Admission Standards Policy
First-Year, Transfer and Graduate and
Professional Admissions
August 1, 2022
See Appendix A for a summary of revisions since the policy’s adoption in 1994.
Washington Public Baccalaureate Admission Standards Policy ................................................ 3
First-Year Student Admission Standards Policy ......................................................................... 3
1.1 First-Year Student Admission Policy ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Alternate First-Year Student Admission Policy ..................................................................................... 6
Option 1: Alternate First-Year Student Admission Standards ............................................................ 6
Option 2: Alternate First-Year Student Admission Standards ............................................................ 6
First-Year Admission Policies, Processes and Practices .............................................................................. 7
Holistic Assessment of Applications for Admission ............................................................................... 7
Transcript Designations .................................................................................................................................. 11
Transfer Student Admission Standards Policy ......................................................................... 12
2.1 Transfer Admission Policy....................................................................................................................... 12
Graduate and professional Admission Standards Policy ........................................................ 13
3.1 Graduate and Professional Admission Policy .................................................................................... 13
3.2 Alternate Graduate and Professional Admission Policy .................................................................. 13
Graduate and Professional Admission Policies, Practices and Processes ............................................ 15
Annual Admission Standards Policy Review process ............................................................. 15
Appendix A: Summary of Legislative Context and the review and revisions of the Admissions
Standards Policy ....................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix B: Additional Resources ............................................................................................ 19
Appendix C: Standardized test policies, Holistic Review Processes, Guaranteed Admissions
Policies by Institution ................................................................................................................. 20
The Washington public baccalaureate admission standards policies apply to first-year, transfer,
and graduate and professional students. Standards are designed to ensure students are well-
prepared to be successful in achieving their postsecondary educational goals.
The admission standards policy at a minimum must include, per RCW 28B.77.020(7)(a):
A requirement that coursework in American Sign Language or an American Indian
language satisfies any requirement for instruction in a language other than English that is
established as a general undergraduate admission requirement.
Encouragement of the use of multiple measures to determine whether a student must enroll
in a precollege course, such as placement tests, the SAT/ACT, high school transcripts,
college transcripts, or initial class performance.
For an additional summary of the legislative background, policy review and revisions, see
Appendix A.
The First-Year Student Admissions Policy applies to first-year students defined, for the purposes of
this Policy, as students who:
Earn a high school diploma or equivalent, and
Enroll in college with fewer than 40 quarter/26 semester credits of college-level
coursework, or
Enroll in college with 40 or more quarter/26 or more semester hours of college-level
credit or an Associate’s degree and enter a public baccalaureate institution directly from
high school.
Running Start and other dual-credit earning students must still meet the minimum college admission
standards. All students who answer yes to at least one of the following statements are considered
first-year students:
1. I plan to enter college in the summer or fall after graduating from high school.
2. I participated in a Washington recognized dual credit program where I earned college
credit while in high school, and I plan to enter college directly after graduating from high
school (regardless of how many college credits I have earned or will earn or if I have
earned an Associate’s degree while in high school).
3. I have never attended college since leaving high school, regardless of my age or whether
I ever graduated.
Students enrolling in a Washington public baccalaureate institution must meet, at a minimum, the
following college/university admission requirements:
A 2.0 high school grade point average; and
Completion of College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs).
Minimum Grade Point Average
Students must attain a minimum, non-weighted cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0
scale. Graduates of high schools not using a grading system would be exempt from the GPA
minimum requirement but must submit equivalent measures of performance as determined by the
college or university.
Course Requirements
The College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs) are the minimum number of high school
credits required in six subject areas students must earn to be eligible for non-alternative
admission consideration by public baccalaureate institutions.
The school district is responsible for determining which of its high school courses meet CADR
guidelines, and for ensuring those courses are identified with "B" designations on students'
transcripts. Students should consult with their local high school to obtain complete information
about CADRs.
Note: generally, special education courses do not qualify as CADRs. For a special
education class to be classified as a CADR, the course must be fully aligned with grade
level learning standards for the course represented.
If a baccalaureate institution raises a question about a specific course, the Washington Student
Achievement Council (WSAC) will work with the district and the baccalaureate institution to reach
a resolution.
Students, in general, earn one credit by completing one full academic year of coursework. School
districts may use alternative scheduling that permits students to earn a full credit in a given subject
area in less than a single academic year. School districts may also use mastery-based assessments
to award credit.
