Upgrade and
Migrate to
Database 19c
How to choose and use the best available method to upgrade or
migrate your current Oracle database to Oracle Database 19c.
This document provides an overview of upgrade and migration methods available for Oracle
Database 19c. It is intended solely to help you assess the business benefits of upgrading to Oracle
Database 19c and to plan your IT projects.
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This document is for informational purposes only and is intended solely to assist you in planning for
the implementation and upgrade of the product features described. It is not a commitment to deliver
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The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document
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WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 2
Purpose Statement ...................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
Comparing upgrade and migration............................................................... 4
Database Upgrade........................................................................................................................ 4
Database Migration....................................................................................................................... 4
Multitenant Architecture ................................................................................................................ 5
Selecting a Database Upgrade or Migration Method ................................... 5
Direct Upgrade to Oracle Database 19c....................................................................................... 6
Detailed Upgrade and Migration Method Descriptions................................. 7
Method 1: DBUA or Command-Line Upgrades ............................................................................ 7
Method 2: Full Transportable Export/Import or Transportable Tablespaces .............................. 11
Method 3: Oracle Data Pump Export/Import............................................................................... 14
Conclusion ................................................................................................. 16
Appendix A: Upgrade & Migration New Features in Oracle Database 19cError! Bookmark not
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 3
Oracle Database 19c includes new features and enhancements, as well as a long-term
support commitment, that make it an attractive upgrade target for existing Oracle databases.
Moving to Oracle Database 19c may be part of an effort that includes moving to newly
purchased server hardware, migrating to different storage architectures, such as Oracle
Automatic Storage Management, changing the database character set, or migrating to a
completely different operating system. Increasingly, upgrading to a new version of Oracle
Database may also include migrating to the Oracle Cloud.
Because upgrade and migration scenarios can differ in many ways, Oracle provides multiple
methods for you to upgrade and migrate your databases to Oracle Database 19c. This
technical white paper outlines these upgrade and migration methods. You will learn about
different use cases and key factors to consider when choosing the method that best fits your
specific requirements.
Although the terms are often used as synonyms in other contexts, in the context of Oracle Database
there is a necessary distinction between database upgrade and database migration. Understanding this
difference is the first step in choosing the best upgrade or migration method for your project.
Note: The term migrationcan also be used when discussing the move of data from a non-Oracle
database into Oracle. This white paper will cover migrations only when both the source and destination
are Oracle databases.
Database Upgrade
The act of upgrading an Oracle Database involves modifying the data dictionary to be compatible with a
newer version of Oracle Database software. Typical actions that may be part of a database upgrade
» Adding, dropping, or modifying columns in system tables and views
» Creating or modifying system packages or procedures
» Creating, modifying, or dropping database types, users, roles, and privileges
» Modifying seed data that is used by Oracle Database components
All of these actions affect the data dictionary of your database. They do not affect the data stored in
your user or application tablespaces. Therefore, the sheer volume of data stored in your Oracle
database has little or no bearing on a database upgrade.
Database Migration
The term “migration” applies to several different types of changes that can be applied to an Oracle
database. In addition to database version, these can include a change to any or all of the following:
» Computer server (hardware or virtualized environment)
» Storage architecture
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 4
» Character set
» Operating system
» Schema topology (changing the partitioning scheme)
» Encryption
» Compression
» Database architecture (moving into the multitenant database architecture)
Database migration differs from database upgrade in two important ways. First, database migration
generally involves moving or modifying the user and application data in the database. This means that
the size of your database has a dramatic impact on your database migration project. Second, any of the
above migrations can be performed on a database without upgrading it to a new version. This white
paper will discuss techniques that can be used to perform both an upgrade to Oracle Database 19c and
a migration simultaneously.
Multitenant Architecture
Oracle Database 12c introduced a new multitenant architecture more than six years ago. It enables an
Oracle database to contain a portable collection of schemas, schema objects, and nonschema objects
that appears to an Oracle Net client as a separate database. This self-contained collection is called a
pluggable database (PDB). A multitenant container
database (CDB) is an Oracle database that includes
zero, one, or many user-created PDBs. This new
architecture enables customers to easily consolidate
multiple databases and introduces another very
important type of database migration for customers
to consider: migration to a PDB.
