Technological University Dublin Technological University Dublin
School of Physics, Clinical and Optometric
School performance and undetected and untreated visual School performance and undetected and untreated visual
problems in schoolchildren in Ireland; a population-based cross-problems in schoolchildren in Ireland; a population-based cross-
sectional study sectional study
Síofra Harrington
Technological University Dublin
Peter Davison
Technological University Dublin
Veronica O'Dwyer
Technological University Dublin
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Siofra Harrington, Peter A. Davison & Veronica O'Dwyer (2021): School performance and undetected and
untreated visual problems in schoolchildren in Ireland; a population-based cross-sectional study, Irish
Educational Studies, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2021.1899024
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School performance and undetected and
untreated visual problems in schoolchildren in
Ireland; a population-based cross-sectional study
Siofra Harrington, Peter A. Davison & Veronica O'Dwyer
To cite this article: Siofra Harrington, Peter A. Davison & Veronica O'Dwyer (2021):
School performance and undetected and untreated visual problems in schoolchildren
in Ireland; a population-based cross-sectional study, Irish Educational Studies, DOI:
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Published online: 23 Apr 2021.
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School performance and undetected and untreated visual problems in
schoolchildren in Ireland; a population-based cross-sectional study
Siofra Harrington
, Peter A. Davison and Veronica ODwyer
School of Physical and Clinical and Optometric Sciences, Technological University Dublin,
Dublin, Ireland
(Received 17 February 2020; accepted 10 December 2020)
This study explored the association between childrens vision and their school
academic progress as reported by parents/guardians. Participants were 1,612
schoolchildren (722 6-7-year-olds, 890 12-13-year-olds) in randomly selected
schools in Ireland. In advance of data collection, parents/guardians reported
school performance as (a) much better than classmates (high-performance) (b)
about the same as classmates (average-performance) (c) not as well as
classmates (low-performance). Measurements included logMAR monocular
visual acuities (with spectacles if worn, and pinhole) in the distance (3 m) and
near (40 cm); the amplitude of accommodation; stereoacuity, colour vision
assessment, and cyclopleged autorefraction.
Controlling for confounders, children presenting with visual impairment
(vision poorer than 0.3logMAR (6/12) in the better eye), amblyopia (lazy
eye), uncorrected refractive error (hyperopia +3.50D and astigmatism
1.50DC), reduced for age ability to adjust focus from distance to near tasks
(accommodation), impaired three-dimensional vision (stereoacuity), and
defective colour vision were more likely to report low-performance in school.
The majority of low-performing participants (68%) did not have an eye
examination within the 12 months before data collection. Children with
academic performance challenges ought to have a comprehensive eye
examination, to detect potential vision problems for early intervention
minimising any negative impact they may have on educational outcomes.
Keywords: School performance; vision; visual impairment; amblyopia; refractive
Research suggests that up to 80% of what children learn in school is acquired visually
(Ehri 2005; Scheiman and Rouse 2006; Sylva 1997). For example, 70-80% of a typical
school day involves visual-based tasks, of which half are sustained near visual tasks
(Narayanasamy et al. 2016; Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir 2017). Good vision is
essential to learn efciently and succeed in school. Untreated, visual impairments
in childhood, can result in developmental delay; limiting educational achievement,
reducing employment opportunities and social engagement (Skarzyn
ski and Pio-
trowska 2012). Schoolchildren need many visual skills to learn including adequate
visual acuity (VA) to distinguish details on blackboards or whiteboards (distance),
© 2021 Educational Studies Association of Ireland
* Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Irish Educational Studies, 2021
computer screens (intermediate), and written material/books (near) and to quickly
and accurately adjust the eyes focus between these tasks (Li 2004). Other visual abil-
ities required include coordinating the use of two eyes together when moving eyes
across a page or judging depth and distances (Taylor-Kulp 1999). Moreover, learning
requires the ability to make sense of what we see (visual perception) which involves
recognition, comprehension and retention (Goldstand, Koslowe, and Parush 2005).
Accordingly, the link between vision and academic performance has been observed
in many studies which addressed specic aspects of visual function such as VA
(Kulp and Schmidt 1996), stereoacuity (three-dimensional image) (Ponsonby et al.
2013), uncorrected refractive error (myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (longsight-
edness) and astigmatism (distorted vision due to irregular cornea or lens) (VIP-HIP
Study Group 2016)), inadequate binocular vision status and delayed visual processing
(Christian et al. 2018; Hopkins et al. 2019). However, no study has examined the col-
lective inuence of these and other factors such as colour vision deciency on school
Vision appears to be strongly associated with learning in the learn to read stage
(<8-years-old) where there is a signicant demand on the visual system when decod-
ing text (Chen, Bleything, and Lim 2011). Whereas visual requirements change
during the read to learn stage (>8-years-old); print size decreases, the amount of
time spent reading and studying increases, thus increasing visual demand (Legge
and Bigelow 2011; Wilkins et al. 2009), and fast, automatic decoding is required as
the emphasis is on comprehension. Children with special educational needs benet
measurably from in-school comprehensive eyecare and spectacle provision (Black
et al. 2019). However, results regarding the association between vision and school per-
formance in typically developing children have been inconsistent; some studies have
found an association (Bruce et al. 2016; Wood et al. 2018), while other studies have
not (Dirani, Shekar, and Baird 2008; Helveston et al. 1985).
