance to such
standards. Applicant, please initial the
following statements confirming that:
____ This Application complies with all the
requirements of ARTICLE 61 of the Siskiyou
County Code.
____ The property does not have any
current building or zoning violations.
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____ The property is not prohibited by a
restrictive covenant from being used as a
vacation rental.
____ There is no other vacation rental
activity occurring on the property.
____ The applicant has paid all fees in full
and is not delinquent in payment of County
Statement of Compliance
I, as Applicant, represent that I have
obtained authorization from the property
owner to file this application.
I agree to be bound by the conditions of
approval, subject only to the right to object
at the hearing(s) on the application or
during the appeal period.
If this application has not been signed by
the property owner, I have attached
separate documentation of full legal
capacity to file the application. I certify that
the information and exhibits submitted are
true and correct.
I, as Applicant, Certify, under penalty of
perjury, that the property subject to this
vacation rental application conforms with
the requirements and standards set forth in
ARTICLE 61 of the Siskiyou County Code, a
copy of which is attached as Appendix 2.
Applicant Signature
All Property Owners shall sign the
application, or documentation shall be
submitted specifically authorizing a
designated person to sign the application
on behalf of the property owner. For
individuals acting on behalf of another
individual, a Power of Attorney will be
Corporations are required to submit a
Resolution, Bylaws or Operating
Agreement designating two (2) persons
who are authorized to sign on behalf of the
corporation and execute contracts.
Limited Liability Companies, Limited
Liability Partnerships, and all other types of
business entities are required to submit a
Resolution, Bylaws, or Operating
Agreement designating one (1) or more
authorized persons to act on behalf of such
business entity and execute contracts.
In signing this application, I as Property
Owner, have full legal capacity to, and
hereby do, authorize the filing of this
application. I understand that conditions of
approval are binding and agree to be bound
by those conditions, subject only to the
right to object at the hearings or during the
appeal period.
I hereby understand and certify that any
misrepresentation or omissions of any
information required in this application
form may result in my application being
delayed or not approved by the County.
That the facts, statements, and information
presented within this application form are
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true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. That I have read and
fully understand all the information
required in this application form.
I agree and hereby grant authorization to
enter said property to the County for the
limited purpose of examining the property
with respect to the proposed project/land
use. This authorization is valid from the
date of this application until the date of
project determination or withdrawal.
I further agree to diligently process and
complete all requirements necessary for
said application to be considered
complete and ready for processing, and I
hereby do agree that failure to do so in
accordance with County Code constitutes
an abandonment of said application and
my desire to withdraw said application.
Property Owner #1 Signature
Property Owner #2 Signature
Property Owner #3 Signature
Property Owner #4 Signature
Agreement to Hold Harmless
The undersigned Applicant and Property
Owners agree they shall defend, indemnify
and hold harmless the County of Siskiyou,
its agents, consultants, oicers, and
employees from any claim, action, or
proceeding (collectively, Action”) against
the County of Siskiyou, its agents,
consultants, oicers, and employees to
attack, set aside, void, or annul any
approvals, or any part thereof, or any
decision, determination or action, made or
taken approving, supplementing, or
sustaining the approvals sought or made in
connection with this application (the
“Project”) or any part of the Project thereof,
or any related approvals or Project
conditions imposed by the County of
Siskiyou or any of its agencies,
departments, commissions, agents,
consultants, oicers, and employees,
concerning the Project, or to impose
personal liability against such agents,
consultants, oicers and employees
resulting from their non-negligent
involvement in the Project, which Action is
brought within the time period provided by
law, including any claim for attorney fees
claimed by or awarded to any party from
the County of Siskiyou.
(Continued on Next Page)
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Hold Harmless Policy
I have read the above statement and agree
to the terms of the Hold Harmless Policy.
Applicant Signature
Hold Harmless Policy
I have read the above statement and agree
to the terms of the Hold Harmless Policy.
Property Owner #1 Signature
Property Owner #2 Signature
Property Owner #3 Signature
Property Owner #4 Signature
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#1What Type of Building Is It?
____ Single-Family Home
____ Two-Family Home ____ Other
The vacation rental must be for the full entire
single-family or two-family home. It cannot be
an accessory dwelling unit (ADU), a shipping
container, an outdoor area ((including tipis
(teepees), yurts, and treehouses), a van or
recreational vehicle, or any other structure that
is unpermitted for human habitation.
#2 Where is the Property Located?
