Oracle® Communications Billing and
Revenue Management
Moving Accounts Between Database
Release 12.0
August 2023
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Moving Accounts Between Database Schemas,
Release 12.0
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Audience vii
Documentation Accessibility vii
Diversity and Inclusion vii
Understanding Account Migration
About Account Migration 1-1
About the AMM Application 1-1
AMM Process Overview 1-2
About the Account Search Configuration File 1-3
About the pin_amt Utility 1-3
About the AMM Controller 1-4
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Nongroup Members 1-4
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Account Group Members 1-5
About the AMM Mover 1-6
About Distributed Transactions 1-6
About Using Multiple AMM Controllers 1-7
Account Migration Performance 1-8
Migrating Hierarchical and Sharing Accounts
About Migrating Hierarchical and Sharing Accounts 2-1
About Searching for Member and Nongroup Member Accounts 2-1
About Account Groups 2-2
About Migrating Account Groups 2-3
Account Migration Restrictions
Account Activity Prevented during Account Migration 3-1
Do Not Rerate Events during Account Migration 3-1
Do Not Alter Account Group Members 3-1
Migration Prevented during Account Activity 3-2
Unique POIDs Required across All Database Schemas 3-2
Transient Objects Are Not Migrated 3-2
Some Client Applications May Fail during Account Migration 3-2
AMM Does Not Support LDAP Manager 3-3
Using BRM Reports after Migration 3-3
Installing and Configuring BRM for Account Migration
System Requirements 4-1
General Software Requirements 4-1
Software Requirements for Account Migration Manager 4-1
Installing AMM 4-2
Configuring All Primary and Secondary Database Schemas 4-2
Installing the AMM Software on the Primary Installation Machine 4-4
Configuring Your Oracle DM to Check for Invalid Objects 4-4
Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas 4-5
Configuring Database and AMM Mover Information for Multischema Systems 4-5
Configuring AMM Controller Definitions 4-6
Specifying Schema Alias Information for Multischema Systems 4-6
AMM File Parameters 4-7
Configuring AMM for Additional Database Schemas 4-8
Configuring AMM for New Custom Tables 4-9
Tuning Your Database for Optimal Account Migration Performance 4-9
Using Account Migration Manager
Overview of Account Migration Tasks 5-1
Creating the Account Search Configuration File 5-2
Sample Account Search Configuration File 5-4
Submitting the Account Search File 5-5
Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue 5-5
Starting the AMM Controller 5-5
Monitoring the AMM Controller 5-6
Checking the AMM Controller Status 5-6
Checking the AMM Controller Log File 5-6
Monitoring the AMM Controller in Real Time 5-6
Monitoring Account Migration 5-7
Monitoring Job Status 5-7
Checking Job Details 5-7
Checking Account Group Details 5-8
Handling Account Migration Failures 5-9
Finding Debugging Information 5-9
Reprocessing Failed Batches 5-9
Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema 5-10
Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema 5-10
Stopping the AMM Controller 5-10
Pausing and Resuming Account Migration 5-11
Automating Account Migration 5-11
Modifying Applications to Work with AMM
Enabling ECE to Rate Events during Account Migration 6-1
Configuring ECE to Use the AMM Acknowledgment Queue 6-3
Modifying Custom Client Applications for AMM 6-3
Modifying Custom BRM Reports for AMM 6-4
AMM Return Codes and Messages 6-5
Modifying the Account Migration Manager
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria 7-1
Creating a Search Template 7-1
Sample Search Template 7-2
Adding New Entries to the Account Search Configuration File 7-2
Sample Account Search Configuration File 7-2
Implementing and Compiling the Conversion Interface 7-3
Sample Class Implementing Conversion Interface 7-3
Verifying Your Search Criteria 7-4
Verifying That the Search Criteria Creates Valid SQL Statements 7-4
Verifying That the Search Criteria Finds Correct Accounts 7-5
Account Migration Utilities
pin_amt 8-1
pin_amt_test 8-3
AMM Job Management Tables
About AMM Job Management Tables A-1
Account Migration Flags
About Job Status Flags B-1
About Batch Status Flags B-1
About Group Status Flags B-2
AMM Entity Relationship Diagram
AMM Entity Relationship Diagram C-1
This book describes how to move accounts between BRM database schemas. You move
accounts to balance the number of accounts between schemas.
This book is for system administrators and operations personnel.
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Understanding Account Migration
Learn about account migration which is the process of transferring data associated with
selected accounts from the source database schema to a destination schema. In Oracle
Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) you use Account Migration
Manager (AMM) to migrate accounts.
Topics in this document:
About Account Migration
About the AMM Application
AMM Process Overview
About Distributed Transactions
About Using Multiple AMM Controllers
Account Migration Performance
About Account Migration
Account migration is the process of transferring data associated with selected accounts from
the data's source database schema to a destination schema.
You use the AMM application to perform all account migration tasks. You provide information
on the accounts to migrate and how to access the source and destination database schemas.
See "About the AMM Application".
You migrate account objects to redistribute the data in the following situations:
One BRM database schema contains significantly more or fewer accounts than other
BRM database schemas (for example, when you add a schema to an existing
multischema system).
The number of events per account is significantly greater in one schema than another.
The time it takes to complete a billing run becomes erratic.
You achieve optimal migration performance and the smallest impact on your operations if you
schedule migrations for maintenance windows. If you need to migrate a large number of
accounts, but your maintenance window is only a couple of hours, you can perform
migrations over several days. The AMM software processes jobs in stages, enabling you to
pause and resume account migration without affecting database integrity.
For information on scheduling migration, see "Automating Account Migration".
About the AMM Application
AMM is an application that migrates accounts and their associated objects from a source
schema in a BRM database to a destination schema in the same database.
The AMM software migrates accounts based on the information you provide in the
account search configuration file for that migration task. In this file, you specify a group
of accounts to migrate based on specific criteria, such as account creation date or
account status. The accounts and associated objects that meet these criteria form a
Jobs are processed by the AMM software through a queue system, with each job
processed in the order received. To improve migration performance, AMM subdivides
jobs into batches containing a configurable number of accounts.
Batches are assigned to a configurable number of threads, which process the batches
in parallel. Each batch is migrated in a single distributed transaction, during which
activity is prevented on the accounts in the batch. Depending on the success of the
batch migration, changes to the database are either committed or rolled back.
The AMM software does not automatically remove migrated objects from the source
database schema for performance reasons. Instead, it flags the migrated objects as
invalid to prevent BRM applications from accessing them. You can use the AMM
software to purge invalid objects from the database at any time.
AMM Process Overview
Figure 1-1 shows the AMM process overview.
Figure 1-1 AMM Process Overview
The account migration process can be divided into the following stages:
1. The account search configuration file containing information on the accounts to
migrate and access information for the source and destination database schemas
is provided as input to the pin_amt utility. See "About the Account Search
Configuration File".
2. The pin_amt utility processes the account search configuration file.
3. Every account to be migrated is set up as an individual job. The jobs are divided
into batches and placed in the queue. See "About the pin_amt Utility".
Chapter 1
AMM Process Overview
4. The AMM Controller allocates batches to threads and passes batches to the AMM Mover.
See "About the AMM Controller".
5. The AMM Mover migrates the batch of accounts by moving the associated data from the
source schema to the destination schema. See "About the AMM Mover".
About the Account Search Configuration File
The account search configuration file provides the details on which accounts to migrate, their
source and destination storage locations, and the size of each batch.
You can also migrate accounts based on custom criteria. See "Creating Custom Account
Search Criteria".
About the pin_amt Utility
The pin_amt utility is a standalone utility that generates account migration jobs for the AMM
Controller to process. This utility can perform all its functions, such as finding accounts to
migrate and submitting and enabling jobs, whether the AMM Controller is online or offline.
You use the pin_amt utility to perform the following tasks:
Start, stop, resume, and monitor the AMM Controller
Find all accounts in the source database schema that meet your search criteria
Enable account migration jobs in the queue
Delete jobs from the job management tables
Purge invalid objects from the source schema
When you submit an account search configuration file, the pin_amt utility does the following:
1. Searches the source database schema for all accounts that meet the criteria in the
account search configuration file, excluding all accounts that are part of hierarchical and
sharing groups.
2. Divides the list of account POIDs into batches.
3. Populates the job management tables in the primary, source, and destination schemas
with the list of account POIDs to migrate. See "AMM Job Management Tables".
4. Determines whether group migration is enabled.
If group migration is enabled, pin_amt proceeds with steps 5 through 10.
If group migration is disabled, the account search is complete. The AMM Controller
can begin processing the job when the job is enabled in the queue. See "About the
AMM Controller".
5. Searches all hierarchical accounts and sharing groups in the source schema for accounts
that meet the search criteria.
6. Determines whether to search for and exclude accounts belonging to cross-schema
sharing groups from migration.
When cross-schema sharing groups are disabled, pin_amt does not search for
cross-schema sharing group members.
When cross-schema sharing groups are enabled, pin_amt finds accounts that are
members of cross-schema sharing groups and excludes them from migration.
