California Air Resources Board
Quantification Methodology
California Air Resources Board
Low Carbon Transportation Program
On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects
California Climate Investments
December 20, 2023
Quantification Methodology for CARB LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects
Table of Contents
Quantification Methodology .......................................................................................... 1
Section A. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects ................................................ 2
Methodology Development .................................................................................... 4
Tools ........................................................................................................................ 5
Updates ................................................................................................................... 5
Section B. Methods for Awarded and Implemented Projects ................................... 6
General Approach ................................................................................................... 6
Section C. References............................................................................................... 21
Quantification Methodology for CARB LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
battery electric vehicle
California Air Resources Board
Clean Cars 4 All
California Climate Investments Reporting and Tracking System
carbon intensity
compressed natural gas
Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
Diesel PM
diesel particulate matter
energy economy ratio
emission factors
electric power take off
electric vehicle miles traveled
fuel cell vehicle
grams of carbon dioxide equivalent
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund
greenhouse gas
Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project
kilowatt hours
Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Low Carbon Transportation Program
lower heating value
liquefied natural gas
metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent
nitrous oxide
plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
particulate matter
particulate matter with a diameter less than 2.5 micrometers
particulate matter with a diameter less than 10 micrometers
renewable natural gas
reactive organic gas
standard cubic feet
vehicle miles traveled
Quantification Methodology for CARB LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects
List of Definitions
The vehicle or equipment that is currently owned/in operation
that will be replaced by a new purchase, or the vehicle or
equipment that would have been purchased otherwise (e.g.,
2023 diesel bus).
Carbon Intensity
The quantity of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions, per unit of
fuel energy, expressed in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent
per megajoule (gCO2e/MJ) as calculated using CA-GREET 3.0,
consistent with California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard.
A social, economic, or environmental benefit as a result of the
proposed project in addition to the GHG reduction benefit.
Energy and Fuel
Cost Savings
Changes in energy and fuel costs to the vehicle or equipment
operator as a result of the project. Savings may be achieved by
changing the quantity of energy or fuel used or conversion to an
alternative fuel vehicle or equipment.
Economy Ratio
The dimensionless value that represents the efficiency of a fuel
as used in a powertrain as compared to a reference fuel used in
the same powertrain. EERs are often a comparison of miles per
gasoline or diesel gallon equivalent between another type of
Key Variable
Project characteristics that contribute to a project’s GHG
emission reductions and signal an additional benefit (e.g.,
passenger VMT reductions, renewable energy generated).
Number of years that the project will provide GHG emission
reductions that can reasonable be achieved and assured.
Sometimes referred to as "Project Life” or “Useful Life”.
The new vehicle or equipment that replace a baseline vehicle or
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Section A. Introduction
California Climate Investments is a statewide initiative that puts billions of
Cap-and-Trade dollars to work facilitating GHG emission reductions; strengthening
the economy; improving public health and the environment; and providing benefits
to residents of disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-
income households, collectively referred to as “priority populations”. Where
applicable and to the extent feasible, California Climate Investments must maximize
economic, environmental, and public health co-benefits to the State.
CARB is responsible for providing guidance on estimating the GHG emission
reductions and co-benefits from projects receiving monies from the GGRF. This
guidance includes quantification methodologies, co-benefit assessment
methodologies, benefits calculator tools, and associated user guides. CARB develops
these methodologies and tools based on the project types eligible for funding by
each administering agency, as reflected in the program expenditure records
available on the California Climate Investments Attestation Memorandums and
Expenditure Records webpage.
For the CARB LCT program, CARB staff developed this Final LCT On-Road
Quantification Methodology and accompanying Final LCT On-Road Benefits
Calculator Tool to provide guidance for estimating the GHG emission reductions and
selected co-benefits of each proposed project. This methodology uses calculations
to estimate GHG emission reductions from the purchase or lease of advanced
technology vehicles. Specifically, it estimates the emission reductions of the
technology conversion from a conventional fuel vehicle (e.g., gasoline, diesel, CNG)
to an alternative fuel vehicle (e.g., plug-in hybrid electric, battery electric, fuel cell
The Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool automates methods described in this
document, outlines documentation requirements, and provides a link to a step-by-
step user guide with project examples. Projects will report the total project GHG
emission reductions and co-benefits estimated using the Final LCT On-Road Benefits
Calculator Tool. The Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool is available for
download at on the California Climate Investments resources webpage.