Many studies established an association between myopia and intelligence
measures (Onal et al. 2007; Williams, Miller, and Saw 2008 ), however, in contrast,
hyperopia is associated with reading difculties (Ip et al. 2008), educational underper-
formance (Stewart-Brown, Haslum, and Butler 2008; Williams, Miller, and Saw
2008), and developmental de cits (Atkinson et al. 2002). Children with amblyopia
(lazy eye) read more slowly (Kelly et al. 2015), and take signicantl
y longer to com-
plete a multiple-choice form despite being provided with the correct answers when
compared to a control group (Kelly et al. 2018). Academic challenges in school
due to defective colour vision (Gallo et al. 2003), and amblyopia (Carlton and Kal-
tenthaler 2011) can result in low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority. Unaddressed
visual issues have negative consequences for both the individual, in ter ms of dimin-
ished educational opportunities (Khalaj et al. 2011), and reduced quality of life
(Carlton and Kaltenthaler 2011), with implications beyond school years affecting
employment options; additionally impacting the broader community in terms of
higher healthcare expenditure and lost output (Rahi and Gilbert 2012).
Therefore, addressing vision disorders in early childhood, ideally in advance of
commencing school (Roch-Levecq 2008), is essential to prevent them from impacting
on childrens education, social and physical development (Birch et al. 2018; Webber
2018). This is the rst study in Ireland to examine the relationship between
parents/guardians perception of their childrens school academic progress in main-
stream school and various aspects of vision. The present study examined the
2 S. Harrington et al.
collective inuence of a wide range of vision variables on parent-reported school per-
formance using multinomial logistic regression.
Sampling, recruitment protocols, participation rates, experimental techniques and
methods employed are previously described in detail (Harrington et al. 2019a). The
present study adopted protocols and sampling measures used in population-based
international studies (Negrel et al. 2000; Ojaimi et al. 2005;ODonoghue et al.
2010, Logan et al. 2011), designed to assess refractive error and visual impairment
in children, where sample sizes were based on estimating the age-specic myopia
prevalence in the study population. In summary, sample size calculations, using
analysis, were based on a 3-5% myopia prevalence with a 1.0% standard
error for 6-7-year-olds and 10% prevalence with 1.5% standard error for 12-13-
year-olds. The sample was inated to allow for clustering within schools and a 75%
participation rate. Therefore, a minimum of seven hundred 6-7-year-old and eight
hundred 12-13-year-old children was required. Stratied random sampling was
used to obtain representative samples of children in mainstream schools in Ireland.
Schools were categorised by primary/post-primary status, urban/rural status and
socioeconomic status. The Irish state supports schools designated as Delivering
Equality of opportunity In School (DEIS). This study categorised socioeconomic
status by DEIS status: DEIS schools were dened as socioeconomically disadvan-
taged, other schools were dened as advantaged. The Technological University
Dublin Research Ethics Committee granted ethical approval, and the study was
carried out in compliance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Public involvement: During the design stage of the study, focus groups assessed the
burden associated with, and the time to complete the study questionnaire (Collins
2003). Focus group feedback, to improve the study accessibility, shortened the ques-
tionnaire, simplied the wording, and added a statement advising parents/guardians
to skip any questions they felt uncomfortable answering. Furthermore, a storyboard,
outlining the examination, was designed to make the study clear to children. Addition-
ally, focus group feedback revealed objectively measured academic scores and teacher-
reported ndings of participants school performance would not be acceptable to some
parents of low-performing children. This could have compromised the questionnaire
response rate and negatively impacted on participants engaging with the study.
Hence, the study used parent/guardian reports as a proxy for school performance. Pre-
vious research found parental reports are as accurate as standardised testing or pro-
fessional opinion (Diamond 1987; Diamond and Squires 1993; Glascoe 1997).
Children with written inf ormed consent and child assent were examined on their
school premises within school hours. Data collection was conducted between June
2016 and Janu ary 2018 by the rst author (Dr Síofra Harrington), a trained optometrist.
Participants wer e 1,626 schoolchildren in Ireland: 728 participants aged 6-7-years-old
(377 bo ys and 351 girls) and 898 participants aged 12-13-years-old (504 bo ys and 394
girls). Ethnicity was as follo ws: White (1290 participants), Traveller (156 participants)
or non-White (combined: Black 80, East Asian 51, and South Asian 49). The Traveller
community is Irelands largest indigenous ethnic minority (Gilbert et al. 2017).
Participants parents/guardians completed a standardised questionnaire reporting
inter-alia, eye and vision problems, medical and previous eye examination and
Irish Educational Studies 3
parent-reported school performance. They returned it to the rst author in advance
of data collection. The questionnaire parent-reported school performance response
options were: (a) much better than classmates; (b) about the same as classmates;
(c) not as well as classmates. Henceforth referred to as high-performance, average-
performance and low-performance in line with the Programme for International
Student Assessment (PISA) worldwide study by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) categories (OECD 2016).