____ Region 1 - McCloud Area.
____ Region 2 - South County:
Dunsmuir, Mount Shasta, Weed, Lake
____ Region 3 - North County: Yreka,
Happy Camp, Seiad Valley, Klamath
River, North Yreka, Scott Valley, Butte
#3 What is the Size of the Property?
Properties located in Region 1 or 2 must be
at least 2.5 acres in size.
____ 2.5 acres or larger
____ Less than 2.5 acres in size
#4 Does it meet Occupancy
The vacation rental must be able to meet
Uniform Housing Code, State, and local
water & sewer disposal regulations (this
means it must be fit for human habitation
or living). In addition, the maximum
occupancy is limited to two (2) occupants
per bedroom plus two (2) additional
occupants. Maximum occupancy cannot
be more than ten (10) persons.
Yes ____ No ____
#5 Is the Property in one of these
Zoning Districts?
RES-1 Single-Family Residential
RES-2 Limited Multi-Family Residential
RES-3 Mixed Multiple-Family
C-U Neighborhood Commercial
C-C Town Center District
C-H Highway Commercial District
R-R Rural Residential Agricultural
AG-1 Prime Agricultural
AG-2 Non-Prime Agricultural
Yes ____ No ____
#6 Does the Property meet parking
To meet parking requirements, the vacation
rental must have an o-street parking
space plus an additional o-street parking
Page 9 of 19
space for each bedroom. For example, a 2-
bedroom vacation rental must have three
(3) o-street parking spaces.
Yes ____ No ____
#7 Is there a Pool or Spa on the
If you are providing a pool or spa as part of
the vacation rental, these are considered
to be public facilities and must be
periodically inspected by both the Health
Department and the Building Department.
After an inspection you will receive a
compliance document from each
department that can be used as proof of
compliance with this requirement.
Yes ____ No ____
#8 Are Smoke and Carbon
Monoxide Detectors Installed?
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
must be installed upon the property in
accordance with current building codes.
Yes ____ No ____
#9 Are You Planning to Install
If you decide to install a sign to indicate
that the property is a vacation rental, the
following restriction will apply: a vacation
rental may only have one (1) non-
illuminated sign indicating the property is a
vacation rental, not in excess of two (2)
square feet in area. If your sign does not
meet this requirement, then you will need
to apply for a permit for the non-
conforming sign.
Yes ____ No ____
#10 Will You Comply with the Trash
Collection Requirement?
Accumulation of trash and debris outside
of a vacation rental at any time is
prohibited. Weekly trash collection must
be provided for each vacation rental. Each
rental must provide a minimum of one (1)
bear-proof trash receptacle.
Yes ____ No ____
#11 Do you plan to advertise the
vacation rental?
If you intend to advertise your vacation
rental, you must include and reference
your Vacation Rental Activity Permit
Number on any written advertisement for
the vacation rental, including online
Yes ____ No ____
#12 Do you plan to comply with the
Notice Requirements?
Each vacation rental is required to have
prominently displayed or available next to
the front door inside the property, when the
property is being used as a vacation rental,
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all the information listed in Appendix 1 of
this Application.
Yes ____ No ____
#13 Is there a 24-hour Property
The vacation rental must have a duly
licensed management company or
property manager available on a 24-hour
basis to address problems associated with
the property. The management company or
property manager must maintain a
California real estate license and certified
property manager credentials.
Yes ____ No ____
#14 Is a Site Plan included with the
The application must include a site plan for
the property that includes a diagram
showing the dimensions of the vacation
rental structure itself, the dimensions for
each bedroom, and the dimensions and
location of the parking area. The site plan
should include any structures that are part
of the vacation rental such as decks,
detached garages, game room, spa or pool.
Yes ____ No ____
#15 Do you have a CAL FIRE
4290/4291 Sign-O?
Has the applicant provided proof that CAL
FIRE has completed inspections of the
property, and the property is compliant
with the requirements of Public Resources
Code Section 4290 and 4291.
Yes ____ No ____
#16 Do you have a Building
Department Sign-O?
Has the Building Department inspected the
property for suitability as a vacation rental?
The department will issue a compliance
document to the applicant upon
completion of the required inspection.
Yes ____ No ____
#17 Do you have an Environmental
Health Department Sign-O?
