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Acquisition of mood selection in Spanish-speaking
Melisa Dracos, Pablo Requena & Karen Miller
To cite this article: Melisa Dracos, Pablo Requena & Karen Miller (2019) Acquisition of
mood selection in Spanish-speaking children, Language Acquisition, 26:1, 106-118, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2018.1464006
Accepted author version posted online: 25
Apr 2018.
Published online: 06 Jun 2018.
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Acquisition of mood selection in Spanish-speaking children
Melisa Dracos
, Pablo Requena
, and Karen Miller
Baylor University;
University of Montana;
Pennsylvania State University
Previous research indicates that the development of mood selection in
Spanish spans several years and ends in the mastery of mood selection
with sentential complements to express complex semantic meanings. The
present study investigates this underexplored late stage by examining
how Spanish-speaking children acquire adultlike mood selection in sen-
tential complements to factive emotive predicates involving mental state
adjectives (presupposition) and the negated epistemic verb creer believe
(nonassertion). Results of an oral sentence-completion task with 66 chil-
dren (4;0210;03) and 13 adults indicate that in contrast to the early
acquisition of subjunctive to express volition (with querer want), children
exhibit adultlike mood selection by ages 67 in the presupposition con-
dition and ages 910 in the nonassertion condition. The discussion high-
lights not only the protracted nature of the acquisition of adultlike mood
selection but also how the rate of development is context-specific as a
function of semantic, syntactic, and processing complexity.
Received 29 December 2015
Accepted 5 April 2018
1. Introduction
Modality, which allows the speaker to relay an attitude or opinion about a proposition (Fábregas 2014;
Palmer 2001), can be expressed through mood morphology. For example, Spanish verbs express an
attitude about a proposition by being marked in the subjunctive (SUBJ) or indicative (IND) moods. In
child language, modality appears to be a primal notion expressed early and often (Deen 2016). In
Spanish, children begin to express modality through the use of SUBJ to convey direct and indirect
commands around their second birthday (Hernández-Pina 1984; pez-Ornat et al. 1994). Nonetheless,
mastery of mood selection in the various SUBJ contexts occurs over a number of years.
Previous research indicates the following developmental path for the Spanish SUBJ: indirect
commands > adverbial clauses > relative clauses > sentential complements (Blake 1980; Pérez-
Leroux 1998; Sánchez-Naranjo & Pér ez-Leroux 2010). The developmental path begins with deontic
modality, w hich expresses a subjects desire, wish, intention, or command for some possible world
to be the actual world. For example, one of the first uses of the SUBJ is with the volitional matrix
verb querer wan t. The culminating stage of SUBJ acquisition dealing with sentential c omplements
can also be called epistemological modality (Chung & Timberlake 1985; Pér ez-L erou x 1998),
which involves cases in which a proposition is evaluated in relation to the beliefs or desires of the
subject in a sentence (as opposed to the speaker of the sentence). Examples of epistemological
modality incl ude the SUBJ in contexts of nonassertion (as in (1)) and in contexts of presupposition
(as in (2)).
(1) Mariana no cree que estés (SUBJ) embarazada.
Mariana doesnt believe that you are pregnant.
CONTACT Melisa Dracos [email protected] Baylor University, Department of English, One Bear Place, # 97404,
Waco, TX 76798-7404, USA.
© 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
2019, VOL. 26, NO. 1, 106118
(2) Mariana está alegre de que estés (SUBJ) embarazada.
Mariana is glad that you are pregnant.
Although a small amount of previous (albeit somewhat problematic) research suggests that the
acquisition of SUBJ contexts relating to epistemological modality (as in (1) and (2)) occurs relatively
late, there remain open questions concerning how Spanish-speaking children acquire adultlike mood
selection in sentential complements. The present study not only aims to determine precisely when
children acquire adultlike SUBJ use in presupposition contexts (i.e., complements to factive pre-
dicates with mental state adjectives as in (1)) and in nonassertion contexts (i.e., complements to the
negated epistemic verb no creer not believe as in (2)), it also aims to elucidate the developmental
path to adultlike mood selection in each context.
2. Mood Selection in Spanish
By being marked for mood, Spanish verbs express a perspective on the truth value of a proposition
(Fábregas 2014). Indicative (IND) is traditionally described as the default mood for assertions. In contrast,
the subjunctive mood (SUBJ) occurs mostly under subordinate clauses, selected under certain predicates or
under the scope of a modal or negation (Harrington & Pérez-Leroux 2016), and it has diverse meanings: (i)
nonassertion; (ii) volitionality, obligation, and desire; (iii) prospectivity; (iv) futurity; (v) influence; and (vi)
presupposition (Fábregas 2014). In certain grammatical contexts the SUBJ is categorically used, such as in
embedded clauses that are complements to verbs of volition or desire (i.e., ii), as in (3).
(3) La maestra quiere que los estudiantes obtengan (SUBJ) buenas notas.
The teacher wants that the students get good grades.
In other grammatical contexts, the SUBJ may be optional, and its use marks a specific meaning.