College credit equivalents may be used for CADR credits not earned in high school. Dual enrolled
students who complete five quarter credits or three semester credits of college-level coursework
have earned the equivalent of one CADR credit.
In addition, pre-college courses in English and math may be equivalent to CADR courses provided
they are designed to meet the same learning outcomes as the high school course for which they
5 college quarter credits = 1 CADR credit.
3 college semester credits = 1 CADR credit
Finally, students are encouraged to take a minimum of three credits of CADR courses each year of
high school, including the senior year. The complete CADR guidance, including how CADRs can be
met in high school as well as college, can be found here. A brief overview of CADRs is provided
English Language Arts (4 Credits)
Four credits of English language arts are required. Must include three credits of college
preparatory coursework, including literature and composition (may include Bridge to College
English). One credit of elective English may be included.
Mathematics (3 Credits)
Three credits of mathematics are required. These credits must include Algebra I, Geometry, and
Algebra II or Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, and Integrated Math III, or higher level
Senior Year Math-based Quantitative Course
Students are required to take a math-based quantitative course during their senior year. This
requirement is to ensure students continue to participate in rigorous math during their senior year,
a main predictor of postsecondary success. Examples of a math-based quantitative course include
additional math (such as Bridge to College Mathematics, statistics or applied math), algebra-
based science, math-based career and technical courses, or AP computer science. Students who
have completed math beyond Algebra II or Integrated Math III, prior to the senior year, are
exempt from this requirement.
Science (3 Credits)
Three credits of science are required.
Two credits must be earned in lab courses, including one
algebra-based course and one course in biology, chemistry, or physics. A single course may meet
multiple requirements. For example, a biology, chemistry, or physics course may also be lab-
based. The third credit does not need to be lab based.
Social Sciences (3 Credits)
Three credits of social sciences are required. These credits must be earned in history or any of the
social sciences. Examples include anthropology, contemporary world problems, economics,
geography, government, political science, psychology, or sociology.
World Languages (2 Credits)
Two credits of the same world language are required. Examples include Spanish, French,
Japanese, American Sign Language, and American Indian languages. Additional World
Language coursework is encouraged. Some institutions will require three credits to meet college
graduation requirements.
Arts (1 Credit)
One credit of art is required. This credit must be earned in fine, visual, or performing arts.
Substitution of one credit from another CADR subject area is allowed. However, some institutions
limit the waiverstudents should check with the admissions offices at the institutions to which they
plan to apply.
First-year students may be admitted under the alternative admission policy. There are two options
within the alternative first-year student admission policy to admit students who may not meet the
1.1 First-Year Students Admission Policy.
Option 1: Alternate First-Year Student Admission Standards
All students are eligible under Option 1. A first-year student must meet all the following
1. Follow the institutions test-optional policy or be granted a waiver of the assessment
2. Submit a transcript showing achievement of a 2.0 high school grade point average or a
passing score on a Washington approved high school equivalency test;
3. Complete high school course requirements as required in the 1.1 First-Year Students
Admission Policy, with no more than three CADR credits waived; and
4. Present evidence of success outside the classroom and strong motivation to succeed in
college as determined by the college or university.
Option 2: Alternate First-Year Student Admission Standards
Only students 25 or older who enter a baccalaureate institution are eligible under Option 2. An
applicant 25 years of age or older who is seeking initial enrollment to a public baccalaureate
Details about high school equivalency tests: https://www.sbctc.edu/colleges-staff/programs-services/basic-
institution as a first-year student may be offered an admission if the student meets a minimum of
two of the following requirements:
1. Follow the institutions test-optional policy or be granted a waiver of the assessment
2. Submit a transcript showing the achievement of a 2.5 high school grade point average or
a passing score on a Washington approved high school equivalency test.
3. Write an essay demonstrating critical thinking and communication skills.
4. Present evidence of success outside the classroom and strong motivation to succeed in
college as determined by the college or university.
Holistic Assessment of Applications for Admission
Each Washington public baccalaureate institution considers the whole student in the admissions
review process. This is referred to as holistic assessment of applications for admissions (holistic
admissions). Holistic admissions consider grades, courses – both the type and the level at which
taken - and assessments, along with other information to make an admissions decision. This may
include leadership in activities outside of the school environment or other examples a student may
provide. For more information see Appendix C.
