Internal Audit Unit
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Service Level Agreement
Department of Finance
for the Provision of Internal Audit Services
Internal Audit Unit Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Service Level Agreement with the Department of Finance - 2020 Page 2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Services to be provided ......................................................................................................... 3
3. Agreed Work Programme ..................................................................................................... 6
4. Assessment of Service Provision .......................................................................................... 6
5. Conflict Resolution ................................................................................................................ 7
6. Service Level Agreement Review ......................................................................................... 7
7. Duration of the Service Level Agreement .............................................................................. 7
8. Amendments to this Agreement ............................................................................................ 7
9. Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 8
APPENDIX: Planned Internal Audit Programme 2020 Department of Finance ............................. 9
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Service Level Agreement with the Department of Finance - 2020 Page 3
Service Level Agreement Internal Audit
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Department of Finance
1. Introduction
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the
Department of Finance will regulate the business relationship between the two parties in relation to the
provision of internal audit (IA) services to the Department of Finance by the Internal Audit Unit of the
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. This agreement defines the levels of Internal Audit services and
support to be provided to the Department of Finance in 2020.
Mission of internal audit:
Enhance and protect organisational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice and
Definition of internal audit:
Internal auditing is an independent, objective, assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and
improve the organisation’s operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a
systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and
governance process
2. Services to be provided
2.1 IA Roles and Responsibilities
Consistent with the definition of internal audit, the role of IA shall be to evaluate adequacy of and compliance
with the internal control systems, risk management and governance procedures operated by management in
the Department of Finance.
IA shall be responsible for the review of the effectiveness of internal control and risk management
arrangements in respect of the areas of responsibility of the Accounting Officer (Secretary General) of
Department of Finance. The work of IA does not relieve line management of its responsibility for effective
control of the activities for which it is responsible.
The Head of Internal Audit, in consultation with the Audit Committee and the Accounting Officer of the
Department of Finance shall be responsible for drawing up an annual programme of audits having regard to
that Department’s Statement of Strategy and Risk Management Process. IA shall demonstrate objectivity,
comprehensiveness and relevance in the selection of areas for inclusion in the audit programme.
IA shall function professionally, adhering to the Internal Audit Standards for Government Departments and
Offices (2018) of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and taking account of the Core Principles
for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics and the International Standards of the
Institute of Internal Auditors.
Source: International Professional Practices Framework of the Institute of Internal Auditors (Global)
Source: As above.
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IA shall also endeavour to:
a. Demonstrate value-added in audit findings and recommendations;
b. Provide a quality, efficient and professional audit service;
c. Be objective, independent and constructive in its work;
d. Effectively monitor follow-up action taken to remedy weaknesses identified by internal audits;
e. Co-operate with others by way of joint audits/examinations where appropriate.
2.2 Reporting
IA shall be independent of the activities it audits. This is to ensure an environment in which IA can make
unbiased judgements and provide impartial advice to management.
The DFIN reporting lines for IA shall be:
Primary: To the Accounting Officer of the Department of Finance who has overall responsibility for
the efficient and effective functioning of the Department;
Secondary: To the Audit Committee of the Department of Finance.
The role of the Audit Committee is to consider the adequacy and effectiveness of the Department’s internal
control systems, control environment and control procedures, to oversee the work of the IA function and to
provide advice and professional guidance in relation to the systems of risk management and internal control
within the organisation.
Papers relating to Audit Committee meetings shall be circulated by IA not less than five working days in
advance of each meeting. The Head of Internal Audit shall have direct access to the Chairman of the Audit
2.3 Steps in Approving an Audit Report
a. IA shall send the draft audit reports for comment to the Division/Section being audited.
b. IA shall then incorporate comments received, replies to recommendations, and agreed action plans
into the report.
c. The report shall then be submitted to the Audit Committee for consultation and review as
appropriate. IA shall incorporate the Audit Committees comments into the report. This is the final
audit report.
d. IA shall send the final audit report back to Divisions/Sections for information and for formal noting by
the Assistant Secretary with responsibility for that area.
e. The report shall then be submitted by IA, to the Accounting Officer of the Department of Finance and
circulated to the Corporate Affairs Section and to the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.
2.4 Obligations of Internal Audit
With regards to managing the relationship with Divisions in the Department of Finance, IA has the following
general obligations:
a. To conduct regular reviews of the risk register to ascertain the high risk areas within the audit universe
and to consult with senior management of the Department to ascertain and prioritise audits to be
included in the annual audit plan.
b. To propose an annual audit plan to the Secretary General and the Audit Committee for consideration
and approval.
