P6 EPPM Database Administration Guide for On-Premises
Version 22
November 2023
About This Guide ............................................................................................................................... 7
About Database Users ...................................................................................................................... 7
Migrating Databases and Database Schema ................................................................................... 9
Migrating Databases .............................................................................................................................. 9
Running a Schema Validation on the Database ...................................................................... 10
Running the Migrate Database Wizard ..................................................................................... 11
Running the Migrate Database Wizard From the Command Line .......................................... 11
Migrating Database Schema ............................................................................................................... 12
Prerequisites for Schema Migration ......................................................................................... 13
Migrating P6 EPPM Schema to P6 Professional with Oracle Database ................................. 13
Migrating P6 EPPM Schema to P6 Professional with Microsoft SQL Server .......................... 14
Creating and Updating P6 EPPM Configurations ............................................................................ 15
Creating P6 EPPM Configurations ....................................................................................................... 15
Updating P6 EPPM Configurations ...................................................................................................... 16
Setting Up the P6 EPPM Database ................................................................................................. 19
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle ....................................................................................... 19
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database ................................................ 20
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server ............................................................... 21
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Database .................................................................... 22
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database .............................................. 23
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server ............................................................. 24
Changing the Database Base Currency .......................................................................................... 24
The Base Currency ............................................................................................................................... 24
Reviewing Currency Choices ................................................................................................................ 25
Changing the Base Currency ............................................................................................................... 25
Private Database Credentials for P6 EPPM .................................................................................... 26
Resetting Private Database Passwords .............................................................................................. 26
Adding Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM .................................................................................... 27
Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM ............................................................................... 27
Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM ................................................................................. 28
Configuring Background Processes and Jobs................................................................................. 31
RDBMS Scheduler Configuration ........................................................................................................ 31
Database Settings Table ...................................................................................................................... 31
Reading Setting Values ........................................................................................................................ 32
Using Code to Read Setting Values with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database ............... 32
Using Code to Read Setting Values with Microsoft SQL Server .............................................. 33
P6 EPPM Database
Administration Guide for On
Writing Setting Values .......................................................................................................................... 33
Using Code to Write Setting Values with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database ............... 33
Using Code to Write Setting Values with Microsoft SQL Server .............................................. 34
Tracking Background Job Execution ................................................................................................... 34
High Level Status Settings ......................................................................................................... 34
The BGPLOG Table ..................................................................................................................... 35
Monitoring Processes and Procedures ........................................................................................... 37
PAUDIT Auditing .................................................................................................................................... 37
Auditing Level Configuration ...................................................................................................... 37
Simple Configuration .................................................................................................................. 37
Detailed Configuration ............................................................................................................... 38
Auditing Status ................................................................................................................... 38
Options Setting ................................................................................................................... 39
SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING Procedure .............................................................................. 40
The Audit Table ........................................................................................................................... 40
Session Auditing ......................................................................................................................... 42
Column Audit Data ..................................................................................................................... 42
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database ....................................................................................................... 43
Oracle Database Tuning ....................................................................................................................... 43
Partitioning Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database Tables for P6 EPPM Schema ............. 43
Gathering Statistics for Cost Based Optimizations .................................................................. 45
Viewing the USESSION Table for GET_SAFETY_DATE .............................................................. 45
Rebuilding the P6 EPPM Index Table ........................................................................................ 46
Where to Find Additional Oracle Database Tuning Information .............................................. 46
Microsoft SQL Server Database Tuning .............................................................................................. 47
Where to Find Additional Microsoft SQL Server Database Tuning Information ..................... 47
Isolating Snapshots .................................................................................................................... 47
Rebuilding the P6 EPPM Index .................................................................................................. 47
Gathering Statistics .................................................................................................................... 48
General Tuning ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 EPPM .................................................................. 49
SYMON (System Monitor) Procedures............................................................................... 49
OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE Procedure ........................................................................... 50
USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED Procedure ....................................................................... 51
Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 EPPM ........................................................................... 52
DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures .................................................................................. 53
BGPLOG_CLEANUP Procedure ........................................................................................... 54
CLEANUP_DBERRLOG Procedure ...................................................................................... 54
REFRDEL_CLEANUP Procedure ......................................................................................... 54
REFRDEL Bypass Procedure .............................................................................................. 55
CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE Procedure ..................................................................................... 56
USESSION_CLEAR_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure........................................................... 57
CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure ......................................................................... 57
PAUDIT_CLEANUP Procedure............................................................................................. 58
CLEANUP_PKXREF.............................................................................................................. 60
CLEANUP_PCKEYXREF ....................................................................................................... 61
CLEANUP_USESSAUD Procedure ...................................................................................... 61
CLEAN_PX_DELETE Procedure .......................................................................................... 63
USER_DEFINED_BACKGROUND Procedure ...................................................................... 63
Safe Deletes ............................................................................................................................... 64
Turning Off Safe Deletes .................................................................................................... 64
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 65
About This Guide
This guide describes how to:
Migrate your P6 EPPM databases between Microsoft SQL Server database and Oracle
database or your database schema between P6 EPPM and P6 Professional.
Create or update configurations for the Primavera P6 Administrator using dbconfig.
Configure database settings and the scheduler for background processes and jobs.
Monitor processes and procedures using PAUDIT audit, BGPLOG table, or high level
Perform database maintenance tasks using the SYMON and DAMON utilities.
Database administrators should use this guide.
Using This Guide
This guide assumes you can perform common database administration procedures and have
experience using the command line.
About Database Users
Schema User (Oracle and Oracle Autonomous Database only)
Default: ADMUSER
Description: The administrative user owns most database objects within the schema including
tables, indexes and constraints, procedures, triggers, and functions, and is primarily used during
database creation and upgrades.
Privileged User
Description: The following is true for the privileged user:
Owns views to most of the schema user tables that filter out logically deleted data.
Has SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges on all of the tables owned by
the schema user.
Has EXECUTE privileges on all schema procedures.
Is used to facilitate communication between P6 EPPM and P6 Professional.
Owns the synonyms for objects that do not have a view, which means that references to
tables that are owned by the schema owner do not have to be fully qualified (Oracle
database only).
Public User
Default: PUBUSER
Description: The public user has few permissions in the P6 EPPM database. It has SELECT
privileges on the PUBUSER table, which is used to connect a P6 EPPM to the database.
Background Job User (Oracle database only)
Description: The background job user initiates and runs P6 EPPM background jobs.
Reporting User
Description: The reporting user owns views to the P6 EPPM extended schema for enterprise
Read-Only Administrative User (Oracle database only)
Description: The read-only user has read-only access to the tables owned by the schema user.
The read-only user has the same views as reporting user.
Migrating Databases and Database Schema
Migrate.bat is a java-based tool that enables you to migrate data between Microsoft SQL Server
database and Oracle database as well as database schema between P6 EPPM and P6
Professional. Migrate.bat launches the Migrate Database wizard.
For more information about migrating data between databases, see Migrating Databases (on
page 9).
For more information about migrating database schema from P6 EPPM to P6 Professional, see
Migrating Database Schema (on page 12).
In This Section
Migrating Databases ................................................................................................. 9
Migrating Database Schema ................................................................................... 12
Migrating Databases
The Migrate Database wizard is a java-based tool that enables you to migrate data between
different Relational Database Management Systems (RDMBS). For example, you can use the
Migrate Database wizard to migrate data from an database hosted on Microsoft SQL Server to a
database hosted on Oracle Database.
Note: Migration to and from Oracle Autonomous Databases is not yet
Use the Migrate Database wizard to:
Import data into a newly created database.
Repair a damaged database to correct database object issues (such as constraints or
Do not use the Migrate Database wizard to:
Convert the database type from EPPM to PPM or from PPM to EPPM (schema migration).
Upgrade from one database version to another.
Import data into an existing database.
Correct data-specific issues.
Correct schema-related issues. It is not ideal for large databases (more than 10 GB) due to
the performance of the wizard. For larger databases, try first to manually resolve
schema-related issues.
Before running the Migrate Database wizard, you must first run a schema validation on the
database. See Running a Schema Validation on the Database (on page 10) for details.
Running a Schema Validation on the Database
The schema validation utility finds missing, extra, and modified schema objects for a P6
To run a schema validation, complete the following steps:
1) In the software download, locate the utility in the Database Download folder.
2) Edit the utility similar to the following:
@echo off
REM --------------------------------------
REM Run the Primavera Schema Validation Tool
REM --------------------------------------
SET JVM_PROPERTIES=-Ddbmt.dbschema.package.location=%JAR_FILE_DIR%
SET DBMT_ACTION=application/ppmschemaval
SET DBMT_COMMAND=schemavalpm
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
IF NOT EXIST "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" (
goto :EXIT
3) Run validate.bat (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux).
4) With an Oracle database in an Enterprise environment, enter values for the following:
Username: Use the appropriate ADMUSER username and password.
Database host address: Database server name or IP address.
Database host port: The port your Oracle listener is listening on. The default port is
Database name (SID): Enter the Oracle SID for your database.
Note: Schema validation of Oracle Autonomous Databases is not yet
With a Microsoft SQL Server database, enter values for the following:
Database host address: Database server name or IP address.
Database host port: The SQL port.