Has the Environmental Health Department
inspected the property for suitability as a
vacation rental? The department will issue
a compliance document to the applicant
upon completion of the required
Yes ____ No ____
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Appendix 1 – Required Notices
The Following Notices Must be Posted on the Premises
If you are planning to operate a vacation rental, the following notices must be prominently
isplayed or available inside next to the front door of the property at all times that the
property is being used as a vacation rental and must communicate the following
Rules and Restrictions
The following activities are prohibited and not allowed at any time at this vacation rental:
1. No Guns – Use of firearms is prohibited.
2. No Fireworks – Lighting fireworks is prohibited.
3. No Burning – All outdoor burning is prohibited.
4. No Loud Noise after 10PM – (i.e., music, parties).
5. No Flushing – Please do not flush diapers, feminine napkins, paper towels, or
other similar items down the drain as this may cause damage to the septic
Parking Restrictions
This property has been provided with one o-street parking space, plus an additional o-
street parking space for each bedroom. Please be sure to park in designated parking
Emergency Contact Information
For all Medical or Police Emergencies, Please Call 911.
Environmental Health Dept.
24-Hour Property Manager
24-Hour Plumber
The Following Information Must Also Be Posted
1. Emergency Exits and Emergency Escape Diagram.
2. G
arbage Collection Regulations and Collection Times.
3. Co
mplete Copy of Your Vacation Rental Permit.
Site Diagram showing the water shuto valve location, location of the shuto tools, if any,
a narrative of how to shut o these valves if necessary.
Telephone: (530) 841-2100
Telephone: ___________________________
Telephone: ___________________________
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Appendix 2 – Vacation Ordinance
Siskiyou County Vacation Rental Ordinance
Sec. 10-6.6101. Purpose
The purpose of this Article is to regulate the use of vacation rentals within the
unincorporated areas of the County. The regulations are intended to minimize the potential
adverse secondary eects of vacation rentals on surrounding neighborhoods, to prevent
the increase and over-concentration of transient and commercial uses in residential
neighborhoods and zoning districts, to impose reasonable limitations to ensure the long-
term availability of housing stock in compliance with the general plan, local regulations,
and other policies, and to ensure neighborhood compatibility with the vacation rental use.
Sec. 10-6.6102. Definitions
A. Vacation Rental: means a single or two-family dwelling which is rented for periods of
not more than 29 consecutive days to transient occupants. Where two (2) or more
single or two-family dwellings legally exist on a single parcel, only one dwelling unit
may be considered a short-term rental subject to the provisions of Article 61.
B. Property owner: The person or business who is the property owner of record upon
the County Tax Assessor’s records.
C. Vacation Rental Activity Permit (“VR Activity Permit”): A permit issued by the County
under the authority of this Article which permit authorizes a property owner to
operate a vacation rental for a period of 29 consecutive days or less.
Sec. 10.6.6103. Operation of a Vacation Rental without a Permit
It is unlawful for any person, including any property owner, to establish, advertise or
operate a vacation rental in the unincorporated area of the County without first obtaining a
VR Activity Permit. The possession of other types of State or County licenses or permits
shall not exempt the person from obtaining a VR Activity Permit under this article.
Sec. 10.6.6104. Vacation Rental Regulations
A property that is proposed to be the site of a vacation rental for which an Activity Permit is
to be issued must meet the following conditions and standards:
A. The property is located in one of the following zoning districts: Res-1, Res-2, Res-3,
Res-4, C-R, C-U, C-C, C-H , R-R, AG-1, or AG-2.
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B. If the property is located in the areas of McCloud, Dunsmuir/Mount Shasta or
Weed/Lake Shastina, as those areas are as shown on the map entitled “Vacation
Rental Areas”, which is attached to this Article as Exhibit A, and as such map is on
file with the Planning Department by geographic information system (“GIS”), the
property shall be at least two and one-half (2.5) acres in size.
C. If the property is located in either the area of Dunsmuir/Mount Shasta or Weed/Lake
Shastina, as those areas are as shown on the map entitled “Vacation Rental Areas”
which is attached to this Article as Exhibit A, and as such map is on file with the
Planning Department by geographic information system (“GIS”), that less than five
percent of the total available properties in those respective areas have a current VR
Activity Permit.
D. The vacation rental structure shall be a structure described in Section 10-6.6102
and shall not be any of the following: an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), a shipping
container, an outdoor area (including tipis (teepees), yurts, and treehouses), a van
or recreational vehicle, or any other structure that is unpermitted for human
E. The occupancy allowance of the vacation rental shall: (1) meet the Uniform Housing
Code; and (2) meet the existing State and local water and sewage disposal
regulations, including testing of the water supply as required, if provided by a private
water source.
