Housing&ResidenceLife4603ElkhornAvenue,Suite1208Norfolk,VA23529(phone)7576834283(fax)7576834863(email)[email protected]
Please read all provisions of this contract as you are legally bound by these terms and conditions for the entire
contract period. You are responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures found in the Code of Student
Conduct and the Housing & Residence Life Guide to Living on Campus. The University does not discriminate on
the basis of race, sex, age, ability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin in the
administration of housing.
The residential experience is designed for students who reach 17 to 26 years of age by September 1, 2022. Students
who are younger or older than the previously stated ages will receive consideration on a case-by-case basis. In
addition, the University does not provide housing for graduate students, married couples or students with children.
1. Parties: This contract is made by and between Old Dominion University and the student (also referred to as the
Resident). The University and the Resident, in consideration of the terms and conditions stated in this document,
do hereby agree with each other as follows:
2. Eligibility: Full-time, degree-seeking students in good standing who are enrolled at Old Dominion University may
enter into this contract. Students in residence must maintain active registration and be able to demonstrate progress
toward a degree. Priority is given to full-time status students. Dropping to less than full-time status or transitioning
to online status does not release the Resident from the contract. This contract may not be transferred or re-assigned
to another student.
a. Full-time Status for undergraduate students is defined as enrollment in at least 12 credit hours.
b. Full-time Status for graduate students is defined as enrollment in at least 9 credit hours.
c. The University reserves the right to use a student’s disciplinary status, student account status, and/or student
financial standing as a factor in providing on-campus housing.
d. Eligibility Requirements for the University Village:
1. University Village Residents are agreeing to an 11+ month contract period (running from August 26, 2022
through July 31, 2023) that includes summer housing, even if the Resident chooses to not occupy the
premises during summer.
2. University Village Residents who are December or May graduates may petition to be released from their
remaining contract. May graduates are required to vacate by May 31.
3. University Village Residents with a renewed contract for the next year may opt into an Extension Period
during the contract period gap (July 31, 2023 – August 23, 2023) at an additional cost, ONLY if returning
to the same assigned room for the next contract period. Students may occupy the room either in person or
by leaving personal belongings in the room. Students who do not to participate in the Extension Period will
be required to completely vacate the space (i.e. removing all belongings and officially checking out of the
room) on or before July 31.
4. University Village Buildings 7 and 8 will undergo construction during summer 2023. Residents of these two
buildings will be relocated to other on campus housing for the duration of their Housing Contract. Failure
to transition is not justification for contract release.
3. Duration of the Contract: This contract is binding for the entire contract period (Fall and Spring plus Summer for
Village) or the portion of the contract period remaining at the time of occupancy. Failure to claim a key and/or ID
card does NOT release a student from the contract. This contract cannot be terminated by the Resident except under
the conditions listed in Sections 8 & 9, Cancellation/Petition for Release. Contract Periods include:
a. Academic Year - Residence Halls August 26, 2022 – May 06, 2023
b. Academic Year - Apartments August 26, 2022 – May 06, 2023
Housing & Residence Life
2022-2023 ODU Housing & Dining Contract
Terms and Conditions
c. 11+ Month Apartments (Village) August 26, 2022 – July 31, 2023
d. Spring Only–Residence Halls January 07, 2023 – May 06, 2023
e. Spring Only–Apartments (Not Village) January 07, 2023 – May 06, 2023
f. Spring-Summer 11+ Month Apts. (Village) January 07, 2023 – July 31, 2023
4. The University Agrees:
a. The University will provide a room accommodation to the student for a timeframe of one contract period. This
is excluding any break period when the University is officially closed unless the resident has specifically
requested housing designated as open for break periods. Residential services (including access to the assigned
complex and room) begin on the assigned move-in day.
b. The University will provide residence hall staff in accordance with University policy and provide a living
experience which compliments the academic mission of the University.
c. The University will provide a reasonable amount of light, heat, electricity and hot water. Student rooms shall
be furnished with a bed, mattress, drawer space, desk (including chair), and wardrobe/closet space.
d. The University agrees to provide connectivity for internet.
