Do Connected Thermostats Save Energy?
Abigail A. Daken, United States Environmental Protection Agency
Alan K. Meier, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Douglas G. Frazee, ICF International
Connected thermostats (CTs) manage HVAC systems in over four million homes. Widely
varying strategies are used by these thermostats to reduce HVAC energy use. Thermostat
vendors claim savings of up to 20%; however, there is no accepted procedure to evaluate the
effectiveness of these strategies. Presently, consumers (and utilities) have no way to identify the
most effective CT products. We developed a method to quantify HVAC energy savings from a
CT and assign a savings metric to CT products based on the method. The method collects indoor
temperature and HVAC run time data from thermostats, plus publicly available local weather
data. Temperature data is then regressed against HVAC run time to develop a unique HVAC-
thermal model for each home. CT savings are expressed as percentage HVAC run time reduction
from that with an assumed constant temperature baseline. To assign a metric value to a product
(hardware plus service), savings from a large number of homes using the product are aggregated
via a specific procedure. The method is being tested on large groups of thermostats from several
vendors. Many of the strengths and weaknesses of this approach have been identified and will be
discussed, along with anticipated future improvement of the method.
Introduction and Background
The residential thermostat is arguably the most important device controlling home energy
use. Together, residential thermostats control nearly 10% of national energy use. (Peffer et al.
2011) A correctly programmed thermostat can easily reduce a home’s heating and cooling
energy over 20% compared to constant temperatures and 14% for the average home. (Moon and
Han 2011; Sanchez et al. 2008) For these reasons, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
became interested in ENERGY STAR™ labeling of advanced thermostats. At first, EPA focused
on programmable thermostats, establishing specifications that required certain features and
performance. In addition, the specification required that the thermostats be pre-programmed with
a schedule of temperatures that were likely to save heating and cooling energy. ENERGY STAR
labeling almost certainly accelerated the widespread adoption of higher-quality, programmable
Over time, however, it became clear that the energy-saving potential of programmable
thermostats was not being realized. (Nevius and Pigg 2000) Field research found that consumers
disabled many of the energy-saving features, and on the whole, the presence of a device that
could enable savings was poorly correlated with actual energy bill reductions. As a result, in
2009, EPA terminated ENERGY STAR labeling for thermostats until it could develop a means
of ensuring higher utilization of the energy-saving features. EPA explored several strategies to
encourage higher consumer use of energy-saving features, but ultimately none of these
approaches proved feasible.
Around 2012, several thermostat manufacturers began offering devices with Internet
connectivity and other means of communicating with devices beyond the furnace and AC, such
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as smart phones and home energy management systems. The Internet connection enabled
entirely new approaches to controlling home temperatures. First, residents could remotely
control their thermostats through a web portal and their mobile phones. Second, thermostat
manufacturers could track and help manage temperatures through the Internet connection. This
feature opened up many new energy-saving opportunities that skirted problems with
conventional thermostats. It also changed the thermostat from a relatively boring device on the
wall to one of the first residential applications of the Internet of Things (connected devices), Big
Data (analysis of large amounts of data to yield new insights) and Software as a Service (users
interact with software not as a single purchase but as a service hosted elsewhere which they
interact with as needed).
The market grew rapidly so that by 2013, roughly two million Internet-connected
thermostat were sold, increasing to four million in 2015; a growth rate of roughly 25% per year
(Tweed 2015). This allowed EPA to focus its program on connected thermostats (CTs). These
products allow visibility into a key gap in previous efforts to label thermostats: how they are
used in the home. The thermostat service provider generally has access to data that is indicative
of how the thermostat is being used in the homes of their subscribers.
Thermostats have never easily fit within EPA’s conventional labeling framework. A
typical ENERGY STAR product specification begins with the assumption that a product’s
energy efficiency can be measured with a test procedure performed in a test laboratory.
Typically, the products with an energy efficiency in the top 25% of the category will earn the
label. This framework works well for furnaces and air conditioners but not the device that
controls them. To be sure, some performance characteristics of the thermostat can be tested, such
as temperature sensitivity, but these don’t significantly affect the fundamental heating and
cooling operation. The energy savings due to CTs are even more difficult to assess and no energy
test procedures exist today.
