Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Career Technical Education
Department: Career Technical Education
In this Capstone course, students will demonstrate their mastery of a compilation of skills by preparing a portfolio of original
artwork which will be completed in digital format and evaluated on an ongoing basis through the use of programs and techniques
including, but not limited to, 2D graphic design (i.e. branding, package design, advertising, illustration, animation, printed design,
web design, type design, UX design), printmaking, digital imaging, and multi-media presentations and design. The student
portfolio will be used as entry into post-secondary scholarship competitions, programs, and entry-level businesses in the arts,
media, and entertainment industry. The course culminates with digital presentations of the students' concentrated efforts. This
course may provide an opportunity for students to earn industry-recognized certification or transferrable college credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Digital Photography II, Digital Art and Graphic Design II, or Commercial Art
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advanced Graphic Communications
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course focuses on the design of unique objects using three-dimensional modeling software. Students will learn the basics of
G-code machine language and all relevant workshop mathematics. Advanced computer-aided design and modeling software will
be taught. Student projects will be produced in wood, metal, and plastic using CNC routers, CNC mills, CNC plasma cutters, and 3D
Pre-Requisite(s): Manufacturing and Product Development, Introduction to
Adopted curricular materials: None
Advanced Manufacturing I
Grade Level: 10-11
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is the capstone course in the Advanced Manufacturing Pathway. Students enrolled in this course will extensively use
CNC routers and mills to produce a wide variety of parts and assemblies. Students will utilize parametric modeling and become
skilled designers and machine operators.
Pre-Requisite: Advanced Manufacturing I
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advanced Manufacturing II
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This CTE Pathway course is designed to encourage a diverse group of students to explore computer science and is designed to be
equivalent to a first-semester introductory college computing course. Rather than limiting this introductory study to just two
traditional topics - algorithms and programming - this course introduces students to a broad set of big ideas. These big ideas,
which include algorithms and programming, are often summarized using the terms creative, abstraction, data, Internet, and
impact. In addition, this course emphasizes the use of computational thinking practices for effective learning experiences and
problem-solving. These practices include connecting, creating, abstracting, analyzing, communicating, and collaborating.
Pre-requisite(s): Exploring Computer Science
Adopted curricular materials:
AP Computer Science Principles
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Science Recommended (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed for students to apply math skills to personal and business situations: keeping money records, figuring
wage income, commissions, saving and investing money, figuring home and transportation expenses, taxes, sales records, and
more. Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. Students completing this course will receive math credit toward graduation.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I
Adopted curricular materials: Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance, McGraw-Hill Education
Business Finance
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course focuses on the origin of law, present court procedures, and the rights and duties of citizens. Students will become
acquainted with laws governing businesses, as well as every day agreements (contracts). With lots of human interest (every legal
problem involves rights and duties of people) relevant to our present society, this is an effective course to help develop analytical
abilities. Study outside class time is necessary: cases will be analyzed; spelling and definition of legal terms is included.
Adopted curricular materials: Understanding Business & Personal Law, Glencoe
Business Law
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed as the foundation for all other CADD courses. The focus is on developing computer-aided design/drafting
skills, for those with little or no CADD experience, using Auto CADD software. Students are introduced to the computer hardware
and the latest development of program and components. Lectures and exercises cover all the basic functions such as colors,
dimensioning, layers, and blocks. Projects such as creating a vise are done to learn and practice the different drawing techniques
involved. The class takes in all the fundamentals in making a full-fledged drawing from scaling to plotting.
Adopted curricular materials: Applying Auto-Cad, Glencoe
Computer Aided Design/Drafting (CADD)
Grade Level: 09-10
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This in-depth course explores wiring, protocols, management and configuration of Local Area Networks (LAN). Upon completion
of this course, students will be fluent in setup and management of LAN routers, switched hubs, servers and workstations.
Students should have a firm understanding of computer operating systems (Windows or Mac) and Internet basics prior to
enrolling in this course.
Pre-requisite(s): Computer Technology
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Computer Networking Basics (LAN)
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This CTE Concentrator course aims to broaden participation in computer science and computing by introducing students to the
main concepts of computer science by having them engage in computational thinking practices and learning how computing
influences the world. The goal of this course is to provide students a foundation in computer science concepts and practices so
that students learn to use reasoning. Students will engage in rigorous instruction in order to become active and informed citizens
in a global and technologically-driven society.
Pre-requisite(s): Exploring Computer Science
Co-requisite: Mathematics II
Adopted curricular materials:
Computer Science Principles
Grade Level: 10-11
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This is an introductory course providing students with general knowledge on how computers work, computer terminology, and
the impact of computers on society and work environment. Students will explore digital safety and citizenship, keyboarding, word
processing software, spreadsheet software, database software, programming, email, and the Internet. This course satisfies the
EGUSD Technology Proficiency graduation requirement.
Adopted curricular materials: Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 365 OFFICE 2016, A Fundamental Combined Approach,
Cengage Learning
Computer Technology
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course allows students to study and practice several areas of contemporary graphic production and illustration with a strong
emphasis on computer-generated art and graphics. This course is intended for art students who can work at an independent and
mature level. Students will work with current software, hardware and graphic technologies and will learn about career
opportunities in the graphic arts. Basic computer use and operation, as well as the basic elements of art and the principles of
design, will be studied. In addition, art history, art appreciation, art criticism and judgment will be included in the course of study.
Students are strongly recommended to complete Art I and Computer Technology prior to the class.
Adopted curricular materials: Communication Through Graphic Design, Davis Publishing
Digital Art/Graphic Design Production
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This concentrator course in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment industry sector applies learning from Introductory and
Intermediate Visual/Commercial Art in a project-based environment. Course work will focus on 2-D products and their
application to arts-related industry and commercial environments. Skills and knowledge will be demonstrated in both the
educational and work setting. Instruction will focus on applying student knowledge of digital photography, art, and design in
creative environments. Students will create artistic and industry-standard products that demonstrate entry-level workforce skills
and comprehensive knowledge of arts, media, and entertainment industry practices.
Pre-requisite(s): Photography I or Digital Art/Graphic Design Production
Adopted curricular materials: No instructional materials assigned
Digital Photography II
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This course focuses on the creative, collaborative, interdisciplinary, and problem-solving nature of computing, featuring an
inquiry-based approach to learning and teaching. As part of this curriculum, students will develop real-world computing problems
that are culturally relevant and address social and ethical issues while delivering foundational computer science knowledge to
students. Students will engage in several in-depth projects to demonstrate the real-world application of computing.
Pre-requisite(s): Computer Technology (recommended)
Adopted curricular materials: C-STEM Studio / Soft Integration, c-stem/;; Code HS
Exploring Computer Science
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course offers students an introduction to an exciting career pathway in fashion and merchandising and provides them with
the background they will need to be successful within various career opportunities in the fashion industry. Students will learn the
basics of design, sewing, marketing, and merchandising fashion products. This is a project-based class in which students will
continue to build their 21st century skills in collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. It will culminate in two
final semester projects that demonstrate their knowledge of design, illustration, basic sewing techniques, and apparel
construction. In addition, this course provides an interdisciplinary approach to fashion design and merchandising through the
integration of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Economics, History, and Visual Arts. This course will provide students various
opportunities to meet the Speech Proficiency for Graduation Requirement.
Pre-requisite(s): Art I with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Apparel Design, Textiles & Construction,11th Edition; The Goodheart-Willcox Company
Fashion I
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Visual and Performing Arts (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course builds on the skills learned in Fashion I and expands students' knowledge of apparel design and construction. As part
of the career development portion of this course, students take a deeper look at specific careers in the fashion and textile
industry. Students gather work from various assignments, projects and labs to create a professional portfolio. This is a project-
based course that uses an interdisciplinary approach to the fashion industry; science, math and technology will be applied in
various areas of the fashion and textile design process to build career skills to develop fashion designs, illustrations, patterns, and
textiles. Sewing is a key component of the course; basic and advanced sewing techniques will be used to complete two separate
apparel construction projects.
Pre-requisite(s): Fashion I with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Apparel Design, Textiles & Construction,11th Edition; The Goodheart-Willcox Company
Fashion II
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Visual and Performing Arts (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course introduces students to the entire field of business careers, the function of money (making it as well as spending it),
checking accounts, budgets, credit and purchasing. The course is a good foundation for other business courses.
Adopted curricular materials: Introduction to Business, McGraw-Hill Education
General Business
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed to engage students in hands-on/project based learning to explore the technology associated with solar
energy and wind power. During this exploration, students will gain insights into the educational requirements for work in the
rapidly growing field of Renewable Energy. They will develop the skills needed in the design and construction of a solar case and
wind turbine. These large scale projects will interface and charge a battery/inverter system. Using the engineering design
process, students then take these systems and design, develop, model and test a solution to an energy related issue. Throughout
the course students will listen to speakers from the companies who have partnered with the academy, take field trips to energy
related facilities, and explore the careers available in the Renewable Energy Industry.
Pre-requisite(s): Introduction to Green Energy Technology
Adopted curricular materials: Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University Press
Green Energy Technology I
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Elective: Science (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed to engage students in hands-on/project based learning to explore the technology associated with biofuels
and alternative transportation. During this exploration, students will gain insights into the educational requirements for work in
the rapidly growing field of Renewable Energy. Students will partner with mentors in the biofuel and alternative transportation
fields of research, and work with these professionals to design and develop systems to create biofuels and modified electric
vehicles. Using the engineering design process, students then take these products and design, develop, model and test a solution
to an energy related issue. Throughout the course, students will listen to speakers from the companies who have partnered with
the academy, take field trips to energy related facilities, and explore the careers available in the Renewable Energy Industry.
Pre-requisite(s): Intro to Green Energy Technology and Green Energy Technology I
Adopted curricular materials: Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University Press
Green Energy Technology II
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: Elective: Science (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed to place students into programs sponsored by academy partners. Internships, collaborative research and
certification programs will be available through industry partners, union shop training programs, and post-secondary institutions.
The research will be set in collaboration with institutions of higher learning and industries/corporations pursuing research and
development. Internships will focus on job readiness, career planning and exposure to work in the energy and utilities job sector.
Whether a student plans to attend a two or four year institution, enter into a career technical education training program, or go
directly into the workforce upon graduation, the senior GETA course will uniquely prepare each student for post-secondary
Pre-requisite(s): Intro to Green Energy Technology, Green Energy Technology I and Green Energy Technology II
Adopted curricular materials: Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University Press
Green Energy Technology III
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: Science (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed for students interested in exploring or pursuing careers in the Green Energy Technology field. Students will
study and explore the technologies of green energy production from sources of solar, hydrogen, wind, and water. This would
include hands-on projects such as solar race cars, hydrogen powered vehicles, and miniature wind and water turbines. Students
will also learn the concepts of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer numerical software (CNC), interface these with
learning how to critically examine and understand an engineering design challenge, and then propose, design, fabricate, and
report out on the solution. This course may not be repeated for credit.
Pre-Requisite(s): None
Adopted Curricular Material: Core Curriculum, Introductory Craft Skills, Trainee Guide
Introduction to Green Energy Technologies
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This course introduces students to manufacturing and product innovation and design. Students learn about careers in
manufacturing, manufacturing processes, product innovation and design as well as explore the development of projects
throughout the class. Manufacturing is an in-demand field, particularly in the Sacramento region, and this course exposes
students to what this field has to offer. Pre-Requisite: None
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Manufacturing and Product Development, Intro to
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
In this course, students create a mobile application that will operate for both Android and iOS using the latest technologies.
Through theories and practical programming exercises of increasing depth, this course prepares students interested in the field of
mobile applications. At the end of the course, students develop cutting-edge mobile applications and publish their work onto a
mobile app store.
Pre-Requisites: Exploring Computer Science and Computer Science Principles
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Mobile Apps Development
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This is the Concentrator course in the Product Innovation and Design pathway. Students follow the design cycle to develop several
products in both individual and group work throughout the course. This process begins with an assessment of needs for a
product, ideating solutions to that need, designing prototypes, testing these prototypes, and then assessing what further needs
exist. Student projects include woodworking, community service, presentations, portfolio maintenance, and skill assessments.
Students successfully completing this course will go on to Product Innovation and Design II where they will further their skills.
Pre-Requisite: Manufacturing and Product Development, Introduction to
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Product Innovation and Design I
Grade Level: 10-11
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is the capstone-level course in the Product Innovation and Design pathway. Students utilize the design cycle to
develop several products in both individual and group work throughout the course. Students learn how to create quality
woodworking joints while building small wood projects and how to weld and shape sheet metal. Students work with industry
representatives to define and solve critical problems using their skills. Finally, students conduct job-shadows in their industry of
choice and earn industry-recognized safety certification.
