PLACE: Lincoln Meeting Room (Room 124)
DATE: May 13, 2013
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
Board Chair Christianson called the meeting to order at 7:21 p.m. (The meeting followed a 6:45 p.m.
Level III (Board level) Education Minnesota: GSL Grievance Hearing.) The following members were
present: Alsleben, Kuester, VonBerge, Lindeman, Christianson, and Twiss. In addition, Superintendent
Chris Sonju; Business Manager Michelle Sander; Principals Bill Butler, Michelle Wang, and Paul Sparby;
Chartwell’s District Manager John Durtschi and GSL Food Service Director Bernie Getzlaff; Teacher
Diane Schultz; Knowledge Bowl Coach and Teacher Vicky Harris and Knowledge Bowl State Class A
Championship Team Members Ethan Bass, Patrick Fehrenbach, Joe Fehrenbach, and Chandler Swift
(Mark Broderius was absent); GSL Student Tory Varland; students from the 9
grade Civics class;
Technology Staff Mike Morris; and Superintendent’s Secretary Dawn Peterson were in attendance.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
The following announcement was made:
Next School Board Meeting: The next regular School Board meeting will be on Monday, June
10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lincoln Meeting Room (Room 124).
The School Board acknowledged GSL’s State Class A Champion Knowledge Bowl Coach Harris and
Team Members Bass, Fehrenbach, Fehrenbach, and Swift (Team Member Broderius was absent).
Superintendent Sonju presented “Certificates of Success” to the team members.
Tory Varland, GSL student, spoke about placing Social Studies Teacher Brea Wiblemo on unrequested
leave of absence next year for a portion of her position and presented a petition to the Board in support of
Ms. Wiblemo remaining at 1.0 FTE.
Food Service District Manager Durtschi and Food Service Director Getzlaff reported to the Board. Mr.
Durtschi and Ms. Getzlaff left after presenting their report.
Business Manager Sander reported to the Board.
Principals Butler, Wang, and Sparby reported to the Board.
Superintendent Sonju reported to the Board that we need to continue to remind people to check out the
website; reminded everyone that there will be school for students on May 30 and 31; told the Board we
will continue to hold Board meetings in Lincoln Room 124 for the next several months, but will move back
to the High School Media Center in September (ECFE Director Jan Mackenthun will move her program
into Lincoln Room 124 temporarily until the Early Childhood Addition project is completed); told the Board
Dean Hedlund, a 1969 graduate from Silver Lake, contacted Chris to say Mr. Hedlund got his hands on a
bell clock that used to sit in the custodial room at Lakeside; Mr. Hedlund says the clock has some value,
is an antique, and he will deliver it to GSL in June.
Committee reports were given by Director Alsleben about Local #284 tentatively settling the contract with
the School District; and by Chairperson Christianson about a Helen Baker Site Leadership Team meeting.
Director Alsleben moved to approve the agenda. Director Lindeman seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Twiss moved to approve the consent agenda:
April bills are on file and available for review at the Superintendent’s Office, 1621 East 16
Regular Board Meeting minutes of April 8, 2013.
Karol Kiefer as 6.75-hour-a-day Paraprofessional in the ESL program at GSL High School/Lincoln
(replaces Nandini Kraemer who resigned).
Jamie Fredericksen as 1.0 FTE Special Education Teacher beginning with the 2013-2014 school
year (replaces Bill Kittel who is retiring)
Stephanie Freund as 4
Grade Teacher at GSL Lakeside Elementary School, effective at the end
of the 2012-2013 school year.
Sue Magnuson as National Honor Society Advisor, effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school
Clare Nolan as Junior High Yearbook Advisor, effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school year.
Colin Kerslake as Head Boys' Soccer Coach, effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school year.
Randy Wilson as Assistant Boys' Soccer Coach, effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school
2013-2014 Fall and Year-Round Coaches and Advisors:
The Master Agreement between the school district and Education Minnesota: Glencoe-Silver
Lake requires coaches and supervisors to receive a letter of assignment for extra duty
assignments prior to June 1 for fall sports and all others on or by September 1 of each year.
