Artist Information, Application,
& Recording Lab Agreement
Dear Artist,
Welcome! You expressed an interest in one or more of our recording opportunities at Full Sail University. We o
r performers an
opportunity to obtain a video or studio recording at no cost. We
this service in exchange for your patience and understanding
in working in an educational environment with our students as they receive training.
We are looking for artists/bands that:
t Are musically prepared
t Perform and act professionally
t Maintain a great attitude
t Work well with our students
t Are punctual and responsible
t And Please DON’T CANCEL!
Keep in mind that the instructor
rtist placements. He or she may also remove
any artist or members during any portion of the project if professional standards in attitude or performance are not met.
Also keep in mind that NO SHOWS are not asked back. If the relationship between yourselves and the school is mutually
cial, there is no limitation to the number of sessions you may schedule. This recording opportunity has helped many
artistshone” their writing, preproduction, recording, and live performance skills over the years.
Enclosed you will find program information, requirements, and expectations as well as an agreement form that must be signed and
returned to Artist Relations prior to any scheduling. The requirements are to be enforced and adhered to by the group’s spokesperson.
Please make sure to submit a 3-song demo with your signed agreement. We accept demos in the form of CD, MP3s or a link to a
website. We ask for three songs recorded with the same instrumentation, style, and musicians that will be recording at Full Sail.
Mailing Address:
Full Sail University
Attn: Artist Relations
3300 University Blvd. Suite #160
Winter Park, FL 32792
Fax Number:
407- 215-7543
Email Address:
If you have any other questions, please feel free to call Artist Relations s at 407-551-1088.
Thanks for your interest,
Dale Rock
Artist Relations Director
RecordingArtistSessionApp :: Updated 05/07/2010
Session Information
Show Production Live Sessions (with video)
The students get a taste of working in all aspects on a major tour including audio, video and lighting. They get a chance to
put what he or she has learned to use in a live position including a house engineer, broadcast engineer, a monitor engineer,
conventional and automated lighting tech, as well as working in a video room. Time is spent on set up, sound checks, the live
performance and the break down of the venue. Students are to enjoy some freedom of experimentation. They may be allowed to
change a microphone or experiment with placement. A live sound session for the artist is very much like performing live without
an audience. The group is expected to play a one-hour set, but if interested two sets may be available, the hours are generally
6pm-8pm or 10pm-12am but hours may vary. If the group prefers, they may repeat sets.
In exchange for your talent we provide you with a DVD with the stereo mix from our broadcast room and a CD mix from our
FSL-1 is for full bands only and FSL-3 is for solo acoustic artists and groups up to a 3-piece in size.
Studio Session Recording
The students scheduled for these sessions are close to graduating from the Recording Arts Bachelors Degree. We prefer to
schedule bands for these sessions that are serious about their musical development and recording goals. Bands who are on their
way up, almost signed or are marketing themselves independently are ideal. Bands with horns and other acoustic instruments of
is allowed as long as live drums are part of the recording as well.
Bands are scheduled 2 consecutive days in a row for either 4 or 8 hours each day. On Day 1, they will track drums, bass, guitar,
keys and other rhythm instruments. On Day 2, only the vocalist is required to show up for their overdub session to work on the
same song. Guitar players are also encouraged to attend. A rough mix on a blank CDR can be obtained if asked for 1 hour before
time is up. Asking is important because otherwise the class will assume you want to use the time for more overdubs. You will need
to watch the clock and understand that a) we can’t go overtime and b) the students need about an hour at the end of the session
to break down etc.
Benefits to the band:
t You will receive
the consolidated audio session
on a DVD in 2-4 weeks.
t You can receive a rough mix via digital download.
t This is a great way to pre-produce material or work on your songwriting craft.
Artist Sessions are simply 4-hour sessions designed for the students to work with talent providing one, two or three instruments.
The only instrument that is restricted is live drums because there simply will not be enough time or space to set up and mic drums
These sessions will work well for singer songwriters who play their own instruments as well as duos and trios. Artists can bring in
pre-recorded tracks to record vocals over as long as one other live instrument is added as well. Electronic music will also work in
these sessions as long as the instrumentation needs and use are appropriate for the lab. Discuss your equipment particulars with
Artist Relations because all of the scenarios cannot be covered here. Simple and self-contained is the best bet!
Session Information, con’ t.