Distance vision (3 m): monocular logMAR presenting (with spectacles if worn) VA
was measured and scored by-letter with and without a pinhole using the Good-Lite
(Elgin, Illinois) Sloan letters logMAR chart. A matching card was available for par-
ticipants unable to name the letters. Near vision (40 cm): monocular logMAR pre-
senting VA was measured using the Sonsken logMAR near test chart (Novomed
limited, Maidstone, ME199AG, UK). Stereovision: The TNO anaglyph stereo-test
(Richmond products, South San Francisco, CA 94080, USA) was used to quantify
the degree of stereoacuity. Amplitude of accommodation (this is the maximum
measure of accommodative function (the ability of the eye to change its focus from
distant to near objects) that can be observed) was measured binocularly using the
Royal-Air-Force rule push-up method; participants reported when the target
brought gradually nearer their eyes became blurred. Ocular alignment was evaluated
to check for the presence of strabismus (misaligned eyes) using a cover-uncover test,
and an alternating cover test, using an accommodative target with and without spec-
tacle correction (if worn) at 3m and 40cm. The Richmond Hardy-Rand-Rittler fourth
edition, colour-vision test was performed with the habitual prescription in place at a
distance of 70 cm in natural daylight. Cycloplegic autorefraction was performed at
least 20 min and not more than 45 min post instillation of anaesthetic (Minims Prox-
ymetacaine Hydrochloride 0.5% w/v, Bausch & Lomb, UK) and cycloplegic eye drops
(Minims Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride 1% w/v, Bausch & Lomb, UK). Cycloplegic
refraction is the gold standard for measuring refractive errors in children; the eye
drops temporarily paralyse the focusing system of the eye. Non-cycloplegic refraction
can result in overdiagnosis of short-sightedness and underestimation of long-sighted-
ness (Li et al. 2019). The representative value for SER - sphere plus half the cylindrical
value - was used in subsequent analysis.
Denitions: Presenting visual impairment (PVI) was presenting VA
>0.30logMAR (worse than 6/12 Snellen) in the better eye (Smith et al. 2009).
Amblyopia was dened as pinhole acuity0.3logMAR in the affected eye, plus the
presence of an amblyogenic factor (Xiao et al. 2015). Clinically signicant refractive
errors were: myopia SER≤−1.00 dioptre
(D), hyperopia3.50D, astigmatism1.50
dioptre cylinder (DC)
(ODonoghue et al. 2012). Follow up: Subsequent to the
examination, all parents/guardians received a detailed report advising them of
study ndings and the necessity of any further treatment if required.
Statistical methodology
Multinomial logistic regression analysis, with participants who reported average-per-
formance as the reference category, was employed to examine the relationship of
4 S. Harrington et al.
parent-reported school performance with categorical variables (myopia, hyperopia,
astigmatism, amblyopia, stereoacuity status, PVI and colour-vision) while controlling
for confounders (ethnicity, socioeconomic status and gender). Presenting vision
(logMAR), stereoacuity (arc-seconds) and amplitude of accommodation (D) were
analysed as continuous variables in the multiple linear regression models. The distri-
bution of right and left eye data were signicantly correlated for distance VA (Pearson
correlation: 6-7-years-old r = 0.77, 12-13-years-old r = 0.65, overall r = 0.71 (all
p<0.001)), and near VA (Pearson correlation: 67 years r = 0.85, 12-13-years-old
r = 0.55, overall r = 0.76 (all p < 0.001)). Hence, data are presented for the right eye
only unless otherwise stated; amblyopia means amblyopic in either eye or both. P-
values 0.05 were regarded as signicant. Throughout, 95% condence intervals
(CI) were used.
Statistical analysis of study questionnaires and examination results included
722 of the 728 6-7-year-olds (response-rate = 99.2%) and 890 of the 898 12-
13-year-olds (response-rate = 99.1%). Their parents/guardians reported 9%
(67/722) of 6-7-year-old and 6% (55/890) of 12-13-year- old participants as
Sociodemographic Factors associated with school performance
Logistic regression analysis showed high-performance was associated with older
age-group (OR = 1.5, CI:1.1-1.9, p = 0.006), urban living (OR = 1.8, CI:1.3-2.5,
p < 0.001), but not ethnicity (p = 0.84), or socioeconomic status (p = 0.45) or
gender (p = 0.81).
Low-performance was associated with: socioeconomic disadvantage (OR = 2.0,
CI:1.3-3.0, p = 0.003); 10.7% (37/345) of socioeconomically disadvantaged partici-
pants reported low-performance compared to 6.6% (85/1286) of advantaged partici-
pants; Male gender (OR = 1.7, CI:1.1-2.5, p = 0.01); 9.1% (79/872) of males reported
low-performance compared to 5.8% (43/741) of females; and Traveller ethnicity
(OR = 3.0, CI:1.3-7.0, p = 0.008); 14.0% (21/151) of Traveller participants reported
low-performance, the corresponding percentages for White and non-White were
7.0% (92/1282) and 5.0% (9/182) respectively. Low-performance was not associated
with urban/rural living (p = 0.66).
Over two-thirds of low-performing participants (67% of 6-7-year-olds and 69% of
12-13-year-olds) had no eye examination within 12 months of data collection. Unless
otherwise stated the 6-7-year-olds and 12-13-year-olds are herewith analysed
Distance vision (3 m)
Distance vision was signicantly better amongst high-performing than average-per-
forming and low-performing 6-7-year-olds (p < 0.001); similarly among 12-13-year-
old (p = 0.02) participants (Table 1 and Figure 1 in which a higher value indicates
poorer vision).
