North Carolina, Dept. of Information Technology
Service Level Agreement
Microsoft 365
Enterprise Collaboration Services
Last Reviewed & Updated:
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Purpose .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Service Level Agreement Scope ..................................................................................................................... 4
Service Commitments .................................................................................................................................... 4
Standard Support Hours ........................................................................................................................ 4
Incident Priorizaon Model with Response Times .............................................................................. 5
Maintenance Windows & Change Management........................................................................................... 5
Roles and Responsibilies .............................................................................................................................. 5
Tenant Architecture ................................................................................................................................... 5
Customer Agency Responsibilies ......................................................................................................... 6
DIT Responsibilies ................................................................................................................................ 6
Licensing......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Learning & Educaon ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Communicaons, Conferences & User Groups ............................................................................................. 7
Communies of Pracce ................................................................................................................................ 8
Microso 365 Framework ............................................................................................................................. 8
Services Included with Microso 365 ............................................................................................................ 9
Exchange Email Service .......................................................................................................................... 9
Email, Calendars, and Distribuon Groups ............................................................................................ 9
eDiscovery ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Email Archiving Service ........................................................................................................................ 11
Intune Mobile App Access ................................................................................................................... 11
Defender for Microso 365 and Encrypon ........................................................................................ 12
Email Encrypon Service ..................................................................................................................... 12
Microso Teams ................................................................................................................................... 12
SharePoint Online and One Drive for Business .................................................................................... 13
Project Online ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Power BI ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Dynamics 365 ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Power Apps & Power Automate .......................................................................................................... 14
Data Loss Protecon ............................................................................................................................ 14
Cybersecurity Support & Recovery ...................................................................................................... 14
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
SMTP Relay and SPAM Filtering Service............................................................................................... 15
Email Management / Admin Portal ..................................................................................................... 16
Mailman Email Distribuon List Management Service ....................................................................... 17
Microso Service Descripons .................................................................................................................... 18
Approvals ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Version Control ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) establishes the framework for addressing the administraon,
management, support, and use of Microso 365 (M365), including current and future features
implemented to the M365 Enterprise. All secons of the Agreement are subject to audit by the M365
Subject Maer Expert (SME) or designee. This Agreement is considered a living document and shall be
updated and revised as required or as needed where changes in features, updates, processes, and
security concerns dictate.
The term “Best Pracce” denes methods that are strongly recommended to avoid increased support
issues due to design, limitaons, or overall funconality.
The M365 SLA describes the IT Service, documents the Service Level Targets, and species the
responsibilies of both the Department of Informaon Technology (DIT) and the Customer.
Regarding content and/or scope deviaons between this document and the established DIT Global
Service Levels policy, this Service Level Agreement takes precedence, once properly executed. If there
are any addional or accompanying MOU or other contractual vehicle properly executed yet having
contradictory content or scope specic to this Service or requirements, this said contractual document
takes precedence.
Service Level Agreement Scope
This agreement species only the standard operaonal service commitments and responsibilies of DIT
and DIT Customers. Customer-specic deviaons from these commitments and responsibilies will be
specied in an accompanying Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Service rates are outside the
scope of this agreement and are specied in nancial documents.
Service Commitments
Standard Support Hours
Enterprise Collaboraon Services are available to customers 24/7/365, excluding planned outages,
maintenance windows, and unavoidable events. Maintenance windows are used only when needed for
scheduled changes that have been implemented through the DIT Change Management Process. In
addion to the standard DIT maintenance windows, site-specic and service-specic changes may be
coordinated with customers at non-standard mes.