The First-Year Student Admission Standards Policy aligns with institutional holistic admissions in the
following ways.
Every application goes through a holistic assessment process, even if the student applying
has not met the admissions standards policy.
If a student has not met the College Academic Distribution Requirements, the student can
still be offered provisional acceptance to an institution and make up coursework in the first
year of college.
Students have flexibility within the standards. For more information see 1.2 Alternate First-Year
Student Admission Policy.
Standardized Test Policies Regarding Admissions Exams
Beginning fall 2021, all of Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions permanently changed
policies pertaining to SAT and ACT criteria. These changes built on the historical role of SAT and
ACT assessment, which had been a small component in the long-standing holistic review process of
Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions, allowing institutions to adopt policies focused on
factors more predictive of postsecondary success, such as a student’s GPA and academic history.
If a student chooses to submit official SAT or ACT test score(s), the scores must be sent directly to
the college or university to which a student is applying.
Standardized test policies must be implemented consistently and fairly. Institutions will choose one
standardized test policy. A standardized test policy may include, but are not limited to the
Test Not Considered: Institutions do not consider test scores, nor are test scores considered at any
point in the admissions review process, even if a student chooses to submit a test score. No
additional, alternative measure of college readiness is required in place of a test score.
Test Not Required: Institutions do not consider test scores in the admissions review process, even if
a student chooses to submit a test score (see test not considered above). However, test scores may
be considered for placement, entry into Honors program, and/or scholarship awards.
Test Optional: Students may choose to submit test scores to strengthen an application. Not
submitting test scores will not disadvantage a student. In place of a test score, students who apply
may be required to submit additional and alternative measures of college readiness such as
successful completion of dual credit coursework, exams, or scores on high school college readiness
Students are encouraged to reach out directly to individual institutions to ask questions. The
standardized test policy for each individual institution can be found in Appendix C, along with
links to institutional resources related to admissions.
Institutions must provide a copy standardized test policies for admissions exams to the
Washington Student Achievement Council prior to changes to an existing policy or implementation
of a new policy.
Guaranteed Admissions
Some of Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions have guaranteed admissions policies in
place. When a student meets a set of institutionally identified criteria, a student is guaranteed
admission to the baccalaureate institution. Students must apply to the institution and complete
additional steps as required by the college or university. While policies differ by institution, all
Washington public baccalaureate institution guaranteed admissions programs require students to
complete course requirements and earn a GPA above the minimum GPA required in the First-Year
Admission Standards Policy to be eligible for guaranteed admissions. For more information see
Appendix C.
Challenging and Advanced Coursework in High School
Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions believe college is for everyone that wants to go.
College requires preparation, commitment, and organization. Preparation for college includes
participation and completion of challenging and advancing high school curriculum. Advanced
courses are a way students can explore the intersection of their academic and personal interests
and begin to prepare for life after high school and develop a sense of self.
Together Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions recognize multiple high school paths and
programs which provide:
College and preparatory college experiences for students in high school.
Emphasize the role and value of learning.
Support access to, enrollment in and successful completion of rigorous coursework in high
Address issues of equity and access.
Encourage intentional participation, through unbiased student focused advising in
alignment with a student’s personal, career and educational goals and interests with an
emphasis on learning and fit, including academic readiness, preparation, and student
post-high school goals.
Students are encouraged to enroll and complete the most rigorous, quality, and relevant high
school curriculum a student is ready and prepared to undertake, taking full advantage of the
diverse options available throughout middle and high school. Washington’s public baccalaureate
institutions look at the whole student and a student’s journey up to the point a student applies to
one of the state’s public baccalaureate institutions.
Admissions to college is competitive. It is strongly encouraged students aim to earn at a minimum
three credits of CADR courses each year of high school, including in the senior year.
Dual Credit
Dual credit is one of many opportunities for exposure, experience, and preparation for college in
high school. Dual credit programs provide students with an introduction to college including
coursework, study habits, college culture, course content and expectations. Washington’s public
baccalaureate institutions do NOT prioritize one dual credit program (i.e., Running Start, College
in the High School (CiHS), Career Technical Education (CTE) Dual credit, Advanced Placement (AP),
International Baccalaureate (IB) or Cambridge International (CI)) over another in the admissions
review process.