Database name: pmdb$primavera (default)
Migrating Databases and Database Schema
Note: When running for an Enterprise version of the database, you will
be prompted for the appropriate privileged and public usernames.
5) Review the results of the schema validation utility that display in the browser.
Running the Migrate Database Wizard
To run the migrate database wizard, complete the following steps:
Note: Begin with step 3 if your database is hosted on Microsoft SQL
1) From the command line, fun the following and provide the password when prompted:
sqlplus sys@<db_tns_names_entry> as sysdba
2) Go to p6suite\database\scripts\install\PM_<release_level>, and run
3) Go to the <P6_EPPM_Home>\database folder.
4) Run migrate.bat (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux).
5) Follow the prompts on each screen to provide connection information for the source
database and the target database.
Note: When using an Oracle schema, the migrate database wizard
allows you to create new tables or use existing tables in the target
instance, but new schema users must be created through the migration
process. The ability to map to existing schema users is not currently
available through the migration process.
Running the Migrate Database Wizard From the Command Line
The Migrate Database Wizard allows you to migrate between relational database management
systems, that is:
from SQL Server to Oracle
from Oracle to SQL Server
from one Oracle server to another
from one SQL server to another
Note: Migration to and from Oracle Autonomous Databases is not yet
You cannot use the migrate database wizard to convert the database type from EPPM to PPM
or from PPM to EPPM. To convert the database type between PM and EPPM databases, use
the process described for migrating the database schema.
To run the migrate database wizard from the command line, complete the following steps:
1) Open a new command line console.
2) Go to \install\database.
3) Run the command with the following parameters to define the migration:
With Windows
migrate.bat -source sa/sa@sqlserver:rcgsrv:1433:vader_pmdb -target
system/manager@oracle:rcgsrv:1521:rcg02 -db PM
With Windows (Creating Non-Default Oracle Users)
migrate.bat -source sa/sa@sqlserver:rcgsrv:1433:vader_pmdb -target
system/manager@oracle:rcgsrv:1521:rcg02 -db PM -<admuser> <admuser password>
-<privuser> <privuser password> -<pubuser> <pubuser password>
With UNIX or Linux
sh -source sa/sa@sqlserver:saumverm-lap\primavera:1433:PMDB -dattbsp
<Name of data tblspc at target> -ndxtbsp <Name of index tblspc at target> -pxtbsp
<Name of px tblspc at target> -lobtbsp <Name of LOB tblspc at target> -<admuser>
<admuser at target> -<admuser password> <admuser password at target> -<privuser>
<privuser at target> -<privuser password> <privuser password at target> -pubuser
<pubuser at target> -<pubuser password> <pubuser password at target> -<pxrptuser>
<pxrptuser at target> -<pxrptuser password> <pxrptuser password at target>
-<bgjobuser> <bgjobuser at target> -<bgjobuser password> <bgjobuser password at
target> -target system/admin@oracle:oldb-orcl:1521:PMDB
For example:
sh -source sa/sa@sqlserver:saumverm-lap\primavera:1433:PMDB -dattbsp
PMDB_DAT1 -ndxtbsp PMDB_NDX1 -pxtbsp PMDB_PX_DAT1 -lobtbsp PMDB_LOB1 -admuser
admuser -admpass admuser -privuser privuser -privpass privuser -pubuser pubuser
-pubpass pubuser -pxrptuser pxrptuser -pxrptpass pxrptuser -bgjobuser bgjobuser
-bgjobpass bgjobuser -target system/admin@oracle:oldb-orcl:1521:PMDB
Migrating Database Schema
The schema migration process creates a copy of an existing source P6 EPPM or P6
Professional database and then modifies the database objects for the target database. Because
the source database is not being modified, you do not need to backup your database before
attempting to migrate your schema.
Note: Schema migration to and from Oracle Autonomous Databases is
not yet supported.
You should migrate your schema at a time when no database transactions occur.
Migrating Databases and Database Schema
Prerequisites for Schema Migration
In order to migrate schema between P6 EPPM and P6 Professional, you must be on the same
version of both applications.
If you are using Oracle for your RDBMS, ensure that you have completed the following
prerequisites before attempting to migrate your schema:
Create an empty database for your target database.
Set the open_cursors system parameter to a value of 1000 or greater depending on the
size of your source database.
Run the manual_script_before_install.sql script from the P6 EPPM or P6 Professional
installation folder on your target database. Alternatively, if you are migrating your schema to
P6 Professional, you can run the following script on the P6 Professional database:
TO SYSTEM with grant option;
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server for your RDBMS, you must enable FILESTREAM.
Migrating P6 EPPM Schema to P6 Professional with Oracle Database
To migrate your P6 EPPM schema to P6 Professional:
1) Open the Migrate Database wizard by completing the following:
a. Navigate to the database folder of your P6 EPPM installation. For example,
C:\P6EPPM_1\database\ (with Windows) or /u01/P6EPPM_1/database/ (with
UNIX or Linux).
b. Run migrate.bat (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux).
Note: After each step, click Next.
2) On the Select Migration Type screen, select Schema Migration.
3) On the Select Source screen, select Oracle.
4) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for the source
database and private database user.
5) On the Select Target screen, select Oracle.
6) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for the target database
and system database user.
7) On the Configure Oracle Tablespaces screen, complete one of the following steps:
If you want to use the existing P6 EPPM tablespaces for P6 Professional, select Use
existing tablespaces and then select the tablespace names from the lists.
If you want to create new tablespaces for P6 Professional, enter the tablespace names
and sizes in the tablespace name and tablespaces size (M) fields.
Note: If you chose to use an existing tablespace, omit the next step.
8) On the Specify Oracle Tablespace Location screen, enter the location at which you want
to create each tablespace and then click Create.
9) On the Create Oracle Users screen, in the User Name, Password, and Confirm
Password fields, enter the credentials for each database user.
10) On the Migrate Options screen, enter the size of the batch that will be used for the SQL
insert of P6 data into the P6 Professional database.
Migrating P6 EPPM Schema to P6 Professional with Microsoft SQL Server
To migrate your P6 EPPM schema to P6 Professional:
1) Open the Migrate Database wizard by completing the following:
a. Navigate to the database folder of your P6 EPPM installation. For example,
C:\P6EPPM_1\database\ (with Windows) or /u01/P6EPPM_1/database/ (with
UNIX or Linux).
b. Run migrate.bat (with Windows) or (with UNIX or Linux).
Note: After each step, click Next.
2) On the Select Migration Type screen, select Schema Migration.
3) On the Select Source screen, select Microsoft SQL Server.
4) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for the source SQL
Server database and the administrative database user.
5) On the Select Target screen, select Microsoft SQL Server.
6) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for the target SQL
Server database and the sys admin database user.
7) On the Configure Database Users screen:
If you want to use the existing P6 EPPM users for P6 Professional:
a. Select the Use Existing check box.
b. In each User Name list, select the username of the database user.
c. In each Password field, enter the password for each database user.
If you want to create database users for P6 Professional:
Enter the login credentials for each database user in the User Name, Password, and
Confirm Password fields.
8) On the Configure Microsoft SQL Server/SQL Express Database screen, enter the
required information in the Database name, Data file, Log file, and Database code page
for the P6 Professional schema.
9) On the Migrate Options screen, enter the size of the batch that will be used for the SQL
insert of P6 data into the P6 Professional database.
Creating and Updating P6 EPPM Configurations
The utility that you can use to create or update the configuration settings for P6 EPPM in
Primavera P6 Administrator is the Database Configuration Wizard.
When either creating or updating P6 EPPM configurations, the Database Configuration Wizard
updates the admin_config table in the P6 EPPM database and modifies the
BREBootStrap.xml file.
The Database Configuration Wizard can be accessed by running dbconfigpv.bat (with
Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/p6.
Where: <P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was
set during installation.
For more information about creating configurations, refer to Creating P6 EPPM Configurations
(on page 15).
For more information about updating configurations, refer to Updating P6 EPPM
Configurations (on page 16).
In This Section
Creating P6 EPPM Configurations .......................................................................... 15
Updating P6 EPPM Configurations .......................................................................... 16
Creating P6 EPPM Configurations
You would want to create a configuration if you are manually installing and configuring P6 EPPM
for the first time, or if you want to create additional configurations other than the one created by
the P6 EPPM Configuration Wizard. The default name of the configuration created by the P6
EPPM Configuration Wizard is "Primavera P6 Configuration".
To create a P6 EPPM configuration:
1) Run dbconfigpv.cmd (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at
<P6_EPPM_Home>/p6. The Database Configuration Wizard opens.
Where: <P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was
set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Setup and Configuration of the Primavera P6 Database screen, select your
database type.
3) On the Please enter the following information... screen:
a. Enter the public user credentials.
The default public username is pubuser.
b. Enter the connection details for your database.
For an Oracle or Microsoft SQL database, enter the connection details for your
Oracle or Microsoft SQL database.
For an Oracle Autonomous Database:
In the Database Name field, enter the service name of your Oracle Autonomous
Database instance.
In the Database Unzipped Wallet Location field, enter the location and name of
the unzipped wallet file.
4) On the What would you like to do? screen, select Create a new configuration and enter
a name for the configuration in the field and click Next.