Chapter 1
AMM Process Overview
AMM performs a check on an account and only its immediate child
account. Ensure you perform extra validation to ensure accounts
picked by AMM are not part of a cross-schema sharing group.
7. When an account meets the search criteria, pin_amt finds all other accounts
related to it and organizes them into an account group.
8. Determines whether the size of the account group exceeds the maximum. If it
does, AMM excludes the account group from the job.
You specify the maximum size of an account group by using the account
search configuration file. See "Creating the Account Search
Configuration File".
9. Divides all members of one account group into batches. All batches in the group
are assigned the same group ID and flagged as containing account group
10. Populates the job management tables in the primary, source, and destination
schemas with the list of account POIDs to migrate. See "AMM Job Management
About the AMM Controller
The AMM Controller is a server process that checks the queue for jobs to process. By
default, your system contains one AMM Controller, which processes one job at a time.
For information about using multiple AMM Controllers, see "About Using Multiple AMM
The AMM Controller processes group member and nongroup member batches in
different ways:
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Nongroup Members
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Account Group Members
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Nongroup Members
When processing batches that contain nongroup members, the AMM Controller does
the following:
1. Assigns batches to threads, which run in parallel. Each thread processes one
batch at a time. If there are more batches than threads, each thread must process
multiple batches in sequence. You use a configuration file to configure the number
of AMM Controller threads. See "Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas".
2. Changes the batch status to IN_PROGRESS. See "About Batch Status Flags".
3. Passes the job ID, batch number, and schema qualifications to the AMM Mover on
the destination database schema for processing. See "About the AMM Mover".
Chapter 1
AMM Process Overview
4. Determines whether the AMM Mover successfully migrated accounts.
If migration is successful, the AMM Controller commits the changes to all database
schemas and changes the batch status to FINISHED. See "About Batch Status
If migration fails, the AMM Controller rolls back the changes and updates the batch
status to FAILED. See "About Batch Status Flags".
How AMM Controller Processes Batches with Account Group Members
When processing batches that contain account group members, the AMM Controller does the
1. Changes the account group status to GROUP_DISABLING. See "About Group Status
2. Locks the appropriate base table records in the source database schema so that
applications cannot access group member accounts during migration.
3. Marks all account group members in the source schema as invalid.
4. Determines whether all account group members were disabled in the source schema.
If all accounts were successfully disabled, the AMM Controller changes the account
group status to GROUP_READY. See "About Group Status Flags".
If any accounts were not disabled, the AMM Controller changes the account group
status to FAILED. See "About Group Status Flags".
5. Changes the account group status to GROUP_IN_PROGRESS.
6. Passes individual batches in the account group to the AMM Mover for processing.
a. Assigns an individual batch in the group to a thread.
b. Changes the batch status to IN_PROGRESS.
c. Passes the job ID, batch number, and schema qualifications to the AMM Mover. See
"About the AMM Mover".
d. Determines whether the AMM Mover successfully migrated the batch and sets the
batch status to FINISHED or FAILED.
7. Determines whether all batches in the account group migrated successfully.
If all batches migrated successfully, the AMM Controller enables all account group
members in the destination database schema and changes the account group status
to GROUP_FINISHED. See "About Group Status Flags".
If any batch failed to migrate, the AMM Controller changes the account group status
to GROUP_FAILED. See "About Group Status Flags".
When an account group fails to migrate, all its accounts remain disabled in
the source and destination schemas. You must fix the error and migrate the
job again before your BRM system can access the accounts.
Chapter 1
AMM Process Overview
About the AMM Mover
The AMM Mover is the process that actually moves accounts from one database
schema to another. Each schema contains at least one AMM Mover.
The AMM Mover performs the following functions regardless of whether a
batch contains group-member or nongroup member accounts.
When the AMM Mover receives a batch, it does the following:
1. Locks the appropriate base table records in the source database schema so that
applications cannot access accounts during migration.
2. Migrates the objects for an account batch from the source schema to the
destination schema in a single distributed transaction. See "About Distributed
3. Marks all migrated objects in the source schema as invalid.
4. Updates the account POIDs in the uniqueness table to reflect the account's new
location. For example, if an account is migrated from schema to schema, the account POID changes from /account 2286 0 to /
account 2286 0.
About Distributed Transactions
The AMM software migrates each batch of accounts as a single distributed transaction
by using schema qualifications. This means that changes can be made to the primary,
source, and destination database schemas and then committed or rolled back in one
transaction, ensuring the integrity of the database.
Figure 1-2 shows the schema qualifications for a multischema system with three
database schemas, one AMM Controller, and two threads:
Chapter 1
About Distributed Transactions
Figure 1-2 AMM Database Schema Connections
About Using Multiple AMM Controllers
Implementing multiple AMM Controllers is for advanced users only. Use multiple
AMM Controllers only if you understand the impact to migration performance.
Using multiple AMM Controllers enables you to process multiple account migration jobs in
parallel. However, you receive performance improvements only in the following situations:
Your system contains more than three database schemas.
No two migration jobs use the same schema at the same time.
When multiple jobs use the same schema, as shown in Figure 1-3, migration performance
degrades significantly.
Chapter 1
About Using Multiple AMM Controllers
Figure 1-3 Concurrent Database Use Performance Degradation
For more information, contact your Oracle BRM representative.
Account Migration Performance
Account migration is resource intensive and can overload your BRM system.
Signs that your system is overloaded during account migration:
Batch processing times steadily increase, without returning to their initial
processing times.
The AMM software is processing fewer than five accounts per second.
You receive a distributed transaction time-out error (Oracle error 2049).
There are a high number of waits for undo segment extension and latch free
If your system exhibits any of these signs, you need to tune your Oracle database. For
guidelines, see "Tuning Your Database for Optimal Account Migration Performance" or
contact your Oracle BRM representative.
Chapter 1
Account Migration Performance
Migrating Hierarchical and Sharing Accounts
Learn how to migrate hierarchical and sharing groups from one database schema to another
in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About Migrating Hierarchical and Sharing Accounts
About Searching for Member and Nongroup Member Accounts
About Account Groups
About Migrating Account Groups
About Migrating Hierarchical and Sharing Accounts
You can configure AMM to migrate hierarchical account groups and charge and discount
sharing groups from a source BRM database schema to a destination schema. In this
configuration, AMM does the following:
Searches for accounts in two phases. See "About Searching for Member and Nongroup
Member Accounts".
Organizes accounts that meet the search criteria by account group. See "About Account
Migrates entire account groups. See "About Migrating Account Groups".
By default, group migration is disabled. You specify whether to migrate account groups by
using the migration_mode entry in the account search file (BRM_home/apps/amt/
account_search.cfg). See "Creating the Account Search Configuration File".
When you enable group migration, you must perform extra verification steps to
prevent accounts from being severed from their associated account group. See
"Checking Account Group Details".
About Searching for Member and Nongroup Member Accounts
When you enable group migration, AMM searches for accounts as follows:
1. AMM searches for nongroup member accounts only. That is, AMM excludes all
hierarchical and sharing group accounts from the account search. Accounts meeting the
search criteria are divided into batches, and each batch is flagged as containing
nongroup member accounts only.
2. AMM searches for accounts belonging to hierarchical and sharing groups only. If
an account meets the search criteria, AMM finds all other account members that are
related to the account. These accounts are organized into an account group. See
"About Account Groups".
Each account group is divided into batches, which are assigned an account group
ID and flagged as containing account group members.
You can configure AMM to exclude from migration any accounts
belonging to a cross-schema sharing group, which means that members
can reside in multiple database schemas. To do so, set the
cross_schema_group parameter to true in the account search file. See
"Creating the Account Search Configuration File".
All accounts meeting the search criteria, both group member and nongroup member
accounts, still form one job.
About Account Groups
An account group consists of all account members that are related to a specific
account. When AMM finds an account that meets the search criteria, it finds the parent
account and all other child accounts in the group. If one of the accounts is also a
member of another group, it finds all members of the other group as well.
Figure 2-1 One Account Group
For example, in Figure 2-1, account A meets the search criteria. Because account A is
a child in a hierarchical account group, AMM finds the parent account and all child
accounts in that group. Because one hierarchical account member is also a member of
a charge sharing group, AMM finds all accounts in the charge sharing group as well. In
this example, the account group consists of all accounts in the hierarchical account
group and the charge sharing group.
Chapter 2
About Account Groups
About Migrating Account Groups
AMM migrates account group member and nongroup member batches in different ways:
Batches containing nongroup members in one transaction. During migration, AMM
disables all accounts that belong to a single batch.
If the batch migrates successfully, AMM commits the changes to all database
schemas and enables the accounts in the destination schema.
If the batch fails to migrate, AMM rolls back the changes and re-enables the accounts
in the source database schema.
Batches containing account group members by account group ID. AMM disables all
accounts that belong to an account group before migration begins. After migration starts,
AMM monitors whether all batches for the account group migrate successfully.
If all batches migrate successfully, AMM commits the changes to all database
schemas and enables the accounts in the destination schema.
If even one batch in the group fails, AMM leaves all account group members disabled
in both source and destination schemas. You must fix the error and use AMM to
reprocess the job before your BRM system can access the accounts.
