Learning a Unified Embedding
for Visual Search at Pinterest
Andrew Zhai
, Hao-Yu Wu
, Eric Tzeng
, Dong Huk Park
, Charles Rosenberg
Visual Discovery, Pinterest
University of California, Berkeley
Figure 1: Three visual search products on Pinterest (Flashlight, Lens, and Shop-the-Look) allowing users to browse content
related to web or camera images and search for exact products within home scenes for shopping. Visual search is one of the
fastest growing products at Pinterest with over 600M searches per month.
At Pinterest, we utilize image embeddings throughout our search
and recommendation systems to help our users navigate through
visual content by powering experiences like browsing of related
content and searching for exact products for shopping. In this work
we describe a multi-task deep metric learning system to learn a
single unied image embedding which can be used to power our
multiple visual search products. The solution we present not only
allows us to train for multiple application objectives in a single
deep neural network architecture, but takes advantage of corre-
lated information in the combination of all training data from each
application to generate a unied embedding that outperforms all
specialized embeddings previously deployed for each product. We
discuss the challenges of handling images from dierent domains
such as camera photos, high quality web images, and clean product
catalog images. We also detail how to jointly train for multiple
product objectives and how to leverage both engagement data and
human labeled data. In addition, our trained embeddings can also be
binarized for ecient storage and retrieval without compromising
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KDD ’19, August 4–8, 2019, Anchorage, AK, USA
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6201-6/19/08.. . $15.00
precision and recall. Through comprehensive evaluations on oine
metrics, user studies, and online A/B experiments, we demonstrate
that our proposed unied embedding improves both relevance and
engagement of our visual search products for both browsing and
searching purposes when compared to existing specialized embed-
dings. Finally, the deployment of the unied embedding at Pinterest
has drastically reduced the operation and engineering cost of main-
taining multiple embeddings while improving quality.
multi-task learning; embedding; visual search; recommendation
ACM Reference Format:
Andrew Zhai, Hao-Yu Wu, Eric Tzeng, Dong Huk Park, Charles Rosenberg.
2019. Learning a Unied Embedding for Visual Search at Pinterest. In The
25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
(KDD ’19), August 4–8, 2019, Anchorage, AK, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA,
9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3292500.3330739
Following the explosive growth in engagement with online photog-
raphy and videos, visual embeddings have become increasingly crit-
ical in search and recommendation systems. Content based image
retrieval systems (visual search) is one prominent application that
heavily relies on visual embeddings for both ranking and retrieval
as users search by providing an image. In recent years, visual search
has proliferated across a portfolio of companies including Alibaba’s
arXiv:1908.01707v1 [cs.CV] 5 Aug 2019
Pailitao [
], Pinterest Flashlight and Lens [
] [
]. Google Lens,
Microsoft’s Visual Search [
], and Ebay’s Visual Shopping [
These applications support a wide spectrum of use cases from Shop-
ping where a user is searching for the exact item to Discovery [
where a user is browsing for inspirational and related content. These
interactions span both real world (phone camera) and online (web)
Over 250M users come to Pinterest monthly to discover ideas
for recipes, fashion, travel, home decor, and more from our content
corpus of billions of Pins. To facilitate discovery, Pinterest oers a
variety of products including text-to-pin search, pin-to-pin recom-
mendations [
], and user-to-pin recommendations. Throughout
the years, we’ve built a variety of visual search products (Figure 1)
including Flashlight (2016), Lens (2017), and automated Shop-the-
Look (2018) to further empower our users to use images (web or
camera) as queries for general browsing or shopping [
]. With
over 600 million visual searches per month and growing, visual
search is one of the fastest growing products at Pinterest and of
increasing importance.
We have faced many challenges training and deploying genera-
tions of visual embeddings over the years throughout the search
and recommendation stack at Pinterest. The diculties can be sum-
marized to the following four aspects:
Dierent Applications have Dierent Objectives
: Pinterest
uses image embeddings for a variety of tasks including retrieval (pin
and image), ranking (text, pin, user, image queries), classication
or regression (e.g. neardup classication, click-through-rate predic-
tion, image type), and upstream multi-modal embedding models
(PinSAGE [
]). One observation we made with these multiple ap-
plications is that optimization objectives are not the same. Take our
visual search products in Figure 1 as examples: Flashlight optimizes
for browsing relevance within Pinterest catalog images. Lens opti-
mizes for browsing Pinterest catalog images from camera photos;
hence overcoming the domain shift of camera to Pinterest images
is necessary. Finally Shop-the-Look optimizes for searching for the
exact product from objects in a scene for shopping.
