Visual impairment and socioeconomic factors
P M Livingston, C A McCarty, H R Taylor
Background—Information about socio-
economic factors associated with visual
impairment can assist in the design of
intervention programmes. Such infor-
mation was collected by the Melbourne
Visual Impairment Project (Melbourne
Methods—The Melbourne VIP was a
population based study of non-
institutionalised permanent residents in
nine suburbs of the Melbourne metropoli-
tan area aged 40 years of age and older. A
standardised eye examination was pro-
vided to eligible residents which included
a structured interview. Variables of inter-
est for this analysis were age, sex, country
of birth, language spoken at home, educa-
tion level, use of private health insurance,
employment status, and living arrange-
ments. Visual impairment was defined as
a best corrected visual acuity <6/18 and/or
visual field constriction to within 20° of
Results—A total of 3271 (83%) residents
participated. Participants ranged in age
from 40 to 98 years; 54% were female.
Forty four (1.34%) were classified as visu-
ally impaired due to visual acuity and/or
visual field loss. To evaluate the independ-
ent association of the significant socio-
demographic variables with visual
impairment, a regression model was con-
structed that included age, retirement
status, use of private health insurance,
and household arrangement. The results
showed that age was the significant pre-
dictor of visual impairment (OR: 3.19; CI:
2.29–4.43), with the mean age of people
with visual impairment significantly older
(75.0 years) compared with people without
visual impairment (58.2 years) (t
test=9.71; p=0.0001). Of the 44 visually
impaired people, 39 (87%) were aged 60
years of age and older.
Conclusion—The results indicate that age
is the most significant factor associated
with visual impairment. Of some im-
portance was the finding that people with
visual impairment were less likely to have
private health insurance. With the aging
of the population, the number of people
aVected by visual impairment will in-
crease significantly. Intervention pro-
grammes need to be established before the
onset of middle age to oVset the escalation
of visual impairment in the older popula-
(Br J Ophthalmol 1997;81:574–577)
Despite the fact that it imposes a significant
socioeconomic burden on society, little infor-
mation is available on socioeconomic factors
that may influence visual impairment. Few
population based studies have investigated the
role socioeconomic factors play in the develop-
ment of visual impairment.
characteristics may highlight the
socioeconomic burden of eye disease in the
community and barriers to utilisation of eye
services in subpopulation groups. This infor-
mation is important to quantify the need for
treatment and rehabilitative services, design
innovative public health education and screen-
ing programmes that are targeted towards cer-
tain groups within the population, and identify
priority areas of research.
The aim of this study was to explore which
socioeconomic factors may be associated with
visual impairment using data from the
Melbourne Visual Impairment Project
(Melbourne VIP).
The Melbourne VIP was a population based
survey of non-institutionalised permanent resi-
dents of the Melbourne metropolitan area aged
40 years or older. The detailed methodology
has been reported elsewhere.
In brief, nine
pairs of adjacent census collector districts were
randomly selected from the Melbourne Statis-
tical Division. A door to door, household cen-
sus was taken to identify all eligible people—
that is, those aged 40 years or older in the
calendar year of examination and who had
lived at that address for 6 months or more.
Eligible individuals were invited to attend a
local examination centre for a standardised
ophthalmic examination and interview.
Presenting visual acuity was measured with the
participant’s current distance correction, or if
distant correction was not used, the unaided
distant visual acuity was measured. If the
presenting acuity was <6/6, refraction was
undertaken. Best corrected visual acuity was
determined after objective autorefraction and
subjective refinement.
The visual field examination was performed
with a Humphrey field analyser (HFA) (Hum-
phrey Instruments Inc, San Leandro, CA,
USA) on all capable participants. Participants
not capable of performing the HFA test and
those examined at their homes were tested with
a Bjerrum screen. For those who were unable
to perform a Bjerrum screen, visual fields were
assessed by confrontation.