Using many of the same inputs required to estimate GHG emission reductions, the
Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool estimates the following selected
co-benefits and key variables from LCT on-road projects: reductions in criteria and
toxic air pollutants (in tons), including Diesel PM, NO
, ROG, and PM
; and energy
and fuel cost savings ($). Key variables are project characteristics that contribute to a
project’s GHG emission reductions and signal an additional benefit (e.g., fossil fuel
based transportation fuel use reductions). Additional co-benefits for which CARB
assessment methodologies were not incorporated into the Final LCT On-Road
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Benefits Calculator Tool may also be applicable to the project. Applicants should
consult the LCT Funding Plan, solicitation materials, and agreements to ensure they
are meeting LCT project requirements.
LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects
The LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects reduce GHG emissions by
providing incentives for advanced vehicle technology types, such as conventional
hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery-electric, fuel cell, and renewable natural gas vehicles.
CARB has identified eight LCT On-Road Consumer-Based Incentive Projects that this
Quantification Methodology is applicable to:
1. Agricultural Worker Vanpools
The Agricultural Worker Vanpools Pilot Project provides safe, convenient and
reliable transportation for agricultural workers living in disadvantaged and low-
income communities, while achieving emission reduction benefits through the
deployment of clean technology vehicles. The project meets a basic
transportation need of agricultural workers and reduces vehicle miles travelled
(VMT) by single occupancy passenger vehicles to job sites.
2. Clean Mobility Options
The Clean Mobility Options pilot project consists of grant projects designed to
improve clean transportation access and increase zero-emission and near zero-
emission mobility choices for the residents of disadvantaged and low-income
communities. Using transportation needs assessments, the projects provide
various clean mobility options (other than vehicle ownership) in order to
increase access to electric car sharing, regular bicycle and electric bicycle
sharing, scooter sharing, vanpools and carpooling, innovative transit services,
and other clean mobility options. Note that the Quantification Methodology
documented herein is only applicable to upfront estimates used for CARB’s
Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives. For project-level estimates,
the specific Clean Mobility Options Quantification Methodology and calculator
tool must be used, available on the California Climate Investments resources
3. Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project
The Clean Mobility in Schools pilot project provides funding for zero-emission
school buses and other school district vehicles, installation of supporting
charging/fueling infrastructure, other clean mobility options such as creation of
an electric vehicle car sharing service for school district employees and/or a
bike sharing program for school staff and students, zero-emission lawn and
garden equipment, and outreach and education for kindergarten through 12th
grade public school district(s) in disadvantaged communities. Note that the
Quantification Methodology documented herein is only applicable to upfront
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estimates used for CARB’s Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives.
For project-level estimates, the specific Clean Mobility in Schools
Quantification Methodology and calculator tool must be used, available on the
California Climate Investments resources webpage.
4. Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP)
CVRP provides vehicle rebates on a first-come, first-served basis to California
residents, businesses, non-profit organizations, government entities, and
public fleets that purchase or lease plug-in hybrid, battery-electric, or fuel cell
vehicles to achieve GHG emission reductions.
5. Clean Cars 4 All
Clean Cars 4 All, formerly known as Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program
(EFMP) Plus-Up, provides incentives for lower-income consumers living in and
near disadvantaged communities who scrap their old vehicles and purchase
new or used hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery-electric, or fuel cell replacement
vehicles. Instead of purchasing a replacement vehicle, participants also have
the option of choosing an alternative mobility incentive voucher (referred to as
the mobility option) to use on public transit and other clean transportation
options. In addition, buyers of plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles are
also eligible for incentives that cover home charging infrastructure for electric
6. Clean Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP)
The Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP)
is the cornerstone of advanced technology heavy-duty incentives, providing
funding to support the long-term transition to zero-emission vehicles in the
heavy-duty vehicle market.
7. Clean Vehicle Assistance Program / Financing Assistance
Financing Assistance offers financing options to low-income or disadvantaged
individuals in disadvantaged communities in order to improve financing
options for low-income individuals interested in purchasing advanced
technology vehicles.