Embedding Maintenance/Cost/Deprecation: Specialized vi-
sual embeddings per application are the clearest solution to opti-
mizing for multiple consumers and is the paradigm operated at
Pinterest prior to 2018. This however has signicant drawbacks.
For our visual search products alone, we developed three special-
ized embeddings. As image recognition architectures are evolving
quickly [
] [
] [
] [
] [
], we want to iterate our three special-
ized embeddings with modern architectures to improve our three
visual search products. Each improvement in embedding requires a
full back-ll for deployment, which can be prohibitively expensive.
In practice, this situation is further exacerbated by downstream
dependencies (e.g. usage in pin-to-pin ranking [
]) on various
versions of our embeddings, leading us to incrementally
continue to extract multiple generations of the same specialized
embeddings. All these considerations make the unication of spe-
cialized embeddings into one general embedding very attractive,
allowing us clear tracking of external dependency in one lineage
along with scalability to support future optimization targets.
Eective Usage of Datasets
: At Pinterest, there are various
image data sources including engagement feedback (e.g. pin-to-
pin click data [
], Pin-to-Board graph when users save Pins into
collections called Boards [
]) and human curation. When training
specialized embeddings for a specic task, deciding what datasets
to use or collect is a non-trivial issue, and the choice of data source
is often based on human judgement and heuristics which could be
suboptimal and not scalable. Multi-task learning simplies this by
allowing the model to learn what data is important for which task
through end-to-end training. Through multi-task learning, we want
to minimize the amount of costly human curation while leveraging
as much engagement data as possible.
Scalable and Ecient Representation
: With billions of im-
ages and over 250M+ monthly active users, Pinterest has a require-
ment for an image representation that is cheap to store and also
computationally ecient for common operations such as distance
for image similarity. To leverage the large amount of training data
that we receive from our user feedback cycles, we also need to
build ecient model training procedures. As such, scalablity and
eciency are required both for inference and training.
In our paper, we describe our implementation, experimentation,
and productionization of a unied visual embedding, replacing the
specialized visual embeddings at Pinterest. The main contributions
of this paper are (1) we present a scalable multi-task metric learning
framework (2) we present insights into creating ecient multi-task
embeddings that leverage a combination of human curated and
engagement datasets (3) we present lessons learned when scaling
training of our metric learning method and (4) comprehensive
user studies and AB experiments on how our unied embeddings
compare against the existing specialized embeddings across all
visual search products in Figure 1.
2.1 Visual Search Systems
Visual search has been adopted throughout industry with Ebay [
Microsoft [
], Alibaba [
], Google (Lens), and Amazon launching
their own products. There has also been an increasing amount
of research on domain-specic image retrieval systems such as
fashion [
] and product [
] recommendations. Compared to others,
Pinterest has not just one but a variety of visual search products
(Figure 1), each with dierent objectives. We focus on addressing
the challenges of unifying visual embeddings across our visual
search products.
2.2 Metric Learning
Standard metric learning approaches aim to learn image represen-
tations through the relationships between images in the form of
pairs [
] [
] or triplets [
] [
]. Similarity style supervision are used
to train the representation such that similar images are close in em-
bedding space and dissimilar images apart. Sampling informative
negatives is an important challenge of these pair or triplet based
approaches, a focus of recent methods such as [23] [22] [26].
An alternative approach to metric learning are classication
based methods [
] which alleviate the need of negative sam-
pling. These methods have recently have been shown to achieve
SOTA results across a suite of retrieval tasks [
] compared with
pair or triplet based methods. Given the simplicity and eectiveness
of formulating metric learning as classication, we build o the
architecture proposed in [
] and extend it to multi-task for our
unied embeddings.