Pre-Requisite: Product Innovation and Design I
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Product Innovation and Design II
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Career Technical Education
This is the first course in the Sports Therapy sequence. The main purpose of this course is to introduce students to important
concepts in Sports Medicine as well as research career options. In addition, the course will provide students with leadership skills,
soft skills, and opportunities to explore real issues facing healthcare providers today.
Pre-Requisite(s): None
Co-Requisite(s): Biology of the Living Earth
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Sports Therapy I
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course is designed to provide students with basic and advanced concepts of anatomy, mechanism of sports injuries,
rehabilitation, and administration of athletic training. The Sports Careers Academy (SCA) students will receive CPR and First Aid
certification and real-world work experience in cooperation with a Board-Certified Athletic Trainer(s). Our future Student Athletic
Trainers will demonstrate a basic mastery of care for athletic injuries of all body parts while upholding and displaying knowledge
of the NATA code of ethics and BOC standards of professional practice for athletic trainers (ATCs).
Pre-Requisite(s): Sports Therapy I
Co-Requisite(s): Physiology
Adopted curricular materials: Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Human Kinetics
Sports Therapy II
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Career Technical Education
This course provides students with the foundations in exercise science and essential skills to prepare for and pass the NASM-CPT
(Certified Personal Trainer) nationally accredited certification examination. The Sports Careers Academy (SCA) student will
demonstrate proficiency in the performance domains of Basic and Applied Sciences; Assessment; Exercise Technique and Training
Instruction; Program Design; Considerations in Nutrition; Client Relations and Behavioral Coaching; and Professional
Development, Practice, and Responsibility.
Pre-Requisite(s): Sports Therapy II and Physiology
Adopted curricular materials: Fundamentals of Athletic Training, Human Kinetics
Sports Therapy III
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
This course offers students the opportunity to be peer tutors working with students with disabilities at their school. Students will
be able to explain the different types of disabilities and assistive technology utilized to support students, as well as be able to use
and interact with various types of adaptive equipment. Students will help teach students with disabilities many important daily
living tasks and will accompany students to other classes and campus events. They will also help students with disabilities interact
with others who don't have disabilities. Students will also learn about different disabilities and gain new insights about having a
disability in school and in society.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Ability Awareness
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to provide students with personalized academic guidance along with a connection between the student,
teacher, counselor, and the school. Students will learn study skills that can be applied across disciplines and will receive basic
academic guidance each year from their assigned advocacy teacher. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advocacy 10
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 0.0
Max Credits: 0.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to provide students with personalized academic guidance along with a connection between the student,
teacher, counselor, and the school. Students will learn study skills that can be applied across disciplines and will receive basic
academic guidance each year from their assigned advocacy teacher. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advocacy 11
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 0.0
Max Credits: 0.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to provide students with personalized academic guidance along with a connection between the student,
teacher, counselor, and the school. Students will learn study skills that can be applied across disciplines and will receive basic
academic guidance each year from their assigned advocacy teacher. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advocacy 12
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 0.0
Max Credits: 0.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to provide students with personalized academic guidance along with a connection between the student,
teacher, counselor, and the school. Students will learn study skills that can be applied across disciplines and will receive basic
academic guidance each year from their assigned advocacy teacher. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advocacy 9
Grade Level: 09
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 0.0
Max Credits: 0.0
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Page: 8
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
This course is designed to provide students with personalized academic guidance along with a connection between the student,
teacher, counselor, and the school. Students will learn study skills that can be applied across disciplines and will receive basic
academic guidance each year from their assigned advocacy teacher. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Advocacy Multiple Grade Levels
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 0.0
Max Credits: 0.0
Department: Electives
The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program is a four-year college preparatory class for under-represented
students who demonstrate academic potential. The goals of the program are to provide academic instruction and other support
to students to prepare them for four-year college and university eligibility, give students college-level entry skills, and motivate
them to pursue a college education.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program is a four-year college preparatory class for under-represented
students who demonstrate academic potential. The goals of the program are to provide academic instruction and other support
to students to prepare them for four-year college and university eligibility, give students college-level entry skills, and motivate
them to pursue a college education.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program is a four-year college preparatory class for under-represented
students who demonstrate academic potential. The goals of the program are to provide academic instruction and other support
to students to prepare them for four-year college and university eligibility, give students college-level entry skills, and motivate
them to pursue a college education.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 09
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
This course involves substantial critical reading and writing, and participating in, as well as conducting, regularly scheduled
Socratic Seminars. AVID students will receive assistance and guidance in applying for college, researching financial aid and
housing, registering for entrance and placement exams, preparing for Senior Project, and preparing for external examinations in
the spring. The AVID Senior Seminar is divided into four quarters of emphasis, leading to the student's acceptance at a four-year
college or university. Quarter one - Gaining Admission; Quarter two - Becoming a College Student; Quarter three - Placement and
External Exam Preparation; Quarter four - Selecting a Major and Career Emphasis.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
AVID Senior Seminar
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: Other (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 9
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
AVID Tutors will support the AVID elective courses with facilitating tutorials and completing various assigned tasks under the
supervision of the AVID elective teacher and/or Coordinator. Students do not need to be former or current AVID students. AVID
tutors will serve as a role model for, and support the WICOR skill development of, AVID Elective students. All tutors must receive
approval from the AVID Coordinator prior to enrollment; please see the AVID Coordinator or counselor for application
information. Upon enrollment, tutors will be required to complete 16 hours of peer-tutor training. This course may be repeated
for a maximum of 30 credits.
Prerequisites: minimum 2.5 grade point average, good attendance, completed AVID Tutor.
Application and approval from the AVID Coordinator.
Adopted curricular materials: No Textbook Assigned
AVID Tutor
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Electives
This course provides training to help students deal with conflicts such as verbal conflicts, fights, rumor control and peer pressure.
This course is Pass/No Pass.
Pre-requisite(s): 2.5 grade point average, good attendance, and completed aide application
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Conflict Manager
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed for students who hold elected or appointed positions in student government or leadership positions.
These students may enroll in Leadership. This class assists students in developing leadership skills and provides for the planning
and implementation of Associated Student Body activities. This course may be repeated for each year a student is elected to
student government for a maximum of 40 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Elected or appointed student government or leadership position
Adopted curricular materials: Building the World's Greatest High School Student Leader, Triumphant Heart Int., 1st Edition,
Copyright 2016
Government and Leadership
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
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Page: 10
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
This elective IB course is required for all IB diploma students in the second semester of their junior year and the first semester of
their senior year. It is also open to non-IB students in the same grades who are interested in exploring knowledge issues. The
course will introduce students to epistemology (the investigation of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge)
and will teach students to examine how human beings gain or attempt to gain knowledge (through sense perception, reason,
language, emotion), how we can justify knowledge claims (spotting logical fallacies, appropriate logic, evidence, coherence, and
pragmatism), avoid pitfalls of knowledge issues (skepticism, relativism, gullibility, bias), and analyze how knowledge is constructed
in different areas of knowledge (mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, history, the arts, and ethics). The focus
of the course will be on the knower (the student), enabling students to become conscious of their own experiences as learners (as
individuals and members of larger communities and cultures); students will also be taught to analyze and evaluate knowledge
issues from multiple perspectives, comparing divergent approaches to human understanding and behavior and realizing the
personal, communal, and global responsibilities that come with knowledge. Participants in the course will be expected to write
regularly in anticipation of and including their 1200-1600 word essay on a prescribed title (determined by IB) and to participate
actively in Socratic seminars, student-centered activities, and presentations pertaining to knowledge issues (including the
internally assessed presentation required by the IB).
Adopted curricular materials: Theory of Knowledge: Course Companion 2020 Edition, Oxford University Press
IB Theory of Knowledge 11
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: Elective: English (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Electives
This elective IB course is required for all IB diploma students in the second semester of their junior year and the first semester of
their senior year. It is also open to non-IB students in the same grades who are interested in exploring knowledge issues. The
course will introduce students to epistemology (the investigation of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge)
and will teach students to examine how human beings gain or attempt to gain knowledge (through sense perception, reason,
language, emotion), how we can justify knowledge claims (spotting logical fallacies, appropriate logic, evidence, coherence, and
pragmatism), avoid pitfalls of knowledge issues (skepticism, relativism, gullibility, bias), and analyze how knowledge is constructed
in different areas of knowledge (mathematics, the natural sciences, the human sciences, history, the arts, and ethics). The focus
of the course will be on the knower (the student), enabling students to become conscious of their own experiences as learners (as
individuals and members of larger communities and cultures); students will also be taught to analyze and evaluate knowledge
issues from multiple perspectives, comparing divergent approaches to human understanding and behavior and realizing the
personal, communal, and global responsibilities that come with knowledge. Participants in the course will be expected to write
regularly in anticipation of and including their 1200-1600 word essay on a prescribed title (determined by IB) and to participate
actively in Socratic seminars, student-centered activities, and presentations pertaining to knowledge issues (including the
internally assessed presentation required by the IB).
Adopted curricular materials: Theory of Knowledge: Course Companion 2020 Edition, Oxford University Press
IB Theory of Knowledge 12
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: English (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to assist and support students with acclimating to high school. Students enrolled in this course are
provided training to be Link Crew leaders and mentors to help freshman students with academic success, character development,
student engagement, and promoting a positive school climate. Team building, organization, leadership development,
communication, facilitation skills, and personal development are components of this course.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Link Crew
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
This course introduces students to various tasks assigned under supervision of school personnel. The location of the work and the
type of work vary and may include office work, library work, instructional support, etc. Counselors will apprise interested
students of the types of aides courses offered at the school site. Juniors and seniors may be student aides for one or two
semesters. No more than a total of ten credits of student aide may be used toward graduation. Student aides will be selected
from among those who submitted applications with their course selection forms. Applications are available from the counseling
secretary. This course is Pass/No Pass. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): 2.5 grade point average, good attendance, and completed aide application
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Office Assistant
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed to rotate every other day for the entire year with Student Leadership Development. This course will help
students develop skills in conflict mediation. Students interested in becoming conflict managers, peer counselors, mentors, peer
educators, and a part of Link Crew are asked to register. Applications and interviews will occur before students are admitted into
this class.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Peer Counseling I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
This course is designed for students to learn how to effectively work with small groups of students in a variety of content areas.
An emphasis will be placed on employing inquiry strategies and incorporating AVID methodologies in peer tutoring groups.
Student applications and interviews will occur before students are admitted into this class. Course may be repeated for a
maximum of 10 credits. This course is Pass/No Pass.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Peer Tutor
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
This course focuses on "knowing how you know." Building upon a reflective process of how knowledge is gained, the course will
promote critical thinking skills that will help students become successful scholars in both high school and post high school
educational settings. This course will help students develop the learning habits, ways of thinking, study skills, organizational
strategies, and planning exhibited by successful students at all levels. Students will examine how knowledge is achieved and used
in the following curricular areas: language, math, social science, science, and the arts. As students proceed through high school
and acquire knowledge in the different subjects, they will have a better understanding of the effects of reason, logic, and
language. The course will require students to use their cognitive skills to critically interact with their learning so that they become
consumers of knowledge.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Electives
This year-long course focuses on the development of interpersonal and interpersonal leadership skills. Effective oral and written
communication will be studied with an emphasis on identifying and implementing effective leadership strategies. Skills such as
time management, stress management, positive role modeling, effective group interactions and group facilitation skills will also
be emphasized.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Student Leadership Development
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
Student Store
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 40.0
Department: Electives
This course introduces students to various tasks assigned under supervision of a certificated teacher. Juniors and seniors may be
a teacher assistant for one or two semesters; however, no more than ten credits of this course may be used toward graduation.
Teacher assistants will be selected from among those who submit applications during the course selection process. Please see the
Counseling department for application information. This course is Pass/No Pass. This course may be repeated for a maximum of
10 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): 2.5 grade point average, good attendance, and completed aide application
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Teacher Assistant
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Electives
This course provides students an opportunity to experience working with wood. Students will master the safe use of both hand
and power tools and complete a number of construction projects throughout the course.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Wood Shop
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This English elective writing course is designed to build language, improve literacy skills, and provide high-interest issues that
prepare English Learners for college and career. The academic emphases of this course are language development, academic
vocabulary acquisition, and the development of written language skills. Student-centered activities are culturally and linguistically
responsive, while simultaneously teaching students effective communication strategies. Students engage in lessons with
culminating writing and oral projects that equip today's College and Career bound English Learner with the communicative
confidence and competence needed to realize their academic and personal potential.
Pre-requisite(s): Placement by site's English Learner (EL) team
Co-requisite: 9-12 grade student who is either a LTEL or Struggling Redesignated Fluent (RF)
Adopted curricular materials: English 3D, Course C/II
College and Career Writing I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This English elective writing course is designed to build language, improve literacy skills, and provide high-interest issues that
prepare English Learners for college and career. The academic emphases of this course are language development, academic
vocabulary acquisition, and the development of written language skills. Student-centered activities are culturally and linguistically
responsive, while simultaneously teaching students effective communication strategies. Students engage in lessons with
culminating writing and oral projects that equip today's College and Career bound English Learner with the communicative
confidence and competence needed to realize their academic and personal potential.