Irish Educational Studies 5
Table 1. The relationship between school-performance in 722 6-7-years-old and 890 12-13-
years-old participants and presenting vision (distance 3 m and near 40 cm), presenting
stereovision and the presenting amplitude of accommodation.
Presenting vision
67 years
mean ± SD mean ± SD mean ± SD
Distance vision
0.01 ± 0.15 0.00 ± 0.15 0.15 ± 0.25 <0.001
Near vision (logMAR) 0.07 ± 0.18 0.08 ± 0.22 0.23 ± 0.35 <0.001
150.4 ± 217.7 135.9 ± 202.6 282.0 ± 325.8 <0.001
14.0 ± 4.2 13.7 ± 3.8 11.4 ± 4.9 <0.001
1213 years
mean ± SD mean ± SD mean ± SD
Distance vision
0.05 ± 0.23 0.03 ± 0.19 0.00 ± 0.24 0.03
Near vision (logMAR) 0.03 ± 0.12 0.04 0.07 ± 0.18 0.02
87.6 ± 163.9 95.1 ± 190.0 149.4 ± 252.3 0.001
12.2 ± 3.2 12.1 ± 3.8 11.1 ± 3.4 0.24
Measurements taken with participants spectacles if worn; Boldface indicates statistically signicant P <
0.05; standard deviation (SD).
Figure 1. The distribution of distance vision (presenting with spectacles if worn) in 6-7-year-
olds (top image) and 1213 year-olds (bottom image) by parent-reported school performance
category. On average, distance vision in low-performing 6-7-year-olds was signicantly poorer
than average-performing and high-performing 6-7-year-olds.
6 S. Harrington et al.
Near vision (40 cm)
Near vision was signicantly better amongst high-performing, than average-perform-
ing, and low-performing 6-7-year-olds (p < 0.001); similarily in 12-13-year-olds (p <
0.001) (Table 1).
Stereovision was signicantly better amongst high-performing than average-perform-
ing and low-performing 6-7-year-olds (p < 0.001); correspondingly in 12-13-year-olds
(p = 0.001) (Table 1 and Figure 2 in which a higher value indicates poorer
Amplitude of accommodation
Poorer accommodation was associated with low-performance in the 6-7-year-olds (p
< 0.001), but not the 12-13-year-olds (p = 0.24) (Table 1).
Presenting visual impairment
Six-seven-year-olds: PVI was associated with low-performance (OR = 11.2, CI:4.8-27,
p < 0.001) (Figure 3). Of the 67 low-performing 6-7-years-olds, 11 (16.4%) had PVI;
seven (10.5%) of which reported no history of spectacle wear; two (3.0%) required
updated spectacles, and two (3%) did not have their spectacles at school.
Twelve-thirteen-year-olds: PVI was associated with low-performance (OR = 3.3,
CI:1.5-9.1, p = 0.02) (Figure 3); of the 55 low-performing 12-13-year-olds ve (9%)
had PVI, of which two reported no history of spectacle wear, two were at school
without their spectacles, and one required updated spectacles.
Figure 2. The distribution of stereoacuity (arcseconds) in 6-7-year-olds (top image) and 12
13 year-olds (bottom image) by parent-reported school performance category. Low-perform-
ing participants had signicantly poorer stereoacuity than average-performing and high-per-
forming participants in both age-groups.
Irish Educational Studies 7
Spectacle wear compliance
Amongst low-performing participants, four (6.3%) 67-year-olds and eight (14.8%)
12-13-year-olds did not have their spectacles in school.
Eye examinations
All low-performing 6-7-year-olds with PVI (11 participants) reported not having had
their eyes tested during the 12 months before data collection. The corresponding
numbers in the older cohort were three of ve participants.
Uncorrected clinically signicant refractive error
Emmetropia (absence of clinically signicant refractive error) (OR = 1.4, CI:1.1-
1.8, p < 0.001) was associated with high perfor mance in both age-groups.
Myopia (OR = 1.8, CI:1.2-2.7, p = 0.003) was associated with h igh-performance
in 12-13-year-olds but not in 6-7-year-olds (p = 0.27). Uncorrected hyperopia
was associated with low-perfor man ce (OR = 2.7, CI:1.1-7.0, p = 0.04); amongst
uncorrected 6-7-year-old hyperopic participants, 23.8% (5/21) reported low-per-
formance compared to 9.5% (2/21) low-perfor mance in c orrected hyperopic 6-7-
Uncorrected astigmatism was associated with low-performance (OR = 2.1,
CI:1.1-3.1, p < 0.001) in both age cohorts. Amongst uncorrected astigmatic 6-7-
year-olds, 37% (10/27) reported low-performance compared to 10.7% (3/28) of cor-
rected astigmatic participants. Amongst 12-13-year-olds, 11% (4/38) with uncorrected
astigmatism reported low-performance in school, there were no low-performing 12-
13-year-old participants with corrected astigmatism.
Figure 3. The relationship between presenting visual impairment and low-performance in
school. Amongst participants with presenting visual impairment, 40.7% of 6-7-year-olds and
16.7% of 12-13-year-olds reported low-performance. The corresponding percentages for par-
ticipants without visual impairment were 6.8% and 5.6% respectively.
8 S. Harrington et al.
Amblyopia was associated with low-performance in 6-7-year-olds (OR = 7.7, CI:4.0-
14.3, p < 0.0001) and 12-13-year-olds (OR = 5.6, CI:1.7-17.5, p = 0.002) (Figure 4).
