Apply by December 15, 2018. Program runs May 26 - June 10, 2019 (approx). Program Min: 14
Faculty Leaders: Prof. Michelle Farnum, Dr. Laura O’Toole
Courses Oered (Students enroll in one of the following courses in spring semester)
SOA399 Mercy, Jusce and the Sociological Imaginaon (3 Credits, Taken during spring term)
Dr. Laura O’Toole
Fullls Social Science general studies requirement or a major/minor elecve in Sociology or
Global Studies majors.
NUR475 Internaonal Service Learning Clinical and Seminar (3 credits, Taken during spring term)
Prof. Michelle Farnum
Fullls service learning requirement for Nursing majors or a free elecve for all other majors.
All course fulllments are subject to approval by an advisor.
Program Highlights
Learn about the history of the Northern Ireland Conict and visit important sites.
Visit educaon programs and facilies in Ireland such as: Mercy House in Dublin, Foyle Hospice in
Derry, and the Belfast Children’s Hospice and Cancer Center.
Provide direct service to programs providing care to hospice paents while in Ireland (Nursing
students only).
Tour sites such as the Giant’s Causeway, visit selected sites seen in “Games of Thrones” and visit the
Titanic museum in Belfast.
Explore contemporary social issues related to the Brexit Vote.
Salve Regina University Oce of Internaonal Programs
Academic Focus
This program oers two tracks– one for Nursing majors and one
open to all majors - built around shared overseas experiences and a
shared focus on social jusce. For all parcipants the program con-
tent is linked to the context of Ireland with a special focus on The
Troubles, peacebuilding and polical and economic jusce issues.
Health care and quality of life issues will be used as case studies to
explore these issues further and community engagement acvies
will be culvated so that students and faculty can contribute to the
public good while in the north of Ireland. For Nursing majors, the
program provides an opportunity for students to compare and con-
trast nursing educaon and the delivery of health care within Ire-
land, Northern Ireland, and the United States and to apply theore-
cal concepts of health care policy and nursing in an internaonal
seng. Ulizing knowledge from public health and public policy, stu-
dents will idenfy commonalies and dierences in health care is-
sues, health care delivery, and outcomes as they relate to selected
populaons. Working with the Inch House Irish Studies Centre locat-
ed at Inch, Lough Swilly, Co. Donegal, a part of Ireland that has expe-
rienced a history of conict and violence, students will parcipate in
lectures and tours that will explore Irish culture and concepts of con-
ict resoluon to promote understanding of the polical, social and
health consequences of conict. Opportunies for interdisciplinary
interacon and service within community agencies will be made
available for the students. By blending both didacc and service
learning this course will provide students with valuable knowledge
and experience to parcipate within a global community.
Course Expectaons
Students will register for SOA399 or NUR475 in the spring term and
will begin the course on campus in late March. The overseas pro-
gram is required to complete the courses; thus all students regis-
tered for the courses must be fully accepted to the program. Each
course will have disnct requirements as outlined on the syllabus.
However, the courses will have shared sessions and experiences
both on campus and overseas.
Lodging, meals and on site logiscs will be provided by Inch House
Irish Studies Center All accommodaons are
included in the program fee. Students will share a room with 1-3
people most nights at Inch House, but will occasionally stay in hos-
tels when on overnight eld trips. Linens and towels will be provided.
The program fee includes 2-3 meals per day provided by Inch House.
Eligibility Requirements
NUR475 requires junior status.
Availability of academic credits to fulll degree requirements.
Good disciplinary, nancial and academic standing.
Parcipaon in mandatory pre-departure orientaon sessions.
How to Apply
Complete online short-term applicaon and submit all required sup-
plemental materials to the Oce of Internaonal Programs by the
applicaon deadline. Applicaons will not be reviewed unl all appli-
caon materials are received. Detailed applicaon instrucons avail-
able at:
Course/Program Fee: $4,000 (Approx. To be conrmed October 15
Round trip airfare on group ight deparng Boston
3 credits Salve Regina tuion (taken as part of spring semester)
Airport transfers & ground transportaon in Ireland
Accommodaons in Ireland
2-3 meals per day
Ocial excursions and entrance fees
Internaonal travel insurance
Not Included in this fee:
Transportaon to and from Boston for group ight
Passport fee ($135) - if applicable
Student visa - if applicable
Course textbooks - if applicable
Some meals while in Ireland
Personal expenses (recreaon, ps, laundry, snacks, other
personal items/services)
Personal travel in free me/vacaons
Parcipants will be booked onto the group ight unless they nofy
the OIP in wring that they will make their own arrangements. To do
so, email [email protected] by March 4, 2017. A refund for the
ight (amount TBD) will be issued. The OIP is unable to book seats
for parcipants on ights other than the round-trip group ight. Par-
cipants making their own ight arrangements will need to meet the
group at the designated me and airport locaon so that they can
join the group shule. No ights should be booked unl programs
are conrmed and meeng mes and locaons are ocially commu-
nicated to parcipants.
Payment Schedule
$1200 Deposit due by Friday, January 11, 2019. Your deposit holds
your space in the program. Please be aware that there is a withdraw-
al and refund policy outlined in your Parcipaon Agreement. Final
Payment due by Friiday, May 3, 2019. The Business Oce will gener-
ate an invoice for the remainder of the program fee in April.
Financial Aid
Consult with your Financial Aid Counselor. Generally, only parent
plus loans are applicable to short-term study abroad programs.
Salve Regina study abroad scholarships are reserved for full-me se-
mester and year-long programs. Research your non-Salve Regina
scholarship opons at: hp://
Oce of Internaonal Programs, Salve Regina University
Drexel Hall | 100 Ochre Point Avenue | Newport, RI 02840
Phone:(401) 341-2372 |Fax: (401) 341-2972
[email protected] |onal-programs
(Photo Credits: Salve Regina Ireland Group 2014, Dave Smith)