Divorce, Dissolution and Separation
Ohio law provides three ways for a husband and wife to end or
alter their marital relationship: legal separation, divorce and
dissolution of marriage. (A fourth wayannulmentwill not be
discussed here.) To obtain a dissolution or divorce, you must live
in Ohio for at least six months before filing. The law does not
require persons seeking a legal separation to live in Ohio for any
particular length of time before filing. The terms visitation and
companionship describe the rights of non-parents, such as
grandparents. Parenting time refers to the time parents spend
with their children.
What is a legal separation?
A legal separation does not legally end a marriage but allows the
court to issue orders concerning property division, spousal
support, allocation of parental rights and responsibilities
(including parenting time and child support). The parties remain
married, but live separately. When a court grants a legal
separation, each party must follow the court’s specific orders. The
legal steps are nearly the same as for a divorce.
What is a dissolution of marriage?
A dissolution of marriage is an action where the parties mutually
agree to terminate their marriage. Neither party has to prove
grounds to end a marriage by dissolution. A dissolution petition is
jointly filed after the husband and wife have signed a separation
agreement regarding all property, spousal support and any child-
related issues. After filing the petition, the parties must wait at
least 30 days before the court will hear their case, which must be
heard within 90 days of filing. At the hearing, the court will review
the separation agreement, ask about the assets and liabilities and
any parenting issues, and determine whether the parties
understand and are satisfied with the settlement. If the court is
satisfied that the parties agree and desire to end their marriage,
the court will grant a dissolution and make the separation
agreement a court order.
What is a divorce?
Divorce is a civil lawsuit to end a marriage. The parties ask the
court to make the final decisions concerning property division,
spousal support and matters regarding the children.
One spouse, the plaintiff, files a complaint with the clerk of court
to start a divorce. In the complaint, plaintiff must claim and
eventually prove the appropriate statutory grounds for divorce.
Discuss the statutory grounds and facts with your attorney.
The clerk of court servesupon the other spouse, the defendant,
a copy of the complaint and a summons. Service is generally
made by certified mail or personal delivery. If the defendant's
residence is unknown, a legal notice will be published in a
newspaper. This publication method of service is effective for
obtaining a divorce decree but generally is not effective for
obtaining orders about matters such as spousal or child support.
The defendant has 28 days after service of the complaint and
summons to file an answer to respond to the complaint. The
defendant may file a counterclaim requesting a divorce, stating
the grounds the defendant believes apply. The plaintiff files a
reply in response to the counterclaim.
Most divorce cases are eventually settled by agreement. A
proposed divorce decree is prepared, signed by the parties and
submitted to the court for approval. After a short hearing, the
agreement is approved by the judge and becomes a court order.
If the parties cannot resolve all of their disputed issues, evidence
is presented in a contested trial. The court will review the parties’
evidence and make its decision based on Ohio law.
How is property divided after a marriage is ended?
Ohio statutes define marital and separate property.
Marital property is property acquired during the marriage,
including real estate, personal property, intangible property (such
as stocks and bonds, bank accounts) and retirement plans,
regardless of legal title. Marital property also may include
increases in the value of separate property due to either spouse’s
labor or contribution of marital money to the increase in the
property’s value.
Separate property includes all real, personal and intangible
property from an inheritance; property owned before the
marriage; income or appreciation on separate property that did
not come from a marital contribution of either party during the
marriage; a gift after the marriage date if proved to be made to
only one spouse; and an award for personal injury (except any
part of the award that compensates for lost wages occurring
during the marriage, or medical bills from the injury paid with
marital funds).
By applying statutory laws and appropriate case law, the court
determines how long the marriage has lasted and what it
considers to be marital property. Marital property is to be divided
equally, unless the court explains in writing why an equal division
would not be fair. In making the award, the court must apply the
eight specific factors listed in the statute and any other factor it
finds relevant and equitable.
The court also has the authority to make a distributive award from
separate property of either party to the other to achieve a fair
result. When a party has engaged in financial misconduct such as
hiding property, dissipating money or funds, or disposing of funds
fraudulently, the court may make an award out of the separate
property of the offending spouse, or make a greater award of
marital property to compensate the other party.
What is spousal support?
Changes in Ohio law have substituted the term spousal support
for what once was called alimony. Courts award spousal support,
if reasonable and appropriate, but only after a property division.
The court may consider 13 specific factors in making an award.
Some of these factors are the ages, earning ability and health of
the parties, the length of the marriage and the standard of living
during the marriage. The court also may consider any other
relevant factors.
How are parental rights and responsibilities allocated?
Formerly, Ohio courts granted custody of the children to one
party or the other. Now, the court allocates the parental rights and
responsibilities between the parents based on the best interests
of the minor children who are not yet age 18 or have not
graduated from high school. Shared parenting allocates these
rights and responsibilities by requiring shared decision-making,
although not necessarily equal time-sharing. If a plan for the
childrens care is submitted by one or both parents, the court may
adopt the plan and grant shared parenting. If the court finds the
proposed plan is not in the children’s best interest, it can request
amendment of the plan or deny shared parenting.
