An Investigation into Web Services: A case of an Online Reservation
A research study by Derick Wasonga Jabuto Odemba
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Distributed computing has been around for a while now. However, it is only after the
explosion of the internet that the desire by businesses to integrate their business functions
became really feasible. This study seeks to explore one of the modern technological
implementations of distributed systems, the web services. The study will look at the
motivation for the evolution of computer based information systems from data oriented to
service oriented architectures. More specifically, it will investigate how web services have
been used in the hospitality industry.
The research efforts of this study will culminate in the development of an online reservation
system that can be used as a web service by other service providers in the hospitality
industry. Considerable amount of time will be devoted to understanding the technologies
used in building web services. However, identifying business benefits that firms can derive
from implementing web services is also an important objective of the project. Finally, this
study will be restricted to Simple Objects Access Protocol (SOAP) rather than
Representational State Transfer (REST) based web services. The rationale for this is that
SOAP is supported by well developed World Wide Consortium (W3C) standards besides
having rich software libraries and toolkits. Other than that, the difference between the two
web service technologies is very small.
Key words: Distributed systems, Web Services, Web Services Description Language
(WSDL), Simple Objects Access Protocol (SOAP), Universal Description, Discovery and
Integration (UDDI).
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
In the course of this study, I got assistance from a number of people, a few of whom I wish to
mention. Many thanks go to Daniel Kinyanjui and Teresia Kochumba, librarians at Oshwal
College. They were as helpful to me as they could possibly be. A debt of gratitude is due to
Dr. Lawrence Nderu whose guidance, scrutiny and critique of my work was invaluable
during this study. To my family, the Odemba family, I am humbled by the unwavering
financial support that I received from you during the entire period of this project. Thank you.
Finally, to those who helped me in one way or the other, but whose names I have not
mentioned, know that your assistance has not gone unappreciated.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Chapter One
The number of people accessing and using the internet around the globe has dramatically
increased in recent years. This unabated penetration of the internet is forcing businesses to
take their services online in order to reach out to a wider market. This calls for an
implementation of a technological infrastructure that can allow interoperability between
different systems or applications in an efficient and seamless manner. Web services provide
the solution to this business need. They are developed in a way that allows applications to
communicate or talk to each other irrespective of their location, IT infrastructure on which
they run or programs used to develop them. A web service has an abstraction layer in its
architecture that separates the technology from the applications or services to make it easy for
applications to interact over the web without interference of the technological infrastructure.
This is actually made possible by the use of standard technologies such as XML, SOAP,
WSDL, UDDI, ebXML, HTTP and others that are at the core of the architecture of web
Central to the operations of web services are ontologies. Ontology enables systems, people or
organisations to have a shared understanding of terms or vocabulary used within a particular
domain. Ontologies were first used in artificial intelligence but are now being widely used in
various fields (Noy and Mcguinness, 2000). They explicitly specify intended meaning of
terminologies used in a given expert domain. The main goal of ontologies is to enable
interaction between parties in a system. In the context of web services, ontologies construct
semantics used by web services to enable applications to interoperate easily.
While the uptake of web services technology has not been as fast as many industry
proponents and supporters would have wanted, there is enough evidence that more businesses
will adopt web services in the future. With a few success stories of web services
implementation and deployment, and so much effort being put on web services security
standards by major corporate technology vendors and industry standard organisations, this
future is not far off.
The ultimate goal of this project is to develop an online reservation system that will be
exposed to hospitality industry service providers as a web service. However, this paper in
addition, tries to explain the technical composition of web services and the technologies and
standards used to implement them. It also discusses the various techniques used to address
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
the main challenge of security that web services need to overcome in order to attract
widespread use among businesses. Finally, the paper outlines some of the advantages of
using web services by businesses and the future of the technology in general, and of its
application in the hospitality business in particular. Two examples of companies in the
hospitality business that adopted web services have been used to demonstrate how useful web
services can be to the hospitality sector.
This document is made up of seven chapters, each of which is dedicated to a specific aspect
of the project. Other than the introduction, the remaining six chapters are covered in
chronological order in the following sections.
Literature Review: The literature review forms the second chapter of the document. It
examines web services in details to enable readers gain an understanding of what they are by
investigating technologies used to implement them and how they work. It further gives two
cases of companies in the hospitality business that have implemented a web service and how
it has impacted their businesses.
System Development Methodologies: This is the third chapter of the document and covers
system development methodologies. The chapter begins with a general overview of
methodologies and discusses their development over time to date. It further looks at selected
methodologies and examines their strengths and weaknesses. The choice of the methodology
used in this project and the justification for selecting it is also discussed in this chapter.
Requirement Analysis: The fourth chapter, requirements analysis outlines the various
techniques that were used in gathering, analysing and validating the requirements for the
system. It goes further to give specifications of those requirements in a way that can be
translated into a design. Requirements analysis includes examining both functional and non-
functional requirements of the system.
System Design: System design is the fifth chapter of this document and is concerned with the
process and techniques used in converting the requirements specification into a model that
can be used to write the codes for the system. The design process falls into three categories of
conceptual, logical and physical design. The deliverable of this chapter is a model that forms
the basis of developing the various components as well as integrating them into a single
functional system.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Implementation: This second last chapter of the project discusses the programming
languages or software used to build the application. It also gives details of how codes of the
various units and of the entire system are written. The chapter also describes how the system
works as one whole.
Evaluation: Evaluation is the final chapter of this document and describes the tests that the
system has been subjected to and how they have been conducted. Typically, it gives details of
the test data used for the unit, integration and system testing.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Chapter Two
Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
This study aims to present web services to readers in comprehensive but simple terms. It will
examine the fundamental components of a web service, what web services are as well as their
application in the hospitality industry. To aid in this, an in-depth analysis of two cases of web
service application in the hospitality industry will be carried out. This exercise will also find
out the technological challenges that need to be overcome for web services to gain
widespread adoption by businesses. Finally, it will give an insight into the direction future
developments in the use of web services in the industry is likely to take.
2.1 Distributed Systems
To understand distributed systems, one first needs to appreciate distributed computing, the
underlying technology upon which distributed systems are built. There are varied definitions
of distributed computing, but authorities on the subject agree that distributed computing
involves the study of how computers are connected to each other using networking
technologies. The purpose of connecting computer systems together is to allow computing
resources to be shared across the organisation (Natalia and Olifer, 2005).
In a distributed system, applications are divided into smaller chunks which are consequently
processed on several computers on a network. These computers can be clients or servers
depending on the network infrastructure implemented by the organisation concerned
(Goldman, 1997). Software Oriented Architecture enables businesses to implement a more
advanced, dynamic and a service oriented version of distributed system in the form of web
services. The Internet and Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are some typical examples of
distributed systems. Figure 2.1 demonstrates a simple distributed system for selling books
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Figure 2.1: Example of a distributed system (Ince, 2004)
Figure 2.1 depicts an online book store that users can buy books from online. Users are able
to browse through the catalogue before choosing and purchasing the book they want. They
interact with the books database via the browser connected to the web server. Once the book
store sends the ordered books to the buyer, he or she receives an email notification from the
store. Books databases store the details of the books. The distributed objects enable the book
databases to communicate with web server, which in turn is connected to the E-mail server
and the mailing list.
2.2 Service Oriented Architecture
A study of web services necessitates an understanding of the concept of Software Oriented
Architecture (SOA). This is because, though there are other technologies, web services
provide one of the best approaches to implementing an SOA. SOA has no universally agreed
standard definition. Where there is no dispute though, is the fact that SOA does not describe a
product or a service. It is an infrastructure, a structure, a design style that enables
heterogeneous Information Technology (IT) systems or applications to share each other’s
functionalities. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a business-centric IT architectural
approach that supports integrating your business as linked, repeatable business tasks, or
services (Lin et al., 2012).
Mailing List Server
Web Server
E-mail Server
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
2.3 Web Services
A web service is an application that resides and runs on the web, and provides services to
other applications over Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In essence, a web service is a
distributed application, which in basic terms comprises a service and a client. In SOA terms,
a client is also referred to as a consumer or requestor (Kalin, 2013). Web services can be
implemented within the same organisation or between two business organisations trading
with each other. In this project, the web service will provide an inter-enterprise service. What
sets web services apart from other distributed systems is its ability to run or operate
independent of the underlying IT infrastructure. In other words, a web service provides its
services to other applications without paying any attention to the hardware and operating
system on which those applications run or the programming language in which they are
written. The use of open standards and protocols is responsible for this much needed feature
of web services.