2.3 Multi-Task Learning
Multi-task learning aims to learn one model that provides multiple
outputs from one input [
] [
]. By consolidating multiple single-
task models into one multi-task model, previous work have seen
both eciency [
] and performance [
] [
] [
] improvements
on each task due to inherent complementary structure that exists in
separate visual tasks [
]. Prior work also investigate how to learn
to balance multiple loss objectives to optimize performance [
] [
In the context of metric learning, [
] and [
] explore the idea of
learning a conditional mask for each task to modulate either the
learned embedding or the internal activations. In our paper, we
experiment with multi-task metric learning and evaluate its eects
on our web scale visual search products.
3.1 Problem Setup
Pinterest is a visual discovery platform in which the contents are
predominantly images. To empower the users on Pinterest to browse
visually inspired contents and search for an exact item in the image
for shopping, we have built three services shown in Figure 1: Flash-
light, Lens, and Shop-The-Look (STL). Flashlight enables the users
to start from the images on Pinterest (or web), and recommends
relevant Pins inspired by the input images for the users to browse.
Similarly, Lens aims to recommend visually relevant Pins based on
the photos our users take with their cameras. STL, on the other
hand, searches for products which are best match to the input im-
ages for the users to shop. The three services either serve images
from dierent domains (web images v.s. camera photos), or with
dierent objectives (browsing v.s. searching).
With both cost and engineering resource constraints and the
interest of improved performance, we aim to learn one unied image
embedding that can perform well for all three tasks. In essence,
we would like to learn high quality embeddings of images that
can be used for both browsing and searching recommendations.
The relevance or similarity of a pair of images is represented as
the distance between the respective embeddings. In order to train
such embeddings, we collected a dataset for each task addressing
its specic objective (Figure 2), and frame the problem as multi-
task metric learning that jointly optimizes the relevance for both
browsing and searching. We will describe how we collect the dataset
for each task, the detailed model architecture, and how we set up
multi-task training in the following sections.
3.2 Training Data
We describe our training datasets and show some examples in
Figure 2.
3.2.1 Flashlight Dataset. The Flashlight dataset is collected to de-
ne browse relevance for Pinterest (web) images. As a surrogate for
relevance, we rely on engagement through feedback from our users
in a similar manner to Memboost described in [
] to generate the
dataset. Image sets are collected where a given query image has a
set of related images ranked via engagement, and we assign each
Figure 2: Visualization of our training datasets
image set a label (unique identier) that is conceptually the same as
semantic class label. We apply a set of strict heuristics (e.g. number
of impressions and interactions for each image in the set) to reduce
the label noise of the dataset, resulting in around 800K images in
15K semantic classes.
3.2.2 Lens Dataset. The Lens dataset is collected to dene browse
relevance between camera photo images and Pinterest images.
When collecting the training dataset for prototyping Lens, we found
that camera photo engagement on Pinterest is very sparse and as
such any dataset collected via user engagement would be too noisy
for training. The main obstacle we need to overcome is the do-
main shift between camera photos and Pinterest images, so for the
training set, we collected a human labeled dataset containing 540K
images with 2K semantic classes. These semantic classes range from
broad categories (e.g. tofu) to ne-grained classes (e.g. the same
denim jacket in camera and product shots). Most importantly, this
dataset contains a mix of product, camera, and Pinterest images
under the same semantic label so that the embeddings can learn to
overcome the domain shifts.
3.2.3 Shop-The-Look Dataset. The Shop-The-Look dataset is col-
lected to dene search relevance for an object in a home decor
scene to its product match. To bootstrap the product, we collected
a human labeled dataset containing 340K images with 189 product
class label (e.g. Bar Stools) and 50K instance labels. Images with
the same instance label are either exact matches or are very similar
visually as dened by an internal training guide for criteria such as
design, color, and material.
Figure 3: The overall architecture for multi-task metric learning network. The proposed classication network as proxy-based
metric learning is simple and exible for multi-task learning. Our proposed method also has the binarization module to make
learned embedding memory ecient, and the subsampling module is scalable to supp ort large number of classes.
3.3 Model Architecture
Figure 3 illustrates our overall setup for multi-task metric learning
architecture. We extend the classication-based metric learning
approach of Zhai et al. [
] to multi-task. All the tasks share a
common base network until the embedding is generated, where
each task then splits into their own respective branches. Each task
branch is simply a fully connected layer (where the weights are
the proxies) followed by a softmax (no bias) cross entropy loss.