If no plan is submitted, the court cannot award shared parenting
and will allocate the parental responsibilities between the
parents, naming one parent as the sole residential parent and
legal custodian and granting the other parent appropriate
parenting time rights.
If a parent asks, the court must talk with a child privately about his
or her wishes concerning parenting arrangements. The court also
may (or, if a parent asks, must) appoint a guardian ad litem for the
child, who will investigate the child’s circumstances and report to
the court. The court takes into consideration, but is not bound by,
the childs wishes and concerns and the guardian ad litem’s
Other factors taken into account include the child’s mental,
emotional and psychological development; the child’s interaction
with parents, siblings and other significant persons; and the
child’s adjustment to school, community and home. The court
also may consider factors such as a parent’s ability to serve as a
custodial parent, if support has been paid, if parenting time has
been denied or if any abuse has occurred. If one of the parents
intends to leave the state permanently, the court also may
consider this factor. Some courts provide mediation services to
help the parties resolve parenting issues themselves.
How are parenting time rights determined?
In every case involving children, the court orders a specific
schedule for parenting time. The primary consideration is the best
interests of the children. Ohio statutes provide many factors to be
considered in making the determination. Each Ohio county must
also have a standard parenting time order, which can be changed
on a case-by-case basis when in the best interests of the children.
In appropriate cases and only if the court finds it is in the
children’s best interest, the court also may award
companionship/visitation rights to persons other than the parents.
A more thorough discussion of parenting time rights can be found
in an Ohio State Bar Association brochure titled, “What you
should know about . . . Sharing Parental Responsibilities after
What are temporary orders?
The court may issue temporary orders while the case is pending
and before the final decision. The person seeking temporary
orders files a motion with the court, which can provide for: use of
the marital residence or a vehicle, allocation of parental rights,
child support, spousal support and the responsibility to pay debts
(such as house or rental payments and charge accounts). These
temporary orders may be very different from the court’s final
decree of divorce.
Courts may grant restraining orders to restrict or prohibit one or
both of the spouses or others from certain behaviors and
activities, such as harassing or abusing a spouse, transferring or
disposing of marital funds or assets and moving the children to
another state.
All temporary orders and restraining orders may be modified by
the court on formal request, by written motion. Temporary orders,
unless modified, usually remain in effect and are enforceable
from the time the court approves the order until the final decree
becomes effective.
How is child support determined?
Ohio law requires child support to be calculated under child
support guidelines. The law sets basic support schedules that
must be used to determine the amount of child support, based on
the number of children and the combined gross income of the
parents, as well as other factors and/or credits. The support
schedules are based on the average cost of raising children in
households across a wide income range.
To determine the appropriate amount of child support, the court
calculates both parents gross incomes and then combines them.
Any spousal support paid is added to the recipient’s income and
deducted from the payor’s income to arrive at gross income. The
total is then used to locate the child support amount on a basic
chart provided in the support statutes.
Costs of medical insurance and necessary child care are factored
in, and the resulting child support obligation is divided according
to the percentages of each party’s income to their total combined
annual income.
The amount of child support determined by these calculations is
presumed appropriate. The court has discretion to deviate from
the basic support tables when the calculated child support is
inequitable and not in the children’s best interest. The court also
issues orders for healthcare insurance and payment of uninsured
healthcare expenses for the children. Child support must be paid
through Ohio Child Support Payment Central, usually by means of
wage withholding. See the Ohio State Bar Association LawFacts
pamphlet titled, “Child Support” for more information.
What are my responsibilities as a client?
Because your attorney will present your requests to the court, you
have responsibilities as a client. Rely on your attorney’s
experience to guide you through the process and do what your
attorney asks you to do.
Clearly communicate to your attorney your wishes and priorities.
Do not force your attorney to guess. Work with your attorney to
decide where to be flexible and where to stand firm.
Be open and truthful with your attorney. If evidence later
establishes that you have been untruthful or have lied to the
court, the court may penalize you. Your communications with your
attorney are confidential. Your attorney will not reveal
embarrassing or harmful information you may have disclosed, but
by knowing all the facts, your attorney can help you plan how
best to correct or minimize harmful information. Surprises in court
will leave you and your attorney at a disadvantage in resolving
your legal matter.
What are my responsibilities as a party?
You have asked the court for certain help or relief, so you have
responsibilities to the court as a party to a legal action. The court
addresses and resolves your problems by issuing court orders.
Even if you do not agree with the court’s orders, you must comply
or the court may penalize you. You will also put your case at a
disadvantage and the final resolution may be delayed. If you
believe certain orders are unfair, you can discuss with your
attorney possible ways to have the court make modifications, but
until orders are formally changed, you must follow the orders.
The checklist
Also discuss these topics with your attorney: tax implications,
shared parenting, premarital agreements, mediation of disputes,
short-term and long-term debts, guardian ad litem, pension and
retirement plans, depositions, expert witnesses and costs, and
attorney fees.
© May 2015 Ohio State Bar Association
Funding from the Ohio State Bar Foundation
This is one of a series of LawFacts public information pamphlets.
Others may be obtained through www.ohiobar.org/LegalHelp
The information contained in this pamphlet is general and should not
be applied to specific legal problems without first consulting your own