For Crical and High Priority Agency or Enterprise-wide Incidents, support is available 24/7
For Low or Medium Priority End User Incidents, the Service Desk M365 SMEs are available
24/7 for First Level Support. Second and Third Level Support for Enterprise Collaboraon
Services is available from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding State
Request response mes are within 5 business days.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Incident Priorizaon Model with Response Times
Target Customer
Status Update
Target % of
Resolved on
15 minutes
Every 60 minutes
or as agreed upon
with the
4 hours or
30 minutes
Every 2 hours or
as agreed upon
with the
8 hours or
2 hours
Every 6 hours or
as agreed upon
with the
24 hours or
1 business Day
3 business
Maintenance Windows & Change Management
Enterprise Collaboraon Services follow the DIT Standard Change Management standards and
procedures as documented in the Change Management Policy & Standards. The changes windows we
use to perform maintenance and upgrades are as follows:
Sunday 4:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. (midnight)
Roles and Responsibilies
Tenant Architecture
The state maintains on-premises Acve Directory and Exchange Servers (ADFS) for identy of all users,
federated to ADFS and synced to the Cloud via Forefront Identy Manager (FIM) to sync with Azure
Identy. The state currently has an in-house developed Distributed Admin tool for email administraon
(NC Mail Admin Portal) to manage the M365 environment in terms of mail provisioning, license
management, and billing. Agencies are given access to admin groups via an exchange aribute to
manage their environment and users. The State of North Carolina is organized into agencies and each
agency has one or more divisions/admin groups. Divisions/admin groups are set up as Operang Units
(OU) and nested OUs in Acve Directory (AD). There are roughly 400 administrators across the State who
manage mail provisioning, and 10 Super admins on the email sta that can manage all domains. There is
also a Service Desk group that has more capabilies than the Agency admins but not as much privilege
as the Super admins.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
One Tenant 40+ domains with mulple Admin groups per domain
Centralized ADFS/FIM Soluon
Licenses are pooled, assigned, and reported by Agency and admin group
Email Admin Tools allow for mulple roles (Global, Service Desk, Agency Admin)
Agencies must manage their purchased and consumed licenses. Failure to manage licenses
will cause a shortage of licenses.
Customer Agency Responsibilies
Maintain Email per agencys retenon schedules and policies
Review all DIT M365 Service informaon in this document and in SharePoint (This will be the
main source of support for Agencies)
Manage their Purchased vs. Consumed license
Provide and maintain a primary and back-up Email admin
Email admin will provide 1st level support and all on-/ooarding acvies
Provide and maintain an Agency admin for services outside mail, such as SharePoint,
OneDrive and Teams
Secretary of the Agency must idenfy and maintain an eDiscovery admin
Periodically review the M365 Support and Announcement Page
Ensure all agency licensing is in place and available, including Windows server CALs
Agree to and understand the Support Matrix of the service
Provide Applicaon tesng for integraon/dependencies with M365. Applicaon owners
should gauge their agencies’ applicaon remediaon required for moving to M365.
Deploy and maintain updates on OS, browser, and Oce. The Oce version used should be
Click to Run M365 and be on the Monthly Channel for updates. Windows 10 and Oce 2016
are highly recommended.
Test Oce deployment opons and customize opons for the Agency
Provide user training and communicaons to employees for the M365 Service
Maintain security best pracces
Work with Security liaison on email monitoring requests, whitelist, blacklist, and ltering
Communicate to their users about the Email service, specically best pracces like
Encrypon and DLP
The primary contact for the end user should be the Agencys help desk, which can contact
DIT if escalaon is required
DIT Responsibilies
Provide Escalated Support aer Agency does triage with their admins or Service Desk
Provide day to day monitoring and management of the M365 Plaorm and DIT services
Assign Agency Users to Licenses. The M365 Service does not provide the licensees. Licenses
are provided by the Agency. For Managed Desktop customers, DIT provides the M365
License. Use of Visio and Project is purchased by the Agency.
Provide links to Online Training Resources and Roadmap informaon
Provide a tool to manage on-/ooarding of users
Provide a user-friendly license report for Agency consumpon located here
Maintain contracts for ltering support/service and Microso Premiere Services
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Provide a SharePoint site for M365 services, Community of Pracces, Service Oered, and
By default, all new user accounts are congured with a G5 license. If a Secondary Mailbox Account
(formerly known as Service Account) is requested, it will be assigned an Exchange Online Plan 2 (EOLP2)
DIT updates the Microso licensing report every Monday showing Purchased vs Consumed licenses for
each Agency. The license report can be viewed here.
Before deploying Microso 365 Apps to users in your organizaon, the users email address will need to
be created and a M365 license assigned. Each license allows a user to install Microso 365 Apps on up
to ve desktops, ve tablets, and/or ve mobile devices. Each installaon is acvated and kept acvated
automacally by cloud-based services associated with Microso 365.
