JCU Careers and Employability
CRICOS Provider No. 00117J
May 2024
Ph: 1800 246 446 (option 5)
@ jcucareers
Tailor your resume
Your resume is a marketing tool. It is essential that
you tailor your resume for every job application to
increase the fit between you, the role and the
employer. Thoroughly research the organisation and
the position to determine what the employer is looking
Due to the volume of applications, many Health
Departments use online application systems. You
must follow the instructions to ensure your application
progresses to the next stage. Each organisation’s
application process will have different requirements.
A role in a public health service may have a different
focus from a private hospital or clinic. Your resume
layout/style may vary according to the sector you are
applying to.
Emphasise your strengths as they relate to each
particular job and match your skills and abilities to the
job you are applying for.
There are no set headings for a resume, although the
following headings are commonly included.
Under each heading list experiences in reverse
chronological order, most recent first.
Name, city, phone and email.
LinkedIn Profile if you have a profile, ensure it is
up to date. Consider personalising your URL
(search Customise your URL on LinkedIn)
Dont include a photo, date of birth, marital/parental
status or other personal information.
STATEMENT/PROFILE (Optional, 3-4 sentences)
It is a summary of your skills strengths, achievements,
and key experiences relevant to the role. It should
also convey your motivation for applying for the
role/career aspirations and what you have to offer the
person reading it.
Tertiary, high school (only list high school if you are a
recent school leaver and have relevant achievements
to list) and other relevant training qualifications. Begin
with your Bachelor of Nursing Science.
Include memberships of professional or industry
Some employers require a copy of your Clinical
Placement Report, others don’t. If it is not required,
use your resume as an opportunity to describe your
responsibilities, achievements, range of patients
treated, range of situations (remote, regional, city etc.).
Try to highlight different achievements or skills gained
at each placement. Don’t just state generic duties.
Begin with the most recent. Use bullet points to list
your responsibilities and achievements for each role -
tailor these to the position. Do not leave gaps in your
resume. If you travelled or cared for a family member
for 6 months list this.
Clinical Supervisor/Manager/Academic. Avoid
personal referees. (Usually 2 to 3 people). Obtain
permission first.
Optional Headings
Professional Development Key Skills
Extra-Curricular Activities Publications
Awards Volunteering
Use professional vocabulary, e.g. ‘negotiated’, rather
than ‘worked out’. Use verbs to describe your skills
and employment achievements. See the ‘Action Verb’
Information Sheet for more examples.
Top Tips
Thoroughly research the organisation’s application
procedure to determine what is required.
Tailor your resume to the job description/organisation.
Emphasise achievements to demonstrate your
Be clear, concise and truthful.
Check page requirements if identified by the employer.
Use a simple, professional layout with consistent
Use bullet points to list your placement and
employment history and associated responsibilities
and achievements.
Check and check again for spelling and grammatical
Check if applicant tracking system software is
being used to short list resumes and modify layout if
so. Online screening software may not read photos,
clipart, tables, fancy fonts, borders.
See our information sheet on Applicant Tracking Software
Can a robot read your resume to ensure your resume
will get through any online screening tools.
Janice Smith
Janice Smith Cairns, QLD 4870
Phone: 0412345678
I am a motivated and caring final year Nursing Science student with a passion
for rural nursing. In addition to my studies, I have over two years’ experience in
customer service roles in medical practices and I am ready to use my up-to-date
skills and knowledge in my new career as a Registered Nurse.
2022 Current Bachelor of Nursing Science
James Cook University, Cairns, QLD
Expected completion date: November 2024
Relevant Achievements
Grade Point Average: 5.7 (scale 1-7, 7 being highest)
Awarded the XXXX scholarship.
Received High Distinction for XXXXXXX subjects.
2021 Year 12 Senior Certificate
Cairns State High School, QLD
Social Justice Captain, active member of the Student Representative Council
2024 Community Child Health Centre, Cairns, Aug Oct (240 hours)
Progressively established therapeutic interpersonal relationships
with mothers, neonates and toddlers.
Competently conducted initial consultations during home visits,
including handling neonates and assisting mothers with feeding.
Supported Buddy RN with the Infant Feeding Support Program,
the Early Breast-Feeding Clinic and First Steps Program.
Supervisor’s Comment (OPTIONAL)
…………………………………………………. Clinical Supervisor
2023 Cardiac Ward, Townsville Hospital, Aug Oct (120 hours)
Successfully arranged both the admission and discharge
of several patients.