This paper describes EPA’s progress towards developing an ENERGY STAR
specification for CTs. It focuses on the technical problem of assessing the ability of CTs to save
Goals of the Metric and Program
Every ENERGY STAR program relies on a “metric” to express energy performance or
savings. Metrics are typically expressed in kWh/year, energy factor (EF), EER, or similar, and
are based on a recognized energy test procedure. For CTs, however, no test procedure exists and
a traditional approach, e.g., laboratory test, is not feasible. A metric must nevertheless adhere to
Energy Star’s principles: namely, it must be technology neutral, fair and transparent, able to
assure consumers of an acceptable payback time, and the metric must be obtained through a
procedure that is fast and reasonably easy to determine in order to keep pace with changing
technologies. Ideally, it would allow testing of a broad range of thermostat products, including
the variety of unique combinations of hardware, software, and services. On one end of the
spectrum, some businesses sell little more than the Internet-connected thermostats (pure
hardware). On the other end of the spectrum, businesses sell only the web services that a
consumer needs to manage the thermostat that he or she obtains elsewhere. The product to test,
then, should be understood as a combination of hardware, software, and service.
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How Connected Thermostats Save Energy
Before developing a metric, it is also important to understand how CTs can reduce
heating and cooling energy consumption. In its simplest form, a CT saves energy by reducing
HVAC run time compared to what would have occurred with a conventional
thermostat. The
primary means for a CT to do this is by minimizing the inside-outside temperature difference. In
the winter, this means lowering the average inside temperature and, in the summer, raising it.
The plots below demonstrate this savings in a representative way.
Figure 1: A conceptual illustration of how connected thermostats
(CTs) save energy in heating season and cooling season, by
influencing the daily average indoor temperature.
However, the CT must manage temperatures such that occupants do not experience
thermal discomfort. Vendors often employ cloud-based algorithms to achieve these goals.
Techniques employed by a CTs during the heating season include:
allowing temperatures to begin floating downwards slightly before programmed time
optimizing morning recovery from setback
optimizing HVAC control for weather conditions
lowering temperatures when occupants are home and/or when away
minimizing use of electric resistance auxiliary heating for homes with heat pumps
Being interested in aggregated savings, we use “conventional thermostat” to refer to the mix of manual
and programmable thermostats that are used in US households.
Some CTs employ sensors to detect vacancy or occupancy (depending on the system). This data stream
was not used in the analysis because not all products employed the sensors. Some CTs also capture humidity data;
this data stream was also not used in the analyses.
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Similar strategies are employed during the cooling season. Thus, the primary means of
saving energy is by closing the gap between indoor and outdoor temperatures. A metric must
capture the CT’s proficiency in managing temperatures to achieve energy savings.
Data Available to Determine a Metric
The obvious source of performance data are from the utility electricity and gas meters.
Unfortunately, CT vendors cannot reliably obtain utility data and utilities cannot reliably obtain
CT data. Third-party verification entities have great difficulty obtaining both data sets. In the
ENERGY STAR program, EPA works with the providers of products - in this case, the providers
of CTs. The data common to all CTs and available to CT service providers are:
thermostat set points (every 30 minutes or less)
indoor temperatures (every 30 minutes or less)
run-time of controlled HVAC equipment
if the unit is a heat pump
geographic location
outside temperatures from nearby weather stations
Other data collected by some CTs include: occupancy, humidity, multiple inside
temperatures (and set points), and additional HVAC modes. None of these were included in our
analyses. A fragment of a typical data stream is shown in Figure 2, illustrating hourly
temperatures, set points, and furnace run times. The daily operating patterns are evident. There
are also frequent divergences between the set points and the inside temperatures (in both
directions), presumably caused by appliance gains, solar gain, and thermal mass.
Figure 2: 10 days of the data stream from week in January for a connected
thermostat located in Central California, illustrating the density and
variety of data.
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It is also important to understand the data that are not widely available, including
thermostat settings, indoor temperatures and run times prior to CT installation; electricity and gas
consumption both prior and subsequent to CT installation; or the capacity of the heating and
cooling systems and other technical features of the system, beyond what can be determined by
the thermostat wiring & settings.
Many techniques of extracting building thermal performance metrics from energy data
have been developed. The best known is perhaps PRISM (Fels and Goldberg 1986), which
compares metered energy consumption to outdoor daily average temperatures in order to derive
thermal parameters. Field studies beginning with PRISM in the 1970s have found a roughly
linear relationship between a home’s heating or cooling energy use and ΔT, the differential
between inside and outside temperatures (Fels 1986). The linear relationship includes a
temperature offset (“free heat”) expressing the tendency of the home to warm by several degrees
even in the absence of active heating. This rise is driven by body heat, heat from appliances, and
solar gain. Run time for single-speed HVAC exhibits a similar linear relationship to ΔT. The
goal of modeling each thermostat is to derive the unique linear relationship for each home.
The CT data sets are both richer and poorer than those required by PRISM. The CT data
sets include set points and room temperatures at least every hour. In contrast, PRISM and similar
models typically assume constant inside temperatures or some sort of variable degree-day base.
In the case of CTs, the variation of inside temperatures arising from hour-by-hour management
of set points are in fact the independent variable. PRISM uses metered energy data as an input,
which is not generally available to CT providers. At hourly data rates, thermal mass effects and
random fluctuations are readily apparent, while they are smoothed out or invisible in PRISM
analyses. Finally, PRISM treats energy use for the whole home and must include a term to
account for energy consumption not dependent on outside temperature. No equivalent use term is
needed for a CT since all HVAC run time affects inside temperature. Furthermore, PRISM-type
analyses cannot always distinguish between heating and cooling energy; with CTs the run times
for heating and cooling are tracked independently. We concluded that PRISM (or its successors)
could not be easily adapted for the derivation of a CT performance metric.
Choosing a Baseline
The CT performance metric must be directly related to energy savings. However, any
estimate of energy savings first requires identification of a baseline. In broad terms, the baseline
is the home with a conventional thermostat instead of the CT. Since these thermostats do not
track temperature data, it is difficult to measure the baseline directly. In practice, several ways of
estimating this baseline are possible, depending on data availability and program goals. Possible
baselines include:
A constant indoor temperature or constant thermostat set point, or a schedule of
thermostat set points, determined without reference to the particular home
A run time derived from population energy use data, such as DOE technical support
documents or EIA data, without reference to temperature choices
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Data from a “test period” when the CT’s features are switched off and on (to create an
A/B test)
Analysis of CT data to infer comfort preferences that were likely relevant both before and
after the CT was installed
Each of these baselines is a compromise between simplicity and realism. A constant
temperature or a constant setpoint is simple to implement; however, field studies have illustrated
variance in comfort preferences between households and between regions. In contrast;
individual, per-home baselines derived from comfort preferences captured by CTs may more
accurately represent the variance of baseline conditions across households. The performance
metrics described below rely on different baselines and have their respective strengths and
Figure 3: A conceptual illustration of the selection of 90
percentile set
temperature in heating season as a baseline indoor temperature, and how it
would compare to a years’ worth of indoor temperatures.
EPA explored one particular baseline in detail, assuming persistent use of comfort
temperatures as the baseline condition. These individual, per-home comfort temperatures are
extracted from the CT set point history based on the method of Urban and Roth (2014):
A baseline derived from periods when the CT features are switched off is analytically attractive but
introduces numerous technical and behavioral interactions. For example, most thermostats have algorithms that
“learn” the occupants’ behavior, so the weeks subsequent to a baseline period would mostly reflect the transitional
period while the algorithms seek to re-learn occupant behavior and re-optimize operating schedules, rather than the
CT’s ultimate performance.
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Heating Comfort Temperature - During the core heating season (days with > 1
hour of heating run time), the 90
percentile of the set point history is used as the
preferred heating comfort temperature for the home.
Cooling Comfort Temperature - Similarly, the 10th percentile of the setpoint
history in the core cooling season is used as the preferred cooling comfort temperature.
See Figure 3 for a graphical explanation of these points.
Performance Metrics for Connected Thermostats
Based on the constraints outlined above, two approaches to evaluating the performance of
CTs and calculating a metric were identified:
1. Savings Degree-Hours
2. HVAC run time
These two approaches are introduced below and their merits discussed.
The Savings Degree-Hours (SDH) Metric
The “Savings Degree-Hours” metric seeks to capture the extent to which thermostat
management maximizes the difference between the measured indoor temperature and an
arbitrary reference temperature. It compares the history of indoor temperatures to the reference
temperature, multiplying the temperature difference by the number of hours the difference exists,
then summing:
 = 
= 
= 
The primary advantage of a SDH metric is simplicity. It seeks to rank products by the
numerical quantity of accumulated SDHs over a period of time, as higher SDHs equate to
less energy use. This strength, however, is also its largest weakness: there is no obvious way
to assess the magnitude of energy or consumer bill savings.
HVAC Run Time Metric
This metric seeks to measure the reduction in equipment run time resulting from better
thermostat management. It compares the actual run time of the controlled HVAC equipment to a
baseline run time, expressing the savings as % run time reduction.
There are situations in which savings from improved control of HVAC equipment are not captured by
SDH metric. These include situations where the vendor reduces the amount of auxiliary heat (e.g. avoiding the use
of electric resistance heat as backup to a heat pump) or from prompting residents to open windows and shut off the
AC when it is cool outside.
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 =
= ℎℎℎ
 = %ℎ
The primary advantage of the HVAC run time metric is that it is closely tied to energy
and cost savings – a given percent reduction in run time is clearly related to percent HVAC
energy use reduction (at least for single speed equipment).
In addition, the metric is potentially
capable of capturing savings from a variety of strategies, not just from more energy conserving
set points. However, estimating the baseline run time (in the absence of the connected
thermostat) is not straightforward.
The hybrid temperature-run time metric
Based on stakeholder and expert input, EPA selected a hybrid run time approach. The
ultimate goal of the metric is to characterize the energy performance of the entire US deployment
of a CT model. Thus, the metric must capture both the energy performance of individual
thermostats and the mean performance of a representative sample of the entire US deployed
population. As with previous methods, a metric is first calculated for an individual thermostat,
then these results are aggregated over a large sample of homes.
The Hybrid Metric for a Single Home
Generating savings metric scores for a particular home is a three step process:
1. Develop the Home’s Thermal/HVAC Model - construct a model of the relationship
between HVAC run time, outside temperature, and temperature choices in the home;
2. Calculate the Baseline Run Times - use that model to calculate baseline heating and
cooling run times; i.e. what run times would have been under baseline temperature
3. Calculate Savings - output savings as % run time reduction of actual vs modeled.
Develop the home’s thermal/HVAC model. We explored in detail a model where varying
inside temperature explains energy savings. The calculation summarizes data daily, as this
seemed to be the most robust. The model is similar to previous models, using a simple linear
relationship with a balance temperature:
indicates that the term is zero if its value would be negative
Special treatment will be required for variable capacity equipment because run time does not directly
correlate with energy consumption.
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= the reference temperature difference of the home for heating, which is
maintained without use of heating equipment
= the reference temperature difference of the home for cooling , which is
maintained without use of cooling equipment
∆T = indoor minus outdoor temperature =
= indoor temperature reported by the CT
= outdoor temperature reported by the closest NOAA weather station
= the responsiveness of the home to heating equipment run time
= the responsiveness of the home to cooling equipment run time
Note that ∆ as defined will be negative for most of the cooling season. is the reference
ΔT which would result in the absence of running the thermostatically controlled heating and
cooling equipment, reflecting “free heat” from solar gain and from activities and appliances in
the home. Because of its physical cause, is expected to typically fall in the range of 5 to 15°F.
It will be different for heating and for cooling.
Figure 4: A conceptual illustration of how this method would be used with field data for the heating
season: A linear regression of ∆ vs.  using only those days that have more than 60 minutes of
heating equipment run time, and no cooling equipment run time.
In order to calculate the fit, the equation is reversed and a straightforward linear
regression of ∆ as a function of  is performed. The regression is limited to “core
cooling/heating days” by excluding points with less than one hour of HVAC run time per day, or
with both heating and cooling run time.
∆ =
(core cooling days) ∆ =
(core heating days)
Calculate baseline run time. Baseline run times are calculated by first calculating ∆ in the
baseline condition, then calculating baseline run times from that. Run times will be longer to the
extent that ∆ is larger in the baseline condition.
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is the indoor temperature in the heating season baseline condition
is the indoor temperature in the cooling season baseline condition
is the heating run time in the period of study for the baseline indoor
temperatures, as estimated using the previously derived model
is the cooling run time in the period of study for the baseline indoor
temperatures, as estimated using the previously derived model
Calculate savings. Savings are calculated in percent run time reduction, with the following
 = 100×
 = 100×
where 
is the observed heating run time in the period of study
is the observed cooling run time in the period of study
 is the heating savings metric (in %)
 is the cooling savings metric (in %)
It should be noted that EPA does not consider the result predictive of savings for any
individual thermostat installation. There are a number of reasons that the results could vary in
any given installation, and the results are only indicative of performance when averaged over a
large sample of homes for which these factors tend to average out.
In other analyses such as PRISM and its descendants, the savings calculation for one
home or a group of homes relies on a pre-retrofit data or a group of homes that received no
treatment. For CTs, there is generally no similar data available from a control group of homes
without CTs. Nevertheless, the homes receiving CTs represent a very large – tens of thousands—
and diverse set of homes. Factors that affect metric scores for specific homes can be expected to
vary randomly, including:
Occupancy patterns
Household response to the particular strategies used by the product to achieve savings.
For instance, turning off or on particular features, response to behavioral prompts, etc.
