1300 PERDIDO ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 (504) 658-4000
Items to be submitted by all applicants
1. Completed Application (Do not leave blanks: note N/A if not applicable. Please note that
an incomplete application will not be accepted. Application must be completed, signed
and notarized)
2. Letter from the for hire vehicle company under which the CPNC will be operating
3. Proof of Citizenship or permanent residence Acceptable original documents: Birth
certificate, Certificate of Naturalization, Valid U.S. Passport, Permanent Resident Card or
Work Authorization Document
4. Proof of Residency for a period greater than six (6) months Documents accepted: Utility
bill, Water bill, Landline Telephone bill, Mortgage or Notarized Rental Agreement
5. Certified copy of Articles of Incorporation / Articles of Organization by the Louisiana
Secretary of State Oce. All of the partners or the principal ocers are required to
submit applications individually (if applying as a corporation, partnership, or LLC).
All of the provisions applicable to individuals shall apply to and be required of such
principal partners or ocers, and the failure of any of them to meet such requirements
shall be grounds to deny the application of such corporation, association or partnership.
6. Certified copy of binding agreement to transfer the CPNC and vehicle. Agreement shall
include the price for which the CPNC and the vehicle were transferred.
7. Proof of required insurance
Accepted documents: Certificate of Liability Insurance / Declaration Page
8. CPNC Transfer Special Inspection Form. Vehicle inspection must be completed within 15
days of application.
9. City of New Orleans Occupational License
10. Current CPNC Renewal Certificate
11. Pay $350 Transfer Fee and $50 Vehicle Inspection Fee
Forms of payments accepted: Money order or cashier’s check payable to The City of New
Orleans or
Mastercard / Visa / Discover credit card.
All fees are non-refundable.
You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with New Orleans City Code Chapter 162. A copy may
be obtained from the Clerk of Court’s Oce, or online at www.municode.com. Please govern
yourself accordingly.
• This Transfer Application will be processed in accordance with the August 20, 2012 ruling in
the case entitled Dennis Melancon v. City of New Orleans, United States District Court for the
Eastern District of Louisiana, Docket No. 12-1337.
• The City does not concede that a CPNC is a property right rather than a privilege. The City
further does not concede that it is a best practice to allow CPNC’s to be transferred during a
period suspension or revocation.
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau License
Intentionally Blank
1300 PERDIDO ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 (504) 658-4000
Type of Application: Sale
CPNC Number
Name of Present License Holder
Address (No P.O. Boxes)
City State Zip
Date of Birth Social Security/EIN Number
Home Phone Work Phone Email Address
Name of Transferee
Residence Address
City State Zip
Date of Birth Social Security Number
Home Phone Work Phone Email Address
Country of Birth City and State of Birth Country of Citizenship
All of the partners or the principal ocers of the organization, and the person actually exercising the executive direction of the
organization shall be required to submit applications individually. All of the provisions applicable to individuals shall apply to and be
required of such principal partners or ocers, and the failure of any of them to meet such requirements shall be grounds to deny the
application of such corporation, association or partnership.
Yes No Are you authorized to work in the United States by the immigration laws or the Attorney General of the United
Certified copy of binding agreement to transfer the CPNC and vehicle. Agreement shall include the price for which the CPNC and the
vehicle were transferred.
Proof of insurance
CPNC Transfer Special Inspection Form. Vehicle inspection must be completed within 15 days of application.
City of New Orleans Occupational License
Current CPNC Renewal Certificate
Vehicle Registration
Line letter from the company where your vehicle will be operating
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau License
1300 PERDIDO ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 (504) 658-4000
List the name, residence address, date of birth, and telephone number for any person who has a legal, beneficial, financial, or equitable
interest as defined by law in the CPNC(s) to be transferred. Definitions are listed below.
Full Name
Title/Position Type of Interest
Residence Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Date of Birth SSN
Full Name
Title/Position Type of Interest
Residence Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Date of Birth SSN
Full Name
Title/Position Type of Interest
Residence Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Date of Birth SSN
Full Name
Title/Position Type of Interest
Residence Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Date of Birth SSN
Financial Interest: An interest equated with money or its equivalent. Any person having a monetary interest in the CPNC must be
disclosed. Example: A person who owns shares in the CPNC or any part of the CPNC or is in the process of buying the CPNC has a
financial interest.
Beneficial Interest: Any person who manages, derives a profit, benefit or advantage resulting from a contract or agreement with the
CPNC holder. This would include any person who benefits in some way through the CPNC holder.
Legal Interest: This includes, among other things, an interest arising out of a contract. Any person who has entered into a contract
relating to the purchase of the CPNC (conditional sale) has a legal interest in the CPNC.
Equitable Interest: This includes, among other things, a beneficiary in case of a CPNC holder’s death or divorce. Spouses or other
designated beneficiaries have an equitable interest in the license.
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau License
1300 PERDIDO ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 (504) 658-4000
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau Licensee
Yes No
Do you hold any interest (legal, equitable, beneficial, financial, shareholder, ownership, or otherwise, in any other
City of New Orleans CPNC(s)?
Yes No
Have you ever had a City of New Orleans vehicle for hire operator’s license suspended or revoked?
Yes No
Has your authority for vehicle for hire services ever been revoked or suspended by the State of Louisiana
Department of Motor Vehicle Services?
Yes No
Have you even been enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction from engaging in the for-hire vehicle business
or enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction with respect to any of the requirements of New Orleans City
Code Chapter 162?
Yes No
Do you have any outstanding fines/fees with another for-hire company?
If yes for any of the above, please provide a written explanation:
I hereby authorize the City of New Orleans, Taxicab for Hire Vehicle Bureau to receive any criminal history, record, or information
pertaining to me which may be in any national, state, or local criminal justice agencies in the United States of America, and understand
that the Bureau reserves the right to deny this application based upon the misrepresentation, alteration, omission, incompletion of
material fact, or for any reason set forth in New Orleans City Code Sec 162-322. I agree to comply with all provisions and requirements
of New Orleans City Code Chapter 162, should this application be approved. (Note: This authorization is valid for 365 days from the
date of signature.)
Before me, the undersigned authority, this day has personally appeared __________________________, who, being by me first duly
sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the applicant in the forgoing application, and that the statements made herein and attached
hereto are true and correct, grants authority the City of New Orleans Taxicab and For Hire Bureau to verify the information contained
herein, understands that the Bureau reserves the right to deny this application based upon the misrepresentation; alteration; omission;
incompletion of material fact; or for any of the reasons set for in New Orleans City Code Sec 162-322 and agrees to comply with all
provisions and requirements of New Orleans City Code chapter 162, should this application be approved and further certifies that said
application for transfer is to aquire CPNC #_________________ presently held by _______________________ and vehicles.
Signature of Transferee
Signature of Transferee
Sworn and subscribed before me this day of 20 .
Signature of Notary Public Name of Notary Public
Personally known or Identification Produced
Type of Identification Produced
My Commission Expires
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau License
Before me, the undersigned authority, this day has personally appeared __________________________, who, being by me first duly
sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the __________________________ of __________________________, and that said Certificate
of Public Necessity and Convenience (CPNC) is current and valid, and in accordance with New Orleans City Code Chapter 162, does
request the Taxicab and For Hire Vehicle Bureau transfer said CPNC to __________________________ listed on this application as the
applicant, and furuther stipulates that when the license transfer is approved by the City of New Orleans Taxicab and For Hire Vehicles
Bureau to relinquish all rights to such CPNC to the applicant and that all statements on this form are true. Furthermore, I arm that
there are no liens, lawsuits, etc. pertaining to the CPNC number(s).
Signature of CPNC Holder:
Signature of CPNC Holder:
Sworn and subscribed before me this day of 20 .
Signature of Notary Public Name of Notary Public
Personally known or Identification Produced
Type of Identification Produced
My Commission Expires
1300 PERDIDO ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112 (504) 658-4000
New Orleans City Code 162-32(5) states: The vehicle of transferee shall have been inspected for approval and approved for issuance
of a for-hire vehicle inspection certificate, and otherwise comply with all of the requirements. New Orleans City Code 162-323 states:
Such vehicle must have satisfactorily passed inspection by the station within 15 days of the date of application for transfer of the CPNC.
CPNC Transfer Information
The lawful transferor of the CPNC described herein in is:
The lawful transferee of the CPNC described herein in is:
CPNC Vehicle Information
Company Name
CPNC Vehicle Mileage
Vehicle Make Vehicle Model
Vehicle Year VIN
Please check and initial the appropriate answers below.
Yes No
Has this vehicle ever been issued the title class “salvage”, “rebuilt”, “junk”, “total loss”, reconditioned” or any
Yes No
Has this vehicle ever been used as a taxicab in any jurisdiction? If yes, where?
Yes No
Has this vehicle ever been used as a law enforcement vehicle?
NOTE: Vehicle must meet all inspection requirements before transfer is approved.
Transferee Signature Date
Tracking Number
Ground Transportation
Bureau License