In some cases, migrating from the traditional
database architecture (also called a non-CDB) to a
PDB can be combined with other database upgrade
or migration tasks into a single operation. In other
cases, migration into a PDB may involve an
additional step. The steps for migrating an existing or
non-CDB database to a PDB will be described under
each upgrade or migration technique in this white
With several upgrade and migration approaches available, choosing the best upgrade or migration
method for a particular project requires an analysis of several important project characteristics. Each of
these characteristics can influence the suitability of a given method when you upgrade or migrate to
Oracle Database 19c:
» The version from which you are upgrading or migrating, including the patch set level
» The source and destination operating system and version
» The source and destination hardware platforms and their endian characteristics
» Any plans to change the actual data layout or format, such as changing the character set, partitioning,
encryption, or compression
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 5
» Availability requirements including the amount of downtime allowed for the upgrade or migration
project, fallback possibilities and disaster recovery
» The size of the database to be migrated
» The source and target database architecture, whether non-CDB or PDB
There is no single upgrade or migration method that is the best option for all possible upgrade and
migration scenarios. However, there is a method that is best for any particular scenario based on the
previously mentioned factors.
Direct Upgrade to Oracle Database 19c
A direct upgrade is one where either the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) or command-line
upgrade script is used to upgrade your database to Oracle Database 19c. Direct upgrade is supported
when the source database is running one of the releases shown in the following table.
Direct Upgrade
Oracle Database 12c Release 2
Oracle Database 12c
No. Use another method
Oracle Database 11g Release 2
No. Use another method
Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and
No. Use another method
When direct upgrade is not supported, other methods of moving to Oracle Database 19c will apply.
These methods are described in the following section.
There are four upgrade and migration methods described in this white paper, and three of these
methods have variants that can be used in particular situations.
The methods are:
1. Database Upgrade, using either the command-line upgrade with
or the new
Autoupgrade, or DBUA
2. Transportable tablespaces (TTS) export and import, using the Oracle Database feature full
transportable export/import, or the traditional TTS mode
3. Oracle Data Pump Export/Import, using either dump files or network mode
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 6
The following table summarizes the applicability of these upgrade and migration methods for your
scenario, based on the project characteristics listed in the previous section.
Change Data
to New
Layout, character
set, encryption,
Unplug, Plug and
Database Upgrade
Full Transportable
Yes, starting
with 10.1
Data Pump
Method 1: DBUA or Command-Line Upgrades
The easiest way to move up to Oracle Database 19c is to upgrade your existing database using either
DBUA or the command-line upgrade scripts. These are two variants of the same method, differing
primarily in their user interfaces. Because these methods act on your database without creating a copy
or a new instance, this is sometimes referred to as upgrading “in place.”
Database Upgrade Assistant is a graphical user interface (GUI) that guides you through the database
upgrade process and presents a series of screens that allow you to specify options for your database
upgrade. During the upgrade process, DBUA invokes the same scripts used for the command-line
upgrade. It also performs pre-upgrade validation steps and can automate post-upgrade tasks. Using
DBUA can significantly reduce the amount of manual effort required for a database upgrade but offers
less flexibility than the command-line upgrade. DBUA is fully described in Oracle Database Upgrade
Example of Using Database Upgrade Assistant
As a GUI-based utility, DBUA is very easy to use because it allows you to select options for your
database upgrade using dialog boxes, such as this example from the DBUA workflow:
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 7
Figure 1. Screenshot of DBUA Prerequisite Checks Page
In this screenshot, the steps in the workflow are listed in the left-hand pane of the window, while the
prerequisite checks run by DBUA are in the right-hand pane.
Considerations for Using Database Upgrade Assistant
In general, DBUA can only be used when upgrading your Oracle database on its current hardware
system. This is because DBUA performs the pre-upgrade validation steps using the source Oracle
home, and then switches to the destination Oracle home to perform the upgrade and post-upgrade
Note: If you would like to use DBUA when migrating to new hardware, then you will first need to install
the source version Oracle Home on the new system, in addition to the target version Oracle Home.
DBUA does not give the user any control over the degree of parallelism used to upgrade the database.
While DBUA does automate many of the pre-upgrade tasks identified in the database pre-upgrade
scripts, there are some actions which may still require manual intervention. One such example is shown
in the screenshot above.