There are several protocols that have been developed to enable interoperability between
applications. HTTP, XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI are some of the protocols that a web
service requires to function. However, other additional standards that address web service
management and web service security have also been developed. The succeeding paragraphs
ignore HTTP and delve into the remaining four fundamental protocols.
2.3.0 Extensible Markup Language (XML)
XML is arguably the most important of the standards and protocols used in developing web
services. It is a language that developers use to define other languages, particularly markup
languages such as HTML. XML documents are in text format and are both human and
machine readable. The documents are presented in a standard data format that makes them
easily exchangeable between applications running on very different computing platforms.
Typically, the exchange of data takes place between consumers and providers of web services
(Endrei et al., 2004). As will be seen shortly, WSDL, SOAP and UDDI are coded in XML
The development of XML Schema by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to replace
Document Type Definition (DTD) as a standard for defining XML languages has made XML
popular in developing web services. DTD’s capability was limited. For instance, it did not
accommodate date and number data types among others.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
2.3.1 Web Service Description Language
WSDL is an XML based standard that is crucial to the implementation of web services. As
the name suggests, WSDL’s role is to describe the web service so that consumers (other
services or applications) can know what services are offered by the web service, the location
of the services on the web and how to access them. The description incudes information such
as the services offered and their format, Universal Resource Identifier (URI) of the service
and the address of the web server that hosts the service. This information is stored in the web
service registry, the UDDI. Consequently, applications that wish to use the service must
discover a WSDL document in the UDDI (Ort, 2005).
A WSDL document is made up of four elements, each of which plays a specific role. The
elements are types, message, portType and binding. Types specifies the XML Schema or data
types that the web service uses. Message contains the data elements for reach operation.
portType outlines the operations that can be performed as well as the messages involved in
the operation. Each portType has a protocol and data format clearly defined by binding.
Binding enables WSDL information to be transported by SOAP. It is therefore safe to say
that WSDL defines the web service interface.
2.3.2 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
SOAP can be described as a messaging or communication protocol. It is used to transmit
XML data between a web service provider and a consumer over the internet. SOAP employs
the services of HTTP to enable the applications exchange data between them. Due to security
threats posed by operating online, many implementations of web services now use Hypertext
Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Any communications over HTTPS are encrypted to make
them secure. SOAP is not affected by any changes in the operating system, network
configuration, hardware or the programming languages in which the participating
applications are written as it is independent of them. This, alongside support from major
industry vendors and its ability to self-correct has made SOAP the messaging protocol of
choice for developers implementing web services.
A SOAP message is made up of an envelope. An envelope is nothing more than a set of XML
tags written to abide by rules outlined in the SOAP specification. All the information required
to accomplish communication between the sender and the recipient, including the sender’s
specific request and how the message is to be interpreted is included in the envelope
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
(Englander, 2002). An envelope is the main element in SOAP message and has two sub
elements, an optional header and a mandatory body. If present, the header will contain
supplementary information to aid message exchange between two applications. The body on
the other hand consists of the actual message being sent from the sending to the receiving
2.3.3 UDDI
In the implementation of a web service, UDDI acts as a registry of services that a web service
offers. It benefits from the services of other standards such as WSDL, SOAP and others to
publish a web service and enable applications (web service clients) to discover and get access
to services in a web service. UDDI does this by storing web service interfaces as described by
WSDL (Newcomer, 2002). UDDI functions in a similar way to the Internet’s Domain Name
Service (DNS). Specifically, a client wishing to consume a web service finds its Universal
Resource Identifier (URI) in the UDDI registry and subsequently sends a request to the web
service using an XML based message over the internet. On receipt of the message, the web
service responds by sending a reply to the client in the same format as the request it received.
It is important to take cognisant of the fact that the exchange of data between the web service
and the client is facilitated by SOAP. To be precise, SOAP provides a framework for
transporting XML data over the internet. A more detailed explanation of how SOAP, WSDL,
UDDI and other associated technologies work together to deliver a functioning web service is
covered in the next section, web services architecture.
2.4 Web Service Architecture
Web Services Architecture (WSA) describes the physical layout of the various components of
a web service and how those components work together to deliver services to web service
clients. Since applications that interact with each other in a web service are varied and run on
diverse IT infrastructure, the WSA includes additional technologies and specifications that
deal with security, management of the flow of processes between web services and control of
communication through many networks and between web services. Put in another way, WSA
provides a framework and a basis for understanding how web services work.
Most writers on the subject identify two ways in which WSA can be looked at: by looking at
the roles of each component and examining the web services protocol stack. In this literature
review, both approaches will be covered since each offers a unique perspective to the topic.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
The former sees web services as a combination of three basic interactive roles, namely
Service Provider, Service Registry and Service Requestor. Working with find, publish and
bind operations, the service provider, service registry and service requestor are able to deliver
a working web service for applications that need to consume their services.
Simply put, a service provider is the owner of the business function that is of interest to other
applications. Technology wise, a service provider describes the infrastructure on which the
service runs or on which it can be accessed by clients. Using WSDL, the service provider
describes the service and publishes it in the service registry. That way, the service requestor
is able to discover the service and send a request to the provider. The service requestor is the
client. It is usually the business that needs to use the web service to solve a specific problem.
In technical terms, a service requestor is the application that requires the services of a web
service. The requestor usually finds the details of the service in the registry and uses that
information to initiate communication with service provider (Dustdar and Schreiner, 2005). A
web service cannot function without the service registry, which acts as a directory of all
services offered by the service providers. Here, details such as contact of the service provider
(the company offering the service), location of the service on the internet and other technical
information that the requestor may need to use the service is stored. A diagrammatic
illustration of the role based approach of WSA is shown in figure 2.2.
Figure 2.2: Web Services Architecture
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Web services stack presents a web service stack as a layer of functions and requisite
protocols or standards used in each layer to enable a web service deliver services. There exist
as many variations of the web services stack as there are corporate organisations, vendors or
institutions supporting web services technology. Nonetheless, the fundamental technologies
and components of the web services stack remain largely similar in the various versions. In
this review, the IBM variant has been chosen to illustrate the web services stack as shown in
the diagram on the next page.
Figure 2.3: Web Services Stack (
The stack is made up of six layers which can further be consolidated and classified into three.
Each layer has a corresponding protocol that enables it to perform the functions expected of
it. Quality of Service, Management and Security are performance metrics that are required to
be dealt with at each layer of the stack in order to implement a functional web service. The
upper layers are functionally dependent on the layers below them (Kreger, 2001). The
network layer is the most critical in the web services stack as it implements the internet on
which web service resides. The internet protocols such as HTTP, File Transfer Protocol
(FTP), Simple Messaging Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and so on operate at the network layer.
Following the network is the XML- Based Messaging layer which is basically the
communication layer. SOAP is the preferred protocol used at this level due to its simplicity,
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
support of XML documents and the three basic web service architecture operations of
publish, find and bind. The Description layer is responsible for defining a web service and is
managed by WSDL as had been earlier explained under WSDL section. The three lower
layers of the web services stack are sufficient to implement a web service that can be
accessed and consumed by other businesses. However, building an intra-enterprise web
service may require additional technologies. The focus of this study will be to develop an
inter-enterprise web service in the form of a reservation system.
2.5 Benefits and Challenges of adopting Web Services
Web services offer numerous benefits to organisations as well as technical people like
developers of applications. On top of the list of value added services that a web service offers
is interoperability. Web services enable applications developed in different programming
languages and running on completely different platforms to interact seamlessly with each
other. Its reliability on open standards and protocols makes it natural for web services to
deliver this feature. Many advantages that organisations and developers enjoy from using
web services stem from its ability to integrate applications, which in the case of a business
are specific functions.
Web services can help businesses to considerably reduce IT expenditure. Since it operates on
the web, businesses can be able to expose their services without incurring new expenses on
hardware or IT infrastructure. Moreover, web services allow applications to be reused thereby
making developing new software solutions easier, faster and cheaper. The loosely coupled
nature of web services also makes it easy for businesses to scale up a business function or
solution without making any significant changes to their IT infrastructure (Endrei et al,
2004). Changes to the IT infrastructure (that is, changing operating system, network
infrastructure or a web server) will not interfere with how the web service works. As a result,
there would be no need to make any changes in the application exposed as a web service.