5. The Resident Agrees: The Resident agrees to pay all fees, to observe all policies and procedures of Old Dominion
University and abide by the terms and conditions of this contract, and other University publications, such as the
Code of Student Conduct and the Housing & Residence Life Guide to Living on Campus.
a. Failure to fulfill the terms of this contract may lead to termination of this contract, removal from University
housing, and a review of the individual’s status as a student at Old Dominion University.
b. The Resident assumes any and all liability for damages and cleanliness, including any misuse of access cards,
keys or assigned premises by other parties.
c. The Resident agrees to vacate the assigned room within 72 hours upon loss of status as an enrolled student
during this contract if the Resident fails to register for credit course work and within 24 hours after their last
exam each semester. Students may be removed immediately based on conduct and/or threat to others.
6. Rates and Payments: Housing & Dining rates for the academic year will be established by the Board of Visitors
and published subsequently on the Housing & Residence Life website. Submitting an application and paying the
application fee does not guarantee housing.
a. All students must submit a $250.00 application fee before any room assignment can be made. Waivers for $200
towards the application fee are available for students with documented financial need. Students must apply for
a waiver in the Housing Portal during their application submission. Students will be notified if approved.
b. Each term, Housing & Dining charges are payable by the billing due date established by the Office of Finance.
Specific information about due dates can be found on the university website. Housing assignments may be
cancelled by the University if the balance is not paid by the due date or if alternate payment arrangements have
not been approved by the University’s Office of Finance.
c. No refunds will be made to an enrolled student who fails to return to an assigned hall/room unless the student
has been officially approved through the Petition for Release from their Housing & Dining Contract. Failure
of a Resident to satisfy the financial obligations stipulated under this contract will result in a Financial Hold on
registration and other official records.
d. Housing & Dining charges, under certain circumstances, may be approved for partial or full refunds.
7. Room Assignment:
a. Students may be assigned to campus housing via self-selection or through allocation by Housing & Residence
Life staff.
b. In addition to eligibility as defined in section 2, students must submit an electronic housing application and a
$250.00 application fee to be eligible for campus housing.
c. Specific process details can be obtained via the ODU housing portal and website for individual classifications
(new freshmen, new transfer, continuing, and returning students).
d. Preferences are one factor in the selection process, and not a guarantee or commitment. Assignments are made
on a space available basis and when possible, in accordance with the preferences that the student requests.
e. Failure to honor a preference does NOT void this contract.
f. A roommate will see the name and ODU email address of students who choose to display their information.
g. The University reserves the right to consolidate vacancies either prior to occupying the room or during the
academic year.
h. The University reserves the right to administratively reassign residents to other rooms as needed.
i. If a student believes specific housing accommodations are warranted, they should register with the Office of
Educational Accessibility. Accommodations are made on a space available basis.
8. Pre-Occupancy Cancellations:
a. The Housing & Dining Contract may be cancelled if the Resident provides written cancellation prior to their
published move-in date.
b. A student applying for housing for the upcoming academic year (starting in the Fall Term) must cancel in the
Housing Portal by or before by May 15 to be eligible for refund of $ $200.00 of the application fee ($50 is
nonrefundable). The credit will be released to the student’s university account (if applicable) and the student
will be released from their contract. Starting May 16, the contract may be cancelled, but students are not eligible
for return of any portion of the application fee. Students who fail to occupy their space are not eligible for
return of any portion of the application fee. If the Resident fails to occupy the assigned room by 6:00 p.m. on
the first day of classes in the Fall semester, the assignment may be forfeited unless the individual submits a
written request to Housing & Residence Life to hold the room until a later date.
c. A student applying for housing only for the spring semester must cancel in the Housing Portal on or before
December 15
to be eligible for refund of $200.00 of the application fee ($50 is nonrefundable). The credit
will be released to the student’s university account (if applicable) and the student will be released from their
contract. Starting December 16
, the contract may be cancelled, but students are not eligible for the return of
any portion of the application fee. Students who fail to occupy their space are not eligible for return of any
portion of the application fee.
d. Non occupancy of a student’s assigned space does NOT terminate the Housing & Dining Contract nor its
financial obligations.
e. Any student who cancels for fall semester after the May 15 deadline forfeits the entire $250 application fee, no
f. Any student who applies as part of the Spring only application and cancels for spring semester after the
December 15 deadline forfeits the entire $250 application fee, no exceptions.
9. Post Occupancy Petition for Release from Contract:
a. If a resident is seeking to break their Housing & Dining Contract, they must do so through the Petition for
Release from Contract process. All petitions will receive an approval or denial.
b. Release from contract reasons includes the following circumstances: (1) withdrawing/transferring from Old
Dominion University AND no longer registered for any credit hours; (2) Academic Suspension or Academic
Dismissal from Old Dominion University; (3) Marriage during the contract period; (4) Military Activation of
the resident; (5) December/May Graduation; (6) University-affiliated programs away from campus, or (7) an
unanticipated extenuating circumstance that could not have been foreseen prior to signing the contract.
c. The Petition for Release form must be submitted with substantiated documentation in the Housing & Residence
Life Housing Portal.
d. Student meal plans will follow the Housing Contract decision on Petition for Release from contract.
e. All students who receive an approved Petition for Release from contract will be charged a $200 release fee.
The only exceptions for the release fee are a) military service orders, b) graduation, and c) school sponsored
activities that result in a required move from the area (Internship or Study Abroad).
f. All students who receive an approved Petition for Release from contract will be charged on a prorated basis on
latest date of either approved Petition for Release from contract or the Resident’s date of official check-out
(includes completing all of the following: removal of all belongings from room assignment, completion of
check-out, and return of room key to Front Desk), whichever is later.
10. Terminations (Conduct Dismissals) Residents who have received disciplinary conduct decisions which
terminate their Housing & Dining Contract, or who are in the conduct process, are not eligible to request a petition
for release from their Housing & Dining Contract. All students dismissed from Housing for conduct reasons will
be held financially responsible for the contract. Students will be charged prorated rent through the effective date
of removal or the check-out date, whichever is later. In addition, students will be charged for 50% of the remining
contract fees (including summer if Village resident). This applies whether or not enrollment at the University
11. Liability/Responsibility for Personal Property: The University and Housing & Residence Life will not assume
any responsibility for any persons or property of the student from any cause, nor will the University and Housing &
Residence Life assume responsibility for any injury or damages, personal or property, while the student is a Resident.
Residents are strongly encouraged to carry personal insurance if their family’s policy does not cover their property
while it is located at the University, including but not limited to damages caused by moisture and/or air quality.
12. Damages and Upkeep of Facilities:
a. The Resident is expected to reasonably maintain the order, cleanliness and safety of their assigned living
space. The Resident will be held financially accountable for the repair or replacement cost of any damage to
their room or furnishings therein. The Resident is fully responsible for repair and replacement costs caused by
a guest of the Resident. When two or more Residents occupy the same room or apartment and responsibility
cannot be ascertained, the damage charge will be assessed equally among all occupants of the space
b. If damages to the exterior surface of a room door or window occur due to vandalism, the Resident(s) must
submit an incident report to the staff within 24 hours of the incident, documenting any noticed damages.
c. The Resident agrees not to modify or allow modifications of the permanent structure of the room. This includes
painting or making repairs without prior permission.
d. The Resident assumes responsibility for the daily care and cleanliness of their room, resident bathrooms, and
its furnishings, and for maintaining acceptable cleanliness and safe conditions. They agree to use all public
areas in a mature and responsible manner and to help in assuring safety and cleanliness.
e. The Resident agrees not to duplicate the room key and if the key is lost to immediately notify the
corresponding Front Desk and to pay the charges associated with a key and lock core replacement (charges
will be assessed to the Resident’s student account).
f. The University reserves the right to change locks to rooms, suites, apartments, and change residential access
to ensure the safety and security of the residential communities.
g. The cost of repairing damages to public and common areas (i.e. hallways, lounges, laundry rooms, etc.), where
costs are substantial and responsibility is not accepted by or identified as belonging to an individual or group,
will be divided equally among occupants of the residential complex or floor.
h. Should an unanticipated circumstance arise where the resident must be relocated for a temporary period,
Housing & Residence Life will provide reasonable accommodations to the student. Short-term housing will
not result in an additional expense unless it results in a permanent transition, or the move is a result of student
inflicted damage. Housing charges are not prorated during temporary accommodation periods.
