I am grateful to Clare Macallan, Daisy McGregor and James Benford for their assistance in preparing
these remarks, and to Nishat Anjum, Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Alex Haberis, James O’Connor and
Carlos van Hombeeck for background research and analysis.
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The Growing Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current
International Monetary and Financial System
Speech given by
Mark Carney
Governor of the Bank of England
Jackson Hole Symposium 2019
23 August 2019
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Before turning to the focus of my remarks, I would like to begin with a few comments on the UK outlook.
A snapshot suggests the UK economy is currently close to equilibrium, operating just below
potential with inflation just above its target.
Both headline and core inflation are around 2%, and domestic price pressures have been picking up notably.
In particular, the labour market is tight. Growth in wages and unit wage costs have strengthened
considerably as slack has been absorbed, with both now running at their highest rates in over a decade.
The strength of the labour market is supporting consumer spending, which is rising broadly in line with real
But pictures can deceive; two large, volatile forces could push the UK economy far from balance.
Until the start of this year, the UK economy had been growing around its trend rate. Since then, the
intensification of Brexit uncertainties and weaker global activity have weighed heavily on UK activity.
Global momentum remains soft, despite the broad-based easing in monetary policy expectations. In part this
reflects a significant spike in economic policy uncertainty and the related risk that protectionism could prove
more pervasive, persistent and damaging than previously expected. As I will discuss in a moment, these
headwinds are now restraining business investment globally and could push down on the global equilibrium
interest rate, exacerbating concerns about limited monetary policy space.
Long-term government bond yields have fallen sharply alongside the falls in expected policy rates. US 10-
year yields are near three-year lows, and 10-year gilt yields and German 10-year bund yields are their lowest
ever. Around $16 trillion of global debt is now trading at negative yields.
As material as these global developments are, the UK outlook hinges on the nature and timing of Brexit.
The UK economy contracted slightly last quarter and surveys point to stagnation in this one. Looking
through Brexit-related volatility, it is likely that underlying growth is positive but muted.
The biggest economic headwind is weak business investment, which has stagnated over the past few years,
despite limited spare capacity, robust balance sheets, supportive financial conditions and a highly
competitive exchange rate. There is overwhelming evidence that this is a direct result of uncertainties over
the UK’s future trading relationship with the EU, and it serves as a warning to others of the potential impact
of persistent trade tensions on global business confidence and activity.
The UK economy could follow multiple possible paths depending on how Brexit progresses with
material implications for the stance of monetary policy.
In recent weeks, the perceived likelihood of No Deal has risen sharply as evidenced by betting odds and
financial market asset pricing (the UK now has the highest FX implied volatility, the highest equity risk
premium and lowest real yields of any advanced economy).
In the event of a No Deal No Transition Brexit, sterling would probably fall, pushing up inflation, and demand
would weaken further, reflecting lost trade access, heightened uncertainty and tighter financial conditions.
Unusually for an advanced economy slowdown, there would also be a large, immediate hit to supply. The
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) would need to assess to what extent that reflects temporary disruption to
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production, with limited implications for inflation in the medium term, or a fundamental destruction of supply
capacity because of the abrupt change in the UK’s economic relationship with the EU.
As the MPC has repeatedly emphasised, the monetary policy response to No Deal would not be automatic
but would depend on the balance of these effects – on demand, supply and the exchange rate – on medium
term inflationary pressures. In my view, the appropriate policy path would be more likely to ease than not,
using the flexibility in the MPC’s remit to lengthen the period over which inflation is returned to target. But
much would depend on the exact nature of No Deal and its impact. In the end, monetary policy can only
help smooth the adjustment to the major real shock that an abrupt No Deal Brexit would entail, but even its
ability to do that would be constrained by the limits to the MPC’s tolerance of above target inflation.
While the possibility of No Deal has increased, it is not a given. Along another path, it is possible that
domestic political events or negotiations with the EU could lead to a longer period of uncertainty over the
eventual future relationship, even in the event that an agreement is struck. On past performance, the longer
these uncertainties persist, the more likely it is that growth will remain below potential raising the prospect of
both softer domestically generated inflation and resurgent imported inflation if recent sterling weakness were
to endure. Once again, the MPC would need to weigh the opposing forces when setting policy.
Finally, some form of agreement remains possible. After all, that is the avowed preference of both the UK
and EU. In this event, consistent with the MPC’s most recent projections, as details of the future relationship
gradually emerge, business investment recovers and household spending picks up, resulting in excess
demand and inflationary pressures gradually building. In the Committee’s judgment, this path for the
economy would likely require limited and gradual interest rate increases.
The coming months could be decisive. If there are material Brexit developments, the MPC will transparently
assess their implications and set policy to achieve the 2% inflation target in a sustainable manner.
I. Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current IMFS
When Ben Bernanke was retiring from the Fed, his closing remarks to central bank governors at the BIS set
us the task of sorting out the deep flaws in the international monetary and financial system (“IMFS”). Six
years later, with my demise as governor on the horizon, I’m going to ‘pay it forward’ by focusing on how the
nature of the IMFS challenges monetary policy.
For decades, the mainstream view has been that countries can achieve price stability and minimise
excessive output variability by adopting flexible inflation targeting and floating exchange rates. The gains
from policy coordination were thought to be modest at best, and the prescription was for countries to keep
their houses in order.
This consensus is increasingly untenable for several reasons. Globalisation has steadily increased the
impact of international developments on all our economies. This in turn has made any deviations from the
core assumptions of the canonical view even more critical. In particular, growing dominant currency pricing
(DCP) is reducing the shock absorbing properties of flexible exchange rates and altering the inflation-output
volatility trade-off facing monetary policy makers. And most fundamentally, a destabilising asymmetry at the
heart of the IMFS is growing. While the world economy is being reordered, the US dollar remains as
important as when Bretton Woods collapsed (Figure 1).
This view is summarised in a speech by John Murray, ‘With a Little Help from Your Friends: The Virtues of Global Economic
Coordination’, 29 November 2011.
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The combination of these factors means that US developments have significant spillovers onto both the trade
performance and the financial conditions of countries even with relatively limited direct exposure to the US
These dynamics are now increasing the risks of a global liquidity trap. In particular, the IMFS is structurally
lowering the global equilibrium interest rate, r*, by:
- feeding a global savings glut, as EMEs defensively accumulate reserves of safe US dollar assets
against the backdrop of an inadequate and fragmented global financial safety net;
- reducing the scale of sustainable cross border flows, and as a result lowering the rate of global
potential growth; and
- fattening of the left-hand tail and increasing the downside skew of likely economic outcomes.