Pre-requisite(s): Placement by site's English Learner (EL) team
Co-requisite: 9-12 grade student who is either a LTEL or Struggling Redesignated Fluent (RF)
Adopted curricular materials: English 3D, Course C/II
College and Career Writing II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This course provides English Learners with fundamental skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening via a rigorous and rich
academic curriculum that begins preparing students for college and career success. This course builds language and literacy
proficiency with robust instruction, accessible instructional level text, close reading of grade level text, and multiple short and in-
depth integrated reading and writing opportunities.
Pre-requisite(s): Initial identification should be determined by multiple measures (CELDT/ELPAC, SBAC/CAASPP, primary language
proficiency, etc.); however, the program placement assessment should be used to determine specific course placement.
Adopted Curricular Materials: Get Ready! by Vista Higher Learning
EL English Intensive Course I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This course provides English Learners with the next level of skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening via a rigorous and rich
academic curriculum that continues preparing students for college and career success. This course builds language and literacy
proficiency with robust instruction, accessible instructional level text, close reading of grade level text, and multiple short and in-
depth integrated reading and writing opportunities.
Pre-requisite(s): Initial identification should be determined by multiple measures (CELDT/ELPAC, SBAC/CAASPP, primary language
proficiency, etc.); however, the program placement assessment should be used to determine specific course placement.
Adopted curricular materials: Get Ready! by Vista Higher Learning
EL English Intensive Course II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: English
This course provides English Learners with the next level of skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening via a rigorous and rich
academic curriculum that continues preparing students for college and career success. This course builds language and literacy
proficiency with robust instruction, accessible instructional level text, close reading of grade level text, and multiple short and in-
depth integrated reading and writing opportunities.
Pre-requisite(s): Initial identification should be determined by multiple measures (CELDT/ELPAC, SBAC/CAASPP, primary language
proficiency, etc.); however, the program placement assessment should be used to determine specific course placement.
Adopted curricular materials: Edge Level B, National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning
EL English Intensive Course III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: English
This course provides English Learners with the next level of skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening via a rigorous and rich
academic curriculum that continues preparing students for college and career success. This course builds language and literacy
proficiency with robust instruction, accessible instructional level text, close reading of grade level text, and multiple short and in-
depth integrated reading and writing opportunities.
Pre-requisite(s): Initial identification should be determined by multiple measures (CELDT/ELPAC, SBAC/CAASPP, primary language
proficiency, etc.); however, the program placement assessment should be used to determine specific course placement.
Adopted curricular materials: Edge Level C, National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning
EL English Intensive Course IV
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This elective course emphasizes intensive instruction, in a small group setting (20 or fewer students), to improve student's
competencies with listening, speaking, reading, and writing, through the development of the basic domains of English, e.g.,
pronunciation, letter sounds and units of meaning, syntax, spoken and written communication, as well as, computer literacy skills.
The students will benefit from support provided for their academic courses by participating in homework assignment groups on a
daily basis. Concurrent enrollment within both English Language Development and the ELL Lab will enable the students to more
quickly progress toward reaching English fluency and mastering the language arts content standards. Primary language support is
available, when necessary, to help students understand homework and the concepts of mathematics, science, and history. This
course is repeatable for up to 40 credits.
Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12, and/or EL Intensive I-IV.
Adopted curricular materials: Study Sync, McGraw-Hill Education or Edge, National Geographic Learning, Hampton-Brown, or Get
Ready (dependent upon students' core English course)
EL Language Lab
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
Department: English
This English/Language Arts (ELA) course is an intensive intervention class designed for students who have a multi-year trend of
being more than two years below grade level in reading and who have demonstrated eligibility for the course based on targeted
assessments. The goal of this course is to accelerate student learning for the purpose of being able to exit the course and to be
successful with grade-level ELA and literacy standards in all content areas. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 40
Pre-requisite(s): Placement by site intervention team based on identified district data criteria and assessments
Adopted curricular materials: California Language! Live, Voyager Sopris Learning, Inc.
ELA Literacy 9-12
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
Department: English
This course is designed toward integrating reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and utilizing higher order thinking skills. This
course's standards-based instruction will include literature and expository writing, language mechanics and usage, and vocabulary
development in meaningful contexts. Various literary and expository genres such as the short story, novel, drama, poetry,
biography, and essay will be studied. Whenever possible, connections will be made between the language arts areas and the
10th grade world history course. Writing instruction, based primarily upon expository text and literature studied in the course,
will center on a variety of models and writing as a process as well as writing on demand.
Adopted curricular materials: CA StudySync 10, McGraw-Hill Education
English 10
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This honors course has been revised to align with University of California's Honors distinction criteria and provides students with
rigorous instruction aligned to the California state standards. It is intended to prepare students for success in AP or IB level
English classes. A balance of rich literature and thought-provoking informational texts, along with a variety of mixed mediums
such as novels, visual/auditory presentations, and multi-media, offers student the opportunity to hone their critical reading and
thinking skills. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the texts through a variety of assignments and culminating
writing projects that place emphasis on analysis, synthesis, and research. This EGUSD honors course is recognized as an honors
level course by UC/CSU and earns a GPA enhancement by both EGUSD and UC/CSU.
Pre-requisite(s): English 9 or English 9 Honors
Adopted curricular materials: Advanced Language & Literature, for Honors and pre-AP English Courses, Bedford/St. Martin's
English 10 Honors
Grade Level: 10
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This course provides an integrated language arts approach within an enriched standards-based curriculum focusing on American
writers and the study of American literature. Students will examine the literature (which may include short stories, drama,
poetry, novels, essays, and biographies) in the context of thematic and/or historical connections. By participating in appropriate
reading, writing, and oral language activities, students will broaden their understanding of American culture and literature. This
course will prepare students for critical reading and college-level writing.
Adopted curricular materials: CA StudySync 11, McGraw-Hill Education
English 11
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This course offers standards-based integrated language arts instruction designed to address the unique needs of seniors who are
preparing for the transition from high school to college and/or career. Students will study representative works of world
literature in the context of thematic and/or historical connections to broaden their cultural perspectives. Writing domains
emphasized in the course will lend themselves to interdisciplinary topics as well. This course will prepare students for critical
reading and college-level writing.
Adopted curricular materials: CA StudySync 12, McGraw-Hill Education
English 12
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This course is designed to address the state content standards in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in an integrated
approach to English/language arts, utilizing higher order thinking skills. Instruction will include reference skills, study and test-
taking skills, writing, reading expository text and literature, language mechanics and usage, and vocabulary development in
meaningful contexts. This class will study various and expository literary genres including the short story, novel, drama, poetry,
biography, and essay. Writing instruction, based primarily upon expository text and literature studied in the course, will center on
a variety of models and writing as a process as well as writing on demand.
Adopted curricular materials: CA StudySync 9, McGraw-Hill Education
English 9
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This advanced course focuses on an integrated language arts approach within an enriched standards-based curriculum focusing
on writers and the study of a variety of literary and exposition genres. It also includes a wide range of challenging literature.
Instruction will focus on reference skills, study and test-taking skills, writing, language mechanics and usage, and vocabulary
development. Writing instruction, based primarily upon expository text and literature studied in the course, will center on a
variety of models and writing as a process as well as writing on demand. This course will prepare students for critical reading and
college-level writing.
Note: This course is not granted "honors" credit by the UC system. This EGUSD honors course is not recognized as an honors level
course by UC/CSU. It earns an EGUSD GPA enhancement but does NOT earn a GPA enhancement by UC/CSU.
Adopted curricular materials: CA StudySync 9, McGraw-Hill Education
English 9 Honors
Grade Level: 09
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This Designated ELD course incorporates comprehensive English language support for English Learners (ELs) at higher language
proficiency levels in order for them to be ready for college and the workplace by the end of high school.
Pre-Requisite(s): 11th or 12th grade English Learner who is at the expanding or bridging level; 11th or 12th grade struggling RFEP
Adopted curricular materials: Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum 3.0, Modules 1-5, Copyright 2019, The California State
Exploring Modern Issues in Text, Part I
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This designated ELD course incorporates comprehensive English language support for English Learners (ELs) at the Expanding and
Bridging levels. With a focus on expository text, this course offers instruction to support the acquisition of academic English and
incorporates activities that focus on content, concepts, and language features within the text(s) being read and produced.
Students within this course will be given opportunities to accelerate their proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, speaking,
and listening.
Pre-requisite(s): 11th or 12th grade English learner who is at the expanding or bridging level or an 11th or 12th grade struggling
RFEP student.
Adopted Curricular Material: Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum, 3rd Edition, Modules 6-10, California State University
Exploring Modern Issues in Text, Part II
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media. By examining communicative
acts across literary form and textual type alongside appropriate secondary readings, students will investigate the nature of
language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by identity and culture. Approaches to study in the course are
meant to be wide ranging and can include literary theory, sociolinguistics, media studies, and critical discourse analysis among
Pre-Requisite: IB English HL1
Adopted curricular materials: English A: Language and Literature, 2nd Edition, Copyright 2019, Oxford University Press
IB English HL 2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media. By examining communicative
acts across literary form and textual type alongside appropriate secondary readings, students will investigate the nature of
language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by identity and culture. Approaches to study in the course are
meant to be wide-ranging and can include literary theory, sociolinguistics, media studies, and critical discourse analysis among
Adopted curricular materials: English A: Language and Literature, Course Companion, 2nd Edition, Copyright 2019, Oxford
University Press
IB English HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 18
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media. By examining communicative
acts across literary forms and textual types alongside appropriate secondary readings, students will investigate the nature of
language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by literary theory, sociolinguistics, media studies, and critical
discourse analysis among others.
Pre-Requisite(s): None
Adopted curricular materials: IB English A Language and Literature, Oxford University Press
IB English SL 1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
In this course, students study a wide range of literary and non-literary texts in a variety of media. By examining communicative
acts across literary forms and textual types alongside appropriate secondary readings, students will investigate the nature of
language itself and the ways in which it shapes and is influenced by literary theory, sociolinguistics, media studies, and critical
discourse analysis among others.
Pre-Requisite(s): IB English SL 1 (IB courses are two years)
Adopted curricular materials: IB English A Language and Literature, Oxford University Press
IB English SL 2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: English (b)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This course is designed for students interested in print, broadcast, and/or electronic media, providing the fundamental skills to
write stories that matter. Journalism I is designed to introduce the student to news writing, interviewing, producing a print or
online newspaper, and making ethical journalistic decisions.
Pre-Requisite(s): None
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Journalism I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: English
This elective course is designed for students at all grade levels, but particularly for sophomores and juniors who wish to gain skills
which may enable them to work on high school publications. The class provides an introduction of basic journalistic skills for
students considering a career in journalism. District Publication Standards will be applied. One semester of this course is the first
requirement of the media major in journalism. It may be taken either semester long for 5 credits or all year for a maximum of 10
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Literary Publications I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: English
This elective course provides an in-depth study of world mythology. Students will read and discuss myths from the Greek, Roman,
African, Middle Eastern, and Far Eastern cultures. The class will uncover themes, symbolism commonalties, archetypes, and
motifs in mythology. This course is intended for students who wish to search for greater meaning, building upon their knowledge
of mythology.
Pre-requisite(s): English 9
Adopted curricular materials: World of Mythology, National Textbook Company
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: English (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: English
This course is designed to be the actual production of the high school yearbook. Students will write and prepare copy and learn
the techniques of yearbook layout and production. Students will be expected to work on a specific staff, meet all deadlines as set
by the instructor, and participate in book sales. Students must also participate in all other related yearbook activities and
distribution. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 40 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Staff member selection will be by application and instructor approval only
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Health
This course focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction. Topics may include substance use and abuse,
comprehensive sexual health education, human trafficking, nutrition, first aid, hands-on compression-only CPR and AED
instruction, health-related physical fitness concepts, hygiene, mental health/self-esteem, and health-related careers.
Adopted curricular materials: Glencoe Health, McGraw-Hill, Copyright 2022
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Electives (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Page: 21
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
History/Social Science
Department: History/Social Science
This course is designed to prepare students to assume their rights and responsibilities as citizens, which is required for graduation.
To achieve this, various branches and key agencies of our government, from the local to the national level, will be studied. Civil
rights, affirmative action, the ERA, and the criminal justice system will be emphasized. Resource speakers will be utilized to help
students understand the major issues which affect the government today and the process by which political decisions are made.