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c. To ensure that the annual audit programme is completed while also allowing for contingency reviews
or other urgent work to be undertaken when requested by the Accounting Officer and/or Audit
d. To determine the scope and objectives of audit assignments in conjunction with the management of
the Department of Finance.
e. To notify relevant Line Management and the Corporate Affairs Section of the commencement of an
f. To provide Line Management in the Department with the opportunity to formally respond to draft
audit reports.
g. To issue a draft audit report detailing the adequacy of internal controls within two weeks after
completion of the audit work regarding individual audited activities. Issuing the report is dependent
on obtaining all relevant information and access to records from line management in the Department.
h. To agree recommendations by way of a formal action plan with Line Management. Management
comments and target dates for the implementation of the agreed action plans will also be included in
the final report.
i. To present the report to the next Audit Committee and to issue a final audit report for formal noting
by the relevant Division within two weeks of the Audit Committee meeting.
j. To maintain a register of outstanding audit recommendations and to update the Audit Committee
and the Secretary General quarterly on the current status of recommendations.
k. To perform a follow up audit where appropriate, the purpose of which will be to ensure that
recommendations and actions plans agreed with management have been implemented.
l. To report progress on the audit work programme at least quarterly to the Department of Finance
Audit Committee and explain significant variances in relation to performance targets.
m. To identify, track and report operational problems which may occur.
n. To adhere to the professional standards for audit including confidentiality, independence and
2.5 Department of Finance Roles and Responsibilities
The Department of Finance is responsible for the implementation and maintenance of an effective system of
internal control and risk management.
IA shall derive its authority from, and will work under the general direction of, the Accounting Officer and the
Audit Committee of the Department of Finance. The Head of Internal Audit will have the right of direct access
to the Accounting Officer on all matters relating to internal audit.
2.6 Obligations of the Department of Finance
The Department of Finance has the following general obligations:
a. To use IA services as defined in this SLA.
b. To consult IA in all projects or programmes which impact on the demand for IA services.
c. To make available all information relating to the Department, specific systems and processes,
procedure manuals, regulations, laws, acts, risk analysis, etc. In this regard, the Department of Finance
shall grant IA unrestricted access to all functional areas, records (both manual and electronic),
property, and personnel in the performance of its audits.
d. To inform IA of any significant concerns regarding risk management and/or control matters.
e. To meet appointments, requests for information and deadlines for responses and recommendations.
f. To ensure that findings in audit reports are responded to within two weeks.
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g. To implement recommendations and action plans within agreed timeframes.
h. To accurately and fully complete any Internal Audit Questionnaire(s) issued in a timely manner.
2.7 Protected Disclosures
In the event of the receipt of a Protected Disclosure by the Head of Internal Audit (HIA), he will contact the
Department of Finance Audit Committee Chair to schedule a meeting of the Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee will discuss the Protected Disclosure and determine the most appropriate manner of
review / investigation.
3. Agreed Work Programme
Resources Available
The Internal Audit Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER) shall provide an internal
audit resource of 450 audit days to the Department of Finance. An annual internal audit Work Programme for
2020 has been prepared for the Department of Finance having regard to its risk management strategy and
other documentation completed by management (See Appendix). This was agreed by the Audit Committee.
4. Assessment of Service Provision
4.1 Internal Audit Standards, Core Principles and Code of Ethics
IA shall function professionally, adhering to the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Internal Audit
Standards (2012) and taking account of the Core Principles for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing,
the Code of Ethics and the International Standards of the Institute of Internal Auditors. IA is committed to
delivering quality internal audit services to the Department of Finance thereby assisting the Department to
meet its business objectives. The service levels and their measurements are intended to assess whether or not
the IA function is meeting performance levels necessary to satisfy the Department of Finance’s business
4.2 Performance Monitoring Criteria
IA performance will be evaluated in line with set criteria and any disputes over standards of performance will
be evaluated on the performance indicators set out below:
a. Reporting on recommendations accepted, turned into action plans and implemented. This will indicate
the effectiveness of the service rendered by IA.
b. Percentage (%) of actual audit assignments completed against the annual audit plan. This will indicate
the ability of IA to meet the Department’s service expectations as well as the appropriate level of
assurance to the Audit Committee.
4.3 Reporting by IA to the Audit Committee
IA will report quarterly to the Audit Committee on the above performance monitoring criteria together with
significant findings of audits carried out in the Department of Finance.
The audit work programme will be implemented having regard to the advice and guidance of the Audit
In line with protocols agreed between IA and the IARM of the Department, IA will report quarterly to the Audit
Committee on the status of all significant outstanding audit recommendations.
IA will provide an annual report of its activities to the Audit Committee and to the Accounting Officer.
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5. Conflict Resolution
Any conflict arising in relation to the audit work and the services to be provided under this agreement shall be
resolved between the Accounting Officers of both Departments, in consultation with the respective
Chairpersons of the two Audit Committees, where necessary.
6. Service Level Agreement Review
The provisions of this agreement will be monitored by the Audit Committee of the Department of Finance
throughout 2020 and will be reviewed annually by the Secretary General of Department of Finance, the
Secretary General of Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Head of Internal Audit. The Audit
Committee of Department of Finance will also input into the review mechanism. A review of the SLA and
appended annual programme of audits will be undertaken annually.
7. Duration of the Service Level Agreement
This SLA including the internal audit services listed above will be effective upon the date of signature by all
parties and will continue until 31 December 2020. Service scope and performance targets will be reviewed
annually prior to the commencement of the new audit year.
8. Amendments to this Agreement
This agreement can be amended to add or remove IA services provided by IAU. Any such amendments shall be
agreed by the Head of Internal Audit in consultation with the Audit Committee of Department of Finance and
the Secretaries General of Department of Finance and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
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9. Approvals
This Service Level Agreement has been reviewed and approved by: