What is a Cover Letter?
A cover letter introduces you and your resume to an employer. With every resume that you submit, it is imperative that you
send a tailored cover letter paper clipped or attached to it.
A cover letter is also important because it provides a sample of your written communication skills. Showing you can write
well will demonstrate your intelligence and help to establish your credibility. Always write cover letters with care, because,
like resumes, cover letters create an image of who you are as a professional.
You should plan to write a new cover letter for every position you apply for, because cover letters should be tailored to the
needs of your readers. Always bear in mind that the content of your cover letter should change, although you can keep a
generalized draft to work from each time you create one.
Your cover letter should always be addressed to a specific person, by their name. This will immediately grab the reader’s
attention and show that you have done your research.
What Should a Cover Letter Include?
The opening paragraph should state why you are writing and why you are interested in the organization. If you are writing a
letter of application, you should name the specific position for which you are applying. Also, tell the employer how you
became aware of the vacancy. If a former employer or someone else referred you to the employer, this is the best place to drop
that person’s name and mention that he or she suggested you write. A letter of inquiry should provide evidence of your career-
mindedness; it helps to refer to specific job functions, if not titles, when trying to determine if a vacancy exists.
The second paragraph is where you draw attention to your resume and highlight specific skills relevant to the potential
employer. This paragraph is devoted to explaining how you are qualified. Cite achievements and qualifications related to the
position desired. If you have qualifications that are not noted on your resume, this is your opportunity to discuss them.
The third paragraph states why you are right for this job. Use this paragraph to demonstrate your knowledge of the employer
and their goals. Tell them why you should be considered for the position you are applying for. A little bit of homework on the
company or the industry can really pay off by showing the employer that you are serious about your application, and informed
about the type of work and experience that it requires.
The closing paragraph states what you will do next (such as calling to arrange an appointment at the
employer’s convenience) or what you would like the recipient of the letter to do next. Request action. Ask for
an interview. Inform the employer when you will make contact with them again if appropriate. Either here, or
in your closing, thank the employer for their time. Restate your phone number and e-mail address in case this
becomes separated from your resume.
August 9, 2015
9781 College
Springfield, IL. 62701
Ms. Lauren Liu
Managing Editor
P.O. Box 6898
Seattle, Washington 98961
Dear Ms. Liu,
While researching information on Amazon.com, I focused an opening in the editorial department as a category writer. I
would like to be considered for this position at your company’s headquarters in Seattle. This May, I will graduate from
the University of Illinois at Springfield with a degree in journalism in the magazine sequence, and I would like to use
the knowledge, skills and experience that I have gained to pioneer Internet businesses like yours.
I have had extensive experience in feature writing at newspapers and magazines, along with writing creatively in the
corporate world. However, my true interest lies in new media and how to merge innovative writing with cutting-edge
technology. For the past year, I have been an on-line editor for the Hate Report, a report on the state of inequality at the
University of Illinois at Springfield. In addition to my on-line experience, I have worked as a reporter for the health,
science and environment beat for the Springfield Illinoisan and as a features editor for Vox magazine. I have also had
experience as a copyeditor for Vox and the Hate Report. I am confident, because of these experiences, that I could
bring creativity, grace-under-pressure, and style to the job.
I understand that Amazon.com has been on the forefront of technology since it’s beginning in 1995. With my flair for
the creative and my ability to reach a rainbow of readers, I believe that I am well suited to help your company expand
well into the millennium. Your mission to transform Internet buying into the fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable
experience possible is one that I could aid substantially with not only my writing experience, but also my dream for the
More importantly, though, I know a letter and resume can only tell you so Much about my motivations and
qualifications. I would like to discuss my background with you in person and would be willing to travel to Seattle at
my own expense to do so. I will call you at the end of next week to discuss whether such a meeting would be possible
and to confirm that you have received my resume and writing samples. Please feel free to contact me at
harperharper.com or (123) 456-7890.
Your Signature Here
Your Name Typed
Enclosure(s) (This indicates that your resume and/or additional materials are enclosed.)