Adopted curricular materials: Impact California Social Studies: Principles of American Democracy, Copyright 2019, McGraw-Hill
American Government
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course is designed for students who want to complete the equivalent of a one-semester college introductory course in
American Government and Politics. Students will engage in an intense study of the constitutional foundation of American
government; the citizen base of politics; political parties and interest groups; the institutions of the national, state, and local
governments; the policy-making process; and civil rights and civil liberties. This class will require extensive reading, writing, and
research. Upon completion, students will be eligible to take the AP examination in government.
Adopted curricular materials: American Government Stories of a Nation, 2nd Edition, BFW Publishers
AP Government and Politics United States
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, use,
and alteration of Earth's surface. Students will use spatial concepts and landscape analysis to examine human social organization
and its environmental consequences. Students will also learn about the methods and tools geographers use in their science and
Adopted curricular materials: Human Geography, A Spatial Perspective (AP Edition), National Geographic Learning, Cengage
Learning, Copyright 2021
AP Human Geography
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: World History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavioral and mental processes of human beings
and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each major sub
field within psychology. Students will also learn about the methods psychologists use to explore the processes involved in normal
and abnormal perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Adopted curricular materials: Myers' Psychology for AP, Worth Publishers, 4th Edition
AP Psychology
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Elective: History/Social Science (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: History/Social Science
This course traces the development of world history from the emergence of cities to the present, focusing on the period after
1000 A.D. and emphasizing the analytical and writing skills necessary for success in a college level history course. To this end, the
course devotes considerable time to the critical evaluation of primary and secondary sources, analysis of change and continuity
over time, and the historical process and contacts between people in different society. In assigned reading and class discussions,
there will be an emphasis on critical thinking. Attention will be given to the skills necessary to take the AP World History exam in
the spring.
Adopted curricular materials: Ways of the World- A Global History with Sources, 5th Edition, BFW Publishers
AP World History
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: World History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course introduces the basic principles of all economic systems with special emphasis on a market-based system. This course
is required for graduation. Specific topics include the basic principles of decision-making, scarcity, opportunity, cost, and the
principles of supply and demand. These principles are examined from individual, national, and international perspectives. This
course is designed to give students the necessary tools to analyze their own personal decision making as well as to evaluate the
decisions of an individual firm, or the nation as a whole.
Adopted curricular materials: Impact California Social Studies: Principles of Economics, Copyright 2019, McGraw-Hill Education
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Elective: History/Social Science (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course is designed to provide key language, historical lessons, and critical analysis skills that empower students to articulate
and address the social injustices they see and experience. The class will cultivate the understanding necessary for social, political,
and educational engagement while developing academic literacy skills. Students will be able to take an in-depth look at history
through a thematic approach (as opposed to chronological) as well as theories of multicultural and gender studies.
Pre-Requisite: None
Adopted curricular materials: Our Stories in Our Voices, Copyright 2019, Kendall Hunt Publishing Company
Ethnic Studies
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: History/Social Science (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This IB course focuses on a rigorous study of 20th Century World History with a focus on the History of the Americas. During the
11th grade year, students will study U.S. History with an emphasis on History of the Americas. During the 12th grade year,
students will examine special themes within the history of the 20th Century. Upon year 2, students must pass and complete
internal and external assessments including the submission of a historical investigative research paper.
Pre-requisite(s): None
Adopted curricular materials: HL1: History of the Americas 1880 - 1981, Course Companion, Oxford University Press, HL2: 20th
Century World History, Oxford Univ.
IB History Route 2 (Americas) HL1
Grade Level: 11
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: History/Social Science
This IB course focuses on a rigorous study of 20th Century World History with a focus on the History of the Americas. During the
11th grade year, students will study U.S. History with an emphasis on History of the Americas. During the 12th grade year,
students will examine special themes within the history of the 20th Century. Upon year 2, students must pass and complete
internal and external assessments including the submission of a historical investigative research paper. Students passing this
course will have their Government requirement waived.
Pre-requisite(s): IB History, HL Year 1 with a C or better
Adopted curricular materials: HL1: History of the Americas 1880 - 1981, Course Companion, Oxford University Press, HL2: The
Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries Course Companion and Authoritarian States Course Companion; Copyright 2015,
Oxford University Press
IB History Route 2 (Americas) HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
IB History SL Year 1 (Social Science/History, Grades 11-12) (one-year equivalent, 10 credits) Year one of a two year course, this
course develops students' historical skills through a rigorous and thematic approach to US History. The first half analyzes US
history from political, economic, and diplomatic perspectives, while the second half emphasizes individual and societal
perspectives. Using sources, documents, and statistics, students will develop the analytic and evaluative skills necessary to deal
critically with issues in American history through a global context and to prepare them for Year 2. A special emphasis is the
development of critical writing skills necessary for the essay portions of the IB exam, including the internally assessed Historical
Pre-Requisite(s): None
Adopted curricular material: American Issues: A Primary Source Reader in United States History, Volume 1, 5th Edition and
American Issues: A Primary Source Reader in United States, Volume 2, 5th Edition
IB History SL Year 1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This IB course focuses on a rigorous study of 20th Century World History. During the 11th grade year, students will study US
History while fostering the approaches to learning, historical concepts, and other skills that will be assessed at the end of year 2.
During the 12th grade year, students will examine special themes within the history of the 20th Century. Upon year 2, students
must pass and complete internal and external assessments including the submission of a historical investigative research paper.
Pre-Requisite(s): IB History, SL Year 1 with a C or better
Adopted Curricular Material: Authoritarian States Course Companion
IB History SL Year 2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course provides students with a better understanding of human behavior. Students learn how their actions relate to the
behavior of others. Units that will be covered include: Introduction to Psychology, learning principles and applications, memory
and thought, adolescence and adulthood, and personality theories. Projects of each student's own design will be due at the end
of the semester.
Adopted curricular materials: Essentials of Psychology Concepts and Applications, 6th Edition, Cengage Learning, Inc., Copyright
Psychology I
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Elective: History/Social Science (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: History/Social Science
This course introduces mental skills that will enhance student performance, make athletic participation more enjoyable and
rewarding, and learn skills that can be transferred to other aspects of students' lives. Specific skills to be covered in this class will
include goal setting and strategies to achieve goals, visualization and imagery techniques, team building, dealing with injuries, and
controlling momentum. Many of the skills taught can also have a positive impact on academic success in such areas as test taking
and work experience.
Adopted curricular materials: The Young Champion's Mind: How to Think, Train, and Thrive Like an Elite Athlete, Rodale Kids,
Penguin Random House, Copyright 2018
Sports Psychology
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course is designed as a companion course to develop and support the study and technical skills which will ensure successful
participation in advanced placement (AP) History/Social Science courses. This elective course will provide students with specific
content support, practice in essential study skills, including note-taking and organization, as well as provide techniques and
opportunities to practice Document Based Questions, Free Response Questions, and multiple choice questions that students will
encounter on the national AP exam.
*Co-requisite: Enrollment in an AP History Social Science Course (AP Human Geography, AP World History, AP Comparative
Government, AP American Government, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, and/or AP Psychology)
(A separate prep course for AP US History, [course #1231; AP Skills, Emphasis on AP US History] exists and is offered at Cosumnes
Oaks High School.)
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Success in AP History/Social Science Courses
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course focuses on the study of modern American history, in accordance with the state framework. This is an 11th grade
social science course. The class begins with a review of United States history from the nation's beginnings to the start of the 20th
century. Connecting with past learning will highlight the initial segment of the class. The primary focus of the course will be I900
America to the present. Students will participate in the examination of: the Progressive Era, the Jazz Age, world wars and cold
wars, depression, civil rights, Watergate, and America today. An in-depth investigation of historical events and periods, the
fostering of multicultural awareness, the recognition of ethical, civic, and democratic values present in American history, and the
development of a historical perspective in relation to contemporary events represent the major aspects of the course. Literature,
music, art, primary readings, videos, simulations and other activities will be used to enhance the subject.
Adopted curricular materials: Impact California Social Studies: United States History & Geography, Continuity and Change,
Copyright 2019, McGraw-Hill Education
US History
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: US History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course introduces students to the world's geographic regions and allows them to relate that knowledge to events in today's
rapidly changing world. Contemporary issues confronting the world today, such as world trade, problems of developing nations,
urbanization, environmental pollution, and conservation of the world's resources are addressed. Students develop certain basic
geography skills. These include map reading and place name identification along with the interpretation of charts and diagrams.
As students gain a global perspective of geography, they become increasingly aware of their role as a global citizen today.
Adopted curricular materials: Geography Alive! Regions and People (a digital resource), 3rd Edition
World Geography
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: World History (a)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: History/Social Science
This course explores how the connection between the past and the future will continue to form our lives. In World History,
students again recognize the growing interdependence of people and cultures throughout the world. Students examine major
turning points in the shaping of the modern world from the late eighteenth century to the present. Literature is incorporated to
shed light on the life and times of the people and helps explain how and why things turned out as they did in the world today.
Adopted curricular materials: Impact California Social Studies: World History, Culture and Geography, Copyright 2019, McGraw-
Hill Education
World History
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: World History (a)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: History/Social Science
This course explores the following units: Criminal Law and Juvenile Justice, Tort Law, Consumer Law, Family Law, Housing Law,
Constitutional Issues, and Individual Rights and Liberties. This course is a one-semester social science elective that introduces
students to criminal and civil justice concepts.
Adopted curricular materials: Street Law: A Course in Practical Law, 10th Edition, McGraw Hill, copyright 2021
You and the Law
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: History/Social Science (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
This year-long college-preparatory course supports key Mathematics I standards and introduces key Mathematics II standards.
Designed for students who seek a better grasp of mathematical concepts before enrolling in Mathematics II, this course makes
explicit connections between the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the Content Standards through performance tasks and
project-based learning. This course prioritizes the usefulness in learning mathematics as students apply their knowledge using a
variety of avenues such as surveys and art.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I
Adopted curricular materials: EGUSD Printed APPLIED MATH Materials
Applied Mathematics
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics I (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course is an algebra-based, applications-oriented personal finance course that utilizes mathematical modeling. Financial
Literacy makes use of high school mathematics topics that are applied to real-world situations. A variety of problem-solving skills
and strategies will be used as students make conjectures about budget choices and understand how those choices impact their
future financial health. Students will learn about investing, taxes, and the basics of credit and banking. In addition, students will
examine various economic systems, including the movement of goods and services, supply and demand, and production chains.
Pre-Requisite(s): Mathematics I or Mathematics I B, Part 2
Adopted curricular material: Foundations in Personal Finance (a digital resource)
Financial Literacy
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Mathematics I (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep
understanding of mathematics. This course includes topics that are traditionally part of the pre-university mathematics course
and topics that are amenable to investigation or conjecture and proof. This course also places a focus on the practice of
mathematical writing in preparation for the Mathematical Exploration to be completed in IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL.
This course is generally taken in the first year of a student's two-year IB Diploma Program coursework and is intended as a
preparation year for students who will be enrolling in IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL. This EGUSD course is not recognized as
an honors-level course by UC/CSU. It earns an EGUSD GPA enhancement but does NOT earn a GPA enhancement by UC/CSU.
Pre-Requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better.
Adopted Curricular: Math Analysis and Approaches SL, Book 2 and Mathematics Core Topics SL, Book 1
IB Math Analysis & Approaches SL1/Prep Course
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics III (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep
understanding of mathematics. This course includes topics that are traditionally part of the pre-university mathematics course
and topics that are amenable to investigation or conjecture and proof. This course also places a focus on the practice of
mathematical writing in preparation for the Mathematical Exploration, an officially assessed component of the student's IB
Diploma coursework, in which students write a 12-20 page paper exploring an area of mathematical interest and relevance. This
course is generally taken in the second year of a student's two-year IB Diploma Program.
Pre-Requisite(s): IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL 1/Preparation Course with a grade of C or better.
Adopted Curricular: Math Analysis and Approaches SL, Book 2 and Mathematics Core Topics SL, Book 1
IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Mathematics - Advanced (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
This course recognizes mathematic's and technology's increasing role in a diverse range of fields in a data-rich world. As such, it
emphasizes the meaning of mathematics in context by focusing on topics that are often used as application/mathematical
modeling. To give this understanding a firm base, this course also includes topics that are traditionally part of a pre-university
mathematics course such as calculus and statistics. This course is generally taken in the first year of a student's two-year IB
Diploma Program coursework. It is intended as a preparation year for students who will be enrolling in IB Math Application and
Interpretations SL. This EGUSD course is not recognized as an honors-level course by UC/CSU. It earns an EGUSD GPA
enhancement but does NOT earn a GPA enhancement by UC/CSU.
Pre-Requisite(s): Mathematics II Honors with a grade of C or better.