Dual credit programs offer a pathway between K-12 and higher education that gives students a
strong start in their first year of college.
Dual Credit Concurrent Enrollment Courses
Dual credit concurrent enrollment programs provide an opportunity for students to enroll both in
high school and college. Credit is earned at the same time for the college course from a college
or university and recorded on a student’s high school transcript as high school credit. In
Washington, concurrent enrollment programs include Running Start, CiHS and CTE Dual Credit.
Students participating in dual credit concurrent enrollment programs are required to meet the
CADR requirement regardless of the number of college credits earned.
College-level courses may substitute for CADRs. A college-level course is defined as a course that
is 100-level or above. Dual credit concurrent enrollment students who complete five quarter
credits or three semester credits of college-level coursework earn the equivalent of one CADR
5 college quarter credits = 1 CADR credit.
3 college semester credits = 1 CADR credit
Pre-college courses in English and math may be equivalent to CADR courses provided the course is
designed to meet the same learning outcomes as the high school course for which the course
substitutes. However, it is important to note pre-college courses are NOT transferable to a college
or university.
Mastery-Based Assessment
Mastery-based credit is earned through mastery-based learning as defined in WAC 180-51-
051, “students advance upon demonstrated mastery of content; competencies include explicit,
measurable, transferable learning objectives that empower students; assessments are meaningful
and a positive learning experience for students; students receive rapid, differentiated support
based on their individual learning needs; and learning outcomes emphasize competencies that
include application and creation of knowledge along with the development of important skills and
Mastery-based credit by Washington public baccalaureate institutions is awarded solely based
on a high school student meeting a preset level of proficiency on a set of standards regardless of
the time required to meet the standard.
Mastery-based assessments use evidence a student has acquired the skills and knowledge
equivalent to what would be expected after completing a course. Mastery-based assessments are
an alternative to the traditional path of completing a course or credit through “seat time.”
Assessments of students’ mastery may be used to establish course or credit completion.
Instead of letter grades, terms may be used to describe mastery. These terms may include met
standard, exceeded standard, or not met standard. Students may earn mastery-based credit
without completing a course by demonstrating proficiency of knowledge acquired outside of a
classroom setting.
For mastery-based learning resources see Appendix B.
World Languages
High school students may meet the CADR World Language requirement by passing a district-
approved mastery assessment consistent with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines, or the Washington State Seal of Biliteracy (RCW
Course Equivalencies or Two-for-One Courses
Course equivalencies or two-for-one courses may be used to fulfill CADR course or credit
requirements. A two-for-one course is a single course that fulfills more than one high school
graduation requirement.
An example of a course equivalency is the Principles of Technology course, which may count as
both a lab science and Occupational Education.
Middle School Courses
Students may meet high school requirements with courses completed in middle school, provided
the courses are: (1) part of a sequence which is successfully continued in high school, or (2) the
course is included on the high school transcript as a high school level course.
An example of middle school course that would meet the requirement is Spanish I and Spanish II
completed in middle school and Spanish III and Spanish IV completed in high school.
Washington Administrative Code (WAC 392-415-070) requires standardized high school
transcripts include a “B” designation for courses that meet or satisfy WSAC “core course
Because the term core course may have different meanings depending upon context, College
Academic Distribution Requirements are used to describe courses that meet the WSAC First-Year
Admissions Standards Policy and, therefore, should carry the “B” designation on the transcript.
It is the responsibility of each school district to determine which of its high school courses meet
CADR guidelines and to ensure the “B” designations are transcribed on students’ transcripts.
The following exceptions are allowed:
The senior year math-based quantitative course may have a “Q” designation.
The “V” designation is used for students who were granted a waiver for courses during the
COVID-19 pandemic school closures, indicating no grade earned and no credits earned
because “course credit requirement waived under the Graduation Requirements
Emergency Waiver (Chapter 180-11 WAC)
.” The waiver is used to waive the total
credits attempted by a student for a specific course. The waiver cannot be used to waive
partial credits.
The transfer admissions policy applies to students defined, for the purposes of this Policy, as
students who:
Enter college with 40 or more quarter credits/26 or more semester credits of college-level
coursework. Credits or an Associate’s degree earned as part of a Washington dual credit
program do not meet this requirement.
Students who have attended any college since leaving high school are transfer students.