F. The maximum occupancy of the vacation rental is limited to two (2) occupants per
bedroom plus a total of two (2) additional occupants. The maximum occupancy
shall not exceed the capacity of the septic system, but in no instance shall the
occupancy exceed ten (10) persons.
G. The property has an o-street parking space plus an additional o-street parking
space for each bedroom.
H. Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are installed upon the property in
accordance with current building codes.
I. Prior to the issuance of a VR Activity permit, an inspection of the proposed vacation
rental shall be required by both the Building Division and Environmental Health
Division to determine if the facility complies with the standards specified herein.
Proof of compliance is required prior to issuance of the VR Activity Permit.
Sec. 10.6.6105. Application Process
Applications for a VR Activity Permit may be obtained from the Siskiyou County Community
Development Department. An application for a VR Activity Permit must be made by the
property owner who does not presently possess any other VR Activity Permit. Applications
for a VR Activity Permit shall be submitted to the Planning Department and meet the
following requirements:
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A. The application shall include a site plan for the property, a diagram of the vacation
rental structure itself, and specifically annotated dimensions of each bedroom.
B. The application shall indicate the property is not identified for any current building
or zoning violation.
C. The applicant shall indicate the proposed vacation rental complies with all the
requirements set forth in Section 10-6.6104. Verification of compliance with such
requirements shall be the responsibility of the applicant, who shall certify in writing,
under penalty of perjury, the rental unit's conformance to such standards.
D. The applicant shall identify: (1) which dwelling upon the property is to operate as a
vacation rental if there is more than one such dwelling; (2) that the dwelling is a
single or two-family dwelling unit; and (3) that there is no VR Activity Permit upon the
property for any other dwelling.
E. The full name and contact information for all property owners. If the owner is a
business entity or any form of legal entity, information regarding the entity, including
but not limited to, a list of owners including shareholders or persons with ownership
interest in the entity, its legal status, and proof of registration with the Secretary of
State, as applicable.
F. Contact information for any management company or property manager
responsible for the rental unit who will be available on a twenty-four-hour basis to
address any problems that may be associated with the property. A duly licensed
management company or property manager shall be required. A property manager
or company that is duly licensed shall maintain a California real estate license and
certified property manager credentials. The owner shall immediately notify the
Community Development Department of any changes to management contact
G. The applicant shall provide proof that CalFire has completed inspections of the
property, and the property is compliant with the requirements of Public Resources
Code Sections 4290 and 4291.
H. A statement that the operation of a vacation rental is not prohibited by a restrictive
I. The applicant shall pay all required fees in full.
Sec. 10-6.6106. Review of Applications
A. Applications for a VR Activity Permit shall be reviewed and processed for approval
by the Planning Division. If the Planning Director (Director) or any other department
having regulatory or enforcement authority, determines at any time during this
review and processing period that additional information or materials are required,
then they shall send notice of the required/missing items or information and the
property owner must provide the requested items or information before processing
Page 15 of 19
resumes. If any application is inactive for six months, it shall be deemed expired,
and the applicant will have to re-apply should they want to establish a vacation
B. Except as otherwise provided in this section, an application for a VR Activity Permit
that meets the requirements of this Article will be approved ministerially by the
Planning Director, unless any of the following grounds exist:
1. The vacation rental application is incomplete.
2. The applicant has knowingly made a false statement of material fact, or has
knowingly omitted a material fact, from the application.
3. The applicant has not paid all the required fees.
4. The applicant is delinquent in payment of County taxes.
5. The vacation rental does not meet the requirements specified in Section 10-
6. The property received 50% or more protest letters (i.e., letters of opposition) as
such letters are described in Section 10-6.6107, in which case the application
shall be subject to hearing as described in this Article.
7. A previous VR Activity Permit issued under this article involving the same owner
has been revoked by the county within the two years preceding the date of the
application and all opportunities for appeal of that determination have been
exhausted or the time in which such appeals could have been filed has expired.
8. The owner has been determined, by an administrative hearing body or a court of
competent jurisdiction, to have engaged in short term rentals in violation of state
or local law within the two years preceding the date of the application and all
opportunities for appeal of that determination have been exhausted or the time
in which such appeals could have been filed has expired.
C. An application for a VR Activity Permit that is denied may be appealed within 10
days of the denial by filing a notice of appeal with the Planning Director. Thereafter,
the Planning Director shall proceed to set the matter on the next regular meeting of
the Planning Commission for the setting of an appeal hearing.