In an increasingly integrated world, global r* exerts a greater influence on domestic r*.
As the global
equilibrium rate falls, it becomes more difficult for domestic monetary policy makers everywhere to provide
the stimulus necessary to achieve their objectives.
These dynamics are directly relevant to the current risks of a global slowdown. At present, there are
relatively few fundamental imbalances in terms of capacity constraints or indebtedness that would of
themselves portend a recession.
However, the combination of structural imbalances at the heart of the
IMFS itself and protectionism are threatening global momentum.
The amplification of spillovers by the IMFS matters less when the global expansions are relatively
synchronised or when the US economy is relatively weak. But when US conditions warrant tighter policy
there than elsewhere, the strains in the system become evident.
These conditions emerged last year. US fiscal policy had boosted growth at a time when the US economy
was near full employment. US monetary policy had to tighten consistent with the Fed’s dual mandate. The
resulting dollar strength and financial spillovers tightened financial conditions in most other economies by
more than was warranted by their domestic conditions (two thirds of the global economy was growing at
below potential rates at the start of 2019, and that proportion has since risen to five sixths). More recently,
the dramatic increase in trade tensions (Chart 1) has reinforced their effects by increasing risk premia.
Today, the combination of heightened economic policy uncertainty (Chart 2), outright protectionism and
concerns that further, negative shocks could not be adequately offset because of limited policy space is
exacerbating the disinflationary bias in the global economy.
What then must be done?
In the short term, central bankers must play the cards they have been dealt as best they can.
That means using the full flexibility in flexible inflation targeting. To retain the essential credibility of their
frameworks, this is best done transparently with central bankers explaining their reasons for targeting
specific trade-offs between price stability and output volatility.
See ‘[De]Globalisation and Inflation’, 2017 IMF Michel Camdessus Central Banking Lecture given by Mark Carney, 18 September
See ‘The Global Outlook’, speech by Mark Carney, 12 February 2019.
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Those at the core of the IMFS need to incorporate spillovers and spill backs, as the Fed has been doing.
More broadly, central banks need to develop a better shared understanding of the scale of global risks and
their consequences for monetary policy.
We cannot all export our way out of these challenges. In a global liquidity trap, there are gains from
coordination, and other policies – particularly fiscal – have clear roles to play. And acting earlier and more
forcefully will increase their effectiveness.
In the medium term, policymakers need to reshuffle the deck.
That is, we need to improve the structure of the current IMFS. That requires ensuring that the institutions at
the heart of market-based finance, particularly open-ended funds, are resilient throughout the global financial
cycle. It requires better surveillance of cross border spillovers to guide macroprudential and, in extremis,
capital flow management measures. And it underscores the premium on re-building an adequate global
financial safety net.
In the longer term, we need to change the game. There should be no illusions that the IMFS can be
reformed overnight or that market forces are likely to force a rapid switch of reserve assets.
But equally
blithe acceptance of the status quo is misguided. Risks are building, and they are structural. As Rudi
Dornbusch warned, “In economics, things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they
happen faster than you thought they could”.
When change comes, it shouldn’t be to swap one currency hegemon for another. Any unipolar system is
unsuited to a multi-polar world. We would do well to think through every opportunity, including those
presented by new technologies, to create a more balanced and effective system.
II. Growing Challenges in the Current IMFS
The structure of the current international monetary financial system is making it increasingly difficult for
monetary policy makers to achieve their domestic mandates to stabilise inflation and maintain output at
According to the mainstream view, these objectives are best achieved through operationally independent
central banks adopting flexible inflation targeting and allowing their exchange rates to float.
That view rests on two pillars. The first is that floating exchange rates are effective absorbers of global
shocks, insulating domestic employment and output from developments abroad. If import prices are fully
flexible and international financial markets are complete, then changes in exchange rates pass through fully
to import prices, and the optimal monetary policy response is to accommodate the effect on inflation, keeping
output close to potential and the price of domestic output stable.
That leads directly to the second pillar – that there are only modest gains from international policy
cooperation and coordination in such circumstances. This long-standing and widely held view reflects the
The analysis of Gita Gopinath, Emmanuel Farhi, Matteo Maggiori and Jeremy Stein, amongst others, emphasises the persistence in
the structure of the current IMFS.
See Corsetti, G, Dedola, L, and Leduc, S (2010), ‘Optimal Monetary Policy in Open Economies’, Handbook of Monetary Economics,
Vol. 3, Chapter 16, pp. 861-933; and Benigno, G and Benigno, P (2006), ‘Designing targeting rules for international monetary policy
cooperation’, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 53(3), pp. 473-506. In the standard welfare-based analyses of optimal monetary
policy in an open economy, a key consideration is the extent to which sticky prices in different currencies lead to deviations from the law
of one price (LOOP) for different goods. The first-best (efficient) outcome is for goods to sell for the same price when converted into
different currencies. If this is not the case, demand is misaligned internationally, which in turn creates an inefficient allocation of factor
inputs. Under PCP, the full flexibility of import prices means the exchange rate can act as an efficient shock absorber, adjusting to
ensure that the LOOP holds.
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beliefs that any externalities that might exist are almost trivially small and that trying to address them would
be fine-tuning to the n
The mainstream view is increasingly anachronistic for several reasons.
First and foremost, international linkages have risen dramatically over the past few decades, increasing the
importance of cross border spillovers.
Growing cross border trade means external demand has greater effects on domestic resource allocation and
therefore inflation. The integration of low-cost producers into the global economy has imparted a steady
disinflationary bias through its direct effect on prices. The expansion in global value chains has increased
the synchronisation of producer prices across countries. Financial linkages have increased leading to a
faster and more powerful transmission of shocks across countries. And globalisation has increased the
contestability of markets, weakening the extent to which slack in domestic labour markets influences
domestic inflationary pressures.
Second, the changing nature of trade invoicing is affecting import price pass through and changing the
inflation-output volatility trade-off facing monetary policy makers.
Dominant currency pricing is widespread (partly due to the growth of supply chains), leading to deviations
from the law of one price and misalignments in countries’ terms of trade.
The dollar represents the currency
of choice for at least half of international trade invoices, around five times greater than the US’s share in
world goods imports, and three times its share in world exports.
The resulting stickiness of import prices in dollar terms means exchange rate pass-through for changes in
the dollar is high regardless of the country of export and import, while pass-through of non-dominant
currencies is negligible. As a result, import prices do not adjust efficiently to reflect changes in relative
demand between trading partners, in part because expenditure switching effects are curtailed,
and global
trade volumes are heavily influenced by the strength of the US dollar.
This is less of a problem when all boats are rising with the global tide of synchronised growth. But when the
tide is rising in America while receding elsewhere, those authorities face more difficult trade-offs between
price stability and output volatility – a situation that could create large potential gains from policy coordination
that independent policymakers would not address.
World trade as a share of global GDP has doubled since 1970. Over the past two decades, 80% of the increase in total trade has
come from intermediates goods trade, driving up the value added of imports as a share from 10% of exports in 1990 to around 20% in
2015. Cross-holding of countries’ assets and liabilities increased almost fourfold since 1990, and measures of stock market integration
are at their highest ever (see Bastidon, C, Bordo, M, Parent, A, and Weidenmier, M (2019), ‘Towards an Unstable Hook: The Evolution
of Stock Market Integration Since 1913’, NBER Working Paper No. 26166.
For more detail on these changes, see ‘[De]Globalisation and Inflation’, ibid.
Dominant currency pricing refers to the widespread use of a single currency – the US dollar – in trade invoicing, in place of the
currency of either the producer or the importer. Import prices will therefore depend on changes in the bilateral exchange rate between
the local and the dominant currency, rather than that between the local and producer currency. For evidence, see Goldberg, L and Tille,
C (2009), ‘Macroeconomic interdependence and the international role of the dollar’, Journal of Monetary Economics, 56 (7), pp. 990-
1003; and Gopinath, G(2016). “The International Price System,” Jackson Hole Symposium Proceedings.
Gopinath (2016), ibid, and Ito, H, and Kawai, M (2016), ‘Trade Invoicing in Major Currencies in the 1970s-1990s: Lessons for
Renminbi Internationalization’, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, Volume 42, pp. 123–145.
For a country with a large share of trade invoiced in dollars, a depreciation against the dollar raises the domestic price of imports,
causing domestic households and firms to switch their expenditure away from foreign goods. But it leaves the (dollar) price of exports in
the markets in which they are sold unchanged, albeit making them more profitable for domestic exporters in terms of home currency.
Because imports would fall straight away and it would take time for the export sector to expand to take advantage of the higher profits, it
is therefore likely that a rebalancing of the economy from imports to exports would be slower than if traded goods were priced in the
currencies of their production. In addition, other things equal, the rise in import prices would lead to a pick-up in imported inflationary
Boz, Gopinath and Plagborg-Moller (2017) show that a 1% appreciation of the dollar leads, all else equal, to a 0.6% contraction in
trade volumes in the rest of the world.
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Third, a growing asymmetry at the heart of the IMFS is putting the global economy under increasing strain.
Huge network effects mean the dollar has remained dominant in the IMFS despite the transformation of the
global economy. At the time of the Latin American debt crisis, EMEs made up a little more than one third of
global GDP. Since the last Fed tightening cycle, their share of global activity had risen from around 45% to
60%. By 2030, it is projected to rise to around three quarters.
As well as being the dominant currency for the invoicing and settling of international trade, the US dollar is
the currency of choice for securities issuance and holdings, and reserves of the official sector. Two-thirds of
both global securities issuance and official foreign-exchange reserves are denominated in dollars.
same proportion of EME foreign currency external debt is denominated in dollars
and the dollar serves as
the monetary anchor in countries accounting for two thirds of global GDP.
The US dollar’s widespread use in trade invoicing and its increasing prominence in global banking and
finance are mutually reinforcing. With large volumes of trade being invoiced and paid for in dollars, it makes
sense to hold dollar-denominated assets. Increased demand for dollar assets lowers their return, creating an
incentive for firms to borrow in dollars. The liquidity and safety properties encourage this further.
In turn,
companies with dollar-denominated liabilities have an incentive to invoice in dollars, to reduce the currency
mismatch between their revenues and liabilities. More dollar issuance by non-financial companies and more
dollar funding for local banks makes it wise for central banks to accumulate some dollar reserves.
Given the widespread dominance of the dollar in cross border claims, it is not surprising that developments in
the US economy, by affecting the dollar exchange rate, can have large spillover effects to the rest of the
world via asset markets. As Hélène Rey has put it,
and as Arvind Krisnamurthy and Hanno Lustig echo in
their paper for this symposium, the global financial cycle is a dollar cycle.
In part, that arises because movements in the US dollar significantly affect the real burden of debt for those
companies (especially in EMEs) that have borrowed unhedged in dollars, and tend to reduce the dollar value
of companies’ collateral.
Both result in tighter credit conditions and, in the extreme, defaults.
Fluctuations in the dollar also significantly affect the risk appetite of global investors. As discussed by
Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan earlier today, these risk spillovers can have a significant impact on receiving
economies, especially in EMEs where global risk perceptions interact with country-specific risks.
For EMEs, this manifests in volatile capital flows that amplify domestic imbalances and leave them more
vulnerable to foreign shocks (Charts 3 and 4). One fifth of all surges in capital flows to EMEs have ended in
financial crises, and EMEs are at least three times more likely to experience a financial crisis after capital
flow surges than in normal times.
While the typical EME receiving higher capital inflows will grow 0.3
Gopinath, G and Stein, JC (2018), ‘Banking, Trade, and the Making of a Dominant Currency’, Working paper, Harvard University. The
euro is in second place at 20% and the yen is in third at 4% (ECB Staff (2017)).
Gourinchas, P, Rey, H Sauzet, M (2019), ‘The International Monetary and Financial System’, NBER Working Paper No. 25782.
Ilzetzki, E, Reinhart, C and Rogoff, K (2017), ‘Exchange arrangements entering the 21
Century: Which anchor will hold?’,
forthcoming in the Quarterly Journal of Economics.
See Krugman (1980).
Rey, H. (2013). "Dilemma not trilemma: the global cycle and monetary policy independence," Proceedings - Economic Policy
Symposium - Jackson Hole, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Reflecting the fact that most of the assets of EME companies are priced in local currency. See Bruno, V and Shin, HS (2015), ‘Cross-
Border Banking and Global Liquidity’, Review of Economic Studies, Oxford University Press, Vol. 82(2), pp. 535-564 and Cesa-Bianchi,
Ferrero, Rebucci (2018), ‘International Credit Supply Shocks’, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 112, 2018, pp. 219- 237.