Managing to keep IT solutions current to match the pace of rapid changes in the business
needs as dictated by fast evolving business environment is a challenge to many organisations.
Web services help businesses to deal with this problem without compromising quality of
service delivery. By its very nature, a web service interface tends to remain the same.
Therefore, changes to future versions of an application have very minimal or no disruptive
effect at all on the service, meaning that consumers can continue to be served despite changes
in the web service’s source code.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Another major challenge that businesses intending to implement web services have to
contend with is that of security. In fact, one of the quality metrics of a web service is its
ability to provide services to its clients securely (Du, 2004). An ideal web service
implementation needs to meet minimum security requirements such as proof of identification
by service requestors, authentication, integrity and confidentiality of data being transmitted,
ability to perform an audit trail of all transactions between applications as well as provide
evidence that the information sent and received are identical (Endrei et al, 2004). More often
than not, some of these requirements are not met by web services currently being
implemented because of the absence of standards or inability of developers to find well
established technologies to build applications.
This study is not intended to investigate web security as a topic since it is a whole subject in
itself, and one on which a lot of work is still being done. Nonetheless, it would be
unthoughtful to fail to explain how web services can be implemented securely. Besides the
inbuilt security features implemented at each layer of the web services stack, there are a
number of specific techniques that are being used to address the security concerns arising
from deploying web services. Some of these techniques are discussed in the succeeding
HTTP Authentication: This is the simplest security technique implemented in networks. In
this security implementation, the service requestors seek authorisation to access the service
provider’s server by identifying themselves. This is often accomplished by entering a
username and a password and in some cases biometric access.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL): SSL is a combination of SSL record and SSL handshake
protocols that ensures data is transmitted securely between two applications on the web. Data
from the sending application is encrypted and transmitted over HTTPS protocol to the
receiving application. Upon receipt, the data gets decrypted by SSL. This process solves
privacy and confidentiality, and authentication and integrity problems. Because of these
capabilities, SSL has become a popular security implementation in online business
transactions (Du, 2004).
Web Service Security (WS-Security): WS-Security is a security specification that was
originally developed jointly by IBM and Microsoft under the Organization for the Advancement
of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). It specifically deals with SOAP message security in
web services. WS-Security makes use of XML signature and XML encryption to protect XML
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
formatted SOAP messages. XML encryption was developed by W3C and implements encryption
selectively. In other words, it only encrypts parts of an XML document making the SOAP message
secure during data exchange (Toms, 2004). An additional benefit of XML encryption is that it secures
the SOAP message even when it is not being transmitted, thereby guaranteeing the confidentiality of
the message. Also developed by W3C, XML signature aims to enable web services maintain the
integrity of a SOAP message during transit by signing the most important part of a SOAP message.
XML signature employs the services of other hashing algorithms to find out if a message has been
altered or interfered with during transfer.
2.6 Web Services in the Hospitality Industry
Most businesses in the hospitality industry turn to web services in order to reduce costs and
earn more profits. The ability of web services to bundle several services together into a single
interface within the business and its B2B offering deliver this principal benefit to businesses.
First and foremost, it is necessary to state that this literature review does not focus on the use
of web services in a particular country, region or continent. Rather it is concerned with how
the technology can be used in the hospitality industry. Though other sources have been used
to provide background information on the use of web services in hospitality business, this
literature review has used two companies, e-Travel ( and Vail Resorts
( as case studies.
As has been indicated earlier in this project, web services can integrate various functions
within a business or between two or more businesses. To develop intra-enterprise
applications, XML schema and SOAP are sufficient. The reason for this is that there is no
need for an interface where a description of services is stored since the various applications
will already be sharing network addresses, name and data definitions (Peters, 2002).
Members of the software development team and users will share such information as well. In
essence, such a web service does not require WSDL and UDDI to be implemented.
According to Peters (2002), intra-enterprise web services can be implemented in two ways.
One is to modify the existing application to transform it into a web service. Many businesses
often shun this approach due to high costs involved in effecting the change. The second and
the more popular method is to have an Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) adapter
placed in front of the candidate application to make it appear as a web service.
In addition to WSDL and UDDI, implementing inter-enterprise web services for hospitality
businesses may require an additional standard known as electronic business XML (ebXML)
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
to achieve seamless and secure interoperability. Like the other web services technologies,
ebXML is platform agnostic. It also depends on the known internet protocols such as
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), HTTP, XML, SMTP, FTP and
others to do its work. The development of ebXML was initiated and supported by OASIS and
United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) to
enable businesses of all sizes irrespective of where they are around the world to easily
conduct business electronically with each other by exchanging XML data (Kotok and
Webber, 2002).
To be precise, ebXML automates B2B interactions. Its architectural design incorporates both
business and functional specifications. The business specification deals with issues like
semantics of data used in business transactions, business collaboration agreements and
processes. The functional specification on the other hand addresses the technical aspects of
the implementation. Security of data transfer, discovery of the service and configuration of
the service interface are some of the aspects dealt with by the functional specification.
Design Time
Figure 2.4: ebXML Architecture (
Given that the online reservation system to be developed will be exposed to different
hospitality industry service providers, ebXML alongside other technologies will be used in its
and Discovery
Partner Profiles and
Messaging Service
Business Process
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
2.6.1 e-Travel
e-Travel provides a range of services to passengers both domestically and internationally
using a web service. Travellers are able to buy air tickets, rent cars and buy travel insurance
using their service. Their greatest challenge was to get an IT service that could effectively
support their core strategic business goals of reducing the time to market their products and
services, business expansion beyond Greece and reliable delivery of quality services to their
customers. Their initial IT focus was on providing a reliable IT infrastructure, in which case,
IT staff spent their time on housekeeping tasks. This was in complete variance with what it
needed to do in order to improve customer service. The company decided to implement a web
service and chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as their host provider.
The migration took place in 2012 and was relatively simple with only a few hours down time.
Effectively, what e-Travel does is just develop applications which offer its various services
and expose them to the web for customers using AWS. AWS has tools that e-Travel
developers use to develop applications. It has a booking and ticketing system, and 11
websites offering various services all hosted by Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. The results of
moving to web services have been impressive. e-Travels experiences reduced down times as
AWS guarantees up to 99.9% system availability. Consequently, customers have access to
services consistently. This has boosted their confidence in the company’s service delivery.
Expansion of their business portfolio services has also been fairly easy, fast and less costly
since the company does not need to introduce new hardware such as servers and related
accessories every time it introduces a new service in response to the changing customer
needs. Implementing the web service enabled the company to increase its global sales by
30%, making it possible for it to achieve its goal of global business expansion.
Another key value addition of the web service to e-Travel is that it now takes much shorter to
market new services, and to do that in a more effective way. This has given it an edge in this
very competitive industry. e-Travel now considers AWS as an essential and inseparable part
of its business operations and one that is key to its strategic growth. AWS makes the work of
e-Travel developers extremely easy as it provides a managed service. Developers have access
to prototypes and ready codes that only require little modification to meet their requirements.
It is important to note that many service providers do not offer this kind of service. The
typical scenario is that businesses develop their own applications and only need a registry to
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
publish their services. This project will take the latter approach to implementing web services
while developing the online reservation system.
2.6.2 Vail Resorts
Vail Resorts is a hotel group based in the United States of America. It has several luxurious
resorts in Colorado and California. Vail Resorts has about 15000 employees as well as
temporary or contract staff. Their IT infrastructure included IBM i Report Program
Generator (RPG) applications for running their internal business functions and a Windows
web application for customer self-service. But the system did not meet the business
requirements of Vail. The server and the application system were not integrated. As a result,
the staff had to input the same data twice. This did not only waste valuable time, but also
resulted in errors in the booking of rooms. Overbooking was particularly common during
peak seasons as the IBM i system could not be updated fast enough.
An additional challenge that Vail faced was that of training new staff to use their system.
Given the nature of the system, new staff did not learn the system as fast as the management
wanted. This definitely affected the productivity of staff and compromised service delivery to
customers. Vail was in need of a system that would help them do away with the double entry
of data between their two systems and the problems associated with it. However, they were
also keen to maintain the integrity of data held in the RPG application as they continued to
rely on its business rules and logic. They found out that web services would be the
appropriate technology solution to this problem.