Learning & Educaon
The Knowledge College
NCDIT provides training on Microso products and Tableau through the Knowledge College. Microso
provides online training classes for many of its products available for North Carolina state government
users. Classes are free, but registraon is required.
Tableau webinars are led by cered instructors, and the recordings are housed on the NCDIT website.
Microso Training Opportunies
NCDIT M365 Training Playlist on YouTube
Tableau Training Opportunies
Monthly M365 Ninja Q&As
Each month all M365 users are invited to join a virtual Q&A session with Microso and the M365 Ninjas,
who are administrators and power users from various state agencies. At these meengs, the team shares
updates on Microso products and answers quesons users might have about soluons including Teams,
SharePoint, and OneDrive for Business.
Informaon about these sessions is available in the All Things M365 User Group in Microso Teams or in
the All Things M365 Newsleer.
Communicaons and Conferences
All Things M365 Conference
Each spring, NCDIT hosts an annual day-long virtual conference with sessions on M365 products hosted
by subject maer experts and Microso customer success managers.
All Things M365 Newsleer
The monthly M365 Newsleer highlights all things Microso 365 for the state of North Carolina,
including user community, training opportunies and a one-minute quick p for M365.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
NCDIT Communicaons Hub
Enterprise Collaboraon Services communicates news about the health of our services and general
informaon through the NCDIT Communicaons Hub. This site shows the current health of all NCDIT
services, and customers can subscribe to be informed about impacts to any or all services.
NCDIT Business Intelligence Newsleer
The quarterly NCDIT Business Intelligence newsleer highlights new features for Tableau and Power BI
for the state of North Carolina.
All Things M365 Conference
All Things M365 Monthly Newsleer
All Things M365 User Group
Agency Administrators SharePoint site
NCDIT Business Intelligence Newsleer
NCDIT Communicaons Hub
User Groups and Communies of Pracce
The N.C. Department of Informaon Technology oers user groups and Communies of Pracce focused
on commonly needed IT funcons and skill areas.
These groups are open to sta from state and local agencies as well as educaonal instuons.
All Things 365
Business Analysis
Dynamics 365
Microso 365 Framework
DIT operates one Producon M365 tenancy in the Government Cloud and one Test tenant. The following
applicaons are currently in the Microso 365 environment:
Exchange Online
Defender for Microso 365
One Drive for Business
Oce Pro Plus
SharePoint Online
Project Online
Power BI
Intune MAM
Dynamics 365
Power Apps
Power Automate
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Services Included with Microso 365
M365 is a Subscripon Service provided by Microso through DIT. If warranted, by means described
within the SLA, DIT can request nancial compensaon from Microso for breach of SLA. If accepted
Microso will send refunds directly back to the Agencies who have purchased the licenses. Agencies can
choose from a full suite of products and services that meet their business requirements and costs. The
state has moved to Secure Producve Enterprise (SPE) E3 suite for users. This Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) is
now called the “Microso 365” E3 Enterprise Mobility Suite. For email only accounts, an Exchange
Online Plan 2 is needed to get Email and Archiving.
Addionally, some Agencies have purchased E1 Web Only Apps with Exchange Online Plan 2 (EOP2) or
Exchange Online Archive. Email Archive is included in E3 and EOLP2.
Exchange Email Service
The Microso Exchange Email Service provides an enterprise-wide email and calendaring soluon that is
highly available and reliable, feature rich, and cost eecve to use for State agencies and local
government enes. The Service runs on the Microso Exchange Online plaorm and provides
customers with ecient access to email, calendar, aachments, contacts, and more. Service support is
provided by experienced and professional personnel focused on “Best-in-Class” customer service and
Email, Calendars, and Distribuon Groups
Agencies have Government-class Email through Exchange Online Services. This service provides Email,
Archive, and Protecon with the rich and familiar Outlook experience users are accustomed to. Users
can access these services from their desktop web browser using Outlook for the Web (OWA) and mobile
devices. Each user gets a 100 GB mailbox and can send aachments up to 25 MB. Email Archive is
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
“unlimited” with a Microso cap at 1.5 terabytes (TB) and all mailboxes on our tenant are put on legal
(ligaon) hold for compliance. Retenon policies can also be applied. Shared calendars let users see
when others are free or busy.