For example, in relative clauses, instead of being governed by the syntactic context of the embedded
clause, the use of SUBJ independently contributes to the semantic composition and the mood
marker only needs to be compatible with the intended semantics (Sánchez-Naranjo & Pérez-Leroux
2010:230). Consider (4) and (5):
(4) Busco una chaqueta que tiene (IND) lunares.
I am looking for a jacket that has polka dots.
(5) Busco una chaqueta que tenga (SUBJ) lunares.
I am looking for a jacket that has polka dots.
The embedded clause in (4) describes a referent that the speaker has in mind, whereas the
embedded relative clause in (5) does not have a specific referent. More importantly for this article,
nonassertive predicates allow the SUBJ to be used when the speaker does not commit to the truth of
the proposition (in (i)), and this can be achieved by using a nonassertive matrix verb (e.g., dudar
doubt) or by negating an assertive matrix verb, as in no creer not believe in (6). Yet, not only does
the weakly assertive verb creer believe (as well as strongly assertive verbs like saber know) trigger
the IND in positive polarity clauses, the IND can also occur with negative polarity clauses (7).
(6) El niño no cree que su tía le traiga (SUBJ) una bicicleta.
The boy doesnt believe his aunt is bringing him a bicycle.
(7) El niño no cree que su tía le trae (IND) una bicicleta.
The boy doesnt believe his aunt is bringing him a bicycle.
The IND in (7) implies that the speaker believes the proposition the aunt is bringing him a
bicycle to be true even though the subject of the sentence does not believe it to be the case. But with
the SUBJ in (6), the speaker is simply reporting the beliefs of the boy and has a neutral attitude to the
proposition the aunt is bringing him a bicycle (Harrington & Pérez-Leroux 2016).
The diverse and heterogeneous meanings contributed by the SUBJ (ivi) have led Fábregas (2014)
to argue that, although there is a family resemblance among the uses of SUBJ, it is unclear whether a
single value can behave as an umbrella that covers all uses (Fábregas 2014:22). For example, some
approaches have tried to capture a single semantic difference between IND and SUBJ through a
realis/irrealis, certainty/uncertainty, or an assertive/nonassertive distinction (for a review see
Fábregas 2014). These approaches, however, immediately run into counterexamples. One such
counterexample is the use of SUBJ in the presupposition context (vi). Such SUBJ uses contain
factive emotive predicates that include verbs (e.g., alegrarse de to be happy about) or expressions
with mental state adjectives as in (8).
(8) Mi padre está alegre de que mi abuela haga (SUBJ) ejercicio.
My father is happy that my grandmother exercises.
(9) Mi padre está alegre de que mi abuela hace (IND) ejercicio todos los días.
My father is happy that my grandmother exercises every day.
The lexical semantics of factive predicates usually specifies that they do not introduce new
information to the common ground of the speaker and addressee. This presupposed meaning calls
for the SUBJ, as in (8). However, the IND is possible, as in (9), when the same verbs are used to
introduce information that the addressee is not expected to share with the speaker (Fábregas
2014:21). It is important to note that in (8) the speaker strongly asserts that her grandmother
exercises in the actual, real world but still uses the SUBJ in the embedded clause.
Accordingly, some have proposed that the SUBJ does not contribute any single direct meaning to a
proposition but is used as a marker that there has been a shift in the kind of model that is used to
evaluate the truth of the proposition (Fábregas 2014:24; Quer 2001), with model referring to the set
of worlds associated in some sense to a particular individual (Giannakidou 1998). The default model is
one where the proposition is evaluated as true or false (in the actual world) in relation to the set of
beliefs or desires that the speaker holds; when there is a shift from the default, the SUBJ is used. For
volitional predicates as in (3), the speaker does not relate the embedded proposition the student gets
good grades to the actual world but instead is to employ a bouletic model that leads us to evaluate the
proposition in relation to possible worlds relativized to the desires of the subject the teacher.
Similarly, nonassertive predicates contrast a default model to other belief models. For example, (6)
and (7) mark a contrast between an epistemic model of the speaker (7) and the subject (6), so the use
of the SUBJ in the complement to the negated epistemic verb creer indicates that there is a switch in
the model used to evaluate the truth of the proposition (Harrington & Pérez-Leroux 2016).
3. Acquisition of mood selection in Spanish
Spanish-speaking children begin producing SUBJ forms shortly after their second birthday
(Hernández-Pina 1984; López-Ornat et al. 1994). However, the development of mood selection in
Spanish displays protracted development in the sense that some contexts are mastered before other
contexts. Since, as Fábregas (2014) argues, there is no single umbrella meaning contributed by SUBJ
usage in Spanish, there is also no single semantic notion that is to be learned in the process of
acquiring the Spanish SUBJ. Learners not only must learn the morphology of the SUBJ but also must
acquire the many and often subtle semantic meanings that the SUBJ marks, and some of the contexts
could be delayed in virtue of being less frequent in the input, variable, or more semantically complex
and thus possibly depend on developmental changes in the associated cognitive representations (e.g.,
Pérez-Leroux 1998; Sánchez-Naranjo & Pérez-Leroux 2010).
