Persons aged sixteen or over
Persons with the status of residence of “Permanent Resident”
Seven years from the date of issue
Persons other than those with the status of residence of “Permanent
Until the expiration date of the status of residence
Persons under the age of sixteen
Persons with the status of residence of “Permanent Resident”
Until his/her sixteenth birthday
Persons other than those with the status of residence of “Permanent
Until the expiration date of the status of residence or his/her
sixteenth birthday, whichever comes earlier
Outline of the New System What Exactly is the New System?
Effective Date When Will It Take Effect?
Applicable Persons
What is the Residence Card?
Who is Subject to the New System?
The new system of residence management aims to establish a system whereby the Minister of Justice continuously keeps
the information necessary for residence management by combining the information collected via the Immigration Control Act
and the Alien Registration Law respectively. Foreign nationals residing legally in Japan for a medium to long term are
subject to this new system. Along with the issuance of a residence card to the aforementioned persons, the new system has
revised the filing procedures among others. The introduction of the new system ensures further convenience for such
persons by extending the maximum period of stay from 3 years to 5 years. In addition, a system of “presumed permit of
re-entry”, which essentially exempts the need to file an application for permission for re-entry when re-entering Japan within
one year of departure, will be implemented.
Upon introduction of the new system of residence management, the current alien registration system shall become defunct.
Foreign nationals residing legally for a medium to long term with a status of residence under the Immigration Control Act,
EXCLUDING the persons described below, shall be subject to the new system of residence management:
(1) Persons granted permission to stay for not more than 3 months
(2) Persons granted the status of residence of “Temporary Visitor”
(3) Persons granted the status of residence of “Diplomat” or “Official”
(4) Persons whom a Ministry of Justice ordinance recognizes as
equivalent to the aforementioned foreign nationals
(5) Special permanent residents
(6) Persons with no status of residence
Under the new system, a residence card shall be issued to applicable persons in addition to landing permission, permission
for change of status of residence, and permission for extension of the residence period, etc. The card is equipped with an IC
chip to prevent forgery and alteration, and the chip records all or part of the information included on the card.
The information on the details of the card is as follows.
The actual date of enforcement shall be determined by a Cabinet order within three years from July 15, 2009,
the promulgation date of the amended law
New System of Residence Management
Persons Subject to the New System
Persons NOT Subject to the New System
Persons working for organizations with a status of residence such as “Engineer”
or “Specialist in Humanities/International Services”
Persons attending school with a status of residence such as “College Student”
Persons married to Japanese citizens with a status of residence of “Spouse
or Child of Japanese National”
Persons with the status of residence of “Permanent Resident”
Persons staying in Japan for short periods
of time (i.e. for sightseeing)
Entertainers such as actors and singers
granted permission to stay for not more
than 3 months with the status of residence
of “Entertainer”
Government of Japan Residence Card
Period of validity
Compared to the Alien Registration Certificate, the items given on
the residence card have been considerably reduced!
For example, the name of the householder, place of birth, passport
number, occupation, and the name and location of the place where
the foreign national is employed or his/her office are not given.
Outline of the System
Effective Date
Outline of the Revision What Will Change?
What is the Special Permanent Resident Certificate?
When Will It Take Effect?
What is the new System?
The new system of residence management does not involve special permanent residents, and therefore the system
for persons under such status is essentially the same as before. However, some revisions will be made for the sake of
With the introduction of the new system of residence management, the Alien Registration Law and the alien
registration certificate will be abolished. In lieu of the alien registration certificate, which certifies the legal status, the
Minister of Justice is to issue a special permanent resident certificate to special permanent residents.
Other changes involve the information detailed on the special permanent resident certificate. The details on the
certificate will be kept to a minimum; and required information has been significantly reduced compared to the current
alien registration certificate. Procedures such as changes in registered information and reissuance of the certificate
shall be handled at an office of the city, ward, town or village as before.
Furthermore, the requirements of the re-entry permit system will be eased, and a special permanent resident with a
valid passport and a special permanent resident certificate will basically be exempt from applying for a re-entry permit in
cases where he/she re-enters Japan within two years from his/her departure. In cases where a special permanent
resident applies for a re-entry permit, the expiration date of the re-entry permit will be extended to 6 years from the
current 4 years.
The special permanent resident certificate is equipped with an IC chip to prevent forgery and alteration, and the chip
records all or part of the information included on the certificate.The information on the details of the certificate is as
For the purpose of enhancing the protection of trainees and technical interns, a new status of residence referred to
as “Technical Intern Training” shall be established, which enables such persons to engage in the following activities:
(1)“Activities to acquire knowledge through group training courses” and “activities to acquire skills through employment
i .Activities performed by an individual enterprise accepting employees of companies with whom the individual
enterprise has business relations such as joint ventures overseas (Individual enterprise-based training)
ii.Activities performed under the supervision and responsibility of a non-profit organization such as a trade
association (Association managed training)
(2)Activities for a person who has acquired knowledge and skills to engage in business that requires such knowledge
and skills through an employment agreement
Labor laws such as the Labor Standards Law and the Minimum Wage Act shall be applied to activities for acquiring
skills through employment agreements. Transfer from (1) to (2) shall be effected in accordance with the procedures
for change of residence status.
Relevant ministerial ordinances shall also be revised with regard to issues including:
Enhancement of the structure of accepting organizations in terms of instruction, supervision and support, and
encouragement of disclosure and openness in the operation of such organizations
Extension of the suspension period for organizations which have engaged in serious improper conduct in receiving interns
Enhancement of confirmation of the conditions of the contract between the sending organization and the intern
The actual date of enforcement shall be determined by a Cabinet order within three years from July 15,
2009, the promulgation date of the amended law
System for Special Permanent Residents
Revision of the Training and Technical Intern Training Programs
Government of Japan
Special Permanent Resident Certificate
Persons aged sixteen or over
Until his/her seventh birthday after each application or
notification (In cases of renewal of the special permanent
resident certificate, until his/her seventh birthday after the
expiration date of the special permanent resident
certificate before renewal)
Persons under the age of sixteen
Until the sixteenth birthday
Period of validity
Compared to the alien registration certificate, the items
given on the special permanent resident certificate have
been considerably reduced!
For example, the name of the householder, place of birth
and passport number are not given.