Transfer students should reach out to potential transfer institutions for information and
requirements for admission. For state-level transfer resources see Appendix C.
More information on the State Board of Education’s COVID-19 waiver can be found at
Students seeking admission to a graduate or a professional degree program at a Washington
public baccalaureate institution must meet at a minimum the following college or university
admission requirements:
A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (or equivalent measures of performance if a graduate
of an institution with no grading system) for those credits earned at the institution
awarding the bachelor’s degree.
o Note: Students may have earned credits used towards a bachelor’s degree from
multiple institutions. The 3.0 GPA requirement only requires that the cumulative
GPA be reviewed from the degree granting institution.
o If a student’s cumulative GPA from the degree granting institution is lower than a
3.0 and the student has credits earned from multiple institutions, the student’s GPA
may automatically be recalculated to include additional transcripts. If this
recalculation results in a 3.0, the student has met the minimum GPA requirement. If
this recalculation does not result in a 3.0, students can still be admitted using
Alternate Standards see section 3.2.
Earned a Bachelor’s degree from a nationally recognized postsecondary institution with
institutional accreditation from the following approved accreditation agencies or
equivalent for international institutions: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior
Colleges (ACCJC) Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Higher Learning
Commission (HLC), Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), New England
Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), Northwest Commission on Colleges and
Universities (NWCCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on
Colleges (SACSCOC) or WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)
college or university.
Students may be admitted to a graduate or a professional degree program under the alternative
admission policy. There are two options within the alternative graduate student admission policy
to admit students who may not meet the 3.1 Graduate and Professional Admission Policy.
Option 1: Alternate Admission Standards for students who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement
Students who do not meet the minimum 3.0 GPA graduate or professional program requirement
may be admitted as determined by the college or university department or program. Programs
can determine their own agreed upon method of assessment for alternate standard admissions,
but the student must meet at a minimum one of the following requirements:
1. Submit satisfactory scores on the GRE, GMAT, or another approved test.
2. Write an analytical essay demonstrating critical thinking skills.
3. Write a statement of intent demonstrating a level of knowledge and intellectual maturity
appropriate to the proposed field of graduate study.
4. Present evidence of professional success in a field relevant to the proposed area of study.
5. Complete an admissions interview either in-person or via phone or web.
6. Successful completion of a provisional period of enrollment based on conditional
Option 2: Alternate Admission Standards for students who do not have a bachelor’s degree from a
nationally recognized postsecondary institution with institutional accreditation or an equivalent from
international institutions as defined in section 3.1, but who have significant professional experience
Students with increasingly responsible professional experience in the field for which they are
applying may be admitted to a Washington public baccalaureate graduate or professional
program. The student must have significant professional experience and meet at a minimum
two of the following requirements:
1. Submit a transcript showing 100 level course work or higher with the achievement of a
3.0 grade point average for at least 90 quarter hours or 60 semester hours.
2. Submit satisfactory scores on the GRE, GMAT, or other approved test.
3. Write an analytical essay demonstrating critical thinking skills.
4. Write a statement of intent demonstrating a level of knowledge and intellectual
maturity appropriate to the proposed field of graduate study.
Note: An analytical essay typically is focused on a student’s academic pursuits and interest, while a statement of
intent includes information about a student’s personal journey.
Criteria for significant professional experience is determined by individual institutions and their graduate or
professional program(s).
5. Complete an admissions interview either in-person or via phone or web.
6. Successful completion of a provisional period of enrollment based on conditional
Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees
Washington’s graduate and professional degree programs recognize Bachelor of Applied
Science (BAS) degrees earned at a Washington community or technical community college.
Bachelor of Applied Science degrees are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the graduate or
professional degree program or department for admissions.
In recognition of the changing educational landscape prompted by COVID-19, the WSAC
Admissions Standards Policy will undergo a full review process with WSAC and all stakeholders
as required in RCW 28B.77.020(7)(a) on an annual basis beginning in spring 2021 and ending in
2023. After 2023, the review will take place semi-annually (every other year).
Note: the 2023 review process will begin in winter 2023 to support institutional timelines, shifting
from a spring review process.