There are four softmax tasks, Flashlight class, Shop-the-Look (STL)
product class, STL instance class, and Lens category class. For the
Flashlight class and STL instance tasks, the proxies are subsampled
using our subsampling module before input to the fully connected
layer for ecient training.
There are two essential modules for web-scale applications: a
subsampling module to make our method scalable to hundreds
of thousands of classes, and binarization module to make learned
embedding storage and operation ecient.
3.3.1 Subsampling Module. Given N images in a batch and M prox-
ies to target each with an embedding dimension of D, to compute
the similarity (dot product) of embeddings to proxies, we do a NxD
by DxM matrix multiplication in the fully connected layer. As such,
computation increases with the number of proxy classes (M), an
undesirable property as we scale M. Furthermore, we may not even
be able to t the proxy bank (MxD matrix) in GPU memory as we
scale M to millions of classes (user engagement training data can
easily generate this many classes). To address these issues, we store
the proxy bank in CPU RAM (more available than GPU memory
and disk can be used later if necessary) along with also implement-
ing class
. As shown in Figure 4, for each training
batch, the subsampling module samples a subset of all classes for
optimization. The sampled subset is guaranteed to have all the
ground truth class labels of the images in the training batch (the
label index slot will change however to ensure the index is within
bounds of the number of classes sampled). The pseudocode for
the forward pass is provided in Algorithm 1. During the training
forward pass for eciency, the proxies of the sampled classes are
moved to GPU for computation asynchronously while the embed-
ding is computed from the base network. The softmax loss only
considers the sampled classes. For example, if we subsample only
2048 classes for each iteration, the maximum loss from random
guessing is ln(2048) 7.62.
Algorithm 1 Subsampling Proxy Indices
Input: targets, num_samples
Output: sampled_proxy_idx, remapped_targets
Require: l en(tarдets) num_samples
1: sampled_proxy_idx set(tarдets)
2: while len(sampled_proxy_idx) num_samples do
3: s sample(all_labels)
4: if s < sampled_proxy_idx then
5: sampled_proxy_idx.add(s)
6: end if
7: end while
8: sampled_proxy_idx list (sampled_proxy_idx)
9: remapped_tarдets list([])
10: for all t tarдets do
11: for all index, label enumerate(sampled_prox y_idx) do
12: if t = label then
13: remapped_tarдets.add(index)
14: end if
15: end for
16: end for
17: return sampled_proxy_idx, remapped_tarдets
3.3.2 Binarization Module. At Pinterest, we have a growing corpus
of billions of images and as such we need ecient representations
to (1) decrease cold storage costs (e.g. cost of AWS S3) (2) reduce
Figure 4: Visualization of the subsampling module.
bandwidth for downstream consumers (e.g. I/O costs to fully in-
gest the embeddings into map reduce jobs) (3) improve the latency
of real-time scoring (e.g. computing the similarity of two embed-
dings for ranking). In the prior work [
], we see that embeddings
learned from the classication based metric learning approach can
be binarized by thresholding at zero with little drop in performance.
We consider everything after the global pooling layer but before
the task specic branches as the "binarization" module. In this
work, instead of LayerNorm as proposed in [
], we propose to use
GroupNorm [
] that is better suited for multi-task applications.
The empirical results are provided in Section 4.2.1.
3.4 Model Training
Shown in Figure 3, we train our model in a multi-tower distributed
setup. We share parameters throughout the network with the ex-
ception of the sparse proxy parameters. Each node (out of eight)
has its own full copy of the CPU Embedding bank as sparse pa-
rameters cannot be distributed at this moment by the PyTorch
framework. Empirically, not distributing the sparse parameters led
to no performance impact.
3.4.1 Mini-Batch and Loss for Multi-task. For every mini-batch,
we balance a uniform mix of each of the datasets with an epoch
dened by the iterations to iterate through the largest dataset. Each
dataset has its own indepedent tasks so we ignore the gradient
contributions of images on tasks that it does not have data for. The
losses from all the tasks are assigned equal weights and are summed
for backward propagation.
3.4.2 Sparse Tensor Optimization. We represent the proxy banks
that are sparsely subsampled as sparse tensors. This avoids ex-
pensive dense gradient calculation for all the proxies during the
backward propagation.