This is a unique opportunity for the students and vocalist to work on a vocal in a pro style production environment. We are
looking for vocalists that want to record songs to a backing track, the vocalist needs to provide the material to work on. We
prefer material that is commercial in nature and has room for background vocals, We will only be tracking vocals on these
sessions so any instruments needed would have to be recorded beforehand.
As the students progress through the class the students will use the song in order to be exposed to all aspects of modern vocal
production. Starting with a vocal tracking session, the students will get to interact with the singer as an engineer and producer.
Once the lead vocal is recorded, the students will have a chance to edit the vocalist and a chance to tune and tempo the
vocalist. When the lead vocal is in a good place, the students will record backgrounds and any parts that can be better on the
lead vocal. Finally the student will then move on to mix and finish the song. Artist Relations will then mail out a DVD of all the
vocal takes from the session plus a student edit of the song.
The vocalists are scheduled for a 4-hour session to track the lead vocal. During the course of this lab the students are required
to record 4 to 6 takes of the song. The full takes can be recorded in parts, but in the end we need 4 to 6 takes of each musical
section of the song.
Who can take advantage of our vocal sessions:
Songwriters who want to demo their songs in a pro studio. (If the writer does not sing they can bring a vocalist).
Solo artists that are trying to get a demo or release done, and have an instrumental track to sing to.
Bands that have already recorded their tracks and want to record their vocals.
Benefits to the vocalist:
A great opportunity to gain experience recording vocals in a studio.
A chance to record your material in a professional studio.
You can obtain the separate audio files, including all recorded vocal takes, on a DVD.
You can obtain a final rough mix from the students.
If you are a vocalist and are interested in applying for the vocal production session. Please be sure to submit the Full Sail Vocal
Production Recording Application.
Full Sail Live and Studio Recording Application
Name of Artist or Band: __________________________________________________________
Name of Contact Person __________________________________________________________
(musician in the group)
Street Address: _________________________________________________________________
City/State: _____________________________________ Zip code: _______________________
Phone Numbers:
Contact Person Day/Cell #: _____________________________________________________
Home #: ______________________________________________________
Extra #: _____________________________________________________
(friend, band member)
Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Web site: ______________________________________________________________________
Instrumentation of group:
(Example: 4 pieces. Drums, Bass, Guitar/backing vocals, Guitar/leadVocals):
Style of music: _________________________________________________________________
Referred by: ____________________________________________________________________
Full Sail only records your music. We do not have any rights to copyrights or use of your music except as a teaching tool in the
student sessions. We do not produce your act; give you final mixes, or offer mastering or duplication. For studio sessions, you
will receive a rough mix if you present a blank CDR to the class a half hour before session is finished. For live sessions, you will
receive a DVD or the material recording at the end of your session. There is no charge for your audio session files created in
Protools for studio sessions.
We need THREE things before
you may be considered
for any Full Sail University
1) This application
2) The agreement on
the back signed by
the contact person
3) A CD or MP3 of three
songs performed by
the same musicians
(see intro)
Full Sail Live and Full Sail Audio
Recording Session Agreement
1. Spokesperson
The Artist must appoint one Spokesperson/Contact to represent the artist or band being scheduled to record here with our
students. As contact person, you are responsible for the conduct of all of your musicians during the sessions. The contact person
must be present during the session.
2. Equipment
The Artist is to provide their own equipment including drums, guitars, keyboards, amplifiers etc.
3. Lyrics
The Artist must not subject students to inappropriate subject matter. Lewd content, matter, profanity and distasteful lyrical
content are not allowed. Material should be kept PG-13. When in doubt, please submit lyrics to be approved prior to the session.
4. Attitude
The Artist must maintain a professional attitude at all times. These are student run sessions and the purpose of the sessions is
the education of the students. The artist is part of the educational experience and adds to the students knowledge. The instructor
has the right to remove any artist from the session if he/she feels that this is not being adhered to.
5. Arrangements
The Artist is to have their music totally arranged, rehearsed and organized beforehand. For studio sessions, the artist must
present lyric sheets at the start of the session.
6. Studio Policies
No food or beverages in the studios or hallways. Only bottled water is allowed on stage or in studios.
7. Guests
For Live sessions, an artist may have a reasonable number of guests attend the session. A guest list must be submitted and
approved by AR prior to the session. The Instructor maintains the right to refuse entry to guests not on the pre-approved list.