Vail chose Looksoftware, a software company that uses IBM i platform to implement web
services, RPG Open Access and integration among other services as their provider.
Looksoftware provided an SOA that enabled the integration to take place smoothly without
any need to change the RPG code for the business logic. The user interfaces, mostly used by
the reception and reservation staff were however modified as a result of the integration. This
certainly was a straightforward task for developers.
Vail’s integration of the two systems using web service technology delivered tangible
benefits. First, staff spent less time keying in data because implementing web service
eliminated the need to key in the same data twice. This improved staff productivity. Second,
there were fewer errors in the data entered into the system. Third, staff training also took a
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
shorter time after implementing the web service since the integration resulted in only a single
interface. Last but not least, the integration led to improved customer satisfaction.
2.6.3 Comparison of the scenarios
While both companies had problems that required them to implement web service as the
appropriate solution, their IT infrastructures were slightly different. And this had an influence
on the type of web service that they implemented. e-Travel’s implementation is a B2B web
service as it allows its services to connect to other industry service providers such as car hire
companies, airlines and insurance companies. It used AWS web service for its back-end,
front-end applications as well as running the websites for its services. Vail Resorts on the
other hand, used the web service to integrate the intra-enterprise functions. Its system is only
being used within the enterprise network to allow easy management of reservation and
customer management. Customers have easy access to their services by accessing them
through its (Vail’s) websites, making it a B2C web service implementation.
A common feature of the integration is that the transition was smooth in both cases. In either
case, the underlying code for business logic was not affected during the transition. The
business benefits are similar as the companies each concentrated on packaging and marketing
the products and services rather than worrying about the technology infrastructure. By
implementing web service, both companies experienced improved development staff
productivity, better service delivery leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and
reduced costs. Both companies opted for a well-established service provider as reliability and
continued availability of services were major motivations for implementing the technology.
This is understandable given the size of the client base for both companies. However, this
project will involve developing a much simpler web service application.
2.7 Conclusion
This study has confirmed an earlier statement that SOAP is a more popular implementation of
web services than REST despite the fact that a REST web service is easier to implement. And
like any new technological innovations, the introduction of web services was marked by
enormous hype regarding the new business and technological benefits that it would offer.
However, the low pace of the uptake of the technology by businesses has demonstrated that
web services are still largely futuristic. Most businesses that have implemented web services
have confined it to sharing various functions within the enterprise.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Business to Business (B2B) implementations of web services are still comparatively fewer as
many businesses are still not confident enough to take their services beyond the firewall. But
with major technology companies such as Microsoft, BEA, Oracle, IBM and standards
organisations like W3C, OASIS, Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) and
others supporting the technology through the development of security standards, many more
corporate organisations particularly in the hospitality industry will deploy inter-enterprise
web services in the not too distant future. The use of ebXML as a standard in building web
services promises to make this a reality not only for big businesses, but also for small ones
whose lack of financial capability is another deterrent to implementing inter-enterprise web
services other than security. Moreover, many businesses in the hospitality industry
acknowledge that implementing B2B web services can greatly add value to the services they
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Chapter Three
System Development Methodologies
3.0 Introduction
Software development is a laborious and expensive exercise. It is therefore important that the
undertaking is carried out in a manner that not only delivers an application that meets its
functional and non-functional requirements, but also makes the work of all the project
stakeholders bearable during the development process. This cannot be accomplished without
following a well-defined, and in many cases a clearly documented set of guidelines and
procedures outlining what activities and tasks are to be completed and the order in which they
are to be completed. Also important are any tools and techniques used by software developers
to carry out the activities and perform the tasks involved in developing software. In a
nutshell, this is what a system development methodology is all about.
The development of the methodologies was necessitated by the software crisis of the 1960s.
Frequent and costly failures of software projects forced industry practitioners to develop
mechanisms that would reduce the rate and frequency of failures of software projects.
Computer scientists and industry practitioners realised that software development was not
only a technical undertaking. The people and organisational aspects of developing software
were nearly as important as the technical ones. This led to the development of formal
mechanisms for developing software that incorporated both people and technical aspects of
software development. The term methodology was coined to refer to these mechanisms.
These early system development methodologies were linear and stepwise (Simão, 2011). A
number of methodologies including Waterfall, Spiral, Rational Unified Process (RUP) and V-
model belong to this class of system development methodologies.
Even though these methodologies were continuously refined in order to improve the
productivity of software developers and software quality, it soon became apparent that more
flexible and user centric approaches to software development were needed. This is because
these traditional methodologies emphasised technical specifications and process
documentation but paid lip service to user involvement in the process. As a response to these
deficiencies of the traditional methodologies, a new set of modern methodologies that gave
more attention to user needs and allowed iterative and incremental development approach
were developed. Rapid Application Development (RAD) was the first among these new set of
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
methodologies to be developed in 1991. The development of RAD has inspired the
formulation of even more advanced methodologies that are highly responsive to the
development requirements of software, users and software developers. These methodologies
are generally referred to as Agile Development Methodologies and have been in use since
Each of the many methodologies has been developed by different individuals or organisations
and is therefore based on different philosophies that provide some insight on understanding
them (Avison and Fitzgerald, 2008). A philosophy outlines the principles and values of the
methodology and its developers. Some methodologies are more detailed, sophisticated, and
difficult to use. In practice, a combination of different methodologies is always employed in
developing software (Despa, 2014). In this project, RAD will be used as the main
methodology. However, elements of Waterfall and Rational Unified Process will be
incorporated in the process. The following paragraphs discuss a few software methodologies
that represent both the traditional and the modern software development approaches.
3.1 Waterfall
The waterfall system methodology is one of the most popular System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) approaches to developing information systems. It is a linear sequential
methodology in which one phase of software development process must be completed before
proceeding to the next. Each of the phases of the process must have a deliverable and must
also be clearly documented. This is actually the greatest advantage of the waterfall model. Its
major drawback is the breaking down of the software development process into phases which
must be completed in a sequential fashion. This conflicts with the actual reality of software
development where development activities and processes often overlap. This methodology
would give good results in small software projects with clear requirements. Used alone, the
waterfall methodology can lead to development of applications that fall short of the user
requirements. According to Sommerville (2004), the waterfall methodology is made up of
five distinct phases. The five phases of waterfall are as shown in the figure 2.5.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Figure 3.1: The software life cycle (Sommerville, 2004)
Each of the stages in the waterfall methodology is discussed in the following paragraphs:
Requirements analysis and definition: At this stage the analyst or developer confers with
the system users to agree on and set out the scope, objectives and requirements of the
proposed system including resources that will be needed to accomplish the project. These are
clearly documented to be used as a reference and a guide throughout the life of the project.
System and software design: The system involves defining and specifying the overall
system infrastructural requirements that the proposed system will run on in terms of
hardware, software and networks. Software design on the other hand deals with defining the
system functionalities and how the various modules or components of the proposed system
interact with each other to achieve the overall functionality of the software.
Implementation and unit testing: The various modules of the system are coded as per the
design specifications of the system at the software design stage. Each of the individual
modules is tested to ascertain that they are free of bugs and are doing what they are intended
System and
software design
and unit testing
Integration and
system testing
Operation and
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
to do. This is normally one of the most tedious phases of the software development cycle
particularly if the design specification is not done well.
Integration and system testing: The goal of this stage is to ensure that the various
components of the system are able to work together as a unit. The system can only be
delivered to the customer if the integration and system testing is successful.