Blake (1980) remains the most comprehensive study of the acquisition of the SUBJ. Blakes study
tested Mexican children in a sentence-completion task that included a variety of syntactic contexts.
His findings indicated that target mood selection is achieved by age 5;00 with adverbials (e.g.,
después de after, hasta until) and by age 7;00 with indirect commands or predicates of volitionality,
obligation, and desire (e.g., querer want, esperar hope). The SUBJ with relative clauses comes
halfway on the continuum, followed by the contexts that presented increasing degree of difficulty to
childrennamely, nonassertive predicates (e.g., dudar doubt, no creer not believe) and finally,
factive emotive predicates (e.g., alegrarse de to be happy about, dar lástima feel sorry).
Along modality lines, Pérez-Leroux (1998:591) outlines the developmental path in (10), from
which most existing research has focused on the earliest stages.
(10) Deontic modality (Indirect commands) > Epistemic modality (Adverbial clauses, Relative
clauses) > Epistemological modality (e.g., Sentential complements)
In (10) the earliest uses of the SUBJ correspond to deontic modality, which refers to obligation
expressed by the speaker (Deen 2016:370 ff; Pérez-Leroux & Sánchez-Naranjo 2010:236). An
example of one of the first uses of the SUBJ is with the volitional matrix querer want (Hernández
Pina 1984; López Ornat et al. 1994). Adultlike near-categorical SUBJ use with indirect commands
has been reported to be achieved after age 6;00 in sentence completion (Blake, 1980), although this
finding is based on data from three different matrix predicates. Studies using other elicitation tasks
such as questions for children to answer (Morgan, Restrepo & Auza 2013; Sánchez-Naranjo & Pérez-
Leroux 2010) report lower rates of SUBJ use with querer perhaps due to the less structured nature of
the task that allowed other nontarget, but communicatively felicitous, answers such as infinitives.
The development of adultlike use of the SUBJ with contexts falling under epistemic modality such
as temporal clauses and in particular relative clauses takes longer due to particular semantic
interpretations of the SUBJ (Pérez-Leroux 1998; Sánchez-Naranjo & Pérez-Leroux 2010:249). For
example, Pérez-Leroux (1998) argues convincingly that acquisition of the SUBJ in relative clauses
referring to nonactual entities (like the jacket in (5)) requires the ability to evaluate and interpret
events nonfactuallythat is, in relation to possible but not actual worldswhich implicates the
process of acquisition with the development of a representational theory of mind and the ability to
understand false beliefs. Her study shows that by 6;11 children have developed the ability to extract
the implication that the item in the stimuli does not exist and also have mastered the selection of the
SUBJ in subject relative clauses that refer to nonfactual entities.
Pérez-Leroux suggests that adultlike SUBJ use with predicates involving epistemological modality
(i.e., where the truth of a proposition is evaluated with respect to the subject of the matrix clause)
should emerge after mastery of relative clauses and other adverbial clauses that reflect epistemic
modality, yet there is limited evidence on the acquisition of epistemological modality. To the best of
our knowledge, the only study that has addressed the acquisition of mood selection in contexts of
epistemological modality in Spanish is Blake (1980), who conducted a sentence-completion task. As
part of his stimuli, Blake included nine nonassertive matrices of doubt and denial (e.g., dudar doubt,
no creer not believe) and nine factive matrices of attitude (e.g., alegrarse de to be happy about, dar
stima feel sorry), both of which would fall into what Pérez-Leroux (1998) refers to as epistemolo-
gical modality an
d were predicted to select SUBJ. The results for the two conditions showed
fluctuations between ages 7;00 and 9;00. Adultlike mood choice was reported around age 10;00 with
nonassertive matrices and around age 12;00 with factive emotive matrices. Those results, however,
need to be interpreted with caution given the variability in the adult data as well as between the
particular matrices (tested only once throughout the experiment), which were collapsed to form each
condition. With respect to this last point, Blake (1983) suggests that . . . mood choices associated with
Blake (1980), surprisingly, also found high rates of SUBJ use with strongly assertive predicates (e.g., ser obvio be obvious) in child
and adult participants. He hypothesizes that the finding could be rooted in dialectal variation and also in the nature of the test
used by the adults who performed a written sentence-completion task. Given that here we concentrate on contexts in which the
SUBJ is expected, we will not focus on this unexpected finding.
each governing matrix seem to develop on a word-by-word basis rather than categorically . . . (p. 27).
This underscores the need for research focusing on the acquisition of SUBJ in sentential complements
to particular matrices in order to better understand how children progress toward adultlike mood
selection in contexts that fall under epistemological modality. Thus, the present study seeks to answer
the following research question: How do children acquire adultlike mood selection in sentential
complements to particular matrices of presupposition and nonassertion?