Adopted Curricular: Math Applications and Interpretations SL, Book 2 and Mathematics Core Topics SL, Book 1
IB Math Applications & Interpretation SL1/Prep
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics III (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course recognizes mathematic's and technology's increasing role in a diverse range of fields in a data-rich world. It
emphasizes the meaning of mathematics in context by focusing on topics that are often used as applications or in mathematical
modeling, including pre-university mathematics courses such as calculus and statistics. This course makes extensive use of
technology to allow students to explore and construct mathematical models. This course also places a focus on the practice of
mathematical writing, in preparation for the Mathematical Exploration, an officially assessed component of a student's IB
Diploma coursework, in which students write an 8-12 page paper exploring an area of mathematical interest and relevance. This
course is generally taken in the second year of a student's two-year IB Diploma Program.
Pre-Requisite(s): IB Math Applications and Interpretation SL 1/Preparation Course with a grade of C or better.
Adopted Curricular: Math Applications and Interpretations SL, Book 2 and Mathematics Core Topics SL, Book 1
IB Math Applications and Interpretation SL
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Mathematics - Advanced (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This is a high-level course for students with an exceptional background in mathematics and who have competency in a range of
analytical and technical skills. Students need a solid mathematics background as they prepare for future studies in fields such as
engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Topics include algebra, functions, trigonometry, matrices, vectors,
probability and statistics, and calculus. Assessments include IB exams in May of senior year and an individual exploration project.
Pre-requisite(s): Precalculus Honors with a grade of "C" or better (B or better recommended)
Adopted curricular materials: Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, 5th Edition, AP Edition, Pearson
IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics - Advanced (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This is a high-level course for students with an exceptional background in mathematics and who have competency in a range of
analytical and technical skills. Students need a solid mathematics background as they prepare for future studies in fields such as
engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Topics include algebra, functions, trigonometry, matrices, vectors,
probability and statistics, and calculus. Assessments include IB exams in May of senior year and an individual exploration project.
Pre-requisite(s): IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL1 with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Mathematics Analysis and Approaches HL, Book 2, First Edition, Copyright 2019, Haese Mathematics
Publishers; Mathematics Core Topics HL, Book 1, First Edition, Copyright 2019, Haese Mathematics
IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Mathematics - Advanced (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
This course is the first course in a series of three that uses an integrated approach to cover the following domains: Number and
Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. The problem situations, models, and technology used will
foster connections to the eight standards of mathematical practice, which develop concepts from multiple perspectives.
Mathematics I topics focus on the interconnectedness of function elements, tables, graphs, and equations; comparison and
contrast and decision-making using Algebraic models; proving Geometric theorems about two-dimensional figures; and modeling
using mathematical probability. Technology will be used to introduce and expand upon all areas of focus
Pre-requisite for students taking Mathematics I in Grade 8: Mathematics 7 Accelerated with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated I, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics I
Grade Level: 08-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics I (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
Mathematics I A is the first in a two-part course that integrates the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra,
Functions, Geometry, and Statistics. Coupled with Mathematics I B, these two courses are the equivalent of a two-year
Mathematics I course. The problem situations, models, and technology used will foster connections to the eight Standards for
Mathematical Practice, which develop conceptual understanding from multiple perspectives. Mathematics I A topics focus on the
interconnectedness of function elements, tables, graphs, and equations; comparing and contrasting and decision-making using
Algebraic models, and modeling using mathematical probability. In addition, students will be provided with online and in-class
intervention to fill in any gaps in mathematical knowledge needed for success in Mathematics I A. This course earns five elective
credits in the first semester (Part 1) and five mathematics credits in the second semester (Part 2).
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated I, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics I A, Part 1
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Mathematics (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Mathematics
Mathematics I A is the first in a two-part course that integrates the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra,
Functions, Geometry, and Statistics. Coupled with Mathematics I B, these two courses are the equivalent of a two-year
Mathematics I course. The problem situations, models, and technology used will foster connections to the eight Standards for
Mathematical Practice, which develop conceptual understanding from multiple perspectives. Mathematics I A topics focus on the
interconnectedness of function elements, tables, graphs, and equations; comparing and contrasting and decision-making using
Algebraic models, and modeling using mathematical probability. In addition, students will be provided with online and in-class
intervention to fill in any gaps in mathematical knowledge needed for success in Mathematics I A. This course earns five elective
credits in the first semester (Part 1) and five mathematics credits in the second semester (Part 2).
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I A, Part 1
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated I, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics I A, Part 2
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Mathematics (g)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
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Page: 29
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
Mathematics I B is the second in a two-part course which integrates the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra,
Functions, Geometry, and Statistics. Coupled with Mathematics I A, these two courses are the equivalent of Mathematics I. The
problem situations, models, and technology used will foster connections to the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice which
develop conceptual understanding from multiple perspectives. Mathematics I B topics focus on exponential relationships,
geometric transformation and congruence, the properties of lines, angles, and triangles, along with the applications of these
properties; and quadrilaterals and coordinate proof. In addition, students will be provided with online and in-class intervention to
fill in any gaps in mathematical knowledge needed for success in Mathematics I B. This course earns five elective credits in the
first semester (Part 1) and five math credits in the second semester (Part 2).
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I A, Part 2
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated I, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics I B, Part 1
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics I (c)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Mathematics
Mathematics I B is the second in a two-part course which integrates the conceptual categories of Number and Quantity, Algebra,
Functions, Geometry, and Statistics. Coupled with Mathematics I A, these two courses are the equivalent of Mathematics I. The
problem situations, models, and technology used will foster connections to the eight Standards for Mathematical Practice which
develop conceptual understanding from multiple perspectives. Mathematics I B topics focus on exponential relationships,
geometric transformation and congruence, the properties of lines, angles, and triangles, along with the applications of these
properties; and quadrilaterals and coordinate proof. In addition, students will be provided with online and in-class intervention to
fill in any gaps in mathematical knowledge needed for success in Mathematics I B. This course earns five elective credits in the
first semester (Part 1) and five math credits in the second semester (Part 2).
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I B, Part 1
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated I, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics I B, Part 2
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics I (c)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Mathematics
This course is the second course in a series of three that uses an integrated approach to cover the following domains: Number
and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. This course focuses on extending the laws of
exponents to rational exponents, and solving and comparing the characteristics of functions, including their associated
inequalities. Students will extend their work with similarity, triangle and coordinate proofs, constructions, congruence, and
transformations while using proportional reasoning, trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Identity. Students will expand their
conceptual understanding of probability and statistics.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I or Applied Mathematics with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated II, McGraw Hill and ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics II (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course expands upon Mathematics II content. Mathematics II Honors includes exploring complex polynomial solutions, using
the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, extending constructions, and using theoretical and experimental probability to model
compound events, permutations, combinations, and fair decision making. This EGUSD honors course is not recognized as an
honors level course by UC/CSU. It earns an EGUSD GPA enhancement but does NOT earn a GPA enhancement by UC/CSU.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics I or Mathematics I B, Part 2 with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated II, McGraw Hill and ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics II Honors
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics II (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 30
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
This course is designed for the Mathematics II student who is performing below grade level due to learning gaps. The content
taught in this course aligns with the Mathematics II scope and sequence and provides students the opportunity to receive
additional instruction in standards that are essential to success in high school math. Students will be provided with both online
and in-class intervention to support mastering the Mathematics II standards along with standards from previous grade levels.
Co-Requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Mathematics II
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Mathematics and ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics II Support
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course is the third course in a series of three that uses an integrated approach to cover the following domains: Number and
Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. This course focuses on four major areas:(1) Expanding the
understanding of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions, (2) Expanding right triangle trigonometry to
include general triangles, (3) Applying methods from probability and statistics to draw inferences and conclusions from data, and
(4) Consolidating functions and geometry to create models and solve contextual problems.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics II, Mathematics II B, Part 2, Mathematics II Honors, or Exploring Functions through Mathematical
Practices with a grade of C or better.
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated III, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital Curriculum)
Mathematics III
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics III (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course expands upon Mathematics III content. Mathematics III Honors includes extending polynomial identities to the
complex system, using the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and the Binomial Theorem, understanding that rational expressions
with both linear and quadratic denominators are analogous to the rational numbers, proving and using the Laws of Sines and
Cosines and using them to solve problems, applying the Laws of Sines and Cosines in both right and non-right triangles, and using
probability concepts in more complex situations. This EGUSD honors course is not recognized as an honors level course by
UC/CSU. It earns an EGUSD GPA enhancement but does NOT earn a GPA enhancement by UC/CSU.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics II, Mathematics II B, Part 2, Mathematics II Honors, or Exploring Functions through Mathematical
Practices with a grade of C or better.
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Math Integrated III, McGraw Hill or ALEKS (digital Curriculum)
Mathematics III Honors
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics III (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course is designed for the Mathematics III student who is performing below grade level due to learning gaps. The content
taught in this course aligns with the Mathematics III scope and sequence and provides students the opportunity to receive
additional instruction in standards that are essential to success in high school math. Students will be provided with both online
and in-class intervention to support mastering the Mathematics III standards along with standards from previous grade levels.
Co-requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Mathematics III
Adopted curricular materials: Reveal Mathematics and ALEKS (digital curriculum)
Mathematics III Support
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Mathematics
This course is designed to extend the study of mathematics beyond the standard three-year progression of Mathematics I,
Mathematics II, Mathematics III. It is recommended for those students who wish to take an AP calculus class. Topics that will be
covered will include: limits, derivatives, continuity, piece-wise functions, as well as math analysis, trigonometry, and linear
algebra. A graphing calculator is recommended. This course uses a "5-point A" grading system recognized by the CSU and UC
systems. This EGUSD honors course is recognized as an honors level course by UC/CSU and earns a GPA enhancement by both
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Precalculus with Limits, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning
Pre-Calculus Honors
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics - Advanced (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Mathematics
This course is designed to explore the study of probability and the processing of statistical information. The course will review
Algebra and Geometry concepts that relate to statistics. The topics that will be covered include: probability, standard
distributions, measures of central tendency, standard deviation, and interpretation of these data. (A scientific calculator is
Pre-requisite(s): Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics II, Mathematics II B, Part 2, Mathematics II Honors, or Exploring Functions through
Mathematical Practices with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Statistics and Probability with Applications, Third Edition; Bedford, Freeman & Worth
Probability and Statistics
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics III (c)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Physical Education
Department: Physical Education
This course seeks to enrich the student athlete's fundamental foundation of sport, including physically, mentally, and socially.
The athlete will develop a life-long approach to physical fitness and athletic endeavors. This course is designed to familiarize the
student to an approach at athletic conditioning with sport-specific in-season and off-season training. This course may be
repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Co-requisite: 9th grade students must take the California Physical Fitness Test
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Athletic Conditioning and Strength Training
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Physical Education
This course is designed to stress the importance of cardiovascular, muscular, and mental fitness development for maintaining a
healthy lifestyle. The course will help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for physical fitness through
their participation in a walking program and low-impact exercises (i.e., yoga, chi, aerobics, etc.). This course may be repeated for
a maximum of 30 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): PE Course I
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Personal Fitness/Walking
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Physical Education
This course provides a wide variety of activities focusing on aquatics, rhythm/dance, and team activities to help students
demonstrate knowledge of and competency in motor skills, movement patterns, and strategies needed to perform a variety of
physical activities. All students are expected to dress and participate on a daily basis. Students learn how to achieve physical
fitness and the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle throughout their lifetime. This course also provides an opportune
setting for adolescents to learn appropriate social interaction skills.
Adopted Curricular Materials: No textbook assigned
This course provides for students whose needs are not met in the regular program. The adapted physical education program is
under the supervision of an Adapted Physical Education (A.P.E.) specialist with training in this area. Enrollment must be
accompanied by a physician's approval. The program provides individualized activities specially designed to meet each student's
needs and conditions. The class gives special attention to those with limitations and protects students with disabilities.
Pre-requisite(s): I.E.P. and physician approval
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
This course provides for students with temporary limitations (four weeks to one year) i.e., knee, arm, ankle, shoulder, back
problems, fractures. Enrollment must be accompanied by a physician's recommendation. Activities may include archery,
badminton, Frisbee games, golf, hockey, rhythms, table tennis, and weight training that will be modified to meet each student's
Pre-requisite(s): Physician recommendation
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Physical Education, Course I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Physical Education
This course offers a variety of activities focusing on proficiency of movement skills focusing on team activities, combatives, and
gymnastics/tumbling. Students will learn skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities as well as knowledge of
physical fitness and wellness. Students will create goals and integrate their knowledge into life-long patterns of wellness and
fitness. All students are expected to dress and participate on a daily basis.