Ghosh, AR, Ostry, JD, and Qureshi, M (2016), ‘When do capital inflows surges end in tears?’, American Economic Review. Surges
are defined as a net capital flow observation that lie in the top thirtieth percentile of both the country-specific and the full sample’s
distribution of net capital flows, expressed in percent of GDP.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
percentage points faster, all else equal, the typical EME with higher capital flow volatility will grow 0.7
percentage points slower.
Following their experience of successive crises, EMEs have responded to these pressures by following the
conventional wisdom to “keep their houses in order.” Over the past two decades, inflation targeting has been
widely adopted, fiscal policy is generally improved, and macroprudential policy is increasingly active.
Bank analysis finds that, for EMEs as a whole, reforms to these domestic institutional “pull” factors have
substantially increased the sustainability of capital flows, all else equal (Chart 5).
But unfortunately for EMEs, all else is not equal. Their efforts have not been sufficient because of the
consequences of the growing asymmetry between the importance of the US dollar in the global financial
system and the increasingly multi-polar nature of global economic activity.
Monetary policy and financial stability shocks in advanced economies have become more prevalent and
more potent, increasing the importance of “push” factors in driving capital flows. Bank research suggests
that the spillover from tightening in US monetary policy to foreign GDP is now twice its 1990-2004 average,
despite the US’s rapidly declining share of global GDP.
Financial instability in advanced economies also causes capital to retrench from EMEs to ‘safe havens’, as it
did during the 2008 financial crisis and the 2011 euro-area crisis (Chart 6). Connally’s dictum “our dollar,
your problem” has broadened to “any of our problems is your problem”.
Moreover, the structure of the global financial system – or the “pipes” – is increasingly amplifying capital
outflows from EMEs when these push shocks occur. For EMEs, market-based finance has accounted for all
the increase in foreign lending since the crisis, as bank lending has declined and FDI has stayed fairly
constant (Chart 7).
While this shift has brought welcome diversity to the financial system, it also reduces
the sustainability of capital flows, as market-based flows are particularly sensitive to changes in global risk
appetite and financial conditions. Investment fund flows are particularly flighty (Chart 8), especially under
The increasing role of “push” factors and the “pipes” of the system means fast-reforming EMEs could soon
be running to stand still in their quest for more sustainable capital flows (Chart 9). Bank researchers
estimate that the growing shares of FX-denominated debt and market-based finance have increased the
sensitivity of “Capital Flows-at-Risk” to push factors by 50% since the crisis, largely using up the self-
insurance purchased by EMEs.
All told, this means that in the face of foreign shocks, EMEs are forced to compromise their monetary
sovereignty, temporarily diverting monetary policy away from targeting domestic output and inflation and
instead using it to try to stabilise capital flows.
While this strategy is the best EMEs can do given the current structure of the international monetary financial
system, outcomes for them are a distant second best when compared to those advanced economies that are
less exposed to international financial spillovers.
See ‘Pull, Push. Pipes’, speech by Mark Carney, Institute of International Finance Spring Membership Meeting, Tokyo, 6 June 2019.
Within the Bank’s Capital Flows-at-Risk framework, these actions are estimated to have Capital Flows-at-Risk (that is, capital outflows
as a percent of GDP in the fifth percentile of the distribution) by 3% of GDP.
Within this, investment funds are growing, accounting for the bulk of the growth in asset management over the last decade. In
parallel, investment fund flows to EMEs now account for around one third of total portfolio flows, compared to around one tenth pre-
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The deficiencies of the IMFS affect EMEs more directly than advanced economies, but their consequences
influence everyone because they reduce the global equilibrium interest rate.
Against the current backdrop of an inadequate and fragmented global financial safety net, EMEs have
chosen to self-insure against capital flow volatility by accumulating reserves of safe assets, contributing to
Ben Bernanke’s “global savings glut”. Given the importance of the US dollar in trade, debt issuance by the
non-financial corporate sector in EMEs, and funding for their domestic banks, most of these reserves are
As well as coming at a domestic high cost to EMEs,
this vast accumulation of safe assets has pushed
down the global equilibrium interest rate – the rate that central banks must deliver in order to balance
demand with supply and so achieve stable inflation.
More fundamentally, by making the world a riskier place, the flaws inherent in the IMFS are reinforcing the
downward pressure on global r*.
The IMFS is not only making it harder to achieve price and financial stability but it is also encouraging
protectionist and populist policies which are exacerbating the situation. This combination reduces the rate of
global potential growth, increases its downside skew, and bolsters the likelihood of an extreme downside
event (a fatter left tail).
As my colleague on the MPC Jan Vlieghe has illustrated, such a change in the distribution of economic
outcomes reduces the global equilibrium rate of interest.
Past instances of very low rates have tended to
coincide with high risk events such as wars, financial crises, and breaks in the monetary regime.
Whether the last happens is still within our control, but for now the lower global equilibrium interest rate is
reducing monetary policy makers’ scope to cut policy rates in response to adverse shocks to demand, and
increasing the risk of a global liquidity trap.
And left unattended, these vulnerabilities are only likely to intensify.
III. Policy Implications
How should monetary policy makers respond to these challenges?
In the short term, they must play the hand they’ve been dealt.
The prevalence of dollar invoicing means using the flexibility in inflation targeting.
In addition to the direct costs of financing these reserves, there have been indirect costs including the crowding out of domestic
Rachel, L and Smith, T (2015), ‘Secular drivers of the global real interest rate’, Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 571,
estimate that the savings glut has lowered global real rates by 25 basis points over the past 30 years.
See ‘Real interest rates and risk’, speech by Gertjan Vlieghe given at the Society of Business Economists’ Annual conference, 15
September 2017.
If history serves as a guide, EMEs’ external liabilities could double as a share of GDP by 2030: market-based finance could then
account for half of external liabilities and investment funds could represent 40% of market-based finance flows to EMEs. By 2030, the
reduction in sustainable capital flows arising from push factors could completely cancel out the positive impact stemming from domestic
reforms in EMEs over the past two decades. To offset this reduction in the sustainability of EME capital flows, their reserves would
have to double over the next ten years. [This is made more challenging by the increasing weight of EMEs in the global economy, and
the declining share of the US, which means demand for US-denominated safe assets is likely rise faster than their supply.]