British Journal of Ophthalmology 1997;81:574–577574
University of
Department of
Ophthalmology, Royal
Victorian Eye and Ear
Hospital, Melbourne,
P M Livingston
C A McCarty
H R Taylor
Correspondence to:
Dr P M Livingston,
University of Melbourne,
Department of
Ophthalmology, 1st Floor,
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear
Hospital, 32 Gisborne Street,
East Melbourne 3002,
Accepted for publication
26 March 1997
Visual impairment was defined as a best
corrected visual acuity <6/18 and/or visual
field constriction to within 20° of fixation in
the better eye.
A screening process was conducted on all par-
ticipants during the eye examination. Partici-
pants identified during the visual acuity or
visual field testing who had a best corrected
visual acuity <6/18 and/or visual field constric-
tion to within 20° of fixation in the better eye
were defined as cases. A participant qualified as
a control if he/she was not visually impaired.
Sociodemographic status was classified from
reported characteristics of the individual.
Group characteristics refer to reported charac-
teristics on median household income from
information derived from the Australian Bu-
reau of Statistics.
Sample areas were also
For the purpose of this analysis, education
level was divided into four mutually exclusive
groups, 6 or less years (primary); greater than 6
but less than 12 years (secondary); trade
apprenticeship; and tertiary education. Em-
ployment status was classified as currently
employed (either full or part-time), retired or
performing home duties; private health insur-
ance was classified as either privately insured
or not privately insured; language spoken at
home was categorised as English speaking or
other and country of birth was collapsed into
Australian born or other. These socioeconomic
factors were initially analysed individually
before being condensed for the final model.
Data on household income were not col-
lected because of the concerns of the potential
negative impact the questions might have on
participation. Age adjusted rates of visual
impairment for each of the nine sample areas
were calculated and compared with the median
household income as reported in the 1991
Median household income for each
sample area was determined from the Austral-
ian Bureau of Statistics, Basic Community
Statistical methods for univariate analyses
included the ÷
test for comparing groups and t
test for comparing means. Multivariate analy-
ses were performed using logistic regression to
compute the relative odds of visual impairment
for the diVerent risk factors while controlling
for potential confounders; analysis of covari-
ance was conducted to compare means while
controlling for confounders. Data analyses
were performed using
SAS (SAS Institute, Cary,
NC, USA). Factors associated with visual
impairment were considered statistically sig-
nificant when p<0.05.
A total of 4273 houses were identified in the
nine study clusters. Of these 4033 (94%) pro-
vided information and 2391 (59%) had eligible
residents. In the eligible houses there were
3946 eligible people of whom 3271 (83%)
agreed to participate. Non-English speaking
people were significantly less likely to partici-
pate (odds ratio (OR): 0.61; confidence
interval (CI): 0.48–0.77), but there were no
other significant diVerences between partici-
pants and non-participants and between par-
ticipants and the Melbourne and Australian
The participants ranged in age
from 40 to 98 years and 54% were female.
The prevalence of visual impairment is
reported elsewhere.
A total 44 (1.34%) people
were classified as visually impaired with best
corrected visual acuity <6/18 and/or constric-
tion of the visual field to within 20° of fixation
in the better eye.
Individual characteristics
To evaluate the univariate association of
specific sociodemographic characteristics with
visual impairment, several regression models
were constructed that included age, sex,
education level, retirement status, country of
birth, main language spoken at home, use of
private health insurance, and living arrange-
ments (Table 1).
Another multivariate regression model was
constructed which included the factors signifi-
cant in the univariate analysis. The results
showed that age was the only significant
predictor of visual impairment (OR: 3.19; CI:
2.29–4.43). However, not having private health
insurance approached statistical significance
(OR: 1.65; CI: 0.86–3.20) (Table 2).