Considerations for the winter 2023 review include:
Review and provide additional guidance regarding CADR courses including but not limited
to CTE, Lab Science, Senior Year Quantitative Math, and Special Education courses;
Developing consistencies on transcripts from K-12;
Easier access to student transcripts for colleges/universities; and
Additional learning on how Bachelor of Applied Sciences (BAS) degrees earned at a
Washington community or technical college are evaluated during admissions processes by
the graduate, professional degree program or department for admission to graduate
Legislative Context
The Washington Student Achievement Council, in accordance with RCW 28B.77.020(7)(a), sets
minimum college admission standards for Washington public baccalaureate institutions, in
collaboration with “appropriate state agencies and stakeholders,” including the State Board of
Education (SBE), the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the State Board for
Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating
Board, and the four-year institutions of higher education, including the Council of Presidents
The admissions standards policy must include at a minimum:
A requirement that coursework in American Sign Language or an American Indian
language satisfies any requirement for instruction in a language other than English that is
established as a general undergraduate admission requirement.
Encouragement of the use of multiple measures to determine whether a student must enroll
in a precollege course, such as placement tests, the SAT, high school transcripts, college
transcripts, or initial class performance.
Summary of Admissions Standard Policy Review and Revisions
In 1994, admission standards policies were initially adopted by the Higher Education
Coordinating Board. Additional revisions were adopted in 1998, 2007, 2009 and 2010.
In 2015, WSAC conducted a formal review and revision of the policy in collaboration with
COP, public baccalaureate provosts, registrars and admissions officers, SBE, SBCTC, ICW,
and OSPI. The primary goal of the 2015 revision was to foster alignment between K-12
assessment requirements, high school graduation requirements, and four-year public
college admission requirements, maintaining all admissions pathways in a single policy. To
achieve this goal, the following revisions were made:
o Increase admission exam options by allowing for test-optional policies.
o Add a third credit in science to align with a change in the high school graduation
requirements. Does not need to be lab-based. (Effective summer and fall 2021).
o Add Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science as a course which may fulfill the
senior year quantitative math requirement. (Effective immediately in 2016.
Statutory change occurred in 2013. RCW 28A.230.097).
o Add language that Bridge to College English Language Arts may fulfill one credit
of literature, composition or elective English and Bridge to College Mathematics
may fulfill the senior year math-based quantitative course requirement.
In 2020, in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Admission Standards
Policy was revised in collaboration with WSAC, COP and public baccalaureate admissions
officers on March 31, 2020 and again on April 27, 2020 to allow for institutional
flexibility for academic years 2020-21 and 2021-22. The updated policy:
o Removed the 15% cap for the number of first-year students that can be admitted
using alternate standards.
o Allowed institutions to go short-term test optional, test blind, or test not required
without submitting anything in writing to WSAC.
Additionally, the Graduate Admission Standards Policy was revised on November 23,
2020 to allow for institutional flexibility for academic years 2020-21 and 2021- 22. The
updated policy:
o Removed the 10% cap for the number of graduate or professional degree
students that can be admitted to an entering class.
In spring 2021, the Admissions Standards Policy (Policy) underwent a full review process
with all key stakeholders. This review was inclusive of the full Policy, including
undergraduate, transfer, and graduate admissions. Key changes made to the Policy
o First-Time Student Admissions Policy Standard
Broadened the definition of test-optional polices to include test blind and
test not required and to allow for more student and institutional flexibility
by removing the requirement for alternative assessments in place of test
Permanently removed the 15 percent cap for the number of first-year
students that can be admitted using alternate standards.
o Graduate and Professional Admissions Policy Standards
Permanently removed the 10 percent cap for the number of graduate or
professional degree students that can be admitted to an entering class.
o Additional context was added to the Policy to improve clarity and increase
understanding of the Policy and the admissions review processes for Washington’s
public baccalaureate institutions.
These changes were made permanent, in recognition of various factors:
o The long-term impact of COVID-19 on student course taking and learning
outcomes requires the need for permanent flexibility in the college admissions
review process.
o Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions have moved away from using a
quantitative approach, such as the Academic Index, in the admissions review
process, in favor of a holistic admissions approach. In holistic admissions a major
consideration is the depth and rigor of a student’s high school curriculum. The 15
percent cap for students to be admitted using alternative standards is an
increasingly arbitrary limit in the context of holistic admissions.