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In theory, the increases in both DCP and capital flows at risk suggest a greater focus on targeting the
bilateral exchange rate against the dollar (through adding terms involving terms of trade misalignments and
deviations from the law of one price to central banks’ monetary policy objective functions, and tools such as
capital flow management measures (“CFM”)).
In practice, either could be highly destabilising. It is far better as a first response to focus on core price
stability objectives, and to explain transparently if foreign shocks are altering the trade-off required to best
achieve it.
Monetary policy makers’ mandates are necessarily parsimonious, focusing on a small set of macroeconomic
variables – price stability and maintaining output around potential. While some shocks drive inflation and
output in the same direction, others push inflation away from target without proportional effects on activity,
confronting monetary policymakers with a trade-off between these two objectives. Fluctuations in the
exchange rate can be an important source of such trade-offs, as they can exert pressures on consumer price
inflation without proportional effects on activity.
A simple way to represent formally how the policymaker optimises the trade-off is in “linear-quadratic” form –
a set of linear constraints describing the behaviour of the economy, and quadratic preferences that penalise
deviations of inflation from its target and output from its potential. The relative weight the policymaker places
on output stabilisation, relative to inflation stabilisation, is often denoted ߣ – or ‘lambda’.
A lambda of zero would imply no weight on the stabilisation of real activity – so-called “inflation nutter”
preferences. A positive lambda implies a willingness to strike at least some trade-off between output and
inflation stabilisation; a higher value indicates that relatively more weight is given to output stabilisation, so
that more of the effects of any shock flows through to inflation.
In this framework, the value of lambda should vary over time in light of the nature and persistence of the
shocks hitting the economy and features of the economy. The MPC’s remit explicitly builds in such flexibility.
It recognises that in exceptional circumstances, when shocks to the economy may be particularly large,
persistent or both, the MPC is likely to be faced with more significant trade-offs. In these circumstances, the
Committee can extend the horizon over which it returns inflation to target if doing so achieves a better
balance between the scale and duration of the deviation of inflation from target and the variability of output.
This same framework can be used to think through the implications of the dominance of the US dollar in
international trade and invoicing. In particular, in a DCP world with sticky dollar prices, a depreciation driven
by strength in the dollar will tend to result in additional imported inflation. Rather than tightening monetary
policy to offset fully that exogenous increase in imported inflation through lower domestic inflationary
pressures, policymakers would do better to trade off inflation and output volatility, accepting some increase in
imported inflation to achieve a smaller reduction in domestic demand below potential. The ability of new
exporters to benefit from the depreciation by undercutting existing dollar contracts would provide some boost
to exports and help lessen the trade-off facing the monetary policy maker.
A similar strategy could be pursued in the face of large financial spillovers. The ability to do this depends
heavily on the credibility of the monetary policy framework and the transparency with which the strategy is
pursued. As I will go on to discuss, both can be reinforced by explicit recognition of the spillovers of the
IMFS, particularly if recognised in IMF surveillance.
On the implications of DCP for optimal monetary policy, see Egorov, Konstantin and Dmitry Mukhin, “Optimal Monetary Policy under
Dollar Pricing,” March 2019. mimeo Yale University; and Casas, C, Diez, FJ, Gopinath, G and Gourinchas, PO (2017), ‘Dominant
Currency Paradigm: A New Model for Small Open Economies’, IMF Working Papers 17/264.
For more detail, see ‘Lambda’, speech by Mark Carney, 16 January 2017.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
The growing risk of a global liquidity trap puts a high premium on getting more than just monetary policy
right. Limited space for monetary policy to respond to adverse shocks means more of the burden for
supporting jobs and activity will fall to fiscal policy. Though some may be tempted to resort to protectionism,
such policies would merely serve to make the problem worse.
Those at the core of the IMFS need to incorporate spillovers and spill backs, as the Fed has been doing.
More broadly, central banks need to develop a better shared understanding of the scale of global risks and a
recognition that concerted, cooperative action may sometimes be necessary.
That doesn’t mean that monetary policy makers in advanced economies must internalise fully spillovers from
their actions on emerging market economies, given their mandates are to achieve domestic objectives. They
must, however, increasingly take account of effects that spill back on their economy as well as shifts in the
global equilibrium interest rate that their actions can spur.
As the weight of EMEs in the global economy has steadily risen, the size of the spillbacks from a tightening
in US financial conditions has tripled relative to its 1990 - 2004 average. With EMEs projected to account for
three quarters of the global economy by 2030, these spillbacks will only continue to grow (Chart 10).
IV. Medium term: reshuffling the deck by reforming the existing system
In the new world order, a reliance on keeping one’s house in order is no longer sufficient. The
neighbourhood too must change.
There can be innocent bystanders but there should be no disinterested observers. We are all responsible for
fixing the fault lines in the system.
Addressing Pull Factors in EMEs
EMEs can increase sustainable capital flows by addressing “pull” factors including:
- reinforcing monetary policy credibility including safeguarding the operational independence of central
- building the resilience of their banks;
- deepening their domestic capital markets to reduce the reliance on foreign currency debt; and
- expanding the scope and application of their macroprudential toolkits to guard against excessive
credit growth during booms. Bank of England research finds that tightening prudential policy in
EMEs dampens the spillover from US monetary policy by around a quarter.
Moderating Push Factors and Fixing the Pipes in Advanced Economies
At the same time, it is in the interests of advanced economies to moderate push factors, including risks in
their markets and institutions. Their local financial stability are global public goods.
For example, as Chair Powell noted in his speech ‘Monetary Policy in the Post-Crisis Era’ (July 2019), “since the crisis policymakers
are even more keenly aware of the relevance of global factors to our policies. The global nature of the financial crisis and the channels
through which it spread sharply highlight the interconnectedness of our economic, financial, and policy environments. U.S. economic
developments affect the rest of the world, and the reverse is also true.” The Federal Reserve’s recent Conference on Monetary Policy
Strategy, Tools and Communications Practices devoted a session to the global dimension of US monetary policy.
Coman, A, and Lloyd, S (forthcoming), ‘In the Face of Spillovers: Prudential Policies in Emerging Economies’.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Consider a modern example of the Connally dictum: investment fund flows to EMEs. These flows now
account for around one third of total portfolio flows to EMEs, compared to around one tenth pre-crisis. $30
trillion of global assets are held in investment funds that are particularly flighty, reflecting their promise of
daily liquidity to investors despite investing in potentially illiquid underlying assets, such as EME debt.