People with visual impairment were signifi-
cantly older (75.0 years) compared with people
without visual impairment (58.2 years)
(t test = 9.71; p = 0.0001). Further analyses
Table 1 Univariate logistic regression assessing the odds of
visual impairment associated with socioeconomic factors
Socioeconomic factors:
individual characteristics Odds ratio Confidence intervals
Born elsewhere 1.23 0.70–2.40
Other language spoken at
home 1.28 0.61–2.69
Sex (females) 1.67 0.89–3.12
Education (secondary) 1.84 0.95–3.54
No private health insurance 2.43 1.29–4.56
Age (10 years) 3.27 2.48–4.32
Living arrangement (alone) 3.28 1.75–6.25
Education (trade) 5.26 0.69–40.00
Education (tertiary) 5.26 0.70–11.40
Retired 10.31 3.17–33.33
Table 2 Multivariate logistic regression assessing the odds
of visual impairment associated with socioeconomic factors
(individual characteristics)
Socioeconomic factors:
individual characteristics Odds ratio Confidence intervals
Living arrangement (alone) 1.04 0.51–2.12
Retired 1.51 0.41–5.58
No private health insurance 1.65 0.86–3.20
Age (10 years) 3.19 2.29–4.43
Visual impairment and socioeconomic factors 575
indicated that of the 44 people visually
impaired, 39 (87%) were aged 60 years of age
and older. People aged 60 years of age and
older were 10 times more likely to have visual
impairment compared with those aged under
60 years of age.
Thirty five per cent of people with visual
impairment had private health insurance com-
pared with 57% of people without private
health insurance.
Geographic location
Visual impairment varied by geographic loca-
tion (Table 3). However, this diVerence was
not significant (÷
=10.04; p=0.26). Owing to
the relatively small sample size in each test site,
there was insuYcient power to determine the
local predictors of visual impairment by
sample area. It was impossible to assess any
clustering eVects because too few cases resided
in any sample area; however, all clusters
showed an increase in visual impairment with
increasing age.
Median household income
The distribution of the median household
income is shown in Figure 1. Overall, people
with visual impairment were more likely to live
in an area where the median household income
was less than A$35 000 per year (Windsor,
Albert Park, Werribee, and East Bentleigh)
compared with people with median household
incomes of $35 000 or more (Frankston,
Edithvale, Glenroy, Wantirna, and Doncaster)
=30.90; p=0.001). People who lived in the
sample area Windsor which had the lowest
median household income ($22 000) had
twice the rate of visual impairment compared
with overall sample rate of 1.34%.
In the univariate analysis looking at visual
impairment by median household income, the
analysis showed that people were 68% less
likely to have visual impairment if they lived in
an area with a median household income of
$35 000 or more. However, this diVerence was
not significant (Table 4).
Although the prevalence of visual impairment
was low, the similarities between the Mel-
bourne VIP with the Melbourne and Austral-
ian communities indicate that this level of
impairment is representative of the Australian
community. The Melbourne VIP age standard-
ised rate of blindness (US definition <6/60)
was 0.34%, which was not significantly diVer-
ent from other (age standardised to the
Melbourne VIP) rates reported in white
cohorts from three studies conducted in urban
and rural areas in the United States—the Bea-
ver Dam Eye Study (0.42%),
the Baltimore
Eye Survey (0.79% in whites),
and the Appa-
lachian community (0.61%).
This rate was
also similar to the rate from the Blue
Mountains Eye Study in New South Wales
Previous studies have analysed the role of
individual characteristics to oVer insight into
the association between socioeconomic status
and visual impairment.
After adjustment for
potential confounders, age was the most
significant factor associated with visual impair-
Deterioration of vision threatens one’s inde-
pendence and lifestyle. Good vision is a key
element in one’s ability to live an active and
independent life. Informing the community of
age related eye disease, regular eye examina-
tions (that is, every 2 years after age 40), and
appropriate treatment in the prevention of
visual impairment needs to be tailored to an
aging population.
Of importance was the finding that those
who did not have private health insurance were
at increased risk of being visually impaired, but
this finding was not statistically significant. An
additional 75 cases of visual impairment would
have been necessary to demonstrate, with 80%
power, the association between private health
insurance and visual impairment. It is interest-
ing to note that 45% of people in Australia over
55 years of age have private health insurance.