Head Mona Ewald
Cross Country
Co-Head Jann Savre and Jeff Delwiche
Assistant Josh Metcalf
Junior High Chris Bick
Head Coach Scott Tschimperle
Assistant Paul Lemke
Assistant Dean Schwirtz
JV Paul Ruud
JV Dan Svoboda
Steve Davis
Mike Hardy
Mark Wigern
Ken Kantack
Tom Chap
Brad Eggersgluess
Co-Director Pat Hiltner
Co-Director Kay Wilson
Head Girls’ – Zach Otto-Fisher
Head Boys’ – Jeff Shultz
JV Gary Carter
Junior High Debbie Moosebrugger
Head Robb DeCorsey
Assistant Josh Otto-Fisher
Junior High Kelly Mackendanz
Head Lori Schwirtz
Assistant Mary Lemke
Anna Draeger
Lindsey Randt
Sue Magnuson
Math Counts
Sandy Steile (Lincoln)
Yearbook Advisor
Wanda Collins (Senior High)
TBD (Junior High)
Tammy Mrkvicka (Elementary)
FLA Advisor Open
Class Advisors
Senior Paul Lemke
Junior Clare Nolan/Kelsey Bussler
Sophomore Brook Magnuson
Freshman Richard Smith
Student Council
High School Paul Sparby and Dan
Junior High School Lisa Blazinski
FFA Advisor
Rebekah Haddad
Business Professional Advisor
Mary Eckhoff
Art Club Advisor
Shanda Landes
Extra Band Activities
Peter Gepson
Extra Choir Activities
Randi Erlandson
National Honor Society
Spelling Bee
Becky Bartholomay-Suko (elementary and
Geography Bee
Nita Enderson (Lakeside)
Tammy Mrkvicka (Lakeside)
Kim Ruschmeier (Helen Baker)
Math Olympiads
Mary Patterson (Lakeside)
Director Alsleben seconded. Approved unanimously.
Superintendent Sonju and Business Manager Sander presented the school district’s plan for the 2013-
2014 school year. No action was taken.
Director Twiss moved to adopt the Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing Educational Programs and
Positions which included discontinuing/reducing .10 FTE Social Studies and five kindergarten program
paraprofessionals. Director Lindeman seconded. Approved unanimously.
Member Twiss introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 2859, as follows:
1. That it is proposed that Brea Wiblemo, a teacher of said school district, be placed on
unrequested leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits, effective at the end of the 2012-
2013 school year on June 30, 2013, pursuant to M.S. 122A.40, subdivision 11.
2. That written notice be sent to said teacher regarding the proposed placement on unrequested
leave of absence without pay or fringe benefits as provided by law and said notice shall include a
date for hearing if requested and be in substantially the following form:
May 14, 2013
Brea Wiblemo
GSL High School
1825 16
St. E.
Glencoe, MN 55336
Dear Ms. Wiblemo:
You are hereby notified that at the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School
District No. 2859 held on May 13, 2013, consideration was given to your placement on
unrequested leave of absence for a portion of your position (.10 FTE) without pay or fringe
benefits as a teacher of Independent School District No. 2859, and a resolution was adopted by a
majority vote of the Board, proposing your placement on unrequested leave of absence for a
portion of your position effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school year on June 30, 2013,
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 122A.40, subdivision 11 upon the grounds described in said
statute and which are specifically as follows:
Discontinuance of a Portion of Your Position
Under the provisions of the law, you are entitled to a hearing before the school board provided
that you make a request in writing within fourteen days after receipt of this notice. If no hearing is
requested within such period, it shall be deemed acquiescence by you to the school board’s
proposed action.