8. Rural School Bus Pilot
The Rural School Bus Pilot Project helps California school bus fleets turnover to
lower carbon transportation choices by funding new zero-emission school
buses, or new conventional-fueled school buses that use renewable fuels. The
project prioritizes small- and medium-sized air districts (as defined by the
California Air Pollution Control Officers Association) because those air districts
have less access to funding from Department of Motor Vehicle fees and other
local sources. Also prioritized are older school buses with higher mileage.
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9. Zero-Emission Truck Loan Pilot
The Zero-Emission Truck Loan Pilot Project is designed to combine financing
for both heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles and charging or fueling
infrastructure. A comprehensive loan package that combines vehicle and
infrastructure financing will provide additional access to zero-emission
financing and create a streamlined lending process for small businesses that
are transitioning to zero-emission vehicles.
Methodology Development
CARB developed this Final LCT On-Road Quantification Methodology consistent with
the guiding principles of California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines for
Administering Agencies, including ensuring transparency and accountability, to be
used to estimate the outcomes of proposed projects, inform project selection, and
track results of funded projects. The implementing principles ensure that the
· Applies at the project-level;
· Provides uniform methods to be applied statewide, and is accessible by all
· Uses existing and proven tools and methods;
· Uses project-level data, where available and appropriate; and
· Results in GHG emission reduction estimates that are conservative and
supported by empirical literature.
CARB assessed peer-reviewed literature and tools and consulted with experts, as
needed, to determine methods appropriate for the LCT project types. CARB also
consulted with experts to determine project-level inputs available. The methods were
developed to provide estimates that are as accurate as possible with data readily
available at the project level. For specific assumptions applied to each LCT On-Road
Consumer-Based Incentive Project, refer to CARB’s most recent Funding Plan for
Clean Transportation Incentives Emission Reduction Quantification Methodology.
CARB released the Draft LCT On-Road Quantification Methodology and Draft LCT
On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool for public comment on December 1, 2023. This
Final LCT On-Road Quantification Methodology and accompanying LCT On-Road
Benefits Calculator Tool have been updated to address public comments, where
appropriate, and for consistency with updates to CARB’s Funding Plan for Clean
Transportation Incentives.
In addition, the University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with CARB,
developed assessment methodologies for a variety of co-benefits such as providing
cost savings, lessening the impacts and effects of climate change, and strengthening
community engagement. Co-benefit assessment methodologies are posted on the
California Climate Investments Co-benefit Assessment Methodologies webpage.
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The Final LCT Benefits Calculator Tool relies on CARB-developed emission factors.
CARB has established a single repository for emission factors used in CARB benefits
calculator tools, referred to as the California Climate Investments Quantification
Methodology Emission Factor Database (Database). The Database Documentation
explains how emission factors used in CARB benefits calculator tools are developed
and updated.
CARB uses the Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool to conduct an upfront
estimate of GHG emission reductions and co-benefits of the proposed project. The
Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool can be downloaded from the California
Climate Investments resources webpage.
The Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool consolidated and replaced several
Quantification Methodologies that were developed for individual LCT projects,
· Agricultural Worker Vanpools Pilot Project Quantification Methodology;
· Clean Vehicle Rebate Project Quantification Methodology;
· Clean Truck and Bus Vouchers Quantification Methodology;
· Consumer-Based Light-Duty Project Quantification Methodology; and
· On-Road Advanced Technology Demonstration Project Quantification
CARB staff periodically review each quantification methodology and benefits
calculator tool to evaluate their effectiveness and update methodologies to make
them more robust, user-friendly, and appropriate to the projects being quantified.
The changes include:
· Updated fuel carbon intensities for compressed natural gas, renewable natural
gas, renewable diesel, and biodiesel to 2022 volume-weighted averages;
· Updated fuel carbon intensity for electricity based on the 2023 annual update
from the Low Carbon Fuel Standard;
· Updated fuel consumption rates and air pollutant emission factors for all
vehicle types using EMFAC2021;
· Revised GHG and criteria and toxic air pollutant emission calculation methods
for natural gas vehicles (including CNG, LNG, and RNG) using data for natural
gas vehicles from EMFAC2021;
· Revised GHG and criteria and toxic air pollutant emission calculation methods
for electric and fuel cell vehicles using data for electric vehicles from
EMFAC2021; and
· Updated default fuel prices to 2022 West Coast and California averages.
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Section B. Methods for Awarded and
Implemented Projects
The following section provides details on the methods supporting emission
reductions in the Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool.
General Approach
Methods used in the Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool for estimating the
GHG emission reductions and air pollutant emission co-benefits for awarded projects
by quantification method are provided in this section. The Database Documentation
explains how emission factors used in CARB benefits calculator tools are developed
and updated.
CARB will quantify and report GHG emission reduction estimates and air pollutant
emission co-benefits using two approaches:
1. Awarded Projects: Estimates will be quantified using equations described in
this Section based on the project’s funding allocation(s). The Estimated Total
Project GHG Emission Reductions will be based on the total number of
incentives expected to be issued, estimated using the funding amount
allocated to the LCT project.
2. Implemented Projects: Estimates will be quantified using the same equations
as for Awarded Projects described in this Section, but use refined assumptions
based on data from implemented projects. The Estimated Total Project GHG
Emission Reductions will be based on the actual number of incentives issued
for the LCT project.
These methods account for emission reductions from baseline vehicles and advanced
technology vehicles. In general, for awarded projects, annual emission reductions are
calculated based on the anticipated proportion of each advanced technology vehicle
purchased or leased. For implemented projects, annual emission reductions are
calculated based on the actual numbers of each advanced technology vehicle
purchased or leased. The quantification period of the vehicle in calculating emission
estimates is based on either the ownership requirement of the project or the useful
life of the vehicle. Emission factors used in calculations are obtained from CARB’s
EMFAC2021 model. Documentation on the sources and methods used to determine
the appropriate emission factors is also provided.
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A. GHG Emission Reductions
Equation 1 or Equation 2 are used to estimate the total amount of GHG reductions
expected by the project, either based on individual vehicle class/technology funding
allocations (complex approach) or the entire project funding allocation (simplified
approach), respectively. Awarded projects may use either the complex or simplified
approach, while implemented projects use the complex approach.
Equation 1: Total Project GHG Emission Reduction (Complex)
Equation 2: Total Project GHG Emission Reduction (Simplified)
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Equation 3 is used to calculate the annual GHG emission reductions from purchasing
or leasing an alternative fuel vehicle instead of a baseline vehicle (e.g., either an older
conventional fuel vehicle or a conventional fuel vehicle that would otherwise have
been purchased/leased).
Equation 3: Annual GHG Emission Reduction Per Vehicle
Equation 4 and Equation 5 are used to calculate the annual GHG emissions
associated with baseline and advanced technology vehicles, respectively. For
implemented projects, the annual emissions may be calculated based on specific
vehicle makes and models rather than general vehicle classes and technologies.
GHG emission factors, energy densities, and energy economy ratios are obtained
from the most recent LCFS Regulation and LCFS Reporting Tool data. For awarded
projects, fuel consumption factors are derived from EMFAC2021, based on calendar
year values from the middle of the quantification period (defined as the starting
calendar year plus half of the quantification period, rounded down).
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Equation 4: Annual GHG Emissions from Baseline Vehicle
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Equation 5: Annual GHG Emissions from Advanced Technology Vehicle
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For the advanced technology vehicle, the fuel consumption is calculated using
Equation 6. For conventional hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
(PHEVs), when direct EMFAC data is not available, they are assumed to have a 25
percent fuel economy improvement over the baseline technology. For natural gas
and electric vehicles, the fuel consumption is calculated based on EMFAC data for
those fuel types when available; for vehicle classes, calendar years, and/or model
years for which EMFAC data is not available for natural and electricity, the fuel
consumption is calculated based on the energy equivalency of the baseline fuel,
accounting for differences in technology energy efficiencies. For fuel cell electric
vehicles, the hydrogen fuel consumption is calculated based on the energy
equivalency of the corresponding battery electric vehicle, accounting for differences
in technology efficiency. For implemented projects, fuel economy values may be
based on reported values from project-specific vehicles.
Equation 6: Fuel Consumption of the Advanced Technology Vehicle
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An additional step is needed for PHEVs, which use two fuels (i.e., electricity and a
conventional fuel). As shown in Equation 5, the GHG emissions from PHEVs is
calculated as the summation of GHG emissions from electrically driven miles and the
GHG emissions from conventional fuel driven miles. The amount of emissions from
each fuel is apportioned based on the percent of electric vehicle miles traveled
(eVMT) relative to the total VMT of the vehicle. For PHEVs, the percent eVMT is
calculated based on EMFAC2021 data using Equation 7. For instances where PHEV
data is not available in EMFAC, the eVMT percentage for the average PHEV is
assumed to be 46 percent, meaning that 54 percent of the miles driven by an
average PHEV are powered by gasoline or diesel. For implemented projects, eVMT
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may be calculated as the weighted average percent eVMT based on the electric
range of PHEV models incentivized through the project.
Equation 7: PHEV eVMT Percentage
Equation 8 is used to calculate the estimated number of vehicles funded for each
vehicle class/technology combination based on individual vehicle class/technology
funding allocations (complex approach), while Equation 9 is used to calculate the
estimated total number of vehicles funded based on the entire project funding
allocation (simplified approach). For implemented projects, the number of vehicles
funded may be specific to vehicle class and technology or by vehicle make and
model, and is based on data resulting from the project.
Equation 8: Number of Vehicles Funded, by Vehicle Class and Technology
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Equation 9: Weighted Average Number of Vehicles Funded (Simplified)
Equation 10 is used to calculate the weighted quantification period for use in the
simplified approach.
Equation 10: Weighted Quantification Period (Simplified)
B. Air Pollutant Emission Reductions
Equation 11 or Equation 12 are used to estimate the total amount of air pollutant
reductions expected by the project (i.e., NO
, Diesel PM), either based on
individual vehicle class/technology funding allocations (complex approach) or the
entire project funding allocation (simplified approach), respectively. Awarded
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projects may use either the complex or simplified approach, while implemented
projects use the complex approach.
Equation 11: Total Project Air Pollutant Emission Reduction (Complex)
Equation 12: Total Project Air Pollutant Emission Reduction (Simplified)
Equation 13 is used to calculate the annual air pollutant emission reductions from
purchasing or leasing an alternative fuel vehicle instead of a baseline vehicle (e.g.,
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either an older conventional fuel vehicle or a conventional fuel vehicle that would
otherwise have been purchased/leased).
Equation 13: Annual Air Pollutant Emission Reduction Per Vehicle
Equation 14 and Equation 15 are used to calculate the annual air pollutant emissions
associated with baseline and advanced technology vehicles, respectively.
Air pollutant emission factors are derived from EMFAC2021, based on calendar year
values from the middle of the quantification period (defined as the starting calendar
year plus half of the quantification period, rounded down). Emission factors for PM
include brake wear and tire wear, and may optionally include idling emissions. A 50
percent reduction in brake wear emissions is applied for on-road vehicles that
implement regenerative braking capability, such as in hybrid and electric vehicles.
For low NO
technologies, the NO
emission factor is equal to 10% of the standard
technology. Air pollutant emission factors for compressed natural gas, renewable
natural gas, and alternative diesel fuels are assumed to be equivalent to diesel.
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Equation 14: Annual Air Pollutant Emission Reduction from Baseline Vehicle
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Equation 15: Annual Air Pollutant Emission Reduction from Advanced
Technology Vehicle
Equation 16 is used to calculate the estimated number of vehicles funded for each
vehicle class/technology combination based on individual vehicle class/technology
funding allocations (complex approach), while Equation 17 is used to calculate the
estimated total number of vehicles funded based on the entire project funding
allocation (simplified approach). For implemented projects, the number of vehicles
funded may be specific to vehicle class and technology or by vehicle make and
model, and is based on data resulting from the project.
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Equation 16: Number of Vehicles Funded, by Vehicle Class and Technology
Equation 17: Weighted Average Number of Vehicles Funded (Simplified)
Equation 18 is used to calculate the weighted quantification period for use in the
simplified approach.
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Equation 18: Weighted Quantification Period (Simplified)
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Section C. References
The following references were used in the development of this Final LCT On-Road
Quantification Methodology and the Final LCT On-Road Benefits Calculator Tool.
California Air Resources Board. (2023). California Climate Investments Quantification
Methodology Emission Factor Database.
California Air Resources Board. (2018). CA-GREET 3.0.
California Air Resources Board. (2021). EMFAC2021 Volume III - Technical
California Air Resources Board. (2021). Mobile Source Emission Inventory -
EMFAC2021 Web Database.
California Air Resources Board. (2023). Appendix A: Emission Reduction
Quantification Methodology.
California Air Resources Board. (2023). Proposed Fiscal Year 2023-24 Funding Plan
for Clean Transportation Incentives for Low Carbon Transportation Investments and
the Air Quality Improvement Program.