Upon subscribing to the service, agencies are assigned a primary email domain under the .GOV top-level
domain space. This .GOV email domain space will be assigned to the agency for their sole use. No other
agencies may use an email domain space assigned to another agency. Agencies may have mulple email
sub-domains under their assigned domain as needed for applicaons or other business purposes. Each
agency must assign their users email addresses using the primary email domain for their agency. Users
can have mulple email addresses assigned as aliases however all aliases must be part of the agency
email domain (ex: OSHR.NC.GOV). This is required to ensure automated workows for employee
onboarding, ooarding and transfers funcon correctly and as designed.
Exchange Online Service Descripon
Exchange Online Limits
The Exchange Email Service includes:
Integrated Email and Calendar funcon
100 GB of Email storage per user, with unlimited archive
Microso Exchange Online
Integraon with the NC Identy Management system (NCID)
Redundant and load-balanced conguraon
Disaster Recovery/Business Connuity infrastructure
Anvirus and An-Spam soluons
Internet browser access for Email: Outlook Web Access (OWA)
Centralized and personal address books
Folder creaon and management for messages
Nave le format aachments; i.e., Word, Excel, etc.
Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 access from anywhere via RPC/HTTPS-Outlook Anywhere
(SSL encapsulated client connecons). Agencies should use the current Oce Click to Run
soware to ulize all producon funconality.
Centralized administrave website for commonly performed funcons
Meeng scheduling for individuals, groups, and other required resources such as conference
rooms and conference numbers
Personalized or shared daily notes/tasks
Share/view calendar entries with others
Designate rights for others; i.e., administrave assistants, to create meengs on your behalf
Mobile device wireless synchronizaon via Outlook Mobile App (see Intune Service)
Email Archiving (see Email Archiving Service for more details)
Requirements include:
For Outlook users—an NCID account, Outlook 2013 or higher, and Windows.
Oce/Outlook 2016 or later is recommended.
For OWA users—Bowsers that are N-1 or higher are recommended, but OWA
will funcon in a limited fashion with older browsers
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
eDiscovery in M365 is accessed through the Security and Compliance Center admin portal. eDiscovery
administrators are chosen by the Agency secretary, subject to approval by the SCIO. It is the Agencys
responsibility to maintain a list of administrators, especially in mes of polical transion. Aer
eDiscovery administrators are chosen, they must complete training. To request training, please open a
request in ServiceNow by vising the Microso 365 Oce & Email service catalog page.
Email Archiving Service
The Email Archiving Service provides archiving of all Exchange mailbox content, including messages,
calendar items, contacts, Teams chats, and tasks for the 5-year period specied by Execuve Order 12.
This Service is based on eDiscovery soware. Coupled with a robust physical storage soluon, eDiscovery
provides signicant deduplicaon capabilies, resulng in ecient use of disk space.
eDiscovery archives all items in real me as they arrive in or are sent from a users mailbox, and archives
changes in state, such as a message manually moved from one folder to another within the mailbox.
Exchange users have access to their own archived data through the Archive folder which appears in their
Outlook client or OWA browser session. In this folder, users can search their archived data in seconds,
and view message history and deleted items.
Users specically designated by agency leadership can perform eDiscovery for legal purposes and public
records requests using an addional eDiscovery client. Teams message chats are stored in a
conversaons-view folder of the individual having the chat. This folder is only viewable by an eDiscovery
Admin, who performs a pull for this informaon using the Compliance Center.