Operation and maintenance: This is the final level of the waterfall methodology where the
developed system is installed and used by the end users. Any errors that the developers were
not able to identify during the early stages of the system development are corrected at this
3.2 Rational Unified Process
The efforts that eventually culminated in Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology began
back in 1995 with work on Rational Approach and Objectory process 3.8 by Rational
Software. The work led to the development of Rational Objectory Process 4.0 in 1996. RUP
was finally developed in 1998 as the successor to the Rational Objectory Process 4.1, itself
released in 1997. But since the takeover of Rational Software by IBM in 2002, RUP has been
identified as an IBM process. RUP uses Unified Modelling Language (UML) technique
which relies on the use of use cases as the basis of system design, implementation and testing
(Avison and Fitzgerald, 2008). It is thus accurate to say that unlike the waterfall model that
puts more emphasis on the technical details of the development process, the RUP model
focuses more on the business aspects of the software development process (Sommerville,
It is a phased model that incorporates iteration and incremental software development
approach to building applications. The four phases that make up RUP are Inception,
Elaboration, Construction and Transition. Intertwined with the four phases are nine activities
that are carried out during the development process. In RUP terminology, these activities are
referred to as workflows. Figure 2.6 illustrates the relationship between the phases and the
workflows in RUP.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Figure 3.2: Phases in the RUP (
Inception: The inception stage indicated as initial in figure 2.6 focuses on identifying a
solution (the system idea) for the business problem to be solved. The resource requirements
of the system are established at this level. The analyst or the lead project manager should put
up a strong business case that shows clearly how the system will impact business. The project
can be endorsed or rejected at this level depending on the outcome of this initial investigation
Elaboration: Once a system solution has been identified at the inception level, the
elaboration phase assesses the requirements of the system in a more detailed manner. The
technical requirements such as the architecture and the components of the envisioned system,
and the expected expenditure on the project are established. A project plan which should
include any significant potential risks, a requirements specification model in the form of use
cases and a specific software development plan should be the deliverables of this phase.
Construction: This phase is concerned with designing the system, writing the codes for the
software and testing the system to ascertain that it meets the requirements. The deliverable of
the construction phase is a functional application accompanied with the requisite
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Transition: This final phase of the RUP process deals with what can be described as going
live. This basically means that the developers hand over the system to the end user. In the
case of public domain software, this is the stage at which a product is released to the market.
A number of tasks are involved in making sure that the system runs as was expected in the
real user environment and that the users are able to use it.
RUP process is made up of six core workflows at the top and three supporting workflows at
the bottom respectively. The core workflows are also referred to as engineering workflows
because they are concerned with the actual design and building or construction of the system.
Some authors omit business modelling and deployment workflows when discussing RUP
engineering workflows (Avison and Fitzgerald, 2008). As we shall see in a little while, this is
not advisable given the role the two workflows play in RUP process. A brief description of
each of the workflows is given here below:
Business modelling: The main goal of business modelling workflow is to demonstrate how
the system will function from a business perspective. This is achieved by developing business
use case models. This helps to give a better understanding of the business problem for which
the system is to be developed, and enhances the chances of the success of the project as the
design is likely to be more accurate.
Requirements: The requirements workflow is aimed at developing system requirements
specification document. It entails establishing and defining the scope or boundaries of the
system, specific system functions as well as identifying system actors. Actors are entities that
will interact with system in one way or the other. A use case capturing all these aspects is
drawn to create a system requirement.
Systems analysis and design: The analysis and design workflow is concerned with the
logical design of the system. It translates the system requirements model developed under the
requirements workflow into a specification that programmers can use to write codes for the
system. This workflow ignores the non-functional requirements and focuses on the functional
requirements of the system. The laborious and tedious, but important tasks of defining and
fine tuning the system architecture, database design and analysing the functional features of
the system are performed at this workflow.
Implementation: Writing codes for the components of the system as per the specification
developed at the analysis and design workflow is done at the implementation workflow. A
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
careful planning of how the various parts are to be developed is a critical success factor at
this level. The developed components are tested individually as well as partially integrated
systems which are in turn developed in an evolutionary manner until a complete system is
Test: The goal of the testing workflow is to make sure that the system developed has no
flaws or defects. The completed system is tested as integrated whole to find out if it meets the
requirements and performs its intended function. While most testing is done at the test and
implementation workflows, it is worth noting that testing is an integral part of the system
development process under RUP model that is performed iteratively at all levels. The nature
and extent of the tests varies at the different stages.
Deployment: The deployment workflow deals with transferring the system from the
developers to the owners. The exercise will largely be determined by the type of the system
to be deployed. Nonetheless, typical activities at this stage include but are not limited to
installing and testing the software in its operational environment, conducting end user
training and change over from the manual or existing application to the new one (Avison and
Fitzgerald, 2008).
Configuration and change management: Development of information system is normally a
long and an enduring process involving many changes and delivery of numerous artefacts. In
order to have a smooth running process and deliver a system that meets quality metrics, there
must be a clear mechanism to manage the many changes. This is what this supporting
workflow does.
Project management: Project management is also a supporting workflow that manages the
entire software development process. RUP provides for a phase centric plan as well as an
overall project plan to ensure that risks are properly managed, quality targets are achieved,
timelines are met, cost overruns are avoided and requirement creeps are kept under the wraps
if they occur.
Environment: This final workflows objective is to guarantee that the development team
have access to the necessary software tools and the supporting accessories such as relevant
processes and methods it requires to successfully develop the software.
A discussion of the RUP methodology is never complete without mentioning that it is
anchored on six sound software engineering best practices aimed at competent management
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
of software projects in order to deliver software that meets acceptable quality standards. The
six best practices are: develop software iteratively, manage requirements, use component-
based architectures, visually model software, verify software quality and control changes to
software. These best practices have been partially captured under the phases and workflows
sections of the RUP process.
RUP is certainly not appropriate for all software projects but it has features that can be
beneficial to many information system projects. Its emphasis on documentation and change
control and management can be of great value to large software projects where many changes
are always inevitable. As reflected by the use of workflows and the phased approach, the
RUP methodology also looks at software development as an undertaking that involves
business processes, people and organisational as well as technical issues. This reduces
chances of software project failures. The use of iteration and incremental development makes
the RUP methodology very flexible and helps to ensure that quality software is delivered as
faults are discovered and corrected earlier in the development process. Last but not least,
RUP methodology makes use of code reusability. The net effect of this is increased
productivity of developers and quicker delivery of software products.
On the flip side, the RUP process is a fairly complex one and can be difficult to understand
by developers. Producing desired results with RUP methodology requires highly skilled and
experienced software development personnel to be in charge of an information systems
3.3 Rapid Application Development
Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a modern system development methodology that
has gained popularity among software developers. The term RAD was coined by James
Martin in 1991 (Britton and Doake, 2006). RAD was a response to the inherent weaknesses
of traditional development methodologies which focused more on processes, procedures and
technical design at the expense of user needs, time and in most cases cost. It takes iterative
and incremental or evolutionary development approach to systems development. This is in
line with one of its tenets of software development that views system’s requirements as a
dynamic and an evolving phenomenon rather than a static one. The implication of this is that
the users of the system are involved throughout the development life cycle, leading to
delivery of software products that meet user requirements. RAD often uses evolutionary
prototyping technique to achieve this.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
One of the most important aims of RAD is to develop high quality software quickly using as
minimal resources as is practically possible. RAD achieves this by splitting the application to
be developed into several small units, each of which is allocated a specific time frame within
which it must be developed. Since RAD advocates for strict adherence to development time
frames, deadlines for delivery of the various components (also known as timeboxes) cannot
be extended. RAD prioritises system requirements in order of their importance to the system
from the most to the least critical. The most important requirements are timeboxed,
developed and delivered first to the user. The process continues until all the necessary
features of the system are developed. The prioritisation exercise is normally conducted in a
formal workshop comprising all the system stakeholders including users.
RAD and prototyping have inspired the development of a new generation of software
development methodologies which are better organized and developed (Sommerville, 2004).
These new methodologies are collectively referred to as Agile Methods, and include
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) and Extreme Programming (XP) among
others. DSDM retains most of the characteristics of the original RAD methodology. It is also
the most popular of this new crop of methodologies.
Although RAD is not a very process or procedure intensive methodology, its processes are
organised around four phases of requirements planning, user design, construction and
cutover. The short life cycle of RAD contrasts with that of many traditional development
methodologies which normally have at least six stages. The four phases of RAD are
discussed in the following paragraphs.
Requirements planning: This is the first stage in a RAD development and is intended to
define the system requirements. All the system users, developers and senior management are
involved at this stage. The users give information that is translated into system requirements
by the analyst. Participation of senior management is important because information systems
development is not just a technology problem; it is a business issue as well. Developers need
to get commitment from senior management of their support for the project. Avison and
Fitzgerald (2008) say that Joined Requirements Planning (JRP) and Joint Application
Development (JAD) techniques are used in the requirement planning. The former is a
workshop involving senior management and developers for purposes of formulating and
agreeing on requirements of the proposed system from the perspective of the executive. The
latter is a facilitated workshop that consists of all users of the system including a
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
representative of senior management to gather and define system requirements. There can be
a number of such workshops depending on the size and nature of the proposed system.