5) On the Configuration of the Primavera P6 database completed successfully screen,
click OK.
Updating P6 EPPM Configurations
You would want to update your P6 EPPM configurations using the Database Configuration
Wizard if you are manually upgrading P6 EPPM from an earlier release to the current release.
To update an existing P6 EPPM configuration:
1) Run dbconfigpv.cmd (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at
<P6_EPPM_Home>/p6. The Database Configuration Wizard opens.
Where: <P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was
set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Setup and Configuration of the Primavera P6 Database screen, select your
database type.
3) On the Please enter the following information... screen:
a. Enter the public user credentials.
The default public username is pubuser.
b. Enter the connection details for your database.
For an Oracle or Microsoft SQL database, enter the connection details for your
Oracle or Microsoft SQL database.
For an Oracle Autonomous Database:
In the Database Name field, enter the service name of your Oracle Autonomous
Database instance.
In the Database Unzipped Wallet Location field, enter the location and name of
the unzipped wallet file.
4) On the What would you like to do? screen, select Use an Existing configuration and
then select a configuration from the drop down list.
5) On the Configuration of the Primavera P6 database completed successfully screen,
click OK.
6) Repeat the previous steps to update other configurations to the current release.
Creating and Updating P6 EPPM Configurations
Setting Up the P6 EPPM Database
Use the Primavera Database Setup Wizard to install or upgrade the P6 EPPM database.
For more information about installing a P6 EPPM database, see one of the following:
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle (on page 19)
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database (on page 20)
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server (on page 21).
For more information about upgrading a P6 EPPM database, see one of the following:
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Database (on page 22)
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database (on page 23)
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server (on page 24).
In This Section
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle ............................................................ 19
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database ....................... 20
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server ..................................... 21
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Database .......................................... 22
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database ..................... 23
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server................................... 24
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle
If you want to manually install P6 EPPM, you should install a P6 EPPM database using the
Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To install a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Install a new database.
b. Select Oracle.
Note: Create Read Only User is only intended for use with cloud
installations of the application.
3) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for an Oracle database
using system credentials.
4) On the Create New Keystore screen, complete one of the following:
If you want to use an existing keystore, enter the password in the Existing Keystore
Password field.
If you are creating a new keystore, do the following:
a. Select Create New Keystore.
b. In the Enter Keystore Password field, enter a password for the new keystore.
c. In the Confirm Keystore Password field, enter the new password again for verification.
If you do not want to create a keystore and you do not have an existing keystore, ensure
all fields are clear.
5) On the Configure Oracle Tablespaces screen, enter a name for each tablespace and
modify the tablespace size (M) if necessary.
6) On the Specify Oracle Tablespace Location screen, enter the location at which you want
to create each tablespace and then click Create.
7) On the Create Oracle Users screen in the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password
fields, modify the database user names and enter the credentials for each database user.
8) On the Configuration Options screen, complete the following:
a. Enter a name and password for an administrative application user.
b. Choose whether or not you want to load sample data.
c. Select your currency from the Currency list.
d. If synchronizing P6 EPPM and Oracle Primavera Cloud select Use Oracle Database
Partitioning Option(separately licensed) to improve synchronization performance.
e. Click Install.
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database
If you want to manually install P6 EPPM, you should install a P6 EPPM database using the
Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To install a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Install a new database.
b. Select Oracle Autonomous Database (ATP).
Note: Create Read Only User is only intended for use with cloud
installations of the application.
c. Click Next.
3) On the Connection Information screen:
a. Enter the DBA user name and DBA password.
Setting Up the P6 EPPM Database
b. Click Browse, browse to and select the wallet zip file.
c. In the Database services list, select the service you want to use.
Note: Oracle recommends using a service that includes "tp" in the name.
d. Click Next.
4) On the Create Oracle ATP Users screen in the User Name, Password, and Confirm
Password fields, modify the database user names and enter the credentials for each
database user.
5) On the Configuration Options screen, complete the following:
a. Enter a name and password for an administrative application user.
b. Choose whether or not you want to load sample data.
c. Choose whether or not you want to se Oracle Database Partitioning.
d. Select your currency from the Currency list.
6) Click Install.
Installing a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server
If you want to manually install P6 EPPM, you should install a P6 EPPM database using the
Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To install a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Install a new database.
b. Select Microsoft SQL Server.
3) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for a Microsoft SQL
Server database and the administrative database user.
4) On the Configure Microsoft SQL Server screen, complete the following:
a. Enter the name of the P6 EPPM database.
b. Enter the location of the Data and Log files.
c. Select the database code page. The default is Database default.
d. Enter the location of the keystore.
5) On the Create New Keystore screen, complete one of the following:
If you want to use an existing keystore, enter the password in the Existing Keystore
Password field.
If you are creating a new keystore, do the following:
a. Select Create New Keystore.
b. In the Enter Keystore Password field, enter a password for the new keystore.
c. In the Confirm Keystore Password field, enter the new password again for verification.
If you do not want to create a keystore and you do not have an existing keystore, ensure
all fields are clear.
6) On the Create SQL Server Users screen, complete one of the following steps:
If you want to use the existing P6 EPPM users for P6 Professional, complete the
a. Select the Use Existing check box.
b. In each User Name list, select the username of the database user.
c. In each Password field, enter the password for each database user.
If you want to create database users for P6 Professional, enter the login credentials for
each database user in the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password fields.
7) On the Configuration Options screen, complete the following:
a. Enter a name and password for an administrative application user.
b. Choose whether or not you want to load sample data.
c. Select your currency from the Currency list.
d. Click Install.
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Database
If you want to manually upgrade P6 EPPM, you should upgrade your P6 EPPM database using
the Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To upgrade a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Upgrade an existing database.
b. Select Oracle.
3) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for an Oracle database
using system credentials.
4) On the Create New Keystore screen, do one of the following:
If you want to use an existing keystore, enter the password in the Existing Keystore
Password field.
If you are creating a new keystore, do the following:
a. Select Create New Keystore.
b. In the Enter Keystore Password field, enter a password for the new keystore.
c. In the Confirm Keystore Password field, enter the new password again for verification.
If you do not want to create a keystore and you do not have an existing keystore, ensure
all fields are clear.
Setting Up the P6 EPPM Database
5) On the Configure Oracle Tablespaces screen, enter the credentials for the administrative
user. The default is admuser.
6) On the Upgrade Options screen, enter the credentials for the privileged, public, and
background user. The defaults are privuser, pubuser, and bgjobuser.
7) On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data screen, select Yes, upgrade my database.
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Oracle Autonomous Database
If you want to manually upgrade P6 EPPM, you should upgrade your P6 EPPM database using
the Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To upgrade a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Upgrade an existing database.
b. Select Oracle Autonomous Database (ATP).
3) On the Connection Information screen:
a. Enter the DBA user name and DBA password.
b. Click Browse, browse to and select the wallet zip file.
c. In the Database services list, select the service that connects to the database you want
to upgrade.
d. Click Next.
4) On the Create New Keystore screen, do one of the following:
If you want to use an existing keystore, enter the password in the Existing Keystore
Password field.
If you are creating a new keystore, do the following:
a. Select Create New Keystore.
b. In the Enter Keystore Password field, enter a password for the new keystore.
c. In the Confirm Keystore Password field, enter the new password again for verification.
If you do not want to create a keystore and you do not have an existing keystore, ensure
all fields are clear.
5) On the Configure Oracle Tablespaces screen, enter the credentials for the administrative
user. The default is admuser.
6) On the Upgrade Options screen, enter the credentials for the privileged, public, and
background user. The defaults are privuser, pubuser, and bgjobuser.
7) On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data screen, select Yes, upgrade my database.
Upgrading a P6 EPPM Database with Microsoft SQL Server
If you want to manually upgrade P6 EPPM, you should upgrade your P6 EPPM database using
the Primavera Database Setup Wizard.
To upgrade a P6 EPPM database using the Primavera Database Setup Wizard:
1) To open the Primavera Database Setup Wizard, run dbsetup.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux) at <P6_EPPM_Home>/database where
<P6_EPPM_Home> is the P6 EPPM home directory that was set during installation.
Note: Click Next after each of the following steps.
2) On the Primavera P6 screen, complete the following:
a. Select Upgrade an existing database.
b. Select Microsoft SQL Server.
3) On the Connection Information screen, enter the connection details for a Microsoft SQL
Server database and the administrative database user.
4) On the Create New Keystore screen, do one of the following:
If a you want to use an existing keystore, enter the password in the Existing Keystore
Password field.
If you are creating a new keystore, do the following:
a. Select Create New Keystore.
b. In the Enter Keystore Password field, enter a password for the new keystore.
c. In the Confirm Keystore Password field, enter the new password again for verification.
If you do not want to create a keystore and you do not have an existing keystore, ensure
all fields are clear.
5) On the Upgrade Option screen, enter the credentials for the Px Reporting user. The default
is pxrptuser.
6) On the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data screen, select Yes, upgrade my database.
Changing the Database Base Currency
Caution: You cannot change the base currency once projects begin.
After manually creating and configuring the P6 EPPM database, you must change the base
currency if you do not want the databases to use US dollars ($) as the base currency.