The rate in this study was higher for those
who did not have visual impairment (57%) but
was also lower among those who did have
visual impairment (35%). These percentages
Table 3 Prevalence of visual impairment by sample area
Sample area Prevalence (%)
Windsor 2.7
Albert Park 2.2
Edithvale 1.8
East Bentleigh 1.4
Werribee 1.6
Frankston 1.2
Doncaster 0.9
Wantirna 0.6
Glenroy 0.6
Figure 1 Visual impairment by median household
22 000
Median household income (S)
27 500
32 500
35 000
41 250
46 250
Table 4 Univariate logistic regression assessing the odds of
visual impairment associated with median household
Median household income
(A$) Odds ratio Confidence intervals
<35 000 1.00
>35 000 0.68 0.37–1.25
576 Livingston, McCarty, Taylor
are much higher in the urban communities
compared with 42% of people in rural
communities who have private health insur-
Use of private health insurance is also
reflected by the economic circumstances of the
individual. Only 32% of people in households
with median household incomes less than
$32 500 in Australia have private health insur-
ance compared with 67% of those with median
household incomes over $32 500.
Little infor-
mation is available on these economic consid-
erations in Australia. These costs may reflect
the issues of access and lack of economic
resources to participate in preventive eye
health care. Further research is required to
ascertain the possible barriers to access of eye
services among people who have the potential
to develop visual impairment.
In previous studies education level, employ-
ment status, and living arrangement appeared
to influence visual impairment.
socioeconomic factors were not demonstrated
to be significantly associated with visual
impairment in this analysis; however, this may
be attributable to the small number of cases.
Although an additional 115 cases would be
necessary to demonstrate the significant im-
portance of retirement status, the point esti-
mates of the odds ratios indicate that being
retired may have been associated with visual
It should be noted that although living alone
and not having private health insurance were
not significant in the multivariate analysis, this
may be attributable to the variables being
covariate—that is, people who are uninsured
are alone and elderly. The Melbourne VIP
found that 65% of people who lived alone and
aged 60+ did not have private health insurance
compared with 45% of people, aged 60 years
and older, who lived with others.
While it is recognised that there are some
limitations in comparing group or sample area
characteristics, such as the ecological bias, the
information can be used to confirm trends
from the individual characteristics. In the
present study there was no significant diVer-
ence between people with a median household
income of less than $35 000 compared with
households with a median household income
over $35 000. However, this may be attribut-
able to the small sample size. An additional
140 cases would have been necessary to
demonstrate an eVect of median household
income with visual impairment. Australian
13 14
suggests that the cost of services
can be a great deterrent in the use of services
by lower socioeconomic groups, although
American researchers suggested that this situa-
tion may be attributable to the reduced earning
potential of people with visual impairment.
Further research is necessary to address this
The implications of this research for health
services planning and delivery are noteworthy.
The Australian population is aging
and as
individuals grow older they are more likely to
have impaired vision. Assuming age specific
rates of visual impairment continue, popula-
tion growth projections
indicate, without
intervention, the number of people with visual
impairment will double over the next 25 years.
A planned, systematic, educational interven-
tion programme needs to be designed and
implemented to reduce the prevalence and
incidence of visual impairment in the commu-
nity. The aim should be to shift the emphasis
away from the end stage of disease towards
increased knowledge of the dangers associated
with age related eye conditions. The aim must
be to improve community awareness on the
consequences of undiagnosed and untreated
age related eye disease and how to access
primary and secondary eye health care. This
would also provide a more eVective use of the
eye healthcare system.
Education programmes need to be estab-
lished before the onset of middle age to oVset
the escalation of visual impairment in the older
population. This is an important goal in the
promotion of preventative ophthalmic care in
an aging population.
The authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of the
following people: Ms Sharon Bayley, Ms Marie Bissinella, Dr
Charles Guest, Ms Cara Jin, Ms Sharon Lee, Ms Claire Mc-
Kean, Dr Yury Stanislavsky, Mrs Catherine Walker, and Mr
Matthew Wensor. The Melbourne VIP is supported in part by
the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, the Ansell
Ophthalmology Foundation, and the National Health and
Medical Research Council, including the Sir John Eccles Award
to Professor Hugh Taylor. We also acknowledge the support of
Carl Zeiss in their donation of Humphrey equipment for use by
the project.
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Visual impairment and socioeconomic factors 577