To address this question, we used an oral sentence-completion task that tested the acquisition of
mood selection with two specific matrices connected to epistemological modalitynamely, comple-
ments to factive emotive predicates with mental state adjectives (Presupposition condition) and
complements to the negated epistemic verb no creer not believe (Nonassertion condition). Based on
the research discussed previously, we hypothesize that adultlike mood selection with sentential
complements will occur late and after SUBJ uses falling under deontic or epistemic modality, and,
based on Blake (1980), we tentatively hypothesize that SUBJ in the Presupposition condition will be
acquired after the Nonassertion condition. We also tested a volitional matrix (querer want)to
corroborate previous findings that deontic modality is acquired very early, and we added a strongly
assertive predicate (saber know) as a control condition to ensure that, in contrast with the other
conditions, children use predominantly IND in this context.
4. Method
4.1. Participants
Sixty-six middle-class, monolingual Spanish-speaking children from Argentina (4;02 to 10;03)
in the experiment. The participants were recruited from three private elementary
schools in the same town in Argentina. All participants were in the appropriate grade for their
age and demonstrated in the practice trials that they could perform a sentence-completion task,
which was required for participation in the experimental trials. Children were divided into three
groups: twenty-one 4- and 5-year-olds (4;025;06; M = 4;09, SD = 0;05), twenty 6- and 7-year-olds
(6;047;08; M = 6;10, SD = 0;04), and twenty-five 9- and 10-year-olds (9;0410;03; M = 9;09,
SD = 0;03). Thirteen middle-class Argentine adults from the same local area were tested to determine
adult behavior.
4.2. Stimuli
and procedure
We created a novel sentence-completion task that followed the general design of Blake (19
Participants were presented with a large color drawing depicting a situation with two characters.
Then, pointing at these characters in the image, the experimenter told the participant a brief story.
Next, the experimenter asked the participants to complete a sentence, which consisted of a matrix
clause followed by the beginning of a complement clause (the complementizer que that +NP).Four
conditions were tested that, for the purposes of clarity and brevity, will be referred to as: (i) Control
(with the strongly assertive saber know), (ii) Volition (with querer want), (iii) Presupposition (with
mental state adjectives), and (iv) Nonassertion (with negated epistemic verb no creer not believe). A
sample trial for each condition is presented in Table 1. In Spanish, grammatical completion of these
subordinate clauses requires the use of a finite verb in either the SUBJ or IND moods. The participants
were given two practice trials prior to being tested on 16 experimental trials, four per operator.
In addition to turning in written parental consent forms, the children provided verbal assent
before being tested in a quiet room in their school. The experimenter was a native speaker of Spanish
and from the same local area as the children. To help the children become comfortable with the
experimenter before beginning the task, the children spent a few minutes playing with Disney
character figures and engaging in conversation about them. Then the experimenter presented the
children with the two practice trials to familiarize them with the task. Next, the children completed
the experimental trials in two parts (Part 1: Volition and Presupposition; Part 2: Nonassertion and
Control). These two parts were broken up by an unrelated 10-minute activity to prevent boredom
with the task. Within each condition, the child chose one of the four corresponding cards at random,
which meant that the order of presentation varied across participants. The procedure was identical
for the adult participants, except that they were tested in a quiet location in their homes. Responses
were coded based on the mood of the finite verb: IND or SUBJ.
5. Results and discussion
The adults and childrens production of the SUBJ in each condition can be seen in Figure 1. The
adults showed categorical use of the IND (i.e., 0% SUBJ use) in the Control condition and categorical
use of the SUBJ (i.e., 100% SUBJ use) in the Volition condition, as predicted based on previous
literature. In the Presupposition condition, adults also categorically produced SUBJ. Other studies
have documented IND usage with the relevant factive predicates (Blake 1980; Gudmestad 2010),
which is reasonable since the IND is licensed when the complement is judged to be new information.
However, the adults categorical production of the SUBJ in the Presupposition condition in our study
is to be expected because this study made it especially clear that the embedded proposition is
Table 1. Sample trials for each condition.
Condition/Matrix Picture Situation Prompt
Cuando los nenes no hacen la
tarea, los papás se preocupan, ¿no
es cierto? Este papá no está
preocupado porque sabe que a su
hijo le encanta hacer la tarea.
When children dont do their
homework, parents get worried.
Isnt that right? This dad is not
worried because he knows that
his son loves doing his
Completá lo que digo: El papá sabe
que el nene siempre . . .
Complete what I say: The dad
knows that the boy always . . .
IND la
does the
La mamá está preparando la
comida, y la nena está mirando la
televisión. La mamá necesita ayuda
para poner la mesa.
The mom is preparing food, and
the girl is watching television. The
mom needs help to set the table.
Completá lo que digo: La mamá
quiere que la hija . . .
Complete what I say: The mom
wants that her daughter . . .
la mesa
set the
estar [adj] de
be [adj]
El papá y el hijo están en una
fiesta. Al hijo le encanta bailar, y
eso al papá lo pone contento. ¡Mirá
su cara!
The dad and the son are at a
party. The son loves to dance, and
this makes his father happy. Look
at his face!