The Base Currency
The base currency is the monetary unit used to store cost data for all projects in the database
and is controlled by a global administrative setting. The default base currency for P6 EPPM is
US dollars ($). The view currency is the monetary unit used to display cost data in P6 EPPM and
is controlled by a user preference.
Changing the Database Base Currency
The exchange rate for the base currency is always 1.0. When a user selects a different currency
than the base currency to view cost data, the base currency value is multiplied times the current
exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost and price fields.
For example, if the base currency is US Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange
rate for Euros is $1 = 0.75, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as 7.5 in cost
and price fields. Similarly, if you enter 7.5 in a cost or price field, it is stored in the database as
When data is displayed in a view currency that is different than the base currency, some cost
and price values can vary slightly (e.g., due to rounding). As long as the correct base currency is
selected during database installation, a user can view completely accurate cost and price data
by changing the view currency to match the base currency.
Reviewing Currency Choices
To change the base currency you need to edit and run the P6 EPPM script provided. By default,
US dollars is the base currency, and USD is the short name used in the script. To know which
short name to use, review the list of available short names for P6 EPPM by running the following
query on the P6 EPPM database:
select curr_type, curr_short_name from currtype;
Changing the Base Currency
To change the base currency:
1) On the P6 EPPM physical media or download:
a. Browse to \Database\scripts\common.
b. Copy this script to a local drive:
2) If you copied the script from the physical media, turn off the script's read-only attribute.
Since files on physical media are read-only, this attribute turns on when you copy a file from
a CD or DVD.
a. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file.
b. Choose Properties.
c. Clear the Read-Only option.
3) Open the script for editing and locate the line containing v_new_base_currency: = ‘USD'
4) Replace USD with the currency short name of your choice.
5) Save your changes and run the modified script.
Private Database Credentials for P6 EPPM
The P6 server and P6 Professional components obtain their run-time database connection
credentials from a credential configuration table in the P6 EPPM database. The P6 run-time
database credentials (known as privuser or P6 private database login) are stored in an
encrypted format in this special P6 configuration table. Any time that you change or rotate the
privuser password credentials in your Oracle, Oracle Autonomous Database, or MS SQL Server
database, you must re-synchronize the stored credentials in the P6 credential table by using the
Database Login tool.
Because encryption algorithms are often enhanced in newer releases, Oracle highly
recommends that you reset these stored privuser credentials when you perform a major version
upgrade of P6 EPPM. By resetting the stored credentials, the new encryption algorithm can be
applied to other stored credentials (for example, pubuser) in the P6 EPPM credential table. For
information about resetting private database passwords, see Resetting Private Database
Passwords (on page 26).
Note: This tool does not reset database user logins or passwords.
Administrators should use SQL Developer or other DBA consoles to set
or reset database user passwords.
Resetting Private Database Passwords
Password encryption algorithms are frequently improved in new releases of P6 Professional and
P6 Professional. You should reset private database passwords in order to use improved
password encryption algorithms.
To reset private database passwords to use the new encryption algorithm:
1) Go to P6 EPPM <release_level>\database or P6 Professional <release_level>\database.
2) Run databaselogins.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux).
3) In the Database Connection dialog box:
a. Select the database.
b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser).
This login should have administrative rights on the database.
c. Enter the connection details for the database.
For an Oracle Database, enter the host address, host port, and database/instance name
specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type
you selected.
For an Oracle Autonomous Database, enter the location of the unzipped wallet file and
the service name.
For a Microsoft SQL Server Database, enter the host address, host port, and
database/instance name specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default
port for the database type you selected.
d. Click Next.
4) In the Private Database Logins dialog box:
Private Database Credentials for P6 EPPM
a. Select the private database user name that you wish to reset.
b. Highlight the password and change it (or re-enter the existing password).
c. Click Update Password.
d. Click Save.
e. Click OK.
Adding Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM
You can add private database users to your P6 EPPM database.
To add private database logins for P6 EPPM:
1) Go to P6 EPPM <release_level>\database and run databaselogins.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux).
2) On the Database Connection dialog box:
a. Select the database.
b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser).
This login should have administrative rights on the database.
c. Enter the connection details for the database.
For an Oracle Database, enter the host address, host port, and database/instance name
specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type
you selected.
For an Oracle Autonomous Database, enter the location of the unzipped wallet file and
the service name.
For a Microsoft SQL Server Database, enter the host address, host port, and
database/instance name specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default
port for the database type you selected.
d. Click Next.
3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box:
a. Click Add.
b. Enter a user name.
c. Enter a password.
Note: To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes
made during the current session.
d. Click Save.
e. Click OK to exit.
Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM
You can update the passwords and usernames of the private database users on your P6 EPPM
To modify private database logins:
1) Go to P6 EPPM <release_level>\database and run databaselogins.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux).
2) On the Database Connection dialog box:
a. Select the database.
b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser).
This login should have administrative rights on the database.
c. Enter the connection details for the database.
For an Oracle Database, enter the host address, host port, and database/instance name
specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type
you selected.
For an Oracle Autonomous Database, enter the location of the unzipped wallet file and
the service name.
For a Microsoft SQL Server Database, enter the host address, host port, and
database/instance name specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default
port for the database type you selected.
d. Click Next.
3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box:
a. Select the private database user name that you wish to modify.
b. Enter a new user name.
c. Highlight the password, and change it.
d. Click the Update Password button.
Note: To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes
made during the current session.
e. Click Save.
f. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.
Deleting Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM
If you no longer need your private database users you can delete them.
To delete private database logins for P6 EPPM:
1) Go to P6 EPPM <release_level>\database and run databaselogins.bat (with Windows) (with UNIX or Linux).
2) On the Database Connection dialog box:
a. Select the database.
b. Type the user name and password of a privileged database user (for example, privuser).
This login should have administrative rights on the database.
c. Enter the connection details for the database.
For an Oracle Database, enter the host address, host port, and database/instance name
specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default port for the database type
you selected.
Private Database Credentials for P6 EPPM
For an Oracle Autonomous Database, enter the location of the unzipped wallet file and
the service name.
For a Microsoft SQL Server Database, enter the host address, host port, and
database/instance name specific to your installation. The Port field displays the default
port for the database type you selected.
d. Click Next.
3) On the Private Database Logins dialog box:
a. Select the private database user name that you wish to remove.
Note: You must have at least one private user name for the P6 EPPM
database at all times.
b. Click Delete.
Note: To reverse a change, click Undo. Undo will reverse any changes
made during the current session.
c. Click Save.
d. Click OK to exit the Database Logins tool.
Configuring Background Processes and Jobs
In This Section
RDBMS Scheduler Configuration ............................................................................ 31
Database Settings Table ......................................................................................... 31
Reading Setting Values ........................................................................................... 32
Writing Setting Values ............................................................................................. 33
Tracking Background Job Execution ....................................................................... 34
RDBMS Scheduler Configuration
Background jobs handle the maintenance of the utilities tables (for example, USESSION and
REFRDEL). As a part of background jobs, the agent runs the SYMON and DAMON stored
procedures at specific intervals.
Background jobs are initiated by the job scheduler supplied by the RDBMS, therefore you must
ensure that the scheduler for your specific RDBMS is properly configured.
With Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database: P6 EPPM uses DBMS_SCHEDULER to
schedule background jobs.
With Microsoft SQL Server: P6 EPPM uses the SQL Agent service to automatically schedule
background job execution.
Database Settings Table
Settings Table Overview
The settings table contains name-value pairs that configure the behavior of the background
The namespace component is a dot-notation string representing a formal path to the parameter.
Setting Name
The setting name identifies the name of the setting.
Values in the SETTINGS table are case-sensitive. The value portion of the pair can be:
String: The string data type is a free text value. The most common string sub-type is interval
which represents an interval of time by combining a numeric portion with a unit portion as
depicted in the table below.
Interval Subtype Table
Unit portion Example Meaning
Numeric portion
d ‘30d' Thirty day interval
h ‘2h' Two hour interval
m ‘10m' Ten minute interval
s ‘30s' Thirty second interval
Numeric: The numeric data type consists of any number.
Boolean: The Boolean data type can have one of two values: true or false, where zero
represents false and any non-zero number represents true.
Date: The date data type consists of dates.
Setting Example
The following is an example of a setting:
Namespace: database.cleanup.Usession
Setting Name: ExpiredSessionTimeout
Value: 2h (two hour interval)
Reading Setting Values
You can configure settings through the Settings API Procedures. These procedures are similar
to registry or INI file procedure calls.
Reading Settings Values
Use the following SETTINGS_READ_* procedures to determine the current value of specific
Using Code to Read Setting Values with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database
The following code snippets demonstrate how the SETTINGS_READ_* procedures read the
setting values with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database.
To retrieve the value of the KeepInterval setting:
1) Use the following code:
SQL> variable vset varchar2(255)
Configuring Background Processes and Jobs
SQL> exec settings_read_string(:vset,'database.cleanup.Usession',
2. The following message should appear:
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print vset
Using Code to Read Setting Values with Microsoft SQL Server
The following code snippets demonstrate how the SETTINGS_READ_* procedures read the
setting values with Microsoft SQL Server.