The guests must conduct themselves in a professional manner and not interfere with the students in the sessions. For studio
recording sessions, no guests or family members are allowed to attend the sessions.
8. Campus Policies
The Artist must strictly adhere to the campus policy of NO DRUGS OR ALCHOHOL anywhere on school property. Artists in
violation of this policy will be banned from future sessions with Full Sail University.
9. Property Damage
The Artist will be held responsible for any property damage caused by themselves or their guests during the session to Full Sail or
their own equipment.
10. Production
For live sessions, the artist agrees to perform 1 (one) 50 (fifty) minute set during the session. For studio sessions, the artist
agrees to participate in both the tracking and overdub sessions. Technical Quality control remains the responsibility of the
students and instructor.
11. End Product
The artist will receive all f i les via download service. This includes studio band, artist, vocal and live video sessions along with
all video f i les. Please remember these are student sessions for educational purposes; professional quality of the material is not
implied or guaranteed. Some f i les will be uploaded the following month after your sessions while most will be uploaded
within one to two weeks.
12. Verification
The Artists Spokesperson must verify every session 3 working days prior to each scheduled date. Failure to do so will result in
another artist being scheduled for the session. If an artist is unable to attend a scheduled session, 3 days notice is required to
allow alternate booking.
Full Sail Live and Full Sail Audio
Recording Session Agreement
13. Punctuality
The Artist must be on time. If the Artist is more than fifteen minutes late, the instructor will contact Artist Relations to discuss
an alternative.
14. Pre-Production
The Artist is to discuss pre-production with the Stage manager/Instructor at the start of the session.
15. Instructors
The instructor oversees all matters involving the Artist and students. If there is sufficient cause (see #8), the Instructor will ask an
Artist or their guest to leave the building. In case of inclement weather or other equipment or personnel problems, the Instructor
has complete control over decisions regarding the continuation of a session.
Full Sail retains the right to cancel an Artist if any of these points are not adhered to. Full Sail is not bound to schedule an artist
due to the signing of the agreement. As an Educational Facility, Full Sail has the right to allow student access to masters for
mixing. The Artist retains all copyrights in their material. This agreement concerns only recording sessions scheduled through
the Artist Relations department and does not include Producer Showcase sessions which are managed solely by the students.
I understand all of the requirements stated above and will be responsible for the conduct of every
musician involved in my scheduled sessions.
Contact Name (Print) ________________________________________________Band/Artist Name ______________________________
Name of Event: ________________________________________________________ Event Date: ____________________
(the “Event”)
In consideration for my being permitted to attend and/or participate in the Event, I hereby irrevocably grant Full Sail, LLC,
a Florida limited liability company d/b/a Full Sail University, and its agents, licensees, assignees, and other successors-in-interest
(collectively “Full Sail”) the right to film, videotape, photograph, digitally and/or otherwise record my likeness, picture,
photograph, portrait, voice and performance before, during and after the Event (such materials and all derivatives thereof,
including without limitation all photographs and recordings, the “Event Recordings”).
I understand that Full Sail intends to use the Event Recordings to promote Full Sail. Since the forms of media and methods
Full Sail uses to promote itself are constantly evolving, I agree that it is necessary for Full Sail to have my permission to use
the Event Recordings in a broad variety of ways.
Accordingly, I agree that Full Sail shall have the right (but not the obligation) to broadcast, present, replay, publish and
otherwise use the Event Recordings in any manner, without payment to me.
Without limiting the paragraphs above, I agree that Full Sail may use the Event Recordings (a) in any medium now or hereafter
known, including without limitation via television, film, and radio broadcast, or any other digital media; and (b) worldwide on
the Internet or any Internet-based content delivery platform, including without limitation at Full Sail’s web site currently located
at and for digital download, streaming, podcasting or other Internet-based distribution at any Full Sail Internet
web site, web presence or similar means of delivery, or any third-party web site or content delivery platform.
I hereby expressly release Full Sail from and against any and all claims which I have or may have for invasion of privacy,
defamation, violation of any right of publicity, copyright infringement or any other cause of action arising out of production,
distribution, duplication, publication, broadcast or exhibition of any portion of the Event Recordings in which my name, voice,
and/or likeness may appear.
I have read and understand the meaning of this Release. I understand the consequences of granting the rights and consent
stated herein.
_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Signature Print Name
_________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Phone
EventDipctionRelease :: Updated 09/24/2012
Event Name