Completá lo que digo: Siempre, el
papá está contento de que el hijo
Complete what I say: Always, the
dad is happy that his son . . .
no creer
not believe
Antes de comenzar el partido, este
chico se lastimó el pie y le duele
Before the start of the game, this
boy injured his foot and it hurts a
¿Va a jugar el partido? El
entrenador no cree. Completá lo
que digo: El entrenador no cree que
el chico . . .
Is he going to play in the game?
The coach doesnt believe so.
Complete what I say: The coach
does not believe that the boy . . .
al partido
is going to
play the
*Note that while the IND is possible in this syntactic context with factive predicates, it is not the expected response with
presupposed events (also presented visually) as in this condition. **In this condition, the use of SUBJ is expected to be more
likely given that the situation underscored the point of view of the subject of the matrix clause. However, the IND is also possible
when this point of view is not taken into account by the speaker (as explained in Section 2).
presupposed and the mental state adjectives used in this study always license the SUBJ when the
embedded clause is presupposed. Finally, as a group, the adults showed variable use of the SUBJ
(77%) in the Nonassertion condition. This is a cogent finding because mood selection in the
Nonassertion context depends on the semantic intention of the speaker (see (6) and (7) in section
2). Overall, the adult use of SUBJ in this experiment is consistent with findings from previous studies
that indicate that the rate of SUBJ varies across contexts (e.g., Blake 1980; Gudmestad 2010 ). These
findings for the adults are further discussed in the following in comparison to those of the children.
5.1. Control
and Volition Conditions
Figure 1 shows,
as predicted, that children exhibit adultlike mood selection in the ca tegorical
Control and Volition conditions. Following strongly assertive sa ber in the Control condition, all
of the children categor ical ly used the IND, w ith the exception of one 4-year-old child w ho used
SUBJ in one of the four trials. In the Volition condition, Figure 1 reveals that the children are
showing categorical use of t he SUBJ, like t he adul ts,by6yearsold.However,closeranalysisof
the 45-year-old group indicates that all 5-year-olds are also producing SUBJ categorically in this
condition. SUBJ use by the 45-year-old group in the Volition condition (93 %) was not
categorical due to 5/ 21 children choosing IND, and these five participants were all 4 years of
age. There were in fact no significant differences between the 45-year-old group and any other
group in this condition, F(3,7 5) = 1 .721, p = .170. Accordingly, with the matrix querer want
tested in the present study, children become adul tl ike (selecting SUBJ categorically) b y age 5;00.
These results suggest that children acquire SUBJ with volition earlier than the age previously
reported by Blake (1980), who found that children become adultlike after age 6. Further, the results
Figure 1. Group means for SUBJ use in each condition.
Note. Error bars: +/ 1.00 SE; standard deviations presented in parentheses next to group means.
provide support for the developmental path that predicts early acquisition of the SUBJ with deontic
modality (Pérez-Leroux 1998). Lastly, the almost categorical use of IND in the Control condition as
compared to the near categorical use of SUBJ in the Volition condition serves as convincing evidence
that the children have acquired the core cases of mood selection by age 45.
5.2. Presupposition
and Nonassertion Conditions
A repeated measures ANOVA comparing adult and child rates of SUBJ use across the two condi-
of interest (Presupposition and Nonassertion) revealed a significant main effect for Age Group
(45-year-olds, 67-year-olds, 910-year- olds, and adults), F(3,75) = 5.338, p = .002, η
= .18, and
Condition, F(1,75) = 45.665, p < .001, η
= .38. There was no significant Condition x Age Group
interaction, F(3,75) = 1.715, p = .171, η
= .06. We conducted pairwise comparisons (computed with
Bonferroni correction) to examine differences in SUBJ use across these two conditions as well as
between groups, which will be reported in the following two sections.
5.2.1. Presupposition
condition with mental state adjectives
In the Presupposition condition with mental state adjectives, the 45-
year-old group produced
significantly less SUBJ (79%) than the adult group, who categorically selected SUBJ (
= .857,
SE: .279, p=.018). There were no significant differences between the 67-year-old group (85%) and
the adult group (
= .600, SE = .281, p = .217) or between the 910-year-old group (who are using
SUBJ at a near categorical mean rate of 96%) and the adult group (
= .160, SE = .270, p =1.000).
These results suggest a simple pattern of acquisition in the Presupposition condition in which, across
the age groups, the children reduce the use of the present IND, which is the only alternative response
provided in this Presupposition condition, and increasingly employ the SUBJ.
Our finding concerning Presupposition differs from Blakes(1980), who reports that children do not
pattern like adults until around age 12;00.
Additionally, the fact that children aged 45 are already
producing SUBJ 79% of the time in the Presupposition condition and that children aged 67are
statistically adultlike suggests that acquisition of SUBJ in presupposition contexts occurs close to and
potentially overlaps with acquisition of SUBJ uses falling under deontic and epistemic modality. This
studys finding concerning Presupposition complicates the view that SUBJ uses falling under epistemo-
logical modality occur after SUBJ uses falling under deontic and epistemic modality (Pérez-Leroux 1998).