An additional optimization is the handling of momentum. By en-
abling momentum update on the sparse tensor, the sparse gradient
tensors will be aggregated and become expensive dense gradient up-
dates. Since momentum is crucial for deep neural network optimiza-
tion, we approximate the momentum update for sparse tensor by
increasing the learning rate. Assuming we choose
momentum =
the gradients of the current iteration
will roughly have net update
eect of 10x learning rate over the coarse of training:
lr ×
G × 0.9
= 10. 0 × lr ×
Although increasing learning rate will aect the optimization tra-
jectory on the loss function surface, thus aect the subsequent
gradients, we nd this approximation decreases our training time
by 40% while retaining comparable performance.
3.5 Model Deployment
We train our models using the PyTorch framework and deploy mod-
els through PyTorch to ONNX to Cae2 conversion. For operations
where ONNX does not have a compatible representation for, we
directly use the ATen operator, a shared backend between PyTorch
and Cae2, to bypass and deploy our Cae2 model.
In this section, we measure the performance of our method on a
suite of evaluations including oine measurement, human judge-
ments, and A/B experiments. We demonstrate the ecacy and the
impact of our unied embeddings at Pinterest.
4.1 Implementation
Our model is trained using PyTorch on one p3.16xlarge Amazon
EC2 instances with eight Tesla V100 graphic cards. We use the
DistributedDataParallel implementation provided by the PyTorch
framework for distributed training.
We train our models with largely the same hyperparameters
as [
] with SE-ResNeXt101 [
] as the base model pre-trained
on ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 [
]. We use SGD with momentum of
0.9, weight decay of 1e-4, and gamma of 0.1. We start with a base
learning rate of 0.08 (0.01 x 8 from the linear scaling heuristic of [
and train our model for 1 epoch by updating only new parameters
for better initialization with a batch size of 128 per GPU. We then
train end-to-end with a batch size of 64 per GPU and apply the
gamma to reduce learning rate every 3 epochs for a total of 9 epochs
of training (not counting initialization). During training, we apply
horizontal mirroring, random crops, and color jitter from resized
256x256 images while during testing we center crop to a 224x224
image from the resized image.
4.2 Oline Evaluation
Oine measurements are the rst consideration when iterating on
new models. For each product of interest (Shop-the-Look, Flashlight,
and Lens), we have a retrieval evaluation dataset. Some are derived
based on the training data while others are sampled according
to usage in product. The dierence in approach is due to either
boostrapping a new product versus improving an existing one.
The evaluation dataset for Shop-the-Look is generated through
human curation as we looked to build this new product in 2018. We
sampled home decor scenes according to popularity (# of closeups)
on Pinterest and used human curation to label bounding boxes
of objects in scene along with ground truth whole image product
matches to the objects (criteria determined by our developed inter-
nal training guide). This resulted in 600 objects with 1421 ground
truth product matches. We measure Precision@1 [
] for evalua-
tion where for each of the objects, we extract its embedding and
generate the top nearest neighbor result in a corpus of 51421 prod-
uct images (50K sampled from our product corpus + the ground
Model STL Flashlight Lens
P@1 Avg P@20 Avg P@20
[33] Baseline (f) 47.5 60.1 18.6
[33] Baseline (b) 41.9 55.6 17.7
+sm + gn (b) 48.4 59.3 17.8
+sm + gn + r (b) 49.7 61.1 17.6
+sm + gn + r + dp (b) (Ours) 52.8 60.2 18.4
Table 1: Mo del architecture experiments on oline evalua-
tions (f = oat, b = binary). We compare binary embeddings
for deployment.
Model STL Flashlight Lens
P@1 Avg P@20 Avg P@20
Ours 52.8 60.2 18.4
+ No Dataset Balancing 44.4 57.8 18.6
+ GradNorm 47.2 57.8 17.2
Table 2: Multi-Task experiments on oline evaluations.
truth whole product images). Precison@1 is then the percent of
objects that have a ground truth whole product image retrieved.