Chapter 2
About Migrating Account Groups
Account Migration Restrictions
Learn about the account migration restrictions for using Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM) Account Migration Manager (AMM).
Topics in this document:
Account Activity Prevented during Account Migration
Do Not Rerate Events during Account Migration
Do Not Alter Account Group Members
Migration Prevented during Account Activity
Unique POIDs Required across All Database Schemas
Transient Objects Are Not Migrated
Some Client Applications May Fail during Account Migration
AMM Does Not Support LDAP Manager
Using BRM Reports after Migration
Account Activity Prevented during Account Migration
To prevent applications from accessing or modifying accounts that are being migrated, AMM
locks the accounts in Oracle. Only one batch of accounts per thread is locked at a time and
only while the accounts are being physically migrated.
When migrating account groups, AMM locks all accounts in the account group
before migration begins.
If an application attempts to access a locked account, the Oracle Data Manager (DM) returns
Do Not Rerate Events during Account Migration
Because the AMM software may suspend some events that you want to rerate, you must not
rerate events during account migration.
Do Not Alter Account Group Members
AMM checks account group relationships only when you first create a job, and does not re-
verify relationships during the migration process. Therefore, once an account group is
included in a migration job, you:
Must not add members to the account group
Must not modify relationships between account group members
If you need to alter an account group after it is included in a job but before the job
completes migration, you must:
1. Delete the migration job.
2. Modify the account group.
3. Re-create the account migration job.
Migration Prevented during Account Activity
AMM does not migrate accounts while they are being accessed or modified by BRM or
another application. For best performance, stop all account activity before you migrate
If you cannot restrict all access to the accounts in your database schemas, AMM can
still process account migration jobs. However, AMM does not migrate any batch that
contains active accounts. You can check for failed batches and resubmit them for
migration once account activity stops.
Unique POIDs Required across All Database Schemas
The AMM software can migrate only accounts that have a unique POID. Starting with
Infranet Release 6.2 ServicePack 1, the multischema software automatically creates
unique POIDs across all database schemas in your system.
If your database contains accounts created both prior to and after Release 6.2
ServicePack 1 was installed, AMM migrates only those accounts created after 6.2
ServicePack 1 was installed. For information on how to migrate accounts created prior
to 6.2 ServicePack 1, contact your Oracle BRM representative.
If your BRM system uses a custom POID generation scheme, make sure the
sequence number generation algorithm creates unique POIDs across all of
your database schemas.
Transient Objects Are Not Migrated
While the pin_amt utility migrates account objects, it does not migrate any transient
Some Client Applications May Fail during Account Migration
BRM client applications may generate error messages and fail to commit changes to
the database during account migration. For example, if a CSR opens an account in
Billing Care just prior to the account being migrated to another database schema, an
error might result.
Chapter 3
Migration Prevented during Account Activity
In that case, the CSR must restart Billing Care and access the account again so it retrieves
the account's new location.
If your system contains custom client applications that connect to the BRM
database and search accounts based on POID, you must modify your application.
See "Modifying Custom Client Applications for AMM".
AMM Does Not Support LDAP Manager
Currently, you cannot use AMM to migrate accounts if your BRM system includes LDAP
Using BRM Reports after Migration
To use BRM Reports after you migrate accounts, you must use BRM Reports Release 6.2
ServicePack 1 or later. If you use an earlier version of BRM Reports with AMM, your reports
will retrieve and process duplicate data from your source and destination database schemas.
For example, if an account object is migrated from schema to schema, earlier
versions of BRM Reports retrieve the account object from both schemas while BRM Reports
6.2 ServicePack 1 and later retrieve the account object only from schema
For information on how to modify custom reports to work with AMM, see "Modifying Custom
BRM Reports for AMM".
Chapter 3
AMM Does Not Support LDAP Manager
Installing and Configuring BRM for Account
Learn how to install and configure software required for account migration with the Oracle
Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
System Requirements
Installing AMM
Configuring AMM for Additional Database Schemas
Configuring AMM for New Custom Tables
Tuning Your Database for Optimal Account Migration Performance
System Requirements
The system requirements for account migration consists of the following:
General Software Requirements
Software Requirements for Account Migration Manager
General Software Requirements
Before installing AMM, you must install:
Oracle 12c database software. You must also install the following Oracle 12c
PERL libraries and the JRE required for installing BRM components.
Multidatabase Manager. See “Installing a Multischema System" in BRM Installation
Software Requirements for Account Migration Manager
AMM is available for Oracle databases and the Linux and Solaris operating systems. For
information on disk space requirements for the Linux, and Solaris operating systems, see
“Disk Space Requirements" in BRM Installation Guide.
If you plan to use AMM software for account migration, you must also install:
Java Development Kit
Installing AMM
The instructions in this section assume that you have two BRM installation machines
and two database schemas in your multischema environment as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 Installing AMM
Installing AMM involves the following general steps:
1. Configuring All Primary and Secondary Database Schemas
2. Installing the AMM Software on the Primary Installation Machine
3. Configuring Your Oracle DM to Check for Invalid Objects
4. Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas
Configuring All Primary and Secondary Database Schemas
Before you can install AMM, you must configure your primary and secondary database
schemas for account migration.
First, ensure that you assigned unique database instance names to each schema in
your system:
1. Open the tnsnames.ora file in a text editor.
2. If necessary, assign a unique database instance name to each schema. For
example, for the first schema:
Alias1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host=DatabaseHost1Name)
(Port= 1521))
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = DatabaseSID1)) )
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
For the second schema:
Alias2 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(Host=DatabaseHost2Name)(Port=
(CONNECT_DATA = (SID = DatabaseSID2)) )
3. Save and close the file.
Then perform the following steps on each database schema in your multischema system:
1. Using SQL*Plus, log in to the database schema as the SYSTEM user and grant database
linking privileges to the BRM user pin:
% sqlplus system/password@databaseAlias
SQL> grant create database link to pin;
Grant succeeded.
2. Verify that JServer is installed on your system:
SQL> SELECT object_name, object_type FROM all_objects WHERE
object_type = 'PACKAGE' and object_name = 'DBMS_JAVA';
If JServer is installed on your system, you receive the following:
------------------------ -----------
If JServer is not installed, you receive the following:
no rows selected
3. Install JServer if it is not already installed on your system:
a. Add the following entry to the Oracle initSID.ora file ($ORACLE_HOME/dbs/
initSID.ora) for the schema's database instance:
b. Restart Oracle so that the schema's database instance is initialized with your
c. Install JServer manually by running the Oracle initjvm script:
% sqlplus sys/password@databaseAlias
SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/javavm/install/initjvm.sql
For information, see your Oracle documentation.
4. Modify the entries listed in Table 4-1 in the Oracle initSID.ora file
($ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initSID.ora) of the schema's database instance:
Table 4-1 initSID.ora Entries
Entry Description
global_names Specifies whether a database link is required to have the same name as
the database schema to which it connects. Set this to False.
utl_file_dir Specifies the location of the Oracle utl_file. Set this to a writable
directory for the user oracle.
5. Restart Oracle so that the schema's database instance is initialized with your changes.
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
Installing the AMM Software on the Primary Installation Machine
If you already installed the product, you must uninstall its features before
reinstalling them.
To install AMM, perform the following steps on the primary installation machine:
1. Install AMM. See “Installing Individual BRM Components" in BRM Installation
2. Verify that the BRM_home/setup/scripts/pin_multidb.conf file contains accurate
information about each database schema in your system. The pin_amt_install
script uses the information in this file to set up your AMM environment.
3. For optimal performance, store your AMM job management tables and indexes in
their own physical tablespaces. Map the following entries to four separate physical
tablespaces by modifying the BRM_home/setup/scripts/pin_tables.values file:
See "Database Configuration and Tuning" in BRM Installation Guide.
4. Log in as user pin, go to the BRM_home/setup/scripts directory, and run the
pin_amt_install script:
# su - pin
% cd BRM_home/setup/scripts
% perl
5. Verify that installation was successful by checking the AMM installation log file
6. Restart the BRM server.
Configuring Your Oracle DM to Check for Invalid Objects
During account migration, the AMM software marks all migrated objects in the source
database schema as invalid. To prevent BRM applications from accessing these
objects, you must configure your Oracle Data Manager (DM) to check for invalid
objects during account searches.
If you do not make this change, BRM applications retrieve duplicate data
from your source and destination database schemas. For example, if an
account is migrated from schema to schema, the application
retrieves the account object from both schemas.
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
To configure your system to check for invalid objects, perform the following on every machine
containing an Oracle DM:
1. Add the following line to the BRM_home/sys/dm_oracle/pin.conf file:
- dm dm_nul_poid_db_chk 1
2. Restart dm_oracle so that your Oracle DM is initialized with your changes.
Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas
During installation, the Installer stores the configuration data, such as the database schema
connection details and the number and configuration of your AMM Controllers, in the Oracle
wallet. AMM retrieves the data from the Oracle wallet. However, if the configuration entries
are also stored in the AMM file, AMM retrieves the data from the AMM file. Use the Oracle wallet to provide the information necessary for AMM,
such as passwords, to access the data for the accounts in your system.