Fitting a logistic regression model relating parent-reported school performance to
the amblyopia and stereoacuity categories jointly (abnormal stereoacuity240 arc-
seconds otherwise normal) revealed both amblyopia (OR = 3.5, CI:1.7-6.7, p =
0.001) and stereoacuity (OR = 2.3, CI:1.4-4.0, p = 0.002) remained signicantly
related to low-performance.
The effect of amblyopia treatment on parent-reported school performance was
also investigated. Controlling for age, participants with amblyopia (never treated)
were 3.7 times (CI:1.5-8.3, p = 0.004) more likely to report low-performance than
those without amblyopia (never treated), and 3.6 times (CI:1.1-12.5, p = 0.04) more
likely to report low-performance than participants successfully treated for amblyopia
(Figure 5).
Strabismus (misaligned eyes) was associated with low-performance (OR = 2.1,
CI:1.1-4.0, p = 0.03). All low-performing strabismic participants were esotropic.
Fitting a logistic regression model relating parent-reported school performance to
the amblyopia and strabismus jointly revealed strabismus was no longer associated
with low-performance (p = 0.44), whereas amblyopia remained strongly associated
with low-perfor mance (OR = 5.0, CI:2.9-8.8, p < 0.0001).
Figure 4. The relationship between amblyopia prevalence and low-performance in school. Of
the 6-7-year-olds: 50% (4/8) of participants with bilateral amblyopia, 39.5% (15/38) with uni-
lateral amblyopia and 6.9% (47/682) of non-amblyopic 6-7-year-olds reported low-perform-
ance. Of the 12-13-year-olds: 52% (4/7) with bilateral amblyopia, 15.2% (5/33) with
unilateral amblyopia and 5.7% (49/858) without amblyopia reported low-performance.
Irish Educational Studies 9
Colour vision
Controlling for gender, defective colour-vision was associated with low-performance
(OR = 4.7, CI:1.5-14.3, p = 0.01).
This study i s the rst to explore the relationship between parent-reported school
performance and vision in children attending mainstream schools in Ireland.
Study ndings demonstrate an association between uncorrected ref ractive error
(long-sightedness and astigmatism), untreated amblyopia (lazy eye), PVI (inability
to see half of a standard eye test chart with either eye in the distance and near),
diminished stereoacuity (three-dimensional vision), and defective colour vision
with low-perfor mance in school. Following focus-group feedback, school academic
perfor mance data was based on how parents/guardians perceived their childsper-
formance in school when compared to their peers. Therefo re, children in socioeco-
nomically disadvantaged schools we re compared to children in the same
environment and children attending other schools were compared to their peers.
Hence, the present study addressed the association between how parents/guardians
perceived their childs performance in school (qualitative analysis) and various
aspects of vision (quantitative analysis). Quan titative analysis provides the empi ri-
cal evidence necessary for clinical practitioners. Whereas, qualitative analysis sup-
ports the personal and experiential knowing which is critical to the
interpretation of study ndin gs and their application to clinical practice (Malterud
2001). Furthermore, qualitative assessment methods are crucial to understanding
community needs and issues, providing researchers with a better understanding of
Figure 5. Percentage of participants who reported low-performance, average-performance,
and high-performance in each of the following categories: not amblyopic with no history of
treatment (1,453 participants), successfully treated amblyopes (79 participants), unsuccessfully
treated amblyopes (31 participants), and amblyopic and no history of amblyopia treatment (40
10 S. Harrington et al.
the meaning and implications of quantitative study ndings (Malterud 2001). As
patient-recorded outcome measures are now routinely used in health settings and
essential when updating health policy (Tadic
et al. 2013), feedback from parents/
guardians regarding their childs school academic perfor mance provides useful
information that may be more context-specic than test scores of mathematical
ability or reading speed.
In line with previous studies, including with the PISA worldwide study (OECD
2016), the present study found low-performance associated with male gender
(Weaver-Hightower 2003), socioeconomic disadvantage (Bruce et al. 2016), and eth-
nicity (Hoff 2013).
Presenting vision
Concurring with previous studies (Goldstand, Koslowe, and Parush 2005; Maples
2003), reduced distance VA was associated with low-performance in both age-
groups. Distance VA demand in classrooms varies depending on the position in the
classroom, level of illumination and whether the material is presented on a board/
smart-board (Narayanasamy et al. 2016; Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir 2017;
2019). However, the mean distance VA in low-performing 6-7-year-olds was poorer
than the VA threshold level (0.3logMAR) reported in the literature (Narayanasamy
et al. 2016; Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir 2017). Additionally, PVI was associated
with low-performance in both age-cohorts; children with PVI do not have the ade-
quate vision threshold (0.3LogMAR) in either eye required to read material from a
board/smart-board (Langford and Hug 2010; Narayanasamy et al. 2016). Thus, high-
lighting the importance of routine assessment of visual task demands and the visual
skill levels required by children in school classrooms to inform educators of their stu-
dents visual requirements (Negiloni, Ramani, and Sudhir 2017).
Reduced near VA was associated with low-performance in both age-groups, which
is unsurprising given the importance of near vision in the learning environment (Nar-
ayanasamy et al. 2016); over half of the school day involves sustained vision at 20-
25 cm. Moreover, the VA demand for children aged 1012 years to sustain uent
reading was previously reported at 0.33 ± 0.09 logMAR (Narayanasamy et al.