User design: In RAD development, user design is meant to translate the system requirements
defined during the planning phase into specifications that can be implemented by
programmers. A series of JAD workshops involving experienced users are organised to
accomplish this mission. Developers use CASE tools to build prototypes of parts of the
system, particularly those that are contentious to demonstrate how the system will look like.
These prototypes can then be developed incrementally and fine tuned to the satisfaction of
users and developers (Britton and Doake, 2006).
Construction: RAD’s construction phase converts the user designs into actual code that can
be executed by the computer. Any prototypes developed during the user design phase are
refined by the developers. The construction phase involves selected users and experienced
programmers and information systems professionals using specialised software tools. Avison
and Fitzgerald (2008) refer to these experts as skilled with advanced tools (SWAT) teams.
Developers test the completed components as well as the entire system to ensure that both the
functional and non-functional requirements are met. The requisite documentation is also done
at the construction level in a RAD development.
Cutover: This is the final stage in a RAD project whose main objective is to get the system
working in the owner’s IT infrastructure. It includes a final round of system testing using live
data, user training and changeover. Any organisational changes occasioned by the
introduction of the system are also resolved and addressed at this level. The changeover
approach used often varies from one organisation to another as dictated by the nature of the
systems (old and new), size of the new system and operational realities of the organisation
and so on and so forth.
Using RAD in information systems development offers many benefits to system developers.
Timeboxing enables developers to deliver systems faster. This often reduces the cost of
developing systems considerably. Its emphasis on user involvement throughout the
development life cycle has twofold effects. One, the system delivered is most likely to meet
the user needs closely. And two, chances of users resisting the new system are very low since
they will have interacted and evolved with it over time. Another key benefit of RAD is that
codes and modules are reusable. This makes it easy to add new components to the system if
changes in the business requirements occur.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
All its strengths notwithstanding, RAD is not a panacea to all software development
problems. Its focus on speedy software development coupled with the rigidity imposed on the
process by timeboxing may compromise quality of the delivered software. The project team
may leave out some important features in order to adhere to strict delivery timelines. RAD
projects can only succeed if managed by highly skilled system development professionals. In
some cases this may push development costs high. RAD development methodology is
appropriate for small and medium sized information systems where documentation is not a
crucial requirement.
3.4 Justification of the chosen methodology
As was mentioned in the introduction of this chapter, this project will use RAD as the main
methodology but aspects of waterfall and RUP methodologies will also be used whenever is
appropriate. RAD’s iterative and evolutionary approach is the main reason why it has been
chosen for this project. The evolutionary prototyping technique will particularly be useful in
building the application. Besides, RAD’s timeboxing technique will certainly help to
minimise the development time and cost while still ensuring that software that meets the
specification requirements is delivered. Apart from its obsession with technical details geared
towards developing a robust software product, the other main reason for using waterfall in
this project is its emphasis on detailed documentation of the development process. A good
documentation makes it easy to maintain software. While RUP also uses iterative and
incremental software development approach, its use in this project will be due to its focus on
business requirements of the system. RUP uses business use cases to deliver systems that
closely meet the user requirements.
3.5 Conclusion
The unchanging goal of any software development project is to deliver software that meets its
functional and non-functional requirements within the budget and in time. The use of
methodologies makes it feasible to achieve this goal by bringing order to the software
development process. That said, it is important to note that there is no universal methodology
in software development. The choice of methodologies used in a software project is
influenced by many factors.
Traditional methodologies are suitable for large software projects which have fairly stable
requirements. Such projects also require enormous amount of documentation and prior
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
planning, requirements that are easily met by the traditional methodologies. Modern software
approaches on the other hand are generally suited for projects which have constantly
changing requirements and which need greater user involvement, communication among
project team members and early delivery of a working software code. Nevertheless, many
software projects still involve the use of both traditional and modern methodologies. It is
worth noting though, that RAD and agile development methodologies are becoming
increasingly popular with software developers.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Chapter Four
Requirements Analysis
4.0 Introduction
Requirements analysis is an important phase in a software development process. The quality
of software delivered often depends on how well the activities of this phase are carried out. It
involves identifying and eliciting, describing and specifying and validating system
requirements. Another important aspect of this phase of the software development project is
the identification of people who will use the system and what their roles will be. The specific
roles for the proposed online reservation are outlined under the roles section below.
4.1 Roles
Many people will use the system for one purpose or the other. However, the roles that have
been discussed below are only for personnel whose usage of the system will be critical if it
has to meet the needs for which it is being developed. Without following the order of their
importance, the roles include:
Applications Administrator: The role of the applications administrator will be to manage
user (customers or staff of the hotel) accounts, ensure the security of the system by restricting
users to appropriate access privileges and escalating any security threats to the system beyond
his or her mandate to the systems administrator or network security personnel, update the
website in case the hotel has new content that needs to be added to the web service as well as
remove outdated content. Lastly, the applications administrator will also provide user support
to any person using the system.
Receptionist: Any person holding this position will access the room booking facility to be
able to answer queries from customers who make enquiries on phone or come personally to
the hotel. This role will not have privileges to make changes to the records but will be able to
use queries to get the information he or she needs from the system.
Reservation Manager: The Reservation Manager will have periodic access to the sales
facility of the system to enable him or her generate reports on sales of the various services
offered by the hotel. He or she will not be able to update any records. Nevertheless, he or she
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
will have the privilege to use a wide range of queries to extract information he or she may
need from the system.
Customer: The customer is the most important actor in this system. The goals of the other
three actors only support the customer in achieving his or her goals in the system. The
customer will create an account, reserve a room and give feedback on their experience of
using the system. He or she will also be able to buy tickets of transport service providers from
the hotels website.
4.2 Initial Functional Requirements
The system to be developed will deliver the following specific functionalities:
1. The system will allow users to create accounts online
2. The system will have an email notification facility that will automatically be sent to
users upon completing a task such as creating or deleting an account successfully.
3. It will have a chat facility that customers can use to make enquiries in an interactive
manner with hotel staff
4. The system must have a link facility on the hotel’s website that when clicked takes the
customer to a list of services offered by other service providers such as cab
companies, bus companies, airlines and event organisers among other providers.
5. The system must be able to generate various types of reports for the hotel.
4.3 Data Gathering
Data gathering refers to a set of activities that the developer or analyst carries out to put
together the requirements of a system. Some authors refer to it as requirement elicitation.
The information obtained during the exercise helps the developer to get a clear picture of
the customer’s expectation of the system. The principal aim of data gathering therefore is
to ensure that the requirements of the system to be developed are captured clearly,
accurately and completely so that the end product of the process meets the purpose for
building the software as closely as possible. Data gathering requires the developer to
interact directly with the customer or the would be end user of the system.
There are several techniques that can be used to gather information system requirements.
However, in this project, the questionnaire technique has been used mainly because it
provides an opportunity to reach a larger number of respondents from different hospitality
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
firms. The other reasons for using questionnaire include the ease, speed and low cost with
which it can be administered.
4.4 Analysis of questionnaire
The questionnaire was administered in medium size and big hotels within Nairobi. The
aims of the questionnaire were to: establish whether hotels were sharing information in a
manner that could lend itself to a web service solution, find out if any hotels are interested
in or are already using web services to market and sell their services and find out what
key non-functional features hotels would like a web service to have if they were to
implement it. A total of ten respondents from six hotels in Nairobi completed the
questionnaire. The results of the investigation are shown in the bar graphs below:
Table 1: Response of hotel employees in Nairobi on whether they think their companies
should implement web services
Web Service Survey
May Need Web Service
Don't need Web Service
Not Sure
Hotel staff
Chart 1: Comparison of desire by staff of mid size and big hotels in Nairobi to implement
web service
May Need Web
Don't need Web
Not Sure
No. of people
Categories of respondents
Web Service Survey
Hotel staff
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Table 2: Non-functional requirements that hotel employees in Nairobi would like to see
being implemented in a web service
Non-functional requirements users want in a web service
Hotel staff
Chart 2: Functional requirements identified by hotel staff in various Nairobi hotels as
necessary in a web service.
4.5 Detailed functional requirements
Functional requirements specify what a system shall or will do once its development is
completed. A good system must be able to perform the tasks and operations outlined in a
functional requirements specification document. The functional requirements
specification document acts as a reference document for system designers. It is thus not
uncommon, particularly in modern system development environments to find developers
moving back and forth between this stage and the design stage of system development.