The Email Archiving Service includes:
Archiving and 5-year retenon of all mailbox content
Access to a users own archived data through the Archive folder in Outlook and OWA
Intune Mobile App Access
The Intune MAM Service enables customers to connect wirelessly to their Microso Exchange email and
calendar account via smartphone or tablet devices. This highly available and feature rich service provides
customers with ecient mobile access to email, calendar, aachments, contacts, and more. Service
support is provided by experienced and professional personnel focused on “Best-in-Class” customer
service and sasfacon.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Defender for Microso 365 and Encrypon
Exchange Online Protecon defends against spam and malware. It provides advanced security by
eliminang threats from known viruses and 99% of spam before they reach the rewall. Exchange Online
An-Spam and An-Malware Protecon
Exchange Online Protecon
Exchange Online Encrypon:
Encrypon in Microso 365
Service Informaon for Microso 365 Message Encrypon
Microso 365 Message Encrypon FAQ
Email Encrypon Service
The Email Encrypon Service Includes:
Ability to send secure email to anyone on any email system (encrypon “in transit”)
Secure Receive and Reply for message recipients
Zero desktop footprint (no soware or add-in installaon is needed)
Built-in content scanning capability (can encrypt based on specic message content)
For addional informaon reference Encrypon in Microso 365
Microso Teams
Microso Teams is an online communicaons soluon that lets you easily collaborate with other people,
as well as large groups. As part of the Microso 365 Government G5 bundled service oering, Teams
integrates with SharePoint, Word, Outlook and other Microso 365 applicaons, so you can quickly
access these tools while collaborang in real-me.
In addion to accessing Microso 365 apps from the Teams interface, you can interact via chat, audio
calling, desktop screen sharing and online meengs with fully integrated audio and video conferencing.
Up to 1,000 people can parcipate in private meengs, and up to 10,000 can join live events.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
For more informaon, please visit the Microso Teams service page.
SharePoint Online and One Drive for Business
SharePoint Online is a highly congurable web-based soware plaorm for web publishing and
collaboraon. It is widely used as a document management and storage system, but it is also ideal for
creang websites, intranets, wikis, blogs, content management systems, composite applicaons and
Your users experience only a short learning curve because SharePoint Online is closely integrated with
the Microso 365 Oce suite and has a similar interface.
For more informaon, please visit the Microso SharePoint & OneDrive service page.
Project Online
Project Online is a exible online soluon for Project Porolio Management (PPM) and everyday work.
Project Online provides powerful project management capabilies for planning, priorizing, and
managing projects and project porolio investments—from almost anywhere on almost any device.
Project Online can be used by administrators, porolio managers and viewers, project and resource
managers, and team leads and members. Project Online is built on the SharePoint plaorm, and it stores
data in the SharePoint data store.
Power BI
Power BI is a collecon of soware services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your
unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interacve insights. Your data may be an
Excel spreadsheet, or a collecon of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouses. Power BI lets
you easily connect to your data sources, visualize and discover what's important, and share that with
anyone or everyone you want. Power BI Pro is now bundled into the G5 license.
Dynamics 365
Microso Dynamics 365 provides specic modules with funconality to support customer service, sales
and markeng, nance and operaons, eld service, project management and business intelligence
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
reporng. This funconality enables organizaons to beer manage process lifecycles from start to
nish. Depending on their requirements, agencies can leverage all or some of the integrated modules.
Microso Dynamics 365 is a cloud-based business applicaons plaorm that combines components of
customer relaonship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP), along with
producvity applicaons and arcial intelligence tools. Dynamics 365 allows users to get a connected
view of data intelligence on customer records, transacons, behaviors and preferences, along with
informaon about orders, inventory and shipping. It also allows for predicve insight for decision-
makers. Dynamics 365 is ghtly integrated with other Microso business applicaons. For business users
that rely heavily on Oce 365 and Outlook or that run operaons on Azure, Dynamics 365 provides
seamless integraon not ulizing third-party plug-ins.
For service informaon, please visit the Microso Dynamics 365 service page.
Power Apps & Power Automate
Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, and connectors, as well as a data plaorm, that provides a rapid
development environment to build custom apps for your business needs. Using Power Apps, you can
quickly build custom business apps that connect to your data stored either in the underlying data
plaorm (Microso Dataverse) or in various online and on-premises data sources (such as SharePoint,
Microso 365, Dynamics 365, SQL Server, and so on).
Using Power Automate, you can populate any form and reduce the me needed to enter data on
regularly used applicaons. Performing repeve online orders, tracking price changes, populang elds
on web pages and desktop applicaons, creang backups, and converng les are all tasks that can be
fully automated with desktop ows.