Changes in occupancy patterns or thermal needs of residents (e.g. due to illness)
Variations in solar gain over the course of a season
Thus, aggregating scores over a large sample of homes will better reflect the capabilities
of the product. However, savings scores vary widely from climate to climate, largely because a
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1°F change in ΔT will equate to a large percentage of ΔT in mild climates and a small one in
more extreme climates. Furthermore, different vendors may have very different distribution of
subscribers across climate zones. To fairly represent savings of all vendors, it is likely necessary
to collect scores aggregated within climate regions. The Energy Information Administration
(EIA) climate zones [ ] provide a
convenient broad-brush distinction, and allow comparison of scores with public data from EIA
and RECS.
In this paper we outlined a procedure to calculate a hybrid performance metric of
connected thermostats (CTs) using data from the installed base of thermostats. It can be used
with any baseline average daily indoor temperature. We explored one such baseline in some
detail: a constant comfort temperature, with the comfort temperature derived from analysis of
each home's set point history. This baseline partially corrects for variation in user population
between products which would otherwise tend to skew metric scores. However, savings from
products that successfully encourage more energy-saving comfort set points will not be captured.
A regional baseline would capture these savings, but unless the regions are small enough, may
also introduce bias between products based on their geographical spread of deployments. While
public data for a highly granular regional baseline do not exist, CT service provider data could
themselves be used to develop such a baseline. Regional baselines developed from this data may
not reflect the true consumer savings from purchasing a CT compared to other types of
thermostats. In future work, EPA intends to investigate the implications of using regional
One fundamental issue with the hybrid run time metric is that it deals poorly with HVAC
systems where energy use is not roughly proportional to run time. Currently, true variable
capacity systems are a small percentage of installations, though we expect their popularity to
rise; already staged systems are more common. The metric might be modified for staged systems
by weighting run time with an estimated proportion of energy use by each stage. Truly variable
capacity systems may be able to provide estimated energy consumption information directly.
Heat pump systems with electric resistance auxiliary heat are similar to staged systems.
However, the metric as described might allow adequate comparison of CTs controlling these
systems, and we look forward to exploring the results with stakeholders in the near future.
Another challenge is accounting for float - the tendency for homes to be warmer than the
average set temperature in the heating season or cooler than the average set temperature in the
cooling season, particularly in shoulder seasons. High solar gain and opening windows during
cool mornings may cause this kind of temperature variation. Generally, it results in high comfort
with low energy use. Fortunately, most HVAC run time occurs on days when float is not an
issue, and indoor temperatures track set temperatures closely. We plan to evaluate the
implications of ignoring float on our results.
The hybrid metric does not account for saving strategies that are not reflected in indoor
temperature, e.g. humidity control, air movement, and ventilation. A run time reduction metric
using a baseline purely referring to HVAC run time could capture these saving. Such a baseline
is complicated significantly by home to home variation in HVAC sizing relative to heating and
cooling loads, a datum that is invisible to the thermostat.
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We have presented a first effort to quantify savings using the wealth of data available
from connected thermostats installed in homes. We look forward to the evolution of such
methods to take full advantage of that data, including hourly information. Our hope is that
engagement of CT providers with EPA in the context of the ENERGY STAR program will
encourage data sharing and openness and hasten the advent of such methods.
We are still unable to unequivocally answer the question posed in this paper’s title, “Do
connected thermostats save energy?” However, we described many of the steps and procedures
that will be used as the data become available. We expect that, in the next few years, the answer
will become clear. Moreover, we expect that it will be possible to identify which vendor’s
products save the most energy.
We wish to thank our stakeholders in the metric process, whose engagement has been
critical to developing the ideas presented here. Several CT providers, including Nest, ecobee and
EcoFactor have been highly engaged with this process, along with several other stakeholders
such as the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation.
Fels, M. F., and M. L. Goldberg. 1986. “Using the Scorekeeping Approach to Monitor
Aggregate Energy Conservation.” Energy and Buildings 9 (1–2): 161–68.
Fels, M. F. 1986. “PRISM: An Introduction.” Energy and Buildings 9 (1-2): 5–18.
Moon, J. W., and S. Han. 2011. “Thermostat Strategies Impact on Energy Consumption in
Residential Buildings.” Energy and Buildings 43 (2–3): 338–46.
Peffer, T., M. Pritoni, A. Meier, C. Aragon, and D. Perry. 2011. “How People Use Thermostats
in Homes: A Review.” Building and Environment 46 (12): 2529–41.
Tweed, K.. 2015. “Smart Thermostats Begin to Dominate the Market in 2015.” Greentech
Media. July 22.
Urban, B., and K. W. Roth. 2014. “A Data-Driven Framework For Comparing Residential
Thermostat Energy Performance.” Cambridge (MA): Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable
Energy Systems.
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