To retrieve the value of the KeepInterval setting:
1) Use the following code:
declare @vset varchar(255)
exec settings_read_string @vset
print @vset
2) The following message should appear:
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print vset
Writing Setting Values
Use the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING procedure to set the value of a specific setting:
SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING(new value,namespace,settings_name);
Using Code to Write Setting Values with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database
The following code snippets demonstrate how the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING procedure sets
the value of the ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to 12 hours.
To set the value of the ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to 12 hours:
1) Log in to SQL*Plus with your privuser credentials.
2) Run the following statement:
Using Code to Write Setting Values with Microsoft SQL Server
The following code snippets demonstrate how the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING procedure sets
the value of the ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to 12 hours with Microsoft SQL Server.
To set the value of the ExpiredSessionTimeout setting to 12 hours:
1) Open the Query Analyzer/SSMS and connect as privuser.
2) Select the P6 EPPM database, then run the following statement (using 12 hours as an
exec SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING '12h','database.cleanup.Usession',
Tracking Background Job Execution
You can track the execution of background jobs by monitoring the high level status settings or by
inspecting the BGPLOG table.
High Level Status Settings
Each time a job runs, it will update the SETTINGS table for the setting_name = 'HeartBeatTime.'
The job can update this value multiple times during the execution. You can monitor the
maximum difference between this time and the current date to ensure that the job is running
promptly. Refer to the High Level Status Settings table below for information about the
HeartBeatTime setting.
High Level Status Settings
Last date and time background job SYMON ran.
Namespace database.background.Symon
Setting Name HeartBeatTime
Default Setting N/A
Last date and time background job DAMON ran.
Namespace database.background.Damon
Setting Name HeartBeatTime
Default Setting N/A
Configuring Background Processes and Jobs
The BGPLOG Table
You can also track the execution of background jobs by inspecting the BGPLOG table. The
BGPLOG table holds detailed entries from the background processes including informational,
elapsed time, and error entries. Refer to the BGPLOG Table Descriptions for information about
what this table contains.
BGPLOG Table Descriptions
Column Description Value
Log_time Time when background
process made a log entry
Source Program generating log entry "system_monitor", "data_monitor"
Description Message from the
background process
A variable message followed by a
number in parenthesis that
represents the number of rows that
processed. As an example, the
message "Complete BGPLOG (40)"
indicates that forty rows processed.
Monitoring Processes and Procedures
In This Section
PAUDIT Auditing ..................................................................................................... 37
PAUDIT Auditing
PAUDIT auditing permits you to log the edits, additions, and deletions made by users of P6
EPPM applications. When users make changes, they create a Data Manipulation Language
(DML) INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. PAUDIT auditing uses the Data Manipulation
Language (DML) INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement being processed against tables in
the database schema. Since every application table in the schema has its own auditing trigger,
you can log changes made to each table regardless of who made the change or when the
change was made. The database schema owner owns the auditing trigger: you can bypass
trigger execution.
Auditing Level Configuration
You can adjust the amount of information that is logged by adjusting the audit level for each
table. You can refine the audit further by setting the audit level individually for insert, updates,
and deletes within each table.
Auditing Levels
Level Description
Level 0 No audit.
Level 1 Row-level audit. Audit only the operation without column details
Level 2 Column-level Audit without blobs. Audit changes to the data at
the column level but without blob changes
Level 3 Full Audit. Audit changes to the data at the column level.
With Oracle and Oracle Autonomous Database, column level
changes to blobs are audited.
With Microsoft SQL Server, column level changes to blobs are
not included.
Simple Configuration
You can use two configuration procedures to provide simple control of the auditing feature:
P6 EPPM Database Administration Guide
for On
auditing_enable(table_name, level)
You can set the audit level on an individual table or the same audit level for all of the tables.
However, the simple configuration procedures do not allow for setting individual auditing levels
for insert, update, or delete operations within a table.
Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database Examples:
Use the following examples as a guide to use the simple audit configuration procedures to
control the auditing feature.
The following code snippet enables full auditing on all tables:
exec auditing_enable(null,3);
The following code snippet enables level one auditing on the task table:
exec auditing_enable('TASK',1);
The following code snippet disables auditing on PROJWBS:
exec auditing_disable('PROJWBS');
The following code snippet completely disables auditing across the entire database:
exec auditing_disable(null);
Detailed Configuration
You can configure auditing trigger behavior by changing values in the settings table that either
enable or disable:
The auditing feature itself
The auditing of specific tables
The auditing of table insert, update, or delete operations within each table
Auditing Status
You can enable or disable the auditing feature by using the database.audit.Enable setting. Use
the settings_write_bool procedure to enable/disable the auditing feature.
Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database Example:
To enable the auditing feature in Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database, use the following
exec settings_write_bool(1,'database.audit','Enabled');
Monitoring Processes and Proced
Microsoft SQL Server Example:
To enable the auditing feature in Microsoft SQL Server, use the following code:
exec settings_write_bool 1,'database.audit','Enabled'
Options Setting
Each table's auditing settings are controlled by the Options setting in each table's auditing
namespace (for example, database.audit.TASK). The Options setting is a three character string
with a numeric value in each character position representing the audit level for insert, update,
and delete.
Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation
Insert Update Delete Description
Level 0 0 0 No audit.
1 1 1 Row-level audit. Audit only the
operation without column
2 2 2 Column-level audit without
blobs. Audit changes to the
data at the column level but
without blob changes.
3 3 3 Full Audit. Audit changes to the
data at the column level.
With Oracle and Oracle
Autonomous Database, column
level changes to blobs are
With Microsoft SQL Server,
column level changes to blobs
are not included.
The following table provides examples of the options setting:
Setting the Auditing Level Options Setting by Table Operation Examples
Namespace Setting Value Description
P6 EPPM Database Administration Guide
for On
330 Fully audit any insert
and update
operations. Do not
audit any delete
database.audit.PROJWBS 001 Row-level audit on
deletes only.
database.audit.TASKRSRC 333 Fully audit.
You can change table audit settings using the settings_write_string procedure.
Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database Example:
To set the table settings to fully audit insert and update operations but ignore any delete
operations, use the following code with Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database:
exec settings_write_string('330','database.audit.TASK','Options');
Microsoft SQL Server Example:
To set the table settings to fully audit insert and update operations but ignore any delete
operations, use the following code with Microsoft SQL Server:
exec settings_write_string '330','database.audit.TASK','Options'
Note: Changes to auditing settings will not appear immediately in the
application. The program will need to close the database connection and
then reconnect to the database to get the new settings.
The Audit Table
Audit records are inserted into the PAUDIT table. One record is inserted into the audit table for
each row changed in the database.
Column Type Description
Date and time of change
Table Name
PK1, PK2, PK3, PK4 STRING(255)
Primary key values for audited
Monitoring Processes and Procedures
Unique object id of the audited
I=Insert, U=Update, D=Delete
P6 EPPM user name if the change
was made in P6 EPPM applications
Column changes up to 4000
characters (Level 2 and 3 only)
Column changes up to 4000
characters (Level 2 and 3 only)
Blob changes and overflow from
audit_old (Level 2 and 3 only)
Blob changes and overflow from
audit_new (Level 2 and 3 only)
Flag for deletes that are logical
(marked) rather than a physical
Database user name (usually
Operating system user name of
connected session
Note: When auditing is enabled
against a SQL Server database,
PAUDIT.os_user_name will
always return a null value. This is
because the value for
os_user_name in PAUDIT table is
taken from the nt_username
column in
view and the nt_username value
in master.sys.sysprocesses
view is empty for the P6
Professional program because P6 is
connected to SQL DB using SQL
authentication. The nt_username
field is filled only when we connect
to SQL DB using Windows
P6 EPPM Database Administration Guide
for On
Name of program connecting to the
Computer name of connected
Name of application connected to
the database
IP or MAC address of connected
Note: Grant select privileges to the administrative user on V_$SESSION
to ensure correct values for several auditing table values.
Session Auditing
Activity for the USESSION table is audited with its own trigger and table. When an application
user logs out of the system they logically delete or mark their session record in the USESSION
table. One record is written to the USESSAUD table for each logout. The format of the
USESSAUD table mirrors that of the USESSION table. This audit can be enabled using the
usessaud_enable procedure and disabled using the usessaud_disable procedure.
Column Audit Data
The data changes for each audit are stored in the audit_info and audit_info_extended columns.
The audit_info column contains all the row changes as long as they do not exceed 4000
characters. Changes over 4000 characters or any edit to a blob will be written to the
audit_info_extended BLOB column.
Data in the two audit_info columns has a specific format. Each column audit within the data
begins with either ":O" (old data) or ":N" (new data) to distinguish between the audit of the
previous (old) or the changed (new) value (for BLOB columns the data starts with :BLOBO or
:BLOBN). Directly after this is the name of the column in lowercase. Following the column name
is the length of the audited value in a fixed four character field. Finally, the actual data is placed
in the audit record. Updates will have both an old and new value for each change. Inserts will
have only a new value and deletes only an old value.
The following is an example of the audit record for TASK to change the task_code from
'A1010' to 'B102:'
audit_info =>:Otask_code: 5:A1010:Ntask_code: 4:B102
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
The performance of the P6 EPPM database depends on an effective configuration of physical
design structures, such as indexes or hints, in the database.
Oracle and SQL Server have separate tools which can be used to diagnose the need for
database design performance tuning and is discussed in detail below.