Possible explanations for the relatively early acquisition of SUBJ in the Presupposition condition
can be elucidated in relation to factors that may condition the process of acquisition in this context.
We propose three factors that may be influencing the path of acquisition in the Presupposition
condition. First, the progression toward adultlike categorical SUBJ use may represent a gradual
recognition of the fact that mental state adjectives with presupposed complements always and
uniformly license the SUBJ. Second, the elimination of IND responses and increase of SUBJ
responses may correspond to a childs developing abilities to process complementation. Previous
research strongly suggests that children 5 and younger have not yet fully grasped that a lower clause
is under the scope of a matrix clause and that, for its interpretation, the child needs to take the point
of view of the matrix subject (de Villiers & de Villiers 2009; de Villiers et al. 2011). Young children
are liable to process the lower clause before the matrix clause (Blake 1980:159) and interpret the
lower clause outside the matrix clause (de Villiers et al. 2011), which means they would likely
structure the lower clause as an independent clause asserting a fact and thus produce the IND during
sentence completion tasks like the one employed in this study. Third, adultlike SUBJ use in the
presupposition context requires determining whether the embedded proposition is presupposed or
Possible reasons for Blakes data showing acquisition of the SUBJ with presupposition at such a late age could be: His experiment
used a number of different matrix constructions (collapsed into the one category), each participant was exposed only one time
to each matrix construction, and some trials required the production of past forms of SUBJ, which Blake himself (1980:139)
recognizes to be difficult for young children and thus could account for IND usage among the younger groups.
new in a given discourse context. Previous research suggests that adultlike abilities to calculate
implicatures and interpret presupposed information in complement clauses develop by the age of 6
or 7 (de Villiers & Roeper 2016:27).
One possible reason for the earlier acquisition of SUBJ in the Presupposition condition is the
model used to evaluate the embedded proposition. The factive emotive predicates in the matrix
clause (e.g., lamentarse to be sorry about, alegrarse to be happy about, estar triste de que to be sad
that, etc.) in the presupposition context express whether the subjects desire has been satisfied or
remains unsatisfied. Hence, the model employed to evaluate the embedded proposition is a bouletic
model, which has already been mastered for SUBJ with volition or in deontic modality. Indeed, the
relative modal simplicity in the model used to evaluate the embedded proposition could be a
significant factor in the early acquisition of SUBJ in the presupposition context. In conclusion, the
childrens arrival at adultlike use in the presupposition context at age 67 possibly corresponds with
improvements in their ability to process complementation and calculate implicatures.
5.2.2. Nonassertion condition with negated epistemic no
Unlike the Presupposition condition, mood selection in the Nonassertion condition with no
was variable. Overall the adults selected SUBJ 77% of the time. This variability among the individual
adults is again attributable to the fact that IND and SUBJ use in the Nonassertion condition depends
on the semantic intention of the speaker (see (6) and (7)), which can vary from speaker to speaker.
Childrens mood selection was also variable. In each child group there were participants who
produced the expected SUBJ response categorically, participants who were variable, producing
both moods, and participants who categorically produced IND.
However, only the oldest child
group resembled the adult group in that the majority of the participants selected SUBJ categorically.
Overall, the childrens SUBJ choice displayed a U-shaped pattern, as seen in Figure 1. Interestingly,
only the 67-year-old group performed significantly differently from the adult group with their lower use of
the SUBJ (
= 1.677, SE = .567, p = .025). That is, the 910-year-old group is not significantly different
from the adult group (
= .437, SE = .544, p =1.000),noristhe45-year-old group (
= .934,
SE = .562, p = .603). To better understand these results in the Nonassertion condition, we provide further
analyses to examine what participants alternative responses consist of when they do not produce the
expected SUBJ response.
Alternative responses (other than the expected SUBJ) following no creer consisted of four
types: Negation (11a), Preterit Indicativ e (11b), Present In dicative (11c), and Fu ture (va a is
going to + infinitive) ( 11d).
(11) Experimenter: El entrenador no cree (IND) que el chico . . .
The coach does not believe that the boy . . .
(a) Participant (P3.ST): no juega (IND).
wont play.
(b) Participant (P9.ST): se lastimó(IND).
got injured.
(c) Participant (5.ST): puede (IND) jugar el partido.
can play the game.
(d) Participant (P11.ST): va a jugar (IND) al fútbol.
is going to play football.
Here we report the percentage of participants who categorically selected SUBJ, categorically selected IND, and variably selected
both SUBJ and IND for the 45-year-old group, the 67-year-old group, the 910-year-old group, and the adults. Categorical
SUBJ: 19%, 15%, 56%, and 70% respectively; categorical IND: 14%, 45%, 24%, and 15% respectively; both SUBJ and IND: 67%,
40%, 20%, and 15% respectively.
Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of these alternative responses (exemplified in 11ad) as
compared to adultlike SUBJ use across the groups.