Adopted Curricular Materials: No textbook assigned
Physical Education, Course II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Physical Education
This course offers three six-week segments of instruction in team sports. Skills specific to each sport will be emphasized and
developed throughout the progression of the course. Note-taking, reading, and Internet investigations will also be used to
supplement student learning. This is an elective course and cannot be taken in place of Course I or Course II.
Pre-requisite(s): PE Course I
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Team Sports, Introduction to
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Physical Education
This course is designed for students who want to become more physically fit and who have a serious interest in developing
strength through a weight training program. Strength training, toning, plyometrics, and jump rope will be the main themes of the
course. Cardiovascular techniques will also be stressed. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 30 credits. Students will
be expected to dress and participate every day. Sophomores may take this course in place of PE Course II for one semester only.
Students not meeting instructor expectations may be moved into PE Course II.
Pre-requisite(s): Beginning Weight Training
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Weight Training, Advanced
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Physical Education
This five credit course is designed to introduce students to weight training. It will cover muscles and their functions, 46 basic lifts,
and an understanding of training frequency, training resistance, training repetitions, training progression, and training speed.
Students will be introduced to workout design. During the second quarter, the students will design their own workout program
and set personal goals. Students will analyze their diet and be given instruction on diet needs when weight training. This course
must be passed before Advanced Weight Training can be taken. Elective credit only.
Pre-requisite(s): PE Course I with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Weight Training, Beginning
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Physical Education
This course is designed to introduce students, safely and accessibly to the basic postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation
methods of yoga. Students will begin to experience the benefits of stretching, moving, and breathing freely as they relieve built-
up stress, learn to relax, and ultimately get more out of day-to-day life. The aim of this course is to promote vibrant health and to
tap the body's latent energy reserves. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 25 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Physical Education Course I. Tenth grade students must pass the PFT to enroll in course.
Adopted curricular material: No textbook assigned
Yoga, Introduction to
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 25.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Science
This course is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course that explores topics such as Newtonian mechanics
(including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits. Through
inquiry-based learning, students will develop scientific critical thinking and reasoning skills. Approximately twenty-five percent of
the instructional time will be spent in hands-on laboratory work with an emphasis on inquiry-based investigations that provide
opportunities for students to apply the science practices.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics II with a grade of C or better and concurrent enrollment in Mathematics III
Adopted curricular materials: College Physics, Cengage Learning
AP Physics I
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This course explores the universe in which we live. The class will focus on the science behind our understanding of our universe.
The course may provide opportunities for viewing stars and exploring constellations.
Pre-Requisite: Concurrent enrollment in Mathematics I or higher
Adopted curricular materials: Foundations of Astronomy, 14th Edition, Cengage, Copyright 2019
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Elective: Science (g)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This laboratory course provides a foundation for the biological and earth sciences. Topics include ecosystem interactions and
energy, history of Earth's atmosphere, evidence for evolution, inheritance of traits, structure and function, and ecosystem
stability and the response to climate change. This course emphasizes developing conceptual models through asking questions,
analyzing data, designing and carrying out experiments and designing solutions to real world situations.
Co-requisite: Completion or enrollment in Mathematics I or equivalent
Adopted curricular materials: STEMscopes CA-NGSS-3D, The Living Earth, Accelerated Learning, Inc.
Biology of the Living Earth
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This laboratory course provides instruction in chemistry through exploration of natural phenomena in earth systems. Students will
engage in scientific practices and laboratory experiments to investigate the following topics: atomic theory, chemical bonding and
reactions, thermodynamics, plate tectonics, climate change, and ocean acidification.
Co-requisite: Completion or enrollment in Mathematics I or equivalent
Adopted curricular materials: Experience Chemistry in the Earth System, Copyright 2021, Pearson Education, Inc.
Chemistry in the Earth System
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course allows students to develop a secure knowledge of a limited body of facts and, at the same time, a broad general
understanding of the subject. Students should be able to apply this general understanding as widely as possible, and this ability
will be tested in examinations. First year IB Biology will concentrate on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, DNA and Biotechnology, and
Genetics and Evolution. Second year IB Biology will concentrate on human physiology, ecology and conservation, and botany. IB
Biology HL is a more in-depth study than IB Biology SL.
Adopted curricular materials: Higher Level Biology for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Biology HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Science
This IB course allows students to develop a secure knowledge of a limited body of facts and, at the same time, a broad general
understanding of the subject. Students should be able to apply this general understanding as widely as possible, and this ability
will be tested in examinations. First year IB Biology will concentrate on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, DNA and Biotechnology, and
Genetics and Evolution. Second year IB Biology will concentrate on human physiology, ecology and conservation, and botany. IB
Biology HL is a more in-depth study than IB Biology SL.
Adopted curricular materials: Higher Level Biology for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Biology HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course allows students to develop a secure knowledge of a limited body of facts and, at the same time, a broad general
understanding of the subject. Students should be able to apply this general understanding as widely as possible, and this ability
will be tested in examinations. First year IB Biology will concentrate on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, DNA and Biotechnology, and
Genetics and Evolution. Second year IB Biology will concentrate on human physiology, ecology and conservation, and botany.
Adopted curricular materials: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Biology SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course allows students to develop a secure knowledge of a limited body of facts and, at the same time, a broad general
understanding of the subject. Students should be able to apply this general understanding as widely as possible, and this ability
will be tested in examinations. First year IB Biology will concentrate on Cell Biology, Biochemistry, DNA and Biotechnology, and
Genetics and Evolution. Second year IB Biology will concentrate on human physiology, ecology and conservation, and botany.
Adopted curricular materials: Standard Level Biology for the IB Diploma Program, Pearson
IB Biology SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course is designed to facilitate student learning by developing skills and knowledge through inquiry with an emphasis on
international collaboration and cooperation. Students will gain knowledge, investigative techniques, and the ability to analyze
and synthesize scientific information and will be able to communicate this information to others. These skills incorporate verbal,
written, and technological abilities developing students who can effectively communicate scientific information. By applying
these skills in a global context, students will develop international mindedness. Students in IB Chemistry will learn how chemistry
allows us to design and create substances that improve our standard of living that benefit local and global communities.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Higher Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Chemistry HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 36
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Science
This IB course is designed to facilitate student learning by developing skills and knowledge through inquiry with an emphasis on
international collaboration and cooperation. Students will gain knowledge, investigative techniques, and the ability to analyze
and synthesize scientific information and will be able to communicate this information to others. These skills incorporate verbal,
written, and technological abilities developing students who can effectively communicate scientific information. By applying
these skills in a global context, students will develop international mindedness. Students in IB Chemistry will learn how chemistry
allows us to design and create substances that improve our standard of living that benefit local and global communities.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Higher Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Chemistry HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course is designed to facilitate student learning by developing skills and knowledge through inquiry with an emphasis on
international collaboration and cooperation. Students will gain knowledge, investigative techniques, and the ability to analyze
and synthesize scientific information and will be able to communicate this information to others. These skills incorporate verbal,
written, and technological abilities developing students who can effectively communicate scientific information. By applying
these skills in a global context, students will develop international-mindedness. Students in IB Chemistry will learn how chemistry
allows us to design and create substances that improve our standard of living that benefit local and global communities.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Standard Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Chemistry SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This IB course is designed to facilitate student learning by developing skills and knowledge through inquiry with an emphasis on
international collaboration and cooperation. Students will gain knowledge, investigative techniques, and the ability to analyze
and synthesize scientific information and will be able to communicate this information to others. These skills incorporate verbal,
written, and technological abilities developing students who can effectively communicate scientific information. By applying
these skills in a global context, students will develop international-mindedness. Students in IB Chemistry will learn how chemistry
allows us to design and create substances that improve our standard of living that benefit local and global communities.
Pre-requisite(s): Mathematics III with a grade of C or better or concurrent enrollment or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Standard Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Programme, Pearson
IB Chemistry SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This elective course explores the causes and effects of natural disasters and the engineering strategies used to limit the impact of
such events. Students will examine the ability, or inability, to control and predict events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
tsunamis, landslides, flooding, wildfires, and severe weather events. Instructional strategies include phenomena-based
instruction, collaborative learning, lecture, laboratory investigations, and engineering design challenges.
Adopted curricular materials: None
Natural Disasters and Engineering Strategies
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Science
This laboratory course addresses the relationships of physics in the universe. Emphasis is on observing phenomena, gathering and
interpreting data, developing models, discovering graphical and mathematical relationships, and engineering and refining
solutions to realistic problem scenarios. This course includes units on motion and forces, energy conversions, waves and
electromagnetic waves, nuclear processes, and stellar processes.
Co-requisite: Completion of or enrollment in Mathematics I or equivalent
Adopted curricular materials: STEMscopes CA-NGSS-3D, Physics in the Universe, Accelerated Learning, Inc.
Physics of the Universe
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Physical Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Science
This course explores all aspects of the human body in health and disease. This is a laboratory course and areas of study include
the nervous system, circulatory system, skeletal system, reproductive system, etc. Laboratory study will include the use and
dissection of living and preserved material to help study human anatomy and physiology.
Pre-requisite(s): Biology with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, High School Second Edition, McGraw-Hill,
Copyright 2021
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Biological Science (d)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Visual/Performing Arts
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of animation and computer graphics. Students will learn basic concepts,
methods and techniques through hands-on experiences and projects directly related to the field of animation and computer
graphics. The curriculum is geared toward individuals who wish to use and develop their creative expression skills, in conjunction
with professional-level computer software techniques, to create multimedia art. This course is especially for students who are
interested in fine art communication, film, drama, computer animation, and/or graphic design. Careers in art and animation will
be explored. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: The Encyclopedia of Animation Technology, Running Press
Animation I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to develop the students' ability to read and write four-part music and provides ear training for intervals,
scales, and chords. Students learn to recognize and use basic components and music including notation, rhythm and meter,
melody, scales, key signatures, intervals and triads. Students will practice constructing melodies and writing in four parts. The
course includes an introduction to systems of music from a variety of cultures and time periods. This course is an excellent
preparation for college-level music theory. Upon completion, students will be eligible to take the AP examination in Music Theory
that may qualify for college credit. Students are strongly encouraged to take the AP exam.
Pre-requisite(s): Ability to read music
Adopted curricular materials: Musician's Guide to Theory & Analysis, Third Edition, W.W. Norton
AP Music Theory
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, art history, art appreciation and
aesthetic judgment. Prior experience in art is not necessary to enroll in this course. Projects in the class will emphasize the
elements and principles of design and the technical skills of drawing, painting, and sculpture. Student projects may include the
use of glass etching, charcoal, ink, pastels, tempera, watercolor, and plaster. Printmaking projects may include linoleum block
prints, silk screen painting, and dry point etching.
Adopted curricular materials: Discovering Drawing, Davis Publishing
Art I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for students who wish to continue their studies of drawing, painting, art history, and design at a more
advanced level. Students are encouraged to register for both Art II A and Art II B. Art II is an extension of the skills and techniques
developed in Art I. Projects will require the student to work at a more independent and mature level and will culminate in a
portfolio of their work. Students will be encouraged to enter a variety of art contests and shows.
Pre-requisite(s): Art I or instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Experience Painting, Davis Publishing
Art II
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 39
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for the most advanced instrumental students to participate in an instrumental ensemble. Students study
advanced music literature through concert band methods and sheet music composed for Advanced Band. Students will explore
the role of the performing arts in culture and human history. Instruments include all of the varieties found within the brass,
woodwind, and percussion instrument families, along with harp and double bass. This course may be repeated for a maximum of
30 credits.
Pre-Requisite(s): The ability to play a band instrument and recommendation by or audition with the current band director.
Co-Requisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in Advanced Band Mini if directed by the site.
Adopted curricular material: No textbook assigned
Band, Advanced
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
Band, Advanced, Honors (Visual and Performing Arts, Grades 10-12) (one-year equivalent course, 10 credits) This course focuses
on increased rigor of the Band, Advanced course based on additional solo and ensemble work, honor bands auditions, research
and writing assignments, and in-depth performance critiques, students may elect this academic challenge via application and/or
audition. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 30 credits.
Pre-Requisite(s): The ability to play a band instrument and recommendation by or audition with the current band director.
Co-Requisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in Advanced Band Mini if directed by site.
Adopted Curricular Material: No textbook assigned.
Band, Advanced Honors
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for students to participate in an instrumental ensemble. Students study music literature through band
methods and sheet music composed for Beginning Concert Band. Students explore the role of the performing arts in culture and
human history. Instruments include all of the varieties found within the brass, woodwind and percussion families.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Band, Beginning
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for students to participate in an instrumental ensemble. Students study advanced music literature
through band methods and sheet music composed for Intermediate Concert Band. Students will explore the role of the
performing arts in culture and human history. Instruments include all of the varieties found within the brass, woodwind and
percussion families. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 40 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Ability to play a band instrument and recommendation by current music teacher or audition with the band
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Band, Intermediate
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 40
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for students to participate in a performing ensemble. It is the first course for students enrolling in
Marching/Concert Band. Students study music in literature, compose for concert band and marching band, and display their
efforts in public recitals. Students will explore the role of the performing arts in culture and human history. 25 hours of
Community Service awarded at Laguna Creek High School.