In This Section
Oracle Database Tuning .......................................................................................... 43
Microsoft SQL Server Database Tuning .................................................................. 47
General Tuning ....................................................................................................... 49
Oracle Database Tuning
The responsibility for maintaining performance of the Oracle Database is a task of the Oracle
database administrator (DBA). This section describes how to tune a P6 EPPM database hosted
on Oracle.
Partitioning Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database Tables for P6 EPPM Schema
Partitioning addresses key issues in supporting very large tables and indexes by letting you
decompose them into smaller and more manageable pieces called partitions. SQL queries and
DML statements do not need to be modified in order to access partitioned tables. However, after
partitions are defined, DDL statements can access and manipulate individuals partitions rather
than entire tables or indexes. This is how partitioning can simplify the manageability of large
database objects. Also, partitioning is entirely transparent to applications.
Each partition of a table or index must have the same logical attributes (for example, column
names, datatypes, and constraints); however, each partition can have separate physical
attributes such as pctfree, pctused, and tablespaces.
Partitioning is useful for applications that manage large volumes of data.
Table partitioning is a manual process that can be performed after you set up the P6 EPPM
Database. Oracle Primavera does not provide any tools or utilities to configure table partitioning.
Partitioning of an Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database table within a schema should be
performed by the Oracle DBA.
For more information about Oracle Database partitioning, refer to the Database Performance
Tuning Guide and Database Administrator's Guide.
For more information about partitioning a non-partioned table, refer to How to Partition a
Non-partitioned / Regular / Normal Table (Doc ID 1070693.6) on My Oracle Support.
Supported Tables for Partitioning
The following tables are supported for partitioning:
Supported Partitioning Type
The LIST and RANGE partitioning types are supported. List partitioning enables you to explicitly
control how rows map to partitions by specifying a list of discrete values for the partitioning key
in the description for each partition. Range partitioning enables you to specify a range of values
for the partitioning key in the description of each partition. Rows with values matching the
specified partition range map to the partition.
Table Partition Keys
The partitioning key is comprised of one or more columns that determine the partition where
each row will be stored. Oracle and Oracle Autonomous Database automatically direct insert,
update, and delete operations to the appropriate partition through the use of the partitioning key.
The following list includes the partition key for each table:
The partition key for CALENDAR is CLNDR_TYPE. The partition is by list CA_BASE,
The partition key for PAUDIT is AUSIT_TS. The partition is by range INTERVAL of (1,
The partition key for PROJWBS is PROJ_NODE_FLAG. The partition is by list Y or N.
The partition key for PROJECT is ORIG_PROJ_ID. The partition is by list null or default
(not null).
The partition key for REFERDEL is DELETE_DATE. The partition is by range INTERVAL of
(1, 'day').
The partition key for RSRCROLEASGNMENTSPREAD is ROLLEDUP_RECORD. The partition is by
list Y or N.
The partition key for UDFVALUE is TABLE_NAME.
TABLE_NAME is a de-normalized column and duplicates values from the UDFTYPE table. You
can create a trigger to sync UDFVALUE.TABLE_NAME values with UDFTYPE.TABLE_NAME. The
following script can be used to create a new trigger when partitioning UDFVALUE:
-- new trigger
select TABLE_NAME into :new.TABLE_NAME from UDFTYPE where udf_type_id =
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
You can also enhance the login process and open project queries by changing the
SETTINGS.SETTING_VALUE from N to Y in the SETTINGS table where
Gathering Statistics for Cost Based Optimizations
Oracle and Oracle Autonomous Databases only support cost-based optimization, which relies on
accurate statistics to determine the optimal access path for a query. Gathering the appropriate
statistics helps the optimizer, which will improve database performance. To gather statistics
that optimize specifically for P6, use the custom P6 stored procedure gather_statistics() which is
owned by the ADMUSER schema. Calling this procedure is the preferred method for gathering
table statistics for P6 EPPM tables.
To call the stored procedure, run the following four lines in SQL Developer or SQLPlus:
var ret number
var retmsg varchar2(200)
exec gather_statistics(:ret, :retmsg);
select :retmsg from dual;
Note: The ORPM_STATS_GATHER.sql script located in the
\Database\scripts\common folder of the P6 EPPM physical media is also
supported and performs the same function.
Viewing the USESSION Table for GET_SAFETY_DATE
V_$TRANSACTION is a system view in Oracle Database that lists the active transactions in the
GET_SAFETY DATE (a procedure in the Project Management schema) accesses this view to
get the oldest start time of an active transaction. If the schema owner does not have privileges to
this view, then it returns a safety date using the USESSION table. V_$Transaction tunes
performance during a refresh action. USESSION records the login time of the logged in user,
whereas data in the V_$Transaction view is recorded at a system level. The logged in user could
be logged in for more than an hour (as seen from the USESSION table), but the V_$Transaction
view has the current transaction datetime, regardless of the time the user logged in.
Note: Access to the V_$TRANSACTION view was built into the
procedure to tune performance with refreshing operations; however,
third party functions could impact performance with database refresh
operations that use an older time in the V_$TRANSACTION view.
To grant access to this view, connect to the RDBMS as SYS. Run the RUN_AS_SYS.SQL script
located in the \Database\scripts\common folder of the P6 EPPM physical media or download.
Rebuilding the P6 EPPM Index Table
Indexes can become skewed if you frequently access parts of the index and not others. As a
result, disk contention may occur and create a bottleneck in SQL performance. To prevent this
performance degradation, you should monitor your P6 EPPM indexes and rebuild if necessary.
You can use the analyze_P6EPPM_indexes.sql script to compute statistics on the P6
EPPM index, validate the index structure, and return a report that includes the following
The number of values in the index that exceed 100.
Deleted entries in the index that represents 20% or more of the current entries or the index
depth is more than four levels based on index_stats result
The indexes that are returned from this report should be considered for a rebuild as they could
represent a skewed tree structure and can lead to unnecessary database block reads of the
To run analyze_P6EPPM_indexes.sql:
1) Download analyze_P6EPPM_indexes.sql from
2) Save the script to your local database server.
3) Open a command prompt and then change the directory to the location of the script.
4) From the command line, run the following scripts and provide the password when prompted:
sqlplus <admuser>@<db_tns_names_entry>
If you need to rebuild an index, you can run the following script:
Where: <Index_Name> is the name of the index returned in the report.
Where to Find Additional Oracle Database Tuning Information
The Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide is intended for Oracle database
administrators (DBAs) who want to tune and optimize the performance of their Oracle database.
It is meant as a quick start guide that teaches you how to perform day-to-day database
performance tuning tasks using features provided by Oracle Diagnostics Pack, Oracle Tuning
Pack, and Oracle Enterprise Manager (Enterprise Manager). In particular, this document is
targeted toward the following groups of users:
Oracle DBAs who want to acquire database performance tuning skills.
DBAs who are new to Oracle Database.
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
The Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide is an aid for people responsible for the
operation, maintenance, and performance of Oracle database. This book describes detailed
ways to enhance Oracle database performance by using performance tools, and optimizing
instance performance. It also explains how to create an initial database for good performance
and includes performance-related reference information. This book could be useful for database
administrators, application designers, and programmers.
Microsoft SQL Server Database Tuning
The responsibility for maintaining performance of the Microsoft SQL Server Database is a task of
the SQL administrator (sa). This section describes how to tune a Microsoft SQL Server database
for the P6 EPPM database.
Where to Find Additional Microsoft SQL Server Database Tuning Information
Monitoring the performance of a database requires a periodic review of the performance of
processes that the database uses. As you collect data, you can isolate processes that cause
problems or you can track performance trends.
For more information about how to effectively monitor a Microsoft SQL Server database for
performance, refer to the following topics in the Microsoft documentation library:
Monitor and Tune for Performance
Monitor SQL Server Components
Performance Monitoring and Tuning Tools
Establish a Performance Baseline
Isolate Performance Problems
Identity Bottlenecks
Isolating Snapshots
When you enable snapshots and create a transaction in your SQL Server Database, a
transaction is created (with a unique sequence number before your intended transaction) in
tempdb. Your transaction then relies on all of the rows that have a lower sequence number than
the rows in tempdb which ensures that your transaction is run against your database as it
appeared at the time the query was performed. This prevents rows that were created after a
transaction begins from being utilized by current transactions.
For more information about snapshot isolation as well as instructions to enable it, refer to the
Snapshot Isolation in SQL Server topic in the Microsoft documentation library.
Rebuilding the P6 EPPM Index
Indexes become fragmented if you frequently create, modify, or delete data within a database.
When indexes become fragmented, performance degrades. You can prevent the performance of
your database from degrading as a result of fragmentation by monitoring your P6 EPPM indexes
and rebuilding them if necessary.
For more information about detecting fragmentation within your database and rebuilding your
indexes, refer to the Reorganize and Rebuild Indexes topic in the Microsoft documentation
Gathering Statistics
Statistics are an option that you can enable for your Microsoft SQL Server Database that
automatically collections information about data distribution within tables and indexes, query
patterns, query results, and the like. You should gather statistics so that you can optimize your
interactions with your P6 EPPM database.