The evaluation datasets for Flashlight and Lens are generated
through user engagement. For Flashlight, we sampled a random
class subset of the Flashlight training data (Section 3.2), and ran-
domly divided it into 807 images for queries and 42881 images for
the corpus across classes. For Lens, we generated the evaluation
dataset using user engagement in the same manner as the Flash-
light training dataset (Section 3.2) but ltering the query images
to be camera images with human judgement. This resulted in 1K
query images and 49K images for the corpus across classes. As these
datasets are generated from noisy user engagement, we use the eval-
uation metric of Average Precision@20 where we take the average
of Precision@1 to Precision@20 (Precision@K as dened in [
Empirically we have found that though these evaluations are noisy,
signicant improvements in this Average P@20 have correlated
with improvements in our online A/B experiment metrics.
4.2.1 Binarization. We experiment with model architectures in
Table 1. We are primarily interested in
embedding per-
formance as described in Section 3.3.2. An alternative to binary
features for scalability is to learn low dimensional oat embeddings.
Based on our prior work [
] however, we found that for the same
storage cost, learning binary embedding led to better performance
than learning oat embeddings.
Our baseline approach in Table 1 was to apply the LayerNorm
(ln) with temperature of 0.05 and NormSoftmax approach of [
with a SE-ResNeXt101 featurizer and multi-task heads (Section 3.3).
We noticed a signicant drop in performance between raw oat and
binary features. We experimented with variations of the architec-
ture including: Softmax (sm) to remove L2 normalized embedding
constraint, GroupNorm [
] (group=256) for more granularity in
normalization, ReLU (r) to ignore negative magnitudes, and Dropout
(p=0.5) for learning redundant representations. As shown, our nal
binarized multi-task embeddings performs favorably to the raw
oat features baseline.
Dataset STL Flashlight Lens
P@1 Avg P@20 Avg P@20
Shop-the-Look (S) 49.2 42.1 14.7
Flashlight (F) 11.0 53.4 16.1
Lens (L) 26.2 47.8 18.2
All (S + F + L) 52.8 60.2 18.4
Table 3: Ablation study on datasets. We train specialized em-
beddings for each training dataset and compare with our
unied embe dding trained on all training datasets in multi-
task. We compare against binary feature performance.
4.2.2 Multi-Task Architecture Ablations. We show our multi-task
experiment results in Table 2. Instead of uniform sampling of each
dataset in a mini-batch (Section 3.4.1), we experiment with sam-
pling based on dataset size. Instead of assigning equal weights
to all task losses, we experiment with GradNorm [
] to learn the
weighting. We see our simple approach achieved the best balance
of performance.
4.2.3 Multi-Task Dataset Ablations. We look at how training with
multiple datasets aects our unied embeddings. In Table 3, we
compare our multi-task embedding trained with all three datasets
against embeddings (using the same architecture) trained with
each dataset independently. When training our embedding with
one dataset, we ensure that the total iterations of images over the
training procedure is the same as when training with all three
datasets. We see that multi-task improves all three retrieval metrics
compared with the performance of embeddings trained on a single
4.2.4 Unified vs Specialized embeddings. We compare our unied
embedding against the previous specialized embeddings [
] de-
ployed in Flashlight, Lens, and Shop-the-Look in Table 4. We also
include a SENet [
] pretrained on ImageNet baseline for compari-
son. We see our unied embedding outperforms both the baseline
and all specialized embeddings for their respective tasks.
Although the unied embeddings compare favorably to the spe-
cialized embeddings, the model architectures of these specialized
embeddings are fragmented. Flashlight embedding are generated
from a VGG16 [
] FC6 layer of 4096 dimensions. Lens embed-
ding are generated from a ResNeXt50 [
] nal pooling layer of
2048 dimensions. Shop-the-Look embedding are generated from
a ResNet101 [
] nal pooling layer of 2048 dimensions. This frag-
mentation is undesirable as each specialized embedding can benet
from updating the model architecture to our latest version as seen
in the dataset ablation studies in Section 4.2.3. However in practice,
this fragmentation is the direct result of challenges in
from focusing on dierent objectives at dierent
times in the past. Beyond the improvements in oine metrics from
multitask as seen in the Ablation study, the engineering simpli-
cation of iterating only one model architecture is an additional
4.3 Human Judgements
Oine evaluations allow us to measure, on a small corpus, the
improvements of our embeddings alone. Practical information re-
trieval systems however are complex, with retrieval, lightweight
Model STL Flashlight Lens
P@1 Avg P@20 Avg P@20
Old Shop-the-Look 33.0 - -
Old Flashlight - 53.4 -
Old Lens - - 17.8
ImageNet 5.6 33.1 15.0
Ours 52.8 60.2 18.4
Table 4: Our binary unied embedding against the existing
specialized binary embeddings for each application. We in-
clude an ImageNet baseline using a pre-trained SENet[10]
score, and ranking components [
] using a plethora of features. As
such it is important for us to measure the impact of our embeddings
end-to-end in our retrieval systems. To compare our unied embed-
dings with the productionized specialized embeddings for human
judgement and A/B experiments, we built separate clusters for each
visual search product where the dierence between the new and
production clusters are the unied vs specialized embeddings.