Sec. 10-6.6107. Notice to Neighboring Properties
Once an application is deemed complete, the Planning Division will send notice to the
surrounding property owners of record within 300 feet of the proposed vacation rental. A
property owner will have 30 days from the date of the notice to submit to the Planning
Department a letter opposing the issuance of the proposed VR Activity Permit.
Sec. 10-6.6108. Hearing Before the Planning Commission
A. Where the Planning Director has received letters of opposition from at least fifty
percent (50%) of the surrounding properties that were provided the notice described
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in Section 10-6.6107, but the VR Activity Permit application otherwise meets all
requirements of this Article, the Planning Director shall place the matter on the
agenda for the Planning Commission for setting of hearing on the proposed
B. Upon hearing of the VR Activity Permit application, the Planning Commission shall
grant the application if it finds that the proposed vacation rental otherwise meets
the requirements of this Article and additionally finds that the issuance of a VR
Activity Permit will not:
1. Adversely aect the orderly development of property within the County.
2. Adversely aect the preservation of property values and the protection of the tax
base within the county.
3. Adversely aect the policy and goals as set by the general plan.
4. Create a nuisance within the local neighborhood or community.
C. The Planning Commission may impose conditions beyond those set forth in Section
10-6.6109 to address in approving a VR Activity Permit application. Upon issuance
of a VR Activity Permit that has been approved by the Planning Commission, the
term of the permit will be as established under Section 10-6.6111.
Sec. 10-6.6109. Issuance and Conditions of Permit
A. When the application is tentatively approved, either by the Planning Department or
the Planning Commission, the applicant shall obtain a business license and
transient occupancy tax certificate before issuance of the VR Activity Permit.
B. Upon issuance of a VR Activity Permit, the permit shall contain the following
conditions, violation of which can constitute grounds for revocation:
1. The permittee shall operate the vacation rental in compliance with all required
permits, licenses, and regulations.
2. The permittee shall pay and stay current with all required inspection fees,
permits and taxes.
3. The permittee shall have a professional property management firm located in
Siskiyou County, and such individual or firm shall be available on a twenty-four
(24) hour basis.
4. Upon any transfer of ownership of the property where the permittee does not
remain on title, the permit shall terminate automatically upon transfer.
5. The maximum rental period for each occupancy shall be twenty-nine (29)
consecutive days.
6. Pools, spas, saunas, and shared laundry facilities, if provided, are considered to
be public facilities and shall be subject to Health and Building Department
review and inspection for compliance with State and local regulations for public
pools and laundries.
Page 17 of 19
7. One non-illuminated sign indicating the property is a vacation rental, not in
excess of two (2) square feet in area, shall be permitted.
8. With the exception of trash properly deposited in trash collection receptacles,
accumulation of trash and debris outside of a vacation rental at any time is
prohibited. Weekly trash collection must be provided for each vacation rental.
Each rental must provide a minimum of one (1) bear-proof trash receptacle.
9. The permittee shall include and reference their VR Activity permit number on any
written advertisement for the vacation rental, including online advertisements.
10. The following notices shall be prominently available next to the front door within
the subject vacation rental at all times that the property is being used as a
vacation rental and shall conform in communicating the required information:
a) The complete VR Activity Permit that was approved and issued by the
Siskiyou County Planning Division for the subject vacation rental; and
b) A notice that details the following information, including but not limited to:
i) Parking restrictions.
ii) Prohibition of all outdoor burning.
iii) Prohibition of the use of firearms or fireworks upon the property at any
time by the vacation renter.
iv) Emergency contact information, including the Siskiyou County Public
Health Department, the 24-hour contact information for the property
manager and plumber in the event of an emergency.
v) A list of unacceptable items for disposal in the septic system such as
diapers, feminine napkins, paper towels, etc.
vi) Emergency exits and emergency escape diagram.
vii) Refuse collection regulations and collection times.
viii) Restrictions on loud noise (i.e., music, parties) after 10 P.M.
ix) A site diagram showing the water shuto valve location, location of
the shuto tool(s), if any, and a narrative of how to shut o these
valves if necessary.
11. The applicant shall provide, prominently locate, and properly maintain at least
one fire extinguisher per floor level in the vacation rental.
12. Outdoor amplified sound shall not be allowed at any time associated with a
vacation rental.
13. At any time while the property is in use as a vacation rental, the use of firearms
or fireworks upon the property by the vacation renter(s) is prohibited.
14. All outdoor burning is prohibited. Cooking fires contained within an enclosed
grill, smoker, or similar device are exempt from the prohibition.