For more information viewing and storing the configuration entries in the Oracle wallet, see
the “About the Oracle Wallet" section in BRM System Administrator's Guide.
Configuring Database and AMM Mover Information for Multischema Systems
Verify that the AMM file contains a set of 0.0.0.x entries for each
database schema in your system. For example, if you have three database schemas in your
system, the file should contain a set of entries prefixed by, a set prefixed by,
and a set prefixed by Also, update the BRM wallet in the primary schema to include
the user passwords for all the secondary schemas. Example 4-1 shows the entries for a
system with two database schemas.
Verify that the file contains information on the AMM Mover associated
with each database schema. If a schema contains more than one AMM Mover, make sure to
update the file accordingly.
Example 4-1 Example Configuration Information for Multischema Systems
# primary database schema
# AMT mover
# secondary database schema
# AMT mover
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
Configuring AMM Controller Definitions
The installer creates a set of Controller_1 entries for setting up one AMM Controller in
the AMM file and populates them with default values, as shown in
Example 4-2.
Example 4-2 AMM Controller Definitions
# controller definitions
Access the Oracle wallet and verify that the entries are as required.
If you require more than one AMM Controller, determine the optimal number of AMM
Controllers for your system. Make sure that you provide the optimal number of threads
for each AMM Controller in your system. See "About Using Multiple AMM Controllers"
for more information.
For the additional controllers, create a set of Controller_2 entries, Controller_3
entries, and so on in the file.
Specifying Schema Alias Information for Multischema Systems
When you use multischema systems, the database layer of your BRM system consists
of one primary schema and one or more secondary schemas in a single database. As
a result, the schema alias is the same for both schemas.
Access the Oracle wallet and enter an alias for the secondary schema in the file.
Example 4-3 shows the entries for a multischema system:
Example 4-3 Example Alias Information for Multischema System
# Connection entries for the Primary Database Schema
# Connection entries for the Secondary Database Schema
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
AMM File Parameters
Table 4-2 shows the parameters used in defining the AMM file.
Table 4-2 AMM Values
Entry Value Description
String Specifies the Oracle user name for the specified database
String Specifies the SQL*Net database alias name you assigned in
the tnsnames.ora file.
0.0.0.x_primary true or false
Flag that indicates whether the database schema is the
primary schema. For the primary schema, set this to true.
For all secondary schemas, set this to false.
Path name Specifies the directory of the AMM Mover log file on the
specified database schema.
Important: This path must match the path specified in the
utl_file_dir entry of the initSID.ora file.
0.0.0.x_mover_log_file_flag Y or N
Specifies whether you want the AMM Mover to create log
files on the specified database schema.
0.0.0.x_grp_srch_log_file_flag Y or N
Specifies whether you want AMM to create a log file for the
account group stored procedure.
Note: The stored procedure finds all account group
members related to a specific account.
Path name Specifies the directory for the account group stored
procedure log file.
Path name Specifies the directory in which to create the AMM Controller
log file.
Integer > 1024 Specifies the TCP/IP port number for the connection
between the pin_amt utility and the AMM Controller. Each
AMM Controller instance requires a unique port number.
String Specifies the host name of the machine that runs the AMM
Positive integer Specifies the number of AMM Controller processing threads.
For optimal performance, the number of AMM Controller
threads should be 1 to 2 times the number of CPUs on the
destination schema that are dedicated to AMM.
controller_N_syslog_priority 1 (low) through 7
AMM Controller log message priority threshold. Messages
with a lower priority are suppressed.
Path name
Specifies the path to the pin_amt log file.
true or false
Specifies whether the AMM Controller migrates accounts
when ECE is running. This configures AMM to notify ECE
when accounts are migrated.
The default is false.
Positive integer Specifies how many jobs the AMM Controller starts
concurrently. The default is 20.
Note: This entry is required only if the
controller_N_event_generation entry is set to Y.
Chapter 4
Installing AMM
Table 4-2 (Cont.) AMM Values
Entry Value Description
Positive integer Specifies how long the AMM Controller waits, in minutes,
before it starts to migrate accounts. This provides time for
your ECE to process any events targeted for accounts that
are being migrated. The default is 120.
Note: This entry is required only if the
controller_N_event_generation entry is set to Y.
String Specifies the user that created the acknowledgment queue.
Note: This entry is required only if the
controller_N_event_generation entry is set to Y.
String Specifies the name of the acknowledgment queue. The
AMM Controller dequeues ECE acknowledgment events
from this queue.
Note: This entry is required only if the
controller_N_event_generation entry is set to Y.
infranet.login.type 1 or 0
Specifies whether AMM requires a user name and password
to log in to the Connection Manager (CM).
1 specifies that AMM must provide a user name and
0 specifies that AMM uses a “trusted" login that comes
through a CM Proxy, for example, and does not require
a user name and password in the properties file.
Note: This entry is required only if the
controller_N_event_generation entry is set to Y.
String Specifies the storable classes whose objects are stored in
the MIGRATED_OBJECTS_T cross-reference table. You can
list multiple storable classes by using a comma (,) as a
delimiter. For example: /service,/billinfo,/payinfo.
Note: This entry is required only if you integrate AMM with
your external application using Oracle Application Integration
Architecture (Oracle AIA) in a multischema environment.
Configuring AMM for Additional Database Schemas
You must reconfigure the AMM software whenever you add a database schema to an
existing multischema system.
To configure AMM for additional database schemas, perform the following procedure
on the primary installation machine:
1. Delete all existing account migration jobs in the queue:
% pin_amt -d JobID
2. Log in as user pin and run the script:
# su - pin
% cd BRM_home/setup/scripts
% perl
This script reinstalls the job management tables on your database schemas.
Chapter 4
Configuring AMM for Additional Database Schemas
Configuring AMM for New Custom Tables
AMM migrates data to and from the tables listed in the AMM data dictionary. This list includes
all BRM tables and any custom tables that were on your system when you installed AMM. If
you add any tables after you install AMM, you must update the AMM data dictionary.
To update the AMM data dictionary, perform the following on your primary installation
1. Log in as user pin and go to the BRM_home/setup/scripts directory:
% su - pin
% cd BRM_home/setup/scripts
2. Run the script with the -m parameter:
% perl -m
This script updates the AMM data dictionary tables (AMT_META_DATA_T and
AMT_POID_TYPE_MAP_T) on all database schemas in your system.
Tuning Your Database for Optimal Account Migration
To tune your database for optimal account migration performance:
Use cost-based optimization.
Set the number of Oracle rollback segments to approximately two times the number of
AMM Controller threads. Multiple rollback segments enable Oracle to automatically
allocate one rollback segment for each transaction.
Set the transactions_per_rollback_segment parameter in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/
initSID.ora file to a small number. For best results, set it to 1 or 2.
Set the initial size for the rollback segment to twice the total data volume of the account
batch. You can estimate the account batch data volume by multiplying the average
number of events per batch with the batch size.
Use the EVENT_T and major child tables, such as EVENT_BAL_IMPACTS_T,
to determine the average number of events per batch. Typically, 90% of the
account batch data volume can be attributed to event data.
Set the optimal size for the rollback segments to twice the initial size.
Set the next size for the rollback segments to half the initial size.
Set the maximum number of extends to unlimited.
For more information, see your Oracle documentation. For information on additional ways to
tune your database for AMM, contact your Oracle BRM representative.
Chapter 4
Configuring AMM for New Custom Tables
Using Account Migration Manager
Learn how to use the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM)
Account Migration Manager (AMM) software to migrate accounts from a source database
schema to a destination database schema in the same database.
Topics in this document:
Overview of Account Migration Tasks
Creating the Account Search Configuration File
Submitting the Account Search File
Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue
Starting the AMM Controller
Monitoring the AMM Controller
Monitoring Account Migration
Handling Account Migration Failures
Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema
Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema
Stopping the AMM Controller
Pausing and Resuming Account Migration
Automating Account Migration
Overview of Account Migration Tasks
Migrating accounts includes the following general tasks. Although you can perform some
tasks at any time, the following order is recommended:
1. Create the account search configuration file.
See "Creating the Account Search Configuration File" for more information.
2. Submit the account migration job.
See "Submitting the Account Search File" for more information.
3. For account group migration, run a group_details report to verify that each account
group includes all account members.
See "Checking Account Group Details" for more information.
You must verify that the job includes all accounts in the account group.
Any missing accounts will be stored in a separate database schema from
the account group, which severs the account's relationship with the
4. Enable the account migration job.
See "Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue" for more information.
5. Start the AMM Controller.
See "Starting the AMM Controller" and "Monitoring the AMM Controller" for more
6. Monitor the job's progress.
See "Monitoring Account Migration" for more information.
7. Fix account migration failures, when necessary.
See "Handling Account Migration Failures" for more information.
8. Purge the migrated accounts from the source database schema.
See "Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema" for more
9. Stop the AMM Controller.
See "Stopping the AMM Controller" for more information.
See "Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema" for information on deleting
jobs from the source database schema.
Creating the Account Search Configuration File
You use the account search configuration file to specify the source and destination
database schemas, the search criteria, the maximum number of accounts in a job, and
the number of accounts in each batch.