At Pinterest, we rely on human judgement to measure the rel-
evance of our visual search products and use A/B experiments to
measure engagement. For each visual search product, we built rele-
vance templates (Figure 5) tuned with an internal training guide for
a group of internal workers (similar to Amazon Mechanical Turk)
where we describe what relevance means in the product at hand
with a series of expected (question, answer) pairs. To control quality,
for a given relevance template we ensure that workers can achieve
80%+ precision in their responses against a golden set of (question,
answer) pairs. We further replicate each question 5 times, showing
5 dierent workers the same question and aggregating results with
the majority response as the nal answer. We also record worker
consistency (WC) across dierent sets of jobs measuring given the
same question multiple times, what percent of the questions were
answered the same across jobs.
Questions for judgement are generated from a trac weighted
sample of queries for each product. Given each query (Pin image +
crop for Flashlight, Camera image for Lens, and Pin image + crop for
Shop-the-Look), we send a request to each product’s visual search
system to generate 5 results per query. Each (query, result) pair
forms a question allowing us to measure Precision@5. We generate
two sets of 10K (question, answer) tasks per visual search product,
one on the existing production system with the specialized embed-
ding and another on the new cluster with our unied embedding.
Our human judgement results are shown in Table 5 for Flashlight
and Lens and Table 6 for Shop-the-Look. As we can see, our new
unied embeddings signicantly improve the relevance of all our
visual search products.
One hypothesis for these signicant gains beyond better model
architecture is that combining the three datasets covered the weak-
nesses of each one independently. Flashlight allows crops as input
while the engagement generated training data are whole images.
Leveraging the Shop-the-Look dataset with crops helps bridge this
domain shift gap of crop to whole images. Similarly for Lens, though
the query is a camera image and we need to address the camera
to pin image domain shift, the content in the corpus are all Pinter-
est content. As such additionally using Pinterest corpus training
data like Flashlight’s can allow the embedding to not only handle
Figure 5: Human Judgement Task templates for Flashlight
(top), Shop-The-Look (middle), and Lens (bottom).
camera to pin image matches but also better organize Pinterest
content in general. Such dataset interactions are not immediately
clear when training specialized embeddings. By learning a single
unied embedding with all our training datasets, we let the model
training learn how to eectively use the datasets for each task.
4.4 A/B Experiments
A/B experiments at Pinterest are the most important criteria for
deploying changes to production systems.
Flashlight A/B experiment results of our unied embedding vs
the old specialized embedding are shown in Figure 6. We present
results on two treatment groups: (1) A/B experiment results on
Flashlight with ranking disabled and (2) A/B experiment results on
Flashlight with ranking enabled. Flashlight candidate generation is
solely dependent on the embedding and as such, when disabling
Application Win Lose Draw P@5 Delta WC
Flash. (old vs new) 41.3% 13.9% 44.8% +22.2% 98.0%
Lens (old vs new) 54.0% 7.9% 38.0% +110.1% 92.9%
Table 5: Human Judgements for Flashlight and Lens mea-
suring Precision@5 delta comparing unied embedding vs
existing specialized embedding along with the percent of
queries that are better (Win), worse (Lose), or have the same
(Draw) Precision@5. We see that our new unied embedding
signicantly improves the relevance of the two products.
