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Letter of Intent to Implement an Affirmative Marketing
Office of Housing
700 Fifth Avenue, 57th floor
PO Box 94725
Seattle, WA 98124-4725
Phone: 206-684-0721
Fax: 206-233-7117
Letter of Intent to Implement Affirmative Marketing
Date: _____________________
Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) performance projects must submit this form to the Office of Housing
Reviewer prior to the issuance of the first building permit (that includes the structural frame for the building).
Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE) properties are required to submit this form as part of their Initial Application to
the MFTE program, which must be submitted to the Office of Housing at least 180 days prior to the issuance of
temporary certificate of occupancy.
If you have any questions, please email OFH[email protected] or call 206-386-1366.
Owner: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
E-mail: _____________________________
Owner’s representative, if applicable: ___________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
E-mail: _____________________________
Note: This letter of intent is intended to be signed by the building owner of record. The application may be rejected or additional
documentation required if the signer(s) is other than the building owner of record.
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Letter of Intent to Implement an Affirmative Marketing
County Assessor’s parcel account number(s): _____________________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Legal Description (attached separate sheet if needed):
Project Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Master Use Permit (MUP) Number: _____________________________________________________________
Construction Permit Number (if available): _______________________________________________________
Estimated Construction Start Date: _____________________________________________________________
Estimated Completion Date: __________________________________________________________________
Affordable Housing Incentive Program (check all that apply):
Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption (MFTE)
Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA)
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Letter of Intent to Implement an Affirmative Marketing
Written description of the project’s plan to advertise rental units to the general public, including
anticipated marketing methods (e.g. ad placements, listings on rental websites, direct mail, sidewalk or site
signs, etc.) and estimated timeline for implementation.
Marketing Method
(include location or media source, where appropriate)
Estimated Timeline for Implementation
(in relation to opening)
Example: Ad placements in Seattle Times (print) Start 12 weeks prior to opening
I/We hereby indicate by my/our initials below that, prior to initiating any advertising or marketing
efforts that target the general public (as described in the General Marketing Plan above), I/we will:
1. Contact three community-based organizations from a list provided by the Office of Housing to
inform, and solicit applications from, households who otherwise might be unlikely to apply for
housing at the property. This outreach will occur two weeks before general marking for rental
properties and 90 days before general marking for homeownership properties;
2. For rental properties, provide notice of the vacancies to the Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) by
sending a completedSpecial Outreach for Affirmative Marketing” form to or calling 206-239-1572; and
3. Document this effort using the “Affirmative Marketing Report.”
Owner’s initials: __________
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Letter of Intent to Implement an Affirmative Marketing
I/We hereby indicate by my/our initials below that I/we will conduct supplemental outreach
to three community-based organizations and the Seattle Housing Authority to inform and solicit
applications from households who otherwise might be unlikely to apply for housing at the property if
multiple rental unit vacancies persist in my building for more than 45 days. This special outreach will be
documented using the Affirmative Marketing Reportand shall include:
Information on the number of affordable units at the property and the income and rent
restrictions on those units;
Leasing and tenant selection criteria; and
How the property intends to advertise vacancies in affordable units.
Owner’s initials: __________
I/We hereby indicate by my/our initials below that I/we will document all Affirmative Marketing efforts and
make them available to the Office of Housing upon request. My/our records shall include:
Dates and documentation showing that three community-based organizations were contacted and
provided notice of vacancies in advance of General Marketing;
For rental properties, dates and documentation of communications with the Seattle Housing
Authority (SHA), showing that SHA was contacted and provided notice of vacancies in advance of
General Marketing; and
For rental properties, dates and documentation of supplemental special outreach for any rental
units with extended vacancies, showing that three community-based organizations and the Seattle
Housing Authority were contacted and provided information about affordable units at the
property, as detailed above.
Owner’s initials: __________
I/We hereby indicate by my/our initials below that I/we will offer each tenant the opportunity to disclose
demographic information on the Resident Demographic Form for Affordable Housing Incentive Programs
prior to the point of move-in and at unit turnover or sale. Those forms will be maintain on-site and available
for review during program audits.
Owner’s initials: __________
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Letter of Intent to Implement an Affirmative Marketing
As owner(s) of the property described in this letter, I/we declare my/our intent to implement the
Affirmative Marketing requirements, as stated above.
Owner’s Signature Date
Print Name Date
Owner’s Signature Date
Print Name Date