For example, gathering statistics can help you recognize and resolve the following issues:
Loading data that hangs at 98%
Performance issues
Projects that open slowly
Windows that disappear after loading data
For more information about enabling statistics gathering in your Microsoft SQL Server Database,
refer to Introduction to the Statistics in SQL Server article in the Microsoft documentation library.
To gather statistics for all of the P6 EPPM tables:
1) Log in to your Microsoft SQL Server Database as a system administrator (sa) user.
2) Run the following query:
exec sp_updatestats
To gather statistics for the PROJECTS and TASKS tables:
1) Log in to your Microsoft SQL Server Database as a system administrator (sa) user.
2) Run the following queries:
update statistics project with fullscan ,all
update statistics task with fullscan ,all
To determine the last time statistics were gathered per index and table:
1) Log in to your Microsoft SQL Server Database as a system administrator (sa) user.
2) Run the following query:
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(A.object_id) AS Object_Name, AS index_name,
STATS_DATE(A.OBJECT_ID, index_id) AS StatsUpdated,
DATEDIFF(d,STATS_DATE(A.OBJECT_ID, index_id),getdate()) DaysOld
FROM sys.indexes A
INNER JOIN sys.tables B ON A.object_id = B.object_id
General Tuning
In This Section
Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 EPPM ................................................. 49
Safe Deletes ............................................................................................................ 64
Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 EPPM
Clean up tasks can be resource intensive and time consuming. Irrespective of your RDBMS,
such clean up tasks are initiated in P6 EPPM by two background jobs that run on the database
server using the background job processes user name:
SYMON (System Monitor), responsible for running procedures that take less than a few
seconds to complete.
DAMON (Data Monitor), responsible for running procedures that take longer than a few
seconds to complete.
Both of these jobs are pre-configured with default settings. Since the default settings are optimal
for most environments, you generally do not need to tune them. However, if you need to
optimize your background process further, you can use the background job processes user to
change the settings to tune the behavior of the background jobs for specific environments.
The background process will:
Update the BGPLOG table with a new record each time a job runs.
Update the settings table with a HeartBeatTime record for both the SYMON and DAMON
processes. The background processes regularly refresh the record to indicate that they are
still running.
When you initiate background jobs:
Run the stored procedure INITIALIZE_BACKGROUND_PROCS.
Locate the logs of background process activity in BPLOGS and SETTINGS tables within the
Primavera database.
SYMON (System Monitor) Procedures
SYMON runs simple P6 EPPM tasks on a quick schedule. By default, the job runs every minute;
the tasks assigned to this job should take only a few seconds to complete on each run. Do not
change the scheduled run time (every minute) for this procedure.
Procedures performed by SYMON
The procedures run by SYMON perform these tasks:
Processing the PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security by queuing OBSPROJ updates to
the PRMQUEUE table.
Marking expired USESSION records as logically deleted.
Note: You can manually run queries to assist you with tracking
concurrent usage of P6 EPPM.
OBSPROJ_PROCESS_QUEUE processes the PRMQUEUE entries for Project Security. It
defers processing of OBSPROJ updates by queuing the updates to the PRMQUEUE table.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: Maximum project-level queue records to process on each run.
Namespace database.obsproj.queue
Setting Name MaxProjectUpdates
Default Setting 1000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum EPS-level queue records to process on each run.
Namespace database.obsproj.queue
Setting Name MaxEpsUpdate
Default Setting 25
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum times to re-process a failed entry before marking it as an error.
Namespace database.obsproj.queue
Setting Name MaxRetries
Default Setting 50
Type Numeric
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED logically deletes USESSION records that have not updated
their last_active_time based on the Expired Session settings. Marking expired USESSION
records as logically deleted maximizes the number of module access logins that are available.
Since it is not cleaning up the underlying data (physically deleting rows), the task completes
Values in the SETTINGS table control the clean up of expired sessions. By default, although the
clean up of expired sessions occurs every two hours, the SETTINGS table does not contain a
value for this setting. Use the SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING (value, namespace, setting) stored
procedure to change the default clean up value.
For example, setting the value to "2d" deletes expired sessions older than two days.
Note: Oracle recommends that you set the ExpiredLongSessionTimeout
sessions to at least one hour longer than your longest job. For example,
if your longest job is a summarizer job that usually takes 12 hours, you
should set the value in the SETTINGS table to at least 13.
Refer to the table below for information about the USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED Settings.
Setting Description: ExpiredSessionTimeout determines how long an inactive user session will
remain in the records before it is marked deleted. User sessions are created when a P6 user
logs into P6.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usession
Setting Name ExpiredSessionTimeout
Default Setting 2h
Type Interval
Setting Description: ExpiredLongSessionTimeout determines how long a session that is
running a job-like operation (that is still processing) will remain in the records before it is marked
deleted. Job-like operations are processed by job services and some are performed by logged in
P6 users. Operations that are considered job-like are:
Apply Actuals
Update Progress
Copy/Paste Project
Create Project from Template
Maintain Baselines (create new baseline)
Approve Timesheets
PX Publish
Namespace database.cleanup.Usession
Setting Name ExpiredLongSessionTimeout
Default Setting 12h
Type Interval
Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 EPPM
To track concurrent usage of P6 EPPM, you can run queries against the USESSION and
USESSAUD tables to perform self-audits. See sample queries below.
Note: See DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures (on page 53) for
information on how to set up the USESSAUD procedure. To ensure
accuracy of these queries, run them before physically deleting remaining
USESSION records and cleaning up the USESSAUD table.
Against the USESSION table, run the following query to determine how many users are
logged in at a given time:
select count(*) from usession where delete_session_id is null
Against the USESSION table, run the following query to determine how many users are
logged into a specific P6 EPPM product at a given time:
select count (*) from usession where delete_session_id is null and
app_name='P6 EPPM product name'
where P6 EPPM product name is the application abbreviation.
Note: You can view all available application abbreviations by running the
following query as an administrative database user: select
distinct(db_engine_type) from usereng
Against the USESSAUD table, run a query similar to the following to determine how many
users logged into P6 EPPM on a specific date during a specified time range. You can alter
the date, time range, and P6 EPPM product as needed. The following example will search
for all users who logged into P6 Professional on February 17, 2010 between 9am and 10am:
For an Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database:
select * from usessaud where login_date between to_date('17-FEB-10
09:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') and to_date('17-FEB-10
10:00:00','DD-MON-YY HH:MI:SS') and app_name='Project Management'
For a Microsoft SQL Server database:
select * from usessaud where login_date between
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
'2010-02-17 09:00' and '2011-02-17 10:00' and app_name='Project
See "Counting Users" in the P6 EPPM System Administration Guide for information on counting
users and how to view the total number of licenses assigned for each module.
DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures
The second database job is the DAMON data monitor job. The DAMON job runs the majority of
the background processing and is responsible for running background clean up processes
required by the application that can potentially take a relatively long time to run.
Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database and DAMON
By default, DAMON runs every night at 1am (database timezone dependent). It uses the Oracle
or Oracle Autonomous Database DBMS_SCHEDULER package to schedule the jobs. An
Interval setting controls the schedule and accepts the same parameters as the
DBMS_SCHEDULER interval. For more information, refer to your Oracle or Oracle Autonomous
Database documentation.
Microsoft SQL Server and DAMON
By default, DAMON runs every Saturday. You can set it to run every two weeks or on a specific
day. To run DAMON every two weeks, use the following command to set the interval: -eg 2W
To set DAMON to run on a specific day, use the following setting under namespace:
Database.background.Damon DayOfWeek
DAMON Procedures
DAMON cleans the following:
BGPLOG table containing the background logs
DBERRLOG table containing details of database related errors
Logically deleted records
PAUDIT table
PKXREF table
Remaining USESSION records
USESSAUD, the USESSION audit table
Orphaned data from extended schema (PX) tables.
You can also dynamically extend DAMON functionality via the user-defined procedure,
This procedure keeps the BGPLOG table at a reasonable size. The default cleanup interval is 5
days which will result in a table size of about 54,000 records.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the BGPLOG table.
Namespace database.cleanup.BackGroundProcessLog
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
This procedure deletes records from the DBERRLOG table based on the KeepInterval
parameter setting. All other settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure. The
following table describes the settings associated with the CLEANUP_DBERRLOG procedure.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: Identifies the number of days that records are stored in the DBERRLOG
table before they can be removed.
Namespace database.cleanup.Dberrlog
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 30d
Type Interval
This procedure deletes records from the REFRDEL table. REFRDEL_CLEANUP runs based on
the frequency of the data monitor job, which has a default frequency of one week. Alternatively,
you can run REFRDEL_CLEANUP by itself if needed.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
Setting Description: Identifies the number of days that records are stored in the REFRDEL
table before they can be removed. For example, the default setting keeps the REFRDEL records
from the last five days.
Namespace database.cleanup.Refrdel
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Identifies the number of days that are set to be removed from the
REFRDEL table starting with the oldest record in the table.
Namespace database.cleanup.Refrdel
Setting Name DaysToDelete
Default Setting 1
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the intervals of time (in minutes) in which data is grouped and
removed from the REFRDEL table. The number of IntervalSteps is equal to DaysToDelete (in
minutes) divided by IntervalStep.