Category Baseline Ours Delta
Artwork 42.9% 75.5% 76.0%
Beds & Bed Frames 16.7% 45.7% 173.7%
Benches 14.7% 51.4% 249.7%
Cabinets & Storage 22.9% 64.6% 182.1%
Candles 60.0% 40.0% -33.3%
Chairs 22.4% 63.3% 182.6%
Curtains & Drapes 39.6% 89.8% 126.8%
Dressers 91.7% 100.0% 9.1%
Fireplaces 40.4% 72.9% 80.4%
Folding Chairs & Stools 37.9% 46.7% 23.2%
Lighting 33.3% 69.4% 108.4%
Mirrors 30.6% 49.0% 60.1%
Ottomans 50.0% 80.0% 60.0%
Pillows 57.4% 75.5% 31.5%
Rugs 71.4% 85.7% 20.0%
Shelving 12.5% 42.9% 243.2%
Sofas 18.4% 38.8% 110.9%
Table & Bar Stools 40.9% 82.2% 101.0%
Tables 16.3% 40.8% 150.3%
Vases 48.9% 69.4% 41.9%
Overall 37.3% 64.2% 72.1%
Table 6: Human Judgements for Shop-the-Look measuring
Precision@5 comparing unied embedding vs existing spe-
cialized embedding. We see that our new unied embedding
signicantly improves the relevance overall with wins in all
categories except one.
ranking we can see impact of our unied embedding without the
dilution of the end-to-end system. For deployment, we look at the
treatment group with ranking enabled. In both cases, our unied
embedding signicantly improves upon the existing embedding.
We see improvement in top-line volume metrics of impressions,
closeups, repins (action of saving a Pin to a Board), clickthroughs,
and long clickthoughs (when users remain o-site for an extended
period of time [
]) along with improvement in top-line propensity
metrics (percent of Flashlight users who do a specic action daily) of
closeuppers, repinners, clickthroughers, and long clickthroughers.
Lens A/B experiment results of our unied embedding vs the old
specialized embedding are shown in Table 7. As a newer product,
Lens A/B experiment results are generated via a custom analysis
script hence the dierence in reporting between Flashlight and Lens.
Similar to the Flashlight A/B results, we see signicant improve-
ment to both our engagement and volume metrics when replacing
the existing embedding with our unied embedding for Lens.
Figure 6: A/B experiment results on Flashlight showing
changes in metrics (Blue highlights statistically signicant
changes) for users across days in the experiment (to diag-
nose novelty eects if any). We see signicant lifts in en-
gagement propensity and volume with our unied embed-
ding compared to the existing specialized emb edding.
Closeuppers Repinner Clickthrougher
+16.3% +26.7% +24.3%
Closeup Repin Clickthrough
+32.7% +46.7% +35.0%
Table 7: A/B experiment results on Lens. We see signicant
lifts in engagement propensity and volume with our unied
embedding compared to the existing specialized embedding.
Shop-the-Look had not launched to users when experimenting
with our unied embedding and as such, no A/B experiments could
be run. As a prototype, we focused on relevance and as such the
human judgement results were used as the launch criteria.
Given the signicantly positive relevance human judgements
and A/B experiments results, we deployed our unied embedding to
all the visual search products, replacing the specialized embedding
with one representation that outperformed on all tasks. Qualitative
results of our unied embedding compared to the old specialized
embeddings can be seen in Figure 7.
Improving and maintaining dierent visual embeddings for mul-
tiple customers is a challenge. At Pinterest, we took one step to
simplifying this process by proposing a multi-task metric learn-
ing architecture capable of jointly optimizing multiple similarity
metrics, such as browsing and searching relevance, within a single
unied embedding. To measure the ecacy of the approach, we
experimented on three visual search systems at Pinterest, each with
its own product usage. The resulting unied embedding outper-
formed all specialized embedding trained with individual task in
comprehensive evaluations, such as oine metrics, human judge-
ments and A/B experiments. The unied embeddings are deployed
at Pinterest after observing substantial improvement in recommen-
dation performance reected by better user engagement across all
three visual search products. Now with only one embedding to
maintain and iterate, we have been able to substantially reduce
experimentation, storage, and serving costs as our visual search
products rely on a unied retrieval system. These benets enable
Figure 7: Qualitative results comparing the old embeddings
vs our new multi-task embeddings in Flashlight. For each
query on the left, the results from old embeddings are
shown on the top row, and the new embeddings are shown
on the bottom row.
us to move faster towards our most important objective – to build
and improve products for our users.
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