Data Loss Protecon
Data Loss Prevenon (DLP) is important for enterprise message systems because of the extensive use of
email for business-crical communicaon, which can include sensive data. With M365, customers own
and control their data. The data is not mined or used for adversing.
For more, see Email Encrypon and DLP.
Cybersecurity Support & Recovery
Quick recovery of basic IT services is essenal following a cyberaack. That is why the N.C. Department
of Informaon Technology oers a cost-eecve package of email and producvity tools on Microsos
Oce 365 Government GCC environment that can be quickly deployed to vital sta as local governments
recover and rebuild.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Key Benets:
No-cost licensing for rst six months (support fees sll applicable)
Quick deployment (domain setup within ve business days)
24/7 monitoring for compromised user accounts
24/7 support for crical and high-priority incidents
Self-service administraon portal for account management
Ocial .gov email domain providing increased condence for email recipients
Top Features:
Service provided within a FedRAMP/NIST-compliant cloud instance
Email, OneDrive and SharePoint with data loss protecon
Industry-leading an-virus, an-spam ltering, content polices, fraud detecon and targeted
aack protecon
Integrated with NCID statewide identy management system
Centralized archiving within the Microso tenant and eDiscovery ability
For service informaon, please visit the Cybersecurity Recovery service page.
SMTP Relay and SPAM Filtering Service
The ltering process occurs through a SPAM Filtering Service and then M365. DIT’s SPAM Filtering
Service incorporates a mullayered approach to ltering email for spam and viruses. This helps protect
employees by scanning email and eliminang threats such as viruses, worms, malicious content and
aachments, and other junk mail before they reach the end user.
DIT oers the same anvirus/an-spam protecon to local governments and other State agencies that is
provided to our Exchange customers.
Locals sll have admin access, while state agencies have read-only access. Whitelist/Blacklist requests
must be made via service request through the Service Desk.
For hosted email Agencies, this service is included in the monthly support rate. For non- DIT hosted
email there is a charge for this service.
The Relay and Filtering Service includes:
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Comprehensive virus scanning and spam ltering for all Email messages
Email message relay capabilies for any Email system via Simple Mail Transport Protocol
Email Management / Admin Portal
The Email Admin Portal provides the day to day management for DIT, Agencies, and the Service Desk.
Below is a list of what each role can perform. Each Agency should have one or more email admins
idened to perform on-/ooarding acvies like the NCID role, but not necessarily the same person as
the NCID admin. The NCID and Email admins must work together to add, modify, and delete users in the
State Email system.
Agencies must submit a Service Request to add and delete email admin access. Once access and training
have been accomplished, they can login to the Email Admin Portal.
Table: Agency Administrator Funcons
Calendar Resource
Display name
Primary SMTP Address
Admin Group
Automatic processing
Allow recurring meetings
Booking window (365 days)
Schedule Only during work hours
Forward requests to delegates
Users with “Book in” privileges
Book in policy
Manage Calendar Permissions
Calendar automatic processing
Calendar allow recurring meetings
Calendar booking window (180 days)
Calendar Schedule only during work hours
Calendar Delegates
Calendar forward requests to delegates
Calendar book in policy
Delete MBX
Manage MBX
Display Name
Name Alias
Primary SMTP Address
Secondary SMTP addresses
Mail aliases
Bill Code
Disable account
Send-On-Behalf-Of Permission
Mailbox ‘Full Access’ right
“Send-As” permission
List group membership
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Service Accounts
Agencies cannot add Service Accounts but they can
manage them once created. To submit a Service
Request, send an email to [email protected]
Display Name
Primary SMTP address
Secondary SMTP address
Admin group
Bill Code
Disable account
Change password
Send-On-Behalf-Of delegates
Mailbox “Full access” right
“Send-As” permission
See MBX Storage
Mail Contacts
Display Name
External Forward Address
Primary SMTP address
Distribution Groups
Display name
Primary SMTP Address
Secondary SMTP addresses
Grant send-on-behalf-of privileges to
Accept messages only from internal users
Accept messages only from these users
Reject messages only from these users
Accept messages only from these distribution groups
Reject messages only from these distribution groups
Send delivery report to the sender of the message
List/add/remove members
Dynamic Distribution
Display Only
Mail Security Group
Add/remove members
Mailman Email Distribuon List Management Service
The Email Distribuon List Management Service uses Mailman soware running on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4. Mailman is integrated with the web, making it easy for users to manage their accounts and for
list owners to administer their lists. Mailman supports built-in archiving, automac bounce processing,
content ltering, digest delivery, spam lters, and more.