This structural mismatch means that these funds can behave particularly pro-cyclically. Bank of England
work finds that redemptions by EME bond funds (with large structural mismatches) in response to price falls
are five times those for EME equity funds (with lower structural mismatch). In turn, EME equity funds are
twice as responsive as advanced economy equity funds.
Under stress, investment funds may need to fire sell assets, magnifying market adjustments and triggering
further redemptions – a vicious feedback loop that can ultimately disrupt market functioning and the
availability of finance to the real economy.
The vast majority of these funds are managed out of the US and Europe, including the UK. As is the case
for banks, it is a global public good to ensure that investment funds prudently manage their leverage and
The Bank of England is acutely conscious of these responsibilities, given the City’s role as the world’s
leading international financial centre. That’s one reason why we have transformed the resiliency of UK-
based banks, why we are well on the path to ending too big to fail, and why we have fundamentally
overhauled our liquidity facilities to support continuously open markets.
And it’s why the Bank of England’s Financial Policy Committee has supported the FSB’s 2017
recommendation that funds’ assets and investment strategies should be consistent with their redemption
terms. The Bank is now working with the FCA to assess how funds’ redemption terms, including pricing and
notice periods, might be better aligned with the liquidity of their assets in order to minimise financial stability
More effective and impactful IMF surveillance
The deficiencies in the current IMFS mean that the IMF should play a central role in informing both domestic
and cross border policies. In particular, discussions at the Fund can identify those circumstances when
spillovers from the core are particularly acute. This in turn can help guide central banks’ use of the flexibility
inherent in their monetary policy frameworks, the deployment of macroprudential tools and, in extremis,
capital flow management measures.
In these regards, transparent, evidence-based discussions convened
by the IMF can both discipline policy and avoid potentially antagonistic misunderstandings that could lead to
de-stabilising tit-for-tat retaliations.
Reinforcing the GFSN
The IMF’s core liquidity function can also play a more important role. Collective action should improve the
adequacy of the global financial safety net (GFSN) to reduce the need for EMEs to accumulate reserves of
safe assets as insurance against less sustainable capital flows. Over the past two decades, the GFSN has
Estimates are based on the FSB’s measure of ‘collective investment vehicles with features that make them susceptible to runs’; see
FSB Global Monitoring Report on Non-Bank Financial Intermediation 2018.
The review will also assess the effectiveness of measures that are already used to deal with misalignment of redemption terms and
asset liquidity, such as swing and fair value pricing and suspensions.
For example, limits on foreign currency borrowing and restrictions on the activities of open-ended investment funds. History has
shown that capital flow management measures can be both addictive and highly distortionary. That is why the IMF’s Institutional View
makes clear that CFM should not substitute for domestic institutional reforms or warranted macroeconomic adjustments.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
become more fragmented and its core – IMF resources – has shrunk relative to the size of the global
financial system (Chart 11).
Pooling resources at the IMF, and thereby distributing the costs across all 189 member countries, is much
more efficient than individual countries self-insuring. To maintain reserve adequacy in the face of future
larger and more risky external balance sheets, EMEs would need to double their current level of reserves
over the next 10 years – an increase of $9 trillion. A better alternative would be to hold $3 trillion in pooled
resources, achieving the same level of insurance for a much lower cost. This would imply a tripling in the
IMF’s resources over the next decade, enough to maintain their current share of global external liabilities.
One of the many advantages of this approach is it would reduce the demand for safe assets and with it, the
downward pressure on r*.
V. Long term: Changing the Game
While such concerted efforts can improve the functioning of the current system, ultimately a multi-polar
global economy requires a new IMFS to realise its full potential.
That won’t be easy.
Transitions between global reserve currencies are rare events given the strong complementarities between
the international functions of money, which serve to reinforce the position of the dominant currency.
And the most likely candidate for true reserve currency status, the Renminbi (RMB), has a long way to go
before it is ready to assume the mantle.
The initial building blocks are there. Already, China is the world’s leading trading nation, overtaking the US
at the start of this decade.
And the Renminbi is now more common than sterling in oil future benchmarks,
despite having no share in the market prior to 2018.
The greater use of the Renminbi in international trade is also leading to its growing use in international
finance. This has been enabled by reforms to China’s monetary, foreign exchange, and financial systems
that have liberalised and improve its financial market infrastructure, making the Renminbi a more reliable
store of value.
The Belt and Road Initiative could foster further take up of the Renminbi in both trade and
However, for the Renminbi to become a truly global currency, much more is required. Moreover, history
teaches that the transition to a new global reserve currency may not proceed smoothly.
Consider the rare example of the shift from sterling to the dollar in the early 20
Century – a shift prompted
by changes in trade and reinforced by developments in finance.
The disruption wrought by the First World
War allowed the US to expand its presence in markets previously dominated by European producers. Trade
The design of the GFSN is also important. Positive steps have been made in recent years by introducing precautionary liquidity
facilities so countries can borrow to prevent crises, as well as mitigate their impact. This should also reduce stigma of drawing on the
facilities. But so far, only a few countries have taken them up. It is important to do everything we can to normalise use of these
precautionary facilities.
World Bank.
Taken from The International Role of the Euro June 2019, ECB.
Initiatives include trade settlement programs, RMB offshore clearing banks, off-shore RMB denominated bond market in Hong Kong,
and a network of central bank RMB swap lines.
For more details, see Eichengreen, B J (2008), ‘Globalizing capital: A history of the international monetary system’, Princeton:
Princeton University Press; and Eichengreen, B, Mehl, A, and Chiţu, L (2018), ‘How Global Currencies Work: Past, Present, and
Future’, Princeton University Press.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
that was priced in sterling switched to being priced in dollars; and demand for dollar-denominated assets
followed. In addition, the US became a net creditor, lending to other countries in dollar-denominated bonds.
Institutional change supported the role of the dollar, with the creation of the Federal Reserve System
providing, for the first time, a market-maker and liquidity manager in US dollar acceptances. This was
particularly helpful for promoting the use of the dollar in trade credit, reinforcing its use as a means of
payment and invoicing currency.
Yet the US was, at least at first, an unwilling hegemon. Under the gold standard, the Fed’s absorption of
gold inflows exported significant deflationary pressures to the rest of the world.
Europe was dependent on
the recycling of capital flows by the US, which lent much of its surplus back to Europe to enable payments of
war reparations and debt. Europe suffered severely when this stopped in 1928. Moreover, the increase in
price levels that occurred as a result of the First World War left the global economy with too little gold in total
to sustain money supply at the level consistent with full employment. Supplementing gold reserves with
foreign exchange to boost money supply led to competition between the UK and the US to provide that
service to other countries.
The resulting world with two competing providers of reserve currencies served to destabilise the international
monetary system, and, some would argue, the lack of coordination between monetary policy makers during
this time contributed to the global scarcity in liquidity and worsened the severity of the Great Depression.
The experience of the interwar period is a cautionary tale.
When it comes to the supply of reserve currencies, coordination problems are larger when there are fewer
issuers than when there is either a monopoly or many issuers. While the rise of the Renminbi may over time
provide a second best solution to the current problems with the IMFS, first best would be to build a multipolar
The main advantage of a multipolar IMFS is diversification. Multiple reserve currencies would increase the
supply of safe assets, alleviating the downward pressures on the global equilibrium interest rate that an
asymmetric system can exert. And with many countries issuing global safe assets in competition with each
other, the safety premium they receive should fall.
A more diversified IMFS would also reduce spillovers from the core and by so doing lower the
synchronisation of trade and financial cycles. That would in turn reduce the fragilities in the system, and
increase the sustainability of capital flows, pushing up the equilibrium interest rate.
While the likelihood of a multipolar IMFS might seem distant at present, technological developments provide
the potential for such a world to emerge. Such a platform would be based on the virtual rather than the
For a comparison with the UK as a hegemon in the period 1870-1914, see van Hombeeck, C (2017), ‘An exorbitant privilege in the
first age of international financial integration’, Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 668.
Investors switched between pound and dollar depending on their perception of each country, leading to increased volatility in currency
flows. Countries were forced to raise policy rates in an attempt to attract scarce gold reserves, dampening domestic spending – a
position that ultimately proved unsustainable. These coordination problems led to lower issuance of safe assets in total and meant the
potential benefits from competition between alternative providers of reserve currencies were not realised. In retrospect, a more
cooperative solution would have allowed countries to cut policy rates in a coordinated manner, providing support to domestic demand
without affecting pressures on gold flows.
Farhi, E, and Maggiori, M (2018), ‘A Model of the International Monetary System’, Quarterly Journal of Economics 133 (1): 295-355.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
History shows that the rise of a reserve currency is founded on its usefulness as a medium of exchange, by
reducing the cost and increasing the convenience of international payments. The additional functions of
money – as a unit of account and store of wealth – come later, and reinforce the payments motive.
Technology has the potential to disrupt the network externalities that prevent the incumbent global reserve
currency from being displaced.
Retail transactions are taking place increasingly online rather than on the high street, and through electronic
payments over cash. And the relatively high costs of domestic and cross border electronic payments are
encouraging innovation, with new entrants applying new technologies to offer lower cost, more convenient
retail payment services.
The most high profile of these has been Libra – a new payments infrastructure based on an international
stablecoin fully backed by reserve assets in a basket of currencies including the US dollar, the euro, and
sterling. It could be exchanged between users on messaging platforms and with participating retailers.
There are a host of fundamental issues that Libra must address, ranging from privacy to AML/CFT and
operational resilience. In addition, depending on its design, it could have substantial implications for both
monetary and financial stability.
The Bank of England and other regulators have been clear that unlike in social media, for which standards
and regulations are only now being developed after the technologies have been adopted by billions of users,
the terms of engagement for any new systemic private payments system must be in force well in advance of
any launch.
As a consequence, it is an open question whether such a new Synthetic Hegemonic Currency (SHC) would
be best provided by the public sector, perhaps through a network of central bank digital currencies.
Even if the initial variants of the idea prove wanting, the concept is intriguing. It is worth considering how an
SHC in the IMFS could support better global outcomes, given the scale of the challenges of the current IMFS
and the risks in transition to a new hegemonic reserve currency like the Renminbi.
An SHC could dampen the domineering influence of the US dollar on global trade. If the share of trade
invoiced in SHC were to rise, shocks in the US would have less potent spillovers through exchange rates,
and trade would become less synchronised across countries.
By the same token, global trade would
become more sensitive to changes in conditions in the countries of the other currencies in the basket
backing the SHC.
The dollar’s influence on global financial conditions could similarly decline if a financial architecture
developed around the new SHC and it displaced the dollar’s dominance in credit markets. By reducing the
influence of the US on the global financial cycle, this would help reduce the volatility of capital flows to EMEs.
Widespread use of the SHC in international trade and finance would imply that the currencies that compose
its basket could gradually be seen as reliable reserve assets, encouraging EMEs to diversify their holdings of
safe assets away from the dollar. This would lessen the downward pressure on equilibrium interest rates
and help alleviate the global liquidity trap.
See https://libra.org/en-US/.
For more details, see ‘Enable, Empower, Ensure: A New Finance for the New Economy’, speech by Mark Carney, at the Lord
Mayor’s Banquet for Bankers and Merchants of the City of London at the Mansion House, London, 20 June 2019.
This requires that the other currencies included in the basket backing the global currency are not perfectly correlated with the dollar,
which seems likely to be the case given countries face idiosyncratic shocks.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Of course, there would be many execution challenges, not least the risk of fragmentation across Digital
Currency Areas.
But by leveraging the medium of exchange role of a reserve currency, an SHC might
smooth the transition that the IMFS needs.
20 years ago, the theme of this symposium was “New Challenges for Monetary Policy”, and my predecessor,
Mervyn King, was one of the speakers. His reflections were on the merits of inflation targeting and flexible
exchange rates. The applications of his insights have contributed greatly to improved economic outcomes
around in the world in the intervening years.
But during that same period, the deficiencies of the IMFS have become increasingly potent. Even a passing
acquaintance with monetary history suggests that this centre won’t hold. We need to recognise the short,
medium and long term challenges this system creates for the institutional frameworks and conduct of
monetary policy across the world. Given the experience of the past five years, I will close by adding urgency
to Ben Bernanke’s challenge. Let’s end the malign neglect of the IMFS and build a system worthy of the
diverse, multipolar global economy that is emerging.
For more discussion of this, see Brunnermeier, MK, James, H and Landau, JP (2019), ‘Digital currency areas’, VoxEU.
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
I. Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current IMFS
Figure 1: The US dollar continues to be as important today as it was during the Bretton Woods era
Chart 1: Trade war is the top tail risk affecting global investors
Sources: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Fund Manager Survey.
0 102030405060
European elections
Equity market bubble
Market structure
US politics
Populist policies
A credit event
Bond market bubble
China slowdown
Monetary policy impotence
Trade war
July 2019
June 2019
March 2019
Percentage of respondents
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Chart 2: Global economic policy uncertainty has reached record highs
Source: Baker, S, Bloom, N and Davis, S (2015), ‘Measuring economic policy uncertainty’, NBER Working Paper
No. 21633.
II. Growing challenges in the Current IMFS
Chart 3: Volatile capital flows amplify domestic imbalances in EMEs
Net private capital flows to emerging market economies and incidences of crises
Source: IMF.
Notes: Excludes China
USS Cole
aircraft plot
Ukraine / ISIS
Paris attacks
US implements first
China-specific tariffs
1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
% of GDP
Number of EM crises (rhs)
Net private capital flows to Non-China EMEs (lhs)
Crises tend to occur
when capital flows slow
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Chart 4: Greater reliance on foreign investors increases capital flow volatility
Correlation of capital flow volatility and the share of FX-denominated corporate debt
Sources: IMF and IIF.
Notes: Measured as coefficient of variation of gross inflows scaled by external liabilities.
Chart 5: Pull factors have reduced Capital Flows at-risk for EMEs since the Asian Financial Crisis
Sources: IMF and Bank staff calcluations.
Notes: Chart shows the contribution of pull factors to capital flows to EMEs during the Asian Financial Crisis (purple),
and since 2008 (green). The diamonds highlight the fifth percentile, which is our preferred measure of Capital Flows-
at-Risk. In both distributions push factors are held at their sample average, so only pull factors are changing.
0 1020304050
Volatity of capital flows
Share of non-financial corporate debt denominated in USD
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Probabilty density
Capital flows as a % of GDP
Post-2008 crisis Asian Financial Crisis
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Chart 6: Push shocks have offset some of the improvements in the ‘pull factors’
Sources: IMF and Bank staff calculations.
Note: The grey bars on this chart show the unconditional 5th percentile of the distribution of capital flows in a panel of
13 EMEs since 1996. The purple bars build on the contribution of pull factors to the conditional 5th percentile of
capital flows in the current quarter and two quarters ahead. Pull factors are proxied by domestic financial condition
indices (DFCIs), which are mean-orthogonalised by a global financial conditions index (GFCI). The coefficient on the
DFCIs is estimated by panel quantile regressions. Push factors are proxied by the Bank of England’s global financial
conditions index. The chart shows PPP-weighted averages across the 13 EMEs in our panel.
Chart 7: For EMEs, market-based finance accounted for all the increase in foreign lending since the
Structure of external liabilities for emerging market economies
Sources: IMF, EPFR and Bank of England calculations
1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
Capital Flows as a % of GDP
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Chart 8: Market-based finance flows are particularly sensitive to push shocks
The sensitivity of Capital Flow-at-Risk to push factors, by source of capital flow
Sources: IMF, EPFR, Bank calculations.
Notes: Chart shows the sensitivity of different capital flows to a negative "push" shock. Coefficients are standardised
by each component’s share of total flows e.g. the red MBF bar shows how total Capital Flows-at-Risk would
respond to a one standard deviation tightening in global financial conditions if all capital flows were accounted for by
Chart 9: Emerging market economies could be running to stand still in the future
Sources: IMF, EPFR, IIF and Bank staff calculations.
Notes: This chart shows conditional distributions of capital flows to EMEs post-the 2008 crisis (green), and
conditioning on a one standard deviation negative “push shock” (red), as proxied by our global financial conditions
index. The diamonds highlight the fifth percentile, which is our preferred measure of Capital Flows-at-Risk The dotted
grey distribution results from increasing the sensitivity of the distribution to push shocks in line with the scalar in the
third column of chart 10, assuming they apply through the distribution (rather than only to 5th percentile). Estimating
the impact of these vulnerabilities on the full distribution is a rich area for future work. The teal distribution conditions
on average push and pull factors 1996-06.
FDI Banking Market-based finance
of which: investment
Median 5th percentile
Capital Flows-at-Risk as a % of GDP
All speeches are available online at www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/speeches
Chart 10: Major structural changes are increasing the sensitivity of Capital Flows-at-Risk to push
Sources: IMF, EPFR, IIF, Bank calculations.
Notes: This chart shows estimates and projections for the sensitivity of Capital Flows-at-Risk to negative push shocks
at different points in time. The chart is based on separate panel quantile regressions for FDI, banking, market-based
finance and investment fund flows. We use the global FCI (push), country-specific FCIs (pull), and the share of NFC
debt denominated in foreign currency as regressors. The third bar combines regression results with projections for
the composition of flows and the role of FX-denominated debt in 2030. The fourth bar also takes into account
projected growth in EM’s external balance sheets.
IV. Medium term: reshuffling the deck by reforming the existing system
Chart 11: IMF resources, the core of global financial safety net, has shrunk relative to the size of the
global financial system
Components of the global financial safety net as a per cent of global external liabilities
Sources: IMF, central bank websites, Lane Milessi-Ferretti (2007) External Wealth of Nations dataset and Bank
Notes: FX reserves exclude gold.
2006 2018
2030 excluding growth
in EME external balance
2030 including growth in
EME external balance
Capital Flows-at-Risk as a % of GDP
Impact of the increasing role of investment funds
Impact of the shift to market-based finance
Impact of higher share of FX-denominated debt in EMs
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
IMFPermanent(rhs) IMFTemporary(rhs)
Per cent of global
external liabilities
Per cent of global
external liabilities
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Chart 12a: UK monetary policy trade-offs in successive 2-year ahead Inflation Report projections
Chart 12b: UK monetary policy trade-offs in successive 3-year ahead Inflation Report projections
Notes to Chart 12: Each observation shows the central projection for spare capacity or excess demand at the end of the
second / third year of the forecast period (the 'Year 2' or ‘Year 3’ point) on the horizontal axis against the central
projection for four-quarter CPI inflation at Year 2 / Year 3 on the vertical axis from successive Inflation Reports. See
’Lambda’, speech by Mark Carney, 16 January 2017, for further details and discussion.
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Inflation (%)
Preferred trade-off if λ=1
Preferred trade-off
if λ=0.1
August 2019
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Inflation (%)
Preferred trade-off if λ=1
Preferred trade-off
if λ=0.1
August 2019