Skillfully prepared, administered and managed IV therapy
(including additives), and safely dispensed medications.
Contributed to two code blues, e.g. with ABG retrieval.
Gained valuable knowledge surrounding the use of CPAP
and BIPAP machines.
Supervisor’s Comment (OPTIONAL)
…………………………………………………. Clinical Supervisor
Tip If you decide to add a
Professional Summary or
Profile, keep it brief. It is a
summary of your skills,
strengths, achievements and
key experiences relevant to the
role. It should also convey your
motivation for applying and
what your have to offer the
person reading it.
Tip Consider the
employer you are
applying to and
which placements
are most relevant to
them you may
need to list more
points under the
more relevant
placements than
Tip - How did you
contribute to the
ward or clinic? How
did you improve your
skills? How did you
manage different
situations? Did you
receive positive
Tip Use a professional email address such as your JCU
email and personalise/embed your LinkedIn URL.
Tip - Include
other degrees or
completed prior to
Bachelor of
Nursing Science,
if relevant.
Tip Listing Supervisors comments is optional. Some employers will require a copy of
your placement reports, if not, consider a brief supervisor comment from your placements
report to provide evidence of achievements.
Tip Only include if recent school leaver. List major
school awards, prizes, leadership position, extra-curricular
Janice Smith
2022 General Surgery Unit, Cairns Hospital, Aug Oct (80 hours)
Conducted baseline neurovascular observations for signs of post-op complications.
Prepared and dressed an acute post-op wound aseptically.
Safely prepared and managed the delivery of Intravenous Fluids (no additives), including
hanging, priming, calculating and setting the rate.
2022 Mossman Aged Care Facility, Mossman, May June (80 hours)
Developed and maintained therapeutic relationships with all patients.
Accurately documented and reported on patient care.
Participated in handover of patients to other allied health staff.
2024 Mental Health First Aid Course, James Cook University
2023 Midwives: Fit for the Future Conference, ACM/Midplus volunteer
2024 current Assistant-in-Nursing
Bupa Aged Care, Cairns (casual, paid work)
Achievements and responsibilities
Providing direct care for 15-20 residents of the high and low dementia care unit.
Ensuring safe and clean working environment through using safe manual-handling
techniques and appropriate.
Consistently maintaining mutual therapeutic relationships with …
2022 2023 Receptionist
The 24 hour GP Clinic, Cairns (casual, paid work)
Achievements and responsibilities
Responded and sensitively handled requests for GP appointments, both face to face and by
Followed protocols to determine urgency of requests.
Member of a team of 12 part-time receptionists, operating a 24 hour, 7 days a week roster.
Undertook training on XXXX (GP appointment and billing software).
Ensured high levels of hygiene throughout the reception area of the practice.
2021 Retail Assistant
Supercheap Pharmacy, Smithfield
Achievements and responsibilities
Responded to customer enquiries and complaints.
Participated in product training to ensure correct recommendations.
Awarded Employee of the Month for best team player.
2023 Student Mentor, James Cook University
Supported first year Nursing students settle in and succeed in their transition into university.
Trained in communication, mentoring and advocacy.
2022 Pyjama Angel, Children’s Ward, Cairns Hospital
Weekly reading session with patients.
2020 2021 Relay for Life (annual breast cancer fundraising event)
Team leader and active fundraiser, team successfully raised over $2000 each year.
Tip Add your name and page number in the footer.
Janice Smith
2023 current Committee member - JCU Nursing Students Association
Member of Cairns Tigers Hockey Club Captain of Tigers team - open age
Coach for the ‘Under 12s’ Tiger hockey team
Keen traveller backpacked through South America and Asia
Nurse Unit Manager Nurse Unit Manager
Community Child Health Centre, Cairns Mossman Hospital
Phone: XXXX Phone: XXXX
Email: XXXX Email: XXXX
Tip Ask permission first and keep your referees informed they need to know what you are applying for so that
they are prepared when an employer contacts them to find out more about you.
Tip List interests that relate to your work life and give an indication of your personal qualities or abilities e.g.
leadership, resilience, teamwork, self-care.
Need more help? Go to for more resources
Information Sheets: Action Verb List, Can a robot read your Resume?
Employability Edge: Master Written Applications module
Big Interview: combine training and practice to improve your interview techniques
Make an appointment with the Careers and Employability Team to discuss your job search