2016); hence, many low-performing participants (mean vision at near 0.23 ±
0.35logMAR) may not have adequate acuity to maintain sustained near work. Fur-
thermore, in-school vision screening in Ireland is limited to a measurement of dis-
tance vision (Health Service Executive 2005); hence, children with reduced near
vision may miss an opportunity for early intervention if their distance vision meets
the screening cut-off (0.2logMAR).
Refractive error
The association established in the present study between uncorrected hyperopia
(long-sightedness) and academic underperformance aligns with the Vision in Pre-
schoolers Study and the Child Health and Education Study (Stewart-Brown,
Haslum, and Butler 2008; VIP-HIP Study Group 2016). Traditionally, hyperopia
+3.00 D is rarely corrected in children aged 6-7-years as they are considered to
have adequate accommodation to compensate for near visual tasks (Arnold 2004).
However, the present study demonstrated low-performing children had signicantly
Irish Educational Studies 11
lower mean amplitude of accommodation, especially in the 6-7-year-old cohort. Prior
research involving 10-12-year-olds reported the average reading distance at 23 cm
(range 20 cm to 25 cm) hence 4-5D of accommodation are required to see at near,
and, as accommodative amplitude should be twice the dioptric demand, 8-10D of
accommodation is necessary during near work in the classroom (Narayanasamy
et al. 2016). Thus, low-performing participants may not have adequate accommo-
dation (mean (SD):11.4 ± 4.9D) required to sustain near xation. Indeed, objectively
measured accommodation may be lower than the subjectively measured push-up test
used in the present study (Anderson et al. 2008). Furthermore, accommodation is
rarely routinely checked in childhood as children are presumed to have adequate
accommodation to see at near (Woodhouse et al. 1993), given accommodation
decreases with age in the typical population and symptoms associated with difculty
reading are usually rst experienced in middle age (45-years-old). Based on the results
of the current study near VA and objectively measured accommodation (such as
dynamic retinoscopy) ought to be routinely checked in schoolchildren.
Uncorrected astigmatism was associated with low-performance in the present
study in agreement with the literature. For example, Harvey et al. (2016) reported
reading uency signicantly reduced in students with uncorrected bilateral astigma-
tism, but not when corrected, compared to their non-astigmatic peers. Likewise, Nar-
ayanasamy et al. (2015) demonstrated simulated bilateral astigmatic blur resulted in
reduced comprehension, reading speed and accuracy in 10-year-old Australians high-
lighting the challenges uncorrected astigmats experience in school, which has impor-
tant implications for schoolchildren in Ireland, where signicant amounts of
uncorrected astigmatism exist (Harrington et al. 2019a).
Of further concern was the substantial number of children at school without their
prescribed spectacles, many of whom were socioeconomically disadvantaged (Har-
rington et al. 2019a). Prescribing spectacles to children who need them can
improve academic performance (Ma et al. 2014; Slavin et al. 2018;Yietal.2015),
which is essential for children with special educational needs (Black et al. 2019),
resulting in increased classroom engagement and reduced off-task behaviour
(Black et al. 2019). Moreover, cognitive ability in low-income preschoolers with
uncorrected refractive error signicantly improved following just six-weeks of specta-
cle wear (Roch-Levecq et al. 2008).
Furthermore, the prevalence of myopia is increasing globally; one in ve 12-13-
year-olds in Ireland are myopic (Harrington et al. 2019a). Children with myopia
will not have the threshold level of VA needed to see detail on the white or blackboard
in school. Hence, compliance with spectacle wear in school requires coordinated
public health policy responses at both the child and parental level (Harrington et
al. 2019b).
Amblyopia, strabismus and binocular vision
Overall, proportionally more parents/guardians of 6-7-year-olds with strabismus
(misaligned eyes) reported their children were low-performing than parents/guar-
dians of orthotropic (straight-eyed) participants, in agreement with previous
studies (Reed, Kraft, and Buncic 2004; Woodhouse, Grifths, and Gedling 2000).
Furthermore, similar to Reed, Kraft, and Buncic (2004), strabismus was associated
with low-performance in the younger cohort and not the older group in the present
12 S. Harrington et
study. Hence, its possible children may adapt or develop coping strategies for their
strabismus. Interestingly, controlling for amblyopia, the association between strabis-
mus and school-performance was no longer signicant, suggesting the presence of
strabismus (a cosmetically visible eye defect) alone is not a marker for academic dif-
culties; instead it is the relationship between strabismus and amblyopia which was
strongly associated with low-performance. Indeed, Narayanasamy et al. (2014)
demonstrated simulated monocular hyperopic blur was signicantly associated with
impaired academic performance, particularly when the 11-year-old participants
were involved in sustained near visual tasks.
The association found between amblyopia and low-performance aligns with
Khalaj et al. (2011) and Kugathasan et al. (2019). Moreover, the reduced levels of
low-performance amongst participants successfully treated for amblyopia reinforce
the importance of early detection and compliance with amblyopia treatment. This
nding is crucial in Ireland where persistent amblyopia (post-traditional treatment
age) prevalence is high (4.5% in children aged 1213 years) and associated with socio-
economic disadvantage and poor compliance with spectacle wear (Harrington et al.