Oracle Database 19c uses the command-line upgrade utility (
) The command-line upgrade
utility enables parallel processing during the database upgrade, resulting in better upgrade performance
and reduced database downtime compared to previous releases.
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 8
Command-line upgrades follow the same steps and take the same amount of time as upgrading with
DBUA. They are most commonly used by database administrators (DBAs) who desire more direct
control, or in situations where a database is being moved to a new hardware server in conjunction with
their database upgrade.
Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (
) automatically
generates fixup scripts to address common issues that may prevent an upgrade from being successful.
The post-upgrade phase has also been enhanced to automate the running of many post-upgrade steps.
Example of Using Command-line Upgrade
The process of upgrading your Oracle database using command-line upgrade can be broken into three
phases, each of which has a small number of steps to follow for a successful upgrade. Starting with
Oracle Database 19c, you can then plug your database into a CDB as a PDB:
» Pre-upgrade Phase
1. Run the new Pre-Upgrade Information Tool (
), which validates the readiness
of your database to be upgraded
2. Run the
script to automatically address issues found by the Pre-
Upgrade Information Tool
3. Perform any manual fixup steps identified by the Pre-Upgrade Information Tool
» Upgrade Phase
1. Run the Parallel Upgrade Utility (
» Post-upgrade Phase
1. Run the
script to automatically fix any issues identified by the Pre-
Upgrade Information Tool, which need to be addressed after the upgrade.
2. Review the log files generated by the Parallel Upgrade Utility
3. Recompile invalid objects by running
» Plug into a CDB
1. Start the database READ ONLY and use the
procedure to generate
an XML descriptor file for your database
2. Connect to the CDB and issue the
command to migrate your
non-CDB database into a PDB
3. Run the
script to convert the non-CDB into a fully usable PDB
If your source database contains either encrypted tablespaces or tables with encrypted columns, then
the keys associated with those tablespaces or tables must be moved from the source database into the
new PDB using the export and import functions of the Oracle Database
SQL statement.
These steps are an outline of the command-line upgrade process. Full details of command-line upgrade
are explained in Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.
Considerations for Using Command-line Upgrade
Many DBAs prefer the level of control that they get from typing commands at the command line,
compared to using a GUI such as DBUA. Beyond personal preference, a common use case for
command-line upgrade is when you are migrating to new hardware but staying on the same operating
system architecture.
Unlike DBUA, command-line upgrade allows the user to specify the number of parallel processes used
for the database upgrade, thereby giving you the ability to balance upgrade speed and system resource
WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c 9
Also unlike DBUA, the command-line upgrade can automatically detect the point at which it was
interrupted, and restart the upgrade, using the ‘-R’ parameter. If command-line upgrade is interrupted
for any reason, you can rerun or restart the Parallel Upgrade Utility as described in Oracle Database
Upgrade Guide.
After upgrading to Oracle Database 19c, you can plug the database into a CDB as a PDB. Note that the
source database and destination CDB must meet the following requirements:
» The hardware and operating system platforms must have the same endianness.
» They must have compatible database options installed.
» They must have compatible character sets and national character sets. The means that either:
» The character set in the CDB is AL32UTF8, or.
» The character set in the non-CDB is the same as the character set in the CDB, or
» The character set in the non-CDB is a binary subset of the character set in the CDB.
The procedure for creating a PDB from a non-CDB is described in Oracle Database Administrator’s
Guide. Oracle recommends using the AL32UTF8 character set for CDBs.
If you are upgrading an Oracle Database 19c container database, you can take advantage of the
flexibility of the CDB architecture to approach the upgrade in one of two ways:
» Upgrade the CDB and all PDBs with a single command
» Upgrade one PDB, or a subset of the PDBs, at a time
1. Create a new CDB using the new version of Oracle Database software
2. Unplug one or more PDBs from the source CDB and plug them into the new CDB
3. Upgrade the older PDB(s) using either DBUA or the command-line upgrade
There are tradeoffs with each technique. Some considerations for choosing an upgrade method for a
CDB are as follows.