The following sections discuss the functional requirements of the reservation web service
Timeliness Security Confidentiality Accuracy
No. of people
Non functional requirements
Non functional requirements users desire in a web service
Hotel staff
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Functions: The system shall perform the following specific functions:
The system shall allow the applications administrator to add new users and/or
delete users existing users.
The applications administrator must be able to grant users of the system
appropriate access privileges.
The system must allow the reservation manager to view the number of bookings
made by the hotel.
The receptionist must be able to confirm the room availability using the system as
this will be useful to him or her when responding to customers’ enquiries on
telephone or via email.
The system shall allow customers to sign up before accessing the hotel services
The system must allow the customer to see the rates charged by the hotel.
The system shall have a facility to enable applications administrator to cancel
booking that has been made. Customers must therefore send a cancelation request
by email to the administrator in order to cancel a booking. An email notification
will be automatically sent to the customer immediately the booking is cancelled.
The customers shall have an opportunity to give feedback on the services of the
hotel at the end of their stay.
The system shall allow the customer to access and call a taxi service, buy bus or
airline tickets while on the hotel’s website.
The reservation manager and the applications administrator will be able to view
customer feedback, but only the applications administrator can delete customer
Reports: The reservation manager shall be able to generate various reports that he or she will
share with the general manager, and sales and finance departments as and when required. The
reports should be able to give the following information:
Monthly, quarterly and yearly number of bookings classified according to the
nationalities of customers.
Monthly, quarterly and yearly number of bookings classified according to
branches of the hotel.
Monthly, quarterly and yearly reports of the customers who accessed services of
other hospitality service providers from the hotel’s system.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
4.6 Use case diagrams
Use case diagram is a requirements analysis technique that analysts and/or system developers
often use to present the system from the perspective of the user. It has three important
components namely, actors, use case and system boundary. Actors are entities that are
affected by or interact with the system in one way or the other, and can be people,
organisations, systems or subsystems. Use cases represent the actual functional requirements
of the system and are always connected to the actors using a line which represents a
relationship between them. These functional requirements (use cases) together make up a
system. The system boundary separates the use cases from the actors. Figure 2.6 shows the
use case diagram of this system.
Figure 4.1: Use case diagram of the reservation system web service.
4.6.1 Use Case Diagram Documentation
Use case documentation involves stating the sequence of actions performed by a system in
order to achieve its goals. Documenting use cases aids in understanding what the system
intends to do. Developers can thus use it to communicate among themselves and with end
users regarding the functionalities of a system being developed. The use case diagram in
figure 2.6 is documented in the paragraphs that follow.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Use Case One: Book a room.
Primary Actor: Customer
Primary Scenario
Precondition: User has successfully signed up.
Flow of Events
1. The use case begins when customer opens a browser and opens the hotel’s website.
2. Customer creates a user account.
3. Customer receives email notification from the system.
4. Customer activates the account.
5. Customer checks room types and rates.
6. Customer completes a room reservation form.
7. Customer logs out of the system and use case ends.
Secondary scenario
1a. Access to the hotel’s website fails, use case ends
Post condition: A room is booked by the customer.
Use case Two: Give Feedback
Primary Actor: Customer
Primary Scenario
Precondition: The customer booked a room and has used the hotel services.
Flow of Events
1. The use case begins when customer opens a browser and opens the hotel’s website
2. Customer logs into the system
3. Customer opens submit feedback web page
4. Customer writes and submits feedback
5. Customer logs out, and use case ends
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Secondary Scenario
1a. Access to the hotel’s website fails, use case ends
4a. Customer fails to submit feedback due to lack of internet connection
4a1 Customer logs out and use case ends.
Post condition: Feedback is given or customer declines to give feedback
Use Case Three: Buy a ticket from transport service providers
Primary Actor: Customer
Precondition: The customer has successfully logged in to the hotels system
Flow of Events
1. Use case begins when customer opens browser and accesses hotel’s website.
2. Customer logs in.
3. Customer click link to transport service providers website.
4. Customer browses transport service catalogue.
5. Customer selects transport service.
6. Customer reserves a ticket and use case ends.
Secondary Scenario
1a. Internet connections fails, and use case ends.
3a. Transport service providers website fails to open.
3a1. Customer tries again or user gives up and use case ends.
Post condition: A ticket is bought or a taxi is called by the customer.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Use Case Four: Check Room Availability
Primary Actor: Receptionist
Primary Scenario
Precondition: Receptionist has received enquiry from customer.
Flow of Events
1. Use case begins when receptionist receives an enquiry from customer through email
or telephone.
2. Receptionist opens browser and accesses hotel’s website.
3. Receptionist logs in
4. Receptionist opens room reservation web page
5. Receptionist browses rooms catalogue, confirms availability of room and use case
Secondary Scenario
2a. Browser fails to open, receptionist tries to open it again or use case ends.
Post condition: Room availability is confirmed
Use Case Five: Check Booking Status
Primary Actor: Reservation Manager
Primary Scenario
Precondition: Customer bookings exist.
1. Use begins when reservation manager opens browser and hotel’s website
2. Reservation manager logs in
3. Reservation manager opens room reservation page
4. Reservation manager opens reservation report section of the room reservation web
page, use case ends.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Secondary Scenario
1a. Browser fails to open, reservation manager tries again or use case ends.
Post condition: Customer booking report displayed.
Use Case Six: View Customer Feedback
Primary Actor: Reservation Manager
Precondition: Customer feedback exists
Flow of Events
1. Use begins when reservation manager opens browser and hotel’s website
2. Reservation manager logs in
3. Reservation manager opens room reservation web page
4. Reservation manager opens customer feedback section of the room reservation web
page, use case ends.
5. Reservation manager opens reservation report section of the room reservation web
page, use case ends.
Secondary Scenario
1a. Browser fails to open, reservation manager tries again or use case ends.
Post condition: Customer feedback is displayed.
Use Case Seven: Manage Users
Primary Actor: Applications Administrator
Precondition: Administrator has logged into the system
Flow of Events
1. Use case begins when applications administrator opens browser and hotel’s website.
2. Applications administrator logs in.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
3. Applications administrator opens user accounts web page.
4. Applications administrator views list of users and selects a user account name.
5. Applications administrator performs appropriate task.
6. Applications administrator confirms action and use case ends.
Secondary Scenario
1a. Browser fails to open, applications administrator tries again or use case ends.
5a. Applications administrator selects a wrong user account name.
5a1. Applications administrator does not click cancel, selects the right user account
name in step 4 and proceeds to steps 5 and 6, use case ends.
Post condition: Administrator performs appropriate action.
Use Case Eight: Cancel Booking
Primary Actor: Applications Administrator
Precondition: Customer booking exists
Flow of Events
1. Use case begins when applications administrator opens browser and hotel’s website
2. Applications administrator logs in
3. Applications administrator opens room reservation web page
4. Applications administrator opens list of customers who have made booking
5. Applications administrator selects booking of a customer to delete.
6. Applications administrator click cancel button, confirms cancelation and use case
Secondary Scenario
1a. Browser fails to open, applications administrator tries again or use case ends.
5a. Applications administrator selects a wrong customer booking for cancellation
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
5a1. Application administrator does not click cancel, selects the right customer
booking and proceeds to number 6, use case ends.
Post condition: A customer booking is cancelled.
4.7 Non-functional Requirements
Non-functional requirements are nearly as important as the functional requirements. They are
desirable qualities that determine whether the software developed is of acceptable quality. It
is important to note that the successful implementation of the functional requirements largely
contributes to the non-functional requirements. Non-functional requirements include but not
limited to: reliability, usability, security and availability. Each of these requirements is
discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.
Reliability: Reliability is the attribute of software that enables it to behave in a consistent
manner as it performs functions as stated in its requirements and design specifications. A
reliable system gives users the confidence that they will not experience unexpected behaviour
from the system during its operation. Users want to be assured for instance that the system
will not automatically restart or abort before completing processing their work. In this
system, users will always get automatic email notification upon cancelation of their booking
or deletion of their account by the applications administrator. Again, as longs there is internet
connection, customers will always be able to connect to transport service providers website if
they so need.