13. Check-In and Check-Out:
a. Specific check-in information is provided to students prior to the corresponding opening day. If a student will
be checking into a residential complex after the stated opening day, they must notify Housing & Residence
Life staff. The University is not obligated to hold an assigned room beyond 6:00 p.m. on the first day of
Residents are required to vacate and remove all personal belongings from their assigned room upon
termination of the Housing & Dining Contract. This is expected to be done within 24 hours of the student’s
last examination or 72 hours from an approved Petition for Release from Contract. When a student moves
from a residential complex or when a room change is made, keys must be returned directly to staff members,
and all check-out procedures must be followed.
c. Each Resident is given an access card and key (which accesses the corresponding room and mailbox). If the
Resident loses their key or fails to return the key upon vacating the room, they will be charged accordingly
for a lock change.
d. Upon occupation of an assigned space, the University and Resident shall complete and accept electronically
a Room Condition Report (RCR). This is an inventory of the number and condition of furnishings, and the
condition of the premises assigned to the student. This inventory will be completed again at the end of the
Resident’s occupancy and will serve as the basis for determining billable damages to the room and furnishings.
e. If a Resident fails to remove all belongings and trash, or fails to leave the room in satisfactory order, fees will
be charged for removing belongings, trash, and/or cleaning.
f. If a Resident fails to check out of their room according to published procedures, an improper check-out fee
will be charged.
14. Room Entry/Inspection:
a. The University respects the privacy of the Resident and will protect that privacy. In the interests of maintaining
an environment that facilitates scholarship and provides for the health and safety of residents and the safety
of their property, and in the interest of protecting University persons and property, the University may enter
such rooms. Reasonable efforts shall be made to notify the Resident(s) in advance of any entry. Staff
member(s) will not enter a student’s room without consent of a Resident except as follows:
1. Repairs, maintenance, or facility improvements
2. Recovery of university/state-owned property not authorized for use in the assigned space
3. Fire, health, and safety inspections made periodically, as well as at complex closing/vacation periods
4. When there is reliable information that an emergency exists (including, but not limited to fire, accidents,
sickness, or danger to the health and welfare of Residents)
5. When there is reliable information that a university policy is being violated
6. To inventory/catalogue the condition of the physical space and furniture
b. Administrative Room Search (which must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Learning (or their
designee) is a search for items that may harm the health, safety or welfare of individuals within the University
15. Rules, Policies, and Regulations: The Resident agrees to observe all published policies and procedures
affecting their status with the university, which are included in the Terms and Conditions by reference to these
University publications: the Code of Student Conduct, and the Housing & Residence Life Guide to Living on
Campus. A full list of prohibited infractions can be found in the aforementioned documents. This includes but is
not limited to the following:
a. Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs – All Housing & Residence Life facilities and their Residents are required
to be in compliance with federal, state and local laws regarding alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and
other drugs.
1. Alcohol is not permitted in Rogers Complex, Gresham Complex, Whitehurst Hall, England House, France
House, Owens House, or Scotland House.
2. Alcohol is permitted in all other residential facilities by individuals 21 years and older and where all
occupants of the suite/apartment/room are also of legal drinking age.
3. The use, possession, or distribution of cannabis on University property is prohibited. The federal Drug-
Free Schools and Communities Act prohibits the use or possession of cannabis on college campuses that
receive federal funding, including Old Dominion University.
4. The illegal use, possession, sale, delivery, and/or manufacture of drugs will not be tolerated and may be
grounds for immediate suspension or dismissal. Possession of drug paraphernalia is also not permitted.
Disruptive Behavior – Behavior that is disruptive to orderly community living is prohibited (this includes
throwing items in the hallways, bouncing balls, engaging in horseplay, etc.).
c. Failure to Accept Roommate – Refusing to accept a roommate or impeding an effort by Housing & Residence
Life to make an assignment to a vacant space is prohibited.
d. Failure to Comply – Failure to comply with verbal and written instructions by Housing & Residence Life staff
members, when they are working within the appropriate performance of their duties, is prohibited. This
includes failure to present identification; failure to respond to a notification; failure to attend mandated
meetings; failure to fulfill a student conduct sanction; and abusive, disrespectful, and threatening language.
e. Fighting or Physical Abuse – Fighting and/or physical abuse is a conduct violation that will result in immediate
termination of the Housing & Dining Contract, which may be in addition to, or wholly separate from, any
conduct action pursued in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct.
f. Fire Evacuation – Immediate evacuation when an alarm sounds is mandatory and re-entry into a building
before an all-clear signal is prohibited.
g. Gambling – Any gambling for the exchange of money, property, or services is prohibited.
h. Guests/Visitation – Policies and procedures for guests and visitors are provided to ensure consideration of
individual resident students and community needs, as well as the general safety and well-being for all
i. Health and Safety – Residents are forbidden to possess potentially hazardous materials, to conspire to damage
the health and safe environment of the residence halls or to engage in activities that do so.