Pre-requisite(s): Ability to play a band instrument and recommendation by current music teacher or audition with the band
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Band, Intro to Marching/Concert
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course focuses on Band Auxiliary groups including, when applicable, Drill Team, Majorettes, Banner Carriers, Shield Bearers,
Color Guard, and Flag Team. All students will be expected to stay for practices before and after school and participate in all extra-
curricular activities. Each student is expected to dress appropriately and participate on a daily basis. This course may be repeated
for a maximum of 40 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Band, Marching Auxiliaries
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course introduces students to the fundamental methods of working with clay including hand building techniques, use of the
potter's wheel, glaze application, and firing techniques. This is an introductory class in the basic skills and processes of ceramics.
The role of ceramics in art history and the work of contemporary artists will be included in the course study.
Adopted curricular materials: Experience Clay, Second Edition, Davis Publishing
Ceramics I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This advanced ceramics course includes aesthetics, art criticism, art history, and studio production. Students complete up to 12
theme-based projects showing progression of style and artistic influence through research and evaluation of artist's works.
Students will focus on craftsmanship, skills, techniques, and originality. Included in the course of study are the work of
contemporary ceramic artists, ceramic cultural art history, written research through critical analysis, and reports of a particular
genre, style, or historical periods, which will be used to give direction to mastery level work. This EGUSD honors course is
recognized as an honors level course by UC/CSU and earns a GPA enhancement by both EGUSD and UC/CSU.
Pre-Requisite: Ceramics I
Adopted curricular materials: The Visual Experience, 3rd Edition, Davis Publications
Ceramics II, Honors
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed as an ensemble consisting of students performing choral music of a high technical and musical level, in a
variety of musical styles. Students practice vocal techniques including tone production, posture, breathing, and ensemble
blending. Listening skills for musicianship are developed. Basic skills of reading music and singing music at sight are stressed.
Performance participation required. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 40 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Introduction to Concert Choir
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Choir, Concert
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 40.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to introduce basic computer use and operation, as well as the elements and principles of design. Students
will have the opportunity to work with computers and a variety of software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and PageMaker.
Emphasis will be on creativity, originality, technique, meeting the needs of the client, and task completion. Students will also be
introduced to design terminology, the history of design, as well as the development of aesthetic judgment. Careers in this field
will also be explored in this class and students will be encouraged to meet the graphic arts needs of the campus by creating
posters, signs, publication design and other arts services as requested. This course meets the UC elective requirement.
Adopted curricular materials: Graphic Design Solutions, Thomson/Delmar
Computers and Graphic Design
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for the student/dancer to become a part of a performing troupe. Rhythmycal Maddness: Elk Grove High
School; Master Peace: Florin High School; Infinite Motion: Franklin High School; Fusion Dance Company: Laguna Creek High
School; Impulse: Monterey Trail High School; Soul Purpose: Pleasant Grove High School and Universal Rhythm: Sheldon High
School. Level I is an introductory level experience in the creative process of dance choreography. Students will participate in
student choreography, and be introduced to the many facets of production. All students will participate in all aspects of the main
stage production, recitals, and lecture demonstration performance.
Pre-requisite(s): Jazz Dance I and successful audition
Adopted curricular materials: Dance Composition, Human Kinetics
Dance Composition & Performance I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to provide students with an intermediate level experience in the creative process of dance choreography.
Students will participate in group choreography projects utilizing the creative process of dance as well as historical and social
contribution. Students will be actively involved in all production facets of main stage through committee work chairs, student
directors and producers. All students will participate in the performance and production components of a main stage production.
Recital and lecture demonstration performances are also required.
Pre-requisite(s): Dance Composition and Performance I and audition
Adopted curricular materials: Dance- the Art of Production, Princeton
Dance Composition & Performance II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
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Page: 42
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to provide students with an advanced level experience in the creative process of dance choreography. All
third year students will be required to choreograph and set a major piece of choreography. They are required to take on
leadership roles as student directors/producers or committee chairs. All third year students need to incorporate a mentoring
component in some capacity, which can also serve as community service. Students will take on leadership roles for the
production components of main stage and are required to perform in the main stage production, recitals, and lecture
demonstration performances.
Pre-requisite(s): Dance Composition and Performance II and audition
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Dance Composition & Performance III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course focuses on advance level proficiency in the creative process of dance choreography. Individual choreography
requirements. Teaching experiences provided in class, off campus enrichment classes to feeder schools, mentors to new
company members. Oversee all aspects of production as assistant directors to the main stage production and lecture
demonstration performances or committee chairmen for production committees. Internships with community college dance
companies will be provided.
Pre-requisite(s): Dance Composition and Performance III and an audition
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Dance Composition & Performance IV
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course offers students beginning dance technique and choreography. Students will be introduced to various dance styles,
including ballet and modern dance, jazz and tap dance, social and cultural dance, and contemporary and hip-hop dance. Students
will gain an appreciation for dance as an art form and develop foundational skills necessary to pursue a variety of careers in
dance. This course includes the application of the choreographic elements and principles, the study of history and evolution of
dance, and an exploration of dance from a careers perspective.
Adopted curricular materials: Discovering Dance, Human Kinetics
Dance I, Beginning
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course offers students intermediate dance technique and choreography. Students develop intermediate dance skills,
including ballet and modern dance, jazz and tap dance, social and cultural dance, and contemporary and hip-hop dance. Students
will gain a deeper connection to dance as an art form and develop intermediate skills necessary to pursue a variety of careers in
dance. Students will be introduced to production elements such as staging, lighting and sound, and company organization and
management in professional dance careers. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of a beginning-level dance course and/or audition
Adopted curricular materials: Experiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist, Second Edition, Human Kinetics
Dance II, Intermediate
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
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Page: 43
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course provides advanced dance technique and choreography skills to create project-based performances for live, film, and
video production. Students will develop advanced dance skills of various dance styles, including ballet and modern dance, jazz
and tap dance, social and cultural dance, and contemporary and hip-hop dance. Students will reflect upon their dance studies
and establish their own voice within the world of dance. Students will prepare audition or choreographic portfolios, learn
business/managerial skills, and develop a professional career plan. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of an intermediate-level dance course and audition
Adopted curricular materials: Dance Production and Management, Princeton Book Company, Publishers
Dance III, Advanced
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course focuses on the production aspect of plays. Students will analyze plays to determine appropriate set design,
costuming, lighting and make-up. Activities included will be designing, constructing, and painting backdrops and stage sets. Tests
will be given and students will be expected to complete individual projects. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 30
Adopted curricular materials: Play Productions Today or Theatrical Design & Production, McGraw-Hill
Drama Production I and II/Stagecraft
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 30.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is offered as a one or two-semester course open to any interested students. The focus of the curriculum is basic
drumming rudiments and rhythm reading through modern and traditional hand drumming techniques. Members of this class will
prepare and perform programs for presentation to the school community as well as accompany the various dance classes for
special performances. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: None
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course focuses on beginning and intermediate acoustic guitar. Students will work individually or in small groups. Emphasis
will be placed on chords, finger patterns, and reading music. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: Guitar School: Method Book 1, Alfred's
Guitar Workshop I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course focuses on beginning and intermediate acoustic guitar. Students will work individually or in small groups. Emphasis
will be placed on chords, finger patterns, and reading music. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: Guitar School: Method Book 1, Alfred's
Guitar Workshop II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
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Page: 44
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to study and gain an understanding of art in various cultures throughout history. Students will learn to
question the who, what, when, where, and why of an art piece. This will allow them to recognize and appreciate artworks from
cultures past and present. Class projects will incorporate application of various media, techniques, and processes helping
students to link the connections between the visual arts and other disciplines. The course falls in two parts: Studio Work
(practical) and Investigation Workbook (theoretical). IB Art HL is a more in-depth study than IB Art SL.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Art HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to study and gain an understanding of art in various cultures throughout history. Students will learn to
question the who, what, when, where, and why of an art piece. This will allow them to recognize and appreciate artworks from
cultures past and present. Class projects will incorporate application of various media, techniques, and processes helping
students to link the connections between the visual arts and other disciplines. The course falls in two parts: Studio Work
(practical) and Investigation Workbook (theoretical). IB Art HL is a more in-depth study than IB Art SL.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Art HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to study and gain an understanding of art in various cultures throughout history. Students will learn to
question the who, what, when, where, and why of an art piece. This will allow them to recognize and appreciate artworks from
cultures past and present. Class projects will incorporate application of various media, techniques, and processes helping
students to link the connections between the visual arts and other disciplines. The course falls in two parts: Studio Work
(practical) and Investigation Workbook (theoretical). With the permission of the instructor and administration, a student may
complete IB Art SL course in one-year and take the Standard Level (SL) exam in May.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Art SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to study and gain an understanding of art in various cultures throughout history. Students will learn to
question the who, what, when, where, and why of an art piece. This will allow them to recognize and appreciate artworks from
cultures past and present. Class projects will incorporate application of various media, techniques, and processes helping
students to link the connections between the visual arts and other disciplines. The course falls in two parts: Studio Work
(practical) and Investigation Workbook (theoretical). With the permission of the instructor and administration, a student may
complete IB Art SL course in one-year and take the Standard Level (SL) exam in May.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Art SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 45
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course provides a unique medium for learning about the self and the world. It is one essential component of artistic,
aesthetic, and cultural education and develops creative potential through physical expression. In dance, the integration of body,
mind, and spirit helps participants learn skills that are transferrable to other disciplines and to their daily lives. Consistent with
the educational philosophy of the IB, the Diploma Programme dance curriculum aims for a holistic approach to dance and
embraces a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures--past, present, and looking towards the future. Performance, creative,
and analytical skills are mutually developed and valued whether the students are writing papers or creating/performing dances.
The curriculum provides students with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation facilitates the development of students
who may become choreographers, dance scholars, performers, teachers, business owners, or more broadly, those who seek life
enrichment through dance.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Dance HL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course provides a unique medium for learning about the self and the world. It is one essential component of artistic,
aesthetic, and cultural education and develops creative potential through physical expression. In dance, the integration of body,
mind, and spirit helps participants learn skills that are transferrable to other disciplines and to their daily lives. Consistent with
the educational philosophy of the IB, the Diploma Programme dance curriculum aims for a holistic approach to dance and
embraces a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures--past, present, and looking towards the future. Performance, creative,
and analytical skills are mutually developed and valued whether the students are writing papers or creating/performing dances.
The curriculum provides students with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation facilitates the development of students
who may become choreographers, dance scholars, performers, teachers, business owners, or more broadly, those who seek life
enrichment through dance.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Dance HL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course provides a unique medium for learning about the self and the world. It is one essential component of artistic,
aesthetic, and cultural education and develops creative potential through physical expression. In dance, the integration of body,
mind, and spirit helps participants learn skills that are transferrable to other disciplines and to their daily lives. Consistent with
the educational philosophy of the IB, the Diploma Programme dance curriculum aims for a holistic approach to dance and
embraces a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures--past, present, and looking towards the future. Performance, creative,
and analytical skills are mutually developed and valued whether the students are writing papers or creating/performing dances.
The curriculum provides students with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation facilitates the development of students
who may become choreographers, dance scholars, performers, teachers, business owners, or more broadly, those who seek life
enrichment through dance.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Dance SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 46
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course provides a unique medium for learning about the self and the world. It is one essential component of artistic,
aesthetic, and cultural education and develops creative potential through physical expression. In dance, the integration of body,
mind, and spirit helps participants learn skills that are transferrable to other disciplines and to their daily lives. Consistent with
the educational philosophy of the IB, the Diploma Programme dance curriculum aims for a holistic approach to dance and
embraces a variety of dance traditions and dance cultures--past, present, and looking towards the future. Performance, creative,
and analytical skills are mutually developed and valued whether the students are writing papers or creating/performing dances.
The curriculum provides students with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation facilitates the development of students
who may become choreographers, dance scholars, performers, teachers, business owners, or more broadly, those who seek life
enrichment through dance.
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
IB Dance SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world by
enabling them to creatively develop their knowledge, abilities, and understanding through performance and composition.
Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of music by performing, by using appropriate musical language and
terminology in analyzing musical works from many and varied cultures and periods, and by exploring music through music theory,
sight singing, composition, history, and cultural context. Students are expected to complete the 1B music and/or the AP music
theory exam in May. 1B Music HL is a more in-depth study than 1B Music SL.
