Privacy Notice
How we collect and use your
information and how you can access it
What is a privacy noce?
A Privacy Noce is a statement by the Trust to
paents, service users, visitors, carers, the public and
sta that describes how we collect, use, retain and
disclose personal informaon which we hold. It is
somemes also referred to as a Privacy Statement,
Fair Processing Statement or Privacy Policy. This
privacy noce is part of our commitment to ensure
that we process your personal informaon/data fairly
and lawfully.
Condenal informaon about you
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS
Foundaon Trust (DBTH) collects, stores and
processes large amounts of personal data every day,
such as medical records, personal records and
computerised informaon.
This makes the DBTH a Data Controller. As a Data
Controller, the Trust is registered with the
Informaon Commissioners Oce (ICO). Details of
our registraon can be found on: hps://
esdwebpages/search Enter our registraon number
(Z5372151) and click ‘search register.
We take our duty to protect your personal
informaon and condenality very seriously and we
are commied to taking all reasonable measures to
ensure the condenality and security of all of the
personal and sensive informaon for which we are
responsible whether it is on a computer system or on
At board level, we have a Senior Informaon Risk
Owner who is accountable for the management of
all of our informaon assets and any associated risks
and incidents. We also have a Caldico Guardian
who is responsible for advising on all aspects of the
management of your personal informaon and its
use. To comply with GDPR, we have appointed a
Data Protecon Ocer (DPO) who ensures that the
Trust is accountable and complies with the EU’s
General Data Protecon Regulaon (GDPR) and the
UK’s Data Protecon Legislaon.
Why issue a privacy noce?
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS
Foundaon Trust recognises the importance of
protecng personal and condenal informaon in
all that we do, and takes care to meet its legal and
regulatory dues.
This noce is one of the ways in which we can
demonstrate our commitment to our values, being
transparent and open, and our commitment to our
values of Respecng Diversity, Acng with Integrity,
Demonstrang Compassion, Striving for Excellence
and Listening and Supporng Others.
This noce also explains what rights you have to
control how we use your informaon.
Our data protecon ocer is:
Roy Underwood
Doncaster Royal Inrmary
Armthorpe Road
What are we governed by?
The key pieces of legislaon/guidance we are gov-
erned by are:
Data Protecon Legislaon
UK General Data Protecon Regulaons (GDPR)
Human Rights Act 1998 (Arcle 8)
Access to Health Records Act 1990
Freedom of Informaon Act 2000
Health and Social Care Act 2012, 2015
Public Records Act 1958
Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988
The Re-Use of Public Sector Informaon
Regulaons 2015
The Environmental Informaon Regulaons 2004
Computer Misuse Act 1990
The Common Law Duty of Condenality
The Care Record Guarantee for England
The Social Care Record Guarantee for England
Internaonal Organisaon for Standardisaon
(ISO) – Informaon Security Management
Standards (ISMS)
Informaon Security Management – NHS Code of
Records Management – Code of Pracce for
Health and Social Care 2016
Accessible Informaon Standards (AIS)
Data Protecon Act 2018
Who are we governed by?
NHS Improvement
Department of Health
Informaon Commissioners Oce
Care Quality Commission
NHS England
Our consultants, doctors, nurses, healthcare
professionals and registered support sta are also
regulated and governed by professional bodies
including numerous royal colleges.
Why and how we collect informaon
We may ask for or hold personal condenal
informaon about you which will be used to support
delivery of appropriate care and treatment. This is
to support the provision of high quality care. These
records may include:
Basic details such as name, address, date of birth,
and next of kin.
Contact we have had, such as appointments and
home visits.
Details and records of treatment and care,
including notes and health reports
Results of medical imaging, x-rays, blood tests,
Informaon from people who care for you and
know you well, such as health professionals and
It may also include personal sensive informaon
such as sexuality, race, your religion or beliefs, and
whether you have a disability, allergies or health
condions. It is important for us to have a complete
picture, as this informaon assists sta involved in
your care to deliver and provide improved care,
deliver appropriate treatment and care plans, to
meet your needs.