1. Fire Safety – It is prohibited to keep any item, including room decorations, which may pose a fire hazard
to a residential facility. Failure to report a fire or tampering with fire safety equipment is a direct violation
of University policy.
2. Fireworks, Explosives, Weapons, or Dangerous Chemicals – Transport, possession, manufacture, use, sale
or distribution of weapons, fireworks, ammunition, explosives, flammable liquids and all other hazardous
materials is not permitted in the residential communities.
j. In the Presence Of – Residents should act in good faith to remove themselves from situations that may violate
the Code of Student Conduct, the Honor Code, the Monarch Creed, and Guide to Living on Campus. It is
prohibited to facilitate a violation or to remain present while a violation occurs.
k. Keys and ID Cards – University provided keys and student ID cards are for the assigned individual’s use only;
students are not permitted to share or loan these items.
l. Natural Disaster or Emergency – In the event of a natural disaster or emergency, Housing & Residence Life
staff will issue emergency procedures. For your safety, we request that you obey the directives of the staff.
m. Noise and Quiet Hours – Noise and activities that disrupt study, sleep and “quiet hours” are prohibited in the
residence halls and apartment living communities during designated times.
n. Personal Rights and Freedoms – Actions that infringe generally upon the rights and freedoms of other students
are prohibited.
o. Property Damage – Vandalizing, damaging, or defacing University or Housing & Residence Life property, or
property of others is prohibited.
p. Roofs, Roof Decks, Windows and Ledges – The presence of individuals or objects on a roof, roof deck,
window or ledge is prohibited at all times.
q. Service Animals, Emotional Support and Pets - Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually
trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities (ADA Amendments Act, 2008). Service
animals are permitted in residence halls. An Emotional Support Animal is specifically designated by a
qualified medical provider as affording an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a
dwelling, provided there is a nexus between the individual’s disability and the assistance the animal provides.
An Emotional Support Animal must be approved by university staff (Educational Accessibility Office and
Housing & Residence Life) to be in residential facilities. Pets are NOT permitted in residential facilities.
r. Smoking – The use of tobacco and smoking-related products, and electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are
prohibited in a residential facility, and also prohibited within 25 feet of any facility.
s. Solicitation – Solicitation is prohibited.
t. Stealing – It is prohibited to take the property of any other person or of the University or Housing & Residence
Life without permission.
u. Subletting - Subletting is not permitted.
v. Unauthorized Entry/Exit – Entering/exiting improperly, without authorization, or during non-contract periods
without proper permission is not permitted.
16. Contract Periods and Rates: Room rates are approved by the University’s Board of Visitors and posted to
the Housing & Residence Life website. The following are the contract periods for each Residence Hall or
Apartment complex. Halls and apartment complexes marked with an ‘*’ requires a meal plan. residents should
anticipate that the assigned building/complex may close during break periods (i.e. winter and spring breaks).
Residence Halls: August 26, 2022 – May 06, 2023
Dominion House* The Inn*
England House* Ireland House*
Foundation House* Rogers Complex*
Owens House* Scotland House*
France House* Virginia House*
Gresham Complex* Whitehurst Hall*
Residential Apartments: (Apartments remain open during break periods)
Nusbaum Apartments August 26, 2021 – May 06, 2023
Powhatan Village* August 26, 2021– May 06, 2023
University Village August 26, 2022– July 31, 2023
(11+ Months)
17. Meal Plan Requirements: Students living in Dominion House, England House, Foundation House, Owens
House, France House, Gresham Complex, The Inn, Ireland House, Rogers Complex, Scotland House, Virginia
House, Whitehurst Hall, and Powhatan are required to be on a meal plan. Meal Plans are purchased and billed on
a semester basis. Meals do not transfer from one semester to the next; however, flex points carry over from the
fall to spring semester with the purchase of a spring meal plan. Flex points and any remaining meals expire at the
end of the spring semester. First-time, freshman residents living on campus, regardless of residential community,
will be required to select the Weekly 21/All-Access meal plan. Powhatan and Foundation House residents will be
required to have a minimum of the block 50 meal plan. All other residents in required communities will be
required to have the Weekly 10/block 160 meal plan. If a meal plan selection is not made by June 1
for the fall
semester or by December 5
for the spring semester, students will be assigned the minimum plan outlined in the
details above. Meal plan changes are only allowed during a limited time period at the beginning of each semester.
