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The job search should not end with the interview. Writing a thank-you note is a critical step in the job-hunting process
that many overlook. Although sending a thank-you note will not assure you of a job offer, not sending one may affect
your chances.
Here are some ps for wring a thank-you note:
Immediately aer the interview, ask for the business card of the person you spoke with or, if none is available, get
the correct spelling of his or her name and tle. Write down your thoughts related to the interview along with any
specic points you discussed. Do this for each person immediately aer your meeng, if possible. This will allow you
to write personalized thank-you notes later.
Write a thank-you note to everyone you interview with. You should send notes following in-person employment
interviews, phone interviews, and informaonal interviews.
Write and send the note promptly aer the interview (within 24 hours if possible).
An emailed thank-you note is also appropriate, parcularly if it needs to reach the employer immediately. If you prefer
to hand write a note, use either a card or the same paper you used for your resume and cover leer. Cards can be
handwrien; paper leers should be typed.
Your note should be brief and personalized.
Express your appreciaon for the opportunity to interview.
Reinforce your enthusiasm for the posion and the company.
Recap the main points that you want the employer to remember about you and your strengths in relaon to the job.
Reiterate what you understand to be the meline for the hiring process.
Include any pernent informaon about yourself that you may have forgoen to menon during the interview.
Describe any acon you have taken since the interview as a result of that discussion.
Thank the interviewer for his/her me and state that you look forward to hearing from him/her soon.
After the Interview:
Writing a Thank-You Note
Thank-you leers should be wrien in business leer format:
Your address
Mr./Ms. . . .
Person’s tle
Company name
Company address
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
Thank the person for taking the me to interview you for the specic posion. Include one or two sentences about what
you learned about the posion or company.
Briey reiterate your strengths; menon anything you forgot to highlight in the interview; state your belief that you could
make a posive contribuon to the organizaon.
In closing, state that you look forward to hearing from him/her soon and/or reiterate the next step in the hiring meline.
Thank the person again for his/her consideraon.
Your signature
Your name
Thank-you letters leave a positive impressionunless they are poorly written. It’s a good idea to have someone else
read over your letter to help you spot any typos or minor errors before you send it.
Quesons? For further assistance, please contact Career Services at cservices@clarku.edu.