Informaon is collected in a number of ways; via your
healthcare professional, referral details from your GP,
or directly given by you.
How your informaon helps
Your informaon can help:
To help inform decisions that we make about
your care.
To ensure that your treatment is safe and
To work eecvely with other organisaons who
may be involved in your care.
To support the health of the general public.
To ensure our services can meet future needs.
To review care provided to ensure it is of the
highest standard possible.
To train healthcare professionals.
For research and audit.
To prepare stascs on NHS performance.
To monitor how we spend public money.
There is also potenal to use your informaon to
deliver care and improve health and care services
across the NHS and social care.
Where we need to have your explicit consent we will
ask you for it, and you will be properly informed.
This is parcularly important where the paent is a
child, here you will nd that we have provided
Privacy Noces and informaon on our website to
help you and your child, and children over 13, to
make properly informed decisions about their
treatment and their personal informaon.
Informaon can be further used to help:
Improve individual care.
Understand more about disease risks and causes.
Improve diagnosis.
Develop new treatments and prevent disease.
Plan services.
Improve paent safety.
Evaluate Government, NHS and Social Care policy.
Your rights
The GDPR provides the following rights for
1. The right to be informed – we will tell you what
we do with your informaon. We do this through
noces like this one, through service informaon
leaets, and though our trust website: www.
2. The right of access – see secon on Subject
Access Rights below
3. The right to reccaon – we will correct any
personal informaon that is inaccurate or recfy
and data that is incomplete
4. The right to erasure; the right to be forgoen
might not apply to your health data (see UK Data
Protecon Legislaon)
5. The right to restrict processing – we will only re-
strict the processing of your personal data where
it is clinically safe to do so
6. The right to data portability – we will provide
copy notes and copy images however, any oth-
er copy eData will only be provided where and
when our eData Systems allow us to extract a full
and accurate copy of the data held which is about
7. The right to object - your objecon will be con-
sidered in relaon to your parcular situaon
8. Rights in relaon to automated decision making
and proling
Our lawful basis for processing
Accurate and up-to-date informaon assists us in
providing you with the best possible care. If you see
another healthcare professional, specialist or an-
other part of the NHS, they can readily access the
informaon they need to provide you with the best
possible care.
Everyone working within the NHS has a legal duty to
keep informaon about you condenal, including
anyone in the NHS who receives condenal infor-
maon from us.
This includes:
Public task: the data processing is necessary
to perform a task in the public interest, or our
ocial funcons, which have a clear basis in Law.
Arcle 6 (e) - GDPR/DPA 18
The processing is necessary for the purpose of
preventave or occupaonal medicine, the
assessment of the working capacity of
employees, medical diagnosis, the providion of
health or social care or treatment or
management of health or social care system.
Arcle 9 (2) (h) ) - GDPR/DPA 18
The processing is necessary for the purposes of
carrying out the obligaons and exercising
specic rights of the controller or of the data
subject in the eld of employment and social
security and social protecon Law. Arcle 9 (2)
(b) ) - GDPR/DPA 18
Personal data are used lawfully by many people in
the course of their work. We employ over 6,500 sta
covering a considerable range of clinical experse
and specialisms, with 3 Main Hospital sites and a
number of local Outpaent Service clinics:
Doncaster Royal Inrmary (DRI)
Bassetlaw Hospital (BH)
Mexborough Montagu Hospital (MMH)
Outpaent Services at Reord Hospital
Tri-health GUM services on East Laith Gate,
Tri-health GUM services on Ryton Street,
Outpaent Services at our Chequer Road Clinic,
Where possible, when using informaon to inform
future services and provision, non-idenable
informaon will be used.
How informaon is retained and kept
Informaon is retained in secure electronic and
paper records and access is restricted to only those
who need to know. It is important that informaon is
kept safe and secure, to protect your condenality.
There are a number of ways in which your privacy is
shielded; by removing your idenfying informaon,
using an independent review process, adhering to
strict contractual condions and ensuring strict
sharing or processing agreements are in place.
GDPR and Data Protecon Legislaon regulates the
processing of personal informaon. Strict principles
govern our use of informaon and our duty to ensure
it is kept safe and secure. We will always carry out a
Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA) whenever a
new informaon system or data ow is being
Technology allows us to protect informaon in a
number of ways, in the main by restricng access.
Our guiding principle is that we are holding your
informaon in strict condence. How do we keep
informaon condenal? Everyone working for the
Trust is subject to the Common Law Duty of
Condenality and Data Protecon Legislaon
Informaon provided in condence will only be used
for the purposes to which you are aware, unless
there are other circumstances covered by the law.
Under the NHS Condenality Code of Conduct, all
sta are required to protect informaon, inform you
of how your informaon will be used and allow you
to decide if and how your informaon can be shared.
This will be noted in your records. All Trust sta are
required to undertake annual training in data
protecon, condenality, IT/cyber security, with
addional training for specialist, such as healthcare
records, and IT sta.
If clinical sta would like a student to be present,
they will always ask for your permission before that
meeng or episode of care. The treatment or care
you receive will not be aected if you refuse to
have a student present during your episode of care.
Occasionally, for assessment purposes, students may
request that their supervisor be present. You may
refuse this if it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Who will the informaon be shared
To provide best care possible, somemes we will
need to share informaon about you with others. We
may share your informaon with a range of Health
and Social Care organisaons and regulatory bodies.
You may be contacted by any one of these
organisaons for a specic reason; they will have a
duty to tell you why they have contacted you.
Informaon sharing is governed by specic rules and
law and this will be strengthened under GDPR.
Sharing with non-NHS organisaons
For your benet, we may also need to share
informaon from your records with non-NHS
organisaons, from whom you are also receiving
care, such as social services or private healthcare
organisaons. We will not disclose any health infor-
maon to third pares without your explicit consent,
unless there are exceponal circumstances, such
as when the health or safety of others is at risk or
where the law requires the disclosure of informaon.
We may also be asked to share basic informaon
about you, such as your name and parts of your
address, which does not include sensive
informaon from your health records. Generally,
we would only do this to assist them to carry out
their statutory dues (such as usages of healthcare
services, public health or naonal audits). In these
circumstances, where it is not praccal to obtain your
explicit consent, we are informing you through this
noce, which is referred to as a Privacy Noce, under
the GDPR & Data Protecon Legislaon. Where
paent informaon is shared with other non-NHS
Roy Underwood
Doncaster Royal Inrmary
Armthorpe Road
Roy Underwood,
Data Protecon Ocer
(DBTH and Bassetlaw CCG)
organisaons, an informaon sharing agreement may
be drawn up to ensure informaon is shared in a way
that complies with relevant legislaon.
Non-NHS organisaons may include, but are not
restricted to: social services, educaon services,
local authories, the police, voluntary sector provid-
ers and private sector providers. You have the right
to withdraw consent for us to share your personal
informaon You have the right to refuse/withdraw
consent to informaon sharing at any me. We will
fully explain the possible consequences to you, which
could include delays in you receiving care.
Data breaches
In spite of our best eorts and structured data
security and protecon training for all trust sta,
somemes things do go wrong. We will always report
these breaches in line with GDPR and Data Protec-
on Legislaon.
Contacing us about your informaon
You can contact the Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching
Hospitals NHS Foundaon Trust, Data Protecon Of-
cer by using the Contact Us secon of our website:
If you have any quesons or concerns regarding the
informaon we hold on you, or the use of your infor-
maon please contact the Informaon Governance
team. Email: [email protected]
Can I access my informaon?
Under the GDPR & Data Protecon Legislaon, an
individual may request access to informaon (with
some exempons) that is held about them by an
Your NHS number. Keep it safe
Every person registered with the NHS in England and
Wales has their own unique NHS number. It is made
up of 10 digits for example 123 456 7890. Your NHS
Number is used by healthcare sta and service pro-
viders to idenfy you correctly. It is an important step
towards improving the safety of your healthcare.
Always bring your NHS number with you to all hospi-
tal appointments if you can, or quote it if you need
to telephone the hospital for any enquires. This will
allow sta to check that they have the right paent
details by checking this against your NHS number. To
improve safety and accuracy always check your NHS
number on correspondence the NHS sends to you.
If you do not know your NHS number, contact your
GP. You may be asked for proof of identy, for ex-
ample a passport or other form of identy. This is to
protect your privacy. Once you have obtained your
NHS Number, write it down and keep it safe.
SMS text messaging
Your contact details are important to us; ensuring
that we can contact you in regard to appointment
bookings, appointment cancellaons, and as a means
of reminding you of your forthcoming appointments
and treatment. The contact informaon we store
will only be used by us in relaon to trust business,
we will not pass on your contact details to any other
party other than the third party company used to
deliver our appointment reminder service. As a data
controller themselves, they also have a duty to keep
your informaon safe and secure and only to use for
the contracted purpose.
Sending to other countries
Somemes your data may be processed outside the
UK. In most circumstances it will remain within the
European Economic Area (EEA) and it will be aorded
the same protecon as in the UK through the GDPR.
Whenever processing has to take place outside the
EEA, we will ensure that lawful data protecon and
security measures are in place within the contracng
How long we keep your informaon
All personal informaon will be kept in line with the
retenon periods detailed in the Heath Records Code
of Pracce for Health & Social Care Records 2016.
For more informaon on how
to access the informaon we
hold about you please contact:
dbth.casenot[email protected]
Further informaon
Further informaon can be found on the NHS
Choices website.
Where any contact details are given for members of
Trust sta, noce is hereby given, under the GDPR &
Data Protecon Legislaon on behalf of the individ-
ual or individuals that this personal informaon may
not be used for the purposes of direct markeng.
Contacng us if you have a complaint
or concern
We try to meet the highest standards when collecng
and using personal informaon. We encourage peo-
ple to bring concerns to our aenon and we take
any complaints we receive very seriously. You can
submit a complaint through the Trusts Complaints
Procedure, which is available on our web site, or you
can write to: Paent Advice and Liaison Service, Don-
caster Royal Inrmary, Armthorpe Road, Doncaster.
DN2 5LT / Email: [email protected]
If you remain dissased with the Trusts decision
following your complaint, you may wish to
contact: Informaon Commissioners Oce, Wyclie
House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
Their web site is at
The Informaon Commissioner will not normally con-
sider an appeal unl you have exhausted your rights
of redress and complaint with the Trust.
Our copyright and database right material is licensed
for use and re-use under the Open Government
Licence (OGL). To view this license, visit
or write to: Informaon Policy Team, The Naonal
Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey. TW9 4DU
Use of informaon expressly made available under
this license indicates your acceptance of the terms
and condions as set out in the OGL. When you use
our informaon under the OGL, you should include
the following aribuon: [Insert name of informaon
resource, Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals
NHS Foundaon Trust, date of publicaon], licensed
under the Open Government Licenseonal-
For informaon: where the copyright is owned by
another person or organisaon, you must apply to
the copyright owner to obtain their permission to
Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundaon Trust is registered with the Informaon Commissioners
Oce (ICO). Details of our registraon can be found on: hps:// Enter our registraon
number (Z5372151) and click ‘search register. You can contact our Data Protecon Ocer by emailing:
Document designed by the Trust’s Communicaons Team © 2018
This privacy noce was developed following the 12 step guidance from the Informaon Commissioners Oce.