Previous studies demonstrated a relationship between amblyopia and reading
speed (Kelly et al. 2015), transcribing (Kelly et al. 2018), and disrupted reading
ability and accuracy (Kugathasan et al. 2019). Kugathasan et al. (2019) proposed chil-
dren with amblyopia, may benet from using texts with reduced crowding and from
time allowances for tasks involving reading. In contrast, Rahi, Cumberland, and
Peckham (2006) attributed quality of life issues associated with amblyopia to amblyo-
pia treatment (wearing an eyepatch) and not the visual disruption. For example,
Carlton and Kaltenthaler (2011) reported low self-esteem, negative self-image, bully-
ing and teasing are associated with amblyopia treatment. However, successful
amblyopia treatment to improve VA was associated with signicantly reduced levels
of low-performance in the present study. Hence, addressing amblyopia and complet-
ing amblyopia treatment early in childhood when treatment is more likely to be suc-
cessful (Holmes 2011), and during a period before children become increasingly more
self-aware and susceptible to ridicule and feelings of inferiority (Eriksons psychoso-
cial stage 4 (5-12-years-old): industry versus inferiority) (Erikson 1968) is essential.
Thus, it is necessary to integrate vision, educational and psychosocial implications
of amblyopia treatment (Koklanis, Abel, and Aroni 2006).
The association between reduced/abnormal stereoacuity and low-performance
concurs with Taylor-Kulp (1999). Controlling for amblyopia, the relationship
between abnor mal stereoacuity and low-performance remained. Stereoacuity is a
measure of binocular vision (three-dimensional vision), which is affected by
reduced VA, inaccurate accommodation and ocular alignment (Li et al. 2016). Fur-
thermore, Ponsonby et al. (2013) demonstrated orthoptic interventions (a programme
of eye exercises) to improve stereoacuity improved literacy in children to a greater
extent than providing parental literacy support alone.
Colour vision deciency
Controlling for gender, participants with defective colour vision performed less well
than classmates in the current study, aligning with ndings in Italian schoolchildren
(Gallo et al. 1998). In contrast, Cumberland, Rahi, and Peckham (2004) reported
Irish Educational Studies 13
children with defective colour vision did as well as their peers educationally, and the
authors queried the rationale for colour-vision screening in schools. Indeed, as per the
Best Health Revisited HSE guidelines, colour vision is not routinely checked in
schoolchildren in Ireland (HSE 2005). However, colour is used extensively as a didac-
tic tool in education, and more recent research demonstrated defective colour vision
associated with slow learning (Gallo et al. 2003). Additionally, Steward and Cole
(1989) and Gallo et al. (2003) established many individuals are unaware of their defec-
tive colour vision. Hence, early screening is vital to inform teaching staff and assist
children in developing adaptive strategies to support learning and inform career
choice, which is limited by defective colour vision (Cole 2004).
Public awareness
The majority of participants (68%) reported by their parents/guardians as low-per-
forming in school had not had an eye examination within the 12 months before
data collection. Furthermore, focus-group feedback revealed parents/guardians of
low-performing children might be uncomfortable about sharing specic academic
data. However, many low-performing children had PVI, a level of vision too poor
to obtain a driving licence, demonstrating a possible lack of public awareness as to
the importance of clear and accurate vision in childrens development (Sharma
et al. 2012). Whether parents were unaware of the association between school-per-
formance and a childs ability to see clearly or unaware of how to access an eye exam-
ination for their child was not investigated in the present study. Furthermore, parents
may have other commitments such as work or dependants in the home, which mean
they are unable to bring their child for an eye examination (Sharma et al. 2012). As
both PVI and low-performance were associated with socioeconomic disadvantage in
the present study, some families may have been unable to afford private eyecare for
their child. In Ireland, children without a medical card are not entitled to free eye
tests with a high street optometrist. The waiting lists for publically funded eye tests
is currently over two years in Ireland (Power et al. 2017), the consequence is many
children are not accessing an eye examination either before commencing school or
when a child is performing below average in school.
Early vision testing requires parental knowledge of the importance of vision testing
for children. Early childhood interventions enhance childrens wellbeing, as demon-
strated by the Chicago longitudinal (18 years) study where, every $1.00 invested in
health, social services and preschool education to low-income children in public
schools returned $7.50 to society (Reynolds, Temple, and Ou 2003). Membreno et al.
(2002) estimated economic benet of amblyopia treatment was $22 return to the
Gross Domestic Product for every $1 invested; this return is especially enhanced due
to the early intervention of amblyopia treatment and the subsequent lifelong impact
on income. Thus, the impact of poor vision, on childrens educational performance
is a public health issue (Black et al. 2019), which has nancial implications for the com-
munity due to lost earnings (Membreno et al. 2002), and a range of associated health
issues such as anxiety and depression (Hayes et al. 2019; Leo et al. 1999). Notably, Tra-
veller and socioeconomically disadvantaged participants were disproportionately
affected in this study with higher levels of both PVI and low-performance. While
this paper does not seek to investigate the impact of specic policies on academic per-
formance, the results do suggest that both parent-reported school performance and
14 S. Harrington et al.
PVI are complex issues that require a coordinated approach including recognition of
interrelated determinants of health. ODonnell et al. (2016) demonstrated culturally-
specic policy responses, including innovative ways of accessing primary care for mar-
ginalised groups, are vital to address existing inequalities. Likewise, novel ways of enga-
ging constructively with marginalised groups are needed to address existing eye-health
and educational inequalities in Ireland.