15. The permittee shall allow for County inspection of the vacation rental upon 48-
hours notice of the proposed inspection.
Page 18 of 19
Sec. 10-6.6110. Remedies
The Planning Director may revoke a VR Activity Permit by issuing a written notice of
revocation, stating the reasons therefor, and serving the notice upon the permittee by both
certified mail (return receipt requested). and first-class mail. The revocation shall become
eective fifteen (15) days after the date the revocation was mailed unless the permittee
files an appeal with the Planning Director within that 15-day period. If an appeal is filed, the
Planning Director shall place the appeal on the calendar of the Planning Commission for
scheduling of a hearing. The revocation shall not become eective until the appeal is
decided by the Planning Commission. Nothing shall preclude an immediate revocation if
the public health and safety are threatened.
The County may additionally seek compliance with this Article by any remedy allowed
under this Code, including, but not limited to, imposition of administrative fines, civil
actions, and any other remedy allowed by law.
Sec. 10-6.611. Term and renewal of permits
A. VR Activity Permit issued under this Article is a three-year permit and shall expire on
December 31st of the third year from the date of issuance.
B. A permittee shall submit an application for renewal of a VR Activity Permit, including
any required renewal fee, at least two months before the VR Activity Permit’s
expiration date. The timely receipt of an application and fee will renew the VR
Activity Permit for another three years with no further review process so long as
there are no pending code violations upon the property. If a VR Activity Permit has
expired, then an application must be submitted for a new VR Activity Permit and
undergo the review process described in Section 10-6.6105.
C. Any conditional use permit issued prior to the eective date of this ordinance shall
remain subject to the terms and conditions of that permit and is not subject to the
renewal requirements of this section.
Page 19 of 19
Appendix 3 – Inspections
Applications for Building and Environmental Health Inspections
Before a property can be permitted as a vacation rental, the Building
Department and Environmental Health Department each must conduct an
inspection of the property. The following application forms can be used to
request an inspection from each department.
(See Next Page)
Siskiyou County Environmental Health
806 South Main Street∙ Yreka, California 96097
Phone: (530) 841-2100 ∙ Fax: (530) 841-4076
Siskiyou County Environmental Health
EH - Vacation Rental Application
To evaluate your application for a vacation rental use permit, Siskiyou County Environmental Health Division
will need the following information:
Name of Property Owner _______________________________________________________________
Address of Property Owner _____________________________________________________________
Phone Number(s)_____________________________________________________________________
Vacation Rental Site Address ___________________________________________________________
Vacation Rental Phone Number __________________________________________________________
Please sketch the location of the house, septic system and well on the back of this form.
1. How is the sewage disposed of?
_____ A connection to a city sewer or public sewage treatment system is provided. (If checked, skip to #2)
_____ The dwelling is served by an on-site sewage disposal system.
Please indicate the year the system was installed: __________________
Does the sink, tub or toilet drain slowly? ____ Yes ____ No
Is there ponding, wet areas or soggy areas near the septic tank and/or leach field? ___Yes ___ No
When was the last time the tank was pumped? _____________________ (date)
What is the distance between your well and the nearest portion of the leach field? _____________
2. How is drinking water supplied to the dwelling?
_____ The dwelling is connected to a city water system or regulated public water system.
If yes, what system? _______________________________ (If checked skip to #3)
_____ Water is provided by an on-site water well. (If checked, you must submit a bacteriologic analysis
indicating that the water is safe to drink.)
_____ Water is provided from a spring or surface source.
3. Does the property have a pool or spa on the premises? ____Yes ____ No
I, _______________________________________, am the property owner of the property for which I am
seeking a vacation rental use permit. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the answers provided
above are correct. At such time as any of the above conditions change. Environmental Health will be notified
______________________________________________ _________________________________
Signature Date
Siskiyou County Building Division
806 South Main Street∙ Yreka, California 96097
Phone: (530) 841-2100 ∙ Fax: (530) 841-4076
Siskiyou County Building Division
Vacation Rental
Siskiyou County Ordinance 01-01
Passed January 9, 2001 – Effective February 9, 2001
Amending Sections 10-6.1502 and 10-6.3602, Title 10, Siskiyou County Code
Date Received by the Building Department Log Number
Section 10-6.1502, Section II requires an inspection conducted by the Building Department for compliance with
housing code and swimming pool regulations of the State of California. Note: Swimming pool regulations
include but are not limited to hot tubs and spas.