In spring 2022, the Admissions Standard Policy (Policy) underwent a full review process
with key stakeholders. This review was inclusive of the full Policy, including undergraduate,
transfer, and graduate admissions. Key changes made to the Policy included:
o Undergraduate:
Added language to clarify that, in general, special education courses do
not qualify as CADRs. For a special education class to be classified as a
CADR, the course must be fully aligned with grade level learning standards
for the course represented.
Updated the “V” designation for the State Board of Education’s COVID-19
waiver remains active for the duration of the waiver program.
Renamed the Standardized Test Policies (formerly “test optional policies”)
and provided updated definitions for test not considered (formerly “test
blind”), test not required, and test optional to provide additional clarity.
o Graduate
Revised Option 2: Graduate Alternate Admission Standard
Added language to include international students.
Adjusted the requirements noting that a student must have
significant professional experience, as defined by the institution or
graduate program.
o Determined review process will begin in Winter 2023, instead of Spring, to better
align with institutional timelines.
College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs)
This resource contains detailed information about the college academic distribution requirements.
Student can meet these requirements through high school coursework or college coursework.
Washington Public Baccalaureate Institution Dual Credit Information
Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions believe dual credit is an opportunity for a high
school student to prepare for and gain experience for college while in high school. It is one form
of advanced high school coursework, among others, including advanced high school courses and
honors programs. More information about dual credit and Washington’s public baccalaureate
institutions can be found here.
Washington Statewide Transfer Agreements
For more than 45 years Washington’s public baccalaureate institutions; community and technical
colleges; and private, nonprofit four-year colleges and universities have worked together to
provide students with clearly identified, direct pathways from two-to four-year institutions. The
backbone of the transfer system in Washington state is the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA)
associate degree, which generally satisfies the lower division general education requirements at
all of the state baccalaureate institutions and most of the private, nonprofit schools. The
collaboration that established the DTA also led to the development of the commonly accepted
Associate of Science. For more information on transfer, please visit the Washington Student
Achievement Council Transfer web page.
Washington K-12 Mastery-Based Crediting
The State Board of Education (SBE) has mastery-based crediting rules and the Washington State
School Directors’ Association (WSSDA) provides sample policies and procedures for districts on
mastery-based credit, including and recommended assessment tools for World Language
assessment, as well as assessment processes for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social
Studies, Physical Education and Health, and The Arts.
Mastery-based crediting (MBC) is an approach used in schools to award credit to individual
students based on their prior knowledge or other demonstration of mastery of learning standards.
Alternatively, mastery-based learning (MBL) represents a bigger shift in approach from the
traditional model. Learn more about the difference between mastery-based credit and mastery-
based learning in Washington: Mastery-based Learning Work Group 2021 Report (pg. 29).
& Website
Standardized Test Policy Admissions Review Process
Holistic Assessment
University (CWU)
Test optional.
The SAT or ACT is not required for
admission of all first-year applicants.
However, these test scores are used for
placement in math or English courses. If
students do not send in test scores, they
can take a placement instead.
Applicants with a 2.50 - 2.99
cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) who
have satisfied the CADR requirements
will be considered for admission through
a comprehensive review process, which
takes into consideration: high school
GPA, high school grade trends and
course rigor. A personal statement may
be required.
Applicants with a 2.00 - 2.49
cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) who
have satisfied the CADR requirements
will be considered for admission through
a comprehensive review process, which
takes into consideration: high school
GPA, high school grade trends and
course rigor. A personal statement is
Applicants who do not meet the CADR
requirements will be considered for
admission through a comprehensive
review process which takes into
consideration: high school GPA,
personal statement, high school grade
trends and course rigor. If students send
in SAT or ACT scores those can also be
considered. Students are not
disadvantaged for low test scores.
CWU automatically admits
students if they:
1) Have a cumulative
high school GPA of
3.0 (or higher) on a
4.0 scale
2) Have satisfied the
College Academic
Requirements (CADRs)
Applicants must complete their
application prior to March 1
for fall quarter to guarantee
their admission and February
1 for tuition scholarship
No personal statement or
essay required.
& Website
Standardized Test Policy Admissions Review Process
Holistic Assessment
University (EWU)
Test not considered.
Students do not need to submit test
scores to be considered for admission or
automatic scholarships. EWU will not use
test scores when making an official
admissions decision, awarding an
automatic scholarship offer, or
determining eligibility for the Honors
EWU will review an applicant's grades
from high school and college, the rigor
of their courses, their senior year class
schedule, and their responses to
optional Honors Program essays.