AMM can search for accounts that meet five default criteria:
Account creation date
Account status
Billing day of month
Charge offer name
If you would like to migrate accounts that meet custom criteria, see "Creating Custom
Account Search Criteria".
To create an account search configuration file:
1. Copy the sample account search configuration file (BRM_home/apps/amt/
account_search.cfg) and save it with another name. Use this file, which contains
all of the configuration entries, as a template.
Chapter 5
Creating the Account Search Configuration File
2. Edit the entries listed in Table 5-1 in the file.
Only the source database schema, destination database schema, batch size,
and one other entry is required. If you do not want to use an entry, leave it
Table 5-1 account_search.cfg Parameters
Parameter Description Required
src_database Specifies the source database schema, which is the schema from which
you are migrating accounts. For example, enter
This value must match one of the database numbers specified in the file.
dest_database Specifies the destination database schema, which is the schema to which
you are migrating accounts. For example, enter
This value must match one of the database numbers specified in the file.
start_creation_date Use this parameter to migrate accounts that were created in a specific date
range. AMM migrates accounts created between midnight (00:00:00) on the
start date and 23:59:59 on the end date. For example, to migrate accounts
created after midnight on August 1, 2004, enter 08/01/2004.
Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the
end_creation_date parameter.
end_creation_date Use this parameter to migrate accounts that were created in a specific date
range. AMM migrates accounts created between midnight (00:00:00) on the
start date and 23:59:59 on the end date. For example, to migrate accounts
created on or before 11:59:59 p.m. on August 10, 2004, enter 08/10/2004.
Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the
start_creation_date parameter.
migration_mode Specifies whether to migrate account groups. When AMM finds an account
that belongs to a hierarchical account or charge or discount sharing group,
AMM migrates all accounts related to that account.
IncludeAccountGroup specifies to migrate accounts groups.
ExcludeAccountGroup specifies to exclude account groups from
The default is ExcludeAccountGroup.
Important: If you set this parameter, you must also set the
max_group_size parameter.
max_group_size Specifies the maximum size of an account group that AMM can migrate. If
an account group exceeds the maximum number of accounts, AMM
excludes the account group from the job. The default is 100.
product_name Migrates accounts that purchased the specified charge offer. For example,
Offer 1b - Email Account.
account_status Migrates accounts based on the specified account status:
Active specifies to migrate active accounts only.
Inactive specifies to migrate inactive accounts only.
Closed specifies to migrate closed accounts only.
Chapter 5
Creating the Account Search Configuration File
Table 5-1 (Cont.) account_search.cfg Parameters
Parameter Description Required
bill_day_of_month Migrates accounts that have the specified billing day of month. You can
specify any number from 1 through 31. For example, enter 4 to migrate all
accounts that are billed on the 4th of the month.
max_accounts Specifies the maximum number of accounts to move in a job. no
batch_size Specifies the number of accounts in each batch. You can specify any
amount from 1 through 1,000. However, for optimal performance, set this to
an integer between 50 and 100.
Using a batch size of more than 50 accounts does not improve
If you set this to a number greater than 100, you must increase the
size of your Oracle rollback segments. For more information, contact
your Oracle BRM representative.
poid_list Migrates accounts based on the POID. Use comma separators, for
example, 22860, 22861, 22862. Limit the number of accounts to 1,000 or
cross_schema_group Specifies whether to migrate accounts that are members of a sharing
Enabled: AMM checks whether an account member is a member of a
cross-schema sharing group. If an account is a member, AMM does
not migrate it.
Disabled: AMM does not check whether an account is a member of a
cross-schema sharing group.
The default is Disabled.
Save the file.
Sample Account Search Configuration File
The following sample account search configuration file specifies to:
Migrate accounts from database schema to database schema
Migrate in batches of 50 accounts.
Migrate only nonmember accounts.
Migrate accounts that meet the following criteria:
Created between January 1, 2004 and June 31, 2004
Have an active account status
Purchased the Offer 1b - Email Account charge offer
product_name=Offer 1b - Email Account
Chapter 5
Creating the Account Search Configuration File
Submitting the Account Search File
When you submit an account search file, the pin_amt utility searches the source database
schema and populates the job management tables on the primary, source, and destination
database schemas with a list of accounts meeting the specified criteria.
1. Submit your account search information to the pin_amt utility:
% pin_amt -s AccountSearchFile
submitted job
The pin_amt utility notifies you if it successfully submitted the file and gives you the job
ID number.
2. Write down the job ID number, because you will need it later.
Enabling Migration Jobs in the Queue
The AMM Controller can only begin processing an account migration job after it's enabled in
the queue.
To enable a job in the queue, enter this command:
% pin_amt -e JobID
enabled job
Starting the AMM Controller
After it is started, the AMM Controller runs as a server process, continuously checking for
jobs to process in the queue.
To start the AMM Controller:
1. Go to the BRM_home/sys/amt directory.
The default location of the AMM file is BRM_home/sys/
amt. If the AMM file is located in a different directory, start
the AMM controller from that location.
2. Run the following command:
% pin_amt -c start [-a ControllerID]
controller is started
Chapter 5
Submitting the Account Search File
If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to
specify which AMM Controller to start. By default, pin_amt starts Controller
The pin_amt utility notifies you if the AMM Controller started successfully and which
AMM Controller is active.
Monitoring the AMM Controller
You can monitor the AMM Controller's status at any time by using the pin_amt utility or
checking the AMM Controller log file.
Checking the AMM Controller Status
To check whether the AMM Controller is up and running, enter this command:
% pin_amt -c status [-a ControllerID]
controller status is up
If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to
specify which AMM Controller to check.
The pin_amt utility notifies you that the AMM Controller is up or down. If the AMM
Controller is down or cannot be started, check the AMM Controller log file for more
Checking the AMM Controller Log File
The AMM Controller log file contains a detailed list of all transactions executed by the
AMM Controller. This log is created in the directory specified in the
controller_N_log_directory entry of the file. You can open the
log file by using a text editor.
Monitoring the AMM Controller in Real Time
You can use the pin_amt utility to see what the AMM Controller is doing in real time.
To monitor the AMM Controller in real time, enter this command:
% pin_amt -c log [-a ControllerID]
Chapter 5
Monitoring the AMM Controller
If your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, use the -a option to specify which
AMM Controller to check.
A separate Xterm window opens. For best viewing, set the Xterm width to 120. If an Xterm
window fails to open, make sure your DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly.
Monitoring Account Migration
You can monitor the status of jobs in the queue by running three special AMM reports:
list_jobs, job_details, and group_details.
Monitoring Job Status
The list_jobs report provides the status of each job in the queue, including the number of
batches that failed to migrate.
To run the list_jobs report, enter this command:
% pin_amt -r list_jobs
Sample output from a list_jobs report:
Tue Mar
12 page 1
AMT jobs
Total Failed Succ.
Account Account Account Proc. Job
Job Name User Name Job ID batches batches batches Job
Status time[sec] time Accounts
-------- --------- ------ ------- ------- ------- ---------- --------- ----------------
test.cfg pin 1 6 0 6 FINISHED 40 02/02/2002
13:39 100
srch.cfg pin 2 3 0 3 FINISHED 25 02/15/2002
12:00 50
mar1.cfg pin 3 8 1 7 FINISHED 205 03/01/2002
18:42 400
If any batches failed, you can see greater detail on why the batch failed by running the
job_details report.
Checking Job Details
The job_details report provides detailed information about a job's status, including why a
batch failed.
To run the job_details report, enter this command:
% pin_amt -r job_details
enter job id:
Chapter 5
Monitoring Account Migration
Sample output from a job_details report:
Tue Mar
12 page 1
AMT job details
Account Processing start Batch processing
Job ID batches Status Error
Message date time[sec] Accounts
------ ------- -------- --------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
3 1 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:42 25
2 FAILED ORA-02055:
distributed 03/01/2002 18:42 5 0
update operation failed;
rollback required
ORA-02049: timeout:
distributed transaction
waiting for lock
ORA-06512: at “PIN.AMT_MV",
line 454
ORA-06512: at line 1
3 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:42 25
4 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:43 25
5 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:43 25
6 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:44 25
7 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:44 25
8 FINISHED 03/01/2002 18:45 25
The report lists any error messages from the Oracle database. For information, see
the Oracle documentation.
Checking Account Group Details
The group_details report lists the accounts in each account group and provides
information about each group's migration status. You use this information to verify that
all account members are included in a group.
All accounts in a hierarchical account or charge or discount sharing group
must reside in the same database schema. Any accounts separated from a
parent account will no longer be associated with the account group.
To run the group_details report, enter this command:
% pin_amt -r group_details
enter job id:
enter group id:
Chapter 5
Monitoring Account Migration
Sample output from a group_details report:
Tue Mar
12 page 1
AMT group details
Account Batch Group Group
Job ID batches Status ID Status
------ ------- -------- --------- ----------------
Tue Mar
12 page 1
AMT group member details
batches Accounts ID Accounts DB
------- ----------- -----------
1 17009 2
1 17289 2
1 16489 2
1 17313 2
1 16465 2
1 17066 2
Handling Account Migration Failures
An account batch may fail for several reasons. The most common reasons are as follows:
An application is accessing or modifying the data you are attempting to migrate.