Upon completion of this application and the receipt of the inspection fee $94.00 the Building Department will
schedule a site inspection. In the event a violation is noted during the inspection the property owner or his/her
contractor will be required to obtain a permit from the Building Department prior to the commencement of any
work requiring a permit.
The fees for work requiring a permit prior to the commencement of work will be the normal fees associated with
such work. The inspection fees after July 8, 2001, will be based upon the actual time required to perform the
service with a 2-hour minimum based upon the hourly inspection rate. Reference Section 9-1.07 Fee
Schedule, Chapter 1, Title 9, Siskiyou County Code.
For the Applicant’s Use
Property Owners: _________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Assessor Parcel No.: _______________________ Section/Township/Range: __________________________
Site Address to Be Inspected: ________________________________________________________________
Approximate Feet/Miles: _________________________ N ___ E ___ S ___ W ___
Of ____________________________________ And _____________________________________________
Source of Water: ______ Private ______ Public Sewage Disposal: ______ Private _______ Public
I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct, and
that all provisions of laws and ordinances governing the use of vacation rentals will be complied with whether
specified herein or not.
I hereby authorize representatives of County of Siskiyou to enter upon the above-mentioned property for
inspection purposes. Property Owner or Owner’s Agent having written authorization to act as owners agent.
Signature Date
Page 2 of 2
General Information Regarding the Inspection of Vacation Rentals
The vacation rental premises will be inspected for compliance with Section 17920.3 Health and Safety Code
and Chapter 10 Uniform Housing Code. The Following represents the major inspection categories:
1. Sanitation. Adequate supply of hot and cold potable water. Required plumbing fixtures in good condition.
Adequate ventilation, natural light, heating, room sizes, electrical lighting or equal. Proper maintenance
and no dampness in habitable rooms.
2. Structural. Adequate foundation system, floor system, walls or other vertical supports, ceiling and/or roof
supports, fireplaces or chimneys.
3. Electrical equipment.
4. Plumbing system.
5. Mechanical equipment.
6. Weather protection.
7. Fire safety includes smoke detectors installed as listed and located in each story, basement and sleeping
rooms audible in all sleeping areas. Smoke detectors may be battery operated in existing dwellings.
Authority Cited Section 13113.7 Health and Safety Code.
8. Faulty Materials of construction.
9. Hazardous premises.
10. Adequate exits.
11. Adequate fire protection includes fire rated assemblies when required between uses.
12. Occupancy includes rooms or areas designed or intended for a specific use being used for some other
13. Swimming pools must be equipped with safety features such as, but not limited to, fences, gates, covers,
alarms, etc. Swimming pool or pool means any structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing
that contains water over 18 inches deep. “Swimming pool” includes in ground and above ground
structures and includes hot tubs, spas, portable spas and non-portable wading pools.
14. Nuisance is anything which is injurious to health. Reference Section 3479 Civil Code.
NOTE: Existing site-built dwellings need not mandatorily conform to the requirements for new construction
providing the dwelling is found to be reasonably and adequately safe in accordance with the applicable rules.
Authority cited 17912 Health and Safety Code. If you are considering a manufactured/mobile home or factory
built dwelling as a vacation rental the rules are slightly different and the reference sections of law will be
different and such units without a HCD Insignia of Approval or HUD Federal Label cannot be rented, leased,
sold or offered for sale in California.
NOTICE: Accessibility rules for people with disabilities do not apply to single family dwelling units (vacation
rental) occupied by a family, although voluntary compliance is encouraged. California Building Code
definitions, “Family is an individual or two or more persons who by blood or marriage, or otherwise, live
together in a dwelling unit.” “Dwelling unit is any building or portion thereof that contains living facilities,
including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, as required by this code, for not more than
one family, or a congregate residence for 10 or less persons.” The Vacation Rental Ordinance specifically
limits the number of occupants to not more than 10 in all instances.
Environmental Health
Water and Sewer Clearance
(Vacation Rental Use Permit Application)
Applicants shall include the following signed statement from the Environmental Health Division verifying they
have received sufficient information to fully evaluate the proposed project. This form shall be used for all
applications regardless of the type of sewer and water supply as part of an application packet submitted to the
Planning Department. Applications will not be accepted without this form.