Starting with the adult responses, Figure 2 shows that in addition to the expected SUBJ response,
adults used one alternative response: va a + infinitive construction in the IND (d). There are a number
of possible reasons for this alternative va a + infinitive response. First, the nonassertion trials did center
around prospective events, and va a + infinitive and the SUBJ are common ways to semantically
capture future or prospective events (Real Academia Española 2009:24.1a). Second, as seen in Table 1,
the experimenter uses a va a + infinitive construction in the IND in the prompt, so the participants
usage of a corresponding construction could, at least in part, be the result of priming. Third, the
contrast between IND and SUBJ used in negative polarity clauses marks out a semantic difference
between cases in which the speaker expresses her own belief in the embedded proposition in spite of
the matrix subjects lack of belief in the proposition (i.e., IND) and cases in which the speaker aims to
express the same beliefs as the subject and remains neutral on the embedded proposition. That is, the
use of IND va a + infinitive in the trials could represent instances in which the participants are
resorting to a default epistemic model (i.e., their own epistemic model), and the use of present SUBJ
could represent instances in which the participants switch to the subjectsepistemicmodel.
Henceforth, the SUBJ and va a + infinitive construction alike are considered adultlike.
In addition to the va a + infinitive construction, the children produce a number of distinct
alternative responses that are not adultlike. Two of these alternative responses are present IND and
preterite IND, which deviate from the future/prospective quality of the prompt and are thus considered
nonadultlike. More interesting, the majority of alternative responses in the 45-year-old group and a
considerable amount of alternative responses in the 67-year-old group involved producing negation
in the embedded clause. Included under the classification negation here are any responses consisting
of the negative adverb no followed by the IND or SUBJ form of the verb (as in 11a). Despite the mood
the child used, these utterances create a double negative construction with a cognitive verb, which is
not adultlike. This nonadultlike behavior in the younger groups has also been attested in Blake (1980),
who characterized it as a true developmental error (p. 158). We will discuss negation in more detail
in the following.
4–5 yrs 6–7 yrs 9–10 yrs Adults
Age Group
VA A + Inf IND (
res) IND (
ast) Ne
Figure 2. Percentage of response types with no creer in the nonassertion condition.
With the adultlike and nonadultlike responses in view, it becomes evident that the children
exhibit a steady progression toward adultlike use of SUBJ in the nonassertion condition. By
analyzing responses other than the expected SUBJ response, we found that, although it appears
that the 67-year-olds are less adultlike than the 45-year-olds in that their use of SUBJ decreases,
the 67-year-old group looks more adultlike based on their increased use of the va a + infinitive
construction. In fact, the 6- and 7-year-olds actually produce considerably more adultlike forms (i.e.,
the SUBJ or IND va a + infinitive) with no creer to express Nonassertion than the 45-year-old
group. By 910 years of age, almost all of the childrens alternative responses (with the exception of
two responses) were adultlike involving va a + infinitive. Thus, this alternative response analysis
provides good evidence that with age, children become more adultlike in terms of the types of
responses that they entertain.
The alternative response analysis is corroborated by a one-way ANOVA that excludes SUBJ responses
that are nontarget following no creer (i.e., uses of SUBJ preceded by negation), F(3,75) = 5.671, p=.001,
= .19. Pairwise comparisons using the Bonferroni correction show that in this analysis including only
target SUBJ use, the 45-year-old group (37% target SUBJ use) does perform significantly differently
from the adult group,
= 1.60, SE = .577, p = .042, which was not the case in the original statistical
analysis counting all SUBJ verb forms. The 67-year-old group (29% target SUBJ use) also clearly
remains significantly different from the adult group in this analysis,
=1.93,SE=.582,p = .009.
Since the 910-year olds (66% target SUBJ use) did not produce any nontarget SUBJ responses with
negation, they continue to look adultlike in this analysis, with no significant differences in their target
SUBJ use from that of adults (77% target SUBJ use),
= .44, SE = .559, p = 1.000. By examining the
alternative responses exhibited by the participants, it becomes clear that the children exhibit a steady
progression toward adultlike performance in the Nonassertion condition by exhibiting a progressive
retreat from nontarget responses.
Having described the general path of acquisition in the nonassertion condition, we can now discuss
various factors that may be conditioning the acquisition of the SUBJ in this context. First, the negation
nonadultlike alternative response could derive from syntactic complications revolving around the
negation with negative polarity SUBJ. For example, although the experimenter produced negation in
the matrix clause, the younger children may have produced it again because they have yet to master
negation raising. That is, it could be that the younger children may not have learned that negation has
raised from the lower clause, which is where negation is proposed to have originated in the case of
SUBJ in negated epistemic contexts (Rivero 1971, see also Harrington & Pérez-Leroux 2016 for a
Additional evidence for childrens difficulty with negation comes from the finding that
English-speaking children can overextend the negative interpretation of the main predicate into the
complement predicate and that this difficulty continues until 6;007;11 (Hopman & Maratsos 1978).
Alternatively, the negative responses exhibited by children could be further evidence for the difficulties
processing complementation discussed previously. If the child does not process the sentential comple-
ment as inside the scope of the matrix clause and thus does not evaluate the complement from the
perspective of the subject in the matrix clause, they will likely restructure the complement clause as an
independent clause. This would predict an IND response and, if the child intends to preserve the
negation presented in the matrix clause, a negated IND response.