The high number of low-performing children with PVI and no history of primary
eyecare identied in the present study, highlight the gaps and the possible lack of
optimal integration with current childhood health services in Ireland. Additionally,
the acknowledged delays in eyecare follow up of over two years in Ireland
(Murphy 2017) from when issues are reported, may be a contributor to the level of
unaddressed vision issues identied in the study. Thus, study ndings highlight the
importance of earlier testing of childrens vision, ideally in advance of starting
school, which will allow the development of adaptive policies to assist those children
in school in achieving their academic potential generating consequential societal
benets by increasing the number of better-performing students in school.
The strengths of this study include the large sample size, random school selection
and the high questionnaire completion rate (>99%). Parent-reported outcomes of
school performance instead of objectively measured academic scores is a study limit-
ation. Standardised outcome measures to assess the relationship between academic
achievement and vision are essential (Hopkins et al. 2019); however, public engage-
ment during the design stage of the present study revealed the difculties and sensi-
tivities associated with that aim. Hence, gaps remain concerning specic aspects of
vision and their relationship with particular aspects of academic achievement.
Further research is therefore required to examine what level of visual impairment
is likely to interfere with various aspects of learning. To address these limitations,
increasing public awareness of the importance of vision in childrens education is
imperative, as is involving public representatives and relevant stakeholders at the
design stage of any future study to prevent participation bias and provide data to
inform clinical decision-making. Furthermore, due to the cross-sectional nature of
the data, it is not possible to conclude that unaddressed visual issues are responsible
for low-performance in school. Hence, further studies, including longitudinal studies,
are recommended to assess the extent and magnitude of the relationship between
vision and how well children perform academically in school.
This study revealed low-performance in children in mainstream schools in Ireland
was associated with undetected or untreated visual impairment due to uncorrected
refractive error and amblyopia, with marginalised communities disproportionally
affected. Poor stereoacuity and defective colour vision were additional factors with
schoolchildren aged 67 years, particularly affected by unaddressed visual issues.
Children presenting with academic performance challenges ought to have a compre-
hensive eye examination, to detect potential vision problems for early intervention,
thus minimising any negative impact they will have on educational outcomes.
Study ndings suggest that addressing vision and academic performance inequalities
requires coordinated policy responses at both the child and community level. Specic
and culturally-appropriate public education programmes highlighting the importance
Irish Educational Studies 15
of comprehensive eye examinations for all children, including the consequences of
untreated and undetected visual problems, ideally in advance of starting school is a
study recommendation. Reporting of visual outcomes will create better awareness
of vision issues such as defective colour vision in school-age children to determine
educational requirements specic to children with these visual issues, thereby
enabling teachers and parents/guardians to develop adaptive teaching strategies to
help susceptible children achieve their academic potential while progressing
through school.
Patient and public involvement
The study was supported by a patient advisory group, which provided input to the
programme of research. Parents/legal guardians of participants collaborated with
us for the design of the study, the informational material to support the data collec-
tion and participant and school involvement, and assess the burden of participation
from the patients perspective. At the end of the study, results and ndings were pro-
vided to all participants.
Data availability statement: No additional unpublished data from the study are
1. G*Power software is used to calculate statistical power to determine the appropriate sample
size to detect a "true" effect when it exists
2. A unit of measurement of the optical power of a lens- reciprocal of the lens focal length in
3. The difference in dioptres between the steepest and shallowest curvature of the lens/cornea.
The authors would like to express their appreciation to Dr Jim Stack (Waterford Institute of
Technology, Ireland), Professor John Kearney (Epidemiology, School of Biological Sciences,
Technological University Dublin, Ireland), and Professor Kathryn Saunders (School of Biome-
dical Sciences, Ulster University, Northern Ireland) for their valuable input in the Ireland Eye
Study. The authors would also like to acknowledge the support and participation of the
schools, the children and their parents and guardians in the Ireland Eye Study.
Disclosure statement
The authors report no conicts of interest.
This work was supported by Technological University Dublin Fiosraigh Scholarship: [Grant
Number N/A]; Association of Optometrists Ireland: [Grant Number N/A]; Irish Opticians
Board: [Grant Number N/A].
Notes on contributors
Dr Siofra Harrington, PhD, lecturer in Optometry and clinical tutor in Technological Univer-
sity Dublin, principal investigator Ireland Eye Study, research interests include ametropia,
16 S. Harrington et al.
amblyopia and visual impairment in children, public health and vision screening, myopia man-
agement, binocular vision, colour vision, sports vision and school vision.
Dr Peter Davison, PhD, formerly Senior Lecturer in Optometry at Technological University
Dublin. National Optometry Centre Colour Vision Assessment Unit head. His research inter-
ests include evaluating colour vision tests, macular pigment density effects on visual functions,
cataract patients postoperative vision prediction, night-vision, and road trafc accidents visual
Dr Veronica ODwyer, PhD, lecturer and clinical tutor in Optometry in Technological Univer-
sity Dublin, research interests include schoolchildren ametropia, amblyopia and vision impair-
ment; diet/macular pigment in age-related macular degeneration; Demodex folliculorum and
dry eye and contact lens wear impact on refractive surgery outcomes.
Siofra Harrington
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