“All At Once” Upgrade
» Less effort: upgrade up to 252 PDBs with a
single command
» Upgrade automation reduces overall
downtime for the upgrade process
» Retain original database SID for the CDB
» More flexible: allows you to plan migration
windows based on user needs
» Easier migration to a new server
» Downtime for individual PDB will be
The choice of an upgrade method for a CDB thus depends on your use case and upgrade or migration
scenario, and methods can be combined. For example, a single PDB could be unplugged, plugged
into a new CDB and upgraded while the rest of the PDBs are kept at the source version. Then the
original CDB could be upgraded all at once, and the first (upgraded) PDB moved back to the original
CDB using unplug and plug.
10 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
Method 2: Full Transportable Export/Import or Transportable Tablespaces
Transportable tablespaces allows you to copy a set of tablespaces from one database to another. This
can be much faster than exporting and importing data from those tablespaces because the tablespaces
are copied as physical files without the need to interpret the logical entities, such as rows or indexes,
contained within those files. However, in addition to copying the tablespaces, metadata describing the
objects within the source database must be moved to the new database by Data Pump export/import.
Transported tablespaces can be copied to another database that may be on a different operating
system platform or running a different version of Oracle Database software. This makes transportable
tablespaces a relatively fast way to migrate and upgrade a database in a single operation. In the past,
the tradeoff for this speed is that transportable tablespaces could be fairly complicated, because the
user was responsible for moving metadata such as procedures, packages, constraints, and so on.
Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the full transportable export/import feature combines the speed of
transportable tablespaces with a much easier process for transporting metadata and data from installed
database options.
Full transportable export/import is a feature of Oracle Database that makes it easy to move an entire
database using the transportable tablespaces feature. It automates the process of moving metadata
and can move user data that resides in non-transportable tablespaces such as SYSAUX and SYSTEM.
In addition, full transportable export/import can transport encrypted tablespaces.
Full transportable export/import moves metadata using either dump files or a database link. This
combination of speed and simplicity makes full transportable export/import a good choice for many
migration scenarios. The detailed steps for using full transportable export/import are described in the
Oracle white paper, “Oracle Database 12c: Full Transportable Export/Import.” The overall process for
full transportable export/import has not changed for Oracle Database 19c.
Migrating to a Pluggable Database Using Full Transportable Export/Import
Because full transportable export/import allows you to migrate an entire database to both a new
operating system platform and a new release of Oracle Database in a single operation, it is quite useful
for migrating to a PDB. The procedure for using full transportable export/import to migrate to a PDB is
the same as for migrating into a non-CDB.
Examples of Using Full Transportable Export/Import
The complete implementation of the full transportable export/import feature is included in Oracle
Database 12c and later releases, including Oracle Database 19c. In addition, export-side support for
this feature is available starting in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (
In these examples, assume that you start with an source database containing the following
user tablespaces:
Datafile Name
11 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
All three of these tablespaces, as well as all of the metadata such as procedures, packages,
constraints, triggers, and so on, will be moved from the source to the destination in a single full
transportable export and import sequence.
The first example is a dumpfile-based full transportable export/import operation. In this case the
metadata from the source database is exported to a dump file, and both the dump file and the
tablespace data files are transferred to a new system. The steps would be as follows:
1. Set user tablespaces in the source database to READ ONLY.
2. From the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 ( environment, export the metadata and any
data residing in administrative tablespaces from the source database using the FULL=Y and
TRANSPORTABLE=ALWAYS parameters. Note that the VERSION=12 parameter is required
only when exporting from an Oracle Database 11g Release 2 database:
expdp src112admin/<passwd>@src112 DIRECTORY=src112_dir
DUMPFILE=src112fulltts.dmp VERSION=12 FULL=Y
Note: Oracle recommends the use of a parameter file to specify data pump parameters.
3. Copy the tablespace data files from the source system to the destination system using operating
system commands. Note that the log file from the export operation will list the data files required
to be moved.
4. Create a CDB on the destination system, including a PDB into which you will import the source
database. Administration of PDBs is described in
Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.