The database is down.
Finding Debugging Information
For information on why a batch failed, you can run a job_details report or check any of the
following files, which are located in the directories you specified in the
AMM installation log file (pin_amt_install.log)
AMM Controller log file (controller_N_YYYYMMDDhhmm.log)
pin_amt log file (pin_amt.log)
AMM configuration file (
Account search configuration file (account_search.cfg)
AMM Mover log files (amt_migrate_JobID_BatchNumber.log)
AMM delete log file (amt_delete_JobID_BatchNumber.log)
If you need assistance in resolving migration failures, send these files along with any
additional information about the problem to your Oracle BRM representative.
Reprocessing Failed Batches
To reprocess a batch that failed:
Chapter 5
Handling Account Migration Failures
1. Fix the problem.
2. Change the status of the batch from FAILED to NOT PROCESSED:
% pin_amt -b JobID:BatchNumber
3. Enable the job in the queue again:
% pin_amt -e JobID
The AMM Controller processes all batches that have a NOT PROCESSED status
and ignores batches with a FINISHED status.
Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database
After you successfully migrate your accounts, you can improve your overall system
performance by purging the migrated (invalid) objects from your source database
schema. Also, because the purging process uses only one thread, purges accounts
sequentially, and doesn't affect data used by BRM, you can purge accounts at any
To purge successfully migrated objects from the source database schema, enter this
pin_amt -p SourceDatabaseSchema
Deleting Jobs from the Source Database Schema
You can use the delete option to:
Remove both failed and successfully migrated jobs from your database schemas
Free up disk space
The delete option performs the following actions listed in Table 5-2:
Table 5-2 Delete Job Actions
Job Type Action
Failed jobs Deletes the job from the AMM job management tables.
Successfully migrated jobs Deletes the job from the AMM job management
Deletes account-related data from the source
database schema.
To delete a job, run the pin_amt script with the delete option:
pin_amt -d JobID
Stopping the AMM Controller
You can stop the AMM Controller at any time. If you stop the AMM Controller while it is
processing a batch, it finishes the batch before stopping.
Chapter 5
Purging Migrated Objects from the Source Database Schema
To stop the AMM Controller, enter this command:
% pin_amt -c stop
controller is stopped
Pausing and Resuming Account Migration
If a job contains a large number of accounts, but you only have a limited amount of time in
which to migrate accounts, you can migrate the job in stages. The AMM software allows you
to start an account migration job and then pause it when your window of opportunity is over.
When you reach the next window of opportunity, you can resume the job where it left off.
An AMT Controller must completely finish migrating one job before it can start
migrating another job. Therefore, if you pause one job and then enable a second
job, the AMT Controller cannot begin processing the second job until the first job is
To pause an account migration job, enter this command:
% pin_amt -c pause
paused controller
To resume an account migration job, enter this command:
% pin_amt -c continue
continued controller
Automating Account Migration
You can use an external scheduler, such as cron, to automate account migration during your
maintenance window. If you need to migrate a large number of accounts, you can set up
cron to stop and restart account migration at specific times.
For example, scheduling account migration for every Sunday from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.
requires these tasks:
1. Stop the AMM Controller.
2. Create your account search configuration files.
3. Submit your jobs.
4. Enable your jobs in the queue.
5. Configure one cron job to start the AMM Controller every Sunday at 2:00 a.m. and check
for errors. See "AMM Return Codes and Messages".
6. Configure a second cron job to stop the AMM Controller every Sunday at 4:00 a.m. and
check for errors.
Chapter 5
Pausing and Resuming Account Migration
Modifying Applications to Work with AMM
Learn how to modify your custom client applications and custom reports to work with the
Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Account Migration
Manager (AMM) software.
Topics in this document:
Enabling ECE to Rate Events during Account Migration
Modifying Custom Client Applications for AMM
Modifying Custom BRM Reports for AMM
AMM Return Codes and Messages
Enabling ECE to Rate Events during Account Migration
When you enable ECE to rate events during account migration, the AMM business events
listed in Table 6-1 automatically notify ECE that an account migration job is occurring. They
enable ECE to:
Track the status of the migration
Notify BRM if ECE fails to clear its rated event data store before the migration begins (a
migration prerequisite)
Continue rating events while the accounts are migrated
Update its information about the target database schema for successfully migrated
Table 6-1 ECE Response to AMM Business Events
AMM Business Event ECE Response
1. Gets the migration job ID, the source database schema, and the target database
schema from this event.
2. Queries the BRM database for the list of accounts that belong to the migration
3. Waits for all existing rated events associated with those accounts to be extracted
from the Oracle NoSQL database data store.
4. Does one of the following:
If the extraction succeeds:
– Assigns the IN_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION status to the accounts.
– Updates their target database schema information.
– Sends an ACKHoldCDRProcessing acknowledgment to the BRM
acknowledgment queue.
– Continues rating incoming usage events for the migrated accounts but does
not extract them from the Oracle NoSQL database data store.
If the extraction fails, ECE sends a NACKHoldCDRProcessing acknowledgment
to BRM, and BRM does not migrate the accounts.
MigrateAcct Sends an ACKMigrateAcct acknowledgment to the AMM acknowledgment queue.
MigrateSource Sends an ACKMigrateSource acknowledgment to the AMM acknowledgment queue.
MigrateDestination Sends an ACKMigrateDestination acknowledgment to the AMM acknowledgment
1. Gets the migration job ID, the source database schema, and the target database
schema from this event.
2. Queries the BRM database for the list of accounts that belong to the migration
3. Removes the IN_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION status from those accounts.
4. Loads all the rated events that were generated while the accounts' status was
IN_ACCOUNT_MIGRATION into the new target database schema.
To enable ECE to rate events during account migration:
1. Configure the definition of your system's AMM controllers for ECE:
a. Go to the BRM_home/sys/amt directory and open the file
in a text editor.
b. Verify that the following entry is set to true:
c. If more than one controller is defined in the file, ensure that each controller's
controller_controller_number_event_generation= entry is set to true.
d. Save and close the file.
The change takes effect the next time the pin_amt utility is run. For more
information, see the discussion about that utility in BRM System
Administrator's Guide.
Chapter 6
Enabling ECE to Rate Events during Account Migration
2. Configure ECE to use the AMM acknowledgment queue.
3. Verify that Customer Updater is correctly configured for your system and running.
ECE receives AMM business events from the BRM Account Synchronization DM
database queue through Customer Updater. Because account migration involves multiple
database schemas, Customer Updater must be configured to support all the database
schemas in your system. It must also be configured to send AMM-related
acknowledgments from ECE to your system's AMM acknowledgment queue.
4. Verify that BRM Gateway is correctly configured for your system and running.
5. Verify that Rated Event Formatter is correctly configured for your system and running.
Configuring ECE to Use the AMM Acknowledgment Queue
The AMM acknowledgment queue is used to send AMM-related acknowledgments from ECE
to BRM; it is an Oracle AQ database queue on the BRM system.
To configure ECE to use the AMM acknowledgment queue:
1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans:
a. Log on to the driver machine.
b. Start the ECE charging servers (if they are not started).
c. Connect to the ECE charging server node enabled for JMX management.
This is the charging server node set to start CohMgt = true in the ECE_home/
oceceserver/config/eceTopology.conf file.
d. Start a JMX editor that enables you to edit MBean attributes, such as JConsole.
e. In the editor's MBean hierarchy, find the ECE configuration MBeans.
2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.
3. Expand charging.connectionConfigurations.oracleQueueConnection.
4. Expand Attributes.
5. Set the amtAckQueueName attribute to the fully qualified name of the acknowledgment
queue to which the pin_amt utility listens to AMM-related acknowledgment events:
schema is the name of the BRM database schema in which the AMM
acknowledgment queue resides.
ammAcknowledgmentQueue is the name of the AMM acknowledgment queue.
For example:
6. Save your changes.
Modifying Custom Client Applications for AMM
Custom client applications that connect to a specific database schema and try to access an
object based on a POID may receive a PIN_ERR_INVALID_OBJ error if the object was
Chapter 6
Modifying Custom Client Applications for AMM
migrated to another database schema. You must modify any custom client applications
to handle that error and then perform a global search to find the object's correct
To obtain the correct POID of an object, modify your application to call the
PCM_OP_GLOBAL_SEARCH opcode from its exception handling routine.
This example shows a call to the PCM_OP_GLOBAL_SEARCH opcode when the
PIN_ERR_INVALID_OBJ error is returned from the Oracle DM:
/* Error? */
if (PIN_ERR_IS_ERR(ebufp)) {
"sample_read_obj_search error", ebufp);
/* Call the DM to do a global search.*/
PCM_OP(ctxp, PCM_OP_GLOBAL_SEARCH, 0, flistp, &r_flistp, ebufp);
The following opcodes return the PIN_ERR_INVALID_OBJ error when a POID
specified in an input flist is invalid:
Modifying Custom BRM Reports for AMM
After account migration, any custom BRM reports created prior to Infranet Release 6.2
ServicePak1 might retrieve and process duplicate data from your source and
destination database schemas. For example, if an account object is migrated from
database schema to database schema, your report might retrieve the
account object from both database schemas.