Yours very truly,
Anne Twiss
Clerk of the School Board
3. That each and all of the foregoing grounds of said notice are within the grounds for
unrequested leave placement as set forth in M.S. 122A.40, subdivision 11 and are hereby
adopted as fully as through separately set forth and solved herein.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Kuester and upon
vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Alsleben, Kuester, VonBerge, Lindeman, Christianson, and Twiss
and the following voted against the same: None
whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
Director Alsleben moved to approve the summer school plan in the areas of Enrichment, Targeted
Services, Extended School Year, and Migrant Summer School. Director Twiss seconded. Approved
Director Lindeman moved to revise the 2012-2013 school calendar to include snow make-up days as
proposed. The last day for students will be May 31 and the last day for staff will be June 4, which will be
used as a flex day. Board Chair Christianson seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Alsleben moved to approve the student accident insurance policy for the 2013-2014 school year
with Student Assurance Services, Inc. Director Twiss seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Alsleben moved to approve membership in the Minnesota State High School League for the
2013-2014 school year. Director Twiss seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Alsleben moved to bring back the policies listed below for adoption at the next School Board
101 Legal Status of the School District
101.1 Name of the School District
102 Equal Education Opportunity
103 Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents Other Persons
Director Lindeman seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Twiss moved to approve the agreement with Jason Schmitz, Special Education Teacher at GSL
High School, in order for Mr. Schmitz to complete the coursework necessary to obtain his Teacher-
Coordinator Work Experience Licensure for Disadvantaged and Handicapped Students. Mr. Schmitz will
transfer into the Mild to Moderate Mentally Handicapped teaching position open at the beginning of the
2013-2014 school year due to the retirement of Bill Kittel. Director Lindeman seconded. Approved
Director Kuester moved to enter into an agreement between Education Minnesota: Glencoe-Silver Lake
and Independent School District No. 2859, Glencoe-Silver Lake, in order to resolve a grievance which
was proceeding to arbitration. The agreement resolves this grievance without further proceedings.
Director Lindeman seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Twiss moved to approve a revised agreement with McLeod County Public Health Nursing
Service for school health services from a licensed School Nurse due to the resignation of School Nurse
Kevin Peters. This agreement is for a minimum of 20 hours of weekly service during the academic school
year of 2012-2013. Director Lindeman seconded. Approved unanimously.
Director Alsleben moved to appoint CliftonLarsonAllen LLP as the school district’s auditors for fiscal year
2013. The total estimated fee for the 2012-2013 audit is $22,700.00. Director Kuester seconded.
Approved unanimously.
Member VonBerge introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the School Board of Independent School District #2859, Glencoe-Silver
Lake, as follows:
That the following donations be accepted with appreciation:
Donor Item Donated Designation
Glencoe Rotary $250.00 Close-Up
McLeod County Pheasants Forever $200.00 Robotics
Glencoe Lions Club $50.00 Robotics
Crow River Sno Pros $1,000.00 BPA
4-Square Builders Trap House Lumber Trap Shooting
McLeod County Bar Association $500.00 Mock Trial
McLeod County Pheasants Forever $300.00 FFA
Central MN Two Cylinder Club $400.00 FFA
Silver Lake Lions Club $400.00 BPA
3M Foundation $250.00 Donations
MEADA Coalition of McLeod County $120.50 Junior Class
Stevens Seminary $500.00 Robotics
Stevens Seminary $1,000.00 SuperMileage
Stevens Seminary $5,580.00 5th-6
Grade iPads
Stevens Seminary $420.00 Vouchers
Stevens Seminary $1,300.00 BPA Nationals
Plato Lions Club $100.00 BPA Nationals
3M Foundation $300.00 Math Counts
The motion for the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Lindeman, and upon vote being
taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof:
Alsleben, Kuester, VonBerge, Lindeman, Christianson, and Twiss
The following voted against the same: None
Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
Director Alsleben acknowledged Glencoe Enterprise Publisher Kevin Johnson and his family (and prior to
that the Tudhope family) for their coverage of GSL in the past years and wished them well in future
endeavors. (The Glencoe Enterprise was recently sold to the McLeod County Chronicle.)
Director Alsleben moved to adjourn at 9:43 p.m. Director Twiss seconded. Approved unanimously.
Approved (Date) ____________________