5. In the Oracle Database 12c environment, connect to the PDB and import the dump file. The act
of importing the dump file will plug the tablespace data files into the destination PDB:
impdp pdbadmin/<passwd>@tgtpdb DIRECTORY=src112_dir
METRICS=Y LOGFILE=src112fullttsimp.log
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/hr_1.f '
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/eng_1.f '
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/eng_2.f '
The second example of using full transportable export/import employs the network mode of Data Pump
to eliminate the need for a dumpfile. In this case, we will assume that the tablespace data files are in a
location, such as a Storage Area Network (SAN) device, which is accessible to both the source and
destination systems. This enables you to migrate from a non-CDB into a PDB with one Data Pump
1. Create a CDB on the destination system, including a PDB into which you will import the source
2. Create a database link in the destination PDB, pointing to the source database.
12 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
3. Set user tablespaces in the source database to READ ONLY.
4. In the Oracle Database 19c environment, import directly from the source database into the
destination PDB using full transportable export/import in network mode:
impdp pdbadmin/<passwd>@tgtpdb NETWORK_LINK=src112 VERSION=12
METRICS=Y LOGFILE=tgtpdb_dir:src112fullimp.log
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/hr_1.f '
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/eng_1.f '
TRANSPORT_DATAFILES='/recovery1/data/eng_2.f '
Whether you use conventional dump files or network mode, full transportable export/import is a
convenient way to upgrade a database to a new version, migrate to a different operating system or
hardware platform, migrate into a PDB or even to perform all three of these upgrades and migrations
in a single operation!
Considerations for Using Full Transportable Export/Import
Please be aware of the following considerations of using full transportable export/import:
Full transportable export/import is subject to the limitations detailed in Oracle Database
Administrator’s Guide
Full transportable export/import can be used to migrate source databases starting with Oracle
Database 11g Release 2 (
Full transportable export/import jobs cannot be restarted. If the operation is interrupted, then
the entire job must start over from the beginning.
For complete documentation of full transportable export/import, including details about network
mode migration into a PDB, see Oracle Database Utilities Guide.
If hardware and operating system platforms of your source and destination databases have
different endian characteristics, you will need to use the RMAN CONVERT command to
convert each tablespace to the new platform. See
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery
for a description of the RMAN CONVERT command.
The transportable tablespaces feature can be used to copy a single tablespace or a set of tablespaces
to a new database. While this method of migrating data is both fast and reliable, it requires a number of
manual steps that can be more complicated than some DBAs would prefer.
Migrating to a Pluggable Database Using Transportable Tablespaces
Like full transportable export/import, transportable tablespaces can be used to migrate to a PDB. The
procedure for using transportable tablespaces to migrate a database to a PDB is the same as a
transportable tablespaces migration to a non-CDB.
Example of Using Transportable Tablespaces
Oracle recommends using full transportable export/import to migrate databases starting with Oracle
Database 11g Release 2 ( However, you can still use the transportable tablespaces feature to
migrate databases from earlier releases. The use of the transportable tablespaces feature is described
in detail by the following white papers:
» “Database Upgrade Using Transportable Tablespaces
13 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
» “Platform Migration Using Transportable Tablespaces
The steps for using this feature remain unchanged for Oracle Database 19c.
Considerations for Using Transportable Tablespaces
Please be aware of the following considerations of using transportable tablespaces:
Transporting tablespaces between databases is subject to the limitations detailed in Oracle
Database Administrator’s Guide
Transportable tablespace export/import jobs cannot be restarted. If the operation is
interrupted, then the entire job must start over from the beginning.
Transportable tablespaces can be used on databases starting with Oracle8i Database. This
feature gained the ability to migrate cross-platform starting with Oracle Database 10g
If hardware and operating system platforms of your source and destination databases have
different endian characteristics, you will need to use the RMAN CONVERT command to
convert each tablespace to the new platform. See
Oracle Database Backup and Recovery
for a description of the RMAN CONVERT command.
Method 3: Oracle Data Pump Export/Import
Oracle Data Pump provides high-speed movement of data and metadata within and between Oracle
databases. Because they are extremely flexible and easy to use, the Oracle Data Pump export (
and import (
) utilities are commonly used to migrate tables, schemas, and databases to new
hardware servers, to different operating system platforms, and to new releases of Oracle Database
Oracle Data Pump can write data to dump files on disk, or it can transfer data from the source database
to the destination directly over the network. When the data is imported, it can be transformed to match
the characteristics of the destination database. Some interesting ways in which a database can be
transformed upon import include migrating to a new character set, implementing encryption or
compression, changing BasicFiles LOBs to SecureFiles LOBs, or changing the partitioning of tables in
the database.