To be considered for admissions to
EWU, applicants must have at least a
2.0 cumulative GPA in high school and
any applicable college work.
EWU automatically admits
students if they:
1) Have a cumulative
high school GPA of
3.0 (or higher) on a
4.0 scale
2) Have satisfied the
College Academic
Requirements (CADRs)
Students still must submit their
application, an unofficial
transcript, and final transcripts
(after graduation).
The Evergreen
State College
Test optional.
Students do not need to submit test
scores, but if they choose not to, must
submit an alternative. Submitted test
scores will be considered along with all
the information provided in a student’s
application. Instead of submitting test
scores, students can submit an essay
answering a specific prompt.
Applications will receive a holistic
review by the Admission Committee,
and all submitted materials will be
considered. The Admission Committee
consists of experienced faculty and
staff qualified to assess college
Cumulative grade point average,
grade trend, college preparatory
curriculum (CADRs), and the Application
Statement OR test scores are used in
making an admission decision. Should
the Committee need additional
information to make a decision, a
member of the Admissions staff will
contact the applicant.
Evergreen automatically
admits students if they:
Have a cumulative
high school GPA of
3.0 (or higher) on a
4.0 scale.
2) Have satisfied the
College Academic
Requirements (CADRs)
Students still must submit their
application, final transcripts
(after graduation.
University of
(Seattle campus)
Test not required.
for more information.
Visit https://admit.washington.edu/
apply/ for more information.
Not applicable.
University of
Tacoma (UW
Test not required.
admissions for more information.
Visit https://www.tacoma.uw.edu/
admissions for more information.
Not applicable.
& Website
Standardized Test Policy Admissions Review Process
Holistic Assessment
University of
Bothell (UW
Test not required.
Visit https://www.uwb.edu/admissions
for more information.
Visit https://www.uwb.edu/
admissions for more information.
Not applicable.
Washington State
University (WSU)
all campuses
Test not considered.
Beginning with the Fall 2022 admission
cycle, the Washington State University
(WSU) system, including all campuses,
will neither require nor use test scores
for admission consideration.
Factors considered in first-year student
admission include: unweighted grade
point average, the strength of the high
school course work (including senior
year course work), grades the student
has earned, and any improvements they
have made in their academic
performance. Although letters of
recommendation are not required, they
are taken into consideration if they are
helpful in speaking to the student’s
academic potential and abilities. Based
on these criteria, the most qualified
applicants are offered admission.
WSU offers guaranteed
admission to all first-year
applicants who have met the
following criteria:
1) Have a minimum
unweighted high
school GPA of 3.0 or
2) Have satisfied the
College Academic
Requirements (CADRs)
by the time of
enrollment at WSU.
Test optional.
Students are not required to submit test
scores to apply for admission. If they
choose to submit scores, Western will
consider them as part of their holistic
review process of all application
material. Materials for review include
transcripts, activities, resume, essay, and
personal statements.
Every application for admission will
receive full consideration for Admissions
and merit scholarships, independent of
whether Western has a test score on file
for the applicants. Applicants applying
to Western’s Honors program, or who
are interested in the Woodring College
of Education, should know that test
scores will be considered as part of
those programs’ review processes.
Materials Western reviews in the
application process includes:
Transcripts: Grade trends and level and
difficulty of courses are the most significant
factors in Western’s admission decisions.
Activities resume: The activities list helps
reviewers understand how the applicant spends
their time. Applicants provide a list of their
most meaningful activities and achievements in
high school, including community involvement,
volunteer experience, employment, athletics,
extracurricular clubs, arts, family
Essay: The essay is an applicant’s chance to
give a snapshot of who they arevoice,
experiences, goals. The essay is reviewed for
both admission and scholarship purposes.
Personal statements. Reviewers are looking for
applicants who are academically prepared
and will actively contribute to Western’s
campus community and use a holistic approach
when reviewing applications. Their review
process also considers school and community
involvement, special talent, multicultural
experiences, strength of character, and
personal circumstances.
Western offers guaranteed
admission to applicants to
have met the following criteria:
1. Have a minimum 3.0
unweighted GPA
2. Have satisfied the
College Academic
Applications and official
transcripts must be received by
January 31 for guaranteed
admission consideration for the
fall term.