Brief Project Description:
Applicant’s Name: Address:
Phone / Email Address: Project APN:
Project Location:
Engineer’s Name: Address: Phone:
Email: ________________________________Township:__ _Range: ______Section:______
Fee required: ____ Yes ____ No If yes, amount due: $200.00
Environmental Health will check the appropriate spaces below when they have received wastewater disposal
and water supply information which is adequate for review of the application. Signature of this form by an
Environmental health representative shall not be interpreted as approval or denial of the project
proposal. If you have any questions regarding this form and/or its purposes in the application process, feel
free to contact Environmental Health at (530) 841-2100.
I hereby certify that the project description provided to
Environmental Health for its review is the same project description that will be submitted to the County
Planning Department. I understand that changes in the project not resulting from the review process may
cause a request for additional information or an incomplete application.
_________________________________________ _______________________________
Applicant’s Signature Date
For Office Use Only
Wastewater Disposal: ____ N/A ____Public Sewer ____On-Site
Water Supply: ____ N/A ____State Public Water System ____State Small Water System
____Cal Code Water ____Private Well/Water System ____ CFO Water System
Additional Comments or Conditions:
____ A fee of $200.00 has been collected from the applicant ____ A fee has not been collected
Based on the above information, water and sewer requirements have been met to the Department’s
satisfaction. All documentation has been submitted by the applicant or project representative. Any changes in
the project may result in requests for additional information by this Department.
REHS Signature Print Name/Title Date
Siskiyou County Building Division
806 South Main Street∙ Yreka, California 96097
Phone: (530) 841-2100 ∙ Fax: (530) 841-4076
Building Website
Vacaon Rental Inspecon Report
Building Department Vacaon Rental Inspecon Report
Secon 10-6.1502, Title 10, Siskiyou County Code
Applicant General Informaon
*Owner’s Name: *APN: Log No.:
*Owners Address (City, State, ZIP)
*Owners Cellphone: *Owners Email:
*Vacaon Rental Address (City, ZIP):
*Number of Bedrooms: *Number of Stories:
*Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot Tub, Other (specify):
*Water Supply: ____ Well ____ Public *Sewage Disposal: ____ Private ____ Public
*O-Street Parking (one plus number of bedrooms—spaces may be tandem):
Building Department: Verify if and when a building permit was issued for the building.
Permit #: Date:
If no permit was issued, no inspecon will be performed unl resolved.
Vacaon Rental Inspecon Checklist
Remarks: Supplemental Report
Attached ___ Yes ____ No
If yes, number of pages _____
Locaon: Building, fuel
tank, debris away from
bldg., etc.
Sanitaon: Potable water
(cold & hot), sewage
Room Dimensions: Ceiling
Height, Room Size, etc.
Page 2 of 3 Rev. 2021
Remarks: Supplemental Report Aached
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, number of pages _____
Structural: Foundaon
oor, walls, ceiling, porch,
deck, landing and railing,
exterior/interior guardrails,
Plumbing: Required
xtures in good working
order, water heater, etc.
Mechanical: Proper
installaon, capable of
maintaining 68 degrees 3’
o of oor, proper heang
equipment installaon
Weather Protecon:
Exterior walls, roof,
windows, closure around
pipes/venng etc.
Fire Hazard: Locaon of
LPG tanks, Combusble
fuels tanks, etc.
Electrical: Exterior WP GFCI
outlets, Interior GFCI
outlets, lights, switches
outlets in good working
Electrical: Smoke detectors
carbon monoxide alarms
Hazardous Premises:
Ponds, open wells, etc.
Exits: Doors, windows,
egress windows, width,
height, etc.
Natural Light: Habitable
Natural Venlaon:
Habitable rooms, Bath-
rooms etc.
Page 3 of 3 Rev. 2021
Remarks: Supplemental Report Aached
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, number of pages _____
Height/spacing etc.
Fenestraon (glazing):
Safety glazing doors,
showers/tubs, stairs
Nuisance (hazard):
Anything injurious to
health. Sec 3479 CC
Environmental Health check for adequate
garage storage, vermin, or rodents
Improper Occupancy:
Room or area used for
other than designed or
Laundry Facilies: Washer
or laundry sink located on
Swimming Pool: Pool, spa,
hot tub equipped with
required barriers and
Environmental Health check for adequate
garage storage, vermin, or rodents
Vacaon Rental Inspecon Results
____ Conforms County of Siskiyou Building Inspector inials and date:
____ Non-Conforming County of Siskiyou Building Inspector inials and date:
Provide acceptable modicaons and/or correcons.
Inspecon correcons are listed above. Refer to the above-noted items and/or aached
inspecon report.
____ Re-Inspecon
Conforms County of Siskiyou Building Inspector inials and date: