Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Effective: December 21, 2016
Change 4 Effective: May 7, 2021
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Manual 1348.33, Volume 2, “Manual of Military Decorations and
Awards: DoD Service Awards – Campaign, Expeditionary, and Service
Medals,” November 23, 2010, as amended
Incorporates and Cancels: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Memorandum, “Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal Eligibility Criteria,”
May 11, 2017
Approved by: Todd A. Weiler, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and
Reserve Affairs
Change 4 Approved by: Lernes J. Hebert, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Purpose: This manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own purpose. In
accordance with authority in DoD Directive (DoDD) 5124.02 and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1348.33:
This manual implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for managing the
DoD Military Decorations and Awards Program.
This volume:
o Provides detailed information and procedures for creating, activating, and awarding DoD service
awards, including campaign, expeditionary, and service (CE&S) medals.
o Provides the basis and eligibility requirements for awarding DoD CE&S medals.
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SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Information Collections. ................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Summary of Change 4. ..................................................................................................... 5
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. ............................................... 6
2.2. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASD(M&RA)). ..... 6
2.3. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. ........................................................... 7
2.4. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy. ............................ 7
2.5. Director, Defense Logistics Agency. ................................................................................ 7
2.6. Secretaries of the Military Departments. .......................................................................... 8
2.7. Secretary of the Army. ...................................................................................................... 8
2.8. CJCS. ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.9. Combatant Commanders (CCDRs)................................................................................... 9
SECTION 3: DOD CE&S MEDAL PROCEDURES ............................................................................. 10
3.1. Purpose of CE&S Medals. .............................................................................................. 10
3.2. Categories of CE&S Medals. .......................................................................................... 10
3.3. Tiers of CE&S Medal Recognition for Major GWoT Combat Operations. ................... 10
3.4. Activating Existing DoD CE&S Medals for Military Operations. ................................. 12
3.5. Creating a New Campaign Medal. .................................................................................. 13
3.6. Terminating Campaign Medals. ...................................................................................... 13
SECTION 4: DOD CE&S MEDALS ................................................................................................. 15
4.1. Afghanistan Campaign Medal (ACM). ........................................................................... 15
4.2. Antarctica Service Medal. ............................................................................................... 16
4.3. AFEM. ............................................................................................................................ 19
4.4. AFSM. ............................................................................................................................. 22
4.5. AFRM. ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.6. GWOT-EM. .................................................................................................................... 27
4.7. GWOT-SM. .................................................................................................................... 30
4.8. Humanitarian Service Medal. ......................................................................................... 32
4.9. Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal. ................................................................................ 36
4.10. Iraq Campaign Medal. .................................................................................................. 38
4.11. Korea Defense Service Medal. ..................................................................................... 40
4.12. Kosovo Campaign Medal. ............................................................................................ 41
4.13. Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. ........................................................... 43
4.14. National Defense Service Medal. ................................................................................. 46
4.15. Prisoner of War Medal. ................................................................................................. 48
4.16. Southwest Asia Service Medal. .................................................................................... 51
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 60
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 60
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 61
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REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 62
Table 1: Categories of CE&S Medals .......................................................................................... 11
Table 2: DoD CE&S Medals ....................................................................................................... 54
Figure 1: CE&S Medal Decision Flowchart ................................................................................ 12
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1.1. APPLICABILITY. This issuance applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands,
the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD
Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the DoD (referred to collectively in
this issuance as the “DoD Components”).
1.2. POLICY. It is DoD policy in accordance with DoDI 1348.33, that:
a. Members of the Military Services serving in a DoD Component, through the DoD
Military Decorations and Awards Program, will be recognized with the applicable CE&S medal
for qualifying service in military campaigns, expeditions, or other significant military operations,
and for otherwise meritorious military service.
b. In general, only one decoration or service medal of the same type (personal military
decoration (PMD), CE&S medal, or unit award) is authorized for the same act, achievement, or
period of service. Service members are not authorized award of more than one DoD CE&S
medal for the same act or period of service, except as authorized in this volume.
c. Receipt of a CE&S medal or a unit award for a given period does not preclude an
individual from receiving a PMD for the same period.
d. Unless otherwise stated:
(1) Eligibility for CE&S medals differs from PMDs in that Service members are not
recommended for DoD CE&S medals, but are authorized award based on confirmation that
eligibility criteria were met through service record verification.
(2) Eligibility determinations are processed by the individual’s respective Military
e. See DoDI 1348.33 for additional policy guidance regarding CE&S medals. Specific
eligibility criteria, procedures, and guidance for currently authorized CE&S medals are contained
in Section 3 of this volume.
f. On or after August 2, 1990, United States Public Health Service (USPHS) officers
assigned, attached, or detailed for full-time or part-time duty to DoD and any of its Components
are eligible for U.S. Military ribbons, medals, and decorations on the same basis as an officer of
the Military Services. See Section 13 of DoDI 1348.33 for specific policy regarding award of
military decorations to USPHS officers.
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a. Nominations for awards for government employees and Service members, referred to
throughout this volume, do not require licensing with a report control symbol in accordance with
Paragraph 1.b.(12) of Volume 1 of DoD Manual 8910.01.
b. Recommendations for medal design, referred to in Paragraphs 2.7.e. and 3.4.c., do not
require licensing with a report control symbol in accordance with Paragraph 1.b.(9) of Volume 1
of DoD Manual 8910.01.
This change reflects that the Korea Defense Service Medal may be awarded to members of the
United States Space Force, pursuant to Section 932 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2021.
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Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)):
a. Advises the Secretary of Defense regarding:
(1) Establishing designated periods for award of the National Defense Service Medal
(NDSM) to Service members based upon the recommendation of the CJCS.
(2) Designating military operations for award of the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
(AFEM) to Service members based upon the recommendation of the CJCS.
(3) Designating military operations for award of the Armed Forces Service Medal
(AFSM) to Service members, based upon the recommendation of the CJCS.
(4) Creating new campaign medals for award to Service members based upon the
recommendation of the CJCS.
b. Acts as the award authority for DoD CE&S medals that fall under the purview of the
Secretary of Defense (e.g., AFSM, AFEM), when delegated the authority to do so by the
Secretary of Defense in accordance with DoDD 5124.02.
AFFAIRS (ASD(M&RA)). Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the
a. Develops and maintains DoD policies and procedures governing the DoD CE&S medals
in the DoD Military Decorations and Awards Program.
b. Ensures that the regulations, guidance, and issuances of the DoD Components conform to
pertinent laws, Executive orders (E.O.s), Federal regulations, and DoD policy.
c. Advises the USD(P&R) regarding:
(1) Establishing designated periods for awarding the NDSM to Service members based
on the recommendation of the CJCS.
(2) Designating military operations for award of the AFEM to Service members based on
the recommendation of the CJCS.
(3) Designating military operations for award of the AFSM to Service members based on
the recommendation of the CJCS.
(4) Creating new campaign medals for award to Service members based on the
recommendation of the CJCS.
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d. Acts as the approval authority for DoD CE&S medals that fall under the purview of the
Secretary of Defense (e.g., AFSM, AFEM), when delegated the authority to do so by the
e. Acts on requests from the CJCS regarding:
(1) Establishing initial and subsequent campaign phases and associated inclusive dates
for campaign medals.
(2) Designating military operations, associated area of eligibility (AOE), and inclusive
dates for award of the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (GWOT-EM).
(3) Designating dates for award of the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOT-
f. Requests that the CJCS annually review DoD CE&S medals for currency and to ensure
CE&S medals continue to appropriately recognize Service members pursuant to applicable
statute, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and DoD policy.
g. Adjudicates exception to policy requests regarding CE&S medals covered in this volume.
authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health
Affairs acts as the award authority for DoD CE&S medals to officers of the USPHS who are
assigned, attached, or detailed for full-time duty to:
a. OSD.
b. DoD Field Activities.
c. Defense Agencies.
d. Joint DoD activities that report directly to an OSD principal staff assistant (PSA).
e. The Joint Staff or those agencies and activities reporting through the CJCS, including the
Combatant Commands.
PERSONNEL POLICY. Under the authority, direction, and control of the ASD(M&RA), the
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy (DASD(MPP)) acts as the
Humanitarian Service Medal (HSM) award authority for HSM award recommendations that do
not fall under the purview of the Secretaries of the Military Departments or the CJCS.
2.5. DIRECTOR, DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY. Under the authority, direction, and
control of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, the Director,
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Defense Logistics Agency, purchases and stocks DoD CE&S for procurement by the DoD
Military Departments:
a. Establish policies and procedures in their respective Military Department to ensure
compliance with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures
outlined in this volume.
b. Ensure Military Department and Service award guidance (e.g., regulations, instructions,
manuals) specifically reference this issuance.
c. Ensure awarded CE&S medals are recorded in official military personnel files.
d. Comply with the provisions of E.O. 3524 as they pertain to designing medals and insignia.
e. Act as the approval authority for HSM award recommendations originating within their
respective Military Departments, but only if the humanitarian operation involved only Service
members from their respective Military Departments.
2.7. SECRETARY OF THE ARMY. In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.6., the
Secretary of the Army:
a. When requested by the Secretary of another Military Department or the CJCS, provides
heraldic support for the design and development of military decorations and CE&S medals along
with the appropriate accoutrements, as authorized by Section 7594 of Title 10, U.S.C.
b. Advises other Federal departments and agencies on matters of heraldry and organizational
c. Prescribes regulations providing for reimbursement for military decoration and medal
design and development services.
d. Acts on behalf of the DoD in establishing regulations governing control in manufacture
and quGality assurance of military decorations and medals.
2.8. CJCS. The CJCS:
a. Establishes procedures to ensure joint commands or organizations reporting to or through
the CJCS, including the Combatant Commands, comply with the policies and procedures
outlined in this volume.
b. Acts as the HSM award authority for military acts or operations of a humanitarian nature
led by an organization reporting to or through the CJCS. This authority may not be delegated
below the Director of the Joint Staff.
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c. Establishes procedures to notify the DASD(MPP) of approved HSM operations, including
the military act or operation name, inclusive dates of award, and recommended geographic AOE.
d. Recommends to the Secretary of Defense, through the USD(P&R):
(1) Designated time periods for awarding the NDSM to Service members.
(2) Designated military operations for awarding the AFEM to Service members.
(3) Designated military operations for awarding the AFSM to Service members.
(4) Establishing new campaign medals.
e. Annually, when the ASD(M&RA) requests, reviews CE&S medals for currency and
makes recommendations to the ASD(M&RA) whether:
(1) Any new campaign medals should be created.
(2) Any existing campaign medals should be terminated or transitioned to an
expeditionary medal.
(3) Any new campaign phases are warranted for existing campaign medals.
(4) Any existing expeditionary medal authorizations should be terminated, or there
should be a transition to the AFSM.
(5) The periods of award are correct for any military operation associated with a CE&S
(6) The geographic areas of eligibility and associated military operation associated with
CE&S medals are correct and still meet applicable medal eligibility criteria.
a. Forward requests to the CJCS to establish subsequent campaign stars (i.e., campaign
phases) on campaign medals.
b. Recommend designated military acts or operations within their applicable areas of
responsibility (AORs) that warrant award of the HSM to the CJCS.
c. Advise the CJCS regarding establishing campaign medals for designated large-scale or
long-duration military operations within their applicable AORs.
d. Advise the CJCS regarding military operations within their respective AORs that may
warrant awarding the AFSM or AFEM.
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3.1. PURPOSE OF CE&S MEDALS. DoD CE&S medals recognize Service members for
participation in military campaigns, expeditions, or other significant military operations, and for
otherwise meritorious military service. Eligibility criteria for CE&S medals are based on a
Service member’s:
a. Degree of personal risk (e.g., proximity to the enemy, service in a combat zone, imminent
threat of hostilities).
b. Degree of personal hardship (deployment to a designated AOE).
c. Participation in designated military operations.
d. Extent of military service during specified time periods, duration, or types of duty.
3.2. CATEGORIES OF CE&S MEDALS. There are four categories of DoD CE&S medals
(Table 1 shows the categorization of current and recent CE&S medals):
a. Campaign Medals. Campaign medals recognize deployed participation in large-scale or
long-duration combat operations. Campaign medals are associated with the highest level of
personal risk and hardship. They are awarded to Service members who are deployed to the
geographic areas where the combat is actually occurring. Service members deployed to areas
where combat is occurring as a result of prolonged or large-scale military combat operations
should be recognized with a separate and distinct campaign medal.
b. Expeditionary Medals. Expeditionary medals recognize deployed participation in small-
scale and/or short-duration combat operations or military operations where there is an imminent
threat of hostilities. Expeditionary medals are also awarded to members deployed in support of
combat operations, but who are not in the geographic area where the actual combat is occurring.
Expeditionary medals are associated with high levels of personal risk and hardship.
c. Deployed Service Medals. Deployed Service medals recognize deployment or
assignment to a designated AOE to participate in, or directly support, a designated military
operation where there is no foreign armed opposition or imminent threat of hostile action.
d. Individual Service Medals. Individual Service medals recognize individual merit, direct
participation in a DoD approved military activity, undertaking, event or operation, or service
during a specified period. Some individual service medals, such as the Prisoner of War (POW)
medal, may recognize service involving significant personal risk and hardship, while others only
recognize being in active military service during a particular period of time.
OPERATIONS. CE&S medal categories provide three tiers of recognition:
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a. Tier 1. Campaign medals recognize Service members who are deployed to the
geographic area where major GWOT combat is actually occurring. Members awarded campaign
medals have the highest degree of personal risk and hardship as they are conducting the combat
operations and are deployed to the area where the combat is actually occurring.
b. Tier 2. The GWOT-EM recognize Service members deployed to areas supporting the
major GWOT combat operations, albeit from geographic areas away from where the actual
combat is occurring. Expeditionary medals recognize the personal hardship and risk associated
with deployment to a potentially hostile foreign environment; however, the personal hardship
and risk is less than that incurred by members deployed to the area where the combat is actually
c. Tier 3. Service medals (e.g., GWOT-SM; National Defense Service Medal) recognize
members supporting GWOT combat operations from home station, where personal hardships and
risk are minimal compared to Service members who are forward deployed.
Table 1: Categories of CE&S Medals
Title of Decoration
Sub-category of CE&S Medals
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Campaign Medal
Kosovo Campaign Medal
Campaign Medal
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Campaign Medal
Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal
Campaign Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Expeditionary Medal
Antarctic Service Medal
Deployed Service Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
Deployed Service Medal
Korea Defense Service Medal
Deployed Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Individual Service Medal
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Individual Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Individual Service Medal
Prisoner of War Medal
Individual Service Medal
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Individual Service Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Individual Service Medal
Note 1: This list is not all-inclusive. Military Departments also have CE&S medals (e.g., Navy
Expeditionary Medal; Air Force Good Conduct Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal). Refer
to each Military Department’s specific award guidance for additional information.
Note 2: Before DoD established comprehensive CE&S medal policy, the naming conventions for
DoD CE&S medals were inconsistent. This resulted in several medals with names that do not
match the CE&S medal category to which they are assigned.
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a. DoD CE&S medals are designed to provide timely recognition to Service members for
participation in a wide range of military operations, including combat operations, military
operations that encounter foreign armed opposition or are subject to the imminent risk of foreign
hostile action, military operations deemed to be a significant activity, humanitarian operations, or
military service during designated periods.
b. Figure 1 provides a simplified DoD CE&S medal decision flowchart to assist with
determining the appropriate DoD CE&S medal to consider authorizing or activating based on
military operations, personal service, or national threats. Procedures for activating the AFEM,
AFSM, HSM, NDSM, or for including new operations under the GWOT-EM, can be found in
Section 4 of this volume. Procedures for creating a new campaign medal can be found in
Paragraph 3.5.
Figure 1: CE&S Medal Decision Flowchart
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a. Deployed participation in prolonged or large-scale military combat operations should be
recognized with a separate and distinct campaign medal. Campaign medals are normally
established by E.O. The process for establishing a campaign medal is lengthy, requiring
approval of the initial medal concept and design; development of the eligibility criteria; and
extensive coordination between the OSD, the Joint Staff, Military Departments, and The Institute
of Heraldry, Department of the Army. Staff actions should be expedited in order to facilitate
recognition of Service members participating in the military campaign.
b. Using the AFEM to initially recognize participation in large-scale or long-duration
combat operations, or small-scale or short-term combat operations that evolve into large-scale or
long-duration conflicts, will not preclude the creation of a separate and distinct campaign medal.
c. The CJCS recommends creating a new campaign medal to the Secretary of Defense
through the USD(P&R). At a minimum, the request will include all of the following:
(1) Rationale for the creation of a new campaign medal.
(2) Proposed campaign medal name.
(3) Proposed period of award (POA).
(4) Proposed geographic AOE.
(5) Proposed initial campaign phase(s).
(6) The applicable CCDR’s endorsement.
3.6. TERMINATING CAMPAIGN MEDALS. Timely termination of campaign medals is
pivotal to maintaining the prestige and legacy of the CE&S medals.
a. Awarding a designated campaign medal will be terminated when the geographic AOE for
the award is:
(1) No longer designated for hostile fire or imminent danger pay, as authorized by
Section 310 of Title 37, U.S.C;
(2) No longer an area in which entry of Service members on official or unofficial travel
is controlled in accordance with the DoD Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide;
(3) There were no incidences of U.S. forces deployed to the AOE being engaged in
combat or being killed or injured in large-scale terrorist attacks during the previous 12 months;
(4) When the operational mission has changed from an armed conflict to a military
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b. A geographic area where award of a campaign medal is terminated in accordance with the
criteria listed in Paragraph 3.6.a., but where there is still a significant military presence or
ongoing military operation may transition to a more applicable DoD expeditionary or service
medal (e.g., AFEM or AFSM). The request to transition from a campaign medal to an
expeditionary or service medal should originate from the applicable Combatant Command and
include justification for transitioning to a designated DoD expeditionary or service medal. It will
be addressed to the USD(P&R), the approval authority, through the Joint Staff, and will include
an endorsement from the CJCS or a designated representative.
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a. Introduction. Public Law (P.L.) 108-234 required that the President establish a
campaign medal specifically to recognize service by members of the uniformed services in
Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. The ACM, established by E.O. 13363, recognizes
qualifying members of the uniformed services for their service in Afghanistan.
b. Award Category. Campaign Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from September 11, 2001, to a future termination date to be prescribed
by the Secretary of Defense. The POA start date coincides with Section 576 of P.L. 109-163.
d. Geographic AOE. The AOE encompasses the land area of the country of Afghanistan
and all air spaces above such land area.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The ACM will be awarded to each Service member who, during the POA, was
permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days
to a unit operating in the AOE or who meets one of the following criteria, regardless of time
spent in the AOE:
(a) Was engaged in combat during an armed engagement.
(b) While participating in an operation or on official duties was killed, or was
wounded or injured and medically evacuated from the AOE.
(2) Aircrew members accrue 1 day of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within,
or over the AOE.
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the ACM is based must have been honorable.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The ACM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
g. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the ACM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of Defense
pursuant to E.O. 13363.
(2) Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for ACM qualifying service between
September 11, 2001, and April 30, 2005, in an area for which the ACM was authorized
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subsequently remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded
the ACM in lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be
entitled to both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or
tour in the designated operation area).
(3) Under no condition will personnel or units receive the ACM, GWOT-EM, Iraq
Campaign Medal (ICM), Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal (IRCM), or AFEM for the same
action, time period, or service (i.e., deployment or tour in the designated operation area).
h. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. Army Regulation (AR) 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. Secretary of the Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) and
Secretary of the Navy Manual (SECNAVMAN) 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The ACM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The ACM is worn after the Kosovo Campaign Medal (KCM) and
before the ICM.
k. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an ACM upon initial award.
(2) A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the ACM suspension and campaign
ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the member participated for 1 or
more days. A silver campaign star is worn in lieu of five bronze campaign stars. The ACM
campaign phases and inclusive dates are listed at:
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Campaign Stars. A bronze or silver five-pointed star, 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) Arrowhead Device. A bronze replica of an arrowhead, 1/4 inch high, that may be
authorized for wear by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.
(3) Fleet Marine Force (FMF) Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine
Corps emblem that may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service
members assigned to Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
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a. Introduction. The Antarctica Service Medal (ASM), established by P.L. 86-600, is
awarded to members of Antarctic expeditions and personnel of the permanent Antarctica stations
or for service in contiguous waters.
b. Award Category. Deployed Service Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from January 1, 1946, to a future termination date to be prescribed by
the Secretary of Defense.
d. Geographic AOE. The AOE encompasses all of Antarctica, which for award of the
ASM comprises the area south of latitude 60 degrees south.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) Any person who, during the POA meets the AOE time limits identified in Paragraphs
4.2.e.(2) through 4.2.e.(5), and meets any of the following qualifications will be eligible to
receive the ASM.
(a) Any Service member, U.S. citizen, or resident alien of the United States, who as a
member of a U.S. expedition, participates in or has participated in scientific, direct support, or
exploratory operations in Antarctica.
(b) Any Service member, U.S. citizen, or resident alien of the United States who
participates in or has participated in a foreign Antarctic expedition in Antarctica in coordination
with a U.S. expedition and who is or was under the sponsorship and approval of competent U.S.
Government authority.
(c) Any Service member, U.S. citizen, or resident alien of the United States who
participates in, or has participated in, flights as a member of the crew of an aircraft flying to or
from the Antarctic continent in support of operations in Antarctica.
(d) Any Service member, U.S. citizen, or resident alien of the United States who
serves or has served in a U.S. ship operating south of latitude 60 degrees South in support of U.S.
programs in Antarctica.
(e) Any person, including citizens of foreign nations, not fulfilling the qualifications
under Paragraphs 4.2.e.(1)(a), through 4.2.e.(1)(d), but who participates in or has participated in
a U.S. Antarctic expedition in Antarctica at the invitation of a participating U.S. agency, may be
awarded the ASM. The ASM is awarded by the Secretary of the Military Department under
whose cognizance the expedition falls, provided the commander of the military support force, as
senior U.S. representative in Antarctica, considers that the individual has performed outstanding
and exceptional service and shared the hardships and hazards of the expedition.
(2) From June 1, 1973 to August 31, 2008, the minimum time limit for award is 30 days
under competent orders to duty at sea or ashore, south of latitude 60 degrees South. Individuals
assigned to duty at an outlying station on the Antarctic continent may qualify for the award after
15 days. The days do not have to be consecutive.
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(3) From July 1, 1987 to September 30, 1999, flight crews of aircraft providing logistics
support from outside the Antarctic area may qualify for the award after 15 missions to a location
south of latitude 60 degrees South (one flight in and out during any 24-hour period equals one
(4) Effective October 1, 1999, flight crews of aircraft providing logistics support from
outside the Antarctic area may qualify for the award after 10 missions to a location south of
latitude 60 degrees South (one flight in and out during any 24-hour period equals one mission).
(5) Effective September 1, 2008, the minimum time limit for award is 10 days under
competent orders to duty at sea or ashore, south of latitude 60 degrees South. The days do not
have to be consecutive.
(6) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the ASM is based must have been honorable.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The ASM is authorized for award to foreign personnel in
accordance with Paragraph 4.2.e.(1)(e). DoDI 1348.33 provides additional guidance for awards
to members of foreign militaries.
g. Procedures. Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for
administrative processing, awarding, and wearing of the ASM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which
comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined
in this volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of
Defense pursuant to P.L. 86-600.
h. Approval Authority. The Secretary of the Military Department concerned is the
approval authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The ASM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The ASM is worn after the NDSM and before the AFEM.
k. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an ASM upon initial award. Initial award for
wintering over may be awarded with the bronze “Wintered Over” clasp, as designated in
Paragraph 4.2.l.
(2) For subsequent awards for wintering over refer to Paragraph 4.2.l.
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l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Wintered Over Clasp. Personnel who stay on the Antarctic continent during the
winter months (March through October) will be eligible to wear a bronze clasp with the words
“Wintered Over” on the suspension ribbon of the medal. A gold clasp is authorized for the
second wintering-over period, and a silver clasp is worn to denote the third or subsequent
wintering-over period. Only one clasp will be worn on the suspension ribbon of the medal.
(2) Disk. The first wintered-over period is denoted by wearing a bronze disk on the
ASM ribbon. A gold disk is worn in lieu of the bronze disk to designate the second wintered-
over period. A silver disk is worn in lieu of the gold disk to designate a third or subsequent
wintered-over period. Only one disk may be worn on the ASM ribbon.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
4.3. AFEM.
a. Introduction.
(1) The AFEM, established by E.O. 10977, recognizes Service members who, after
July 1, 1958, participate, or have participated, in designated U.S. military operations and
encounter, incident to such participation, foreign armed opposition or the imminent threat of
hostile action by foreign armed forces.
(2) The AFEM is normally awarded for combat operations and other combat support
missions in which hostile action by foreign armed forces is considered imminent.
b. Award Category. Expeditionary Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) General Criteria. The AFEM may be awarded to Service members who after July 1,
(a) Participate, or have participated, as members of U.S. military units in a U.S.
military operation in which Service members of any Military Department participate, in the
opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in significant numbers.
(b) Encounter, incident to such participation, foreign armed opposition, or are
otherwise placed, or have been placed, in such position that, in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, hostile action by foreign armed forces was imminent even though it did not materialize.
(2) Category of Operations. GThe AFEM may be authorized for the following
categories of operations:
(a) U.S. military operations.
(b) U.S. military operations in direct support of the United Nations (UN).
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(c) U.S. military operations of assistance for friendly foreign nations.
(3) Degree of Participation. Service members must have been permanently assigned,
attached, or detailed to a unit that participated in or was engaged in direct support of designated
operations for 30 consecutive days or for 60 non-consecutive days in the AOE or meet one of the
following criteria, regardless of time spent in the AOE:
(a) Was engaged in actual combat, or duty that is equally hazardous as combat duty,
with armed opposition.
(b) While participating in a designated operation was killed, or was wounded or
injured requiring medical evacuation from the AOE.
(4) Aircrew Members. Aircrew members accumulate required days of service
(consecutive or non-consecutive) while participating as a regularly assigned aircrew member of
an aircraft flying sorties into, out of, within, or over the AOE in direct support of military
operations. One day of service is credited for the first sortie flown on any day. Additional
sorties flown on the same day receive no further credit.
(5) Specific Limitations.
(a) The medal will be awarded only for operations for which no other U.S. campaign
medal is approved. This does not prevent award eligibility for subsequent ongoing operations if
the associated campaign medal has been terminated. No individual will be eligible for both the
AFEM and a campaign medal awarded during a single tour in the designated operation area. For
operations in which personnel of only one Military Department participate, the medal will be
awarded only if there is no other suitable award available to that Department.
(b) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award
of the AFEM is based must have been honorable.
(6) Relationship to Other CE&S Medals.
(a) Southwest Asia Service Medal (SWASM). Service members who earned the
SWASM and subsequently became eligible for the AFEM for Operation SOUTHERN WATCH
may wear both awards, with the exception of those who became eligible for both awards during
one tour or deployment in Southwest Asia (SWA). Service members who became eligible for
both awards during their initial tour in SWA may elect to receive either the SWASM or the
AFEM, but may not be issued both medals for a single tour in SWA. Service members who
became eligible for both awards during their initial tour in SWA and elected to receive the
SWASM may be awarded the AFEM for participation in Operation SOUTHERN WATCH
during a subsequent tour in SWA.
(b) Korea Defense Service Medal (KDSM). Service members who qualified for the
AFEM by reasons of service between October 1, 1966, and June 30, 1974, in an area for which
the KDSM was subsequently authorized, are eligible for both the AFEM and KDSM. Award of
the KDSM for this time period is a one-time exception to policy to comply with Sections 7286,
8308, and 9286 of Title 10, U.S.C.
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(c) AFEM and AFSM for Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR, Operation JOINT
GUARD, and Operation JOINT FORGE. In accordance with Section 572 of P.L. 105-85, as an
exception to policy, Service members who participated in, or provided direct support to
Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR, Operation JOINT GUARD, or Operation JOINT FORGE who
were deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina or Croatia, or aboard U.S. naval vessels operating in the
Adriatic Sea, or operating in the air space above these respective areas, are authorized the AFEM
in addition to the AFSM, provided they meet AFEM eligibility criteria.
(7) AFEM Authorized Operations. A list of the operations that have been approved for
award of the AFEM is at:
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The AFEM is not authorized for foreign military
e. Procedures.
(1) The CJCS, after consulting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recommends award of the
AFEM to the Secretary of Defense, through the USD(P&R) based on criteria listed in Paragraph
(2) The award recommendation, at a minimum, will include:
(a) The name of the designated U.S. military operation.
(b) The proposed geographic AOE for award.
(c) The proposed POA (i.e., start and end dates).
(d) Documented coordination with the Military Departments.
(3) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the AFEM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
f. Approval Authority. The Secretary of Defense is the award approval authority and has
delegated this authority to the USD(P&R) in accordance with DoDD 5124.02.
g. Posthumous Award. The AFEM may be awarded posthumously.
h. Order of Precedence. The AFEM is worn after the ASM and before the VSM.
i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an AFEM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the AFEM
suspension and service ribbon. Only one award of the AFEM is authorized for each designated
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military operation (i.e., only one AFEM is awarded for multiple deployments for the same
designated operation). A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze service stars.
j. Authorized Devices.
(1) Service Stars. A bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) Arrowhead Device. A bronze replica of an arrowhead, 1/4 inch high, that may be
authorized for wear by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.
(3) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
4.4. AFSM.
a. Introduction. The AFSM, established by E.O. 12985, recognizes Service members who,
on or after June 1, 1992, participate, or have participated, in designated U.S. military operations
and encounter no foreign armed opposition or imminent hostile action. The AFSM is the non-
combat parallel of the AFEM.
b. Award Category. Deployed Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The AFSM may be awarded to Service members who, on or after June 1, 1992:
(a) Participate, or have participated, as members of U.S. military units, in a
designated U.S. military operation deemed to be a significant activity.
(b) Encounter no foreign armed opposition or imminent hostile action.
(2) Service members must have been permanently assigned, attached, or detailed to a
unit that deployed to participate in a designated U.S. military operation within the AOE for 30
consecutive days (or for the full period when an operation is less than 30 days) or for 60 non-
consecutive days.
(3) Aircrew members must have participated as a regularly assigned crew member on an
aircraft flying into, out of, within, or over the AOE in direct support of the designated military
operation for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days. One day of service is credited for
the first sortie flown on any day. Additional sorties flown on the same day receive no further
(4) The AFSM recognizes participants who deploy to the designated AOE for the
qualifying operation. Outstanding or meritorious performance of non-deployed or remotely
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located support units and individuals does not justify awarding the AFSM. Such performance
may be recognized by the appropriate unit or PMD.
(5) The AFSM may be authorized for U.S. military operations for which no other U.S.
campaign or service medal is appropriate, such as:
(a) Peacekeeping operations.
(b) Prolonged humanitarian operations.
(c) U.S. military operations in direct support of the UN or the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO), and for operations of assistance to friendly foreign nations. The award is
only appropriate if the NATO, UN, or foreign operation involves a concurrent U.S. military
support operation.
(6) The AFSM is not authorized for participation in national or international exercises.
(7) For operations in which personnel of only one Military Department participate, the
AFSM will be awarded only if there is no other suitable award available to that Department.
(8) A list of the operations that have been approved for award of the AFSM is at:
(9) Because the AFSM may be awarded for a prolonged humanitarian operation,
distinction between the AFSM and the HSM must be maintained:
(a) The HSM is presented to individuals or units who directly contribute to and
influence the humanitarian action, in accordance with Paragraph 4.8. The HSM is only awarded
for service during the identified period of immediate relief. Eligibility for the HSM should
terminate, and transition to the AFSM or the AFEM, if the humanitarian action evolves into an
established ongoing operation beyond the initial emergency condition.
(b) For operations in which all deployed participants are awarded the HSM and for
which the period of immediate relief coincides with the duration of significant deployed
operations, award of the AFSM is not authorized.
(10) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the AFSM is based must have been honorable.
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The AFSM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
e. Procedures.
(1) The CJCS recommends to the Secretary of Defense, through the USD(P&R), based
on award criteria listed in Paragraph 4.4.c., award of the AFSM for U.S. military operations
deemed to be significant activities.
(2) The award recommendation, at a minimum, will include:
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(a) The name of the designated U.S. military operation.
(b) The proposed geographic AOE.
(c) The proposed POA (i.e., start and end dates).
(d) Documented coordination with the Military Departments.
(3) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the AFSM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
f. Approval Authority. The Secretary of Defense has delegated AFSM approval authority
to the USD(P&R) in accordance with DoDD 5124.02.
g. Posthumous Award. The AFSM may be awarded posthumously.
h. Order of Precedence. The AFSM is worn after the KDSM and immediately before the
i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an AFSM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the AFSM
suspension and service ribbon. Only one award of the AFSM is authorized for each designated
military operation (i.e., only one AFSM is awarded for multiple deployments for the same
designated operation). A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze service stars.
j. Authorized Devices. The service star, a bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in
diameter, is the only authorized device.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
4.5. AFRM.
a. Introduction.
(1) The AFRM, established by E.O. 10163, as amended by E.O. 10439 and E.O. 13013,
recognizes Service members or former Service members of the Reserve Components of the
Military Services who have
(a) Completed a total of 10 years of honorable military service in the Reserve
(b) Been called to active duty and served under specific statutory conditions; or
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(c) Volunteered and served on active duty in support of designated U.S. military
operations or contingencies.
(2) There are six different versions of the AFRM. The front side of each AFRM is
identical; however the reverse side is distinctive to each of the Reserve Components: Army
Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, National Guard, and Coast
Guard Reserve.
b. Award Category.c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The AFRM may be awarded to members or former members of the Reserve
Components of the Military Services who meet one of the following criteria:
(a) The member has completed a total of 10 years’ honorable military service in one
or more of the Reserve Components, including annual active duty and inactive duty training as
required by appropriate regulations provided:
1. Such 10 years of service was performed within a period of 12 consecutive
2. Such service will not include service in a regular component of the Military
Services, including the Coast Guard, but:
a. Service in a Reserve Component that is concurrent, in whole or part, with
service in a regular component of the Military Services will be included in computing the
required 10 years of Reserve service.
b. Any period of time during which Reserve service is interrupted by service
in a regular component of the Military Services will be excluded in computing and will not be
considered a break in the said period of 12 consecutive years.
3. Such service will not include service for which the Naval Reserve Medal or the
Marine Corps Reserve Medal has been or may be awarded.
(b) On or after August 1, 1990, the Service member was called to active duty and
served in accordance with Sections 12301(a), 12302, 12304, and 12406 of Title 10 U.S.C., or, in
the case of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, Section 712 of Title 14, U.S.C.
(c) On or after August 1, 1990, the Service member volunteered and served on active
duty under the provisions of Section 12301 of Title 10, U.S.C., in support of specific U.S.
military operations or contingencies designated by the ASD(M&RA), as defined in Section
101(a)(13) of Title 10, U.S.C. The designated military operations and/or contingencies are listed
(2) Multiple periods of service during one designated contingency pursuant to Paragraph
4.5.c.(1)(c) will count as one award of the AFRM qualifying for a single “M” device.
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(3) Active Guard and Reserve members who receive orders changing their duty status
(legal authority under which they perform duty), their duty location, or assignment to support a
contingency operation are eligible for the AFRM provided one of the award criteria in Paragraph
4.5.c.(1)(b) or 4.5.c.(1)(c) are met.
(4) Members of a Naval or Marine Corps Reserve Component who are eligible to receive
a Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve Medal may, at their election, be awarded the AFRM
in lieu of such medal.
(5) The AFRM will be awarded in lieu of the Naval Reserve and the Marine Corps
Reserve Medals for service performed after 20 years from the dates on which such medals were
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The AFRM is not authorized for foreign military
e. Procedures. Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for
administrative processing, awarding, and wearing of the AFRM, ribbon, and appurtenances,
which comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures
outlined in this volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary
of Defense pursuant to E.O. 10163.
f. Approval Authority.The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
g. Posthumous Award. The AFRM may be awarded posthumously.
h. Order of Precedence. The AFRM is worn as determined by the applicable Military
i. Subsequent Awards. (1) Not more than one AFRM may be awarded to any one person.
The AFRM is presented with the applicable device upon initial award:
(a) Hourglass device if initial award is pursuant to Paragraph 4.5.c.(1)(a); or
(b) M” mobilization device if initial award is pursuant to Paragraph 4.5c.(1)(b) or
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing the applicable authorized devices.
j. Authorized Devices.
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(1) Hourglass Device. A bronze hourglass denotes 10-years of qualifying service. A
silver hourglass and gold hourglass represent 20 and 30 years of service respectively.
Simultaneously wearing a gold and a bronze hourglass denotes 40 years of service.
(2) The “M” Mobilization Device. Bronze “M” device.
(3) Arabic Numerals (Bronze or Gold). See the applicable Military Department
regulation or instruction for specific guidance on wear of Arabic numerals.
(4) Appropriate Wear.
(a) If no “M” device is authorized, the hourglass will be centered on the ribbon.
(b) If no hourglass is authorized, the “M” device and any associated Arabic numerals
will be centered on the ribbon. Arabic numerals are worn to the wearer’s left of the “M” device
to indicate subsequent awards (e.g., 2 to 99—no number is worn for the first award).
(c) If both the hourglass and the “M” device are authorized, they will be centered on
the ribbon with the hourglass in the first position on the ribbon (to the wearer’s right) followed
by the “M” device and associated Arabic numerals.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
4.6. GWOT-EM.
a. Introduction. The GWOT-EM , established by E.O. 13289, recognizes Service members
who, on or after September 11, 2001, serve or have served in military expeditions to combat
b. Award Category. Expeditionary Medal.
c. POA. The POA for the GWOT-EM varies depending on the specific operation for which
it is authorized. A full list of the POAs for each authorized military operation can be found at:
d. Geographic AOE. The complete list of AOEs for the GWOT-EM can be found at: Presence in the AOE alone is
not sufficient to justify award of the GWOT-EM; Service members must meet criteria outlined in
Paragraph 4.6.e.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility.
(1) The specific award criteria for award of the GWOT-EM is:
(a) Service members must have been permanently assigned, attached, or detailed to a
unit that participated, on or after September 11, 2001 in a designated GWOT-EM operation in
the specified AOE for that operation for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days, or
meet one of the following criteria, regardless of time spent in the AOE:
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1. Was engaged in actual combat against the enemy and under circumstances
involving grave danger of death or serious bodily injury from enemy action.
2. While participating in the designated operation was killed, or was wounded or
injured and medically evacuated from the AOE.
(b) Service members participating as a regularly assigned aircrew member flying
sorties into, out of, within, or over the AOE in direct support of the GWOT-EM designated
operation are eligible for the GWOT-EM. Each day that one or more sorties are flown in
accordance with these criteria will count as 1 day toward the 30 consecutive or 60 non-
consecutive day requirement.
(2) Service members must have deployed abroad for a designated GWOT-EM approved
operation to a designated AOE for that operation.
(a) The list of approved GWOT-EM eligible operations and associated inclusive
dates is at:
(b) The list of the designated AOEs for each approved GWOT-EM eligible operation
is at The AOE for an approved
operation may be deemed to be non-contiguous, as counterterrorism operations are often global
in nature.
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the GWOT-EM is based must have been honorable.
(4) Service members will only be awarded one GWOT-EM for each designated military
operation, regardless of the number of deployments and periods of service supporting the
operation. Service members may receive a subsequent award for each designated operation
provided award criteria for each operation was achieved on separate deployments and periods of
(5) Under no condition will units or personnel within the United States be deemed
eligible for the GWOT-EM.
(6) The following is the relationship of the GWOT-EM to other CE&S Medals.
(a) AFEM. Service members awarded the AFEM for an operation to combat
terrorism between September 11, 2001, and October 28, 2003, in an area for which the GWOT-
EM was authorized subsequently remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon
application, may be awarded the GWOT-EM in lieu of that AFEM. Such election is irrevocable.
No Service member will be entitled to both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of
service (i.e., deployment or tour in the designated operation area).
(b) ACM and ICM. In accordance with E.O. 13363:
1. Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for ACM qualifying service
between September 11, 2001, and April 30, 2005, in an area for which the ACM was authorized
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subsequently remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded
the ACM in lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be
entitled to both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or
tour in the designated operation area).
2. Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for ICM qualifying service between
March 19, 2003, and April 30, 2005, in an area for which the ICM was authorized subsequently
remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded the ICM in
lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be entitled to
both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or tour in the
designated operation area).
(c) IRCM. Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for IRCM qualifying service
between June 15, 2014 and March 30, 2016, in an area for which the IRCM was authorized
subsequently remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded
the IRCM in lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be
entitled to both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or
tour in the designated operation area).
(d) GWOT-SM. Service members may receive both the GWOT-EM and the
GWOT-SM if they meet the eligibility requirements of both awards. However, the qualifying
period of service used to establish eligibility for one award cannot be used to justify eligibility
for the other.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The GWOT-EM is not authorized for foreign military
g. Procedures.
(1) The ASD(M&RA), based on the recommendation of the CJCS, will approve or
terminate designated military operations and associated AOEs for award of the GWOT-EM.
(2) The CJCS recommendation for the ASD(M&RA) to authorize or terminate a military
operation or associated AOE(s) for award for the GWOT-EM, at a minimum will include:
(a) Rationale for authorizing or terminating award of the GWOT-EM for the
designated U.S. military operation or associated AOE(s).
(b) Applicable CCDR endorsement or recommendation.
(c) Name of the designated U.S. military operation.
(d) The proposed POA (e.g., start and/or termination date).
(e) The proposed geographic AOE(s) for a new military operation, or
recommendation regarding existing AOE(s) for the applicable designed GWOT-EM approved
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(3) For designated military operations and associated AOE(s) approved for award of the
GWOT-EM, each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the GWOT-EM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply
with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of Defense
pursuant to E.O. 13289.
h. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The GWOT-EM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The GWOT-EM is worn after the IRCM and before the GWOT-
k. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented a GWOT-EM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the GWOT-EM
suspension and service ribbon of the medal. A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze
service stars.
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Service Star. A bronze or silver five-pointed star, 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) Arrowhead Device. A bronze replica of an arrowhead, 1/4 inch high, that may be
authorized for wear by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.
(3) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
4.7. GWOT-SM.
a. Introduction. The GWOT-SM, established by E.O. 13289, recognizes Service members
who, on or after September 11, 2001, supported operations to counter terrorism in a non-deployed
status, whether stationed in the United States or overseas.
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b. Award Category. Individual Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The Service member must have served on active duty in the Military Services, on or
after September 11, 2001, for a minimum of 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days, not
including initial accession training, or
(2) Regardless of time served, while on active duty in the Military Services, on or after
September 11, 2001:
(a) Was engaged in actual combat; or
(b) Was killed, wounded, or died not due to negligence or wrongful misconduct.
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the GWOT-SM is based must have been honorable.
(4) Award of the GWOT-SM will terminate simultaneously with the termination of the
“Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks, which was
originally issued by President George W. Bush following the September 11, 2001 terrorist
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The GWOT-SM is not authorized for foreign military
e. Procedures. Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for
administrative processing, awarding, and wearing of the GWOT-SM, ribbon, and appurtenances,
which comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures
outlined in this volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary
of Defense pursuant to E.O. 13289.
f. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
g. Posthumous Award. The GWOT-SM may be awarded posthumously.
h. Order of Precedence. The GWOT-SM is worn after the GWOT-EM and before the
i. Subsequent Awards. Individuals are only presented one GWOT-SM upon initial award.
There are no subsequent awards.
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j. Authorized Devices. None.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The HSM, established by E.O. 11965, recognizes Service members who,
after April 1, 1975, distinguished themselves by meritorious direct participation in a DoD-
approved significant military act or operation of a humanitarian nature. The HSM may be
awarded to individual Service members or to entire military units.
b. Award Category. Individual Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The HSM may be awarded tGo Service members who, subsequent to April 1, 1975,
distinguished themselves as individuals or as members of U.S. military units or ships by
meritorious, direct participation in a military act or operation of a humanitarian nature.
(2) For humanitarian operations outside of the United States:
(a) After April 1, 1975, but on or before January 6, 2016, the recipient must have
been physically present at the designated location, having directly contributed to and influenced
the action. The designated location is the immediate site(s) of the humanitarian operations as
defined by the Department of State’s request for assistance.
(b) On or after January 7, 2016, the recipient must have contributed to and influenced
the humanitarian operation while deployed to the designated AOE for the humanitarian
operation, as defined by the Department of State’s request for assistance for overseas areas.
When appropriate, the local commander may propose to the awarding authority specific
clarification of designated boundaries based on the intent of the Department of State request for
(3) For humanitarian operations within the United States, the recipient must have been
physically present at the designated location of the humanitarian assistance, having directly
contributed to and influenced the action. The designated location is the immediate site(s) of the
humanitarian operations, as defined by the Presidential authorization of Federal assistance.
(4) Specifically excluded from eligibility are Service members or elements that remain
entirely outside of the AOE, or who were assigned to the AOE but were not directly supporting
the humanitarian operation.
(5) Award of the HSM does not prevent or conflict with other medals or ribbons awarded
on the basis of unit achievement, or of individual valor, achievement, or meritorious service.
The HSM should not be awarded for humanitarian operations that occur as part of the
operational plan of a military operation for which a campaign or expeditionary medal is
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(6) No Service member will be entitled to more than one award of the HSM for
participation in the same military act or operation of a humanitarian nature.
(7) The following types of military acts or operations may qualify for award of the HSM:
(a) Significant assistance in the event of national or international disasters, natural or
manmade, such as, but not limited to, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, typhoons, or
(b) Relief to a famine-stricken area.
(c) Evacuation of personnel from an area threatened by a hostile force.
(d) Support or resettlement of refugees or evacuees.
(e) Other significant military activities, directly related to humanitarian service, as
designated in Military Service regulations. These must be above and beyond routine actions.
For example, normal search and rescue (SAR) operations conducted by SAR units specifically
trained for these types of missions would not be eligible for HSM consideration. Similarly, in
accordance with the laws and traditions of the seas, the rescue of stricken vessels by naval units
would not normally be eligible.
(f) Acts or operations of a similar nature, as determined by the award approval
(8) Services rendered in one of the above types of act or operation must meet the
following criteria:
(a) Be of major significance.
(b) Provide immediate relief, relieve human suffering, and should save lives
(property may be a factor).
(c) Must have affected the outcome of the situation.
(d) Must have specific dates and must be restricted to the period of immediate relief.
Periods beyond immediate relief are considered established ongoing operations beyond the initial
emergency conditions, and these periods are no longer eligible for the HSM.
(e) Must have evidence that the emergency assistance was:
1. Authorized by the President of the United States for assistance in the United
States (e.g., Presidential Emergency Declaration or established contingency plans issued under
Presidential authority); or
2. Requested by the Department of State for overseas areas.
(9) The HSM is not authorized for:
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(a) Services, such as law enforcement or protection of property, performed incident
to domestic demonstrations or unrest.
(b) Humanitarian relief missions when part of an operational plan for which a
campaign or expeditionary medal is authorized.
(c) Humanitarian operations performed solely by Service members under the
authority of a State governor. In these instances, the appropriate level of recognition is provided
by the applicable State governor. However, Reserve Component members who supported a
humanitarian operation that was simultaneously supported by Service Members operating under
Title 10, U.S.C., are eligible for any HSM approved as a result of that operation.
(10) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the HSM is based must have been honorable.
(11) A list of the operations that have been approved for award of the HSM can be found
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The HSM is not authorized for award to foreign military
e. Procedures.
(1) Submission of Recommendations. Recommendations for the HSM that:
(a) Originate within a Defense agency will be forwarded through appropriate
command and staff channels, including the responsible OSD PSA, to the DASD(MPP).
(b) Originate within a Military Service will be processed according to procedures
established by the respective Military Department.
(c) Involve the Combatant Commands or joint units reporting through the CJCS will
be submitted to the Joint Staff. CCDRs are authorized to disapprove HSM recommendations for
noncompliance with award criteria contained in this volume.
(2) Recommendations. HSM award recommendation, at a minimum, will include:
(a) Rationale for authorizing award of the HSM for the designated humanitarian
operation based on award criteria in Paragraph 4.8.c.
(b) Documentation of the Presidential authorization for assistance or the Department
of State request for assistance.
(c) Name of the U.S. humanitarian operation.
(d) Proposed POA (e.g., start date and end date).
(e) Proposed geographic AOE.
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(3) Multi-Service Participation. Military operations that include multiple Military
Services normally fall under the purview of a joint command and are processed through the Joint
Staff. In the unlikely event a military operation potentially qualifying for the HSM involves
members of multiple Military Services but is not conducted under the authority of a joint
commander, the Secretaries of the Military Departments concerned will collaborate to adjudicate
the award nomination.
(4) Time Limit on Submission of Recommendations. Recommendations must be entered
into command channels within 2 years of the military act or operation to be recognized.
(5) Approved HSM Requirements. Upon approval of an HSM, the award authority will:
(a) Direct the command authority to issue the medal to participating individuals and
update the member’s Service Record.
1. In the case of multi-Service participation, commanders must ensure the
personnel servicing centers of all Service members who participated are informed of action
2. Determination of individual eligibility for approved HSM operations may be
delegated to such level of the operational or administrative chain of command of the applicable
Military Department as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the Military Department
(b) Provide the DASD(MPP) with the name and a description of the military HSM
operation, the POA, and associated geographic AOE(s).
(6) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the HSM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
f. Approval Authority. For HSM award recommendations originating within:
(1) A Defense Agency, the award authority is the DASD(MPP).
(2) A Military Department, which only includes Service members from a single Military
Department, the award authority is the Secretary of the Military Department concerned. Military
operations that include multiple Services normally fall under the purview of the applicable
CCDR and would be processed through the Joint Staff. In the unlikely event that an operation
includes Service members from multiple Military Departments but is not under the purview of a
joint command reporting through a CCDR to the Joint Staff, the Secretaries of the Military
Departments concerned will collaborate to approve an HSM recommendation.
(3) Organizations reporting to or through the CJCS, the CJCS is the approval authority.
This authority may not be delegated below the Director of the Joint Staff.
g. Posthumous Award. The HSM may be awarded posthumously.
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h. Order of Precedence. The HSM is worn after the AFSM and before the Military
Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal (MOVSM).
i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an HSM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the HSM
suspension and service ribbon. A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze service stars.
j. Authorized Devices. The service star, a bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in
diameter, is the only authorized device.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The IRCM, established by E.O. 13723, recognizes qualifying Service
members for their service in Iraq, Syria, or contiguous waters or airspace on or after June 15,
b. Award Category. Campaign Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from June 15, 2014, to a future termination date to be prescribed by
the Secretary of Defense.
d. Geographic AOE. The AOE encompasses all of the land area of the countries of Iraq
and Syria, the contiguous waters of each extending out to 12 nautical miles, and the air space
above the land area and contiguous waters.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The IRCM will be awarded to each Service member who, during the POA, was
permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 30 consecutive or non-consecutive days to a unit
operating in the AOE or who meets one of the following criteria, regardless of time spent in the
(a) Was engaged in combat during an armed engagement.
(b) While participating in an operation or on official duties was killed, or was
wounded or injured and medically evacuated from the AOE.
(2) Aircrew members accrue 1 day of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within,
or over the AOE.
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the IRCM is based must have been honorable.
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f. Foreign Military Personnel. The IRCM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
g. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the IRCM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
(2) Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for IRCM qualifying service between
June 15, 2014 and March 30, 2016, in an area for which the IRCM was authorized subsequently
remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded the IRCM in
lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be entitled to
both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or tour in the
designated operation area).
(3) Under no condition will personnel or units receive the IRCM, GWOT-EM, or ACM
for the same action, time period, or service.
h. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The IRCM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The IRCM is worn after the ICM and before the GWOT-EM .
k. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an IRCM upon initial award.
(2) A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the IRCM suspension and campaign
ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the Service member participated
for 1 or more days. A silver campaign star is worn in lieu of five bronze campaign stars. The
IRCM campaign phases and inclusive dates are listed at:
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Campaign Stars. A bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) Arrowhead Device. A bronze replica of an arrowhead, 1/4 inch high, that may be
authorized for wear by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.
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(3) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A of this enclosure.
a. Introduction. P.L. 108-234 requires that the President establish a campaign medal
specifically to recognize service by members of the uniformed services in Operation IRAQI
FREEDOM. The ICM, established by E.O. 13363, recognizes qualifying members of the
uniformed services for their service in Iraq during the period of March 19, 2003, to December
31, 2011.
b. Award Category. Campaign Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from March 19, 2003, to December 31, 2011.
d. Geographic AOE. The AOE encompasses all land area of the country of Iraq, the
contiguous waters of Iraq extending out to 12 nautical miles, and all air space above the land area
of Iraq and above the contiguous water area out to 12 nautical miles.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The ICM will be awarded to each Service member who, during the POA, was
permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days
to a unit operating in the AOE or who meets one of the following criteria, regardless of time
spent in the AOE:
(a) Was engaged in combat during an armed engagement.
(b) While participating in an operation or on official duties was killed, or was
wounded or injured and medically evacuated from the AOE.
(2) Aircrew members accrue 1 day of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within,
or over the AOE.
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the ICM is based must have been honorable.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The ICM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
g. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the ICM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
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volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of Defense
pursuant to E.O. 13363.
(2) Service members awarded the GWOT-EM for ICM qualifying service between
March 19, 2003, and April 30, 2005, in an area for which the ICM was authorized subsequently
remain qualified for that medal. Such members, upon application, may be awarded the ICM in
lieu of that GWOT-EM. Such election is irrevocable. No Service member will be entitled to
both medals for the same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or tour in the
designated operation area).
(3) Under no condition will personnel or units receive the ACM, GWOT-EM, ICM,
IRCM, or AFEM for the same action, time period, or service.
h. Approval Authority. The Secretary of the Military Department concerned is the
approval authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The ICM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The ICM is worn after the ACM and before the IRCM.
k. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented an ICM upon initial award.
(2) A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the ICM suspension and campaign
ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the Service member participated
for 1 or more days. A silver campaign star is worn in lieu of five bronze campaign stars. The
ICM campaign phases and inclusive dates are listed at:
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Campaign Stars. A bronze or silver five-pointed star, 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) Arrowhead Device. A bronze replica of an arrowhead, 1/4 inch high, that may be
authorized for wear by the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force.
(3) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
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a. Introduction. The KDSM, authorized by Sections 7286, 8308, and 9286 of Title 10
U.S.C., recognizes qualifying members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space
Force who have served in the Republic of Korea subsequent to July 28, 1954.
b. Award Category. Deployed Service Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from July 28, 1954, to a future termination date to be prescribed by the
Secretary of Defense.
d. Geographic AOE. The AOE encompasses all land area of the Republic of Korea, and
the contiguous water out to 12 nautical miles, and all air spaces above the land and water areas.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) Service must have been in support of the defense of the Republic of Korea.
(2) The KDSM will be awarded to each member of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or
Air Force who, during the POA, was permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 30
consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days to a unit operating in the AOE or who meets one of
the following criteria, regardless of time spent in the AOE:
(a) Was engaged in actual combat during an armed engagement.
(b) While in the line of duty was killed, or was wounded or injured and medically
evacuated from the AOE.
(3) Aircrew members accrue 1 day of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within,
or over the AOE.
(4) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the KDSM is based must have been honorable.
(5) Personnel who serve in operations and exercises conducted in the AOE are eligible
for the award provided the basic time criteria is met. Due to the extensive POA, the non-
consecutive service period for eligibility remains cumulative throughout the entire period.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The KDSM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
g. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the KDSM and ribbon, to include procedure for application
and exception to policy requests. Such regulations will comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s,
Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this volume.
(2) Service members who qualified for the AFEM by reasons of service between October
1, 1966, and June 30, 1974, in an area for which the KDSM was subsequently authorized, remain
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eligible for both the KDSM and AFEM. Award of the KDSM for this time period is a one-time
exception to policy to comply with Sections 7286, 8308, and 9286 of Title 10, U.S.C.
h. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The KDSM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The KDSM is worn after the GWOT-SM and before the AFSM.
k. Subsequent Awards. Individuals are only presented a KDSM upon initial award.
l. Authorized Devices. No devices are authorized for this medal.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The KCM, established by E.O. 13154, recognizes qualifying Service
members for service in Kosovo during the period of March 24, 1999, to December 31, 2013.
b. Award Category. Campaign Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from March 24, 1999, to December 31, 2013.
d. Geographic AOE.
(1) Kosovo Air Campaign (March 24, 1999, through June 10, 1999) AOE. The total
land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia,
Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, and Slovenia; and the waters and air space
of the Adriatic and Ionian Sea north of 39 degrees North latitude.
(2) Kosovo Defense Campaign (June 11, 1999, through December 31, 2013) AOE. The
total land area and air space of Serbia (including Kosovo), Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia,
and the waters and air space of the Adriatic seas within 12 nautical miles of the Montenegro,
Albania, and Croatia coastlines south of 42 degrees and 52 minutes North latitude.
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) Service members authorized the KCM must have participated in or served in direct
support of Kosovo operations within the Kosovo Air Campaign AOE or Kosovo Defense
Campaign AOE.
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(2) Kosovo operations are divided into two separate campaigns for the purpose of the
KCM; the Kosovo Air Campaign and the Kosovo Defense Campaign. A number of different
named operations and missions comprised these two campaigns; the complete list of approved
Kosovo operations is at:
(3) The KCM will be awarded to each Service member who, during the POA, was
permanently assigned, attached, or detailed to a unit that participated in or was engaged in direct
support of designated operations for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive days in the
AOE, or who meets one of the following criteria, regardless of time spent in the AOE:
(a) Was engaged in actual combat, or duty that is equally hazardous as combat duty,
with armed opposition.
(b) While participating in a designated operation was killed, or was wounded or
injured and medically evacuated from the AOE.
(4) Service members participating as regularly assigned Aircrew members accrue 1 day
of eligibility for each day they fly into, out of, within, or over the AOE in direct support of the
military operations.
(5) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the KCM is based must have been honorable.
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The KCM is not authorized for foreign military personnel.
g. Procedures. (1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for
administrative processing, awarding, and wearing of the KCM, its ribbon, and appurtenances,
which comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures
outlined in this volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary
of Defense pursuant to E.O. 13154.
(2) Service members awarded the AFEM or AFSM for participation or service in direct
support of Kosovo operations between March 24, 1999, and May 1, 2000, in an area for which
the KCM was authorized subsequently remain qualified for those medals. Such members, upon
application, may be awarded the KCM in lieu of that AFEM or AFSM. Such election is
irrevocable. No Service member will be entitled to more than one of these three medals for the
same act, achievement, or period of service (i.e., deployment or tour in the designated operation
(3) The Secretary of Defense approved award of the KCM to the following Navy vessels,
and their crews, which departed the AOE upon completion of their strike missions, as an
exception to the 30 consecutive days within the Kosovo Air Campaign AOE: USS NORFOLK;
h. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
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(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The KCM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The KCM is worn after the SWASM and before the ACM.
k. Subsequent Awards. (1) Individuals are only presented a KCM upon initial award.
(2) A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the suspension and campaign ribbon to
recognize each designated campaign in which the Service member participated. Qualification
for a second campaign star requires meeting the KCM award criteria designated in Paragraph
4.12.e. for both the air and defense campaigns (e.g., 30 consecutive or 60 non-consecutive days
in the AOE).
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Campaign Stars. A bronze or silver five-pointed star, 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The MOVSM, established by E.O. 12830, recognizes Service members
who, after December 31, 1992, perform outstanding volunteer service to the civilian community
of a sustained, direct, and consequential nature.
b. Award Category. Individual Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The MOVSM may be awarded to Service members (including Reserve Components)
who, subsequent to December 31, 1992, perform outstanding volunteer community service of a
sustained, direct, and consequential nature.
(2) To qualify for award, the Service member’s service must:
(a) Be voluntary.
(b) Be to the civilian community, including the military family community.
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(c) Be significant in nature and produce tangible results.
(d) Reflect favorably on the Service member’s Military Department and the DoD.
(e) Be of a sustained and direct nature.
(3) Award is not authorized for:
(a) A single act or achievement, as this does not constitute sustained community
(b) Merely attending membership meetings or social events of a community service
group or organization, as this does not constitute significant and direct community service.
(c) Community service performed while deployed to a combat theater.
(d) Service that is detailed or tasked, or performed as part of a military mission (e.g.,
unit project; command sponsored project) as this service is not voluntarily in nature or is part of
the command’s mission.
(5) The overall level of volunteer participation and impact of an individual’s community
service is key to determining whether award of the MOVSM is justified. Although sustained
community service is not defined by a specific time period or number of volunteer hours (e.g., 36
months encompassing 500 hours of direct volunteer service), approval authorities will ensure the
service to be honored merits the special recognition afforded by this medal.
(6) The MOVSM recognizes service provided to a community over time; therefore,
multiple awards of the MOVSM during a single assignment or tour of duty are not authorized.
(7) Qualifying volunteer community service may encompass successive tours or
assignments. Commanding officers or civilian equivalents may provide a letter of continuity to
the Service member’s gaining command detailing the Service member’s previous volunteer
service which did not result in award of the MOVSM.
(8) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the MOVSM is based must have been honorable.
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The MOVSM is not authorized for foreign military
e. Procedures.
(1) Each award authority will establish procedures to ensure compliance with MOVSM
policy as required. Such procedures will comply with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations,
and the policies and procedures outlined in this volume.
(2) The MOVSM will be awarded in the name of the Secretary of Defense.
f. Approval Authority.
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(1) Authority to award the MOVSM is hereby delegated to:
(a) The OSD PSAs for Service members assigned to the OSD, the DoD Field
Activities, or the joint DoD activities for which a PSA has been designated Executive Agent for
the Secretary of Defense.
(b) The Directors of Defense Agencies for Service members assigned to their
respective agencies.
(c) The Deputy Chief Management Officer of the Department of Defense or designee
for Service members assigned to multilateral and bilateral organizations; and other offices with
the Executive Branch, Executive agencies, and departments, or independent establishments and
Government corporations.
(d) The CJCS for joint commands or organizations that report to or through the
(e) The Secretaries of the Military Departments. This authority may be further
delegated, in writing, to commanders authorized to award their respective Service Achievement
(2) Authority to award the MOVSM may be delegated at the discretion of an approval
authority in Paragraphs 4.13.f.(1)(a) through (d) to a Military Service officer in the grade of O-5
or to a civilian of equivalent grade when they occupy established subordinate command or staff
positions. Such authority must be delegated in writing and documentation maintained
indefinitely by the organization receiving the authority.
g. Posthumous Award. The MOVSM may be awarded posthumously, and when so
awarded, may be presented to such representatives of the deceased as may be deemed
appropriate by the award authority.
h. Order of Precedence. The MOVSM is worn after the HSM and:
(1) Army. Before the Army Sea Duty Ribbon.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. Before the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. Before the Overseas Service Ribbon (Short Tour).
i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented a MOVSM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the MOVSM
suspension and service ribbon. A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze service stars.
j. Authorized Devices. The service star, a bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in
diameter, is the only authorized device.
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k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The NDSM, established by E.O. 10448 as amended by E.O. 13293,
recognizes periods of military service, after December 31, 1960, meriting special recognition, as
designated by the Secretary of Defense.
b. Award Category. Individual Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) The NDSM will be awarded to any Service member who serves on active duty or
remains in good standing with the Selected Reserve during time periods meriting special
recognition as designated by the Secretary of Defense.
(a) For award of the NDSM the term “Selected Reserve” is as defined by Section
10143 of Title 10 U.S.C.
(b) Award is authorized to students at the Service academies.
(c) Award is not authorized to:
1. Discharged or retired veterans who did not serve during one of the time
periods for which award of the NDSM is authorized.
2. Members of the Individual Ready Reserve, Inactive National Guard, or
Standby Reserve unless activated under Sections, 12301, 12302, or 12304 of Title 10, U.S.C.
(2) The military service during which the Service member qualified for the NDSM must
have been honorable.
(3) The list of conflicts and associated time periods meriting special recognition with the
NDSM is at:
(4) For service during the Korean War and the Vietnam War award is not authorized to:
(a) Member of the Guard and Reserve Forces on short tours of active duty to fulfill
training obligations under the inactive duty training program.
(b) Any Service member on temporary duty (TDY) or temporary additional duty
(TAD) for the sole purpose of serving on boards, courts, commissions, or similar organizations.
(c) Any Service member on active duty for the sole purpose of undergoing a physical
(5) For service during the Gulf War E.O. 12776 expanded the NDSM eligibility to
include any Service member in good standing with a Reserve Component. This includes
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members other than the Selected Reserve who were called to active duty. For service during this
period award is not authorized to:
(a) Any Service member on active duty for the sole purpose of undergoing a physical
(b) Any member of the Individual Ready Reserve, the Inactive National Guard or the
Standby, or Retired Reserve whose active duty service was for training only, or to serve on
boards, courts, commissions, and similar organizations.
(6) Any Reserve Component members awarded the AFEM, VSM, SWASM, GWOT-
EM, ACM, or ICM for service during a time period that the Secretary of Defense has designated
as meriting special recognition through award of the NDSM, is also eligible for the NDSM for
that associated time period/conflict.
d. Foreign Military Personnel. The NDSM is not authorized for award to foreign
e. Procedures.
(1) The CJCS will recommend to the Secretary of Defense, through the USD(P&R), any
period for which active military service merits special recognition with the NDSM. At a
minimum the recommendation will include:
(a) Rationale for activating the NDSM.
(b) Proposed POA.
(2) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the NDSM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply with
pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of Defense
pursuant to E.O. 10448.
f. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
g. Posthumous Award. The NDSM may be awarded posthumously.
h. Order of Precedence. The NDSM is worn:
(1) Army. After the Army of Occupation Medal.
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(2) Navy and Marine Corps. After the Navy Occupation Service Medal.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. After the Air Force Recognition Ribbon.
i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented a NDSM upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the NDSM
suspension and service ribbon. A silver service star is lieu of five bronze service stars. The list
of conflicts and associated time periods meriting special recognition with the NDSM is at:
j. Authorized Devices. The service star, a bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in
diameter, is the only authorized device.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The POW Medal, established by Section 1128 of Title 10, U.S.C.,
recognizes qualifying individuals who, while serving in a capacity with the Military Services,
were taken prisoner and held as POWs.
b. Award Category. Individual Service Medal.
c. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) General Eligibility Criteria.
(a) The POW Medal is authorized for any person who, while serving in any capacity
with the Military Services, was taken prisoner and held captive after April 5, 1917. The POW
Medal will be issued to Service members and other personnel serving in any capacity with the
Military Services, who were taken prisoner and held captive:
1. While engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States;
2. While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing
foreign force; or
3. While serving with friendly forces engaged in an armed conflict against an
opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
(b) The POW Medal may be awarded to any person who, while serving in any
capacity with the Military Services, was held captive under circumstances not covered by
Paragraph 4.15.c.(1)(a), but which the Military Department Secretary concerned finds were
comparable to those circumstances under which persons have generally been held captive by
enemy armed forces during periods of armed conflict.
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1. Award of the POW Medal under the comparable conditions provision is the
exception and not the rule. Authority to award the POW Medal under this provision may not be
delegated below the Military Department Secretary concerned.
2. In cases where personnel from multiple Military Departments were held
captive in the same location, the Military Department Secretaries concerned will make a joint
determination as to whether the conditions were comparable to those of POWs during periods of
armed conflict. If the Service Secretaries fail to reach agreement, they will request a
determination from the ASD(M&RA).
(c) The period of service qualifying an individual for the POW Medal must have
been honorable for the period of captivity which serves as the basis for award.
1. Any person convicted by a U.S. military tribunal of misconduct or a criminal
charge or whose discharge is less than honorable based on actions while a POW is ineligible for
the POW Medal.
2. POWs whose conduct is not in accord with the Code of Conduct contained in
E.O. 10631 and whose actions are documented by U.S. military records are ineligible for the
POW Medal.
3. Resolution of questionable cases is the responsibility of the Military
Department Secretary concerned.
(2) U.S. Civilian Personnel. The Secretary of the Military Department concerned will
evaluate requests for award of the POW Medal to U.S. civilians and will award the POW Medal
upon determining that:
(a) The individual was serving in a capacity with a branch of the Military Services
under the control and authority of the Military Department Secretary concerned.
(b) The individual meets POW Medal eligibility criteria contained in Paragraph
(3) Personnel Missing in Action (MIA). Award of the POW Medal is based on POW
Medal eligibility criteria contained in Paragraph 4.15.c.(1). An MIA designation does not serve
as a basis for award of the POW Medal. The return of remains, in and of itself, does not
constitute evidence of confirmed POW status.
(4) Period of Captivity.
(a) There is no minimum time period of captivity for award of the POW Medal. The
Secretary of the Military Department concerned should evaluate each case on its own merit.
(b) A period of captivity terminates on return to U.S. military control. Escapees who
do not return to U.S. military control and are recaptured by an enemy do not begin a new period
of captivity for subsequent award of the POW Medal.
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(5) Veterans Benefits. Award of the POW Medal does not constitute eligibility for
benefits provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Eligibility for such benefits is
determined by the policies and procedures published by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
d. Foreign Military Personnel.
(1) The POW Medal is authorized for award to foreign military and civilian personnel
who, while serving in any capacity with the Military Services, were taken prisoner and held
captive after April 5, 1917.
(2) The Military Department Secretary concerned will evaluate requests for award of the
POW Medal to foreign personnel and will award the POW Medal upon determining that:
(a) The individual was serving in a capacity with a branch of the Military Services
under the control and authority of the Military Department Secretary concerned.
(b) The individual meets POW Medal eligibility requirements contained in Paragraph
e. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the POW Medal, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply
with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
(2) The statutory time limits pertaining to award of military decorations do not apply to
the POW Medal. The Military Department Secretary concerned may award the POW Medal
upon determining that award criterion has been met.
f. Approval Authority. The Military Department Secretary concerned is the approval
authority. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
g. Posthumous Award. The POW Medal may be awarded posthumously to the
representatives of the deceased, as designated by the Military Department Secretary concerned.
h. Order of Precedence. The POW Medal, in accordance with Section 1128 of Title 10,
U.S.C., is worn:
(1) Immediately following decorations awarded for individual heroism, meritorious
achievement, or meritorious service.
(2) Before any other CE&S medal or ribbon.
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i. Subsequent Awards.
(1) Individuals are only presented a POW Medal upon initial award.
(2) Subsequent awards are denoted by wearing a bronze service star on the POW medal
suspension and service ribbon. A silver service star is worn in lieu of five bronze service stars.
j. Authorized Devices. The service star, a bronze or silver five-pointed star 3/16 inch in
diameter, is the only authorized device.
k. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
a. Introduction. The SWASM, established by E.O. 12754, recognizes qualifying Service
members who participated in military operations in SWA during the period of August 2, 1990,
through November 30, 1995.
b. Award Category. Campaign Medal.
c. POA. The POA is from August 2, 1990, through November 30, 1995.
d. Geographic AOE.
(1) The AOE encompasses the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, that
portion of the Arabian Sea that lies north of 10 degrees North latitude and west 68 degrees East
longitude, as well as the total land areas of Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar,
and the United Arab Emirates.
(2) The AOE, only for the period of January 17, 1991, through November 30, 1995, for
Service members who were directly supporting combat operations, also encompasses Israel,
Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Jordan (including the airspace and territorial waters).
e. Award Criteria and Eligibility Requirements.
(1) Service members must have served in the designated AOE during the specified POA
in support of Operations DESERT SHIELD, DESERT STORM, PROVIDE COMFORT, or the
Southwest Asia Cease Fire Campaign.
(2) To be eligible, a Service member must:
(a) Be permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 1 or more days with an
organization participating in ground or shore military operations;
(b) Be permanently assigned, attached, or detailed for 1 or more days aboard a naval
vessel directly supporting military operations;
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(c) Have actually participated as a crew member in one or more aerial flights directly
supporting military operations in an AOE designated in Paragraph 4.16.d.; or,
(d) Have served on temporary duty for 30 consecutive days or 60 non-consecutive
days. Those time limitations may be waived for individuals participating in actual combat
(3) The military service of the Service member on which qualification for the award of
the SWASM is based must have been honorable.
(4) The SWASM is not authorized for award to Service members who:
(a) Performed home service during those above-named operations, such as support
personnel in the United States.
(b) Supported the designated operations while deployed overseas in locations other
than those listed in Paragraph 4.16.d. (e.g., deployments to bases in the Pacific Ocean).
f. Foreign Military Personnel. The SWASM is not authorized for award to foreign
g. Procedures.
(1) Each Military Department will prescribe appropriate regulations for administrative
processing, awarding, and wearing of the SWASM, ribbon, and appurtenances, which comply
with pertinent laws, E.O.s, Federal regulations, and the policies and procedures outlined in this
volume. Such Military Department regulations will be approved by the Secretary of Defense
pursuant to E.O. 12754.
(2) Service members may not be awarded both the SWASM and the AFEM for
Operation SOUTHERN WATCH for a single tour of duty in SWA. Service members who
become eligible for both awards during a single tour may elect to receive a single medal, either
the SWASM or the AFEM. Service members who elect to receive the SWASM are not
precluded from being awarded the AFEM for Operation SOUTHERN WATCH for a subsequent
qualifying SWA tour of duty.
(3) Service members awarded the SWASM for participating in one or more of the
operations listed in Paragraph 4.15.e.(1), may also, for the same period of service, accept and
wear the Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia) and the Kuwait Liberation Medal (Kuwait).
Specific information regarding these foreign decorations may be found in DoDI 1348.33.
h. Approval Authority. The Secretary of the Military Department concerned is the
approval authority. Each Military Department may grant exceptions to the eligibility criteria
outlined in Paragraph 4.16.e. For specific Military Department guidance, refer to:
(1) Army. AR 600-8-22.
(2) Navy and Marine Corps. SECNAVINST and SECNAVMAN 1650.1 series.
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(3) Air Force and Space Force. AFMAN 36-2806.
i. Posthumous Award. The SWASM may be awarded posthumously.
j. Order of Precedence. The SWASM is worn after the VSM and before the KCM.
k. Subsequent Award.
(1) Individuals are only presented a SWASM upon initial award.
(2) A separate bronze campaign star is worn on the SWASM suspension and campaign
ribbon to recognize each designated campaign phase in which the Service member participated
for 1 or more days. The SWASM campaign phases and inclusive dates are listed at:
l. Authorized Devices.
(1) Campaign Stars. A bronze five-pointed star, 3/16 inch in diameter.
(2) FMF Combat Operations Insignia. A miniature bronze Marine Corps emblem that
may be authorized by the Secretary of the Navy for U.S. Navy Service members assigned to
Marine Corps units that participate in combat during the assignment.
m. Illustration and Description. See Appendix 4A.
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Table 2 in this appendix provides descriptions and visual representations of all DoD CE&S
Table 2: DoD CE&S Medals
ACM: On a bronze medal 1 1/4 inches in diameter above a range of
mountains is a map of Afghanistan. Around the top is the inscription
“AFGHANISTAN CAMPAIGN.” On the reverse, a radiating demi-sun
superimposed by an eagle’s head couped. Inscribed across the bottom half
of the reserve side are the three lines “FOR SERVICE” “IN”
“AFGHANISTAN” all enclosed by a laurel wreath.
ASM: A bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, with a view of a polar
landscape and the standing figure in Antarctica clothing facing to the front
between the horizontally placed words “ANTARCTICA” on the figure’s
right and “SERVICE” on the figure’s left. Reverse: A polar projection
with geodesic lines of the continent of Antarctica across which are the
horizontally placed words “COURAGE,” “SACRIFICE,” and
“DEVOTION,” all within a circular decorative border of penguins and
marine life.
Suspension Ribbon Clasp: On a metal clasp, 1 1/4 inches in width and 1/4
inch in height, inscribed with the words “WINTERED OVER” in raised
letters within a 1/32 inch rim. The metal color of the clasp is bronze for the
first winter, gold for the second winter, and silver for the third winter.
Service Ribbon Attachment: On a metal disc, 5/16 inch in diameter, a
superimposed delineation of the Antarctica continent. The metal color of
the ribbon attachment is bronze for the first winter, gold for the second
winter, and silver for the third winter.
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Table 2. DoD CE&S Medals, Continued
AFEM: On a bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, an eagle, with wings
addorsed and inverted, standing on a sword loosened in its scabbard, and
superimposed on a radiant compass rose of eight points, all within the
circumscription “ARMED FORCES” above and “EXPEDITIONARY
SERVICE” below with a sprig of laurel on each side. On the reverse is the
shield from the U.S. coat of arms above two laurel branches separated by a
bullet, all within the circumscription “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.”
AFSM: A bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter with a demi-torch (as on
the Statue of Liberty) encircled at the top by the inscription “ARMED
FORCES SERVICE MEDAL” on the obverse side. On the reverse side is
an eagle (as on the DoD seal) between a wreath of laurel in base and the
inscription “IN PURSUIT OF DEMOCRACY” at the top.
AFRM: A bronze medal 1 1/4 inches in diameter, with a flaming torch in
front of a crossed powder horn and a bugle within a circle composed of
thirteen stars and thirteen rays. On the reverse is a different design for each
of the reserve components. The reverse of all medals have the inscription
“ARMED FORCES RESERVE” around the rim. Organized Reserve: On
a wreath, the Lexington Minuteman statue as it stands on the Common in
Lexington, Massachusetts, encircled by thirteen stars.
National Guard: The National Guard insignia (two crossed fasces
superimposed on an eagle displayed with wings reversed.
Air Force Reserve: The crest from the Air Forces seal (on a wreath, an
eagle displayed in front of a cloud form).
Naval Reserve: The center device of the Department of the Navy seal (an
eagle displayed on an anchor in front of a ship in full sail).
Marine Corps Reserve: The Marine Corps insignia (eagle perched on a
globe superimposed on an anchor).
Coast Guard Reserve: The central design of the Coast Guard seal
(crossed anchors superimposed by a shield within an annulet).
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Table 2. DoD CE&S Medals, Continued
GWOT-EM: A bronze color metal disc 1 3/8 inches in diameter, charged
with a shield adapted from the Great Seal of the United States surmounting
two swords hilts to base saltirewise enclosed within a wreath of laurel.
Overall an eagle, wings displayed, grasps a serpent in its claws. On the
reverse, the eagle, serpent, and swords from the front of the medal with the
encircling inscription “WAR ON TERRORISM EXPEDITIONARY
GWOT-SM: A bronze color metal disc 1 1/4 inches in diameter, charged
with an eagle, wings displayed, with a stylized shield of thirteen vertical
bars on its breast and holding in dexter claw an olive branch and in sinister
claw three arrows, all in front of a terrestrial globe with the inscription
above “WAR ON TERRORISM SERVICE MEDAL.” On the reverse is a
laurel wreath on a plain field.
HSM: A bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, surmounted by an open
hand, palm up, extending to the upper left. On the reverse is a sprig of oak
in a left oblique slant between the inscription “FOR HUMANITARIAN
SERVICE” in three horizontal lines, and “UNITED STATES ARMED
FORCES” in an arc around the base.
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Table 2. DoD CE&S Medals, Continued
IRCM: A bronze disc 1 1/4 inches in diameter, within a textured
circle a quatrefoil with an erect dagger enfiled by a scorpion held
by a mailed hand and arched above and on either side of the
scorpion's tail, the words “INHERENT RESOLVE” and centered
below, the word “CAMPAIGN.” On the reverse side, a single
arabesque polygonal star surrounding radiating points from the
center, superimposed by an eagle perched on a rectangle with wings
expanded and inverted, inscribed “FOR SERVICE.”
ICM: On a bronze medal 1 1/4 inches in diameter the relief of Iraq,
surmounted by two lines throughout, surmounting a palm wreath.
Above is the inscription “IRAQ CAMPAIGN.” On the reverse, the
Statue of Freedom surmounting a sunburst, encircled by two scimitars
points down crossed at tip of blades, all above the inscription “FOR
KDSM: A bronze medal 1 1/4 inches in diameter bearing a Korean “circle
dragon” within an encircling scroll inscribed “KOREA DEFENSE
SERVICE MEDAL” with, in base, two sprigs, laurel to dexter side, bamboo
in sinister. On the reverse is a representation of the land mass of Korea
surmounted by two swords points up saltirewise within a circlet garnished
of five points.
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Table 2. DoD CE&S Medals, Continued
KCM: A bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, with the stylized wreath
of grain, reflecting the agricultural domination of the area and its economy,
symbolizes the basic human rights while highlighting the desire of all for
peace, safety, and prosperity. The rocky terrain, fertile valley, and
mountain pass refer to the Dinaric Alps and the campaign theater of
operations. The sunrise denotes the dawning of a new age of unity and
hope; the right to forge a future of freedom, progress, and harmony, thus
fulfilling the goal of the Alliance. On the reverse is an outline of Kosovo,
denoting the area of conflict, combined with a NATO star and highlighted
compass cardinal points, signifying the Alliance participants who stabilized
the region and provided massive relief. The inscription “IN DEFENSE OF
HUMANITY” reinforces the objective of the action.
MOVSM: A bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter bearing on the
obverse, five annulets interlaced enfiled by a star and environed by a wreath
of laurel. On the reverse is a sprig of oak between the inscription
STATES ARMED FORCES” at the bottom.
NDSM: On a bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, an eagle displayed
with inverted wings standing on a sword and palm branch, all beneath the
inscription “NATIONAL DEFENSE.” On the reverse is a shield taken
from the U.S. coat of arms with an open wreath below it, the right side of
oak leaves and the left side of laurel leaves.
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Table 2. DoD CE&S Medals, Continued
POW Medal: On a bronze medal, 1 1/4 inches in diameter, an eagle with
wings opened surrounded by a circle of barbed wire and bayonet points.
The reverse has the inscription “AWARDED TO” around the top and “FOR
center in three lines with a space between the two inscriptions for engraving
the name of the recipient. The shield of the U.S. coat of arms is centered on
the lower part of the reverse side with the inscription “UNITED STATES
OF AMERICA” around the bottom of the medal.
SWASM: A bronze medal 1 1/4 inches wide, with the words
“SOUTHWEST ASIA SERVICE” across the center background. Above
the center is a desert scene with a tank, armored personnel carrier,
helicopter, and camels with the rising sun in the background. Below the
center is a seascape with ship, tanker, aircraft, and clouds in the
background. On the reverse is an upraised sword entwined with a palm
frond and “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” around the edge.
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Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Air Force manual
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
area of eligibility
Army Regulation
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Antarctica Service Medal
Combatant Commander
campaign, expeditionary, and service
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy
DoD directive
DoDI instruction
Executive order
Fleet Marine Force
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal
Kosovo Campaign Medal
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
National Defense Service Medal
public law
period of award
prisoner of war
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personal military decoration
Secretary of the Navy instruction
Secretary of the Navy manual
Southwest Asia
Southwest Asia Service Medal
United Nations
United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
United States Public Health Service
G.2. DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the
purposes of this issuance.
AOE. The designated geographic area, including the airspace above, where Service members
have specifically deployed to participate in a designated U.S. military operation. Designated
land areas include adjacent waters, out to 12 nautical miles, and air space above these waters.
Armed Forces of the United States. The Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force,
and Coast Guard.
direct support of a humanitarian operation. Units providing immediate relief or humanitarian
services, support, or supplies and equipment in designated areas of operation.
humanitarian operation. Military support solely dedicated to the performance of relief
operations in the aftermath of a natural or manmade disaster where a large number of civilian
personnel have been displaced or are in want of the basic necessities for survival.
meritorious service. Individual performance that exceeds that expected by virtue of grade and
experience, based on accomplishments during an entire tour of duty. Awards given for
meritorious service must cover the period of the controlled duty tour, plus any extensions.
Award for meritorious service are typically awarded for a period of service greater than 12
Military Services. Synonymous with the termArmed Forces of the United States.”
POW. A detained person as defined in Articles 4 and 5 of the Geneva Convention.
Service member. A member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
significant activity. A U.S. military operation considered to be of such a high degree of scope,
impact, and national or international significance as to warrant the permanent commemoration
and recognition afforded by award of a CE&S medal.
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Air Force Manual 36-2806, “Awards and Memorialization Program,” June 10, 2019
Army Regulation 600-8-22, “Military Awards,” June 25, 2015
DoD Directive 5124.02, “Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)),” June 23, 2008
DoD Electronic Foreign Clearance Guide, current edition
DoD Instruction 1348.33, “Military Awards Program,” December 21, 2016, as amended
DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Collections: Procedures for DoD Internal
Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
Executive Order 3524, “Directing that Designs for Medals, Coins, etc., and Statues, Fountains,
Monuments, Parks and Buildings in the District of Columbia be Submitted to the
Commission of Fine Arts,” July 28, 1921
Executive Order 10163, “Establishing the Armed Forces Reserve Medal,” September 25, 1950
Executive Order 10439, “Amendment of Executive Order No. 10163 of September 25, 1950,
Establishing the Armed Forces Reserve Medal,” March 19, 1953
Executive Order 10448, “Establishing the National Defense Service Medal,” April 22, 1953
Executive Order 10631, “Code of Conduct for Members of the Armed Forces of the United
States,” August 17, 1955
Executive Order 10977, “Establishing the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal,”
December 4, 1961
Executive Order 11965, “Establishing the Humanitarian Service Medal,” January 19, 1977
Executive Order 12754, “Establishing the Southwest Asia Service Medal,” March 12, 1991
Executive Order 12776, “Extending the National Defense Service Medal to Members of the
Reserve Components of the Armed Forces of the United States During the Period of the
Persian Gulf Crisis,” October 8, 1991
Executive Order 12830, “Establishing the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal,”
January 9, 1993
Executive Order 12985, “Establishing the Armed Forces Service Medal,” January 11, 1996
Executive Order 13013, “Amending Executive Order No. 10163, the Armed Forces Reserve
Medal,” August 6, 1996
Executive Order 13154, “Establishing the Kosovo Campaign Medal,” May 3, 2000
Executive Order 13289, “Establishing the Global War on Terrorism Medals,” March 14, 2003
Executive Order 13293, “Amendment to Executive Order 10448, Establishing the National
Defense Service Medal,” March 28, 2003
Executive Order 13363, “Establishing the Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals,”
November 29, 2004
Executive Order 13723, “Establishing the Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal,” March 30, 2016.
Public Law 86-600, “To provide for the presentation of the Antarctica Service Medal,”
July 7, 1960
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Public Law 105-85, Section 572, “Eligibility for Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal for
Participation in Operation Joint Endeavor or Operation Joint Guard,” November 18, 1997
Public Law 108-234, “An act to provide for the establishment of separate campaign medals to be
awarded to members of the uniformed services who participate in Operation Enduring
Freedom and to members of the uniformed services who participate in Operation Iraqi
Freedom,” May 28, 2004
Public Law 109-163, Section 576, “Eligibility for Operation Enduring Freedom campaign
medal,” January 6, 2006
Public Law 116-283, “William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2021,” January 1, 2021
Secretary of the Navy Instruction 1650.1 Series, “Department of the Navy Awards Policy,”
May 29, 2019, as amended
Secretary of the Navy Manual 1650.1 Series, “Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual,”
August 2019, as amended
United States Code, Title 10
United States Code, Title 14, Section 712
United States Code, Title 37, Section 310