To prevent this, use the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to add the following
line to the WHERE clause of each custom report's query:
where TABLE_T satisfies these conditions:
It is a database table used by the report.
It is one of the tables moved from the source database schema to the destination
database schema when account data is migrated.
It is associated with every record the report must retrieve.
Chapter 6
Modifying Custom BRM Reports for AMM
If a single table does not satisfy the last condition, add the same line for several
tables that together satisfy the last condition.
AMM Return Codes and Messages
AMM uses the return codes and messages shown in Table 6-2. To automate account
migration, you can modify your external application to check for the following return codes
and respond appropriately.
Table 6-2 AMM Return Codes and Messages
Return Code Return Message
100 CONTROLLER_STARTED_SUCC controller is started
101 CONTROLLER_STOPPED_SUCC controller is stopped
102 CONTROLLER_PAUSED_SUCC paused controller
103 CONTROLLER_CONTINUED_SUCC continued controller
104 CONTROLLER_UP_SUCC controller status is up
105 CONTROLLER_DOWN_SUCC controller status is down
106 SUBMIT_JOB_SUCC submitted job
107 DELETE_JOB_SUCC deleted job
108 PURGE_DATABASE_SUCC purged database
109 ENABLE_JOB_SUCC enabled job
110 REPORT_SUCC generated report
111 ENABLE_BATCH_SUCC enabled batch
200 CONTROLLER_RUNNING_ERROR ERROR: controller is already running
201 CONTROLLER_PAUSED_ERROR ERROR: controller is already paused
202 CONTROLLER_SPEC_ACCESS_ERROR ERROR: controller specification does not exist
203 CONTROLLER_COMM_ERROR ERROR: controller cannot be reached
204 SEARCH_SPEC_IO_ERROR ERROR: account search specification could not
be accessed
205 OPERATION_ROLLBACK_ERROR ERROR: operation rollback
206 SEARCH_SPEC_PARSE_ERROR ERROR: account search specification cannot be
207 OPERATION_PERM_ERROR ERROR: operation not permitted for current user
OR job_id/batch_id does not exist
208 CONTROLLER_UNKNOWN_HOST_ERROR ERROR: controller host not found
209 CONTROLLER_PROCESS_ERROR ERROR: controller process could not be created
210 REPORT_PROCESS_ERROR ERROR: external process interruption
Chapter 6
AMM Return Codes and Messages
Table 6-2 (Cont.) AMM Return Codes and Messages
Return Code Return Message
211 REPORT_SCRIPT_ACCESS_ERROR ERROR: reporting tool not found or report type
does not exist
212 OPT_PARAM_REQ_ERROR ERROR: one optional parameter is required
213 CONFIG_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR ERROR: configuration file cannot be accessed
214 INIT_ERROR ERROR: could not create new object
215 EMPTY_RESULTSET_ERROR ERROR: account search resulted in 0 accounts,
job submission failed
216 CONVERSION_CLASS_LOAD_ERROR ERROR: dynamic loading of custom Conversion
class failed
Chapter 6
AMM Return Codes and Messages
Modifying the Account Migration Manager
Learn how to create custom search criteria for the Oracle Communications Billing and
Revenue Management (BRM) Account Migration Manager (AMM).
Topics in this document:
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
AMM allows you to migrate accounts that meet custom criteria. For example, you can create
custom criteria for finding and migrating accounts located in a certain state or belonging to a
particular service provider.
To create a custom search criteria, perform these tasks:
1. Creating a Search Template
2. Adding New Entries to the Account Search Configuration File
3. Implementing and Compiling the Conversion Interface
4. Verifying Your Search Criteria
Creating a Search Template
AMM searches for accounts in a database schema by using SQL statements generated from
an account search template. Before AMM can generate a SQL statement with new search
criteria, you must first create a template for it in the custom account search properties file.
To create a template for your search criteria:
1. Open the custom account search properties file (BRM_home/apps/amt/com/portal/amt/ in a text editor.
2. Add SQL fragments for your search criteria by using the following syntax:
criteria_name=AND SQL_condition \n
criteria_name is the name of your selection criteria.
SQL_condition is a valid SQL condition that searches a BRM table and references
one or more search variables, as shown below. Search variables must be surrounded
by curly braces “{ }" and match an entry in the account_search.cfg file.
condition_text '{SearchVariable}'...
SearchVariable must use a unique name and must not match one of
the BRM-defined search variable names. For the list of BRM-defined
search variables, see "Creating the Account Search Configuration
For information on the SQL condition, see your Oracle documentation.
3. Save and exit the file.
Sample Search Template
The following sample search template enables AMM to search for accounts located in
a particular state. It tells AMM to search the ACCOUNT_NAME_INFO_T table for
objects with the state field set to a specified value.
# select accounts based on state
(SELECT an.obj_id0 FROM account_nameinfo_t an \n\
WHERE an.obj_id0 = a.poid_id0 and an.state = '{account_state}') \n
Adding New Entries to the Account Search Configuration File
When building a query, AMM replaces the search variables in your account search
template with values from the account search configuration file (BRM_home/
To add an entry for your search variable:
1. Open the BRM_home/apps/amt/account_search.cfg file in a text editor.
2. Add your new search entry and comments to the file.
SearchVariable must match the search variable name referenced in the file.
# - You should add comments about the new search entry and
# valid values.
3. Save and exit the file.
Sample Account Search Configuration File
A sample search entry for the account_state search criteria:
Chapter 7
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
# - Migrates accounts located in a specific state. Valid values
# are California and Oregon.
Implementing and Compiling the Conversion Interface
Each custom search variable must have a corresponding Java implementation of the
Conversion interface.
1. Run the appropriate profile script for your shell. This script sets your CLASSPATH and
PATH environment variables to the appropriate values. For example, for the c shell:
% cd BRM_home/apps/amt
% source profile.csh
2. Create a class that implements the Conversion interface.
3. Save and compile your source file in the BRM_home/
apps/amt/com/portal/amt directory.
% cd BRM_home/apps/amt/com/portal/amt
% javac
This creates a SearchVariable.class file in the same directory.
For AMM to successfully build a search with your custom search criteria:
The class name must match the search variable name used in the and account_search.cfg files.
The class must reside in the BRM_home/apps/amt/com/portal/amt
Sample Class Implementing Conversion Interface
The following sample class, account_state.class, allows users to search for accounts from
California or Oregon.
package com.portal.amt;
public class account_state implements Conversion {
public String convert(String stateName) throws ConversionException {
String stateCode = null;
if(stateName.equals("California")) {
stateCode = "CA";
} else if(stateName.equals("Oregon")) {
stateCode = "OR";
} else {
throw new
ConversionException("Error: account_state " + stateName + " unknown.");
Chapter 7
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
Verifying Your Search Criteria
Before migrating accounts with the new search criteria, verify its accuracy by:
1. Verifying That the Search Criteria Creates Valid SQL Statements
2. Verifying That the Search Criteria Finds Correct Accounts
Verifying That the Search Criteria Creates Valid SQL Statements
Use the "pin_amt_test" utility to verify that your custom search template generates a
valid SQL statement.
1. Open your account search configuration file (BRM_home/apps/amt/
account_search.cfg) in a text editor.
2. Enter values for the source and destination database schemas, the batch size,
and your custom search criteria.
For example, you might enter the following to test the account_state criteria:
3. Save and exit the file.
4. Use the pin_amt_test utility to generate a SQL statement with your new search
% pin_amt_test -c AccountSearchFile
If successful, the utility displays the resulting SQL statement. For example, the
sample account_state criteria generates the following:
Compile: account_search.cfg
account search SELECT statement:
-- acct_search_select: default
DISTINCT a.poid_id0
FROM account_t a
If the compilation failed, the utility returns the file name and line number where the
error occurred. For example, the utility returns the following when users enter an
invalid state for the sample account_state criteria:
compile: account_search.cfg
account_search.cfg:32: mapping of account_state field value Florida failed
Chapter 7
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
5. Verify that the resulting SQL statement is correct.
Verifying That the Search Criteria Finds Correct Accounts
Use the pin_amt_test utility to verify that your search criteria works properly. This utility only
displays results on the screen and does not migrate your objects.
To verify your search query:
1. Create a database schema with a precisely defined set of account data. The database
schema should contain a small number of accounts.
2. Create a list of account POIDs that meet the custom criteria you are testing. For example,
write down the POIDs of all accounts created in California.
3. Open your account search configuration file (BRM_home/apps/amt/
account_search.cfg) in a text editor.
4. Enter values for the source and destination database schemas, the batch size, and your
custom search criteria.
For example, you might enter the following to test the account_state criteria:
5. Save and exit the file.
6. Use the pin_amt_test utility to execute your search query against the source database
% pin_amt_test -e AccountSearchFile
7. The utility prints to the screen a list of account POIDs that meet your search criteria.
Compare this list of POIDs with the list you created in step 2.
If the lists match, your new search criteria works properly and you can start using it to
migrate accounts.