Current information is posted at the University Card Center web site; questions should be directed to the University
Card Center.
18. Laundry: Residential facilities are equipped with washers and dryers. Each resident automatically receives
30 loads (1 wash + 1 dry = 1 load) of laundry at the beginning of the fall and spring semester on their ODU
Identification card. Unused loads carry over from fall to spring to summer semesters but expire on July 31.
Additional laundry loads may be purchased with Monarch Plus through the University Card Center
(www.odu.edu/cardcenter), or students may pay for loads with coins. The University is not liable for any damage
or loss caused by the washers/dryers or items left unattended.
19. Living-Learning Communities and Special Interest Housing: Residents who apply and accept to
participate in a Living-Learning Community or Special Interest Housing are accepting the terms of participation
in that community as well as any associated fees as published. Indicating a preference to participate in a particular
community does not guarantee placement within that community.
20. Conditions of Eligibility: It is a condition of eligibility for applicants of University housing to completely
and truthfully answer criminal history activity questions. Housing & Residence Life reserves the right to refuse
housing based on behavior, including but not limited to criminal activity. The University maintains sole discretion
and judgment in determining whether refusal of housing (or termination of the Housing & Dining Contract for
behavior that is revealed or occurs after application submission) is in the best interest of the University, its residents
and employees, and the overall Housing & Residence Life community. If Housing & Residence Life staff becomes
aware that an applicant has a record of criminal conviction(s) or other actions that could pose a risk to person or
property and/or could be injurious or disruptive to the university-owned or managed community environment, the
University may not accept or may cancel the Housing & Dining Contract. Failure to completely and truthfully
answer criminal history activity questions on a housing application may result in immediate termination of the
Housing & Dining Contract and/or Old Dominion University student conduct proceedings. All decisions/outcomes
through this process are final and are not subject to review/appeal.
21. Evacuation: If the University determines the necessity to close the campus and/or residence halls/apartment
communities due to an emergency, students must make arrangements to vacate the campus. The University is not
responsible for the evacuation of students or providing shelter at times when the University closes. Students are
required to submit their emergency evacuation information to Housing & Residence Life prior to checking into
University housing. Students are responsible for their belongings during any evacuation.
22. Termination by the University: This contract may be terminated for disciplinary reasons by the University
and/or Housing & Residence Life, including expulsion from the University. In a case of termination of this contract
by the University or Housing & Residence Life, the student will remain financially responsible for the Housing &
Dining cost of the contract period. (Please refer back to Sections 16 and 17 of this contract, for details on the
contract periods and meal plan requirements). The University has the authority to deny or remove a student from
on-campus housing where the presence or continued presence of a Resident in the residential communities poses
a significant risk to the health or safety of the Resident or others. In making this assessment, the University reserves
the right to consult with and refer the student to a mental and/or healthcare facility or provide for an evaluation.
23. Choice of Law and Forum: The parties agree that this Contract shall be construed, governed and interpreted
by and in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and should any portion of this Contract be
declared invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such portion is deemed severable from the Contract and the
remainder of this Contract shall remain fully valid and enforceable. All disputes arising under this Contract shall
be brought before a court of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
24. Force Majeure: If for any reason occasioned by fire, strike, earthquake, accident, flood, riot, emergency,
natural disaster, pandemic, Act of God, or other occurrence outside of the control of the University, the University
is unable to provide the Room, the University has the right to cancel this Contract without incurring any further
25. COVID-19 Assumption of Risk: Resident acknowledges, accepts, and assumes the risks associated with
living in University housing during a pandemic. Specifically, Resident acknowledges, accepts, and assumes the
risk of living in relatively close proximity and sharing certain facilities with other residents during the COVID-19
pandemic. The University shall have no liability if Resident becomes infected with the COVID-19 virus or other
infectious disease, during the term of occupancy to the extent permitted by the Virginia Tort Claims Act. Further,
Resident agrees to comply with all requirements imposed by Old Dominion University in order to maintain the
health and safety of residents.
26. COVID-19: Old Dominion University cannot guarantee a COVID-19-free environment. Taking steps to
minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections (or any other spread of disease) at Old Dominion University is a shared
responsibility. As a resident within Old Dominion University Housing, the 2019 Novel Coronavirus or similar
public health crisis may impact your housing experience. The below policies and guidelines are applicable to all
residential students. Our Residence Life Team will endeavor to update you with timely information about related
specific health and safety guidance impacting your stay in the residence halls. In the event of a conflict between
this Section COVID-19 and Public Health Crisis Housing Policies and the remaining sections of the ODU housing
and dining contract, this Section will apply.
a. Health and Safety. We expect that all members of the ODU community including residents and visitors—
act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for the health and safety of those around them.
All residential students are prohibited from creating a health or safety hazard within ODU Housing and the
University may request or require a resident to leave Housing if their continued presence in the housing
community poses a health or safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to
comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance as it
relates to public health crises, including COVID-19. This guidance will evolve as the public health crisis
evolves and may include, but is not limited to, social distancing, limitations on mass gatherings, wearing a
face covering, COVID-19 diagnostic and surveillance testing (including before or upon arrival to campus),
contact tracing, disinfection protocols, limitations on guests into residence halls, and quarantine / isolation
requirements (including before or upon arrival to campus). Adherence to health and safety requirements
applies to all residents and visitors and extends to all aspects of residential life, including but not limited to
bedrooms, bathrooms, laundry rooms, community kitchens, lounges, computer rooms, courtyards and other
common spaces.
b. Quarantine / Isolation / Separation. At any time, the University may request or require a resident to leave
assigned Housing when that resident’s continued presence in the housing community poses a health or
safety risk for community members. Residential students are required to comply with requests from
Housing to leave their assigned space due to COVID or other public health emergency and failure to do so
is a violation of the Housing contract and may subject a student to emergency removal from their assigned
space and reassign a new space.
a. Not all Housing residential rooms or halls are appropriate for self-quarantine or self-isolation, for
example, and in those situations where a student is recommended to self-quarantine or self-isolate,
students may not be permitted to continue residing in their residential space. Removal from
Housing to isolate or quarantine does not constitute a termination of a residential student’s housing
c. De-Densifying Efforts. Residential students are required to comply with any de-densifying efforts needed
on campus due to COVID or other public health emergency, including, but not limited to, termination or
the relocation of all or some residential students to alternative housing. Relocation does not constitute a
termination of a residential student’s housing contract.
d. Dining Services. Dining service, including where and how it will be offered to residential students, is
subject to the discretion of the University and is subject to modification to address public health concerns.
Due to health and safety guidance, Dining may limit the occupancy of dining halls, limit the amount of
time students may reside within dining halls, or make other operational adjustments needed to address
health and safety concerns.
e. Cleaning. The University will implement and modify its cleaning protocols to address COVID or other
public health emergency in the interest of minimizing the spread of disease.
f. Termination. Upon reasonable notice, ODU Housing reserves the right to terminate housing contracts due
to public health emergency needs, including COVID.
g. Vaccination. Per the University’s COVID-19 Guidelines, all resident students are encouraged to have a
COVID-19 vaccination with proof submitted to the university or submit a medical or religious
exemption and assumption of risk to the Monarch Wellness Portal.
27. Changes and Corrections: The University has made every reasonable attempt to make sure the information
contained herein is accurate at time of publication. However, the University and Housing & Residence Life reserve
the right to make changes or corrections when necessary. If changes are made, Housing & Residence Life will
inform Residents of such changes through multiple means of communication and in a timely manner.
A completed online application/contract indicates that the applicant has read, understands, and agrees to the contract
and policies outlined within the Housing & Dining Contract Terms and Conditions and the Housing & Residence
Life Guide to Living On Campus.
Students are responsible for completing the online application procedure. Should a parent complete the online
application procedure for the student, the University will hold the student responsible for fulfilling all
responsibilities of the contract period.
Failure to abide by the published terms and conditions may result in disciplinary action including but not limited
to termination of housing.
Unless explicitly stated in this document, students are able to appeal any disciplinary action related to their housing.
Specific appeal processes are provided with each sanction.
Old Dominion University email is the university’s official method of communication. Students are expected to
check their email on a regular basis.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guarantees students certain rights with respect to their
education records. The release of housing information to anyone other than the student may be restricted to protect
student data.