Exporting data to a dump file has been the most common way to move data between databases for
many years. Data Pump export chooses the best available method to extract data from the source
database into flat files, and Data Pump import makes a similar decision to read from dump files and
insert data into the destination database.
The biggest advantages of exporting to dump files are that you retain a persistent copy of the data on
disk, and that you can take advantage of greater parallelism during the export and import operations.
This allows you to reuse the dump files for multiple imports, which can be particularly helpful when you
need to test or tune your import of your source database. Another case in which exporting to dump files
can be helpful is when the network between the source and destinations is relatively slow. In such
cases it may be faster to physically disconnect a disk from the source system and connect it to the
destination, compared to copying data over the network.
14 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
Instead of exporting the source database to dump files and then importing from those same dump files
into the destination database, you may choose to migrate your database using Data Pump import over
a network link. This eliminates the need to store, manage, and transfer dump files. Instead, data is
extracted from the source database and inserted directly into the destination database over a database
In addition to the reduced need for file storage and management, network mode simplifies your
migration by letting you migrate cross-platform and to a new release of Oracle in a single step. Data
Pump network mode jobs are fully restartable.
Note that the tradeoff for the simplicity of network mode is that, while data objects are still migrated in
parallel when requested, metadata is exported and imported serially.
Migrating to a Pluggable Database Using Oracle Data Pump
Oracle Data Pump export/import is an easy and flexible way to migrate a database into a PDB. This is a
particularly useful method to use when your source database resides on a different operating system,
uses a different character set, or otherwise needs to be modified or reconfigured during the migration
Example of Using Oracle Data Pump
The steps for using Oracle Data Pump to upgrade or migrate a database have not changed from
previous releases. If you would like to migrate with Oracle Data Pump using conventional dump files,
the steps would be as follows:
1. Export the source database to a dump file:
expdp srcadmin/<passwd> DIRECTORY=src_dir
DUMPFILE=srcfull.dmp LOGFILE=srcfullexp.log
2. Make the dump file available on the destination system, either by copying it to the destination
system or placing it on a network-mounted disk.
3. Create a CDB on the destination system, including a PDB into which you will import the source
4. In the destination PDB, create a directory object for the dump file to be imported.
5. Import the Data Pump dump file into the destination PDB:
impdp pdbadmin/<passwd>@pdb DIRECTORY=src_dir
DUMPFILE=srcfull.dmp LOGFILE=srcfullimp.log
In this example, we take advantage of Oracle Data Pump features such as the
to improve performance. In other cases, you might use network mode to eliminate the need for a dump
file. Oracle Data Pump is fully documented in Oracle Database Utilities Guide.
In Oracle Database 12c Release 2, Data Pump added the ability to export and import metadata in
parallel. This greatly speeds up migration of metadata-heavy databases.
Considerations for Using Oracle Data Pump
Please be aware of the following considerations when using Oracle Data Pump:
Oracle Data Pump is available starting with Oracle Database 10g.
15 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
Oracle Data Pump does not export objects (including GRANT objects) from the SYS schema.
If you have user objects in the SYS schema, such as user GRANTs on SYS-owned objects,
these must be reproduced separately in the target database.
Oracle Data Pump network mode is subject to limitations on network links, as described in
Oracle Database Utilities Guide.
This white paper provides an overview of the different tools, techniques, and utilities provided by Oracle
to help you upgrade and migrate to Oracle Database 19c, as well as guidance and information to help
you choose among the various upgrade and migration methods available. The best method to use for
your migration scenario depends on the source database version, the source and destination operating
systems, your downtime requirements, and the personal preference of the DBA. Based on these
factors, there is a method available that is the best fit for your migration scenario.
Upgrading or migrating to Oracle Database 19c can bring many benefits to your organization. You can
take advantage of new features to improve performance, enhance security, and expand functionality.
You can modernize your IT infrastructure. And, you can improve operational efficiency to reduce costs
and raise productivity.
If you would like to achieve the minimum possible downtime for your database upgrade or migration,
you can start by choosing the fastest upgrade or migration method based on your source and
destination platform and Oracle Database release. You can then combine your chosen upgrade or
migration method with minimal downtime features and products to maximize system availability.
16 WHITE PAPER / Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
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Authors: Roy F Swonger, William Beauregard, Mike Dietrich
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White Paper Upgrade and Migrate to Oracle Database 19c
March 2019March 2019
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