Namespace database.cleanup.Refrdel
Setting Name IntervalStep
Default Setting 15
Type Numeric
REFRDEL Bypass Procedure
The REFRDEL table maintains a list of deleted records from P6 database tables. However, when
an entire project is deleted, a large amount of detailed delete records can be inserted into the
REFRDEL table resulting in the potential for downstream performance degradation when joins
are made to the REFRDEL table.
The REFRDEL Bypass procedure is an alternative to inserting REFRDEL records for tracking
delete records on a large scale. This procedure bypasses the REFRDEL table and simply adds a
single delete record for a deleted project and project ID.
By default, the REFRDEL BYPASS procedure is set to 0 (zero).
To enable REFRDEL Bypass, run the following procedure and set to a non-zero value:
Database triggers check for the value of the REFRDEL BYPASS value and process accordingly.
Note: The bypass procedure is meant only for a PROJECT DELETE
This procedure deletes records from the PRMQUEUE table based on the value of the
eepInterval setting. The remaining settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the PRMQUEUE table. Default is five days.
Namespace database.cleanup.Prmqueue
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Determines whether the procedure will delete all of the PRMQUEUE
records possible on each pass.
Namespace database.cleanup.Prmqueue
Setting Name DeleteAll
Default Setting 0 (false)
Type Boolean
Setting Description: Determines whether all of the records are cleaned. If the total record count
is less than this number then all the records are cleaned.
Namespace database.cleanup.Prmqueue
Setting Name DeleteAllThreshold
Default Setting 1,000
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Percentage of records to delete on each pass.
Namespace database.cleanup.Prmqueue
Setting Name DeletePercentage
Default Setting 10(%)
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Maximum rows to delete on each pass.
Namespace database.cleanup.Prmqueue
Setting Name MaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 10,000
Type Numeric
This procedure physically deletes all logically deleted USESSION records. This procedure does
not have settings associated with it: All logically deleted USESSION records are cleared.
This procedure removes logically deleted rows based on the value of the KeepInterval setting.
Records in the database can be marked as deleted (logically deleted) by setting the
DELETE_SESSION_ID column to a non-null value. By default, records that were deleted more
than 5 days ago will be deleted by this procedure.
The CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure will not delete
records whose DELETE_SESSION_ID column is set to a negative
This procedure will not delete records older than the earliest user
session in USESSION, as determined by the minimum value in the
login_date column.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: The oldest logically deleted records to keep in tables.
Namespace database.cleanup.LogicalDelete
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Determines whether the procedure will delete all of the logically deleted
records possible on each pass.
Namespace database.cleanup.LogicalDelete
Setting Name DeleteAll
Default Setting 0 (false)
Type Boolean
Setting Description: Maximum rows to delete on each pass.
Namespace database.cleanup.LogicalDelete
Setting Name MaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 10,000
Type Numeric
If the auditing feature is enabled, this procedure will physically delete records from the table
based on the value of the KeepInterval setting.
Refer to the following table for information about the settings associated with the
Setting Description: Should the procedure attempt PAUDIT / PAUDITX records cleanup.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name Enabled
Default Setting 1 (true)
the P6 EPPM Database
Type Boolean
Setting Description: The oldest audit records to keep in PAUDIT / PAUDITX.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 30d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Determines the minimum PAUDITX rows to delete after satisfying the
KeepInterval parameter setting. This parameter is only applicable to an Oracle or Oracle
Autonomous Database.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name PauditxDeleteAllThreshold
Default Setting 1,000,000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the maximum PAUDITX rows to delete after satisfying the
KeepInterval parameter setting. This parameter is only applicable to an Oracle or Oracle
Autonomous Database.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name PauditxMaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 10,000,000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the percentage of PAUDITX rows to delete from PAUDITX, up
to the maximum threshold, after satisfying the KeepInterval parameter setting. This parameter is
only applicable to an Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name PauditxDeletePercentage
Default Setting 50
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the commit interval of PAUDITX deleted records when the
number of rows exceed value of PauditxDeleteAllThreshold parameter. This parameter is only
applicable to an Oracle or Oracle Autonomous Database.
Namespace database.cleanup.auditing
Setting Name PauditxBatchDelete
Default Setting 200,000
Type Numeric
The CLEANUP_PKXREF procedure deletes records from the PKXREF table based on the
KeepInterval parameter setting. The following table describes the settings associated with the
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the PKXREF table. Default is five days.
Namespace database.cleanup.pkxref
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Determines the maximum rows to delete after satisfying the KeepInterval
parameter setting. Default is 10000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.pkxref
Setting Name MaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 100000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the commit interval of deleted records. Default is to issue a
commit every 10,000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.pkxref
Setting Name DeleteBatchSize
Default Setting 10,000
Type Numeric
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
This procedure deletes records from the PC_KEY_XREF and PC_PROCESS_STAT tables
based on the KeepInterval parameter setting. The following table describes the settings
associated with the CLEANUP_PCKEYXREF procedure.
Setting Description: The oldest records to keep in the PC_KEY_XREF and
PC_PROCESS_STAT tables. Default is five days.
Namespace database.cleanup.pckeyxref
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Determines the maximum rows to delete after satisfying the KeepInterval
parameter setting. Default is 10000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.pckeyxref
Setting Name MaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 100000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the commit interval of deleted records. Default is to issue a
commit every 10000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.pckeyxref
Setting Name DeleteBatchSize
Default Setting 10000
Type Numeric
The CLEANUP_USESSAUD procedure deletes records from the USESSAUD table based on
the KeepInterval parameter setting. All other settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP
procedure. The following table describes the settings associated with the
Setting Description: Determines the oldest records to keep in the USESSAUD table. Based on
the logout time, data beyond the KeepInterval parameter value will not deleted. The
KeepInterval parameter setting overrides all other CLEANUP_USESSAUD settings.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usessaud
Setting Name KeepInterval
Default Setting 5d
Type Interval
Setting Description: Deletes all the REFRDEL records that satisfy the KeepInterval setting on
each pass. The DeleteAll parameter setting overrides the settings of DeleteAllThreshold,
DeletePercentage, and MaxRowsToDelete parameters.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usessaud
Setting Name DeleteAll
Default Setting 0 (false)
Type Boolean
Setting Description: Determines the minimum number of records to delete after satisfying the
KeepInterval parameter setting. By default, a minimum of 1000 records are deleted. If the total
record count is less than this setting, all records are deleted. The DeleteAllThreshold parameter
setting overrides the settings of the DeletePercentage and MaxRowsToDelete parameters.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usessaud
Setting Name DeleteAllThreshold
Default Setting 1,000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the maximum rows to delete on each pass after satisfying the
KeepInterval parameter setting. The MaxRowsToDelete parameter setting overrides the
DeletePercentage parameter setting.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usessaud
Setting Name MaxRowsToDelete
Default Setting 10,000
Type Numeric
Setting Description: Determines the percentage of records to delete on each pass after
satisfying the DeleteAllThreshold and MaxRowsToDelete settings. However, the percentage of
records deleted is limited to the default value of the MaxRowsToDelete setting.
Namespace database.cleanup.Usessaud
Setting Name DeletePercentage
Tuning the P6 EPPM Database
Default Setting 10 (%)
Type Numeric
By default, data published to extended schema (PX) tables is not deleted when you delete data
from P6. The CLEAN_PX_DELETE procedure cleans orphaned records from the PX tables.
CLEAN_PX_DELETE runs based on the frequency of the data monitor job. Alternatively, you
can run CLEAN_PX_DELETE by itself if needed.
All other settings are similar to the REFRDEL_CLEANUP procedure. The following table
describes the settings associated with the CLEAN_PX_DELETE procedure.
Setting Description: Determines the maximum amount of obsolete rows to delete from each
extended schema table. Default is 100,000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.PxService.Cleanup
Setting Name DeleteMaxSize
Default Setting 100000
Setting Description: Determines the commit interval of deleted records. Default is to issue a
commit every 5,000 rows.
Namespace database.cleanup.PxService.Cleanup
Setting Name DeleteBatchSize
Default Setting 5000
This procedure is an optional customer procedure that DAMON runs. This procedure does not
have settings associated with it.
Safe Deletes
The P6 EPPM database normally handles restoring select deleted data using a safe delete
setting. While using P6 Professional, the Undo command (Edit, Undo) allows users to restore
certain types of data that have been deleted. Deleted data remains in the P6 EPPM database
until the CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES procedure clears it (after 5 days, by default).
See the P6 Professional Help for more information about using undo.
Turning Off Safe Deletes
Caution: Turning off safe deletes disables undo functionality and
immediately clears deleted data from the P6 EPPM database.
You can turn off safe deletes to save storage space.
To turn off safe deletes:
1) Verify the current state of your safe deletes setting. In the database, if the table
ADMIN_CONFIG has the following row, a CONFIG_VALUE of 'N' means turn off safe
Note: This is only loaded at startup. If you change CONFIG_VALUE
while a user is running P6 Professional, the setting will not apply until the
user restarts the P6 Professional session.
2) Once you have determined the current state of your safe deletes setting, run one of the
following statements.
To turn off safe deletes for the first time:
To turn on safe deletes after it has been turned off:
To turn off safe deletes after it has been turned on:
3) Restart the P6 server.
Oracle Primavera P6 EPPM Database Administration Guide for On-Premises
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