Pre-requisite(s): Introductory instruction in music, through private study or prior band, orchestra, or choral experience
Co-Requisite: Enrollment in advanced performance ensemble at LCHS (Vocal Ensemble, Symphonic Band, alternatives at the
discretion of the IE instructor)
Adopted curricular materials: Tonal Harmony, McGraw-Hill
IB Music HL1
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world by
enabling them to creatively develop their knowledge, abilities, and understanding through performance and composition.
Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of music by performing, by using appropriate musical language and
terminology in analyzing musical works from many and varied cultures and periods, and by exploring music through music theory,
sight singing, composition, history, and cultural context. Students are expected to complete the 1B music and/or the AP music
theory exam in May. 1B Music HL is a more in-depth study than 1B Music SL.
Pre-requisite(s): Introductory instruction in music, through private study or prior band, orchestra, or choral experience
Co-Requisite: Enrollment in advanced performance ensemble at LCHS (Vocal Ensemble, Symphonic Band, alternatives at the
discretion of the IE instructor)
Adopted curricular materials: Tonal Harmony, McGraw-Hill
IB Music HL2
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 47
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world by
enabling them to creatively develop their knowledge, abilities, and understanding through performance and composition.
Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of music by performing, using appropriate musical language and
terminology in analyzing musical works from many and varied cultures and periods, and exploring music through music theory,
sight singing, composition, history, and cultural context. Students are expected to complete the Music SL 1B music exam in May.
With the permission of the instructor, a student may complete IB Music SL course in one-year and take the Standard Level (SL)
exam in May.
Pre-requisite(s): Enrollment in Advanced Performance Ensemble (Vocal Ensemble, Symphonic Band, alternatives at the discretion
of the IB instructor)
Adopted curricular materials: Tonal Harmony, McGraw-Hill
IB Music SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This IB course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore and enjoy the diversity of music throughout the world by
enabling them to creatively develop their knowledge, abilities, and understanding through performance and composition.
Students will be expected to demonstrate their understanding of music by performing, using appropriate musical language and
terminology in analyzing musical works from many and varied cultures and periods, and exploring music through music theory,
sight singing, composition, history, and cultural context. Students are expected to complete the Music SL 1B music exam in May.
With the permission of the instructor, a student may complete IB Music SL course in one-year and take the Standard Level (SL)
exam in May.
Pre-requisite(s): Enrollment in Advanced Performance Ensemble (Vocal Ensemble, Symphonic Band, alternatives at the discretion
of the IB instructor)
Adopted curricular materials: Tonal Harmony, McGraw-Hill
IB Music SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course offers a survey of various styles of music. It is a study of the musical elements, instrumentation, form, and the unique
sounds that make music what it is today. Historical periods covered are the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th
Century. Jazz, rock, and other contemporary forms of music will also be explored. The class will include listening, analyzing and
understanding music.
Adopted curricular materials: Enjoyment of Music, W.W. Norton
Music Appreciation
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 5.0
Max Credits: 5.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course provides an outline of the history of photography, the basic design elements, cameras; pinhole, simple, and single lens
reflex, film types, processing of black and white film, composition, projection and contact printing types of photography; portrait,
action, close-up and still life, use of lithographic films for graphic arts, finishing prints for exhibition, and subject treatment. It will
cover a variety of lab techniques and safe chemical handling practices.
Adopted curricular materials: Focus on Photography, 2nd Edition, Davis Publishing
Photography I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 48
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to teach basic note and rhythm reading for a piano keyboard. Students will work individually on their
playing skills. The course will include units on music theory and history. Skills taught are transferable to other music classes. This
course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Adopted curricular materials: Alfred's Basic Adult Piano: Lesson 1
Piano Lab
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed to give students experience with the Theatre. The stage, the applause, the curtain rises...who knows? We
may see your name in lights! The class will be involved in Theatre games and exercises, pantomime and movement,
improvisation, dramatic literature, and scene presentation.
Adopted curricular materials: Basic Drama Projects, Perfection Learning
Theatre I
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for the student who has completed Theatre I or who has had other Theatre experience. The class will
continue to develop and refine acting skills learned in Theatre I and will deal with the presentation of scenes, and working with
one-act plays.
Pre-requisite(s): Theatre I (10 credit High School course) or instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Drama for Reading & Performance, Perfection Learning
Theatre II
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is designed for advanced students with prior knowledge and experience in educational Theatre. Students will work in
readers' Theatre, children's Theatre, and do scene work from different styles and time periods. In addition, students will be
required to view and critique a live, community Theatre performance.
Pre-requisite(s): Theatre I (10 credit High School course) and Theatre II; audition
Adopted curricular materials: The Essential Theatre, Harcourt Brace
Theatre III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course is an audition class ONLY and is designed for the dedicated, serious student of Theatre. It will be a total performing
class, with student selection and direction of pieces playing the major part. This course may be repeated for a maximum of 30
Pre-requisite(s): Audition with director
Adopted curricular materials: Introduction to Theatre & Drama, NTC
Theatre, Advanced
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 30.0
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Page: 49
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: Visual/Performing Arts
This course allows a performing ensemble of students with proven singing ability to perform both alone and with the concert
choir. Students practice and refine their ability to use proper vocal techniques in singing music from a variety of musical styles
including classical, romantic, twentieth-century, and jazz. Skills in reading music and musicianship will be developed further. This
course may be repeated for a maximum of 20 credits.
Pre-requisite(s): One semester of high school choral experience and audition with director
Adopted curricular materials: No textbook assigned
Vocal Ensemble
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: Visual/Performing Arts (f)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 20.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 50
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
World Language
Department: World Language
This course emphasizes communication by speaking, reading, writing, and understanding written and spoken French. Students
will study the countries and cultures where French is spoken and will make comparisons and connections with their own language
and cultures. The course will be conducted primarily in French. Homework is assigned daily.
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCultures 1 Francais, Copyright 2020, Wayside Publishing
French I
Grade Level: 07-12
UC/CSU: World Language I (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This course is designed to increase comprehension, expression, reading, and writing in French. Students will communicate in
dialogues, oral presentations and group activities. French II is taught primarily in French. A continued study of the French culture
is included. Homework is assigned daily.
Pre-requisite(s): French I with a grade of C or better or instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCultures 2 Francais, Copyright 2020, Wayside Publishing
French II
Grade Level: 08-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This course focuses extensively on French communication by means of French history, culture and literature. The goal of this
course is to learn to write and read in French. The course is conducted entirely in French. Homework is assigned daily.
Pre-requisite(s): French II with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCultures 3 Francais, Copyright 2020, Wayside Publishing
French III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This IB course prepares students to reflect, write, and speak in a variety of contexts to a variety of audiences. Students will read
from many sources and perspectives from around the world. They will be exposed to accents and opinions from throughout the
Francophone world. Through investigation of the cultures of the France and Francophone regions, students will become open-
minded citizens of the world. With guidance, students will choose subjects for in-depth study. Students will demonstrate their
knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the language and cultures through a dossier, class-based activities, independent
projects, and formal examinations.
Pre-requisite(s): French 1 and French 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: French B Course Companion, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
IB French B SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 51
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: World Language
This IB course prepares students to reflect, write, and speak in a variety of contexts to a variety of audiences. Students will read
from many sources and perspectives from around the world. They will be exposed to accents and opinions from throughout the
Francophone world. Through investigation of the cultures of the France and Francophone regions, students will become open-
minded citizens of the world. With guidance, students will choose subjects for in-depth study. Students will demonstrate their
knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the language and cultures through a dossier, class-based activities, independent
projects, and formal examinations.
Pre-requisite(s): French 1 and French 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: French B Course Companion, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
IB French B SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This IB course is designed to provide students with the necessary language skills and intercultural understanding to communicate
successfully in an environment where Japanese is spoken. The language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading and
cultural knowledge are developed through the study and use of a range of written, auditory, audio-visual, and spoken materials
related to Japanese culture. By discovering and exploring Japanese and their own culture, students are encouraged to expand an
awareness of the world and develop respect for cultural diversity. IB Japanese B Standard Level students are also required to
recognize and use 400 Kanji characters specified in the Japanese B List of Kanji Characters.
Pre-requisite(s): Japanese 1 and Japanese 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Genki II, The Japan Times, Ltd., 2nd Edition, Copyright 2011
IB Japanese B SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This IB course is designed to provide students with the necessary language skills and intercultural understanding to communicate
successfully in an environment where Japanese is spoken. The language skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading and
cultural knowledge are developed through the study and use of a range of written, auditory, audio-visual, and spoken materials
related to Japanese culture. By discovering and exploring Japanese and their own culture, students are encouraged to expand an
awareness of the world and develop respect for cultural diversity. IB Japanese B Standard Level students are also required to
recognize and use 400 Kanji characters specified in the Japanese B List of Kanji Characters.
Pre-requisite(s): Japanese 1 and Japanese 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Dekiru!, 1st Edition; Copyright 2017, Cheng & Tsui
IB Japanese B SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This IB course is focused on the development and acquisition of Spanish up to a standard level degree and the development of
cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the exposure of quality, authentic, level-appropriate text, auditory
sources, and audio visual sources, students will develop a moderate command of the Spanish language which includes the
integration of all four language skills: synthesis of written and visual-auditory sources, the formal writing process, and
interpersonal and presentational speaking, and writing skills. Students will develop a deeper cultural understanding which
encourages respect, compassion, and empathy toward others. Students also develop an open-mindedness and appreciation of
the Spanish-speaking cultures and their contributions to the world.
Pre-requisite(s): Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Spanish B Course Companion, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
IB Spanish B SL1
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 52
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: World Language
This IB course is focused on the development and acquisition of Spanish up to a standard level degree and the development of
cultural awareness of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the exposure of quality, authentic, level-appropriate text, auditory
sources, and audio visual sources, students will develop a moderate command of the Spanish language which includes the
integration of all four language skills: synthesis of written and visual-auditory sources, the formal writing process, and
interpersonal and presentational speaking, and writing skills. Students will develop a deeper cultural understanding which
encourages respect, compassion, and empathy toward others. Students also develop an open-mindedness and appreciation of
the Spanish-speaking cultures and their contributions to the world.
Pre-requisite(s): Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 with a grade of C or better or by instructor approval
Adopted curricular materials: Spanish B Course Companion, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
IB Spanish B SL2
Grade Level: 12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This course provides increased emphasis in comprehension, expression, reading, and writing Japanese. Students will improve
their Japanese communication during dialogues, oral presentations and group activities. Japanese II is taught primarily in
Japanese. A continued study of the Japanese culture is included. Homework is assigned daily.
Pre-requisite(s): Japanese I with a grade of C
Adopted curricular materials: Adventures in Japanese 2, 4th Edition; Copyright 2016, Cheng & Tsui
Japanese II
Grade Level: 08-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This course emphasizes listening, speaking, writing, and reading in Japanese. Students will communicate in Japanese. Students
will continue to deepen their knowledge of culture. The course is conducted primarily in Japanese. Homework is assigned daily.
Pre-requisite(s): Japanese II with a grade of C or better
Adopted Curricular: Adventures in Japanese 3, 2018 Cheng and Tsui Publishers
Adopted curricular materials: Genki II, Second Edition, The Japan Times, Ltd.
Japanese III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This high school level college preparatory course focuses on communication in Spanish by speaking, reading, writing, and
understanding written and spoken Spanish. Students will study the countries and cultures where Spanish is spoken and will make
comparisons and connections with their own language and culture. This class will be conducted mostly in Spanish. This course is
for students who can devote the time necessary to learn a world language. Students who take this course will be encouraged to
take Spanish for at least four years.
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCulturas 1 Español; Copyright 2017, Wayside Publishing
Spanish I
Grade Level: 07-12
UC/CSU: World Language I (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
7/9/2024 11:25:30 AM
Page: 53
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course
Laguna Creek High School
Course Catalog
Year: 2024-2025
Report: U-CRS1201
Department: World Language
This high school level college preparatory course provides students the opportunity to improve their Spanish communication in
dialogues, oral presentations and group activities. Increased emphasis will be placed on comprehension, expression, reading, and
writing. A continued study of the Spanish culture is embedded in this course. This class will be conducted in Spanish.
Pre-requisite(s): Spanish I with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCulturas 2 Español; Copyright 2017, Wayside Publishing
Spanish II
Grade Level: 08-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
Department: World Language
This course emphasizes communication skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish. Spanish history, culture, and
literature are studied extensively. Students will communicate well in Spanish. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Homework is assigned daily.
Pre-requisite(s): Spanish II with a grade of C or better
Adopted curricular materials: EntreCulturas 3 Español; Copyright 2017, Wayside Publishing
Spanish III
Grade Level: 09-12
UC/CSU: World Language (e)
Credits: 10.0
Max Credits: 10.0
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Page: 54
Elk Grove Unified School District
UC/CSU = College Approved, Grad Req = Graduation Requirement, NCAA = Student Athletes Eligible Course