Second, factors relating to the semantic character of mood selection with nonassertion could
condition acquisition of SUBJ in this context. As discussed in section 2, IND and SUBJ mood
selection in the Nonassertion condition with no creer depends on whether the speaker chooses to
evaluate the embedded proposition as true or false in relation to the default epistemic model of the
speaker (IND) or in relation to the epistemic model of subject in the matrix clause (SUBJ). Since
mood selection depends on the speakers semantic intention, SUBJ use in this context is not
It is unclear, though, how negation raising could account for the fact that some children also produced negation with IND in the
lower clause, where negation raising is not expected to occur. Additionally, Blake (1980:146) fails to find a global effect of
negation in mood selection when comparing negative with positive polarity matrices.
categorical, and individual speakers might select mood differently in the same context (as seen in our
data). This variability could present obstacles for acquisition. Moreover, the semantics of epistemic
models is complex. The epistemic modeling at work in the Nonassertion condition requires a belief
base that is, in turn, capable of evaluating propositions as true/false, necessary/possible, and prob-
able/improbable. Accordingly, like the SUBJ uses falling under epistemic modality, SUBJ use in the
nonassertion context will require the ability to evaluate propositions in relation to possible worlds,
an ability acquired by 6;11 (Pérez-Leroux 1998). Additionally, to mark a contrast between the
epistemic model of the speaker and the subject in the sentence, a speaker must have learned that
there are epistemic models other than her own as well has have the ability to recognize and inhabit
these distinct ways of evaluating propositions, and these complexities may inhibit adultlike SUBJ use
in the Nonassertion condition. In conclusion, the childrens arrival at adultlike use in the
Nonassertion context at age 910 is possibly constrained by difficulties with negation, abilities to
process complementation, the variability of the input, and the childs ability to grasp, contrast, and
inhabit distinct epistemic models.
6. Conclusion
Our study asked how Argentine Spanish-speaking children acquire adultlike mood selection in two
sentential complements contexts connected to epistemological modality: mental state adjectives
(Presupposition condition) and the negated epistemic verb no creer not believe (Nonassertion
condition). Results reveal that there is a protracted development even within epistemological
modality, with each context exhibiting its own pattern of development.
For the Presupposition condition, the children in this study exhibited adultlike SUBJ use at ages 67,
and the course of acquisition is marked by a steady elimination of IND responses and increasing use of
SUBJ responses. Factors identified as possibly constraining acquisition in this condition include a childs
ability to process complementation and calculate implicatures. In contrast, for the Nonassertion condi-
tion, the children in this study exhibited adultlike use of SUBJ at ages 910, and the path of acquisition
involved the progressive elimination of several types of alternative responses terminating with an
adultlike distribution of SUBJ and IND responses. Factors that may influence acquisition in this
condition include difficulties with negation, abilities to process complementation, the variability in the
input, and the relative modal complexity of the model employed to evaluate the embedded proposition.
An unpredicted result in our study was the observation that SUBJ with presupposition is acquired
at an age closer to the acquisition of SUBJ with volition than to SUBJ with nonassertion. We
hypothesize that the differences between the model used to evaluate the sentential complement best
accounts for the different stages of acquisition. As discussed previously, the SUBJ in the
Presupposition condition works with a bouletic model that is already mastered in the Volition
condition, but the SUBJ in the Nonassertion condition requires not only the ability to evaluate
propositions in relation to possible worlds but also the ability to grasp, contrast, and inhabit distinct
epistemic models, which likely requires conceptual and possibly cognitive advancements on the
childs part. Yet, this study is unable to test this hypothesis. To do so, future research should isolate
and independently assess the various factors that could condition SUBJ acquisition in a given context
to determine what factors explain or most strongly condition the acquisition of SUBJ in contexts
related to epistemological modality and other uses of SUBJ.
In conclusion, this studys observation of protracted development within epistemological modality
suggests an acquisitional corollary of Fabregass(2014) semantic analysis of SUBJ in Spanish. Just as
there is no single umbrella meaning contributed by the SUBJ in Spanish, our study suggests that
acquisition of the SUBJ in Spanish requires learning many things, with each broad context of SUBJ use
in Spanish potentially having its own unique path of development that is conditioned by the syntax
and the semantics. Accordingly, future research will achieve a more full description and account of
acquisition of the Spanish SUBJ by limning each SUBJ meanings developmental path one by one.
This research project was funded in part by Baylor University and the University of Montana. We thank Perry
Harrison for his assistance with material preparation, and we are grateful to B.J. Parker for drawing the images. We
also thank Victoria Bognanno for her help with data collection and transcription. In addition, we extend a special
thanks to administrators, teachers, parents, and students at the following schools in Córdoba, Argentina: 25 de Mayo,
Santo Tomás, and William C. Morris.
Declaration of interest
The authors report no conflict of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of this article.
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