If the lists do not match, make sure:
Your search template generates a valid SQL statement.
Your search template, search configuration file, and class all refer to the same
variable name.
Chapter 7
Creating Custom Account Search Criteria
Account Migration Utilities
Learn about the syntax and parameters for the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue
Management (BRM) account migration utilities.
Topics in this document:
Use this utility to migrate accounts from a source database schema to a destination database
schema in the same BRM database.
You define which accounts to migrate in the account search configuration file in the
BRM_home/apps/amt directory. See "Creating the Account Search Configuration File".
To connect to the BRM database, the pin_amt utility needs a configuration file in
the BRM_home/sys/amt directory. For information on how to create this file, see
"Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas".
pin_amt [-f ConfigFileName] [-a ControllerID]
[-c start | stop | pause | continue | status | log]
[-s AccountSearchFile] [-d JobID]
[-r list_jobs | job_details | group_details]
[-p SourceDatabaseSchema] [-e JobID][-b JobID:BatchNumber][-h]
-f ConfigFileName
Specifies the name of the configuration file that defines how to connect to each database
schema in your system. By default, the pin_amt utility looks in the BRM_home/sys/amt
directory. If your configuration file is located in a different directory, you must specify the
entire path for the file.
If you use the BRM_home/sys/amt/ file, you can ignore this parameter.
-a ControllerID
Specifies the AMM Controller to use.
Use this option only with the -c option and only when your system contains multiple
AMM Controllers. If your system contains only one AMM Controller, ignore this option.
-c start | stop | pause | continue | status | log
Sets the AMM Controller. When your system contains multiple AMM Controllers, you
must also use the -a option.
Use one of these options with the parameter:
-c start starts the AMM Controller.
-c stop stops the AMM Controller. If you stop the AMM Controller while it is
processing a batch, it finishes processing the batch before stopping.
-c pause pauses the processing of a job in the queue. If you pause the Controller
while it is processing a batch, it finishes processing the batch before pausing.
-c continue restarts processing a job that was paused.
-c status displays the current status of the AMM Controller.
-c log displays all AMM Controller transactions in real time through an Xterm window.
To use this option, you must set the DISPLAY environment variable correctly.
-s AccountSearchFile
Specifies the name of the configuration file that defines which accounts to migrate.
For information on how to create the file, look at the sample account search
configuration file (BRM_home/apps/amt/account_search.cfg).
By default, the pin_amt utility looks in the current working directory. If your
configuration file is located in a different directory, you must specify the entire path for
the file.
-d JobID
Deletes the specified job from the job management tables. When deleting a job that
migrated successfully, this option also purges all migrated accounts from the source
database schema.
-e JobID
Enables the specified job in the queue.
-r list_jobs | job_details | group_details
Runs the preconfigured report. Use one of these options with the parameter:
-r list_jobs displays the status of all jobs currently in the queue.
-r job_details displays the details of the specified job.
-r group_details displays the details of the specified account group.
-p SourceDatabaseSchema
Purges all accounts that were successfully migrated from the source database
schema. For example, to purge invalid objects from your primary schema, enter the
pin_amt -p
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
-b JobID:BatchNumber
Changes the status of the batch from FAILED to NOT PROCESSED, and the job from
FINISHED to DISABLED. For information, see "About Batch Status Flags" and "About
Job Status Flags".
The pin_amt utility notifies you when it successfully completes a command.
Chapter 8
For error information about each job, run a report or look in the AMM Mover log file. The log
file is in the directory specified by the 0.0.0.x_mover_log_file_dir entry in the file.
For error information about the AMM Controller, look in the AMM Controller log file. The log
file is in the directory specified by the controller_N_log_directory entry in the file.
The history of all pin_amt commands is located in the pin_amt log file.
Use this utility to test your custom BRM account search criteria. This utility safely executes
your search criteria against a source database schema and displays either a SQL SELECT
statement or a list of account POIDs meeting your search criteria.
You define which custom search criteria to test in the account search configuration file
(BRM_home/apps/amt/account_search.cfg). See "Creating the Account Search
Configuration File".
To connect to the BRM database, the pin_amt_test utility needs a configuration file
in the BRM_home/sys/amt directory. For information on how to create this file, see
"Connecting AMM to Your Database Schemas".
pin_amt_test [-f ConfigFileName ]
-c AccountSearchFile | -e AccountSearchFile | -h
-f ConfigFileName
Specifies the name of the configuration file that defines how to connect to each database
schema in your system. By default, the pin_amt_test utility looks in the BRM_home/sys/amt
directory. If your configuration file is located in a different directory, you must specify the
entire path for the file.
If you use the BRM_home/sys/amt/ file, you can ignore this parameter.
-c AccountSearchFile
Displays the SQL SELECT statement generated with the account search criteria specified in
By default, the pin_amt_test utility looks in the current working directory. If your account
search file is located in a different directory, you must specify the entire path for the file.
-e AccountSearchFile
Executes the SQL SELECT statement for the specified search criteria against the source
database schema and displays the list of account POIDs meeting the search criteria.
Chapter 8
By default, the pin_amt_test utility looks in the current working directory. If your
account search file is located in a different directory, you must specify the entire path
for the file.
Displays the syntax and parameters for this utility.
The pin_amt_test utility prints to the screen the SQL SELECT statement, a list of
accounts meeting your search criteria, or an Oracle error message. For information
about Oracle error messages, see your Oracle documentation.
Chapter 8
AMM Job Management Tables
This appendix describes the tables used for account migration in Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About AMM Job Management Tables
About AMM Job Management Tables
Job management tables are created on your database schemas during installation and are
populated with information about each migration job.
The AMM installer creates the tables listed in Table A-1 on your schemas:
Table A-1 AMM Job Management Tables
Table Name Schema Description When Populated
AMT_ACCOUNT_BATCH_TABLE_T Primary only Stores the list of tables
containing data to
migrate for a particular
Populated by the AMM Mover
when it migrates a particular
AMT_METADATA_T All schemas AMM data dictionary.
This lists all default BRM
tables as well as any
custom tables you
If you add any tables
after you install AMM,
you must refresh the
AMM data dictionary.
See "Configuring AMM
for New Custom
During installation and when
you run -
m to refresh the AMM data
AMT_POID_TYPE_MAP_T All schemas Maps the POID type to
the table name. This
table is static.
During installation and when
you run -
m to refresh the data
Account Migration Flags
This appendix describes the flags used in account migration in Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management (BRM).
Topics in this document:
About Job Status Flags
About Batch Status Flags
About Group Status Flags
About Job Status Flags
The AMM software sets jobs to a status listed in Table B-1. You can see a job's status by
running a list_jobs report. See "Monitoring Job Status".
Table B-1 Job Status Flags
Status Description
DISABLED The job has been submitted but not enabled.
NOT_PROCESSED The account migration job is enabled and waiting in the queue to be processed.
PRE_MIGRATION_WAITING AMM is notifying ECE to suspend events for all accounts in the job.
PRE_MIGRATION ECE acknowledged that it is suspending events for all accounts in the job. AMM is
waiting a specified amount of time before starting migration.
READY The job is ready to be processed.
IN_PROGRESS The job is being processed by the AMM Controller.
FAILED The job has been aborted.
BAL_MIGRATED The account discount balance migrated successfully.
POST_MIGRATION_WAITING AMM is notifying ECE that the job migrated successfully.
POST_MIGRATION ECE acknowledged that it updated all account information.
PRE_JOB_RECYCLE AMM is notifying ECE to resume processing events for accounts in the job.
JOB_RECYCLE ECE acknowledged that it is ready to begin reprocessing events for accounts in
the job.
FINISHED The job has completed successfully.
About Batch Status Flags
AMM sets account batches to a status listed in Table B-2. You can check a batch's status by
running a job_details report. See "Checking Job Details".
Table B-2 Batch Status Flags
Status Description
NOT_PROCESSED The account batch has not yet been migrated.
IN_PROGRESS The account batch is currently being migrated.
FAILED The account batch failed to migrate. All changes to the database have been rolled
FINISHED The account batch migrated successfully. All changes to the database have been
About Group Status Flags
AMM sets account groups to a status listed in Table B-3. You can check an account
group's status by running a group_details report. See "Checking Account Group
Table B-3 Group Status Flags
Status Description
NOT_PROCESSED The account group has not yet been migrated.
GROUP_DISABLING All account group members are being disabled in the source database schema.
That is, AMM is marking all account group members as invalid to prevent
applications from accessing those accounts.
FAILED AMM did not disable all account group members in the source schema.
GROUP_READY All account group members were successfully disabled in the source schema.
AMM can begin processing batches.
GROUP_IN_PROGRESS The account group is currently being migrated.
GROUP_FAILED The account group failed to migrate to the destination schema.
GROUP_FINISHED The account group migrated successfully.
Appendix B
About Group Status Flags
AMM Entity Relationship Diagram
This appendix describes the entity relationship diagram for the Oracle Communications
Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Account Migration Manager (AMM).
Topics in this document:
AMM Entity Relationship Diagram
AMM Entity Relationship Diagram
Figure C-1 shows the Account Migration Manager Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram.
Figure C-1 Account Migration Manager ER Diagram