More Informaon:
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Mailman Administrator login
Mailman Documents
The Distribuon List Management Service provides customers with a low-cost and highly secure method
of maintaining Email distribuon lists. Key to the Service is the ability to moderate (approve) posngs to
distribuon lists. Auto-subscribe/unsubscribe features are also provided. The Service oers an open
standard soluon to state and government agencies that is highly available and reliable. Service support
is provided by experienced and professional personnel focused on “Best-in-Class” customer service and
The Mailman Email Distribuon List Management Service includes:
Mailman soware used for Email Distribuon List Management
Users can subscribe or unsubscribe to a list
List members can be inside or outside of the DIT Email system
Any list can be moderated by a moderator or list administrator
Posng a message to a distribuon list can be restricted to only the list members
Opons for individual Email message delivery posted to the list, or a “digest” message that
combines mulple posngs
Archive opon permits posted messages to be saved via a web browser interface
Easy to use and administer by non-technical personnel
Microso Account Prole Types
Visit the Microso website to review the M365 Service Descripons.
Account Prole
License Type
Part #
State & Local
Employees -
Standard User
(Full Oce, up
to 5 Clients)
M365 G5 GCC
Sub Per User
server CAL)
suite with
voice, and
NCDIT - Oce
365 Standard
"*Five-year ramped discounts for G5 were approved only for point-in-me quanes as of the summer
2023. Any future purchases will be quoted at the year ve amount, and requests for ramped discounts
will specically need to be made and approved from the Microso. Business Desk
**The Microso enrollment contracts for the State of North Carolina are based on a ve-year term 2023-
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Account Prole Type
License Type
Part #
State & Local
Employees - Light
User (Web & Mobile
M365 F3
Unied GCC
Sub Per User
server CAL)
Web and
Mobile only;
EOLP2 Kiosk
Online P2 GCC
SU Exchange
Online Kiosk
Per User
Sec & Comp.
M365 F5
Security +
GCC Sub Add-
on (Security
NCDIT - Oce
365 Standard
Account Prole
License Type
Part #
State & Local
Email Mailbox
hive) Account -
Online P2 GCC
Sub Per User
License for a
only, not for
a person.
NCDIT - Oce
365 Standard
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Note 1: M365 Exchange is an online service. DIT and the Agencies are subscribers via the licenses
purchased to access the service. There are mulple access methods for this service, such as Outlook,
Outlook Web Access (OWA), and Mobile. Consequently, DIT Service Desk ckets for service issues with
unmanaged devices will be treated as a Best Eort service with no specied SLA. If the device is
managed by DIT, the cket will be assigned to the Consumer Plaorm Support Group within their SLA
Agreement. If the Exchange Online Service has an issue that can be veried on the M365 Service Health
Dashboard, then the cket will be treated as an Incident. For most issues with Outlook, OWA is usually
sll available as a workaround. See Support Matrix.
Note 2: Email is not a guaranteed delivery service. When an email is sent, there is no guarantee it will get
to the desnaon due to systems beyond DIT control. Typically, the user will get a Non-Deliverable
Report (NDR) warning, but not always.
Service Level Agreement Microso 365 March 29, 2023
Wherefore, intending to be bound hereby, this Service Level Agreement is executed by the undersigned
authorized representaves of each Party, eecve as of the date of execuon of all Pares hereto.
Brad Marchand
M365 Service Mgr.
Version Control
Change Summary
Suzanna Cary
Revised and updated SLA
Suzanna Cary
Updated service name
Karen Mann
Updated formatting
Brad Marchand
General updates for service
Brad Marchand
Updated maintenance windows
and change management
Karen Mann
Updated Account Profile Types
and license information