Usability: The usability non-functional requirement is one of the most important
requirements that any good software product should meet. Usability defines the ease with
which the user is able to perform tasks for which the software was intended. For this to be
achieved, users must be able to learn how to use the system. The amount of effort the user
needs to put into learning the software to be able to use it efficiently is thus an important
indicator of how usable the software is. While the technical features of this system will be
given proportionate attention, a lot more effort and attention will be devoted to making the
system as user centric as possible. The system will have graphic user interface (GUI). Users
will access the system through a web browser. The user interfaces will be designed to enable
users to navigate easily around the system.
Security: This requirement aims to ensure that users who are not authorised to use the system
are not able to access it. Better still, authorised users will also be assigned appropriate
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
permissions so that the integrity of any confidential data is maintained. This system will
require users to have accounts in order to access and use it. User activities in the system will
thus be determined by their class or category to ensure that the system security is not
Availability: This non-functional requirement deals with issues such as the frequency of
system down times and how long it takes the system to resume normalcy in case of a down
time. To be more specific, system availability describes the amount of time the system must
be up and running for use by end users. A good system is one that is able to serve users
especially during peak times. This system will basically run on the internet. However, its
availability will not just be measured by the availability of the internet, but by the ability of
transport service providers to publish their services and whether customers will always be
able to access those services. With an uninterrupted internet connection, the system will
provide 99.9% availability to users.
4.8 Conclusion
Requirements analysis stage of the system development process is a very demanding
exercise. And though it is fairly technical and requires that the analyst or the developer
possesses good technical skills, it should be noted that it also requires a high degree of social
engineering skills (Group and Science, 2006). The reason for this is that it often requires the
highest level of stakeholder involvement in the development process. Regardless of the
techniques used in the requirements specification development, the key objective of the
activity is to turn the desires of the stakeholders into requirements that can be implemented.
But even more important is the need to develop a requirement specification document that
closely meets the needs of the user. In this project, the functional requirements have had to
be changed a number of times before coming up with the final set of requirements. It also
emerged that the functional and non-functional requirements are intertwined. Non-functional
requirements put demands on the system that must be met by the functional requirements.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Chapter Five
System Design
5.0 Introduction
The system design stage concerns itself with converting the requirements specification into a
model that can be implemented. It involves producing specifications for databases, data
structures, processes and user interfaces as seen by the end users (Gould, 2008). Though the
traditional approach to system design differs significantly from the modern approaches, the
ultimate goal of system design is still to construct a model that can be used to develop a
system that meets the user requirements as closely as possible. This fact has been taken into
account in the design of this system.
5.1 Database Design
Database design occupies an important place in the system design process. This is because
data that users will need to solve their various problems is stored in the date. The other parts
of the system only facilitate the process of using this data to meet user needs. There are
several design techniques used in database design. However, in this project, entity
relationship diagram (ERD) has been used as the main design technique. Data modelling
using ERDs begins with conceptual design, then progresses to logical design and ends with
physical design. The subsequent paragraphs give further details on each of the three ERD
5.1.0 Conceptual Design
A conceptual database design is concerned with presenting the system from the perspective
of the user or business. It shows how the various high level functionalities are related to each
other without delving into the technical aspects of the design. That is, a conceptual design
shows entities and their relationships without the accompanying attributes. A conceptual data
model or Entity Relationship Design (ERD) is the simplest design document that technical
people can use to demonstrate the system to the end user. Figure 2.6 shows the conceptual
ERD of the database for the online reservation system.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
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Figure 5.1: Conceptual ERD for the online reservation system database
5.1.0 Logical Design
A logical design or data model presents the system in a more detailed manner than the
conceptual design. At this level, the ERD includes all entities in the database and attributes in
each of them. The key attributes, that is, the primary key and foreign keys for each entity and
the relationships between entities are also specified in the logical ERD. It is worth noting that
a logical ERD is a technical document that is only used to communicate the system
functionalities among the technical members of a system development team. Simply put, a
logical design translates the business requirements depicted by the conceptual design into a
technical design that when improved, can be used to implement a physical system. The
logical ERD of the reservation system database is shown in figure 2.7.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Figure 2.9: Logical ERD for the online reservation system database
5.1.1 Physical Design
The physical design model goes further than the logical design model to show how the
system will be constructed in a database. At this design level, the data types and length of
each attribute of all the entities are specified. The key attributes (primary and foreign keys)
are also clearly specified. Like the logical ERD, the physical ERD clearly shows the
relationships between and among entities of the database. For all practical purposes, the
physical ERD is a technical document that can only be understood by technical people in the
software development team. The database developers use it to build the actual database. The
user interface designers, frontend and backend developers refer to it as well. Figure 2.8
illustrates the physical ERD of the online reservation system.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Figure 5.2: Physical ERD for the online reservation system database
5.2 System Design
This section with producing artefacts that presents the system from the perspective of the
user. These include the various interfaces that make up the system, how the user interacts
with the system, business processes and interactions between those processes. This is further
discussed under two sub sections, namely: user interface design and data flow diagrams.
5.2.1 User Interface Design
User interface design is one of the most important aspects of developing software since it
deals with creating a means through which the user and a system interact. In systems
development, this mechanism that users employ to control an application is referred to as user
interface (UI). User interface design can therefore be described as a system design activity
that focuses on human computer interaction (HCI), that is, the study, planning and design of
how users and computer work together to accomplish user needs in the most satisfying and
effective manner (Galitz, 2007). A well designed user interface is one that reduces the effort
users need to put in accomplishing tasks using a system. UI interface can be command line,
menu based or graphical. For this system, a graphical user interface (GUI) will be used.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications Screens
The following sections show a number of screen layouts through which users will interact
with the system. These high level interfaces (some low level interfaces are not shown)
include the homepage, sign up page, sign in page, room reservation page, feedback page and
the web service page. Each of these interfaces is briefly explained in the succeeding sections.
Homepage: The homepage is the first page that appears when the user enters the universal
resource locator (url) of the hotel’s website. From here, a user can visit other parts of the
system that he or she is permitted to access.
Figure 5.2: Website homepage
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
Sign up: The sign up interface is used by new users to create accounts that they will use to
access the system.
Figure 5.3: Sign up page
Sign in: This interface will be used by users to login into the system. The interface has three
distinct sign in slots since each of the three categories of users have different access
privileges to the system.
Figure 5.4: Login page
Room reservation: The room reservation interface will be used specifically by customers to
reserve a room of their choice. The combo boxes for room type and room rate have a drop
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
down list from which the customer can select a room type and its corresponding cost
Figure 5.5: Room reservation page
Feedback page: The feedback interface will be used by customers to give their comments
regarding the services offered by the hotel. The applications administrator and the reservation
manager will also use this interface to view a customer’s feedback. The applications
administrator can go a step further and delete a customer’s feedback from this interface.
Figure 5.6: Feedback page
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
5.3 Data Flow Diagrams
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a structured modelling technique used to show how data
flows between the different processes within a system. As opposed to use case diagrams that
present the system to users from a functional point of view, DFDs present the system to users
as a set of interrelated processes. One main advantage of using DFDs in modelling a system
is that it is simple and therefore easy to understand by non-technical people. This makes it a
good tool for explaining to clients what a system will do. The DFD of the proposed system is
shown in figure 5.7 below.
Figure 5.7: DFD for the Reservation System Web Service
5.5 Conclusion
This chapter marks the end of the design activities of this project. An important aspect of the
system design stage of software development that was brought to the fore during this process
is that it is closely tied to the requirements analysis, particularly the system’s functional
requirements. A few changes had to be made on the functional requirements as well as the
use case diagrams after developing the logical and physical ERDs. This reaffirmed the often
stated fact that system development in modern times is ideally an iterative process that
requires flexibility and agility.
The artefacts of the design stage forms the basis of the implementation stage of this software
development project. The physical ERD will be implemented as the underlying database.
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
The user interface design models represent the web pages that are a crucial part of this
system. Use case diagrams and DFDs provide a constant reminder to the developer as to how
users view the system. Codes will be written to develop the various web pages that make up
the websites. Besides, there will be server side codes that will connect the website and its
interfaces to the reservation database as well as link the database to the web service that
allows customers to access the services of transport service providers from the hotel’s
IEEE-SEM, Volume 10, Issue 6, June-2019
ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications
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ISSN 2320-9151
Copyright © 2019 IEEE-SEM Publications